Author Topic: Krystal Wolfe's Match Record  (Read 9216 times)

Offline Krystal Wolfe

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Krystal Wolfe's Match Record
« on: November 20, 2022, 04:22:30 PM »
Match #1: Singles Match vs. Veronica Taylor (Steel Cage SCU Showcase Match), Result: WIN

Match #2: Singles vs. Andrea Hernandez, Result: LOSS

Match #3: Singles vs. Tempest, Result: LOSS

Match #4: Fatal Four Way vs. Alice Knight vs. Mercedes Vargas vs. Royal Purple (#1 Contender Match for Bombshell Roulette Title), Result: LOSS (Alice Knight pinned by Royal Purple)

Match #5: Singles vs. Ruby Steele, result: LOSS

Match #6: Tag Team Match w/ Mark Cross vs. Amber Ryan and Despayre (Blast from the Past Opening Round Match) Result: LOSS (Krystal pinned by Amber)

Match #7: Singles Match vs. Char Kwan, Result: DRAW (Double DQ after repeated interference)

Match #8: Triple Threat vs. Candy vs. Bea Barnhart (Qualifier Match for Bombshell Roulette Title Match), Result: WIN (Bea Barnhart pinned by Krystal)

Match #9: Singles Match vs. Mercedes Vargas, Result: WIN

Match #10: Triple Threat vs. Royal Purple vs. Violet Amelia Holt (Briefcase Bonanza Match for Bombshell Roulette Title), Result: TITLE WIN (Krystal opened her briefcase last and revealed title)

Match #11: Non-Title Singles Match vs. Bella Madison, Result: WIN (DQ via Outside Interference from Mercedes Vargas)

Match #12: Singles Match vs. Maki (Mud-Pit Match for Bombshell Roulette Title), Result: WIN (first defense)

Match #13: Triple Threat vs. Maki vs. Bea Barnhart (Ultimate X Over the Pool Match for Bombshell Roulette Title), Result: WIN (Maki and Bea Barnhart eliminated simultaneously)

Match #14: Triple Threat vs. Bella Madison vs. Mercedes Vargas (Hardcore Rules Roulette Title Match), Result: WIN (Mercedes Vargas pinned by Krystal)

Match #15: Singles Match vs. Bella Madison (Glitter Light-sabre Duel Match for Bombshell Roulette Title), Result: WIN

Match #16: Singles Match vs. Seleana Zdunich (Disney Chamber Match for Bombshell Roulette Title), Result: WIN

Match #17: Rematch vs. Andrea Hernandez (Champion vs. Champion non-title match), Result: LOSS

Match #18: Five Pack Challenge vs/ Johanna Krieger vs. Bella Madison vs. Seleana Zdunich vs. Bea Barnhart (Graveyard Match for Bombshell Roulette Title) Result: WIN (Elimination Order: Bea Barnhart, Seleana Zdunich, Bella Madison and Johanna Krieger)

Match #19: Singles Match vs. Char Kwan (Hardcore Match for Bombshell Roulette Title), Result: WIN

Match #20: Non-Title Match vs. Diamond Steele, Result: LOSS

Match #21: Rematch vs. Mercedes Vargas (non-title Champion vs. Champion), Result: WIN

Match #22: Tag Team Match w/Jessie Salco vs. Team Hero (Glass Bulbs Match), Result: LOSS (Krystal pinned by Keira)

Match #23: Singles vs. Keira Fisher-Johnson (Hardcore Rules Bombshell Roulette Title Match), Result: WIN

Match #24: Tag Team Match w/ Jack Washington vs. Sam Marlowe and Supreme Machine (Blast from the Past Opening Round), Result: LOSS (Krystal submitted to Sam)

Match #25: Special Guest Referee: Diamond Steele, Singles Match vs. Keira Fisher-Johnson (Diamond's Rules Bombshell Roulette Title Match), Result: LOSS

Match #26: Singles vs. Amber Ryan (non-title Street Fight), Result: LOSS

Match #27: Singles vs. Evie Jordan, Result: WIN

Match #28: Fatal Four Way vs. Mercedes Vargas vs. Myra Rivers vs. Sam Marlowe (Number One Contenders Match for World Bombshell Championship), Result: LOSS (Mercedes Vargas pinned by Myra Rivers)

Match #29: Six Pack Challenge vs. Amber Ryan vs. Bella Madison vs. Sam Marlowe vs. Alicia Lukas vs. Keira Fisher-Johnson (Queen For a Day Ladder Match) Result: LOSS (Amber won the right to be Queen for a Day)

Match #30: Singles vs. Diamond Steele (upgraded Scaffold Over the Piranha Tank Match), Result: WIN (Diamond sent into tank)

Match #31: Singles Match vs. Kat Jones (Stretcher Match for Bombshell Roulette Title), Result: LOSS

Match #32: Tag Team Match w/ Ariana Angelos vs. The Metal Maniacs, Result: WIN (Iron Maiden pinned by Ariana Angelos)

Match #33: Tag Team Match w/ HB Carter vs. Zoey Lukas and Miles Kasey (Strange Bedfellows Tag Team Match), Result: WIN (Miles Kasey pinned by HB Carter)

Match #34: Singles Match vs. Kayla Richards (Bombshell Internet Title Match), Result: LOSS (Kayla's first defense)

Match #35: Singles Match vs. Sam Marlowe, result: WIN

Match #36: Fatal Four Way vs. Sam Marlowe vs. Alicia Lukas vs. Diamond Steele, (#1 Contenders Match for World Bombshell Championship) result: LOSS (Sam Marlowe pinned by Diamond Steele)

Match #37, Tag Team Match w/ Ariana Angelos, vs. Team Hero result: LOSS (Krystal pinned by Keira)

Match #38: rematch vs. Mercedes Vargas, result: WIN

Match #39: Singles vs. Masque (World Bombshell Championship Match), result: LOSS

Match #40: Singles vs. Roxi Johnson, result: LOSS

Match #41: Tag Team w/ Ariana Angelos vs. Masque and Avalon Blackthorn (Tag Team Santa's Bag Match), Result: LOSS

Match #42: Open Invitational Scramble vs. Ariana Angelos vs. Zoey Lukas vs. Seleana Zdunich vs. Crystal Caldwell vs. Mackenzie Page vs. Dawn Warren vs. Chelsea LeClair vs. Eaven Maloney, (Bombshell Roulette Title Match), result: LOSS (Crystal Caldwell escaped with title)

Match #43: Rematch vs Roxi Johnson, result: LOSS

Match #44: Singles vs. Dawn Warren, result: LOSS

Match #45: Singles vs Chelsea LeClair, result: WIN

Match #46: Mixed Tag Team Match w/ Casey Williams vs. Zoey Lukas and J-Mont (Blast from the Past Opening Round Match), result: LOSS (Casey pinned by J-Mont after outside interference from Tempest)

Match #47: Rematch vs. Seleana Zdunich, result: WIN

Match #48: Rematch vs. Tempest, result: LOSS

Match #49: Tag Team Match w/ Alexandra Callaway vs. London Underground (Charlotte Elliot and Mackenzie Page), result: WIN (Krystal pinned Charlotte)

Match #50: Rematch vs. Dawn Warren, result: LOSS

Match #51: Singles vs. Whisper, result: LOSS

Match #52: Tag Team Match w/ Ruby Steele vs Keira Fisher and Whisper, result: LOSS (Ruby pinned by Keira)

Match #53: Singles vs Ruby Steele, result: WIN (Match stopped after Krystal broke Ruby's arm)

Match #54: Singles vs Roxi Johnson (No Disqualification match) result: WIN (Match stopped after Krystal knocked out Roxi with a pair of brass knuckles and went to continue her attack with a Steel Chair)

Match #55: Singles Rematch vs. Keira Fisher (Fate of the World Match), result: LOSS

Match #56: Singles vs. Georgie Robertson, result: WIN

Match #57: Singles rematch vs. Roxi Johnson (Streetfight), result: LOSS

Match #58: Battle Royal vs Sam Marlowe vs Seleana Zdunich vs Kat Jones vs Mercedes Vargas vs Tempest vs Ariana Angelos vs Luna Vanity vs Zoey Lukas (match for the newly vacated Bombshell Internet Championship), result: LOSS (Krystal was eliminated by Ariana in an attempt to eliminate Tempest, Ariana would go on to be the runner up and challenge winner Luna Vanity for the title at High Stakes)

Match #59: Singles rematch vs. Seleana Zdunich, result: WIN

Match #60: Singles vs Luna Vanity (World Bombshell Title Qualifier), result: WIN

Match #61: Singles vs. Bella Madison, (World Bombshell Title Qualifier), result: LOSS

Match #62: Fatal Four Way Match vs. Seleana Zdunich vs. Luna Vanity vs. Georgie Robertson (Golden Briefcase Match), result: LOSS (Georgie grabbed the briefcase)

Match #63: Singles vs. Alexandra Callaway, result: LOSS

Match #64: Tag Team Match w/ Tempest vs Courtney Pierce and Luna Pasilno, result: WIN (Tempest pinned Luna after Courtney walked out on the match)

Match #65: Fatal Four Way vs. Tempest vs. Luna Pasilno vs. Courtney Pierce (Fatal Four Way for the Bombshell Internet Championship) Result: TITLE LOSS (Courtney was pinned by Tempest to end her reign)

Match #66: Singles vs. Julianna DiMaria (non-title match), result: LOSS

Match #67: Singles vs. Bea Barnhart, result: WIN

Match #68: Singles vs. Erika Moore, result: LOSS

Match #69: Singles vs. Seleana Zdunich, result: LOSS

Match #70: Singles vs Crystal Zdunich, result: WIN

Match #71: Singles rematch vs. Andrea Hernandez, result: LOSS
« Last Edit: July 01, 2024, 05:24:58 AM by Krystal Wolfe »