Author Topic: Season One, Episode 3: The Black Sheep  (Read 643 times)

Offline Zoey Lukas

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    • Zoey Lukas
Season One, Episode 3: The Black Sheep
« on: July 22, 2022, 08:39:42 AM »
The black sheep

In the past I have talked about how much I dislike change. How much it gets under my skin and makes me feel sick with anxiety. But, I’ve also talked about how I’m not like my sister. How because of the two different ways our lives have turned out she and I could have been the same but I changed. I understand that that seems like a contradiction. Much because it really is. But I feel the need to explain why. To give you a rare look at who I am and what I have about. For years I tried to hide it. From everybody, family and friends, people who I became intimate with none of them really knew who I was or what I was about.

You see, my sister and my brother both grew up in a household where they saw the day-to-day life that my mother went through with our father.

Him being on the road, constantly away from us. It wasn’t an easy life. Our mother tried hard and was always there for us, but she turned her back on her family and all the money that came with it to be with our father. Our father who promised her a life where they would not struggle, they would be happy, myself and my siblings would be provided for cared for and wouldn’t have to worry about where our next meal came from. That, quite obviously, isn’t what happened.

She gave him a ultimatum. One that our father didn’t follow. And he walked away. He walked away from Alicia, he walked away from Josh our brother. He walked away from me. Of course, I can’t remember it. I was a baby, barely into my first year of life. When he walked away. He walked away from me he walked away from my sister my brother and our mother. And he did it so easily.

How do you think that made me feel?

They all remembered him, they all had time with him and had positive memories mixed in with the bad. I had nothing. I didn’t have any memories of my father bouncing me on his knee or holding me. I didn’t have any memories of him playing with me or making me laugh or tickling me. I had a blank canvas.

They all went their own way when it came to how they felt about him. Struggling with wanting to find him and let him in. Something that both my sister and my brother let happen. But Me? I didn’t want to see him. I didn’t want anything to do with him. And part of me resented my family forgiving that piece of shit another chance.

That made me the black sheep, that made me the outcast. When my sister got married she wanted our father involved, I was against it but it was her day. I told her to tell him not to talk to me, not to look at me, not even breathe in my direction.

It seems that time had made him realise when a woman tells him something and gives him an ultimatum he should fucking listen.

But then, a few months later, Jason Maxwell, former professional Ressler father of Alicia Josh and myself, passed away from a heart attack. My siblings and even my mother got their closure. They were able to talk to him to have good memories with him, I had nothing but hatred in my veins and I let that negativity affect me and turned me into the person I am today.

All of that forced me to walk away from what I love, I walked away from my family, and I let it destroy me from the inside out.

So yes, I am different from my sister, are different from my mother and my brother. I am the black sheep of the family. And I’m okay with that. But what I’m not okay with? He’s carrying around this regret. That is why I came back to this business. That is why I came back and I’m watching my sisters back as well as re-starting my career in this company. And now? Well, I need to get my arse on a plane, get to India, and show the world what I can do.

Do the Mumbai….

She was panicking. Moving around her bedroom at a frantic pace, her eyes starting from side to side, her hands shaking. Zoey Lukas growled under her breath, grabbing the hinge on her bedside table and yanking the drawer out. Her hands dove into the papers pulling them all out and tossing them on her bed, sliding them to the side shaking her head frantically as she threw each document to the side. She was so focused she didn’t even hear her sister into. But then a voice startled her

”The fuck are you doing?” Alicia slowly folded her arms over her chest and tilted her head looking at her younger sister. Zoey turned, shook her head and went back to it. ”Zo…the fuck?”

Her younger sister growled, slamming her hands down on the top of the bedside table making a loud cracking noise that echoed through the bedroom. Zoe turned to Alicia and shook her head slowly looking disappointed in herself, full of anxiety and panic as well as anger. ”I lost my passport!”

She went back to her search, sliding down to one Me as she looked in the open section underneath the drawer of the bedside table. She moved through documents and growled. Standing up and smacking her head on the bottom of the drawer Alicia started to laugh causing Zoey deterred and shoot an angry look at her older sister.

”The fuck are you laughing at?” Alicia let out a deep and heavy sigh as her shoulders dropped and from her pocket she produced her younger sister‘s passport. Zoey’s eyes lit up and she stepped forward grabbing the document out of her sister’s hand.

Alicia threw her hands in the air and stepped back holding her arms over her chest with a disapproving look. ”You gave it to me when we got back from the cruise…dummy” She let out a deep breath, all of the pressure relieving officer shoulders as they drop. The hands of rain up over her face and threw her hair as she shook her head and laughed. ” I swear Zoyou would forget your head if it wasn’t screwed on.”

Alicia tossed her passport to her, Zoe caught it in one hand and grabbed her plane tickets sliding them inside. She reached down grabbing her bag and looking over at Alicia with a smirk. ”Ready?”

Alicia cleared her throat. The smile faded and she shook her head. She swallowed hard and greet her bag roughly in her right hand. ”Yeah, yeah let’s go…” Alicia turned to talk, Zoey narrowed her eyes and stopped.

She reached out grabbing her sister by the arm. ”Ok..hold up…what is it? I know that look…”

Alicia shook her head, has hands down her hips and she slowly turned around looking at Zoey. ”I just don’t know if I should bother going, ya know? Everything I’ve done and I failed. I let that bitch beat me…” there was a certain amount of anger and frustration in her voice. Zoey sighed, she stepped forward, reaching out grabbing Alicia by the shoulders and looking her right in the eye.

”I can’t hear you with that pity dick in your mouth…” Alicia’s jaw dropped, Zoey shook her head and laughed. ”Grab your balls, grab your shit and get on the damn plane…” Alicia sighed heavily, she swallowed hard and reached down grabbing her bag before turning back towards the door.

”ok..god…you don’t need to get all shitty about it.”

Miles is fucking hot

’ Miles is fucking hot…”

Zoey shrugged and stepped forward, her arms folding over her chest as many members of the general public of Mumbai moved around her. The tall statuesque blonde easy to pick out of a crowd as everyone couldn’t help but stare at her.

”I get it, it’s not something that you thought I would say to start this off. But I had to get it out there. I had to get this off of my chest. You see last time you saw me I was teaming up with my sister and beating those idiots around three. Ruby and Diamond Steele, two complete morons who thought that they could step up to myself and my sister and do some damage and in the end they got laid down. And I’m sure diamond is going to run her mouth later on about how she was able to defeat Alicia. Congratulations. You got lucky Diamond. And let’s face it, one on one neither of you measure up to me.”

“Then again that seems to be a problem that most people in this company have. Even the one woman on this roster he can and would step up to Me, she’s not in the mental place to do any damage right now. And yes tempest I’m talking to you. So what am I going to do to keep the good times rolling? Well, I get to team with a fellow member of Wolfslair to face two graduates of the go gym.”

“But I have to say,  I’m really glad I get to team with Miles. Not just because it means I get to stand on the ring apron and look at him, but it also means he gets to get away from his psychotic girlfriend who seems to be stalking everything he says and everything he does and then spamming him day in and day out with stupid tweets all the while making herself look like a complete abusive idiot. And then, when she has been told not to instead of acting like a normal human being she goes silent for a week. Classic narcissistic psychotic behavior.”

”So, I have two missions in this match. Mission number one, keep my win streak going. Make sure I look damn impressive. Mission number two, make sure Miles looks good and he gets a win. Because God only knows how much he deserves it. You see I’ve seen miles in the gym day in and day out busting his ass  and doing everything he can to become the best he can be. But the problem is he hasn’t had anyone standing by his side to really support him, that is what I’m going to do. I’m going to support Miles because he fucking deserves it“

She steps forward, speaking with such passion that a few people walking past her jump, it’s not every day you see someone that big and dressed in black jeans and a leather jacket in the middle of India cutting a promo.

” but, what can I do to support Miles against Carter? Especially since neither of us dislike Carter. Do you want to talk about someone who is a hell of a lot of fun? Do you want to talk about someone who is hilarious to talk to at a good all around human being? That’s Carter. That is someone who went down to SCU and showed the world just how good he is. And I understand a lot of people give that company shit, a lot of people believe the competition to be on the same level as what we have in SCW. Shit my sister is one of those people, Austin, someone who has looked at as a leader in our gym thought so.”

“But not me.“

“Carter, you have all the tools available to make it big in this company. You have surprising athleticism and heart, you can take a beating like no one‘s business and come back for more. We have seen what you can do and you have a personality that puts most people off because they don’t expect someone so funny and forward.“

“With that being said as much as I’m going to stand here and champion you as a human being and a wrestler, you have to understand I have Miles’ back.”

Someone steps past Zoey walking through her shot.

”Excuse me, what the fuck? What the fuck you looking at? Step the fuck on.“

Zoey Lukas, making friends.

”Miles is an incredible athlete Carter, just like you. But he really does have that extra athletic ability. You look at a man like miles and you really see someone who could be a champion. He just needs someone to believe. And it’s unfortunate that Miles needs to get a win over you, because you deserve to have a great career. You deserve to have a great start to this new era that you are going to have. But the problem is, I can’t let that happen. And part of me feels bad. Part of me wishes that I was teaming with you against another team of two others. Or part of me wishes you were involved in the match at all. I’m sorry Carter…”

She seems sincere, slowly nodding before letting out a sigh.

”However, someone that I am not going to apologize to is the other side of that team. Krystal Wolfe. Now, I’m not going to try and make her look bad. The truth is that the second you start to downplay your opponents and what they are capable of then you’ve already lost. I will sit here and I will tell everyone why I have an advantage over you, but I’m not going to sit here and talk shit about what you’ve been able to accomplish in your career.”

“You see if I do that, if I make it look like you have accomplished nothing and what will I get out of it when Miles and I beat you and Carter? Now I don’t know you, all I know is what I’ve seen of you in the rain already and your name as well as where you are from.”

“But as far as on a personal level, I have no idea who you are. You were able to become the roulette champion and have an incredible rain beating everyone who stepped up to you. You won the future start of the year award and the most improved of the year. That is nothing to scoff at and that is nothing to take a big steaming dump on.”

“I don’t dislike you, because I don’t know you well enough to form any kind of opinion. But you are standing in the way of me continuing to claw and fight my way to greatness. And that is all I need to know. This doesn’t need to be anything personal, I don’t need to sit there and tell you down to make you feel bad before I beat you. I just need to get in that rain and do my best and look at you for what you really are.”

“In my way..”

“I am physically dominant, I am mentally stronger than I have ever been and I have already shown the entire world what I can do. And now? A win over you someone who has had so much over the last year also. Someone has been a champion and won awards, someone who’s the fan base loves….”

“A win over you? Can make my career. And that is all I need to know….”
