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Topics - Zoey Lukas

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Climax Control Archives / Failure
« on: October 06, 2023, 07:17:27 AM »

Those quiet moments are, ironically, the loudest.

When the spotlight is gone, when the crowd has gone home and you have left the arena, the congratulations and celebrations of the winners and defending and new champions are a distant memory. Then, it’s quiet, calm, still, and you’re left with your own thoughts alone. This is what Zoey Lukas was left with. Sitting on the floor of her shower, letting the water run down over her face and body. Her knees pulled up as her arms balanced on them.

She closed her eyes, replaying the match in her mind. Each mistake, every movement ran through her mind as she dissected and relived it. All she could feel was anger. Anger in herself for failing, anger that Courtney got the better of her even though, physically at least, she was superior. Her teeth ground together, water dripped off strands of her blond hair, dripping down to the floor below, she linked her hands together, one hand over the other, looking at her black fingernails and the small hand tattoos she had.

why couldn’t I win the big one?

A question that ran through her mind over and over again. The stink of failure just wouldn’t wash off, no matter how hard she tried. This was it, her big chance, the chance to show everyone how good she was and that she would step out of her sisters shadow. But now? Now she wasn’t even in that.She felt like nobody and nothing. It was heartbreaking. Zoey pulled herself off the floor, turning off the water and stepping out onto her bathmat, she reached forward, wiping the steam from the mirror.

She stared at herself and felt sick in the base of her stomach.

”Fucking failure.”

She shook her head, staring at her own reflection and trying to keep the disgusted feeling at bay. Her hands  balled up into fist, and she had a sudden urge to strike out, to punch the glass in front of her. But, a deep breath calmed her nerves. She swallowed hard and moved away from the bathroom counter top, opening the door, and moving out into the small hotel room that she had been thrown into by the company.

Zoey stopped in her tracks. Looking across the room and seeing a figure with long, flowing blonde hair sitting on the edge of the bed. Her older sister, Alicia. She swallowed and shook her head, looking away as she moved towards her clothes. Alicia shot a small smile at her, getting to her feet and moving over to her sister before reaching out, and putting a hand on her shoulder. Zoey pulled away, not wanting to be touched, not wanting to be consoled. she just wanted to crawl into a hole and not come out again until she was ready.

”Hey….I’m proud of you.”

Zoeys jaw clenched. She shook her head. Anger bubbled up from the pain of her stomach again. Her nostrils flared, and she turned looking Alicia dead in the eye. Alicia stepped back, raising an eyebrow as Zoe threw her arms up in the air. Unsure of what to say, but her voice rose, and before she knew it, she was shouting.”Proud of me? For what? I lost…” Zoey backed up, taking off her towel and grabbing clothes.

Alicia sighed heavily and folded her arms over her chest. ”Do you think I won a world title my first shot?”

Alicia paused, Zoey pulled her shirt over her head and groaned rolling her eyes. ”Probably not but, I’m not you…” Zoey shook her head and moved back and away from her sister. ”You’re here to give me advice or a pat on the back or to lift me up and, I get it. Thanks. But I don’t need or want it…” Zoey closes her eyes and lets out a deep sigh, her eyes close and she swallows hard. ”I failed. I had a chance, a shot that I called and earned. But when push came to shove I just wasn’t good enough. And maybe I never will be.”

She sat down on the edge of the bed, a large sigh and her shoulders dropped. Alicia shook her head, not turning away after Zoeys emotional outburst, instead she sat next to her sister, lightly pushing her shoulder into Zoey with a laugh. ”You’re acting like you’re the only one who has ever failed at something…” She paused, Zoey stayed silent as Alicia waited to see if she would agree or disagree. ”Everyone, and I mean everyone in this business rises and falls. But, when you fall…you rise up harder.”

”I get it. I do. But I was so sure. I was so ready. And I failed.”

”Yeah you did….and…so what?”

They both paused. Zoey tried to think of something to say. But she couldn’t. What was the answer? She failed, but was it the end of the world? Was it the end of her career? Was she still young and physically dominating? She took a deep breath and gave a small nod, understanding what her sister was trying to say. ”So…I shouldn't care?”

Alicia shook her head. ”Oh you should absolutely care. I always hate people who lose matches then just walk away like nothing happened. Cause you learn through loss. You learn through adversity and you get stronger if you look right at it….care about it, be sad or angry about it. But don’t let it destroy you…learn from it…” She smiled. Putting her hand on Zoeys shoulder and sighing heavily. ”You’ll be fine Zo…you’re incredible…strong, smart…skilled…you are the future…and…I have a favor to ask…”


Alicia closed her eyes and shook her head turning and moving away from her sister. ”Can you…induct me into the hall of fame?...” Alicia swallowed hard and looked nervous. Zoey chuckled and got to her feet with a sigh.

”Of course…” She reached out and hugged her sister with a smile. Calmer than she was before, focused and rejuvenated.


”I failed.”

Zoey growls, shaking her head and pacing back and forth.

”I’ll get that out of the way right now. People who can’t confront their history are usually doomed to repeat it. And I’m gonna get that out there so you don’t have to. But I know you will. I know every single woman that seen this match is going to sit there and look at me and decide that they want to throw their two cents in about my loss. And hey, I get it. It’s hilarious. I went through all of that effort to win the Queen for a Day match, and I could’ve done anything with my power. I could’ve gone after any championship, settled any score, I could have beaten anyone I wanted into the ground, who I hated.”

“But instead, I went for the low hanging fruit of a free championship match against the world bombshells champion. I laid all my cards out on the table, and when the dealer called, I found myself face-to-face with an opposing royal flush and nothing I can do about it. Courtney beat me, she kept her championship, so I will always show her respect and congratulate her. And I vowed to myself, that whenever my next match was going to be announced, that I was going to reiterate that I wasn’t done with her. That the bombshells championship was one day going to be mine, and if I had to beat her to get it, I would.”

“Now it seems, as if I need to take a detour through a completely different division.”

“The internet championship. One by a woman who is so fragile her body gave out on her. And I honestly can’t imagine what Kayla Richards is going through right now. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a bitch. But she put so much time, and effort into that championship, only to call out her own opponent have that person beat her while spouting off some bullshit nonsense, only to end up, getting injured and dropping the championship like a bad habit. That’s perfect, really.”

She chuckles, moving across the room and folding her muscular arms over her chest with a scowl.

”And she doesn’t even get a rematch to try and get the championship back. Instead, the company has decided to snatch together a whole list of names that weren’t really doing anything at the time. Some of them have been in the Hall of Fame, some of them are up-and-coming stars, and some of them have done. Absolutely nothing in this company, all this business over the last couple of months, and I just here to make up the numbers.”

“I’m sure I will get some flack for saying some of these things. But when a woman like Kat Jones gets randomly thrown into a title match, I take issue with it. But, I’m so glad that you could take time away from publicly blowing Cyrus riddle in cyberspace to join us Kat. Did you suddenly remember that you are supposed to be a professional wrestler? Did you suddenly remember that you are supposed to be a legend or whatever people are saying about you now? You are someone who my sister respects, you are someone who the majority of the wrestling world should respect but when I look at you, all I see is a woman who is taking up a roster spot for someone else, because she barely turns up.”

“I see a woman using this company as her personal retirement piggybank. You took a contract here and in that time have been coasting around on your name, taking a paycheck, and then doing nothing for the betterment of the company, or for the people in it.”

“Go ahead and try and prove me wrong…you won’t.”

Zoey sneers and grabs a bottle of water taking a sip as she tries to calm herself down.

”Atleast Mercedes, Vargas, and Samantha Marlowe aren’t like her. And yeah, I am lumping those two together right now. Because while Kat Jones is treating this place like her own personal piggybank, only turning up when she wants to, Mercedes and Sam, at least try to make it seem like they give a shit about the division and their own careers. Mercedes is living in a permanent limbo space. Someone who takes two steps forward and then to step back, and never really reaches the heights that she once did while never dipping to the lows of certain other people in this company. Same as Sam, you two are made for each other. Legendary rivals who her face over championships in this company, who still stick around.”

“Like bad smells.”

“Or unwanted relatives”

“With that being said, in a match, like this with so many moving parts and bodies, either of you could get an upset win and win a championship. And wouldn’t that be something? Mercedes, Vargas, or Sam Marlowe being a champion in the year of our Lord 2023. I bet no one really had that on their bingo cards for things that were going to happen this year. You could both prove everyone wrong. You could both rise back up and reclaim some of your former glory. Truth be told, I wouldn’t mind seeing it. Of course you’d have to get over me to do it.”

Her voice deepens and she looks away and back up. Her bright blue eyes burning.

”And as always we have the permanent faces of Luna Vanity, Seleana Zdunicbh, Ariana Angelos and Krystal wolfe. for women, for women who have a handful of accolades to their name. Once he can never quite take that next step who have been around and in this company for so long that they are permanent fixtures. Or at least that’s what it feels like. Ariana keeps failing over and over again, but somehow fails upward to get automatic championship matches. Krystal finally found a set of balls and has become somewhat of a threat, but ran out of steam a few weeks ago because she doesn’t actually have what it takes to be the big bad ass, like she actually thinks she does.”

“Seleana… well, the less sad about the train wreck of a career and personal life that you have the better. You went from someone who shocked the world and beat the odds to become a world champion by beating my sister to someone who nobody in their right mind would ever think can win anything ever. You simply exist in this company, barely saying anything of note or doing anything that people talk about. You are literally unsalted butter. You know that thing that people sell and buy, but don’t actually know what to do with?”

“And then there’s Luna vanity. A name that I have seen pop-up on cards and constantly in everyone’s business, but someone who never really grabs people‘s attention. You are another one who simply exists. And unlike Krystal and the other two who have been in this company for a long enough time, that seems to be a problem, you’ve been in this company formuch less of a tenure. And somehow that makes it even worse. Because you’ve gone from brand-new to forgettable in record fucking time.”

Her attitude changes and her attention becomes even more hyper focused.

”Then there is the woman that I seem to never be able to escape from. Tempest. The woman who handed me my first loss in this company. A woman who, so many people keep pointing out, and saying, is my equal, or perhaps better than me. And a woman who knows what it’s like to repeatedly get chances taken away. you and I should be at the top of the food chain tempest, but we both seem to fail at the last hurdle. It’s painful no? And the thing is, I’ve said time and time again that I respect you and I mean it. The last time you and I clashed was with Mercedes and the winner got to be crowned queen for a day. And I don’t know how you react to that.

“See you have never struck me is the kind of person that will be amused by another persons downfall. In fact, because I won that match, and then went on to fail in my objective is a reason for you to be angry with me. And you are the type of person who would be. So I imagine going into this battle royal with a championship on the line, you are more than motivated to win it due to two very important factors. One, you want to win it for yourself, and two,  you want to stop me from winning because in your eyes, I’m a failure.”

“That is why I need to win this. I need to win this after such a colossal failure, not just to prove it to myself, but also prove it to everyone else who now has a problem with me and thinks that I’m easy prey. Every single woman in this match has motivation to win this championship. From the ageing veterans who are clinging to anything they can to stay relevant, to the other failures like me who have had opportunities, but couldn’t quite get over the line. We all have reason to put everything on the line in this match. One motivation is just as good as any, so it is going to come down to whoever wants more. This battle royal is going to be punishing, chaotic, and a little bit of luck will be involved. So I am to take like out of the equation and just beat the living hell out of every single one of you and take what’s mine. Because that’s how real champions are born and that’s a real champions act.”

Climax Control Archives / Advice
« on: September 08, 2023, 09:16:08 PM »

Big wins and moments come all to rarely for everyone.

From the biggest star to the newest rookie to a veteran who doesn’t have what it takes anymore. The opportunities are there but not all of them come off. Not all of them materialize in a way that people want or need. So when those opportunities present themselves. When you have a big win, you need to grab it with both hands and hold on, not take it for granted and use every single advantage you have at your disposal.

Every resource.

Every piece of advice.

But sometimes, those resources are harder to ask for advice. To talk to. Zoey took a deep breath, her knees pulled up to her chest as she looked out into her sisters backyard. Her hair hidden under a black baseball cap flipped backward. She took a deep breath, enjoying the early fall weather. Behind her, she could hear them, her nephews, laughing and playing and fighting over the last small pile of nachos on the table.

Zoey chuckled, turning her head as she head the back door slide open. Alicia was home, back from seeing a certain tall, muscular member of wolfslair. She told her boys off, grabbing rhe small pile and popping it in her mouth much to their dismay. She moved around behind Zoey before groaning and sitting down next to Zoey. ”Good lunch date?” Alicia simply chuckled and nodded, stretching as the light breeze moved in front of them. ”Rory and Ryan were good, we played some Mario kart, ate nachos, they told me about school, it was fun.”

”Fun? Good.” Alicia rolled her shoulder, popped her neck and relaxed. She had recovered from all her injuries, any nagging ones she had disappeared. In fact, Alicia had been in better shape now than she had been her entire career till this point.

Zoey closed her eyes taking a long deep breath in, this was hard for her. Going to her sister for any type of advice. ”So…look…I need your help..” She trailed off, Alicia raised her eyebrow, sitting forward since this honestly shocked her. Zoey never asked for help, unless it was serious. Alicia stayed silent, letting Zoey move through her thoughts. ”I’ve never been in this position before. An opportunity basically fell in my lap…”

”Fell in your lap is a bit of an understatement. You earned that shit….” Alicia shot her a quick smile.

Zoey nodded slowly and took a deep breath before continuing. ”Yeah, maybe. But still, I’ve never been in this position before. I’ve fought for titles, I’ve had main events. I’ve done that but never on this scale. For a title this important.” Zoey stared off, as if going deeper into her thoughts. Alicia blinked a few times, not sure about what to do or say, if she should even say anything. ”I don’t want to screw this up. And as much as I hate to admit it, the only person I feel comfortable turning to…who has had this level of success…is you…”

”Well gee, thanks. Nice to know I’m so hard to approach, it’s not like we’re family or anything.” Alicia smirked and moved to the side, lightly pushing her shoulder into Zoey.

Zoey scoffed and shook her head looking away. ”I didn’t mean it like it sounded. It’s just really hard, asking anyone for advice or help. I’ve gone through my whole career…shit my whole life walking to the beat of my own drum.” She paused for a moment looking at Alicia and putting a small smile on her face. Alicia just stared back with a raised eyebrow. ”This opportunity though, it’s something special. There’s a pressure to perform and succeed that I’ve never felt before. And you succeeded through all that…I need to know how.”

”I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Zoey tilted her head, before she should say anything Alicia continued. ”I’m just fucking with you. I felt pressure going into every single big match I have ever had.”

”All of them? But, you’ve been in so many. You’re telling me this shit never gets easier? Like ever?”

Alicia chuckled and shrugged. ”Nope. Atleast not to me…or anyone else I’ve talked to. Not Austin, not Johanna, not Sierra, Miles, not even Alex and he’s been doing this a long long time. “ Alicia laughed and threw her hands in the air, Zoey seemed to relax a little, her shoulders dropping and she was suddenly able to breathe properly. ”We’ve all been there, and it’s not something you ever get comfortable with, and honestly…you shouldn’t.” Alicia paused and shook her head with a smile. ”Being nervous…wary of the pressure, aware of the weight and gravity of it all…it will keep you honest and real”

”Legit?” Zoey raised her eyebrows and let out a sigh, looking up to the sky she swallowed hard and then looked back down again. ”I wish Dad was here.” Alicia was surprised, that was somrthing she never expected to hear from Zoey. Zoey pushed off the ground, moving toward the back patio. Alicia followed, moving around to the side. ”He wasn’t the best, he wasn’t even close. But, he would have had something to say. Maybe even something good.”

”Yeah, maybe.” Alicia looked down and put her hands on the table leaning against it. Zoey stayed silent, she had no idea what else to say. ”He would have been proud.”

Zoey looked up and over. ”You think so?”

Alicia chuckled and stood up straight with a smile. ”Are you kidding?” He would have been the first one to call you. Or text. And he’d be running around telling all his ageing wrestling buddies that his “lil girl was gonna kick ass and be champion”...or something like that”

”That was a terrible impersonation of Dad…” Alicia laughed and nodded in agreement, Zoey laughed too, the mood finally lightening a little. ”But, thanks. I guess I needed to hear that.”

”Anytime.” Alicia moved to the side, reaching out and hiding Zoey tight, Zoey raised an eyebrow, struggled for a ,moment and then stopped. ”And….I’m proud of you to…so go get that title..” Zoey smiled and gave Alicia a small nod. She turned to go back inside. ”Or you’re out of the family.”

”What was that?”



”Giving me any type of power is a mistake.”

Zoey chuckles to herself. Her hair slicked back as she smirks, turning up her black painted lips.

”See, someone like me, while I will take what I want, when I want, I’ll also do things to just make me laugh. So when I realized I was in the Queen for a day match, I knew what I was going to do with that power when it came to. Well, me. But what was I going to do with the other matches? The rest of the power? Should I have given the remnants of Wolfslair scraps? Given Austin a shot at the world title? Or ask my sister if she wanted a shot at say, the Roulette or Internet title? Nah, I gave one person involved in Wolfalair a chance.”

“Laura Phoenix. A shot at the Internet title, because Laura earned it. She earned it by being a legend in this business and having a hand in training me…and many others.”

“So, I wanted to repay that, on behalf of myself, wolfslair and the wrestling world at large,”

“But what was I to do with the rest of my powers? Especially after I was told by both Mercedes and Tempest that I wasn’t going to win. Troll and BRADDOCK, and Raven vs GOTH. Why? Well, Why not? Those matches were for my own personal enjoyment, to have a laugh. See, when I was announced to have a shot at getting in the match, and when the Queen for a day was ready to go, all I heard was that I wasn’t going to win. In fact most of you had Tempest as the winner, cause she has beaten me before right? Or that Vargas would shock the world and regain former glories.”

She shrugs and gets to her feet, showing the sheer size that she had, the advantages with her athletic ability and god given physique.

”But, that isn’t what happened. I was able to stand up, and live up to all the potential. The people kept saying that they saw in me. And that really is a sticking point with me, all I keep hearing about his potential. That I have the potential to be a champion, that I have the potential to be one of the most dominant forces in this company. I get compare to my sister, my father, other larger, stronger women like tempest. But I never get looked at for me. And I’m going to change that. But, a lot of those people are also right in a way. I haven’t lived up to the potential that I have.”

“I have stumbled, fallen, but I have also stood back up. And while many people believe that I was all hype, I know the truth. For the last two years, I have been in this company, I have come in and out, getting a match here and there, and a chance, but then, for some reason not being used. so when an opportunity like this presents itself? I need to grab it with both hands and hold it. Hold it so tight I almost strangle it. See winning the Queen for a Day is like getting a blank check. Did anyone remember that movie? From the 90s? A kid find a blank check and writes on it and then goes on a spending spree?”

“That is what the Queen for a Day is. It is a chance, and a moment to write your own history. And in winning that I was always going to take a shot at the bombshells championship. Regardless of who ended up with that championship coming out of violent conduct, I was going to be going right for them.”

“And why wouldn’t I?”

“Why would I deny myself the chance of becoming a world champion? Anyone in my position would do the same. So, here we are. I have no doubt at all that Courtney knew this was coming. She’s not stupid. She knew Damm well, that if I won the Queen for a Day, I’d be coming for her. Just like Mercedes, Vargas would have, just like Tempest would have, just like Kim pain would have if she didn’t need to bow out of the match. Every single one of us would’ve been going for you Courtney and there is one reason for it. You are the best.”

She pauses, for dramatic effect, cause of course she does. Letting the words and realisation sink in.

”You are the champion. Because you hold that championship no one else can reasonably say that they are better than you. I think that is a fact that is missing in the professional wrestling business. The real respect for a champion. The fact that you are holding that championship means you are the only one in this company that has a right to say that they are the best professional wrestler in the world, or at least in Sin City wrestling. I can’t deny it, I can’t dispute it and to tell you, the truth, I wouldn’t want to. I’ve seen so many people win that championship and get torn down by stupidity. It shows a weak mind and a lack of respect for what that championship represents, and I’m not about to do the same damn thing.”

“See, this is something that even people close to me are guilty of. My own sister is guilty of it. You look at the history of that championship in the women have held it, and each one of them for a brief, second, was able to say that they were the best. From you, to my sister, to a woman, like Amber Ryan, who ran through the entire division, to someone like Roxi Johnson, who is a living legend, to her wife, Keira, who, so many people disrespect. Including my sister. But she two is able to call herself one of the best wrestlers to ever do it because she’s held that championship. And that Courtney is why I’m going for you. If you are in this business and you are not trying to become the champion then what the hell are you doing? You need to be the best, and if you don’t want to be the best? If you’re just in this to collect a paycheck? Then you don’t belong in a company like sin city wrestling.”

“But, I also know that that isn’t you. You wanted to get your hands on that championship and since you have you have been doing nothing, but trying to prove that you are the best. Even if your last championship defence was against someone who honestly didn’t deserve it, and yes, Ariana Angelos did not deserve a shot at your championship. She never had a chance to beat you. This is a woman who has failed in almost everything, she has ever done and refuses to take ownership of her values. That’s the exact opposite of me.”

“Every failure that I have had, every setback, every loss, I have learned from. I’ve excepted it. I’ve looked at my own weaknesses, and I’ve tried to come back, stronger every single time. And that makes me dangerous Courtney. It makes me the biggest threat to your championship reign that you have ever faced.”

“And that is both literal and figurative.”

“I am coming for that championship, and while you are, clearly, a worthy champion, and while everyone at jet city will be sitting there, cheering you on, wanting you to win, I have my own family to. I have everyone, and I mean everyone, at wolf slayer behind me. And those are two of the biggest gyms in the professional wrestling business. Full of champions, full of history, and you and I are just two of the newest products ready to roll on over it. I don’t think people realise the magnitude of this match. You and I Courtney, we are the future of this business. The future of the bombshells division. And a clash like this between us? I get a strange feeling that it’s just going to be the first of many. So I’m going to do everything that I can to take the championship from you.”

“Just like you will do anything to keep it…so I’ll see you there Court…Long live the queen.”

I can’t with you.

She was staring. Trying not to, but failing. It was weird, seeing them together. Seeing them laughing, and flirting. Or rather seeing her sister do that. Not so much him. Zoey tilted her head and stood up, moving around the gym and watching. Alicia smiled, laughed, looked around and then realized what was happening. Trying to hide it from prying eyes and even laughing with others around her. She was trying to hide it, and it may have worked with others. Others who hadn’t seen everything, eyes that weren’t as keen as Zoeys, that didn’t know Alicia like she knew her.

She reached over, grabbing Austin on the arm, leaning up to whisper something as Austin leaned down. He was harder to read, he was still stoic, calm and measured. Almost menacing to those who didn’t know him. But in the last few weeks there had been subtle differences.

Austin seemed, free. He seemed to be happy. Even if he didn’t show it how most would. The last year he had been like a tempest, a storm filled with anger, constantly trying to hold it back and stay calm. But the anger was growing and a few times Austin had let it slip. The last few weeks thought, that storm had calmed. He was almost like his old self. Alicia turned and walked away from Austin, she looked over her shoulder with a grin and Austin stared at her, giving her a nod but then flashing a smile.

Zoey narrowed her eyes and shook her head.

Alicia moved through the gym to the womens lockeroom, Zoey followed and slid in behind Alicia, looking around to make sure no one was there. ”So…you’re fucking him..”

Alicia turned and her eyes fluttered as it appeared that she needed a moment to process the question. ”That’s a rather vulgar way of putting it…” Zoey raised an eyebrow and shrugged, Alicia kept eye contact, Zoey folded her arms over her chest and stared ahead, Alicia took a deep breath in and cleared her throat. ”Yes, but also…no. It’s not just that. He and I…we…share something.”


Zoey looked at her sister with sarcastic indignation. Alicia snarled and rolled her eyes, annoyed at this whole situation. ”Why do you care anyway? I’m not allowed to be happy? To find happiness? To make him happy?” She got angry, Zoey stayed silent and shook her head. It wasn’t about that, it never was. ”You found happiness, you have Aron…”

”You don’t shit where you eat Alicia…fuck!” Zoey threw her hands in the air, pacing back and forth, finally unleashing the reason for her judgement. Alicia stayed silent, watching Zoey as she paced and then growled. ”This is a workplace. Technically. And workplace dating is a bad idea. A bad fucking plan. Aron works for SCW but he isn’t a wrestler…” Zoey pauses, looking Alicia up and down. ”We see enough of this shit Alicia. And honestly…you should know better.”

”Know better? Better for what? I found someone who understand the business, who understands what it’s like growing up in your fathers shadow. And understands loss…” Alicia trails off, upset at Zoey butting in and her judgemental attitude.

Zoey steps forward and shakes her head. ”Look, I want you to be happy, to find someone who gets you. You shouldn’t be alone the reast of your life and I would never say that…” Zoey takes a deep breath and throws her hands in the air. ”But, those who don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.”

Alicia snarls and staps forward. ”What is that supposed to mean?”

Zoey takes a sharp inhale, running a hand through her hair. ”Kaden Kessler, Travis Blake, Chris Cane, Josh Na-”

”Yeah, I get it. Mistakes, all of them. But what’s your point?”

Zoey scoffs and tuts, sliding back and leaning against the lockers. Her voice was gruff and deep as she tries to make her point. ”They weren’t just mistakes Ali. They were in the business. They are guys who you worked with. How do you know this thing with Austin won’t end the same?”

The realisation hit her. Alicia looked down and away, Zoey took a deep breath and Alicia smiled faintly. ”I guess I don’t…..but….I have faith….I want to believe…so….maybe you should let me own my mistakes and own my life…” Alicia moved forward and gave Zoey a pat on the shoulder. ”And stop being like mom…”

Alicia moved past Zoey, Zoeys jaw dropped, she had no idea what to say or how to react to that, she heard the door close behind her and let out and annoyed scoff. ”I’m not like mom….”

Georgie Girl

”I’m annoyed.”

Zoey looks up, through the few strands of blonde hair flowing down over her eyes, she gets to her feet and folds her arms over her chest showing off some of her tattoos.

”I went toe to toe with Sam Marlowe, toward the end of the match, Sam had her submission locked in and the time expired. And hey, that whole tie thing is annoying, time limit draws are lame. But, they happen. But, the fact is Sam believes she had me beat. She believes that if that match continued another few moments that I would have tapped out and Sam would have won. And that, well, that is what really pisses me off. See, for some reason, this company seems to live in a fantasy world where all their veterans are still relevant. Despite the fact Same Marlowe is nothing and will always be nothing.”

“But where, do I go from here?”

“Where do I look to in this career that seems to have been constantly derailed by stop start booking and directionless bullshit?”

“Maybe I should look to other companies, maybe I should spread my wings.,”

“This company is always thrown into disarray with the blast from the past, then afterwards some of the names who return end up stinking up the place before slinking away. Meanwhile, people like me who champion this company are left in the cold. I watch those who let the company down time and time again get opportunity after opportunity and I wonder…why?”

“Why does Crystal Hilton, or whatever her name is this week get title shots and opportunities? Why do we care for certain peoples hundredth return and retirement? Why? It drives me insane…”

Zoey throws her hands up and growls before turning and pacing back and forth.

”I suppose though, that good things come to those who wait right? Here I have an opportunity to enter the queen for a day match. A match where the winner gets to book a show. We can choose to punish those we dislike or we can reward ourselves or our friends. We can give ourselves title shots and huge matches, it’s an interesting concept. And I wonder, if I was given that power, what would I do with it?”

“Well, first thing is first, getting into the match. And to do that, well I have to beat Georgie Robertson. And, I could mention the fact we’re near the colosseum, I could make some kind of gladiator story in my own head and talk an incredible amount of bullshit. Hell, I could have dressed like an ancient roman. But, instead I want to look at the colosseum like SCW. A once great place where warriors tread…”

“That is slowly crumbling into dust and being held up by younger generations.”

“And Georgie, you and I are a part of that younger generation. In fact, we signed our contracts about a month apart of each other. And our careers have been oddly similar.”

Zoey pauses and sighs heavily with a roll of her eyes.

”You and I have been up and down in this company. Winning some matches, losing or tying others. Having successes and failures while veterans and people who should have walked away a long time ago are pushed ahead of us. But, while you lose to those like Laura Phoenix, I have beaten hall of famers.”

“And now, you have been handed an opportunity on a silver platter. Beat me and you get a chance to be queen for a day.”

“The only problem is, beating me is easier said than done georgie.”

“I’m the most powerful woman in the bombshells division, and yes I am aware tempest6 is still here. But the truth is, I’m stronger, I’m better and I’m more talented. I can beat anyone and I fear no one and you have been limping along in this company for far to long. For the last year you have been a non factor and that doesn’t look like it’s going to change. So, please, allow me to put you out of your misery and end you. Cause sister…you definitely are not a worthy queen…”

Climax Control Archives / Season One Episode 11 Independance
« on: May 19, 2023, 10:36:09 PM »

You step out on your own for the first time and the first thing you feel is fear.

Fear of the unknown. Fear of the future, fear of loss. After living in and under the umbrella and safety of a parent or institution for so long being by yourself can be utterly terrifying. Especially if you are unprepared and unsecured in your future.

Now, if that doesn’t sound like you, if the thought of independence from those institutions and parents is one of freedom, not fear, then…well…


You had a healthy childhood and a healthy upbringing.

But being under that cloud, under that umbrella, a place where you are told repeatedly you will be safe and happy. And without them, well, you won’t be. Outside all of that is unsafe and dangerous, a real world full of pain, suffering and anger.

It is hard to pull away, hard to leave and hard to live your own life.

But it means more than you know, to walk away.

The meeting

Her hands were normally steady and unmoving. In fact it was something that she found pride in. Keeping her nerves calm through everything she had done and would do. In big moments of her life, through volleyball finals and school graduations and even huge debuts and moments in her wrestling career, Zoey Lukas was calm and measured. But not with this. Not right now. Her blond and black coloured hair was slicked back, her face covered in warmer makeup colours than her usual darker ones, she wore a pair of blacj jeans and a white and red slimk fitting top covered with a black leather jacket.

She watched the trees and houses fly by as she leaned against the leather seats in the back of the car, her left leg propped up with her left arm on her knee as her hand shook. She took in a deep breath and rubbed her hands together to try and calm them down, when a hand from her right came across and grabbed hers. The hand of Aron Baltasarsson.

He squeezed her hand and got her attention, he gave her a small smile and a nod, his short, wavy light brown hair and trimmed beard making him look as distinguished as ever along with his navy blue suit and white shirt. A contrast in style to Zoey. ”Are you alright?” Zoey gave him a nod in return and pushed out a breath, Aron laughed and shook his head before replying. ”I know that it’s bothering you Zo..”

She groaned and took a deep breath before looking back out the window and closing her hands around each other. ”I just know how annoying this whole thing will be. She thinks she’s right all the time, she thinks she knows whats best despite the fact she is usually wrong…she was wrong about Ali’s life and she’s wrong about mine…”

There was anger in Zoeys voice. A spitting venom that was on the tip of her tongue. Aron, fop his part gave her a nod and listened intently. But at the same time his eyes were soft and calm. He was the calming influence Zoey needed ”Mothers always do that Zoey, I’m sorry to say, you’re isn’t special or unique.” He chuckled and sat back looking at his watch and then back at Zoey. ”You need to realise that. You’ll never be happy unless you do. She isn’t trying to make your life harder for her sake, she believes shes right because it’s the only way she knows how to show affection…”

Zoey nods and throws her hands in the air, both understanding Arons point and being frustrated by it. She clears her throat and tries to stay calm in the conversation. ”I just don’t understand Aron. I don’t get why she can’t just say she loves me and if I’m happy then that is enough. Why does she have to write you off and beleive I’m incapable of maming choices to benefit myself?”

He laughed as they pulled up to the large stately home of Barbera Maxwell, the mother of the Lukas sisters. He reached over, grabbing her hand again and laughed. ”You dopon’t get it do you? No one will ever be good enough for you.”

Zoey raised her eyebrow. ”What?”

Aron leaned over, kissing Zoey on the lips softly and resting his hand on her cheek. ”It could be anyone. Me, your ex, a CEO of a fortune 5oo company or a guy who febricates engine parts in a factory, no matter the profession or background no one will ever be good enough for you in your mothers eyes…” He sits back and reaches out grabbing the door handle. ”Don’t take it personally Zoey…I’m not…”

As he got out of the car Zoey blinked as few times, the realization hitting her like a ton of bricks. She looked out at the door, her mother standing up the steps in front of it waiting as Aron moved around and opened Zoeys side, holding out his hand. Zoey laughed and shook her head taking it and stepping out before Aron offered her his arm, every instinct was telling her to just walk herself, but she softened, took his arm and walked up the steps. Her mother seemed to soften to, shocked Zoey let Aron be a gentleman. Zoey took a deep breathy and slosed her eyes before speaking.

”Mom, this is Aron Baltasarsson…”

The fall.

”Lady luck is a bitch, that is just the stone cold truth of all of it. The last match I had before into the void was ruined by luck. I want to be honest hereI am not a person who likes to make excuses.In fact when others make excuses it makes my stomach turn and usually brings a boiling anger up from deep down inside me.”

Zoey sneers, the light coloured makeup from the previous off camera scene now replaced on camera by the usual dark lipstick and eyeliner, a small black stripe across her cheek in a nod to her sisters “warpaint”

”Ariana was lucky. That’s it. I am someone who can face up to a loss and can admit when they have failed but Ariana didn't beat me comma she survived me full stop one on one everyone knows that I should have destroyed her,but because of an ill timed move and some steel steps I was robbed of the opportunity to realize my destiny and take my place in a match against one of the best this business has ever seen. I should have faced Roxi, I should have been the one to challenge her. The fact is Ariana should never have been in the position to rain man herself into the goddamn match.”

“And when given this opportunity, when dropped into a situation like this with a golden ticket placed on a silver platter right in front of her, what exactly did Ariana do with it? Did she seize it and take it with both hands and do everything she could to walk out of that show as the all conquering underdog champion? No of course not.She failed. She faced Roxi Johnson and she fell in a heap all because she knew going into it that she didn't deserve to be there and that she was not in any position to challenge a woman like her.”

“The sad fact is I should have been the one to face Roxi.”

“But where do I go from here? What is next for meI just had two opportunities slip right through my fingers. The blast from the past tournament was something that I was excited for especially with my partner.But we failed, we ended up in a position where we couldn't win, and after that the company and management saw enough in me to let me have another opportunity and that was taken away by the cruel hand of luck, fate,and the amusement of the masses…”

Zoey shrugs and shakes her head, disappointed in the answer.

”Well, the immediate answer to that question is Samantha Marlowe. Now, excuse me if I'm not excited about this match. I'm not sure why I ever would be.Sam is someone who I have already faced, who I have already beaten, and everything I said about her months ago is still relevant today.And everything she said about me? Well some of it is relevant and some of it never made a lick of sense.But what can she say different about me today? When she and I faced off last time I was an unknown quantity in Sin City wrestling.I was just the younger sister of Alicia Lukas,someone who was physically dominating for sure but no one knew what I was capable of.Sam was supposed to be my first big test.”

“It was a test I passed with flying colours.”

“But in the months since she and I last faced one another what has happened?I have gone from strength to strength competing in the blast from the past and getting opportunities, only to be beaten by the aforementioned luck and happenstance.Sam seems to have slowly stepped backwards further and further into obscurity and irrelevance.I remember before we faced one another last timeI went down her rap sheet of accomplishments and accolades. Her championship wins and biggest moments in this company.And after all of that I asked a very simple question.What have you done for me lately?”

“Well, what have you done for me lately Sam?”

Zoey rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

”You were able to beat Mercedes Vargas. Congratulations. Being able to beat one of your biggest rivals that you have faced a million times before must have felt liberating for you in some way. The only problem is neither you or Mercedes Vargas are the names that you believe yourselves to be anymore.I beat Mercedes right after I beat you. I put you both in your place and you two wheeled out the old school nostalgia act at into the void and you were able to walk away the winner after standing there and somehow telling the world that you were going to “solve the mystery” of Mercedes. Mystery? Are you kidding me? Sam you faced Mercedes a few times a year per year for the last decade. If you are still finding things to be mysterious about her then you really do not have any right to talk shit about anyone ever.”

“It did get me thinking. How exactly do you feel about me? Mercedes is someone who you have faced so many times you should know her like the back of your hand. Me though? While you have faced my sister and gone to war with her you've only faced me once.And yeah that one time I put you down and you felt what it's like to be in the ring with someone who's physically more dominant but what exactly do you think of me now?”

Am I the next big mystery that you hope to solve?”

“Who knows?But, do you know what you are to me?You are just a target. Someone that they are putting me up against so that I can re find my footing in this company and remind everyone what kind of monster they are dealing with.I made a horrible mistake going into that stupid tournament and I made an even bigger mistake when I allowed Ariana to get the better of me and go on to face Roxi. I am going to refuse right here and right now to make any mistakes that are going to cost me in my match against you. Not just because I need to re establish myself as a monster, not just because I need to start climbing that ladder again.But because I know, no matter how irrelevant you are right now and how much you are struggling you are still dangerous. You are still a veteran in this business who knows how to take advantage of anyone's mistakes.The only way you can beat me Sam, is if I first beat myself.And I'm not going to let that happen.”

Climax Control Archives / Season One Episode 10: Cause and Effect.
« on: April 21, 2023, 09:24:09 PM »

For as long as I can remember I have had a certain way of dealing with being upset or having anxiety. Even from a very young age if I felt sad or angry I would go and exhaust myself through getting rid of energy. I’d go for a run, do cardio or play volleyball. Anything and everything to get rid of energy and work out.

But, as I got older I realised I needed more.

Others I knew, friends and even my sister. They had their own forms of therapy.; Talking to someone, connecting with them and getting through issues to try and be happy. It won’t work for everyone.

And didn’t and wouldn’t work for me. Sure, I can ask for advice, have a conversation.

But to get all my issues out, to feel better, human, calm. Well, there’s nothing like lifting wrights. Working out cleanses me, it calms me. It makes me feel better. Others use religion, talk to their preist or pastor.

But to me, the gym is my church.

Rock music, my hymns.

But, what happens if that sanctity is broken? What happens if it is invaded and you no longer feel as if you can cleanse yourself through the only way you have ever known or had worked? Where do you go? What do you do? And how would that affect you?

Cause and effect.

It had been a few weeks since talking to her mother about Aron. A few weeks since she had heard anything from her. The second Zoey left the large two story mansion in the city limits of Atlanta, she knew that it would be a while till she heard from her. But, they were now in a waiting game. Both of them were stubborn. A fact Zoey knew. But in the past, whenever Zoey had made a decision that her mother didn’t like she would be the one to cave. She would call, message or travel to see her.

This time, Zoey told herself it was different. That she wasn’t going to bow down to her mother and let her dictate her life, her choices or her happiness. However, that didn’t mean this entire situation didn’t weigh on her mind. When she was with Aron she was happy. He would listen toi her and share everything about himself and his family so freely. With Aron there was no hiding.

Not from him, not from who she really was.

He was the first man she could be herself with and know he wouldn’t feel threatened. After all, Zoey was over six feet tall, almost two hundred pounds, she was intimidating almost every woman she would meet and most men outside the wrestling business. But, not to Aron.

He accepted her, accepted everything. She could rant about her mother or the stupidity of some of her peers and he would never judge her or switch off. He would listen intently, give welcome advice or sometimes, very simply, hug her. He knew what to do and when and how. And she was able to do the same for him. So why didn’t her mother understand? And why did Zoey care so much?

Alicia didn’t.

She stopped caring a long time ago, about their mothers opinions, thoughts and what she wanted from them both. Alicia switched off, she walked away. And now Zoey had done the same thing, all she felt was guilt. But, here she was, at Wolfslair in New York, back in her “home” state since leaving Georgia, moving close to Alicia but just down the road to the gym. Zoey had been training the house down. Almost like a woman possessed. Cardio, weights, submission wrestling, striking. Anything and everything Zoey was doing. All to be the one thing that she wanted to be in this world.

A champion.

She had her earbuds in, now being able to hear anyone as a random mix of songs blasted in her ears to keep her motivated. From classic rock greats like ACDC and Foreigner to more modern bands like Bury tomorrow and motionless in white, it all served a purpose. To motivate Zoey and get her to train harder, move faster and become the best she could be. And with every rep, every step and every move she felt a little piece of that frustration, anger and anxiety chip away.

Behind her, Alex Jones took a step toward her and shook his head folding a piece of paper in his hand, Zoey reached down and grabbed a large metal bar, standing up and pulling the bar in a deadlift, grunting as she did, Alex’s eyes widened, surprised she was lifting about the same as he was able to. But as she set the bar down he reached out tapping her on the shoulder, Zoey looked behind her, popping her earbuds out. ”Sup?”

Alex held out the piece of paper and shook his head. ”Your mom called. Said she wanted you to go see her..”

Zoey blinked, taking the note and reading it with a sneer before rolling the paper up and slipping it in her pocket, she turned and popped her earbuds into her ears before going to turn and continue, Alex raised an eyebrow and laughed. ”I’ve spoken to her before, but she seems very..stern this time….whats up?”


Alex groaned and shook his head, folding his arms over his chest in an annoyed way. ”Kiddo, I have watched you come in here the last week and murder these weights, you seem more focused than usual while also being troubled at the same time…now this…and your sister has been tight lipped…”

She swallowed and straightened her back, undoing her wrist straps and turning to face Alex. ”My mom is….a little…”


”Yeah.” Zoey chuckled and threw her arms in the air pacing back and forth. ”She is trying to get involved in my love life. Refuses to believe I found a good man in Aron…she’s just pissed off she can’t dictate my life…Alicia was always like that but…this is kind of new for me…” She scratched the back of her neck. Alex just listened, taking it all in before sighing and reaching out patting her on the back.

”For what it’s worth, I think you are doing the right thing…it’s your life…but…,sort your shit out with your mom….this kind of stuff can affect everything. And I mean everything. Your personal and professional life…” He raised his eyebrows. Zoey turned, understanding what he was trying to say and giving Alex a small nod.

Ya win some….

”Ya win some, ya lose some…”

Zoey leaned forward, a fedw strands of hair falling down over her eyes as she let out a small grunt.

”Losing sucks. It does. Since I came back to wrestling though, i essentially picked up where I left off. When i first stepped into the wrestling world and followed my my father, brother and sisters footsteps I knew I was going to be running up hill. Or, more poetically, ice skating up hill. My father was a legend in Japan, he was “mid” in the US, my brother couldn’t get over the stigma of being Jason Maxwells kid. But…my sister became one of the best…”

“And at 21 years old I had to be better than perfect. I had to step into a world where my sister was known and feared and I had to break out. And I did. I started destroying everyone I was put in the ring with, I became a star on my own and then, well, then I let myself fall into a bad place. A bad relationship, bad moments. And then….I walked.”

“I left at the age of 22, and spent 2 years in the wilderness, 2 years of doing NOTHING.”

“I had to come back, I had to.”

“So, since I came back last year, since I stepped foot in SCW I have done everything to be comfortable in my own skin. To accept the fact I am part of this family and I have to live up to my own standards. Not anyone elses. And I believe I’ve done that. One on one very few people, if any can stand up to me. Tempest did, but every single loss since then has been because of someone else. Miles Casey and Joe Montuori, I lost opportunities. Now, I forgave Miles cause he’s a good dude, he’s an SCW loyalist and he felt bad…”

Zoey shrugs and pushes to her feet.

”Joe, well, you know what he did?”

She pauses, waiting for someone to ask “what” yet of course, no one is there.

”He bounced. Joe took his ball and went home. Some legend right? Legendary bitch. So, now here I am left to pick up the pieces. And SCW has decided, along with Roxi herself, to take myself and Ariana, pit us against one another and whomever comes out the other side gets to face off against Roxi one on one for the Bombshells title. A match and an opportunity I have been calling for, and am glad to have it.”

“Meanwhile Ariana gets an opportunity for the Bombshells title after failing spectacularly for the Internet title…”

“Think about that for a moment. She lost to a champion, before her shot, then was the one who topok the fall, costing a champion the title, only to be given a shot to go face Roxi. And, hey, I get it, Roxi wants new blood going for that championship since it has been locked in the same group for a while now. But, Ariana, honey, you don’t belong here. You don’t belong at this level, you don’t belong 9in the ring with someone like Roxi.”

“See, Roxi Johnson, love her or hate her, is a legend. She’s a champion, a pioneer. A woman who took the male dominated world and exploded into the mainstream and is beloved and respected everywhere she has gone.”

Zoey laughs to herself and shakes her head.

”You, are not on her level. And never will be….So, if I lose to you. If I let you, somehow get passed me and fail to send you back where you belong then Roxi won’t get that challenge she wants, needs or craves. She will get new blood in the World bombshells title picture, but, it won’t be the kind of challenge she, or that championship deserves. Me on the other hand?”

“Who can stand up to me one on one aside from Tempest? Who can say they have beaten me?”

“Mercedes Vargas failed. Jessie Salco failed. Sam Marlowe failed. So what makes Ariana believe she can beat me and go on to face Roxi? Well…Blind ambition and delusion is a hell of a drug. See Ariana will tell us all how she promises to succeed and beat me and go on to face Roxi, she’ll stomp her feet with some inspiring speech and try and make believers out of all of you. She will forget her losses, mention her wins and her Roulette title reign…”

“I accept my losses, I own them. I own the fact Tempest beat me, I own the fact Miles and I lose, that Joe and I failed. I own them, I push myself to be better because of them.”

“Ariana won’t. She won’t learn, she won’t move up in the world and use her losses as fuel. She will run her mouth and do everything she can to get people to forget her failures and losses. So, if she steps in the ring with Roxi, well, it’ll be a joke. Roxi will win, Roxi will walk away still craving competition and fresh blood in the division. But…what if I win?”

Zoey smiles, her black painted lips curling up.

”Roxi will get a challenger who will throw everything into the match, who will come at her with the type of venom and power that she has never seen. Shit, Roxi is a comic book fan right? Me coming for her will be like Doomsday coming for the head of superman. Ariana coming for Roxi will be like a random criminal coming after deadpool. It would be a joke. And I refuse to let that happen. So this week, I’m going to stop her, I’m going to get this train back on the track and go on to face a legend…and take the throne…”

Climax Control Archives / Season One Episode 9: Advice
« on: April 07, 2023, 08:24:55 AM »

Its never been a part of me to go out and find answers to my problems.

To ask questions over and over again, to try and get guidance when it comes to my future and my own directions. Its simply, not me. But sometimes we need to break those patterns.

What is the point of watching someone go through something, an experience, and then when you go through it you don’t approach them? Pick their brain?

Alicia and I aren’t perfect sisters. I have been away from her in times of need, she has been too focused on her own life. And if I had needed to ask her about all this a few weeks later, well, what she is going through now would have taken precedence over my bullshit. But at the time, I needed her. I needed to talk.

I needed to ask.

I needed to know everything. No matter how painful.

I guess part of me is happy, through our shared pain, trauma and talking about it, well. We bonded. And now…well..

Now I have my sister back.

Her past, and mine

Zoey took a breath, a deep one attempting to relax and calm herself. Looking down to the table in front of her, tilting her head and reaching out to the small glass filled with amber liquid. She took it down and closed her eyes as Alicia stepped in, putting a bottle in front of Zoey and laughing to herself. The hous ewas quiet.

Too quiet.

The boys weren’t home.

Ironically enough they were spending time with their grandmother. The same woman that had, in their minds, ruined their young lives. Alicia looked out into the backyard, watchi ng the sun go down as she held her glass to her chest after taking a sip. Zoey smiled and shook her head before asking the first question. ”How do you deal with moms bullshit?”

Instead of answering, Alicia simply laughs. Caught off guard but amused. ”Her bullshit? You can’t really…”deal” with it. Why?” She sat down across from Zoey, pouring them both another drink. Zoey leaned forward, her glass in her hand drinking half of it and wincing as it burned her throat.

”I told her about Aron.”[/color[] Zoey trailed off, Alicia stayed silent, looking at her sister and recognising just how big that was. Being patient and waiting as Zoey continued. ”She was…less than impressed. We got into it and I may have brought up what she put you through…the bullshit with Ronnie..”

Alicia looked down and took another drink, reliving everything she went through and was put through, nodding slowly. ”I…don’t blame Mom for that…she may have been the one who set it up, for her own reasons. But she didn’t know what he was like” She swallowed, Zoey nodded. ”But, I take it she wasn’t happy you hadn’t introduced her yet?”

Zoey chuckled shrugged. ”It’s almost like you know her or something.”

”And, if I had to guess. She brought up Michael…”


Zoey sat back, mAlicia stayed staring ahead. They both took a drink and waited. Waited for the next part of the conversation. One that Zoey had never really talked about it or brought up. Finally, Alicia turned to her sister and swallowed before breaking the silence. ”What exactly happened between you two?”

She shook her head, pouring another drink and taking it down right away to loosen her lips. Zoey pushed up to her feet, moving around Alicia and leaning against the window. ”At first, Michael was amazing.” She shook her head and swirled her glass. ”He was supportive, charming, affectionate. He would always have my back…but as I fell for him more and more he just…”


Alicia interrupted, but it was exactly what Zoey was thinking, what she was remembering. ”Yeah. He started being controlling, he’d get angry at the smallest things and suddenly I couldn’t see my friends, or family. He made me push you all away.”  Zoey swallows hard and looks to the side before continuing. ”I let it happen Ali. I let him take everything from me.” She put the glass down, her hands balling into fists as she tried to control the anger inside. ”And now, now I have fought back and found a good man, someone who makes me happy and Mom just treats me like…like”

”A stupid child? Still one that makes mistakes?”

Zoey swallowed again and gave a nod. Alicia laughed to herself and threw her hands in the air. ]color=limegreen]”I get it, I do. I made mistakes, but we all have and we all learn from them. I just wish she’d trust me…”

Alicia smiled warmly. She got to her feet and moved to her sister reaching out and patting her on the shoulders, reaching up to reach her bigger sisters arms. She then pulled Zoey forward into a hug and gave her a pat on the back before pulling backwards. ”To her, we’re both still little girls who have no idea what we’re doing. Not young women who have lived through pain.” She shook her head and laughed under her breath. ”You wanted my advice on her? So…here it is…” Alicia backed away with a wry smile.

”Ignore her…’s the worst thing you can do to someone who craved control and needs attention…live your life Zo….be happy…”

Round 2

”Well then. What an interesting turn of events hmmm? Kind of disappointing really…”

Zoey folds her arms over her chest and sneers.

”See, even though Joe and I won and we get to move on to the quarter finals, the way it happened was hardly the stamp of authority we wanted. See, Joe held up his end of the bargain and we got the win, but Krystal gets to actually think she was in any way, shape or form better than me. And why? Why does she get to do that huh? Because of Tempest, because she had to make her return and get her hands on Krystal.”

“It’s not enough that Tempest stalled my momentum with a win over me and then just disappeared, now she has to get involved in my Blast from the past match all because she had an issue with Krystal? One that couldn’t have waited? And for what? Where is Tempests grand revenge? So now, Krystal gets to strut around and act like she somehow has a misguided bullshit moral victory over me….”

“Thanks Tempest…”

“But, here we are. The next round in the tournament and Joe and I get to face the team of a former SCW world champion and a woman who has actually won this tournament in Courtney Pierce.”

“So, to say this is a step up in competition from Casey Williams and Krystal Wolfe is an understatement.”

She tuts and shrugs before continuing.

”Joe showed the world that he is every bit as awesome and impactfulo i9n SCW as he has been in other companies all around the world. And it’s something he’s going to continue when he gets in the ring with “Godly” Ken Davison. That is, if Ken gets in the ring and wrestles Joe instead of running like he has from every other credible challenge that came his way. Legit, I have seen some really shitty world champions in various companies in my time but Ken?...come on..”

“I get it, we should all show the old man some respect, with his forty year career that lasted four times as long as his hairline, the fact he has been able to be a world champion while looking like one of those hairless cats, complete with sagging skin…”

“What I’m trying to say is. Ken Davison is old as fuck…”

“And he took the SCW world title and started it’s latest downward spiral. He beat Mac, lost it to Finn, beat Finn, lost it back to Mac. Rinse and repeat. How incredibly boring. And now, this old fart has a chance to win this tournament and punch his ticket to face whoever the world champion is by the time the tournament ends. And I don’t know about Y’all but the prospect of the Ken Davison threepeat fluke fest doesn’t really get my juices flowing if you get my drift…”

She shrugs again and paces back and forth.

”So, it is up to Joe and me to stop that lunacy. But, while I know that Joe is more than a match for Kenny the bald grumpy cat, I know I have to face off against Courtney Pierce. And, you know, part of me thinks that maybe, just maybe Court is better than she’s letting on. See, I could come out here and say that she got carried to a Blast from the past win by Fenris but she and I know that in this tournament that simply isn’t true.”

“People don’t get carried in this tournament it is a partnership and you either succeed as partners or fail as partners and Courtney succeeded with Fenris and now she could succeed with Ken.”

“But, to what end?”’

“I’m in this company week in and week out, grinding and pushing myself each week and each event to get better and to be a rising star. Joe is a legend in the business and has been competing everywhere, he could be a huge get for SCW to stay here, but Courtney? What can we expect of Courtney Pierce? If she and Ken lose I can say right now that she’ll be gone again, out of the company waiting for another year to throw her name in the hat to try her hand again…”

“But what if she and Ken win?”

“I already gave you all a sneak peak at the crap we will all have to put up with if Ken wins. He could lose, or even worse, win the title and make it an even bigger joke. But what of Courtney Pierce? Do any of you actually think she can go on to beat Roxi? Or whoever the champion is? Courtney, despite training at Jet City you just never quite made it to that level that you thought you should.”

Her voice lowers into a growl.

”All this time in and out of SCW, all the statements and training and the great people you’re connected to and what exactly do you have to show for it? A blast from the past win five years ago and a string of people talking about your potential. But, potential only gets you so far Court. If, after the string of matches and wins I have had in SCW against goddamn bonafide legends and hall of famers, I am still being looked at as a “potential” champion and the “future” in five years….then I should just leave and not come back…”

“That is where you’re at.”

“A crossroads. Put up or shut up. But, if you lose in the tournament then what will you do huh? Will you walk away? Or stay in SCW and keep chasing that potential. Cause realising it, climbing that ladder and grinding. It’s about more than just coming in once a year to try your hand at a damn shortcut. And that is the biggest issue with you. I see this as an opportunity to earn my way to a match no one has ever seen before.”

“For you?...this is your once a year grasping at straws for relevance. It didn’t work in the queen for a day last year and it ain’t going to work in the blast from the past Court…I’ll do everything to make sure of it…”

Past, Present and Future

I hate being reminded of my failures. My faults. My mistakes.

I understand the compulsion of a parent to protect a child from themselves at all costs; to step into their lives and pull them back from the brink of stupidity and disaster. But, what value is there in constantly stopping someone from living their life?

In questioning every choice?

Every action?

Every moment?

Regardless of if any of them are, in fact, a mistake. Shouldn’t that be on the person in question? We learn from mistakes. We learn from experiences, both positive and negative, to form who we are and what we do. And being held back from that learning process is detrimental to evolution.

Evolution of character.

Of emotions.

Of ideals.

And for the last twenty-five years, that is what I have had to put up with from every single decision in my personal or professional life. Questions, doubts, bullshit. And when you reach a breaking point, when that moment happens and you break free of those chains – well, it is true freedom.

Or so I have heard.

I wouldn’t know. See, as hard as I try and fight, as much as I wish I could just stop caring and move on –do what my sister has done –, start living my own life by my own rules and morals, I just can’t seem to escape my mother. As much as my appearance and demeanor changes, as far as my life goes, I still let her have a say. I still listen to her outdated advice with baited breath. I allow her to step in and tell me what I should do. Instead of offering me support and motherly advice, she barks orders and threats.

But then again, maybe I’m the problem.

The last time...

Going to see her mother was difficult. Not because of distance or time. No, it was emotionally exhausting. And what was worse, this time, she was alone. Moving up the steps to the giant white doors with cheesy looking cold inlets and details always made Zoey’s skin crawl. This life, this upbringing of wealth, opulence and gaudy imagery, it wasn’t her. It wasn’t Alicia, and it wasn’t their brother, Josh, either.

It was all their mother. Barbera Conelia Lukas.

An aging socialite, tall, blonde, always dressed in gowns and diamonds even if she was lounging around the house. The last name of Lukas, the one that both Zoey and Alicia used professionally, came from their stepfather. A wealthy man that Barbara had married after the children's birth father Jason Maxwell had left her, more concerned with his dreams of professional wrestling stardom than staying at home with his son and daughters.

Zoey liked her stepfather, and deep down, loved her mother. But, with that being said, her mother was judgemental, righteous and had wanted both Zoey, real name Rose and Alicia, real name Violet, to become socialite beauty queens like herself. She wanted them to find wealthy men to marry and live the life of luxury she had gained for herself as well as being a dutiful, obedient wife.

Clearly, she didn’t know either of her daughters well enough to see their rebellious nature or strong will.

Zoey moved through the doors, past the “help” and into the parlor where her mother loved to spend her days and most nights. Barbara was in her usual spot, a large, white, cushioned chair, her hair curled and put into a 1950’s style bob. Zoey couldn’t help but roll her eyes as she moved to the opposite chair and sat down. In contrast to her mother, her short blonde hair was hidden under a black baseball cap that was flipped backward, she hadn’t even bothered to put on any make up, since her choices were usually criticized.

Fashion-wise, they were also complete opposites. Her mother was dressed opulently in a red gown and matching shoes, while Zoey wore white high tops, skinny black jeans with tears on her knees and a short sleeved black shirt. As usual Barbara looked her up and down and tried her best to hide the disappointment on her face, and failed. As was their usual song and dance.

Barbara let out a small sigh, put her teacup down on the small table beside her and sat back before opening her mouth and speaking with her usual light tone with a slightly judgmental southern twang. “Thank you,dear, for dressing up for the occasion.”

Zoey couldn’t help but let out a scoff as her lips twisted into a bemused smirk of defiance. “Occasion? What occasion? Is it Barbara Bush’s birthday or something?” Her dismissive, almost mocking tone caused the facade that her mother always put up to slip for a slight moment, her right eye twitching before she quickly recovered.

“Every visit from one of my lovely, beautiful daughters is an occasion…”

She almost laughed, at the stupidity of the situation, the fact she knew her mother, to some degree…meant that. Her mother, though, shifted. Her body language changed as she looked Zoey up and down. [color-hotpink]“It would have been a better occasion for say…Christmas.”[/color] And there it was, Zoey groaned and her shoulders dropped. This had been the first time she had seen her mother since getting back from Iceland with Aron.

“Mom, I wanted to meet Aron’s family…”

She scoffed. Zoey tried to stay calm, tried to keep her breathing measured. Alicia was so much better at this, so much better at simply ignoring their mother’s controlling nature and snide remarks. “Mmmhmm, and why have I not met your new beau, hmm? The most I have seen is him on television, and that long haired beast of a brother of his…” Zoey swallowed and looked around, she had not expected that her mother would every actually watch SCW, despite both her daughters working there. “I have kept up with you and your sister since you don’t come to visit me much anymore, and then I saw Aron….he is a handsome young man. But let us not forget the last handsome young man you were in a relationship with...”

Zoey ground her teeth together; that was a low blow. One that she should have seen coming. Zoey took a long drawn out breath in, closed her eyes and slowly let it back out again as she calmed herself down. “Michael was…a mistake…”

Michael Murtagh, a now retired former wrestler. One that had stolen Zoey's heart, but one that was trouble. One that would burn bridges as quickly as he put them up. One that was arrogant and self righteous, and as bad as that was, he was also abusive. “You don’t say? I could have told you that. In fact I did tell you that… that why you won’t bring Aron here? Because you know I will see through anything he has hidden?”

Her nostrils flared, her hands balled into fists, this was a tipping point and Zoey couldn’t hold it in anymore. “Like you did with Alicia’s ex? Hm? Kind of weird you basically sold her off to try and get us secured financially and didn’t see the abusive cocksucker that he was…huh Mom?”

Barbara's eyes widened. Alicia has said similar things, but never Zoey. Zoey leaned back and folded her arms over her chest again, shaking her head.

“How dare you…I had no idea that family was like that. And your sister…she…she was a beauty queen, a debutant! She wanted the life of a made woman…she-”

“Did exactly what you asked her to.” Zoey shook her head and moved toward the door, angry and frustrated, her hands shaking as she heard her mother turn in her chair. “Aron is a good man, and I will introduce you to him, when I am ready. And you will not judge him, you won’t say shit. You will be polite, smile and try and be charming…or…I simply won’t tell you anything about my life…ever.”

She turned looking over her shoulder at her mother. Barbara simply gave a nod, picking up her tea and sipping it as Zoey stepped toward the door, pushing it open and moving back through the house and to the giant front doors, as the cool air hit her, she breathed a sigh of relief and disbelief. Her phone buzzed, she pulled it out and smiled. A simple message from Aron.

Just a reminder Zoey, you’re beautiful…

Old Enemies, New “Friends”

The heavy clink of metal plates echoes through the large open area of the main floor of the gym. A gym that happened to be at the TV hotel they were all staying at. However, it was empty. A clock on the wall showing it was 3 A.M. And the only person in there was a tall, muscular, statuesque blond.

Zoey Lukas.

She lowered herself down, squatting with a bar over her shoulders. Three fifty pound plates on each side of the bar. She lowered down, pushing herself back up as the camera moved around her. She pushed back to her vertical base a second time and turned. “So, last month, I destroyed Cindy Halsey in front of all of you. I made it very very clear what my goal was.” Zoey lowered herself down again and then stood up with a grunt before placing the bar back on the rack.

[color]limegreen]“Cindy shouldn’t have been in the ring with me. That was obvious. I mean, few women should be. The Elite of this business should be. And now that she seems to be gone, I’m somewhat angry Amber Ryan and I will never get that chance.”[/color] She grabs a towel rubbing down what equipment and then hearse. Gym etiquette, people! “It is a rare thing, you know, for me to lose.”

She trails off and clears her throat.

“The only person in my SCW career who can stand in front of me and say they are better, is Tempest. She is the only person on this roster who has beaten me one-on-one. The reason why I can say Cindy didn’t belong in the ring with me is simple. Look at who I have beaten. Look at who has fallen before me. Jessie Salco, Samantha Marlowe, Mercedes Vargas. All of them, legends in this company and Hall of Famers, past and present. And yes, they have fallen, and yes, the competition in SCW has passed them by.”

“But all of them –all of them – are better than Cindy Halsey, who couldn’t buy a damn win in this company, least of all against me. So, that covers all my matches, since my partner ol’ Joey Monty decided to go ‘The Full Monty” and bare it all for you people…”

“You can thank me for the history lesson later.”

“But, before I get to the opponents, let me say this. If you have been in professional wrestling for longer than a week and don’t know who the Montuori family is…pack your shit up and leave wrestling. You have no business being in the business. So, being partnered up with Joe is pretty awesome, cause I know, despite his huge…throbbing….rather girthy ego, he will turn up and take care of his side of the match…just like I’ll take care of mine…”

Zoey scoffs and shakes her head.

“I was so ready for the Blast From the Past tournament. The concept is simple: a lottery of men and women, teamed up in random matches. The winners get title opportunities at their division’s champions. Teamwork makes the dream work, right? Well, I get to team with a legend of the business, a guy who has been a champion everywhere he’s been. A ring veteran. And on the other side of the ring in our first round match…”

“We have Casey Williams and Krystal Wolfe.”

“And hey, I’m sure you’re all waiting for me to shit on them right?”

“I mean Casey Williams hasn’t been relevant in ten years. And I mean that, literally. Like a decade ago he won the tag titles and the roulette title. And since then, in SCW he’s done two things: Jack and Shit. You know what I was doing ten years ago, Casey? I was in high school. And you’re a weird one. See, I could say size doesn’t matter, but then I’d be a hypocrite. You’re a huge dude. Muscular, tall and powerful…kind of like me. And you’re a veteran, kind of like Joe. But, all that height, power and experience means nothing if you don’t do a damn thing with it, Casey…”

“And you have done nothing in the last few years but take up a spot of someone more deserving and here you are, returning for the Blast From the Past, taking a spot in the tournament that could have been given to someone better than you….”

She steps forward, moving around the small weight bench and sitting down, undoing her wrist straps and shaking her head.

”Now, I’m not going to sit here and say Krystal doesn’t belong in this tournament, because she does. And I have to say, it must burn Krystal to see the title she made into something worthwhile get treated the way it has been. I mean, Krystal, you made the Roulette Title a prize, and in the same amount of time you had one reign, that title has been passed around to five different owners…”

“Kind of ironic since the current champion is Crystal Whateverherlastnameisnow. That title has been passed around to as many people as Crystal has married in the same amount of time…”

“So, I’m sorry you have had to watch that, Wolfe.”

“But, what I refuse to apologize for is what I am about to do to you in this match. See, I have had to sit back and watch you run your mouth about everyone you have faced, win or lose. If you win, you win your mouth, justified as it is. But the problem comes when you lose. See, you win, all is fine right? You lose and it was a fluke. You lose, and it was someone else's fault and you’ll ‘get them next time’. You steal people’s wins from them…”

Zoey groans and shakes her head.

“Even in this situation. You went on Twitter, you started talking about how you and Casey were going to beat Joe and myself. And when I clapped back, you brought up the second loss on my record. One that I didn’t mention before because I wanted to wait till I addressed you directly, Krystal. See, you and Carter are friends, right? Buddies? So, how does your friend feel that you're claiming a win that was his?”

“You’re all over Twitter saying you beat me – while technically correct, it’s also a little distasteful. See, Carter was the one who got the win, Carter was the one who stepped up and showed us all how good he was. Meanwhile I was beating you down like the bitch you are.”

“But, when people look in the record books, they’ll see you and Carter beat Miles and me.”

“I made peace with that: we lost. But for you to only tell half the story, to disrespect Carter like that and actually make it seem like YOU somehow pinned me or made me submit when all you did was flail around? Come on. You should be better than that. But, you’re not. You’re a soul sucking succubus who just takes everything from her friends and from this business, but never gives a damn thing back…and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you get a World Title shot….”

Climax Control Archives / Wrong time, wrong place, wrong girl
« on: February 10, 2023, 07:13:09 PM »
The fuck is her problem?

Zoey was moving back and forth, stomping as she does. A loud exasperated groan escaped her lips as more visible signs of frustration appeared. But sitting at the table, slowly sipping on a coffee was Aron. In his other hand was his ipad, his thumb flicking down through whatever he was reading.

Zoey kept pacing.

She pulled out her phone, sending off another text message before tapping her foot impatiently, her phone buzzed, she read it and groaned again, her head shooting back and up to the cieling as her shoulders slumped down and her whole body seemed to go limp. Frustration was creeping in, maybe even anger. And finally Aron gave her a reason to tell him…and run her mouth.

”Something on your mind?”

Her shoulders went back, her back straightened and her chest pushed forward. ” So, I went with Violet to get the boys from school right? Like I hadn’t seen Rory or Ryan in a bit and wanted to do the cool aunt thing…” Zoey paced around, her phone waving in her right hand as she growled under her breath. Aron raised an eyebrow and set his ipad down to turn on the chair and face her.

Zoey took a deep breath, looking at her phone at the message she had received and letting out yet another groan and a growl. ”And…did something bad happen? Did you two get into a fight?....cause if you did then Kristjan would probably want to take bets..” Zoey scoffed and laughed under her breath before shaking her head and moving around to sit across from Aron, the contrast was interesting.

Aron was clean cut, dressed in casual yet smart clothes, Zoey on the other hand was in a pair of black jeans with pre tears and a long sleaved black spartan brand shirt. ”Nah nothing like that, Rorys teacher introduced himself. His original teacher had to bounce with a family emergency right?. So this guy comes out and introduces himself and he’s kinda cute, no wedding ring and kinda seemed…I dunno…into her?” Zoey shrugged and took a deep breath.

”Ok…so…whats the issue exactly?”

Zoey threw her hands in the air and groaned. ”She’s being a pain in te ass about it. First being dismissive, and now making excuses!...”

Aron leaned forward and tilted his head. ”Excuses?” He was legitimately confused, Zoey shook her head and her heart dropped.

”That even if he is interested she isn’t. Apparently she’s just like…not ready to even entertain this. She’s been divorced for a year and a half…” She grabs a bottle of water popping the top off and taking a sip. ”She’s lonely, I can see it, she has the boys, she has everyone at the gym but as far as someone to go home to?’s not there..”

Aron gave a small nod as Zoey drank some more water and stared off. ”You’re annoyed that she isn’t even entertaining the idea?...that in your eyes she is..self sabotaging her happiness?”

”Yes…that…all of that…EXACTLY THAT.”

Aron cleared his throat, finished his coffee and then reached across the table grabbing Zoeys hand and looking into her eyes. ”I get it, I do. I went through something similar with m,y brother. But, no matter how much you care about someone and are trying to be a good sister…you have to back up a bit…”

Zoey interjected. ”But I just-”

Aron put a finger up on his free hand. ”How would you have felt if Alicia had tried to push you into a relationship with me before you were ready?..”

”Annoyed…I guess..”

”Exactly..” Aron smiles wide squeezing her hand. ”She’ll be ready when she is ready, you’ll see the signs and then…and only then…can you try and help her. If not, all you’re going to do is push her away and annoy her…so I know it’s hard…but back off for now..”

Zoey took a deep breath, closing her eyes and then giving a small nod before opening them and looking at her phone. ”Alright…I’ll try it YOUR way….for now..”


”Y’all know what this is?”

Zoey slowly holds up a key. Just a generic silver key, nothing special about it. Nothing ornate or beautiful. Just a key.

”Keys unlock things, chests, windows, doors and gates. And this, well this is basically what I have been put as now. A key. A kay to the rest of the division. Apparently Jessie Salco was busy because instead of her welcoming this, random new girl. It’s me. And hey, I’m no stranger to feasting on fresh meat, but over the last few months I have built a reputation and aura. I have faced both those new to this company as well as hall of fame names and so called “legends” And I have come out on top in every single match except one. One person in SCW has been able to take me out one on one…everyone else has fallen before me.”

“In fact, last time y’all saw me do you remember what I did? Who I beat? Cause I sure as shit do. I went out to that ring and I faced Mercedes Vargas. Former bo,bshells world champion, former bombshells tag team champion, mixed tag team champion, roulette champion, internet champion and in 2018 became a member of the SCW hall of fame. And when she stepped in the ring with me I destroyer her…”

“Amazing isn’t it. So, after beating a woman like her, where was I going to go? Who was I going to face?”

“Well, imagine my surprise when I see my name opening climax control against a woman having her first match in SCW, while the woman who I just beat, who then went on to fail to win the internet title…for a second time, is in a triple threat match where the winner gets to go against Amber Ryan one on one. Wow. And SCW wonders why it’s hard to build new stars and why their bombshells world title scene has become stagnant.”

Zoey scoffs and shakes her head, some of her hair falling down over her eyes as she lets out a deep breath, visibly frustrated.

”Even my own sister says she doesn’t deserve to be in that match, so you have Alicia telling the world she didn’t earn shit, you have Mercedes Vargas somehow failing UPWARDS and then you have me stuck in a match against cindy luwhoever the fuck….”

“I have been sitting back, beating everyone and anyone that SCW puts in front of me. And I get rewarded by having a match like this while others who stars have faded get preferential treatment. And why? Why does Vargas, a woman I beat get handed all these opportunities? Why does my sister get handed shit she doesn’t even want and why does Roxi Johnson get featured above me? Go ahead, answer thoise fucking questions with lame excuses..”

“You want to know why it happens? In my eyes? Cause SCW would rather stay with the status quo in the bombshells division than risk the clustewrfuckery that happens in the world title scene on the mens side. Having that title play hot potato. They don’t want that here, so they stick to the same old same old. Cause I’ll be straight up here. Amber Ryan can whoop Vargas, Alicia and Roxi…cause we’ve seen her do it before….”

“You know what we haven’t seen before?”

Zoey pops up, standing tall, reminding us all just how big she is.

”Amber face me. And hey, we might not ever see that, as I am continually passed up for has beens and women closer to the end of their career than anything approaching relevancy. So now, I have to face this Cindy Halsey woman. Someone making her SCW debut. And sure, you could look at that as a disadvantage because I have no idea what I’m getting into. But, this skinny little blonde bobblehead from West hollywood is in trouble.”

“You see Cindy, this is the ultimate case of wrong place, wrong time, wrong girl.”

“As you have no doubt noticed based on my ultra bubbly demeanor, I am in a certain mood. See, as I outlined, I have been looked over and passed up in favor of my own sister, who didn’t want the shot, and two has beens who need to pack it up and retire. And in this ultimate show of disrespect I got thrown against you…”

“So, tell me, what am I to do with you? Hmm? What should happen to Cindy Halsey?”

“I’ll tell you. You appeared on SCW tv and cut a five second promo about signing your SCW contract and how you want competition and money. Well, I have some good news and bad news for you Cindy. The good news is, if you turn up, you’ll get paid. Win or lose. The bad news, well, competition, there will be no competition between us.”

Zoey scoffs and shakes her head again trying not to laugh.

”You look at me, and then at you, and it’s like we’re not even the same species. You are a skinny little bottle blonde who would look way more at home on a porn set waiting for your next gangbang scene to start than a wrestling ring. And I look like, and very well could, end you. I can take you, snatch you up and break you in half and the sad fact is…I now have to do it…”

“The disrespect SCW has shown me has to be answered and I have to take it out on somebody Cindy. So, as I said…wrong place…wrong time…”


Climax Control Archives / Season One: Episode 6: Addiction
« on: December 09, 2022, 07:46:57 PM »
Have you ever wanted something so bad that it hurt?

I don’t mean emotionally, I mean physically hurt. It makes your whole body shake, your whole being ache and break down. And then it turns from a want to a need. You feel like without it you’re going to die.

Then, the bliss of having it.

For a sweet moment, it’s all fine, the pain is gone and you’re happy.

But that is as good as it gets, for every high there is a crippling low and the highs are harder and harder to get, to find and to hold on to. But the lows, they keep coming. Harder and faster. And no matter what it is, that rings true.

The Travel

She hated airports and airplanes. Strange for a professional wrestler right?

Travel was always part of the job, from her home base in New York, near her sister and the Wolfslair gym, to wherever SCW was that week. Unless it was a tour the travel around the US was fast and easy. Back and forth over and over again. But this wasn’t work, this wasn’t business. This was personal. This was an excursion that had been brought up as a whirlwind. She sighed heavily and leaned back in her seat. A large comfortable chair in business class.

Aron wanted to fly in style.

It had been an interesting conversation between them, last week Zoey thought she was going to just be home, training for any future matches. But then Aron had asked her to join him. A trip to his homeland to see his family.

He had business there and he wanted to share this.

From that moment Zoey had been nervous. Hiding it every chance she gotr as the time grew near. The lights above clicked off, simulating “night time” on the long international flight. The hum of the engines low and rumbling as so many slowly fell asleep. But Zoey couldn’t. She took a deep breath and her mind flowed back a few days. Right to the point where her feelings hun in the ballance.

Where the questions in her mind got so loud, loud enough that she had to ask for help.

A few days earlier

Zoey stepped through the door, looking around and taking a deep breathe. The room was full of athletes, the sounds and smells of a gym filling her ears and nose as she sighs and moves around to the far end. Her look made so many of the members working out look over at her, the men giving her a type of attention she only enjoyed from Aron and Miles and the women, well aside from a few the rest were sizing her up. Wondering if she was some new addition.

But, there was only one reason for Zoey to be there, one reason why she would step into a gym that wasn’t wolfslair.


He looked over at her with a raised eyebrow, he was in guard, another man on top of him working of position, Zoey shook her head and folded her arms over her chest. Fenris gave a small nod, shifting his hope and rolling over into full mount before spinning and snapping in one movement into an armbar, the other man taps as Fenris rolls over and gets to his feet before offering a hand, and it being rejected.

Fenris chuckles and turns, moving around to Zoey and a water bottle. Zoey breaks the silence looking over at the guy Fenris just forced to tap. ”I would have backhanded him, that was kinda disrespectful.”

Fenris laughs again and shakes his head, drinking some water before clearing his throat and sitting down on a nearby bench, grabbing a towel and wiping the sweat from his body. ”Maybe, but then again, competition breeds ego. Either ebay, I doubt you came here to talk about training…” He was right, of course. Zoey swallowed and spun around, sitting next to Fenris, her leather pants squeaking as she did.

Her hands came together as she looked down and then back up clearing her throat. ”Your brother….asked me to come with him to Iceland…”

”I know..”

She blinked a few times, Fenris took another drink and continued cooling down. ”And you don’t seem to see anything negative in this? Anything worrying? I mean…he wanted me to meet y’alls family.” 

Fenris laughed, Zoey turned her head looking worried as he stood up and moved across the gym. ”Thats what you’re worried about right? The family?....if it makes you feel any better I’ll be there two days later…” She swallowed hard and got to her feet moving away from Fenris narrowing her eyes.

”You knew Aron was going to ask me?...” Fenris simply gave a small nod and went back to drinking his water and measuring his pulse. Zoey shook her head and pushed out an exasperated breath. ”This is just…look..I like Aron and we’re happy and we’re dating and all that but…meeting the family, flying to Iceland…you didn’t think to maybe…just maybe tell him it was too soon?” She paused, waiting for an answer, Fenris just tilted  his head and laughed under his breath. ”What if your family doesn’t like me? What if they think I’m beneath Aron or that I’m just some big dumb metalhead redneck from America?...”

Fenris groaned and got to his feet before standing right up into Zoeys face, looking her up and down. ”You’re dumb…” Zoeys jaw dropped, before she could say anything he kept going. ”Aron likes you, alot, you make him happier. You have changed him for the better….my family will see that…and besides…I like you…for the most part….so just chill out….you’re freaking out to much…”

He turned and walked from her, Zoey took a deep breath in and out…


Zoey shot up, the seatbelt sign was on, she turned, Aron smiled and held up his orange juice before shaking his head. ”Hey…we’re about to head into a descent…” He took a sip and sighed, stretching as Zoey looked out the window. ”You seemed like you needed the sleep….are you still nervous?”

Zoey smiled, seeing the sun com over the clouds, the sky was clear and blue, the bluest she’d ever seen. She shook her head turning back to Aron with a smile. ”No…not anymore”

Ever Colder

”Before any of you I didn’t need time off and no I wasn’t injured. I just simply…;didn’t get booked for any matches in SCW.”

The voice of Zoey Lukas greets us, the six foot tall, muscular blond sits forward, her forearms resting on her knees as her fingers interlace.

”I’ve been training, enjoying my life outside of this madness. But as we got closer to the end of the year, I knew I had to have one last match, just one before we go into 2023, and SCW granted me that. See, my last match before this was against Tempest at High Stakes. She is the first woman to go toe to toe with me and beat me one on one. The first woman who is able to say she beat me. Not in a tag match where I wasn’t even pinned, a real knock down drag out fight.”

“And, it served as a reminder to me, a reminder that momentum is so important in wrestling. See, I had all the momentum in the world, I had one loss on my record, one, and it was from the aforementioned tag team match. So as I faced everyone else they fell to me, all to easily. Until I ran into her And Tempest took all that momentum I had. All that equity I had been building as I made my way toward the top of the division…”

“She took it all…:”

“And what makes it worse…she has done nothing with it”

“I understand that I am probably sounding a little bitter and angry right now right? I was building toward something in this company and my career. So many thought I was going to be the second coming of the Lukas name as my sister seems content with just being the elder stateswoman, being brought out on special occasions. And I lived up to that as I faced and beat former Bombshells champions and hall of fame caliber opponents. And all that…all of it…was snuffed out in one moment by a woman who then disappeared and did nothing…”

She tuts and shakes her head looking down and then slowly back up after taking in a deep breath.

”Truth is, that part of it does piss me off a little bit. But, it’s also my own fault. I let Tempest get the better of me and she earned that win. And it amazes me that you all seemed to think that loss exposed me. She chuckles and shakes her head. ”Exposed…that’s funny. You know what it exposed to me? It takes someone biggert than me to make a dent in my career. Something Mercedes Vargas needs to take stock on. See, I have faced a few bigger names in this company, Jessie Salco, whether you hate her or love her, whether you believe she’s a threat otr a joke, she is still a woman who has held championships and has wins over some of the greats of the past in SCW.”

“Mercedes just beat Jessie, the other win I have had on my career here that people seem to forget and take for granted is over Sam Marlowe. A woman that my opponent this week knows so very well. Samantha has held every title she wants, she has beaten the best of the best and I walked over her like she was a wet behind the ears rookie right out of a gym or the indies. So when people see that I have been beaten by a woman who is perhaps, the biggest, strongest woman in our industry and take that as a moment of career death…I question the intelligence of our fellow professionals.”

“I sincerely hope Mercedes Vargas isn’t stupid enough to believe that or underestimate me.”

“You’re not that stupid are you Mercedes? After all you have started a career renaissance. You went from not being able to buy a win to not only earning a shot at the Internet championship[ to end the year but, you also finally finally beat my sister. And honestly it has been refreshing to see. It is refreshing that you haven't devolved into being just talk…”

She shrugs and pushes herself up tp her feet, deliberately shopwing her height as the camera stays down lower making the tall, muscular woman look even bigger with her frame.

”That is what you had become Mercy. Just talk. Like the Bea Barnharts and Char Kwans of the world you had fallen from grace, and you recognised it. You saw it ands you changed it and you have been able to get back some of that shine you used to hold. And now, well, now you get to roll on into the supercard and try and get your hands on gold. And hey, congrats, really. Part of me hopes you go and do it and have one last feel good moment.”

“I know, surprising right? Considering people seem to believe I like Kayla or am in any way involved with her. So let me speak plain here, Kayla is not a part of Wolfslair, at all. The closest she gets to us is trying to suck talent out of Finns dick…”

“So, beating me gets you nothing in the mental warfare stakes Mercedes. Sorry.”

“However, you have to take into account something I brought up, momentum. My momentum got halted by a loss, I could very much do the same to you. I could send you into this huge title match with a loss. And to be honest, beating you would be huge for me, it would help me get to where I want to go. And I can promise you, a win over you is not something I would squander…so lets go Mercedes…show me you still have it and show me that I still have alot to learn…”

Climax Control Archives / Season One Episode 4:Relationships
« on: August 04, 2022, 07:32:05 AM »

We are often forged and changed by the relationships we make. The people we meet and how we relate to them and how they relate to us. You learn from people, let them influence you whether you know it or not. Sometimes for the better, sometimes the worse. And unfortunately I’ve known both.

I know what it’s like to have people in your life that are a positive influence.

But I also know the most nagative of the negative.

I know what it’s like to be in a relationship with someone who changes you, makes you a completely different person and makes you lose everything unique and special about yourself. Someone who tries to mold you into something to fit their needs, wants and narrative. And it has always begged the question. Why? Why change people when you are attracted to the person you meet at first, as you know them and need them and want them? Only for you to want them to become something completely different.

You lose yourself. Lose who you are little by little. Until one day you wake up, look in the mirror and don’t recognise the person staring back at you.

The morning that happened, I realised I needed to get out. I needed to leave and not look back. No matter how much it hurt. And the worst part about living through things like this, living through those toxic relationships. Is finding that same toxicity in people you care about and their relationships. Watching them slowly morph and become different people because of the others that they’re with. And knowing that sometimes there is nothing you can do about iut.

Sure, you can tell them they’re changing, that the person they’re with isn’t good for them. But speaking from personal experience I know it doesn’t work. If you push and shove and tery and get your point across, you’ll push those same people away. You will make them resent you even if you’re completely right and correct. And that is the last thing you want to do when you care about someone.

My sister was smart enough to see this, even if my mother wasn’t.

You see, a relationship is the reason I ran. The reason I disappeared from my family, my friends and the profession I had only just started to become good at. It was a guy. I know. Pathetic i9sn’t it? My mother pushed, she shoved, she told me he was wrong for me and that I was no longer tha same girl she raised. And all I did, was run.

Alicia followed but stood far enough away not to make it worse. She told me as long as I was happy, she was happy.

And that was the phrasing I needed. Cause deep down in my heart, everytime I woke up in the morning, I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t even close. And it took some time, two years as a matter of fact, to see through the bullshit and realise I needed to leave. I needed out.

That was a relationship that ruined me, that I should never have been in. But, the relationships today, the people I need and have in my life?...they’re what I need, what I want.

And they make me happy.

Is it a date?

It was interesting, being in India. It was a lovelty country, the people were ectstic about a wrestling product coming to their country and touring. Everywhere they went, there was happiness and excitement. People thanking them for their shows, people wanting autographs and wanting to ask questions. It was the type of thing Zoey wasn’t used to. Something that she had needed to ask Alicia about. But, here they were, before the Jaipur show and Zoey was standing in her hotel room, her hands moving and gliding across the bathroom counter as she found her lipstick.

She stared at herself in the mirror, her hair was slicked back, her eyeliner applied, eyeshadow to match with a foundation that accentuated her pale skin and high cheekbones. She moved the lipstick across her lips, smacking them together before taking a deep breath staring at herself in the mirror, leaning in the look closer, dabbing her finger across her top lip to even out the black makeup.

She leaned back, her body covered in her black dress, a slit up either side and studs to show off her leg.

The bathroom door clicked, Alicia stepped in and shook her head looking at her younger sister. Zoey didn’t even notice her, instead turning to make sure everything that needed to be covered was covered,. The low cut of the dress being held together by tape, friction and hopes and dreams. She chuckled and gave herself a nod before finally noticing Alicia, dressed in grey sweatpants and a black “Trivium” t-shirt, with her arms folded over her chest. Zoey stopped and tilted her head waiting for anything from her sister.

Alicia cleared her throat and looked Zoey up and down. ”A dress huh?” There was alot of shock and awe in her voice. Alicia smiled, Zoey turned up her nose and shrugged moving past Alicia who followed her. Zoey looking from side to side for her shoes. ”I don’t think I’ve seen you in a dress since you were like…12”

Zoey scoffed, finding her shoes and placing them down in front of her. ”I’ve worn dresses before, I’ll wear them again, there’s no reason to act so shocked.”

Alicia put her hands up, shaking her head with a smile. ”Hey I’m not judging, you look good Zo…but uh…gotta question why you’re going to all this trouble for a friendly dinner…with a friend….a friend who is in a relationship..”

Zoey did the second strap up on her shoe, standing up straight, wearing high heels to make her alreadt lengthy frame seem even larger. The intention was to be looked at and it was something Zoey had become very good at. ”Are you done? She raised her eyebrows and shook her head. ”Or is there something else?”

Alicia bit her lip and clenched her hands into fists, Zoey nodded and grabbed her purse, Alicia finally speaking up as Zoey started to head toward the door. ”I just don’t want you to get hurt.”


Alicia stepped toward Zoey, reaching out and grabbing her arms, looking up into Zoeys eyes. ”Look, I like Miles. I do. But he is still with..whats her face. And he might not see this the same way you do. And besides that, we train with him, we work with him…there’s an old saying Zo…you don’t shit where you eat.”


Alicia groans and throws her arms up in the air. ”Focus….you get what I mean. To you this could be a date, to him it’s just a friendly dinner..don’t..ya know…get your hopes up”

There is a moment of silence between them, Alicias heart sank as she thought maybe, just maybe she just broke her younger sisters heart. Instead, Zoey burst out with laughter. She doubled over, her large arms wrapping around her midsection as Alicia looked confused. ”Oh, oh that’s precious.” She waved her hands and checked to see if her makeup was still set. ”This isn’t a date…this is just me and Miles going to dinner and I’m goin to show him there’s more fish in the sea…and much much better looking ones…”

Zoey couldn’t help but laugh and shake her head. ”So you’re not like…falling for a taken guy?”

”We’re consenting adults. I am well within my rights to go out to dinner with a friend and look damn good while doing it…” Alicia sighed and nodded, the weight lifting off her shoulders as Zoey scoffed. ”And Miles is well within his right to take the bait and make a bad decision that could end his relationship with the little video game developing psycho hose beast…” Alicia smile faded, she blinked a few times with her jaw open, she had no idea what to say, what to feel. Zoey grabbed her purse moving toward the door before putting her hand up and waving behind her. ”Don’t wait up…”

Takin down a legend

”So, a step up in competition then.”

Zoey Lukas, slowly moved her arms across her upper body, folding them over as she slowly smiled and tilted her head. Her hair moving down over her eyes, her opper body covered in a sleeveless black suicide silence shirt.

”Before I get into the nitty gritty of how I feel about my match this week I feel the need to get a few things off my chest. Now, there’s no secret I don’t like Tag matches. I teamed with my sister and I was able to grin and bare it. I teamed with Miles and had the added enjoyment of being able to stare at his ass while we were in the ring, but all in all, I don’t like relying on anyone except myself. With that being said I’m not real fond of the narrative that SCW is pushing with this week and the story that I’m still “undefeated”...”

“Let me be clear, I understand I have not been pinned, I have not submitted, I have not been knocked out, counted out or given up. I understand that it was Miles who got pinned in our tag match. And I even understand why SCW is doing this…”

“I’m a future star.”

“Christian and Mark look at me and dollar signs go off. I’m marketable. I’m from a wrestling family, a second generation star along with my older sister whose career has already meant more than our fathers ever did, I have the look, the natural ability and the skill set to become one of the best and bring eyes and money to the product. So this whole “Zoey hasn’t been pinned” thing is going to be the story they run with. But it’s not the one I run with.”

“Miles and I lost.”

“We lost as a team. We lost at the same time and I know Miles feels bad, he felt so bad he offered to take me out to dinner and I will tell you all the same thing I told him. This isn’t about who got pinned, in those matches you both take the load. You win together you lose together and when the final bell tolled and the other team had their hands raised he and I both felt the same sting of defeat. And if SCW wanted to go with the narrative they have, then why would they book me in a tag match to begin with?”

Zoey simply shrugs and moves along.

”So now, I get to show the world what I can do as I get a step up in solo competition. I get to go toe to toe with a woman who has quite the history in this company and I have been told time and time again that to get a real feeling of gravity when it comes to wrestling you need to appreciate your opponents for who they are, not tear down who they are and try and belittle their accomplishments. Cause when you beat someone who real accolades, then those accolades become a part of your history. And when I see Sam Marlowe, I see real history.”

Zoey steps to the side, moving back and forth taking a deep breath.

”And what a history. 2017 Blast from the past runner up, former Mixed tag team champion, a four time Roulette champion and a two time bombshells champion all capping it off with an induction in the Sin city wrestling hall of fame last year. I mean, we should all be so lucky as to have a career in this company like that Samantha. And hell, maybe one day I can look back at my career and i’ll have just as many titles and moments to my name. Or, I might fail. But all I know is that in wrestling it’s always a case of what have you done for me lately. And I have to ask Samantha…what have you done for me letely?”

“What have you done for the company lately? See, you and a few others just haven’t seemed to push yourselves, you’ve plateaued. It’s happened toi you. It’s happened to Mercedes Vargas, it’s happened to Seleana and Crystal, it has even happened to an extent to my own sister.”

“And shit I can admit that even if she, and the rest of you refuse to admit it to yourselves. And that’s why I’m here Samnatha. See I don’t want to beat the Sam Marlowe we’ve had over the last few years. The new Sam, the girl scout Sam.”

“The new Samantha Marlowe fucking sucks.”

“I want the Samantha Marlowe that got inducted into the hall of fame. I want the Samantha Marlowe that took Mercedes Vargas to the limit and beat her ass over and over again, I want the same Marlowe who would go to war with anyone and everyone in an effort to prove she was and is the best. I want the old Samantha Marlowe.”

Zoeys voice raises and she laughs to herself pacing back and forth even more.

”I want that Samantha Marlowe because I want to be able to say I beat one of the best, I want to say I beat a two time world bombshells champion and a hall of famer. I want to be able to get in the ring with the best version of you Sam. And I don’t want to do it for some kind of misplaced need for a challenge. Nah. I want to beat the best Sam Marlowe so when the dust is settled and I look you in the eye I can see the sheer horror and terror that will go through your mind when you realise the wrestling world has passed you by…because not only are you not on my level…Sam…I’m playing a whole different game than you…”

“As good as you used to be, as good as you think you are this is a new dawn and a new era in SCW and the bombshells division. For the longest time women like Roxi, Keira, Mercedes, Seleana, Crystal and you have hung around SCW enjoying your glory days. And while Roxi is the only one as of late who has shown she is still the best of the best the rest of you kind of hang around SCW like a bad smell…”

“And I am going to end it. I am going to collect those scalps and earn my way to that Bombshells title.”

“My ambitions are not in any way held back by a lack of drive or talent. And I also refuse to be kno0wn as the lesser talented Lukas sister. So you are a step up in competition Sam and you will be a real guage of my progress. And hell, I could be wrong, you still might have it, the best Sam Marlowe may indeed still be in there, deep and buried inside. And that Sam might be able to beat me….”

“Or…I’m right…”

“I’m right and I am going to steamroll over you and leave you in a beaten and bloody heap. And in one night you can do something for the wrestling business that is selfless and will be more significant and relevant than anything else you have done in the last two years…by showing the world Zoey Lukas…is a new star…”

Climax Control Archives / Season One, Episode 3: The Black Sheep
« on: July 22, 2022, 08:39:42 AM »
The black sheep

In the past I have talked about how much I dislike change. How much it gets under my skin and makes me feel sick with anxiety. But, I’ve also talked about how I’m not like my sister. How because of the two different ways our lives have turned out she and I could have been the same but I changed. I understand that that seems like a contradiction. Much because it really is. But I feel the need to explain why. To give you a rare look at who I am and what I have about. For years I tried to hide it. From everybody, family and friends, people who I became intimate with none of them really knew who I was or what I was about.

You see, my sister and my brother both grew up in a household where they saw the day-to-day life that my mother went through with our father.

Him being on the road, constantly away from us. It wasn’t an easy life. Our mother tried hard and was always there for us, but she turned her back on her family and all the money that came with it to be with our father. Our father who promised her a life where they would not struggle, they would be happy, myself and my siblings would be provided for cared for and wouldn’t have to worry about where our next meal came from. That, quite obviously, isn’t what happened.

She gave him a ultimatum. One that our father didn’t follow. And he walked away. He walked away from Alicia, he walked away from Josh our brother. He walked away from me. Of course, I can’t remember it. I was a baby, barely into my first year of life. When he walked away. He walked away from me he walked away from my sister my brother and our mother. And he did it so easily.

How do you think that made me feel?

They all remembered him, they all had time with him and had positive memories mixed in with the bad. I had nothing. I didn’t have any memories of my father bouncing me on his knee or holding me. I didn’t have any memories of him playing with me or making me laugh or tickling me. I had a blank canvas.

They all went their own way when it came to how they felt about him. Struggling with wanting to find him and let him in. Something that both my sister and my brother let happen. But Me? I didn’t want to see him. I didn’t want anything to do with him. And part of me resented my family forgiving that piece of shit another chance.

That made me the black sheep, that made me the outcast. When my sister got married she wanted our father involved, I was against it but it was her day. I told her to tell him not to talk to me, not to look at me, not even breathe in my direction.

It seems that time had made him realise when a woman tells him something and gives him an ultimatum he should fucking listen.

But then, a few months later, Jason Maxwell, former professional Ressler father of Alicia Josh and myself, passed away from a heart attack. My siblings and even my mother got their closure. They were able to talk to him to have good memories with him, I had nothing but hatred in my veins and I let that negativity affect me and turned me into the person I am today.

All of that forced me to walk away from what I love, I walked away from my family, and I let it destroy me from the inside out.

So yes, I am different from my sister, are different from my mother and my brother. I am the black sheep of the family. And I’m okay with that. But what I’m not okay with? He’s carrying around this regret. That is why I came back to this business. That is why I came back and I’m watching my sisters back as well as re-starting my career in this company. And now? Well, I need to get my arse on a plane, get to India, and show the world what I can do.

Do the Mumbai….

She was panicking. Moving around her bedroom at a frantic pace, her eyes starting from side to side, her hands shaking. Zoey Lukas growled under her breath, grabbing the hinge on her bedside table and yanking the drawer out. Her hands dove into the papers pulling them all out and tossing them on her bed, sliding them to the side shaking her head frantically as she threw each document to the side. She was so focused she didn’t even hear her sister into. But then a voice startled her

”The fuck are you doing?” Alicia slowly folded her arms over her chest and tilted her head looking at her younger sister. Zoey turned, shook her head and went back to it. ”Zo…the fuck?”

Her younger sister growled, slamming her hands down on the top of the bedside table making a loud cracking noise that echoed through the bedroom. Zoe turned to Alicia and shook her head slowly looking disappointed in herself, full of anxiety and panic as well as anger. ”I lost my passport!”

She went back to her search, sliding down to one Me as she looked in the open section underneath the drawer of the bedside table. She moved through documents and growled. Standing up and smacking her head on the bottom of the drawer Alicia started to laugh causing Zoey deterred and shoot an angry look at her older sister.

”The fuck are you laughing at?” Alicia let out a deep and heavy sigh as her shoulders dropped and from her pocket she produced her younger sister‘s passport. Zoey’s eyes lit up and she stepped forward grabbing the document out of her sister’s hand.

Alicia threw her hands in the air and stepped back holding her arms over her chest with a disapproving look. ”You gave it to me when we got back from the cruise…dummy” She let out a deep breath, all of the pressure relieving officer shoulders as they drop. The hands of rain up over her face and threw her hair as she shook her head and laughed. ” I swear Zoyou would forget your head if it wasn’t screwed on.”

Alicia tossed her passport to her, Zoe caught it in one hand and grabbed her plane tickets sliding them inside. She reached down grabbing her bag and looking over at Alicia with a smirk. ”Ready?”

Alicia cleared her throat. The smile faded and she shook her head. She swallowed hard and greet her bag roughly in her right hand. ”Yeah, yeah let’s go…” Alicia turned to talk, Zoey narrowed her eyes and stopped.

She reached out grabbing her sister by the arm. ”Ok..hold up…what is it? I know that look…”

Alicia shook her head, has hands down her hips and she slowly turned around looking at Zoey. ”I just don’t know if I should bother going, ya know? Everything I’ve done and I failed. I let that bitch beat me…” there was a certain amount of anger and frustration in her voice. Zoey sighed, she stepped forward, reaching out grabbing Alicia by the shoulders and looking her right in the eye.

”I can’t hear you with that pity dick in your mouth…” Alicia’s jaw dropped, Zoey shook her head and laughed. ”Grab your balls, grab your shit and get on the damn plane…” Alicia sighed heavily, she swallowed hard and reached down grabbing her bag before turning back towards the door.

”ok..god…you don’t need to get all shitty about it.”

Miles is fucking hot

’ Miles is fucking hot…”

Zoey shrugged and stepped forward, her arms folding over her chest as many members of the general public of Mumbai moved around her. The tall statuesque blonde easy to pick out of a crowd as everyone couldn’t help but stare at her.

”I get it, it’s not something that you thought I would say to start this off. But I had to get it out there. I had to get this off of my chest. You see last time you saw me I was teaming up with my sister and beating those idiots around three. Ruby and Diamond Steele, two complete morons who thought that they could step up to myself and my sister and do some damage and in the end they got laid down. And I’m sure diamond is going to run her mouth later on about how she was able to defeat Alicia. Congratulations. You got lucky Diamond. And let’s face it, one on one neither of you measure up to me.”

“Then again that seems to be a problem that most people in this company have. Even the one woman on this roster he can and would step up to Me, she’s not in the mental place to do any damage right now. And yes tempest I’m talking to you. So what am I going to do to keep the good times rolling? Well, I get to team with a fellow member of Wolfslair to face two graduates of the go gym.”

“But I have to say,  I’m really glad I get to team with Miles. Not just because it means I get to stand on the ring apron and look at him, but it also means he gets to get away from his psychotic girlfriend who seems to be stalking everything he says and everything he does and then spamming him day in and day out with stupid tweets all the while making herself look like a complete abusive idiot. And then, when she has been told not to instead of acting like a normal human being she goes silent for a week. Classic narcissistic psychotic behavior.”

”So, I have two missions in this match. Mission number one, keep my win streak going. Make sure I look damn impressive. Mission number two, make sure Miles looks good and he gets a win. Because God only knows how much he deserves it. You see I’ve seen miles in the gym day in and day out busting his ass  and doing everything he can to become the best he can be. But the problem is he hasn’t had anyone standing by his side to really support him, that is what I’m going to do. I’m going to support Miles because he fucking deserves it“

She steps forward, speaking with such passion that a few people walking past her jump, it’s not every day you see someone that big and dressed in black jeans and a leather jacket in the middle of India cutting a promo.

” but, what can I do to support Miles against Carter? Especially since neither of us dislike Carter. Do you want to talk about someone who is a hell of a lot of fun? Do you want to talk about someone who is hilarious to talk to at a good all around human being? That’s Carter. That is someone who went down to SCU and showed the world just how good he is. And I understand a lot of people give that company shit, a lot of people believe the competition to be on the same level as what we have in SCW. Shit my sister is one of those people, Austin, someone who has looked at as a leader in our gym thought so.”

“But not me.“

“Carter, you have all the tools available to make it big in this company. You have surprising athleticism and heart, you can take a beating like no one‘s business and come back for more. We have seen what you can do and you have a personality that puts most people off because they don’t expect someone so funny and forward.“

“With that being said as much as I’m going to stand here and champion you as a human being and a wrestler, you have to understand I have Miles’ back.”

Someone steps past Zoey walking through her shot.

”Excuse me, what the fuck? What the fuck you looking at? Step the fuck on.“

Zoey Lukas, making friends.

”Miles is an incredible athlete Carter, just like you. But he really does have that extra athletic ability. You look at a man like miles and you really see someone who could be a champion. He just needs someone to believe. And it’s unfortunate that Miles needs to get a win over you, because you deserve to have a great career. You deserve to have a great start to this new era that you are going to have. But the problem is, I can’t let that happen. And part of me feels bad. Part of me wishes that I was teaming with you against another team of two others. Or part of me wishes you were involved in the match at all. I’m sorry Carter…”

She seems sincere, slowly nodding before letting out a sigh.

”However, someone that I am not going to apologize to is the other side of that team. Krystal Wolfe. Now, I’m not going to try and make her look bad. The truth is that the second you start to downplay your opponents and what they are capable of then you’ve already lost. I will sit here and I will tell everyone why I have an advantage over you, but I’m not going to sit here and talk shit about what you’ve been able to accomplish in your career.”

“You see if I do that, if I make it look like you have accomplished nothing and what will I get out of it when Miles and I beat you and Carter? Now I don’t know you, all I know is what I’ve seen of you in the rain already and your name as well as where you are from.”

“But as far as on a personal level, I have no idea who you are. You were able to become the roulette champion and have an incredible rain beating everyone who stepped up to you. You won the future start of the year award and the most improved of the year. That is nothing to scoff at and that is nothing to take a big steaming dump on.”

“I don’t dislike you, because I don’t know you well enough to form any kind of opinion. But you are standing in the way of me continuing to claw and fight my way to greatness. And that is all I need to know. This doesn’t need to be anything personal, I don’t need to sit there and tell you down to make you feel bad before I beat you. I just need to get in that rain and do my best and look at you for what you really are.”

“In my way..”

“I am physically dominant, I am mentally stronger than I have ever been and I have already shown the entire world what I can do. And now? A win over you someone who has had so much over the last year also. Someone has been a champion and won awards, someone who’s the fan base loves….”

“A win over you? Can make my career. And that is all I need to know….”

Climax Control Archives / Season One. Episode Two:Changes
« on: June 24, 2022, 07:06:51 AM »
World of change

Change is a part of life. No matter what we do, where we go, nothing in our lives is permanent. People change, relationships change and evolve. The past you had even changes. You remember things differently based on the context you need at the time.

This is all natural. It’s a natural aspect of the world we live in and who we all are deep down.

I hate change.

I’ll be the first one to admit it, when something changes and it’s not my doing or my choice I get angry, frustrated. I lash out and act childish. It’s something I need to work on. Many people have told me it’s a side effect of my youth. Shit my mom even told me that Alicia used to be the same way.

My sister has had to deal with so much forced change in her life I question how she does it. How she goes on. Part of me looks at her in awe with great respect and admiration. But shh, don’t tell her that. It’ll give her a giant ego.

But sometimes, when the idea for change is one you have for yourself, something that you can look inside yourself and realize you need. Then balance can be restored.

It took something as simple as a change of scenery to really kickstart my career in a positive direction. This was a direction taken and walked by my own design. Alicia has no idea it was something I wanted. She had no idea it was something I desired and needed. So when I asked her to get me into Wolfslair, well, I heard the surprise in her voice.

But that was nothing compared to my first day, and the surprises in store….

The Arrival

Alicia seemed nervous. Her hands gripping the black steering wheel of her 2019 Honda Civic. She turned into the large parking area next to Wolfslair new york, the large warehouse that seemed to overtake the sky above. She came to a stop and closed her eyes taking in a deep breath before turning to Zoey.

Zoey smiled, excited as a kid on her way to a new theme park. Her leg bounces up and down impatiently as if with a twitch that she couldn’t control.

Alicia shook her head and smiled, amused with the fact Zoey was excited to get back to work. Happy that she was able to open this door for her younger sister who, for the longest time now had let her once promising wrestling career stay stagnant and almost die. But not now, not they were going to resurrect that career together.

”You ready for this?” Zoey raised an eyebrow and folded her arms mover chest, Alicia just shrugged and reachedover pulling the handle to open the door. ”I was just asking…” The sisters got out, moving around to grab their gear bags. It was still early, brisk in the morning. Despite the fact we were into the beginning of summer. The air was calming and still, Alicia looked over as the large roller door started to rise up.

Zoey threw her strap over her shoulder pulling down the boot of Alicias car as she watched The door rise, and on the other side was Austin James Mercer, his hands wrapped around the chain pulling down in a steady motion . As he finished raising the door he looked over at Alex Jones, his hand up on his shoulder as if he had done something to it, Austin has a disapproving look on his face and shook his head mouthing something to Alex before looking outside seeing the Lukas sisters giving them both a nod.

Zoey had never met Austin, only heard about him in passing, seeing him on the television. Alex she had met a few years prior, but was not close with the owner of the gym that had taken the wrestling world by storm. ”My god Austin is fucking huge…”

Alicia started toward the main building thew sound of gravel crunching under her white sneakers being much louder than you’d expect. ”To be fair, most people probably think that when they first see you…”

Zoey grumbled and started after her sister. ”Oh fuck you…”

Alicia laughed and moved to the steps running up to the small landing before nodding to Austin who gave her a small nod back, Zoey came up to and stopped in front of Austin, Austin towered over Zoey, but not as much as he did other members of the gym. Austin raised an eyebrow and looked Zoey up and down with a smile. ”You must be Alicia’s younger sister…the new recruit right?” Zoey gave him a slow nod and a smile, she had been warned that Austin was not his usual self. A personal tragedy had destroyed his humor and usual kind heart. ”Welcome aboard, but, and I know this is weird coming from someone who looks like me…muscles don’t get you as far as you’d think…”

Zoey raised an eyebrow and gave a nod ”Understood…..thanks for having me?...I guess?” Austin just shook his head and moved back toward the office area where Alex was shuffling through paperwork. Zoey moved through the doorway and looked around, her jaw dropping as she realized the scope of the place she was now going to train in. Two practise rings, grappling mats, a weight room, lines of punching bags, a sauna and ice baths for recovery, a media room. It was all here. ”Holy shit…”

Alicia moves around to her side, her hands finding her hips as she sighed heavily. Around them the gym slowly started to come to life. Aiden Reynolds kicked the grappling mats over, rolling them and pushing them across the floor to set them up. Johanna Kreiger was wiping the ropes down and over in the corner a young man was moving the weights back in place. Zoey stopped in her tracks and cleared her throat. Alicia blinked a few times turning her head.

”Who the fuck is that?”

Zoey tilted her head as the guy bent over to pick up a weight bar, moving it to the side and then stretching as he stood back up. ”Who?...Him? That’s Miles Kasey, joined Wolfslair a while ago, he’s from somewhere in the UK…why?” Zoey just started and bit her bottom lip. ”Zo?....Zoey?...hello?..oh wonderful I’m being ignored..”

Zoey tilted her head and stepped toward him as Al;icia followed. ”I could bounce a quarter off those British Brioche Buns..”


The taller Lukas sister seemed to snap out of it ”What?...did I say that out loud?” Alicia just stared at her younger sister, putting a finger up and her jaw slightly open thinking of something, anything to say. But Zoey was a few steps ahead as she just smiled. ”Hey don’t worry, I’m here to train and get better first…I can worry about getting laid on my own time.” Zoey slapped her sister on the shoulder and turned toward the locker rooms.

”No that’s…that’s not what I was going to say…Zoey….ZOEY!” She followed her sister into the lockerooms as a completely oblivious Miles went about his business.

Kicking Cousins.

”How do we do this?”

”Do what?”

”This….this whole thing…”

”Cutting a promo?”

Zoey shot her sister an angry look, Alicia shrugged with a small laugh under her breath. She turned toward the camera side with a sigh and her arms folding over her chest.Zoey stepped back and did the same.

”Do you all see it now? What my sister is capable of? I think Jessie Salco feels it. And hey, I know what most of you are thinking.A win over Jessie Salco isn’t really headline news is it? Everyone has beaten Jessie. I’ve beaten Jessie, Johanna beat Jessie, Roxi has beaten Jessie, Amber has beaten Jessie, Zoey has beaten Jessie, good taste has beaten Jessie. But the fact remains, the entire wrestling world has now seen a small glimpse of what Zoey is capable of and where she can go in this business. And, as much as I shit on Jessie, well, she’s more of a challenge than Ruby.”

“But hey who am I to talk right? I just lost to a woman who I have spent the better part of three years holding down under my boot. And now, due to one slip up she gets to walk around with her chest puffed out acting like because she beat me once she’s somehow better than me?”

“Is that how it works?”

Alicia pauses and shakes her head, Zoey interjects, stepping forward.

”No, no it’s not. See, I can be damn proud over my debut win, the first time I’ve been seen in a real match and I dominated a veteran. Sure, it’s not a veteran that many people take seriously. At all. But still, veteran status. But the way this whole thing works is that you show a history of dominance and winning and you should get respected for it. People like my sister don’t come around often, you take away all the fluke wins where she hasn’t been pinned in multiperson clusterfucks and the tag losses and Alicia is damn scary. But you all seem to forget that.”

“And what, Mercedes Vargas wins her one match this quarter and we’re all meant to forget that Alicia has beaten her across three different companies like a goddamn dog for the last three or four years? We’re supposed to look past that? See, Jessie and Mercedes have the same problem. They win something, it’s the biggest thing in the world and we should all congratulate them. But they lose and it’s forgotten, because they don’t learn anything.”

“But, Alicia lost to Mercedes, she knows it, feels it, embraces it and learns from it. And she has taught me to do the same. Win or lose, something can be learned.”

“And we are about to teach Diamond and Ruby Steele a lesson they will never forget and the first lesson is a simple one. Never put your future in the hands of people who have the will to shape it. See, we win this tag match and Alicia gets to select what type of match Diamond will have to compete in at Summer Xtreme. And I think we can all agree, giving her any type of control is a bad idea. It’s why so many people were terrified Alicia was going to win the Queen for a day. And unlike Amber Ryan..Alicia wouldn’t have let Diamond get away with chucking a sick day to get out of her contractually obligated appearances..”

Zoey chuckles and slides her hands into the front pockets of her tight fitting black jeans.

”But, not only did Diamond talk herself into a beating she has decided to bring her cousin along to the party. And honestly I am shocked Ruby agreed to this. I want you all to think back to Violent Conduct last year. I told the world I was going to annihilate Ruby Steele and in a glass tables match that is exactly what happened. And it has taken Ruby almost a year to get up the confidence to face me again and it wasn’t even because of her. But you remember it, don’t you Ruby?”

“You remember pulling shards of glass from your back, you remember the pain you went through as you were stitched up and put back together after what I did to you.”

“You think that was hard for me? You think I rate you as one of my biggest rivals after that?”

“I don’t. I don’t think you or Diamond belong in wrestling anymore. I think you two, Sapphire and Emerald need to just go about being a band. Not because you’re better musicians than you are professional wrestlers, but because if you fail at playing music it won’t end yopur existence like wrestling will. See, this business needs devotion, it needs effort, it needs people willing to learn. To get better and improve. And you Ruby, you and your cousin don’t have that in you. You don’t belong in the ring with us…”

Alicia smiles and looks back up at her sister. Zoey paces back and forth like a caged animal.

”The hardest thing about this tag match is that I will have to hold back. See, I have no doubt in Diamond and Ruby Steeles minds this is some kind of amazing family tag team match. A great wrestling family like the Steeles against a great wrestling family like ours. Our father was a wrestler. Someone we barely knew, barely saw. We don’t even use his last name in the ring. The Lukas name is just….a show name…”

“Much like Steele.”

“But, Alicia has set the wrestling world on fire and me? Well I’m just getting started.”

“Ruby is out of practise and Diamond, well, you haven’t meant anything to this business since you forgot your name was Kate. See, Kate Steele held some kind of respect in this business. But you Diamond? What do you have? No one likes you, no one respects you. You lucked into a title win and when push came to shove you folded really fast and lost that title faster than Jessie Salco loses credibility when she tweets.”

“You have had chance after chance after chance to claw back some of that good will and respect yet you fail each and every time. This business needs more people like my sister, more people like me. And less like you two jokes. You want to be musicians so bad? You bargain basement Josie and the pussy cat paramore obsessed wannabes. Your music sucks, your look sucks and your wrestling sucks.”

“Alicia and I are going to enjoy tearing you limb from fucking limb and when all is said and done Alicia gets to choose what circle of hell to drag you to Diamond….and I will just sit back and laugh…”

Climax Control Archives / Season One. Episode One:Comparisons.
« on: June 16, 2022, 07:44:19 PM »

I love my family.

I know the natural thing to do is to compare me to my sister. To look at us both and wonder just how similar we are. But, the truth is she and I had very different experiences growing up. She was the princess. The oldest child, and while she will tell you all about her abandonment issues, her memories of our father leaving when she was a small child and how deeply that affected her, I can’t say the same.

Because I was too young to ever remember him.

But while my sister had her ups and downs, while she had her own life and direction, she didn’t and doesn’t have a monopoly on pain.

While she was a Georgia Peach, a product of the debutante society that she then rejected, and rightfully so, I was never given that attention. See, she was more like our mother. Average size, pretty face, long blond hair. Me? I inherited our father’s “gift”. Height, strength, athletic domination. And in this world, in professional wrestling those attributes are advantageous.

But, as a young girl growing up in an area of the world that was stuck in archaic misogyny?

It was hell. I was tall, I was athletic. Sure, I had the long blond hair, the feminine looks. I was considered “pretty”. But the fact I towered over everyone, that was my curse – a curse our father left me.

And I’m sure I know what so many of you are thinking.

This is just a sob story right? Something to tell for you all to feel sorry for me? Well, no. This is to explain the differences between myself and my sister. Since, from the second I signed my contract in SCW and agreed to come back to the professional wrestling world, I knew everyone would start to look at us both and wonder…

How different are they?

For years, I deprived myself of food. I ate salads, I ate fruit, I stayed away from protein. I robbed myself of it to avoid my natural gifts and abilities. My genetic coding. And while my sister is respected for her skills, while everyone knows what kind of woman she is, none of you have any idea what you are dealing with when it comes to me.

No idea what kind of monster I am, and what will happen when those shackles are finally off.

But before that, I think it’s important to know parts of my story, parts of who I am and what I am capable of. And where it all started, before we see an end.

The Phone Call

It had been a few weeks since she had heard from anyone. The small apartment was filled with glass bottles, clothing and was untidy. The sound of snoring echoed throughout the living room as Zoey Lukas laid on the couch, sprawled out across the black leather, her right leg up and draped over the back as her left leg fell off the side, her right arm up and over her head as her left arm flopped over her body.

Since coming back to Atlanta, she had nothing.

A nomadic lifestyle had been hers after she walked out on everyone and everything. Her career, her family, her future. It was all secondary after she had her entire heart broken and destroyed by one man. It had been hard work repairing her relationships. Her mother, her brother and then of course her older sister. They had talked, they had grown closer. But still nothing compared to what they once were. And Zoey’s career? After walking out on previous commitments, appearances and contracts, no one wanted to touch her.

Working as a personal trainer allowed her to train, to live, and to eat. But it was never going to get her ahead in life, nor was it her dream, her future or her need. No, that was all tied up in one thing. Wrestling.

Her phone buzzed, an annoying, piercing ringtone cut through Zoey’s snoring, causing her to startle awake. Zoey sat up and looked around, unable to find the small buzzing annoyance. The sound of the vibration clueing her into the fact it was sitting on her glass coffee table. With one movement of her arm, she swept the clothes from the table, grabbing her phone and swiping it to answer.

”Hey…?” It was Alicia, something Zoey would have noticed right away if she hadn't been half asleep. Alicia’s voice was excited, happy, but also high-pitched. She needed something.

”So uh… fast can you get to Cali?” It was a strange question, Zoey needed a moment to let it sink in. She needed to answer Alicia back but before she could, Alicia continued. Obviously put off by the time it was taking Zoey to answer. ”I need your help, and I may have just talked you into a job.” Her voice echoed, Zoey raised an eyebrow.

She cleared her throat and sat forward, Alicia now having her attention. ”A job?...what do you mean?”

She could hear Alicia chuckle on the other end of the phone. She knew damn well that couldn’t be good for whoever had pissed her sister off enough to get Zoey a job and bring her in. ”I need backup, I may have picked a fight and even though…ya know…one on one…I’d kill all of them…I don’t play the numbers game well…” She paused again, Zoey swallowed hard, she knew what her sister wanted. Alicia growled and let out a sigh. ”You’re gonna make me do it, aren’t you?”

Zoey laughed to herself and reached up with her free hand sweeping her blond undercut back out of her eyes. ”Yep…”

After a few moments, Alicia spoke, her voice was now no longer excited and high pitched – it was lower and clearly annoyed. ”Please…”

”What was that? I didn’t quite hear you.”

She groaned. Zoey could almost see her, throwing her hands in the air in frustration. She paused again for a few seconds as if trying to swallow her pride. ”Zoey, would you please meet me in Cali and have my back?”

Zoey laughed and smiled wide. ”Yeah, of course….but uh….I think I’m going to start training at Wolfslair…can you…talk to Alex for me?” There was more silence, Alicia seemed shocked and taken back by the request. After all Zoey was a loner, even more than Alicia was.

”No problem…we’ll see you there…and Zoey…thank you…”

As Alicia hung up, Zoey swallowed. Her sister thanking her and it seeming so soft and genuine caught Zoey off guard. But now she had a purpose, a job and a place to train. Wolfslair, the New York based gym, the Florida offshoot, the members were champions and the best in the world. She wanted that, the knowledge, the skillset. If Zoey was going to return to this world, immerse herself in it, then it was going to be on her terms for her reasons. Not just to stand next to Alicia menacingly. To become a champion, to become better than even Alicia…

Zoey stood up, moving through her apartment to the bathroom. She would have to pack up, move to New York, maybe even stay with her sister for a time. The light flickered on and hummed above, and Zoey looked into the mirror, noting the rings under her eyes and the telltale scars of the night before, as well as a small cut on her lip from the bar fight.

That she started.


Her lips twisted into a grin as she ran her hands under the water, splashing it on her face, through her hair and instantly waking her up completely. Her eyes moved back to the mirror. She was still in great shape, her arms were large, her muscles bulging, her strong jawline not offsetting her other feminine features. She was a physical beast, an anomaly. Six foot one, almost two hundred pounds and could move faster than most people thought. She was a freak.

A genetic freak.

And she was ready to unleash it all. May God have mercy on their souls.

The Ballad of Jessie Salco

”I understand…”

The voice of Zoey Lukas echoes throughout the room, her large black biker boots hitting the ground as she steps forward, a tight black shirt over her upper body showing the outline of her shoulders and arms as she hooks her thumbs into the loops of her black jeans.

”There is going to be a lot of hatred for me, a lot of…what they call “heat”. See, I have come from not even being in the wrestling business for the last two years right to one of the longest running and popular companies in the world. A company that has set a standard for how a company should be run, with the best talent the world has to offer. So many will ask why I’m here if not for my sister and, honestly they’d be right. See, I had problems, many problems. I needed to get away and I walked out on a lot of people who depended on me. Not just my family, but friends and companies, business opportunities and contracts.”

“And, I did it for the most childish of reasons. A guy. A guy broke my heart and shattered my personal life and I thought that allowed me to walk out on all my responsibilities. Call it the stupidity of youth. And I am still young. I’m 25 years old. So yeah, I’ve made mistakes.”

“But, a few weeks ago, I got a phone call that has already changed my life.”

“Not only did I pack up my life and move to New York, not only am I now training at Wolfslair, the gym of champions, unlike Go Gym or whatever that Hero bullshit is, but I am also now signed to Sin City Wrestling on a full time contract. And that first appearance? Wow, I’m sure it couldn’t have gone better. The fact Steele and her little group of dumbasses had no idea I was there was perfect. And I showed what kind of true dominance you can all expect. I threw Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald around like they were nothing.”

She can’t help but chuckle, moving one of her hands up to sweep her blond hair to the side, a twisted grin coming across her black painted lips.

”And you can see why. I’m six foot one, almost two hundred pounds. I can bench more than most dudes and with all my physical gifts, I also know how to wrestle. I’m not just a powerful athlete, I can tie you up in knots. I can grab an arm or leg and hear that ever so satisfying snap. But, I’m sure there’s a lot of women on this roster who are sitting back with their  chests puffed out and a smile on their face telling themselves and anyone else who will listen the same fucking lie. That they are not intimidated by me or worried about me…but…the truth is right there in front of your eyes.”

“You should be intimidated.”

“You should be worried.”

“See, I ain’t just here to occasionally have a match and stand next to my sister and look menacing. Nah, that ain’t me. Now I'm back in the crazy circus of professional wrestling. I'm looking to get to the top. And, while I’m at it, also show some of you that, while I expect to be compared to Alicia, I ain’t her. I ain’t like her. See, my sister is respectful to opponents that have proven themselves as her equal. It’s noble and she loves the challenge of wrestling. She loves the thought of epic showdowns and one-on-one matches where she and someone else beat the hell out of each other.”


“I just like fucking people up.”

She offers a small shrug and steps to the side letting out a deep sigh.

”And the first person I get to fuck up is Jessie Salco. A mainstay of Sin City Wrestling. In fact, when it comes to women who have been in the company and part of the Bombshells Division, there’s only a few names you’d say are more recognisable. My sister, Mercedes Vargas, Amber Ryan, Roxi Johnson, Mikah. All names that people would hold up there are synonymous with the company and the division as a whole. Some newer than others. But while you have a mix of names who once dominated the division like Mercedes, Mikah and Alicia and some names like Amber and Roxi who are currently on top, Jessie doesn’t really belong in either of those groups.”

“Nah, Jessie's notoriety is based on one thing. Longevity. Sticking around like a bad smell for years on end and hoping to somehow get a lucky break. And I get it, every company needs that person, someone with name recognition who they can trot out when something like this needs to happen. And Jessie fits that mold perfectly.”

“You’ve been brought out here as a name for me to kick off my career with. That’s it. End of story…Promo over…”

Zoey turns and goes to walk away, but after two steps she stops with a laugh, looking over her shoulder so we see her side profile, her eyebrow raised.

”Well, not really. I mean I have so much more to say as a point.”

She turns on her heels back forward.

”Look at me, Salco. I mean, really look at me. Physically, I’m stronger than you, faster than you. Trained by some of the best and a prodigious talent in my first few years. Confidence oozing from every single movement. The one place you have an advantage over me, Jessie, is experience. You have been in SCW for a long, long time. Aside from a pit stop in Honor Wrestling, your career has been here, in this company. As a mainstay and a name, you have been running up and down this company getting in the face of every champion, of every great name who has accomplished more than you.”

“And even in a loss you seem bulletproof. Like teflon, things just slide off of you. And why is that Jessie? Why are you so “made” in SCW? I think we all know the answer. It's because the one place you have talent is in that of deception and perception. You change perception of yourself by controlling the narrative. No matter how many matches you lose, no matter how many times you fail, the next week you pretend like nothing happened. And I have to be honest…it’s lowkey genius…”

“The only problem with that, well, if there is no perception of loss then no match for you has stakes, Jessie.”

“No match matters to you, because if you lose, you don’t care, and your wins are defined by your losses. And really, you’ve had a passable career. If we all believe your own hype. But, we look closer and we see a legacy of failure and missed potential. You’ve been here the better part of a decade and have never been able to win the big one. Some Roulette Title reigns here and there, a few main events there. But at the end of the day, you have never been able to live up to your contemporaries. Never able to crack into that upper echelon of names.”

“And it hasn’t been through a lack of effort. I have to give that to you as well, Salco, you do try hard, every single match.”

Zoey sighs, heavily folding her arms over her chest.

”And you’re very slowly reigning in on two hundred of those matches in this company. Which is incredible, Jessie, really. But look at the record. If I had 190ish matches in a company and I lost over 140 of them, I’d sit back and take a look at my career and what I was doing. Cause that kind of percentage? It’s sad. And, I get it, someone like me coming in, taking that spotlight, it’s just another name to leapfrog you and push you further down, even after you main evented a show with Matt Knox as your partner. Now, here you are, jerking the curtain with an arrogant bitch like me who just turned up…”

“I’m sure you’re angry, frustrated, pissed off.”

“But, look at me. Look at what I am capable of and realise a loss to me won’t be the end of you. Mainly because you’ll stick your head in the sand, hope people forget about it and then change nothing about what you do in and out of the ring. You’ll still be the same Jessie Salco next week, the woman who pretends like her losses never happened, who makes promises about herself she can’t keep, and will always be delusional and detached from reality. But me? I’m going to move on to bigger and better things, I will get you out of the way as a showcase for what I can do, then take out the gemstones and set my sights on everyone above me…see you Sunday Salco…”

Climax Control Archives / Vs Snow White and one big dwarf
« on: February 04, 2022, 08:47:28 PM »
The recap

A year can change alot. A year an entire human being can be conceived, grown and birthed. An entire year can change everything. And what a year it had been in the life of Sierra Williams. She had been safe and secure in SCW. She had her position, she was making money to support her family. But something was missing. Something had been lost in the years she had been in the company. Not that she wasn’t thankful. SCW had increased her profile, made her a star.

But the fire had been put out,

She needed to find it, to recapture it. So, she left. She walked from the company that had helped her remember what wrestling was. Through WWH and DIVISION she had honed her skills but SCW had been the first company she felt at home with. And to leave was painful. But it was a change that was needed. And in the last year, refocused on who she was and what she was capable of, Sierra had flourished.

She had become a world champion, dominating the opponents and competition, anyone who stepped up to her Sierra put down with a ruthless attitude and no remorse. A woman who had remembered what she was capable of in PWS Apex. But the professional ups had been mixed in personal lows. While in the wrestling world she had it all, the face of a company that was growing, the world title, the record for longest reign and a high profile position at the Orlando office of Wolfslair her personal life had been suffering.

Her father got sick and passed away, the man who trained her, who fostered and grew her love for professional wrestling and who had always been there faded from a strong, smart, funny man full of wisdom and guidance to a broken husk, an empty shell. And she had been the one left to organize it all, to pick up the pieces and put all of her own pain and sadness aside. Her mother and sister in no position to help in their grief, her brothers being useless as she realised they were immature manchildren.

But, through it all Lachlan Kane had been her rock. Her husband was the glue that held her fractured psyche together, the man that had reached down to pull her up when she fell or the world held her down.

But now, there was a dark cloud over both of them. Lachlan had changed due to his own professional issues. A woman who had driven him to the point of breaking. And Sierra had no idea how to stop it. So, to deal with it she did the only thing she knew how. She was going to throw herself into work. Not just at PWS but a return to SCW, the blast from the past tournament and her first appearance in the company in a year. It should have been a happy homecoming, a moment she would smile about, a moment to lift her spirits. Instead she felt let down.

Let down by the company’s attitude.

Let down by the random drawing giving her a partner that she new was substandard.

Let down by having to go against the current world champion and a woman who was a legend in the bombshells division.

It was a feeling she had unfortunately become used to. Sierra had left because of that feeling. Constantly being looked over, pushed aside. And now here she sat, deep in thought as she stared at the plane ticket SCW had sent her to fly to Vegas. Her credentials to get into the backstage area of the Cox pavilion and of course, the BFTP contract that she had signed, scanned and Emailed back. She didn’t even hear her sister walk in.

Rosie: Yo are you fuckin nuts?

She was angry, Sierra snapped out of her focused daze looking over at her younger sister. Rosie was the baby of the family, Younger than Rico and Diego, younger than Sierra, she was in her early twenties, long hair dyed pink with tattoos adorning her arms. She had a different attitude than Sierra but was very much like everyone else in the family, working independents as she grew her skill set. Yet she was opinionated and usually angry about something. Sierra raised her eyebrow waiting for the follow up.

Rosie: Goin back there? Why? You have been killin it in PWS Apex but you want to go back to a place that pigeon holed you as a mixed tag team wrestler? a mixed tag team tournament?...the fuck Si?

She couldn’t help but laugh, as usual her sister was speaking from a place of love and care, but she had missed the point entirely. The arrogance of youth, the short sighted nature of anger. It all made Sierra feel amused and like she was doing the right thing. Keeping everyone on their toes and doing what they would least expect. And also keeping her mind off her personal issues and what was going on with her husband. Sierra stood up, taking the paperwork and looking at it one last time before tilting her head at her sister.

Sierra: I guess I’m just a glutton for punishment. Besides, a paycheck is a paycheck…

She went to breeze past Rosita. But her sister reached out grabbing her arm. Sierra stopped mid step and shook her head. Rosita however, was always a stubborn bitch, just like her older sister, just like their mother.

Rosie: Burying your head in work isn’t going to make shit easier. Losing dad was hard on all of us, and Lachlan…I know this shit is weird and out there, but you know he loves you…and you love him..everything will be o-

Sierra: I know…

Sierra interrupted, sternly. Her voice full of bass and authority as she turned to look at her baby sister, Rosita let go of her arm and Sierra went to step forward and away before stopping and shaking her head with a groan.

Sierra: I deal with things in my own way. I’m staying positive because someone has to. I did with dad dying, I did with the disappointment in my first SCW run and I have even with Lachlan going dark….you just have to trust me…I know what I’m doing…but, thanks…I know you’re there for me…

Sierra gave her little sister a small smile. Rosita gave a small nod and stepped back, there was nothing more to be said, nothing more to be done. It was go time…

Well, shit

Sierra: Did y’all miss me?

The voice of Sierra Williams breaks through the silence. We come to a live feed as she steps forward. Her long red hair flowing down from under a black bandana. She shakes her head with an arrogant smirk before looking to the side with her eyebrows raised. She reaches down and picks up the PWS Apex world championship, looking at it before throwing it over her shoulder.

Sierra: I missed you. Kind of. See, there was a time when I ate, slept and bled this company. There was a time when success in SCW was the be all and end all for me. I loved this place, I loved the attitude, I loved the people here and the management. I wanted nothing more than to win a title here that wasn’t the mixed tag team championship. I wanted to hold the Internet title, the roulette title or the bombshells title. I wanted the honor of being able to champion this company in the wider community. But, I slowly realised that I was being lost in the shuffle.

I was being pushed aside and looked at as just another name on the list. I wasn’t “special” I wasn’t looked at as someone who could carry the division and the company to the promised land. So, a year ago I made a decision. I decided that I was going to allow my SCW contract to expire. I wasn’t going to resign or allow it to roll over. I was going to focus somewhere else. I was going to prove I was special…

And goddamnit that’s what I did.

And I get it, in this company it’s taboo to talk about your success in other places. Shit, people didn’t even care about the Honor titles or the histories of people from that company despite the merger. They didn’t care if you were a champion in one of the other companies because apparently it “didn’t matter”. Well It matters. I matter. See, this might come as a shock to you, but when I am actually booked regularly and not held down I thrive. And for the last year I have been dominant. I have been rolling over everyone who was put in the ring with me.

She smirks and pauses looking down at the PWS Apex world title, her name on the nameplate at the bottom.

Sierra: For 344 days I have been the PWS Apex world champion and I have shined, So, why am I back here? Why did I agree to come back to SCW and the Blast from the past? Well, truth is I had a point to prove. I wanted to comeback, I wanted to win this and I wanted to see just how good Amber Ryan was. But, apparently fate is a cruel bitch. No sooner had I agreed to come back, no sooner had I signed the contract to compete that I had been promptly forgotten, shoved aside. And then…teamed with someone useless. And yes Joshua Acquin I am talking about you. Instead of being put oin a team with someone outside the company with something to prove or someone in SCW who has a track record of success I have to team with someone who has been nothing but a joke for the last five years…

Are you kidding me right now?

I get it, I do, all this is random.

But, in a tournament where it is supposed to be the best of the best striving to earn a world title opportunity the fact he is even let into it is a joke. The fact that they allow such random pairings  is fucking stupid and now, well not I have to compensate. I have to carry a two hundred point bag of shit on my back to try and earn an opportunity. Way to handicap me and handcuff me SCW. Seriously, Christian, Mark..thanks for nothing I greatly appreciate it…

The fiery latina can’t help but roll her eyes before moving the PWA Apex title from her shoulder.

Sierra: And to kind of twist the knife the first team we have to face is the current world champion and a woman who by all accounts is a legend in SCW and is also a mixed tag team champion. Great. The woman who held the bombshells title the longest out of everyone and the guy who is one title away from holding every single one in this company. Well, shit. I don’t think I have to tell anyone what my strategy is gonna be. See, it’s clear to me that Acquin won’t be able to stand up to Mac Bane. The guy has been a wrecking ball in SCW, destroying everyone week in and week out, so I can’t let those two be in the ring for any length of time.

See, I’m not stupid enough to discount Mac Bane, OI’ve seen him in the ring, I know how good he is and I know what he can do.

So, I have to keep myself in the ring, against Mikah.,

Now, as good as Mikah used to be, the last few years have not been kind to her. From one of the most dominant wrestlers since SCWs inception to being carried by everyone. Carried by Kris Ryans, carried by Coby Quik and now, carried by Mac Bane. I needed to test the water, to prove I could stand on my own, so I left here, I spread my wings and I did it…Mikah on the other hand?...Mikah has been comfortable, complacent…and lazy…

Sierra scoffs and shakes her head.

Sierra: I have been active, facing the best of the best around the world while snow white has been hanging around acting like life is one big vacation. Well, sweetheart, I’m not going to let you tag in your one big dwarf to let him carry your plastic ass. And I refuse to let Joshua Acquin screw me over by being useless. So, I have to beat the blond down, carry him through this tournament all so I can get in the ring with a dominant champ…easy right? Well, for anyone else it might be incredibly daunting. But for me?...I live for this shit…

Climax Control Archives / Burn the witch
« on: December 07, 2020, 10:54:10 PM »
There has to be something more to this
Off Camera
Taco Bell, Toronto Canada
5 Years Ago

She couldn’t get away from the smell. The meat, the cheese, the grease. It was always there now. In her hair, on her skin. Now matter how much she washed the feeling was there. Sierra took a deep breath opening her small locker in the employee room. She pulled the purple hat off her head undoing the heavy button up shirt throwing them both in her locker before pulling out a black Trivium shirt and a red knitted cap pulling it over her long black hair with a few blond streaks. This wasn’t the Sierra we know today though, there were no tattoos, no arrogant confident swagger.

She adjusted her hat in the mirror as she sighed and looked at herself. Her eyes hung heavy and tired, her body ached. She grabbed her wallet, attaching the chain to a belt loop sliding it in her back pocket as the door opened behind her. A few of the other girls she worked with walked in, the three of them all moving to their lockers while talking. Sierra didn’t even hear her friend come up next to her. ”Yo, you wanna go out tonight?. Your moms can watch Jade right?” Sierra seemed to not even hear her, her attention obviously elsewhere.

Her fingers moved fast on her phone before she let out a deep sigh and swore under her breathe in Spanish. ”Mierda” Juliet raised an eyebrow.

”What?..Si?” She snapped out of it and turned her head sideways noticing Juliet and the others staring at her. She tilted her head trying to figure out why they were gawking. Juliet looked at the others and moved her head to the side, the other two turned away. ”I asked if you wanted to go out tonight. You ok?” Sierra smirked and gave a small shrug closing her locker and turning to lean against it. Juliet wanted to ask, she wanted to talk, but she had no idea what to say. Her long blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail, her blue eyes framed with the perfect amount of eyeliner. If you looked at her and Sierra standing next to each other, you'd think they wouldn’t be friends. They had very little in common. Sierra listened to rock and metal, she was from a mixed household. She had long dark hair, olive skin and had a hard outer edge.Juliet was pale, had long blond hair, blue eyes and was soft and sweet. She was the first to talk to Sierra when she started working there a few months before. ”You gotta look after Jade?”

Sierra shook her head and sighed deeply. ”Nah I’m...working out tonight.” The other two girls snickered behind Juliet, she turned and shot them a look of annoyance and raised her eyebrows.

”Si, why do you do that to yourself?” I get you had a dream but now, well you got Jade. Sierra pushed off the lockers and slid her phone in her pocket, Juliet stepped in front of Sierra with a sigh. ”This wrestling thing, leave it to your brothers. Live a normal life. Work, look after your daughter, and hang with your friends once in a while”

She reached out and grabbed Sierra’s arm, she shook her head again and pushed away. ”Look, I gotta….I gotta go” The other two girls laughed again as Sierra moved out the door.

Burning the witch

”And I’m back.

Sierra smiled, her hair flowing down with a bandana tied up reversed underneath. She sighed heavily and gave a small shrug.

”I know, it seems like a real cycle doesn’t it? Sierra Williams pops in for a match here and there, usually gets a quick win then boom off into the ether. I guess you could say I’m a full time wrestler with a part time contract in Sin City. I mean I perform other places, I still am hungry for success but in this company my appearances are few and far between. And to be clear on this, and it’s something you should all know, I love Sin City Wrestling, this place will always hold a special spot in my heart and I will always consider it a home. The company has alot of great names and an incredible lineage.”

“And I am glad that I have been a part of it despite the fact as a singles star I haven’t quite been able to burst through that glass ceiling.”

“With Lachlan I realised a dream of becoming a champion, he and I raised those mixed tag titles up and we held them with pride and dignity, and I am happy as they have been kept relevant by the current champions the black sheep as well as Sass and Bash as well as Wolfslair and London Underground. That division and those titles again will hold a special spot in my heart and maybe one day Lachlan and I will try and reclaim them. But, there is still this need I have, a goal and a dream. I want to hold singles gold, to show that by myself on my own merits I am good enough to be a champion…”

“It’s still a goal, it’s still what I chase and I’m not someone who likes to give up.”

She clasps her hands together and stares ahead, her body language showing doubt and deep thought.

”Maybe it’s unjust not in the cards. I9 mean, I know I’m good enough,m I know I can stack up against the best of this division. If people like Jessie Salco can be a champion, if people like Candy and Brittany Williams can hold gold then you damn sure bet that I can. But, I need to work my way there, and what better way than to face someone who really is an institution on SCW?. Someone who has basically seen it all, done it all and has the pedigree and accolades to go with it? A woman who has been to the top of the mountain and nIs a constant name on everyone's lips and someone who over the last few months has reestablished herself…”

“Smantha Marlowe…”

“You and I have done this song and dance before. We’ve been in the ring, we know what the other is capable of. You know I’m not a push over, you know I’m not an easy win, but you also know that while I am more than capable of beating you, you are more than capable of beating me.”

“That means that the SCW fans are going to get a show when the high flying Houston Texas native goes one on one with the Mexinadian queen of technical wrestling.”

“But, while I respect you, I have to be honest here, I need this…”

She pauses again and her mood seems to dim, her ruby red lips turn to a frown as Sierra takes in a long deep breath.

”Last time anyone saw me was before halloween when I beat Candy. And what did that win do for me Sam? Candy is a former Roulette champion and someone who alot of people like and appreciate, someone who people respect because of not only her nature and personality but because of her heart and willingness to just keep getting up no matter how bad you beat her down. I beat her...and it did nothing.I went toe to toe with the Demoness herself Maki, and even though I lost she and I had one of those knockdown drag out fights that people would consider to be legendary…”

“Lachlan and I reunited to beat the crap out of the Trenton Tigers...and that also did nothing…”

“But a win against you Sam, a win against you gets those eyes on me and it opens people's ears to what I have to say and what I have to do. A win against you puts me back on the map and will jog peoples memory as to what I can do and who Sierra Williams is. It will remind people that I’m not just Lachlans wife, I’m not just a former Mixed tag team champion, I’m not just a good wrestler from a wrestling family. I am also a bad bad bitch. .I am also tough as nails and I can beat you down as well as tie you up and make you tap and scream in pain.”

“I am not to be forgotten or pushed aside or treated like just a name on a piece of paper. No Sam, I am here to remind everyone that I am good enough to be a champion...and against you...I’ll prove it.”

Climax Control Archives / Candy Coated
« on: October 23, 2020, 06:34:12 AM »

Failure is a bitter pill to swallow. But in this business it’s something that is usually a taste that everyone knows all too well. You put your heart and soul into everything you do. There is no way to do this job half-assed. If you are in, you are in. That is what everyone knows, that’s what everyone feels. And anyone who does this deserves respect. But some people have more pressure than others. If you come from obscurity, listen and learn, Become a name, you have already done something great. Then after you’ve made that name the pressure starts to melt. But, if you come from a family that has been ingrained in this business, then unfortunately you have pressure from day one. The pressure of expectation. The pressure of potential.

This is what people like Sierra have had.

She is hardly the only one. Austin James Mercer comes from a wrestling family, Alicia Lukas too. And members of SCWs roster in the past. The Russow family, even Lachlan and his brother Malachi. But pressure is pressure. Knowing that you have a family honor to live up to every single time you get in a ring. Day in day out it defines you. Sierra knows the pressure. She knows what it’s like to walk down to that ring and have the weight of the world on your shoulders. She has been a champion, but never a singles champion. And as the days and weeks go on it seems almost impossible.

It has led her to this moment. Standing in her backyard, a heavy bag swings back-and-forth as Sierra hits hard right and left hands. The bag swings wider and harder. Sierra is focused, angry, frustrated. Every loss, every single time she gets close to being respected it just slips away. And the angle remains. It affected everything in her life, when she would go out to eat, she would be angry. When she would help her daughter do her homework she would be angry. When Lachlan was being sweet, she was angry. She was tired of being angry.

She stepped back and kicked the heavy bag and made it swing out sideways. She was so focused that she didn’t hear Lachlan come up behind her. ”Hey save some of that for Candy.” he smiled, the boyish grin that used to melt her heart and make her feel butterflies. Something that was never normal for Sierra. But now even that didn’t have the same affect. She felt like a failure, that she was unable to deliver on his promises. But he always tried to calm her down and make her smile. ”You look thirsty love.” he handed her a bottle of water with a smirk, she knew he was trying to make a joke. She shook her head showing a half smile because deep down it did amuse her.

She took a sip of water before putting it down and unwrapping her hands. She let out a deep sigh and rolled her neck trying to unwind. ”Thanks, I needed that.” She put her hands on her hips and looks over at Lachlan who sits down on the bottom step. ”I just can’t get my mind to turn off. I feel like a failure...two matches in a row down…”

There was silence. Sierra had no idea what to say that she could feel that the air became sick and awkward. Lachlan have a small nod putting his hands together while leaning forward. ”Question, do you and I put a roof over the girls head? And food on the table?” Sierra could tell this was a loaded question. And she knew what Lachlan was getting at. She couldn’t help but nod slowly. ”We have contracts, we do what we love and we sell merch. So, we’re successful” she stayed silent. He made good points, it was understandable. It even made her feel a little bit better. But it wasn’t the same. It wasn’t what she actually felt, or what she thought. It was an empty platitude, stating the obvious of what success in normal people‘s lives would be. Professional wrestling isn’t normal life. Professional wrestling is a completely different animal. She knew it, her family knew it, and she knew damn well her husband knew it.

But Sierra didn’t want to cause an issue or an argument. She knew he was trying to help and make her feel better and in that he succeeded. Sierra knew exactly what she wanted and what she needed. She had the support and the love that she needed from her loving husband and wonderful children. But to get her ass kicked back into shape, she needed her brothers, her sister. Her family.

Candy Coated

She tightened the bandana around her head, her hair was flowing down her back and down her shoulders. Newly dyed red, shining in the light above.

”This has been a bad couple of weeks for me. One of those weeks that makes me question why I even want to do this anymore. Professional wrestling is one of those things that you put everything into. In the last few weeks, coming back to sin city wrestling and trying my hardest, getting a world title match in apex wrestling. And losing both of those matches so close together. It’s hard. It’s hard for the soul and anyone who steps foot in a professional wrestling ring knows what I’m talking about. But when life shoves you down, when you lose and you have to look at yourself in the mirror? You have two roads that you can walk down. To converging paths that lead to different outcomes.”

“One road, leads to ruin. It leads to a bit of self loathing that will break you down and destroy you if you stay there for too long.”

“The other road, that leads to rebuilding yourself. You pick yourself up off the floor, you dust yourself off, you admit your faults, and you move forward. It’s what champions do, it’s what the best do. Some people in this company don’t have what is needed to walk down that path. They would rather blame everyone else, they would rather live in a world delusion. All that does is keep you in the same spot, and when something great does happen, it doesn’t last. And the fact that Jesse Salco is now a champion in this company? It breaks me. But it won’t keep me down.”

“Just like the loss to Maki won’t keep me down.”

Sierra slides her hands into the front pockets of her tight black jeans. The type that have the cuts and tears in them. She looks down at her bright red and black converse a small smirk coming across her lips

”Maki is a real competitor. I threw down the gauntlet, I told her that she needs to prove herself in sin city wrestling and that all of her past accomplishments weren’t really going to get her where she needed to be. They were held in high regard, but at the same time she needed to prove that she belong in this company. And win against me, I think that. But it also shows just how good she is. When against me should actually mean something. I’m no pushover, I am not a nobody just because I haven’t been able to get hold of singles gold. I have faced the best of the best in this goddamn company and I have a winning record and have shown that Sierra Williams is no goddamn joke.”

“And now, now I have to get ready for a match against Candy. “

“She’s a strange one. See, so many people look at Candy and don’t take her seriously. She smiles and bounces around. She laughs and doesn’t seem to be able to take anything seriously. But despite all of that she’s actually an amazing professional wrestler. I have grown to respect what she can do in the ring. I have grown to appreciate what she can do in the ring. And I’ve grown to appreciate that, even be a little bit jealous of the fact that she doesn’t feel the same pressure I do week in and week out to succeed. And I’m sorry Candy but you don’t. You have no idea what it’s like to be me do you have the expectation put on you. Expectation not only by your family, and your friends, but the fans. People know how good I am. They know that I can get on the mat and wrestle, that I can go to the air, that I can brawl, they know that Sierra Williams is talented. But you Candy?. People admire you and like you, but they don’t have the same expectation. They don’t think you’re gonna march down to that ring and beat the hell out of whoever is in front of you in some kind of amazing violet display.”

“If you lose, you have a procession of people looking to dust you off and tell you that you did a good job. If you win you have those same people ready to shower you with praise because to them it was unexpected. And the most frustrating part about all this, is that I can’t stand here and say that you are going to lose to me and actually sound convincing. Because you do have it in me to beat me Candy. You really do. But I need to get right back on that horse. I need to take that road that I was talking about earlier and dust myself off. I had my second shot ever in the world championship last week and I blew it, and I also blew my match against someone here in this company who deep down I know I can actually beat….”

“So you and I are gonna get in the ring. We are going to throw down and do as well as we can. And at climax control I can promise you, things will get scary. Because kill Sierra kill takes one and all new meaning around this time of year”

Climax Control Archives / Hunting a demon
« on: October 07, 2020, 10:27:33 AM »
Mean girls can kiss my ass
Detroit, Michigan
5 Years ago

One of the strangest feelings in the world is both simultaneously belonging, while feeling like not belonging. When you walk into a room and it feels like you are meant to be there all the while having people stare at you telling you that not only shouldn’t you be there, that you don’t deserve to be there. That is what Sierra Williams was dealing with. That is what she had been faced with every weekend, every show, for the last six months. She travelled down from Canada working at the same company that her brother is dead, the independent shows running every single weekend for those six months. And every time Sierra has been positioned at a higher and higher point on the card he gets better and better opponents.

But there in lies the problem. Other women who had been booked at the shows for longer than her, in some cases years felt like they had been overlooked and overstepped. None of this was series fault. She just turned up and did her best every single time. And every time the fans and those backstage would react to what she did. But it wasn’t really her fault. Sierra was a natural having been raised in a wrestling ring. Her father had a good career, he was well known in Mexico and Canada. But he was never able to break into the North American market or even Europe or Japan.

But her older brothers opened the door. They made the trip down into North America, they started building the reputation for the family. And Sierra was able to take advantage of it.

But this weekend was different. Every single show she had been out for the last six months her brothers had been booked too. But not this time, this time she made the trip by the self. Jumping in her car driving down across the border and making her way to Detroit. This show was going to be big, 3000 people, the biggest crowd that Sierra will perform in front of to this point in her career. And her brothers weren’t going to be there to see her wrestle or to be in the corner. It actually made her nervous. Which for someone like Sierra was a strange feeling. She had always been so full of confidence bordering on arrogance, but being here alone without her brothers made her feel scared.

And that alone made her ashamed, ashamed to feel that way. Ashamed to think that way. Ashamed to even be there.

She moved down the hallway holding her gear bag in her hand. She turned and stopped at the door to the women’s locker room a long deep breath passing her lips.  She tried to get herself mentally prepared. She reached out and open the door walking in, the jovial laughter and camaraderie of the women’s locker room was there, until they saw her. They all stopped, they all looked at her, and then as if in unison and prepared ahead of time they all turned away from her. Sierras heart sank, but an anger rose up in her. How dare they make her feel like this? How dare they treat her like shit. She moved over to a small corner throwing her bag down. She turned and sat on the bench pulling the bag back between her legs and opening it.

She took out pieces of gear, laying them down next to her carefully. She moved her neck back-and-forth starting her warmup routine getting herself mentally ready for the show. But she could feel the eyes on her, she could feel them all burning a hole right through her with hatred and anger.

She pulled her sweatshirt up and over her head, she laid it down next to her and pulled her top up and over and sighed heavily. She could feel two of them coming closer, hands class being into fists, she was used to this, used to them making snide comments and for the most part she had been able to keep her frustrations in check. But she had done it by leaving and going and talking to her brothers who are able to calm her down. Neither of whom were here, and that was a problem. Two blondes, leggy, slender, immaculate make up. They moved on either side of Sierra looking down with arrogant faces.

One of them slowly kneeled down next to her tilting her head and studying Sierra’s face ”Hmmm still haven’t learned that your face is your brand eh?” there had been emphasis put on the “eh”. So this week they were picking on the fact that she was Canadian, last week it was the fact that she was part Mexican. The fun never stops backstage.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down and not do anything stupid. The other blonde that was on her right slowly moved around and ran a hand through Sierras hair. ”fake sure love that!”

”Or, you can not make your wrestling career about your physical appearance. It’s your first thing to go.” she said it under her breath, but still loud enough for both girls to hear. They stood up and turned around next to each other right in front of her staring down at her with looks of disdain.

The taller of the two folded her arms over her chest, her nostrils flared before sneering down at Sierra. ”Still trying time act all superior because of your family. Gee wish I had a dad in the business and brothers to get me jobs”  Sierra ground under her breath, her hands were still pulled into fists and she tried to calm herself down. ”Pathetic, needing daddy”

That was it, she couldn’t take it anymore. And with her brothers not there at all just boiled over. Sierra pushed up to her feet standing right in front of both of them. ”You think I need Rico or Diego to get me booked?” Voice raised, she stepped forward as both women seemed to stand their ground. But Sierra was angry and this time she wasn’t going to let them win. ”You know nothing. Neither of you do. And unless you want me to drop you on your heads, you’ll learn to give me some respect.”

There were a few awkward moments, neither of them said anything and the rest of the women all looked away, embarrassed and some even afraid. Sierra snarled and turned, sitting down and continuing to get prepared. She wasn’t going to let them win, she wasn’t going to let them run her out of the business that she was born to dominate. But she also wasn’t going to lash out, she was going to save The aggression for the ring. And oh boy was she going to be aggressive tonight.

Hunting a demon

She had to take long deep breath’s. To keep herself calm so she didn’t fly off the handle. Had it been so long since she had been able to properly address the Sin city wrestling fans and management.

”Last time you all saw me, I was beating the hell out of the Trenton Tigers. I stood here and I explained to you all how I was still one of the best to step in a professional wrestling ring and I was definitely one of the best bombshells on the roster. I explained to you all that Lachlan and I were going to get into that ring and prove that we could still go as the best tag team in the world. But Lachlan needs time off to formulate a plan. To come back as good as we all know he can be. But me? I don’t need that time, I don’t need to wait at home.”

“I need to be in the ring.”

“That’s why I came back. That’s why I wanted to take that open challenge with my husband. I wanted to be able to team with him again and to re-introduce myself to everyone who watched this company. Because it seems that people forget what I’m capable of. Sure, I’ve been a mixed tag team champion, and I’ve had to listen to everyone tell me that I’m nothing without my husband, and tell him that he’s nothing without me. It’s a tired old Trop that makes me roll my eyes, because even though I haven’t won singles gold in sin city wrestling it’s not like I haven’t had my fair share of big wins and great moments. It’s not like I’m not a danger to every single woman in this goddamn company.”

“I can mix it up with anyone, absolutely anyone.“

She starts to talk through gritted teeth as she steps forward, a black and red bandanna underneath her long red hair that flows down on either side of her face. The frustration evident in her emerald green eyes.

“I can get in the ring with legends like Roxi Johnson. I can face current stars like Evie Jordan, or has-beens like Mercedes Vargas and Christina Zdunich. I can get in the ring and beat anyone. But my biggest issue is that I’ve never been able to break through the glass ceiling. I’ve never been able to get to that moment and win a championship by myself. I haven’t had as many championship matches or title opportunities like certain other people who seem to be able to beg for shots week in and week out, but that’s still no excuse.”

“But this week as I make my return, I find myself facing someone who sin city signed and seemed to celebrate“

Sierra couldn’t help but smirk, she had signed a contract and been touted as an amazing acquisition to. And she feels as if she did not let them down. But now her she is getting ready to face the shiny new toy, as an afterthought.

”Maki, or Melissa Aki. She signed a contract and came into this company and everyone lost their collective shit. And hey it’s with good reason right? She’s been very successful in different companies and she is someone who when she gets into a wrestling ring you can see that she is different, you can feel that she is different. You can see that she is a very special athlete and she will get in that ring and come at your million miles an hour. With that being said though I would like to say one thing that many people are probably not expecting me to say.”

“Welcome to a legitimate company.”

“I know many people might be rolling their eyes right now and wondering why I’m going down that road. But let’s face it Maki has had great success in places that most people wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole. Hell one of those places I was in and I still have to try and wash the stink of that place off of me. I mean CWF? Are you kidding me?. I get it we all make mistakes, we all workplaces that we usually regret. Hell I worked for WWH too. But the fact that that history in the past is why everyone got so excited to see you in the ring is what makes me giggle.”

“I mean did anyone let you in on the joke that the only reason why you were WW wait women’s champion for so long was because anyone with actual talent left that goddamn company? You had a reign as champion after I left, after Alicia left, after Elena Desraca left.”

She can’t help but laugh and roll her eyes stepping forward

”And now here you are, stepping into sin city wrestling into one of the most stacked divisions in the wrestling world. We have legends, we have current stars, we have people who should be feared and respected. Look at the division Maki. Alicia Lukas, Evie Jordan, Andrea Hernandez, Seleana Zdunich, Roxi Johnson, Amber fucking Ryan. I mean...the talent here is special. And you coming with all of this bright shiny promotion, people talking like you are some special little flower getting ready to bloom in this division and take over. Amber Ryan has been able to prove that she deserves to be here and we talked about is one of the best. You came in around the same time with the same fanfare and your greatest accomplishment is losing to Jesse Salco…”

“Did you forget how to fight?”

“Look, everyone else might want to blow smoke up Jessie’s ass. They might want to pat on the back and start talking about how it’s clear that she still has some fight left in her. But she went on a huge losing streak only picking up pity winds here in there before getting into a ring with you were you should’ve destroyed her and you didn’t. I may keep banging my head on the glass ceiling above me whenever I get a sniff of singles gold, but at least I never lost to Jesse fucking Salco.”

“But good news, you can redeem yourself.“

Sierra steps back holding her arms over her Calgary flames jersey, a small smile curls on her lips.

”You can redeem yourself by getting in the ring and beating a little old Sierra Williams. Tag team specialist, gatekeeper to the rest of the division. Someone who gets forgotten in this company for some strange reason despite the fact I’m one of the best to lace up a pair of boots. You and I can go out there and go to war. You can put up a fight against me and win or lose you can come out with fans and people respecting you after the bullshit that happened violent conduct. So I know you’re better than that match. I know you’re better than the championships that you seem to hold so proudly despite the fact most of them are worth nothing. And that’s not me saying that sin city’s titles are just worth more than every other title in this goddamn business, just the ones that you seem to be proud of, are beneath you.”

“Maki, you are talented enough to be one of the best in this company and to be a leader of the division. But, so am I. And I’m sick of sitting on the sidelines. I’m sick of looking at people jump ahead of me in the line just because they feel like it. So I need to make sure I go out there and send a message. And so do you. That is why people should be excited to see this match, because I know I’m gonna go out there and look for blood. And you will too.”

Climax Control Archives / Jersey Pussies
« on: September 02, 2020, 06:41:33 AM »
Just one shot.
Detroit, Michigan
5 Years Ago.

Sierra sat backstage on an uncomfortable steel folding chair, her arms folded over her chest with a black Machine Head hoodie over her body and the hood pulled up, a few strands of her hair flowed out from it as she watched. Her brothers were in the ring, she was there to support them, sitting backstage though she had a sick feeling in her stomach. The other performers walking around talking freely, no one came up to her, no one introduced themselves. She sneered and shook her head. She got it, who was she?. She was just the younger sister of two very capable and respected indy stars who had become a very popular tag team in Canada and now North America.

Diego and Rico went about their work and she gave a small smirk, her eyes moving to a group of giggling girls. Tall, blond haired, blue eyed, untrained wannabes who had boob jobs and wanted to use this to get their looks out there. It made her angry, frustrated and her hands clenched together hidden under her arms. She tilted her head as she saw Diego fly over the top rope onto both opponents after an assist by Rico, the crowd popped so loud she could hear the walls rumble. This was just a small promotion, a weekly show that was put up on a streaming service with a handful of other local shows, but it was still out there, in front of over a thousand people. They were the tag team champions and everyone loved them.

She sighed realising she didn’t want to be there, this was night one of a two night extravaganza being promoted as the biggest show of the year coming out of Detroit, and she was nothing but a fucking passenger. Something caught her attention as she looked over at the direction of the noise. Dan Vrolick, the promoter, booker and owner of the company stormed out from the gorilla position looking at his phone. ”Mother fucker!...” He looked over at the gaggle of blonde girls who had gathered looking concerned.”Look Ladies, Cindi  is out of tomorrow nights opener, we might have to scrap the match cause we can’t find a third for team two” There were groans and tuts and whining and crying.

A small smirk came over Sierra lips, fuck em. Then it happened a small lightbulb went off and she looked over with a laugh pushing up off the steel chair to her feet approaching Dan with a little bit of trepidation and a hint of fear.

”Excuse me. Mr. Vrolick?” He turned raising an eyebrow looking her up and down, Sierra reached up, moving a little hair from her face, pulling back the hood, smiling a little before clearing her throat. ”I’m sorry to bother you but I overheard that you need someone for a match and, I think I can help.” She paused for a moment, gauging his reaction, the other girls all turned their noses up and chuckled to themselves.

Dan turned and with a movement of his hand dismissed them. ”What’s your name?”

Sierra swallowed and took a deep breath. ”Sierra, Sierra Lopez… He raised an eyebrow and looked at the monitor, Diego and Rico had just gone into the finish, winning the match and the fans were going insane high fiving each other, he smirked and turned back to her.

”You’re their little sister right?, Oscar’s daughter?” She gave another small nod biting her lip nervously. ”You have your work papers? VISA and license?” She again gave a quick nod, Dan again looked at the monitor and the craziness that her brothers had caused. He laughed to himself and reached out patting her on the shoulder.

”You’re in here at 2 tomorrow to go over a few things,.and Sierra?...this isn’t a promise….it’s an opportunity..…”

Last Week.

”You really goin back Si?”

Selena Raquel Lopez, Sierra’s younger sister and the youngest child of Oscar Lopez slowly folded her arms over her chest. Her long black hair was tied back away from her face as she slowly leaned against the door frame. Sierra smiled and gave her sister a small nod. ”So to Vegas?. Can I come? I mean I could maybe get a tryout?” Sierra laughed and shook her head with a loud sigh.

Selena, like Diego, Rico and Sierra had trained to be a wrestler. She was only 22, she had done a few tours and was picking up steam and a name before Covid hit. ”I’d like to, but I’m barely employed there. Sin City is out. Apex though? Maybe.” She shot her a grin. Selena looked more like their father than their mother. Sierra had the olive skin, but she had her mothers cheekbones. Selena though, she had the dark hair, she had the big round eyes. She was more of a daddy’s girl than Sierra ever was.

But, Sierra loved her baby sister. ”So, why you going back?. I mean...Sin City haven’t used you in what?...five months?”

Sierra growled under her breath and cleared her throat. It stung, not being asked to come back. She wasn’t asking for full time bookings. She wasn’t asking to be handed title shots. But Sin City was her home for over a year. The place that gave her a new start. ”Loyalty…” She answered with force in her voice. Selena shook her head and stepped forward slapping her sister on the shoulder.

”That should go both ways sis…”

Trenton Tigers?. Jersey Pussies.

Her eyes could be seen above the black and red bandana she wore over her face. A black hook flipped up from her sweatshirt covered the rest. Sierra sat forward on the steps at the front of her home, her hands clasped together as she laughed to herself.

”Guess who’s back. After five long months I finally have a match in Sin City Wrestling. And all I had to do was respond to an open challenge basically begging for a match like some kind of desperate ho in need of a fix. But now, since I have the attention of SCW’s roster, fans and management I can say what I want. And if what I say pisses you off and I don’t ever come back then atleast I’ll have left an impression eh?”

“Since I have been gone, the blonde bimbo lost her title, the biggest championship for women in this company got passed and handed around because no one could actually keep it on themselves, Evie Jordan, a woman who has a horrendous win loss record against yours truly is now the champion, another championship has been thrown into the mix. Lachlan has been treated like shit. The wannabe rockstar with hair that seems to be more primped than what I would ever do won the world title and lost it in a week, the weird guy who talks to a cactus has beaten the giant former world champion and taken a second title of his. What the hell is going on in this place?“

“All of this crazy crap is going on and I haven’t got a phone call to get back in the ring? I signed with another company and I never quit Sin city. I never walked away from this place. It walked away from me.“

“I called out the company week after week. Time after time. Then last week they had an open challenge in a battle royal where anyone could throw their name into a hat to get a possible championship match against Jordan. I put my hand up and didn’t get in, so instead the blonde bimbo who gets everything handed to her ended up winning. What a shock. Maybe Mercedes Vargas was right that there is some serious bias around here. And then to top it all off Christian Underwood, tweets me to say that he thought I was gone and that was the only reason why I wasn’t in the battle royal.“

Sierra scoffs and shakes her head pushing up to her feet, she throws her hood back to reveal freshly dyed flame red hair.

” and then as I said, I saw an open challenge and decided to beg to be accepted back. One of the worst tag teams in the history of tag teams has decided that they wanted to come back to Sin city and straight away they get the goddamn spotlight. The Trenton Tigers have the red carpet rolled out and everyone wants to go and face them. Are you kidding me? This bullshit needs to stop”

“There’s all of this competition in the mixed tag team division and to be honest it does make me smile. Because try as people might they still can’t hold the championships for as long as myself and Lach did.”

“But now the match has been booked, my great return to this company. We get to come back as a team in a sin city wrestling ring for the first time in months. Now the real question I have is, do any of you actually believe the Trenton Tigers are going to beat myself and Lachlan?”

“The Tigers, in whatever configurations they wanted to be in tried continuously to get those mixed tag team championships. And each time they failed. And they also decided to sit there and badmouth my brother-in-law and his girlfriend. The current mixed tag team champions. So, you four idiots couldn’t get the job done and you want to talk shit about the people who actually could?“

Sierra size heavily and shakes her head, her hands and up on her waist,she can’t help but laugh under her breath before her eyes seem to flash green and she looks forward.

”You four can all jump in the ring at the same time for all I care. Lachlan will beat the shit out of Brandon or whatever the other guys name is. And I don’t care if it is Char Kwan or Daniela. I will drag both of you untalented loudmouth bitches into the ring and beat your bloody. Because while I’ve been forced to sit at home and not take part in this company you had chance after chance to do what you needed to do and run your goddamn mouth. And you haven’t stopped.“

“Two weeks ago you threw out an open challenge which was a few words of stupidity standing around in a pre taped video. Oh the current champions never beat you, that’s great. But they beat the people who you couldn’t. And you want respect handed to you on a silver platter. Go on about how tigers are the most dangerous big cat in the world… Which are actually lions you idiots that’s why they are called the king of the jungle.“

“And if we’re staying with the big analogies, you are not predators in this jungle. At this time. In this match. You are the prey. You are the clueless dumb gazelle standing out in an open field, and I’m the lioness stalking you from the high grass. And when the bell rings and we are allowed to go out, I'm gonna run headfirst at you, and I am gonna tear you apart and leave your bloody beaten corpse in the center of said ring to prove a goddamn point. And everyone will once again chant…“


Climax Control Archives / Over
« on: March 24, 2020, 10:01:59 AM »
Out there in the spotlight, you're a million miles away
Every ounce of energy, you try and give away
As the sweat pours out your body, like the music that you play

Roswell, New Mexico
2 Years Ago.

It had been weeks since she had brought Olivia to Roswell. Wulf’s hometown. It would be different he said. Sierra could train and rebuild, he said. They would both prepare for a return to the ring. Wulf would be focused for the first time in his life. Using that near limitless energy he had with a new determination to provide for his family. And to support Sierra. But now here she sat, her arms folded over her chest. Olivia asleep in the tiny office room just off the lounge room. Sierra in the kitchen watching the door like a hawk, her anger boiling over. The first few days they had been down here had been fine. Just like they planned. They set up the small two bedroom house Wulfs father had organised. Running water, electricity, food, internet. All of it ready to go.

Sierra had been impressed. Wulf took charge, he acted mature and organised while Sierra looked after Olivia. But she missed Jade, Wulf had promised to organise a bigger house now Sierra could bring Jade for visitation. But that is where he stalled. A week after moving, a week after uprooting her life in Canada because Wulf couldn’t stay there and promised it would be different if he went “home” things started to change. Old “friends” came by, Wulf started go go out for hours at a time, losing focus on his family and his promises and even his own goals. But this time had been the straw that broke the camels back.

2 Days. That is how long Wulf had been gone. He had told Sierra he would be gone “an hour tops”. That hour stretched to four or five, then a night went by, then another whole day and night. And now she sat waiting, her phone finally going off with a message, the simple nature of it and the wording showing that Wulf didn’t think he did anything wrong.

“Hey babe, home in 20, love ya (wink emoji)”

It had made her angry. But as the twenty or so minutes ticked by the anger built higher and higher. How dare he?. How dare Wulf do this to her?. Sierra sneered and stared at the door, each minute feeling like another hour ticking by. Then she heard the roar of a car engine, laughter and a car door slam. Her eyes darted over to the room Olivia was asleep in, god help all of them if they woke her daughter. Olivia was a heavy sleeper, she stayed out of it as the car pulled away, the doorknob turned, Wulf walked in.

He stood there, a goofy smile on his face. A smile that would normally make Sierra sigh and laugh, she would normally laugh it off, get over it and ignore the stupidity, immaturity and selfish nature, but not this time. This time Sierra had enough. Wulf raised an eyebrow and cleared his throat, time for him to put on his little act. He walked up and leaned down trying to kiss Sierra on the cheek. She moved her head out of the way, Wulf stepped back as Sierra sighed heavily.

He sat down across from her, the silence getting to him. He opened his mouth to speak, Sierra simply raised her hand up and shook her head uttering one word forcefully. ”Don’t” Wulf swallowed, Sierra placed her hands flat on the small table in the run down kitchen. She leaned forward with a snarl on her face trying to keep calm and measured. ”Two days. You said you’d be gone an hour, two days ago. You ignored my texts, you then turn up here now expecting...what exactly?” The question hung in the air for a while.

Wulf seemed uneasy, his hands fumbling together as he struggled to form or find an answer. Sierra swallowed and ground her teeth together, her long hair tied up and away from her face so she could stare Wulf in the eyes. ”You wanted a kiss? A smile? How about some dinner baby?. Is that what you wanted?” Wulf again stayed silent as he tried to search for an answer. He took a long deep breath in to calm himself looking away before clearing his throat.

”Si, I underst-” Her hands clasped together into balled fists slamming on the table, Wulf stopped instantly as Sierra growled under her breath. Her hands opened and she calmly placed them back on the small table palms down.

She sighed and breathed deep closing and opening her eyes. ”You don’t understand. Don’t think that you do. Now, the only reason I’m keeping my hands on this table is because I can’t guarantee I won’t stand up and slap the blonde hair dye out of your fucking dreads” Her voice was filled with anger, venom and vitrol. Wulf had no idea what to say, his jaw dropping as Sierra slowly pushes up to her feet, keeping her hands flat on the table in front of her.”You promised things would be different, that things would change. And they haven’t. You’re still doing the same things and I can’t do it anymore…”

She looks down pausing, Wulf swallowed hard and sat back looking dejected. ”What are you going to do?” His voice was low and labored. He was trying to hold back tears. Sierra’s heart broke again. She wanted to stay, not just for her but for Olivia. She needed a father. But this was too much, she needed to be strong. Her resolve and anger started to melt away as she realised and felt the gravity of what she was about to do.

”It’s over”

A weight lifted from her shoulders. But instead seemed to get attached to her heart sinking it down into her stomach. Wulf let out a deep breathe, a few tears rolled down his cheeks. His hands fumbled together as he cleared his throat to speak louder. ”And Olivia?” Sierra pulled the tears back, she took all emotion out of her voice and swallowed before flatly answering.

”I’m taking her back to Canada. You can see her when you like, but….you need to get your life together.” As she finished Wulf just stared ahead. He was shocked, he had no idea what to say. Sierra stood and waited, it seemed like an eternity. She wanted a reaction, begging, pleading, anger, threats. Anything at all. Instead she got nothing, he just sat there as if he was resigned to his fate and the death of their relationship. Sierra turned and walked out of the room starting to pack right away. Wulf just stayed in the kitchen and let it happen.

Crossing the river Jordan and other clever bullshit..

It was driving everyone insane. The virus, the lockdown. All of it. As things got worse SCW and SCU management did the right thing and called everyone together, setting them up in the hotel, making sure the small gym could be set up to broadcast the shows. Life would go on. Sierra, Lachlan and the girls had arrived earlier in the day. Sierra walked off to record and broadcast a few thoughts and feelings.

She found a quiet corner of the hotel room, the large beautiful room SCW management had set up for her and her family. Lachlan took the girls to play video games in the other room. Olivia not really understanding but enjoying the flashing colors. Lachlan laughed loud as Jade got grumpy at the TV. Sierra couldn’t help but smile as she sat down and cleared her throat.

”Well it felt amazing to get that monkey off my back…”

She couldn’t help but smile. And it was true. For the last few months things felt wrong;. Even with a win over Violet Amelia Holt to break up the losses Sierra still just didn’t feel right. Her attitude was horrible. And this had gone a long way to fix that, to stop the downward spiral.

” I hadn’t felt myself. In fact I realised I needed to change. A week ago I sat somewhere else and I told you all that I was gonna do everything in my power to work with teddy. Many people doubted me. Many people didn’t want to believe that I was capable of change and that I would be able to ignore my instincts to slap him upside the head and blame him for everything. But over the last few weeks and months I’ve had to change and I ignored it. So I made that conscious effort last week to do everything I could to be the professional Ressler that I know I can be. And it worked. While Hitamashi failed me as a partner I couldn’t let him take all the blame or us losing to the team of Aron and Mavis…”

“I was given a chance, a chance that I’m not even sure I earned from Brooke. She stepped away, she let me in and because of that I’m grateful and I know I can’t screw it up. And honestly that is what I was afraid of. And yes, me afraid, you heard it right. See I hear women like Bobbie Dahl and Kiera Fischer Johnson run their mouths about chances and title shots over and over and fail with absolutely no shame and I have always had this pride in myself when it has come to earn what I have…”

“So when I stood there, ready to team with Teddy I had this sudden shock of realisation go through me. If Teddy and I don’t work as a team, we won’t win. And if we don’t win, Brooke’s sacrifice was for nothing and I would be no better than the women I have criticised in the past.”

“So I stood there, terrified that if I failed I would be throwing a chance I didn’t even earn away and I would also be screwing up a chance for Teddy. And even though I find him to be an idiot and someone who I would love to beat the crap out of, he and I are in this together. He fought for his chance to get to the next round and if I let it fail, well then I would be just as bad as others in this tournament and indeed Hitamashi. And I didn’t want that, I didn’t need that. So when I was able to lock in the Sharpshooter on Mavis and I heard her tap, I felt that weight lift off me. And I knew I wasn’t going to screw it up and win or lose I had shown I deserved to be here…”

She paused and let out a deep sigh, as if reliving the moment she was able to feel it all lift away.

”And now this tournament rolls on and I find myself in an interesting position. I am one win away from going to the finals at Blaze of glory. Two wins away from a Bombshells world title shot. I don’t want to get ahead of myself but if I can work with Teddy, if he and I can get to that final match, if he and I can work with each other long enough to win I can not only tell the world I won the Blast from the past but I can also call myself the number one contender and get a title shot against whoever comes out of that triple threat match with the title. To get there though? Well it’s not like we have a clean road. On the other side of the bracket we have three current SCW champions and a SCU star who has been tearing it up…”

“Just let that sink in people”

“On the other side of the bracket, there are current champions, former world champions and an up and comer who looks great. And that is over there. And we still have to get passed our opponents this week, two people who get along about as well as myself and Teddy do, Mark Cross and Evie Jordan. And despite the fact Mark clearly gets on Evie’s nerves...much like he does the rest of us...these two have been quite impressive. They beat Salco and Andrews at CC 262, then Jack Washington and Tallyn at CC 264. I mean, I can make jokes about Jesse Salco being a weak link and Andrews being old….I can dismiss Tallyn and Jack as rookies who aren’t quite up to snuff…”

“But in this tournament. Nothing is certain. Nothing is easy. And winning matches takes all the skills you have as well as a shit ton of luck…”

Sierra couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle. The thought of being nice to people and showing respect where it was due was always a foreign concept as she had been taught to think of yourself as anything less than the best and superior to all was a failure mindset.

”Now, Mark Cross is a man who has exploded onto the scene in SCW and SCU. Over in SCU he has been a champion, a guiding light and one of the bigger names to come out of there. In SCW he has been constantly up there, earning shots and much like myself just coming up short. So I get it. I can see the talent in Mark Cross, most people can. Can Mark match up to Teddy?. Of course he fact as much as I was impressed by Teddy last week the truth is that Mark is clearly the superior wrestler. Teddy might be the better athlete, but Mark looks like he could destroy Teddy’s whole career if he chose to…”

“Not to say Teddy can’t shock us all and put up a good fight. Cause I think he’s shown he can and will do what it takes to win.”

“But Mark is a different kind of beast. A different type of wrestler and someone who will do all he can and has to.”

“So, that match up is an interesting one. Can the sneaky nature and all around impressive athletic nature of Teddy Warren Steele come in and beat the toughness and natural ability of Mark Cross? See, Mark took to wrestling like a fish to water, one of those annoying guys who came from another sport and just picked up the foundations and basics that the rest of us spent years trying ti perfect just because he was already used to that kind of structure. And he has excelled at the business of professional wrestling as well as the skill and success side. So I know the danger Mark is to Teddy...and I can see danger he is to my chances…”

Sierra pauses and fixes her hair with a sigh and a smirk before looking up at the iPhone she is recording this on.

”But a bigger danger, and an even more intriguing match up is myself and Evie Jordan. See Evie being a former Bombshells champion shows she has what it takes to climb that mountain. She’s already done it. He husband is the number one guy in this company right now and I know she would love to earn a shot at whoever comes out of Blaze of glory as the Bombshells champion. And honestly? She would be a nightmare for Chistina, Roxi or Andrea. Now, Lach and I were able to beat Evie and Ben, but Evie has returned with this new sense of purpose. She clearly wants to be champion again and she’s a legit threat.”

“She and I have gone at it and we’re honestly about even.”

“I know Evie will come at me with everything she has to try and beat myself and Teddy. As much as she hates Mark I know she’s a competitor so she hates losing more.”

“Even if we get past them there is no guarantee we’ll win this. Mark and Evi are a real challenge and they are as dysfunctional and unpredictable as us which will work in our advantage. And also theres. This is a hard match to call as both teams seem to even. And I can’t say that I want it more or that I will overcome this and use all the same tired cliche’d bullshit that makes up your stock standard Jesse Salco promo. But what I can do is is promise Evie and Mark that Teddy and I will give all we have and make it a fight. I can promise Teddy that despite my personal feelings about him I have his back and I believe we can go all the way.”

“This years Blast from the past has been unpredictable and chaotic, just like every year. So, why not us?. Why not a team made up of a wacky misogynist and a woman who would kick his ass who already got eliminated once?. Why not us? Why not them? Why not one of the other makeshift teams? It’s all up in the air...all we have to do is take it….and I’m going to reach….”

Climax Control Archives / The second chance
« on: March 17, 2020, 05:29:48 AM »
If you try to see looking through your sleeve
You don't have to be afraid
But if you try to clean with kerosene
You'll burn away (burn away)
You roll the dice to see your fate
The devil always wins the game

”You’re better off with throwing grenades”

She was speechless. Normally when getting ready to cut a promo Sierra had it planned out. She knew what she was going to do, she knew what she was going to say. But this time it was blank. She let out a small sigh and sat forward, her arms wrapping around her legs pulling them to her chest as her long red hair moved in the light breeze..

”It was supposed to be this way. You know this tournament is so unpredictable. It’s an unpredictable format inside a sport and event that is already hard to predict. So to sit here and say I knew what was going to happen is just a lie. And honestly it’s the story of my professional wrestling life. And in my life in general. See, I’ve always been attracted to people that would be unstable. Carter, Mikhail, Equinox, Wulf. They were all destructive in certain ways and I let it happen. And it impacted my life inside the ring…”

She sighed, her eyes trailing over the area right in front of her. She was being honest, heartfelt and laying it all out there. She wasn’t wearing makeup, no tight jeans or band shirts, no bandana over her hair or over her face. No angry scowling.. This wasn’t even Sierra Williams. This was Sierra Leann Patricia Lopez.

”And that is why I am so thankful for Lachlan. He brought stability and love to my life. He brought me back from the brik=nk and made me recapture my smile and my happiness. And it’s no wonder that his impact on me pushed me towards my first real success. I went from being a contender in companies like WWH and DIVISION to being a CHAMPION in Sin City Wrestling. And truth be told, without him I don’t think any of this would have happened. But, that can only take me so far and while I have the talent, the drive and the support system there is one thing. ONE THING, that has stopped me from being able to climb any of the title mountains I have tried….my own attitude…”

She paused again, her hands clasping together as she takes a long drawn out breath, her head shakes side to side as she can’t help but laugh, thinking about the things she’s done and said. The wars she’s been through, the losses, the wins and how she took them and moved on.

”I know I’m good. I know I can get in that ring and mix it up with anyone. I think I proved that against Seleana, against Roxi, against Kate and even Bobbie. I have proved to0 each and every one of you that Sierra Williams isn’t a joke. But I haven’t proved to any of you that I deserve to be a champion because to be honest….I haven’t acted like one. I have sat back and acted like a spoiled brat and in doing so I poisoned Lachlan. He started acting more like me, getting angry and forgetting what made him special and I thought he was getting more aggressive the time...I will admit….”

“I found sexy…”

“But, his love for this business, his love for what we do and that light that I saw in his eyes when he would even look at a fucking wrestling ring started to fade and that was MY fault. It was MY influence. And it impacted us both. I’m not going to let it happen again. I need to change my attitude and be more like Lachlan. And now?, well now I have that chance, because I have been handed a second one in this tournament….”

Sierra pushed off the stairs to her feet, her hands moving across her own body as she leaned over against the bannister of her home, a long sigh escaping her lips.

”There’s so many variables in this. So many weird moments. See I was put into a team with Hitamashi and I thought he would be a good partner and hey, in that match. He tried. But look at all those moving parts. I was angry, he tried hard, Aron looked like a lost puppy, Mavis was distracted by her family and in the end Fenris got involved...and I could feel cheated. I could be angry and in the hours after that match. I was. I was angry, I was frustrated. I wanted to punch something over and over again but then as the anger subsided I thought to myself. What if this is Karma?. What if my anger and lashing out at people had made me unworthy? What if the anger I felt stopped me from realising my potential. And then the anger was just replaced by sadness. And guilt. I swallowed all my pride and just got back to training. Waiting for my next shot to come, not knowing that it was on it’s way.”

“Brooke Saxon, a woman who I never actually worked for since I didn’t come from Honor like all the other signees who came on at the same time as me contacted SCW and I got put in her place. A second chance. A chance to make things right not only in this tournament but also against the two people who had beaten myself and Hitamashi.”

“Of course. With this new chance comes a new partner…”
Sierra swallows hard and rolls her eyes.”And I want to give Teddy a chance. I want to believe he will have my back and hold up his end of the bargain. But his comments and actions over the last few months have left a lot to be desired. He has said and done things that have dispariaged the Bombshells roster and made them all angry and frustrated. In fact I think all of us. Including his wife, have wanted to take a fucking swing at him..”

Sierra shrugs and tries to stay calm.

”I hope Teddy and I can work together in this. Because there are many great teams still in this tournament. Aside from Mavis and Aron, we have Tallyn and Jack Washington, Evie and Mark Cross and of course Austin and Candy. That is alot of talent still in this tournament and if Teddy and I are going to win and go on to get shots at the World and Bombshells titles we need to work together. Least of all because I know what our opponents are capable of.”

“See, Aron is a rookie, we all know it but there is talent there. And drive. And truth be told Aron, I feel bad for you. You wanted to make a splash, you wanted to break out on your own and show just how much you’ve learned. Only for your brother to get involved. And trust me, I know how frustrating that can be. I have three brothers, two older and one younger. All wrestlers. So I get it, having brothers in the business is a pain in the ass. But you, not me, not SCW, YOU need to go to Fenris and tell him to back the fuck off. Cause he is doing more harm than good. Now you and your position in this tournament will be held into question. It is upto you to fix it. If you can keep him away, if you can step back up and show the world you belong here and can somehow win this thing, then more power to you.”

“Don’t let your brother ruin it…”

“Just like Mavis needs to control her family. See, Mavis had the other side of it, they almost cost her the match and I know what some of you are thinking, that could work in my favor so why the hell should I care right?. The answer is simple. I don’t ever want to win that way. If I win a match, whether it’s one on one or a multi person or a mixed tag match I want it to be because I was the better woman on the night. I want it to be because I was the best of the best and I earned it. And earning it against Mavis?m well that would be amazing. Not just much as I hate to admit it, Mavis and the rest of her family are talented but because she seems to think she’s a comedian.”

Sierra smirks and leans down picking up a Taco bell cup filled with delicious Baja Blast.

”You think it was funny to make fun of my little mental breakdown?. Because I doubted myself so much I would consider going back to work at Taco bell? Which by the way I showed was never a reality by going out to an SCW ring and running my mouth. But, I get it Mavis, you have to take every little advantage you can get in the mental game. But, I can’t help but notice you didn’t care that Fenris handed you and Aron a win over myself and Hitamashi. You didn’t protest or care when something was literally handed to you on a silver platter. But this is my second chance Mavis, my chance to make it right and to try and claw my way back up to that title. To earn a shot at Christina Rose or whoever the champion will be at the end of all this. And trust me when I say that no amount of insulting comedy it going to stop me from doing everything in my power to walk away with my hand held high…”

Je suis ta fin
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
2 Years Ago

Each shot hit with all the power she had. There was no holding back. No thought of preservation of energy. The sweat ran down her face as her long black hair stayed tied back. Sierras feet danced along the hardwood floor as the heavy black bag swung from the ceiling. Her hands wrapped in black and gold boxing wraps as they moved at blinding speeds, she didn’t even know how long she’d been there for. How long she’d moved and darted and weaved. After a few more shots she stepped back and launched a kick slamming her shin bone into the leather causing a dent to form in it.

Sierra ground her teeth together, the anger rising deep in her stomach as she looked out the large window looking out onto the streets of Thunder Bay. For the last year she had called this home. A place at one point she wanted to desperately escape from. Growing up here to a French-Canadian mother and a Mexican-American father was hard enough but having to come back here after trying to hard to leave and make a life in the big bad world was almost humiliating. She loved the reason for it. Falling pregnant with Wulf’s baby last year. After losing her daughter Jade to her ex, after he used the court system against her with his lies. Sierra thought she’d never be happy. But five months ago with the birth of Olivia she was happy….


The last few months the itch had returned. At first Sierra went to the gym to stay in shape. To simply get back the body she once had and stay active. But after a month the strength returned and after watching wrestling on TV for the first time in a year it happened. She had the urge, the need, the desire. As she watched people she had beaten rise up and others stay stagnant the anger kept bubbling to the surface. Things were not good at home. She loved Olivia, she loved Wulf. but there was something missing. And now. Well, now she knew she was coming back. Signing a contract to go back to work. Behind Wulfs back.

Sierra walked over to the workout bench, her hands shaking as the feeling set in. Her joints ached. Her muscles stiffened. Her body racked with pain. But she felt alive for the first time in a year. Her hand drifting over her stomach wondering if she really had it anymore. As she stuffed her gear in her back she pulled out her phone. 10 missed calls. 5 voicemails. 25 texts. All from Wulf. She shook her head knowing what it was about.

He had been alone with Olivia.

Wulf was a great and crazy wrestler, a wonderful boyfriend, but as a father he left a lot to be desired. He felt overwhelmed and out of his element. Sierra would go to the gym, much like today and after only an hour he would panic. She sighed and walked into the locker area to get changed as she set her back down. Her phone making the message tone again as Wulf asked yet another stupid question. Sierra growled and slammed the locker door shut, her fist pushing against the flimsy metal leaving a dent. Sierra turned and sat down, her head in her hands as she took a few deep breaths. She didn’t want to go home. She didn’t want to face it. And that made her feel like a bad person.

She reached into her bag and the sound of rattling was heard as she pulled out a pill bottle. She had been prescribed them but had still yet to take them. Her stomach seemed to tie itself in knots as her mind flashed back to her past. Where she had come from and the trials she had been through. Her drug addiction, losing her oldest daughter, the premature birth of Olivia. Her struggle to get back into shape and want to wrestle. All of it seemed to much. Maybe the pills would help?. Maybe they would set her free. She shook her head and placed them back in her bag getting to her feet sending a quick message back to Wulf giving him advice and promising she’d be home soon.


Later that week.

There was silence between them. As it had been for months. Since Olivia had come into this world they had both grown distant and apart. Wulf seemed to love his daughter but hate the responsibility. He was a free spirit, used to being able to just chase shiny things like a dog wandering the world. But here, and now he had to grow up. He was young, much younger than Sierra at 22, she was 26 and had been through so much already. And strangely it was the free spirit that she now hated that caused her to fall in love with him over a year ago.

When they met Sierra was broken. Two bad relationships, Carter and Mikhail had broken her. Another relationship she ruined with Equinox. It was Wulf’s sweet, free, fun nature that had helped her see the life she wanted. Or rather she thought she wanted. But now a year and some change since they got together Sierra found herself sitting at the kitchen table at their home, their daughter asleep in her crib. And the silence was thick between them. Wulf seemed tired, spent and almost resentful. Sierra was the same way. The bright spot of the last few months being Olivia’s birth, but in the last three Sierra had become a different person..

She had a need.

A need to compete.

Wulf looked across the table at her and went to open his mouth but stopped, almost as if he had a question and was afraid of the answer. His green eyes darted away and back down at his plate, the vegetables half eaten and cold as Sierra slowly cut into her steak, the blood from it pooling across the white porcelain. And there was a problem. Despite their love for one another Wulf was a very different person to her.

He was a vegetarian, he was a thrill seeker, he saw wrestling as a thrill, as something cool to do. Like a hobby. Sierra needed protein, she loved steak, she saw wrestling as her calling and had very little tolerance or patience for people who didn’t see it the same way as her. She loved being a mother but hated staying at home. Wulf has also failed to keep the money coming in, instead spending his days flipping through magazines.

Sierra’s heart sank. Is this what her world had become?. Is this what she was to feel for the rest of her life?. He was a good father, she knew it in her heart, She saw it every time he picked her up and smiled. He felt it when Olivia would smile and laugh at her crazy fathers dreadlocks and grin. But it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t what she needed or wanted. And both were miserable. Sierra closed her eyes and looked to the side as Wulf tried to make eye contact. His voice stuttered as he went to ask a question, one Sierra was not expecting. ”Si, are you seeing someone else?”

She looked up, her neck almost snapping up with anger as her brown eyes burned. How could he ask that. Her hands slowly closed into fists as she grew so mad she let out a nervous laugh, her body almost shaking as she tried to keep herself contained and calm. She took a few deep breaths as her teeth ground together, as as her eyes opened Wulf looked at her, hurt and wanting, needing to know. Sierra gave a small shake of her head and scoffed.”Seeing someone else?. Why would you ask me that?. Do you think so little of me that because things are rough I would just go turn my back on you?. Like a common whore?. Like the other five hundred women in this business?...” Her words spat like venom. Wulf put his head down in thought realising her anger and her hurt reflected his.

Sierra stood up as she finished her foot cleaning off her plate, her hands sore, her body in pain after working out all day to get back into ring shape, to try and get her life back. She was now close to being in better shape before she left, before she fell pregnant with their child over a year ago. Her mind still racked with guilt after finding out she was 8 weeks pregnant a week after her final match.  Wulf stood up, he moved across the room putting his plate down on the counter, his hands slowly moving across her midsection, he held her tight, Sierra didn’t show him a drop of affection, instead going about her business cleaning. Wulf moved around and pushed his body against the bench with a sigh.

” So, where have you been going?”Sierra tilted her head sideways, if looks could kill Wulf would have been on the floor, dead and gasping for air. She finished the plate and pushed it to the side before slowly looking in Wulfs eyes.”  I’ve been at the gym. I’ve been getting back in ring shape, cause while you sit on your ass and plan your skydiving and bungie jumping, I need to make money...and I miss it Wulf...I miss it all and I am so sick of this...awkward bullshit…”.

She waited for him to say something. Anything. The silence stayed between them as Wulf seemed to be gobsmacked and surprised. A shock over him as he seemed to shut down, his arms folded over his chest as he sighed and stared at the floor. Sierra’s eyes begged for him to understand, to hate it, for something other than quiet indignation. She swallowed hard and gave a nod before slowly walking past him and out the door, Wulf staying silent as the door shut behind her.

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