Author Topic: Influencing The Division Part VIII: The Pretender.  (Read 162 times)

Offline Krystal Wolfe

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Influencing The Division Part VIII: The Pretender.
« on: May 22, 2024, 09:29:38 PM »
”Everyone’s a damn critic these days.

Never mind the fact that Seleana got one lucky win two weeks ago out of several failed attempts at beating me, including when I was the Roulette Champion, but that one win means the idiots come out of the damn woodwork.

Beginning to think that Kayla and Julianna have been dropped on their heads one too many times, what’s one more am I right?

But that’s enough about that for now, at least this next match is against someone I’ve never wrestled before, Melissa, one of many pretenders to my throne, one of many that tried to break my Roulette Title reign, and just like Keira, Diamond, Kat, Ariana, Crystal, Jessie, Alexandra (the first time) and Bobbie, she failed.

Honestly, the only ones who came close were Jessie and Alexandra, and we’ll see how Alexandra’s second reign goes since she’s in the Blast from the Past Tournament, speaking off which, Melissa was one of several stars who used to be in the company and returned with the tournament and it seems that she’s back for good this time! Will she repeat her success from before Goth’s health problems cropped up during last year’s tournament?

Frankly? I don’t give a shit, I will give her credit because it looked like she hadn’t lost a step during her bout with Eiley in the tournament even if that tag was so lucky that Mark and Eiley should seriously consider playing the state lottery when we get back stateside, but the fact of the matter is?

Melissa is yesterday’s news!”

Local café, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Wednesday the 22nd of May 2024, 12:00pm

We see Krystal and Makayla sitting down for lunch in the town of Gettysburg, a place most people knew for the famous American Civil War Battle.

”Well, at least we’re back to a time zone we’re used to.” Krystal commented dryly as she leaned back in her chair. ”Knowing my luck I’ll be saying the same thing if/when SCW finally gets around to touring Australia again.”

”I mean, they have three Australians on the roster, you, Aiden, and Alexander, they can’t keep putting it off forever right?” Makayla asked and Krystal could only shrug in response. ”Maybe it’ll happen when there’s five Australians on the roster.”

”There’s gotta be some more Aussie wrestlers out there right?” Krystal commented before she shook her head. ”Anyway the match against Melissa will be my chance to get back in the winner’s circle where I belong! The match against Seleana was a damn fluke and when I beat Melissa I’ll prove it once and for all.”

”Maybe, but perhaps consider just relaxing for the rest of the week?” Makayla suggested and Krystal just shook her head. ”You’ve been putting enough pressure on your shoulders for a thousand matches all year! I could understand when you were challenging for the Bombshell Internet Title in February but you haven’t challenged for a title since then!”

”Did it ever occur to you that that’s the fucking problem?!” Krystal grunted in response as she flipped some hair over her shoulder. ”And we both know that wrestling is a high pressure sport, or do I need to remind you of how tough training at the Go Gym was?”

”No you don’t, I still remember the bumps and bruises you showed me on the video calls we had when I was still living in Adelaide and you were training at the Go Gym.” Makayla conceded as she shook her head and Krystal nodded as she continued to eat her lunch. ”And for that matter? You were diagnosed as autistic during the title reign, autistic burnout is a thing, I don’t want to see you doing that to yourself.”

”The same autistic burnout that I’ve been dealing with for years before I even got that diagnosis?” Krystal pointed out with a frown as she leaned back in her chair and Makayla frowned. ”The only thing that diagnosis did for me in the long run was give me context behind some of my darkest times, I’m still the same badass Aussie wrestler I always was.”

”And someone who’s lost matches that she, based on past records, should’ve won.” Makayla countered and Krystal’s frown deepened. ”Or do I need to remind you of the Gorden Briefcase Match?”

”Don’t! And don’t remind me of the fact that that match will likely be fucking pointless because Georgie hasn’t been seen or heard from since Blaze of Glory!” Krystal responded with an angry grunt before shaking her head. ”Let’s just get the bill and go, I’m going to give myself a migraine from talking about this damn bullshit at this rate and I need a change of scenery.”

”Sure, just need to pay the bill and we can go.” Makayla nodded in response before getting her card out.

(Krystal’s inner thoughts)

”It wasn’t as if I couldn’t have paid the bill, the place we’re eating at isn’t exactly the most expensive place in town after all, but Makayla got her card out before I could say anything so yeah, that’s on me.

As for this match against Mellissa? I know that she kicks harder than most of the women on the roster, and hell some of the men for that matter, having a kickboxing background will do that after all, but are kicks all she’s really good at? That’s the question I find myself asking heading into this match.

Me? I’ve always prided myself on being a well-rounded wrestler, I can fly, I can rely on my strength, I can stretch an opponent out, I can brawl with the best of them, Melissa primarily relies on her kicks, take them out and that’s 90% of her offence gone.

Which is a shocking fact really, when you remember who she’s married too.”

Local gym, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Thursday the 24th of May 2024, 13:00pm

It was the day after Krystal and Makayla’s conversation and Krystal was now training with her minions in a local gym.

”You two keeping out of trouble over there?” Krystal called out to Kelly and Hayley and the two trainees looked up from their workouts, Kelly on the treadmill and Hayla on the rowing machine respectively. ”I know it’s not the same facilities as the Go Gym but it’s still a gym.”

“Don’t worry about us Krystal, we’re good.” Kelly responded before she upped her speed on the treadmill. “Besides, we’ve been on our best behaviour all cycle.”

“Only because she hasn’t given us anything to sink our teeth into.” Hayley countered as she shook her head. “Like the manager’s license you promised us when we started this whole arrangement.”

”That hit some complications, I’ll explain later.” Krystal responded as she schook her head before sitting up from the weight’s bench. ”Not to mention this damn tour.”

“Here’s what I don’t get, you were able to get your fuck buddy Jessica as your manager without problems, that arrangement lasted for months.” Kelly responded as she got off the treadmill and walked up to Krystal. “What gives?”

”What gives is the simple fact that Jessica already had a managers license from doing managerial work in the UK Independent scene.” Krystal responded as she shook her head. ”And apparently those things aren’t region specific, certainly explains how those guys can go worldwide and pull their shenanigans without hassle.”

“Yeah, I guess that makes sense.” Kelly conceded as she walked back to the treadmill. “But chase that up already! Me and Hayley are bored of waiting backstage!”

“Yeah, what she said.” Hayley added and Krystal nodded before the three women resumed their workouts.

(Krystal’s inner thoughts)

”Do I dare tell them that I keep forgetting to apply for a manager’s license for them? Eh, better to get it done during the Into the Void buildup really.

Regardless of if I’m on the card or not.

And I need to get past this match before I can even think about that! Melissa can underestimate me all she wants, we were in the Saviors together, she knows how good I am, but she’ll soon learn why my reign will go down in the history books while her reign will be a mere footnote.

After all, no one cares about the pretenders to the throne!”

Gettysburg National Military Park, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Thursday the 23rd of May 2024, 21:00pm

*promo time*

We see Krystal wondering around the Gettysburg Military Park with her hands in her jacket pockets as she addresses the camera.

”Fitting isn’t it? That I conduct my promo about my upcoming battle at Gettysburg at the Military Park here in Gettysburg.” Krystal comments as she motions to the area around her. ”You know, as an Australian who’s lived in the US for nearly ten years now, there’s one thing I never understood about this civil war, we get one side pointing it out for what it was, a war over the right to own slaves, and then we get Confederate Flag Waving idiots screaming about state’s rights or some bullshit!

Oh and by the way? Just to piss off any Southerners who might be watching this? I’ve been in the US legally longer than the Confederacy lasted!”

Krystal smirks as she shakes her head.

”But all that aside, this match between me and Melissa won’t exactly be up to scale with the Battle of Gettysburg, the ghosts of George Meade or Robert E. Lee aren’t going to show up in the audience for this match for fuck’s sake, but it’s still pretty damn important to the two of us, wouldn’t you say Melissa?” Krystal asked as she brushed some hair over her shoulder. ”This Sunday’s show is the last one before Into the Void, which will take place at a battleground that’s arguably more infamous than Gettysburg in Pearl Harbor, we both know what means, don’t we Mel?

That precious momentum before the big show is up for grabs.”


”We’re both in need of a win here, my last win was against that walking punchline Bea Barnhart while your time in the Blast from the Past Tournament was cut short because Aiden couldn’t keep Mark on his shoulders long enough to execute his finisher!” Krystal adds as she folds her arms. ”Assuming the bosses don’t have plans for us already? A win here would impact our Into the Void plans significantly! And make no mistake Melissa? Your kicks won’t cut it.”

It's that simple.

”Because I’ve been watching your matches long enough that your essentially useless if your legs are taken out Melissa! Oh sure, your has been of a husband may disagree but who cares about that old fart’s opinion? Not me.” Krystal smirks as she flips some hair over her shoulder. ”And don’t forget that we trained together during my brief time in the Saviours Melissa, I know your weak points and you can be damn sure that I’m going to exploit them!”

And with that Krystal decided to wrap things up.

”You want to know my honest thoughts about you Melissa? You’re a pretender, someone who tried to emulate my success in the months and years that followed the end of my title reign, and just like all the others, you failed, miserably.” Krystal adds as she folds her arms. ”And at Influencing the Division Part VIII: The Pretender? You’ll fail miserably again, this time at beating me because I kick ass for the content! See you in this ring Mel, and bring the Confederacies’ Flag, the real one, if you want a reprieve, they’ve gotta be selling some white flags in this town somewhere, right?”

Krystal walked off as the scene fades.