Author Topic: Hunting a demon  (Read 606 times)

Offline Zoey Lukas

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    • Zoey Lukas
Hunting a demon
« on: October 07, 2020, 10:27:33 AM »
Mean girls can kiss my ass
Detroit, Michigan
5 Years ago

One of the strangest feelings in the world is both simultaneously belonging, while feeling like not belonging. When you walk into a room and it feels like you are meant to be there all the while having people stare at you telling you that not only shouldn’t you be there, that you don’t deserve to be there. That is what Sierra Williams was dealing with. That is what she had been faced with every weekend, every show, for the last six months. She travelled down from Canada working at the same company that her brother is dead, the independent shows running every single weekend for those six months. And every time Sierra has been positioned at a higher and higher point on the card he gets better and better opponents.

But there in lies the problem. Other women who had been booked at the shows for longer than her, in some cases years felt like they had been overlooked and overstepped. None of this was series fault. She just turned up and did her best every single time. And every time the fans and those backstage would react to what she did. But it wasn’t really her fault. Sierra was a natural having been raised in a wrestling ring. Her father had a good career, he was well known in Mexico and Canada. But he was never able to break into the North American market or even Europe or Japan.

But her older brothers opened the door. They made the trip down into North America, they started building the reputation for the family. And Sierra was able to take advantage of it.

But this weekend was different. Every single show she had been out for the last six months her brothers had been booked too. But not this time, this time she made the trip by the self. Jumping in her car driving down across the border and making her way to Detroit. This show was going to be big, 3000 people, the biggest crowd that Sierra will perform in front of to this point in her career. And her brothers weren’t going to be there to see her wrestle or to be in the corner. It actually made her nervous. Which for someone like Sierra was a strange feeling. She had always been so full of confidence bordering on arrogance, but being here alone without her brothers made her feel scared.

And that alone made her ashamed, ashamed to feel that way. Ashamed to think that way. Ashamed to even be there.

She moved down the hallway holding her gear bag in her hand. She turned and stopped at the door to the women’s locker room a long deep breath passing her lips.  She tried to get herself mentally prepared. She reached out and open the door walking in, the jovial laughter and camaraderie of the women’s locker room was there, until they saw her. They all stopped, they all looked at her, and then as if in unison and prepared ahead of time they all turned away from her. Sierras heart sank, but an anger rose up in her. How dare they make her feel like this? How dare they treat her like shit. She moved over to a small corner throwing her bag down. She turned and sat on the bench pulling the bag back between her legs and opening it.

She took out pieces of gear, laying them down next to her carefully. She moved her neck back-and-forth starting her warmup routine getting herself mentally ready for the show. But she could feel the eyes on her, she could feel them all burning a hole right through her with hatred and anger.

She pulled her sweatshirt up and over her head, she laid it down next to her and pulled her top up and over and sighed heavily. She could feel two of them coming closer, hands class being into fists, she was used to this, used to them making snide comments and for the most part she had been able to keep her frustrations in check. But she had done it by leaving and going and talking to her brothers who are able to calm her down. Neither of whom were here, and that was a problem. Two blondes, leggy, slender, immaculate make up. They moved on either side of Sierra looking down with arrogant faces.

One of them slowly kneeled down next to her tilting her head and studying Sierra’s face ”Hmmm still haven’t learned that your face is your brand eh?” there had been emphasis put on the “eh”. So this week they were picking on the fact that she was Canadian, last week it was the fact that she was part Mexican. The fun never stops backstage.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down and not do anything stupid. The other blonde that was on her right slowly moved around and ran a hand through Sierras hair. ”fake sure love that!”

”Or, you can not make your wrestling career about your physical appearance. It’s your first thing to go.” she said it under her breath, but still loud enough for both girls to hear. They stood up and turned around next to each other right in front of her staring down at her with looks of disdain.

The taller of the two folded her arms over her chest, her nostrils flared before sneering down at Sierra. ”Still trying time act all superior because of your family. Gee wish I had a dad in the business and brothers to get me jobs”  Sierra ground under her breath, her hands were still pulled into fists and she tried to calm herself down. ”Pathetic, needing daddy”

That was it, she couldn’t take it anymore. And with her brothers not there at all just boiled over. Sierra pushed up to her feet standing right in front of both of them. ”You think I need Rico or Diego to get me booked?” Voice raised, she stepped forward as both women seemed to stand their ground. But Sierra was angry and this time she wasn’t going to let them win. ”You know nothing. Neither of you do. And unless you want me to drop you on your heads, you’ll learn to give me some respect.”

There were a few awkward moments, neither of them said anything and the rest of the women all looked away, embarrassed and some even afraid. Sierra snarled and turned, sitting down and continuing to get prepared. She wasn’t going to let them win, she wasn’t going to let them run her out of the business that she was born to dominate. But she also wasn’t going to lash out, she was going to save The aggression for the ring. And oh boy was she going to be aggressive tonight.

Hunting a demon

She had to take long deep breath’s. To keep herself calm so she didn’t fly off the handle. Had it been so long since she had been able to properly address the Sin city wrestling fans and management.

”Last time you all saw me, I was beating the hell out of the Trenton Tigers. I stood here and I explained to you all how I was still one of the best to step in a professional wrestling ring and I was definitely one of the best bombshells on the roster. I explained to you all that Lachlan and I were going to get into that ring and prove that we could still go as the best tag team in the world. But Lachlan needs time off to formulate a plan. To come back as good as we all know he can be. But me? I don’t need that time, I don’t need to wait at home.”

“I need to be in the ring.”

“That’s why I came back. That’s why I wanted to take that open challenge with my husband. I wanted to be able to team with him again and to re-introduce myself to everyone who watched this company. Because it seems that people forget what I’m capable of. Sure, I’ve been a mixed tag team champion, and I’ve had to listen to everyone tell me that I’m nothing without my husband, and tell him that he’s nothing without me. It’s a tired old Trop that makes me roll my eyes, because even though I haven’t won singles gold in sin city wrestling it’s not like I haven’t had my fair share of big wins and great moments. It’s not like I’m not a danger to every single woman in this goddamn company.”

“I can mix it up with anyone, absolutely anyone.“

She starts to talk through gritted teeth as she steps forward, a black and red bandanna underneath her long red hair that flows down on either side of her face. The frustration evident in her emerald green eyes.

“I can get in the ring with legends like Roxi Johnson. I can face current stars like Evie Jordan, or has-beens like Mercedes Vargas and Christina Zdunich. I can get in the ring and beat anyone. But my biggest issue is that I’ve never been able to break through the glass ceiling. I’ve never been able to get to that moment and win a championship by myself. I haven’t had as many championship matches or title opportunities like certain other people who seem to be able to beg for shots week in and week out, but that’s still no excuse.”

“But this week as I make my return, I find myself facing someone who sin city signed and seemed to celebrate“

Sierra couldn’t help but smirk, she had signed a contract and been touted as an amazing acquisition to. And she feels as if she did not let them down. But now her she is getting ready to face the shiny new toy, as an afterthought.

”Maki, or Melissa Aki. She signed a contract and came into this company and everyone lost their collective shit. And hey it’s with good reason right? She’s been very successful in different companies and she is someone who when she gets into a wrestling ring you can see that she is different, you can feel that she is different. You can see that she is a very special athlete and she will get in that ring and come at your million miles an hour. With that being said though I would like to say one thing that many people are probably not expecting me to say.”

“Welcome to a legitimate company.”

“I know many people might be rolling their eyes right now and wondering why I’m going down that road. But let’s face it Maki has had great success in places that most people wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole. Hell one of those places I was in and I still have to try and wash the stink of that place off of me. I mean CWF? Are you kidding me?. I get it we all make mistakes, we all workplaces that we usually regret. Hell I worked for WWH too. But the fact that that history in the past is why everyone got so excited to see you in the ring is what makes me giggle.”

“I mean did anyone let you in on the joke that the only reason why you were WW wait women’s champion for so long was because anyone with actual talent left that goddamn company? You had a reign as champion after I left, after Alicia left, after Elena Desraca left.”

She can’t help but laugh and roll her eyes stepping forward

”And now here you are, stepping into sin city wrestling into one of the most stacked divisions in the wrestling world. We have legends, we have current stars, we have people who should be feared and respected. Look at the division Maki. Alicia Lukas, Evie Jordan, Andrea Hernandez, Seleana Zdunich, Roxi Johnson, Amber fucking Ryan. I mean...the talent here is special. And you coming with all of this bright shiny promotion, people talking like you are some special little flower getting ready to bloom in this division and take over. Amber Ryan has been able to prove that she deserves to be here and we talked about is one of the best. You came in around the same time with the same fanfare and your greatest accomplishment is losing to Jesse Salco…”

“Did you forget how to fight?”

“Look, everyone else might want to blow smoke up Jessie’s ass. They might want to pat on the back and start talking about how it’s clear that she still has some fight left in her. But she went on a huge losing streak only picking up pity winds here in there before getting into a ring with you were you should’ve destroyed her and you didn’t. I may keep banging my head on the glass ceiling above me whenever I get a sniff of singles gold, but at least I never lost to Jesse fucking Salco.”

“But good news, you can redeem yourself.“

Sierra steps back holding her arms over her Calgary flames jersey, a small smile curls on her lips.

”You can redeem yourself by getting in the ring and beating a little old Sierra Williams. Tag team specialist, gatekeeper to the rest of the division. Someone who gets forgotten in this company for some strange reason despite the fact I’m one of the best to lace up a pair of boots. You and I can go out there and go to war. You can put up a fight against me and win or lose you can come out with fans and people respecting you after the bullshit that happened violent conduct. So I know you’re better than that match. I know you’re better than the championships that you seem to hold so proudly despite the fact most of them are worth nothing. And that’s not me saying that sin city’s titles are just worth more than every other title in this goddamn business, just the ones that you seem to be proud of, are beneath you.”

“Maki, you are talented enough to be one of the best in this company and to be a leader of the division. But, so am I. And I’m sick of sitting on the sidelines. I’m sick of looking at people jump ahead of me in the line just because they feel like it. So I need to make sure I go out there and send a message. And so do you. That is why people should be excited to see this match, because I know I’m gonna go out there and look for blood. And you will too.”