Author Topic: Wrong time, wrong place, wrong girl  (Read 939 times)

Offline Zoey Lukas

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    • Zoey Lukas
Wrong time, wrong place, wrong girl
« on: February 10, 2023, 07:13:09 PM »
The fuck is her problem?

Zoey was moving back and forth, stomping as she does. A loud exasperated groan escaped her lips as more visible signs of frustration appeared. But sitting at the table, slowly sipping on a coffee was Aron. In his other hand was his ipad, his thumb flicking down through whatever he was reading.

Zoey kept pacing.

She pulled out her phone, sending off another text message before tapping her foot impatiently, her phone buzzed, she read it and groaned again, her head shooting back and up to the cieling as her shoulders slumped down and her whole body seemed to go limp. Frustration was creeping in, maybe even anger. And finally Aron gave her a reason to tell him…and run her mouth.

”Something on your mind?”

Her shoulders went back, her back straightened and her chest pushed forward. ” So, I went with Violet to get the boys from school right? Like I hadn’t seen Rory or Ryan in a bit and wanted to do the cool aunt thing…” Zoey paced around, her phone waving in her right hand as she growled under her breath. Aron raised an eyebrow and set his ipad down to turn on the chair and face her.

Zoey took a deep breath, looking at her phone at the message she had received and letting out yet another groan and a growl. ”And…did something bad happen? Did you two get into a fight?....cause if you did then Kristjan would probably want to take bets..” Zoey scoffed and laughed under her breath before shaking her head and moving around to sit across from Aron, the contrast was interesting.

Aron was clean cut, dressed in casual yet smart clothes, Zoey on the other hand was in a pair of black jeans with pre tears and a long sleaved black spartan brand shirt. ”Nah nothing like that, Rorys teacher introduced himself. His original teacher had to bounce with a family emergency right?. So this guy comes out and introduces himself and he’s kinda cute, no wedding ring and kinda seemed…I dunno…into her?” Zoey shrugged and took a deep breath.

”Ok…so…whats the issue exactly?”

Zoey threw her hands in the air and groaned. ”She’s being a pain in te ass about it. First being dismissive, and now making excuses!...”

Aron leaned forward and tilted his head. ”Excuses?” He was legitimately confused, Zoey shook her head and her heart dropped.

”That even if he is interested she isn’t. Apparently she’s just like…not ready to even entertain this. She’s been divorced for a year and a half…” She grabs a bottle of water popping the top off and taking a sip. ”She’s lonely, I can see it, she has the boys, she has everyone at the gym but as far as someone to go home to?’s not there..”

Aron gave a small nod as Zoey drank some more water and stared off. ”You’re annoyed that she isn’t even entertaining the idea?...that in your eyes she is..self sabotaging her happiness?”

”Yes…that…all of that…EXACTLY THAT.”

Aron cleared his throat, finished his coffee and then reached across the table grabbing Zoeys hand and looking into her eyes. ”I get it, I do. I went through something similar with m,y brother. But, no matter how much you care about someone and are trying to be a good sister…you have to back up a bit…”

Zoey interjected. ”But I just-”

Aron put a finger up on his free hand. ”How would you have felt if Alicia had tried to push you into a relationship with me before you were ready?..”

”Annoyed…I guess..”

”Exactly..” Aron smiles wide squeezing her hand. ”She’ll be ready when she is ready, you’ll see the signs and then…and only then…can you try and help her. If not, all you’re going to do is push her away and annoy her…so I know it’s hard…but back off for now..”

Zoey took a deep breath, closing her eyes and then giving a small nod before opening them and looking at her phone. ”Alright…I’ll try it YOUR way….for now..”


”Y’all know what this is?”

Zoey slowly holds up a key. Just a generic silver key, nothing special about it. Nothing ornate or beautiful. Just a key.

”Keys unlock things, chests, windows, doors and gates. And this, well this is basically what I have been put as now. A key. A kay to the rest of the division. Apparently Jessie Salco was busy because instead of her welcoming this, random new girl. It’s me. And hey, I’m no stranger to feasting on fresh meat, but over the last few months I have built a reputation and aura. I have faced both those new to this company as well as hall of fame names and so called “legends” And I have come out on top in every single match except one. One person in SCW has been able to take me out one on one…everyone else has fallen before me.”

“In fact, last time y’all saw me do you remember what I did? Who I beat? Cause I sure as shit do. I went out to that ring and I faced Mercedes Vargas. Former bo,bshells world champion, former bombshells tag team champion, mixed tag team champion, roulette champion, internet champion and in 2018 became a member of the SCW hall of fame. And when she stepped in the ring with me I destroyer her…”

“Amazing isn’t it. So, after beating a woman like her, where was I going to go? Who was I going to face?”

“Well, imagine my surprise when I see my name opening climax control against a woman having her first match in SCW, while the woman who I just beat, who then went on to fail to win the internet title…for a second time, is in a triple threat match where the winner gets to go against Amber Ryan one on one. Wow. And SCW wonders why it’s hard to build new stars and why their bombshells world title scene has become stagnant.”

Zoey scoffs and shakes her head, some of her hair falling down over her eyes as she lets out a deep breath, visibly frustrated.

”Even my own sister says she doesn’t deserve to be in that match, so you have Alicia telling the world she didn’t earn shit, you have Mercedes Vargas somehow failing UPWARDS and then you have me stuck in a match against cindy luwhoever the fuck….”

“I have been sitting back, beating everyone and anyone that SCW puts in front of me. And I get rewarded by having a match like this while others who stars have faded get preferential treatment. And why? Why does Vargas, a woman I beat get handed all these opportunities? Why does my sister get handed shit she doesn’t even want and why does Roxi Johnson get featured above me? Go ahead, answer thoise fucking questions with lame excuses..”

“You want to know why it happens? In my eyes? Cause SCW would rather stay with the status quo in the bombshells division than risk the clustewrfuckery that happens in the world title scene on the mens side. Having that title play hot potato. They don’t want that here, so they stick to the same old same old. Cause I’ll be straight up here. Amber Ryan can whoop Vargas, Alicia and Roxi…cause we’ve seen her do it before….”

“You know what we haven’t seen before?”

Zoey pops up, standing tall, reminding us all just how big she is.

”Amber face me. And hey, we might not ever see that, as I am continually passed up for has beens and women closer to the end of their career than anything approaching relevancy. So now, I have to face this Cindy Halsey woman. Someone making her SCW debut. And sure, you could look at that as a disadvantage because I have no idea what I’m getting into. But, this skinny little blonde bobblehead from West hollywood is in trouble.”

“You see Cindy, this is the ultimate case of wrong place, wrong time, wrong girl.”

“As you have no doubt noticed based on my ultra bubbly demeanor, I am in a certain mood. See, as I outlined, I have been looked over and passed up in favor of my own sister, who didn’t want the shot, and two has beens who need to pack it up and retire. And in this ultimate show of disrespect I got thrown against you…”

“So, tell me, what am I to do with you? Hmm? What should happen to Cindy Halsey?”

“I’ll tell you. You appeared on SCW tv and cut a five second promo about signing your SCW contract and how you want competition and money. Well, I have some good news and bad news for you Cindy. The good news is, if you turn up, you’ll get paid. Win or lose. The bad news, well, competition, there will be no competition between us.”

Zoey scoffs and shakes her head again trying not to laugh.

”You look at me, and then at you, and it’s like we’re not even the same species. You are a skinny little bottle blonde who would look way more at home on a porn set waiting for your next gangbang scene to start than a wrestling ring. And I look like, and very well could, end you. I can take you, snatch you up and break you in half and the sad fact is…I now have to do it…”

“The disrespect SCW has shown me has to be answered and I have to take it out on somebody Cindy. So, as I said…wrong place…wrong time…”
