Author Topic: Vs Snow White and one big dwarf  (Read 573 times)

Offline Zoey Lukas

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Vs Snow White and one big dwarf
« on: February 04, 2022, 08:47:28 PM »
The recap

A year can change alot. A year an entire human being can be conceived, grown and birthed. An entire year can change everything. And what a year it had been in the life of Sierra Williams. She had been safe and secure in SCW. She had her position, she was making money to support her family. But something was missing. Something had been lost in the years she had been in the company. Not that she wasn’t thankful. SCW had increased her profile, made her a star.

But the fire had been put out,

She needed to find it, to recapture it. So, she left. She walked from the company that had helped her remember what wrestling was. Through WWH and DIVISION she had honed her skills but SCW had been the first company she felt at home with. And to leave was painful. But it was a change that was needed. And in the last year, refocused on who she was and what she was capable of, Sierra had flourished.

She had become a world champion, dominating the opponents and competition, anyone who stepped up to her Sierra put down with a ruthless attitude and no remorse. A woman who had remembered what she was capable of in PWS Apex. But the professional ups had been mixed in personal lows. While in the wrestling world she had it all, the face of a company that was growing, the world title, the record for longest reign and a high profile position at the Orlando office of Wolfslair her personal life had been suffering.

Her father got sick and passed away, the man who trained her, who fostered and grew her love for professional wrestling and who had always been there faded from a strong, smart, funny man full of wisdom and guidance to a broken husk, an empty shell. And she had been the one left to organize it all, to pick up the pieces and put all of her own pain and sadness aside. Her mother and sister in no position to help in their grief, her brothers being useless as she realised they were immature manchildren.

But, through it all Lachlan Kane had been her rock. Her husband was the glue that held her fractured psyche together, the man that had reached down to pull her up when she fell or the world held her down.

But now, there was a dark cloud over both of them. Lachlan had changed due to his own professional issues. A woman who had driven him to the point of breaking. And Sierra had no idea how to stop it. So, to deal with it she did the only thing she knew how. She was going to throw herself into work. Not just at PWS but a return to SCW, the blast from the past tournament and her first appearance in the company in a year. It should have been a happy homecoming, a moment she would smile about, a moment to lift her spirits. Instead she felt let down.

Let down by the company’s attitude.

Let down by the random drawing giving her a partner that she new was substandard.

Let down by having to go against the current world champion and a woman who was a legend in the bombshells division.

It was a feeling she had unfortunately become used to. Sierra had left because of that feeling. Constantly being looked over, pushed aside. And now here she sat, deep in thought as she stared at the plane ticket SCW had sent her to fly to Vegas. Her credentials to get into the backstage area of the Cox pavilion and of course, the BFTP contract that she had signed, scanned and Emailed back. She didn’t even hear her sister walk in.

Rosie: Yo are you fuckin nuts?

She was angry, Sierra snapped out of her focused daze looking over at her younger sister. Rosie was the baby of the family, Younger than Rico and Diego, younger than Sierra, she was in her early twenties, long hair dyed pink with tattoos adorning her arms. She had a different attitude than Sierra but was very much like everyone else in the family, working independents as she grew her skill set. Yet she was opinionated and usually angry about something. Sierra raised her eyebrow waiting for the follow up.

Rosie: Goin back there? Why? You have been killin it in PWS Apex but you want to go back to a place that pigeon holed you as a mixed tag team wrestler? a mixed tag team tournament?...the fuck Si?

She couldn’t help but laugh, as usual her sister was speaking from a place of love and care, but she had missed the point entirely. The arrogance of youth, the short sighted nature of anger. It all made Sierra feel amused and like she was doing the right thing. Keeping everyone on their toes and doing what they would least expect. And also keeping her mind off her personal issues and what was going on with her husband. Sierra stood up, taking the paperwork and looking at it one last time before tilting her head at her sister.

Sierra: I guess I’m just a glutton for punishment. Besides, a paycheck is a paycheck…

She went to breeze past Rosita. But her sister reached out grabbing her arm. Sierra stopped mid step and shook her head. Rosita however, was always a stubborn bitch, just like her older sister, just like their mother.

Rosie: Burying your head in work isn’t going to make shit easier. Losing dad was hard on all of us, and Lachlan…I know this shit is weird and out there, but you know he loves you…and you love him..everything will be o-

Sierra: I know…

Sierra interrupted, sternly. Her voice full of bass and authority as she turned to look at her baby sister, Rosita let go of her arm and Sierra went to step forward and away before stopping and shaking her head with a groan.

Sierra: I deal with things in my own way. I’m staying positive because someone has to. I did with dad dying, I did with the disappointment in my first SCW run and I have even with Lachlan going dark….you just have to trust me…I know what I’m doing…but, thanks…I know you’re there for me…

Sierra gave her little sister a small smile. Rosita gave a small nod and stepped back, there was nothing more to be said, nothing more to be done. It was go time…

Well, shit

Sierra: Did y’all miss me?

The voice of Sierra Williams breaks through the silence. We come to a live feed as she steps forward. Her long red hair flowing down from under a black bandana. She shakes her head with an arrogant smirk before looking to the side with her eyebrows raised. She reaches down and picks up the PWS Apex world championship, looking at it before throwing it over her shoulder.

Sierra: I missed you. Kind of. See, there was a time when I ate, slept and bled this company. There was a time when success in SCW was the be all and end all for me. I loved this place, I loved the attitude, I loved the people here and the management. I wanted nothing more than to win a title here that wasn’t the mixed tag team championship. I wanted to hold the Internet title, the roulette title or the bombshells title. I wanted the honor of being able to champion this company in the wider community. But, I slowly realised that I was being lost in the shuffle.

I was being pushed aside and looked at as just another name on the list. I wasn’t “special” I wasn’t looked at as someone who could carry the division and the company to the promised land. So, a year ago I made a decision. I decided that I was going to allow my SCW contract to expire. I wasn’t going to resign or allow it to roll over. I was going to focus somewhere else. I was going to prove I was special…

And goddamnit that’s what I did.

And I get it, in this company it’s taboo to talk about your success in other places. Shit, people didn’t even care about the Honor titles or the histories of people from that company despite the merger. They didn’t care if you were a champion in one of the other companies because apparently it “didn’t matter”. Well It matters. I matter. See, this might come as a shock to you, but when I am actually booked regularly and not held down I thrive. And for the last year I have been dominant. I have been rolling over everyone who was put in the ring with me.

She smirks and pauses looking down at the PWS Apex world title, her name on the nameplate at the bottom.

Sierra: For 344 days I have been the PWS Apex world champion and I have shined, So, why am I back here? Why did I agree to come back to SCW and the Blast from the past? Well, truth is I had a point to prove. I wanted to comeback, I wanted to win this and I wanted to see just how good Amber Ryan was. But, apparently fate is a cruel bitch. No sooner had I agreed to come back, no sooner had I signed the contract to compete that I had been promptly forgotten, shoved aside. And then…teamed with someone useless. And yes Joshua Acquin I am talking about you. Instead of being put oin a team with someone outside the company with something to prove or someone in SCW who has a track record of success I have to team with someone who has been nothing but a joke for the last five years…

Are you kidding me right now?

I get it, I do, all this is random.

But, in a tournament where it is supposed to be the best of the best striving to earn a world title opportunity the fact he is even let into it is a joke. The fact that they allow such random pairings  is fucking stupid and now, well not I have to compensate. I have to carry a two hundred point bag of shit on my back to try and earn an opportunity. Way to handicap me and handcuff me SCW. Seriously, Christian, Mark..thanks for nothing I greatly appreciate it…

The fiery latina can’t help but roll her eyes before moving the PWA Apex title from her shoulder.

Sierra: And to kind of twist the knife the first team we have to face is the current world champion and a woman who by all accounts is a legend in SCW and is also a mixed tag team champion. Great. The woman who held the bombshells title the longest out of everyone and the guy who is one title away from holding every single one in this company. Well, shit. I don’t think I have to tell anyone what my strategy is gonna be. See, it’s clear to me that Acquin won’t be able to stand up to Mac Bane. The guy has been a wrecking ball in SCW, destroying everyone week in and week out, so I can’t let those two be in the ring for any length of time.

See, I’m not stupid enough to discount Mac Bane, OI’ve seen him in the ring, I know how good he is and I know what he can do.

So, I have to keep myself in the ring, against Mikah.,

Now, as good as Mikah used to be, the last few years have not been kind to her. From one of the most dominant wrestlers since SCWs inception to being carried by everyone. Carried by Kris Ryans, carried by Coby Quik and now, carried by Mac Bane. I needed to test the water, to prove I could stand on my own, so I left here, I spread my wings and I did it…Mikah on the other hand?...Mikah has been comfortable, complacent…and lazy…

Sierra scoffs and shakes her head.

Sierra: I have been active, facing the best of the best around the world while snow white has been hanging around acting like life is one big vacation. Well, sweetheart, I’m not going to let you tag in your one big dwarf to let him carry your plastic ass. And I refuse to let Joshua Acquin screw me over by being useless. So, I have to beat the blond down, carry him through this tournament all so I can get in the ring with a dominant champ…easy right? Well, for anyone else it might be incredibly daunting. But for me?...I live for this shit…