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Topics - Alexandra Calaway

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Climax Control Archives / Sweet Dreams || vs. Andrea
« on: September 06, 2024, 10:30:45 PM »
The Thorn in their sides
Brussels, Belgium

Whoa, what a rush that was despite what the Wolves of Gheimhridh might believe, we almost had them. The win was just within our grasp, so close we could taste it. We will meet again and next time, I know Miles and I will take those titles. Though, I need to give it some time, maybe with some relaxation and a bit more work we will win next time. I don’t think that either of them understand just how close they were to losing their beloved Mixed Tag Championships. That’s the thing though, like I said, close only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades.

It’s not over, I fully plan on being the thorn in their side, until they give us another shot. Bank on that. Kayla and Finn, you keep saying you wont face us again. But you can’t choose when that happens. Just know that every show, every defense, I will be there. I plan on studying every damned move that you both make. We found a chink in your armor and well, you both know what happens next time we are in that ring together. Those titles will be ours. Come hell or high water.

And Miles, I’m so proud of what we did out there. We showed them that their days are numbered. It’s only a matter of when. I’m sorry I couldn’t get back in there in time to stop the pin. I did everything I could. I hope you rest up and come back ready to tear them apart, once and for all. We both know we had them on the ropes. They had to take it to a new extreme to beat us. What do people do when they are backed into a corner, they attack. And attack they did. But we showed them that no matter how hard they come at us, we come back harder. I can’t wait until we get another chance. Next time, no holding back on either of our parts right. We hurt them if we have to.

You all are probably wondering what happens next for me? Well, I move on. I keep pushing forward no matter what happens now. I keep striving to put on one hell of a performance of a lifetime every time I go out to that ring. I’ve never been one to lay down and take defeat. I push through the pain, the sadness and the anger, and I come out the other side. I continue to fight, even when it seems that all the odds are against me. No matter what challenge I am given next. I don’t care if it’s the Bombshell Roulette Championship, The Bombshell Internet Championship or even, the Bombshell World Championship, I will go after whoever the competitor is, be it champion or not. I’ve heard through the grapevine that I’m already slated to face off against Andrea Hernandez. Someone who I’ve been keeping an eye on. Let’s just say, I’m excited about the match, the prospects that it brings with it.

Sometimes I wonder if anyone’s even reading these blogs anymore. Or is it possible I’ve become nothing more than a passing commodity. Someone people look in on when they are feeling bored. Either way, I’ll be here as much as possible, giving you all insight to my mind. Even if no one is reading this, at least the words will always be there.

Alexandra Calaway

Saying Goodbye
DFW International
Dallas, Texas

Alexandra and her family arrived at the airport. She had told her daughter she could come with her. Alexandra would have to take her daughter with her, even when she went to cut her promo. It wasn’t going to be easy, but it’s nothing new for her.

“Thank Mika for driving us to the airport. Now this one gets to go on the trip to Stockholm with me.” Alexandra laughed, ruffling her daughter's hair, who huffed about having to leave with so little of summer left to enjoy.

“I’m only going because I want to go to Sweden Mom. I wanted to stay here for the rest of the tour.” Ashlynn huffed a bit. “I love you, but it’s summer vacation.”

Alexandra smiled at her daughter’s mild protest as they walked through the airport, pulling their luggage behind them. The hum of the airport was a comforting background to the nervous energy buzzing inside her. Touring with Sin City Wrestling was always an adventure, but this time, it felt different. Maybe it was the fact that she was bringing Ashlynn along for the first time. Or maybe it was the pressure of balancing motherhood and wrestling, something she had mastered but never truly found easy.

Mika stood beside them at the check-in counter, her hands tucked into her pockets. He smiled at Ashlynn’s little attitude, a fond expression on her face. "Stockholm's gonna be great, Ashlynn. You'll be glad you went. And you get to watch your mom kill it in the ring."

Ashlynn rolled her eyes but smiled a little. “Yeah, I guess.”

Alexandra ruffled her daughter's hair again, earning another huff. "Come on, Ash. It'll be fun. Besides, you know how much I love having you with me. And Sweden? It’s not just about the tour. You’ll get to see new places, learn new things." She looked into Ashlynn’s eyes, understanding her plight, softening her tone. "I know it’s summer vacation, and you’d rather be with your friends, but I need you with me on this one. We’ll make the most of it, I promise."

Ashlynn’s frown lessened a bit, and she shrugged, her teen attitude softening under her mother’s gaze. “Fine, but only because it’s Sweden. And maybe we can see some cool stuff before you go all wrestler-mode. Are LJ and Miles going to be there?”

Alexandra smiled, relieved. “Deal. We'll hit up the tourist spots before I start throwing people around.” She winked, standing back up and stretching her shoulders. “And besides, you’re getting a lot more out of this than if you stayed home. Think of it as an adventure. Sadly, no, they aren't.”

Mika leaned over, placing a hand on Alexandra’s shoulder. “She’ll come around once you land. Stockholm’s beautiful this time of year. I’ll miss you both though.”

Alexandra gave Mika a quick hug. “Thanks for seeing us off. And for holding down the fort while we’re gone.” She glanced at Ashlynn, who was busy scanning the crowd of travelers. "At least you get a break from us for a while."

Mika laughed. “Yeah, like I’m gonna have any peace with Damien and Atticus hanging around. You take care of yourself, alright? Don’t get too caught up in things.” Her voice dropped a little, concern threading into her words.

She met her gaze, the weight of the tour already pressing in on her. "I’ll try. But you know how it goes."

Se nodded, understanding. Alexandra always put everything into her matches, and that meant pushing herself to the limit. But she wasn’t alone now. Ashlynn was with her, and that meant she had to balance her fierce drive with something softer, more cautious.

They made their way toward the security line, and as they neared the checkpoint, Alexandra crouched down again, pulling Ashlynn into a quick, tight hug. “You ready for this, kiddo?”

Ashlynn sighed, but there was a glint of excitement in her eyes. “I guess. Just… don’t embarrass me, okay?”

Alexandra smirked. “I make no promises.”

After clearing security and heading toward the gate, Alexandra found herself glancing at Ashlynn every few minutes, a warmth filling her despite the chaos of travel. It wasn’t easy, juggling wrestling and being a mother, but Ashlynn was growing up so fast. Alexandra wanted to make sure her daughter knew she was always a priority, even when the world of wrestling demanded so much of her. They arrived at their gate and settled in to wait for boarding. Ashlynn immediately pulled out her phone, burying herself in a game while Alexandra glanced at her emails. Promo plans. Logistics. Interviews. The tour was already starting in her mind, even if they hadn’t taken off yet.

Ashlynn looked up from her phone and caught her mother’s eye. “Are you nervous?”

Alexandra blinked, taken aback by the question. “Why would you think that?”

Her daughter shrugged. “I dunno, you just look like you’re thinking about a lot of stuff.”

Alexandra hesitated. Should she tell Ashlynn the truth? The pressure was always there—the need to perform, to win, to be the best, but now, with Ashlynn in tow, it felt heavier. But Ashlynn didn’t need to worry about that.

“A little, yeah,” Alexandra admitted, keeping her tone light. “But it’s nothing new. Just the usual. Once I’m in the ring, it all falls into place.”

Ashlynn studied her for a moment, then nodded, satisfied. “You’re gonna do great.”

Alexandra felt her heart swell with pride and love. “Thanks, kiddo.” As the announcement for their flight echoed through the terminal, she stood, extending her hand to Ashlynn. “Ready for our adventure?”

Ashlynn grinned and took her mother’s hand. “Yeah. Let’s go see Sweden.”

Alexandra and her daughter make their way to the desk and down the skyway, to board their long flight to Sweden.

Being Followed
Stockholm Observatory
Stockholm, Sweden

The ancient halls of the Stockholm Observatory echoed with the sound of Alexandra’s footsteps, her boots tapping softly against the stone floors. The building was dimly lit, the aged light fixtures casting faint golden glows that barely illuminated the intricate details of the old wooden walls and brass railings. The air smelled of dust and history, of nights spent gazing at the stars. Something Alexandra did on a normal basis, no matter where she went in the world.

Alexandra wandered through the main hallway, her eyes lingering on the faded star maps and the antique telescopes on display. Alexandra trailed her fingers over the glass casing of one, her thoughts far from the present. She wished Miles or LJ were with her—Miles with his quick thinking and LJ’s steady presence would be reassuring. But they weren’t. Alexandra had traveled to Stockholm with just her daughter this time around. She knew that they would have a great time together and her daughter would get to visit somewhere she hadn’t before.

Except… something was wrong.

The feeling they were being followed started just a few minutes ago. A faint shiver ran down the back of her neck, the prickling sensation of being watched. At first, she ignored it, chalking it up to nerves or the eerie quietness of the old observatory. But now, it was unmistakable—someone was following them.

Her pace quickened, so her daughter did as well, as they passed through the narrow, winding corridor that led to the observatory’s dome. Alexandra cast a quick glance over her shoulder. Nothing. The corridor behind them was empty, the dim light casting long shadows, but no figure emerged from the darkness.

Still, that creeping feeling remained. Someone was there other than her. She couldn’t see them, but she had that feeling like someone was staring at her. She stopped suddenly, forcing her breath to slow, forcing her heart to stop hammering in her chest. Listen. Look. She took a look around them trying to find the closest exit. Spotting it she took Ashlynn’s hand.

The silence was heavy. For a moment, there was only the stillness of the old building, the weight of years pressing in on her. Then, there it was—a faint sound. A footstep, light and careful, almost in sync with hers. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Alexandra turned her head slightly, her gaze scanning the edges of the hallway. There were old displays set into alcoves, dark shadows filling every corner, but she couldn’t see anyone. Whoever it was, they were staying just out of sight, moving only when she moved. The fingers of her free hand tightened around the strap of her bag. She had to stay calm. No panic. Not yet. Keep it together for Ashlynn’s sake.

Taking a deep breath, they continued, this time more slowly, trying to act like she hadn’t noticed anything. If they thought she was unaware, maybe she could catch them off guard. The narrow hallway opened up into the observatory’s main dome, a vast circular room with a high ceiling and an enormous telescope in the center. The walls were lined with bookshelves and cabinets, full of old instruments and charts. Still she couldn’t shake the feeling.

She walked into the middle of the room, with Ashlynn next to her, the dome rising high above them, its open ceiling revealing a patch of the night sky. The stars above were cold and distant, indifferent to her rising unease. Alexandra spun on her heel, her eyes sweeping the entire room. Again—nothing. The door she had come through creaked slightly, but no one emerged from the shadows.

"Who's there?" she called, her voice echoing off the walls. It sounded small, vulnerable, and she hated how it made her feel. She waited, tense, listening for any kind of response. Silence.

Ashlynn turned to look at her mom. “There’s no one here but us Momma.”

Alexandra looked down at her daughter, smiling softly. Even though her fingers flexed involuntarily, itching for a weapon she didn’t have. Why hadn’t she brought something? She hated this—this feeling of being on edge, of not knowing where the danger was coming from.

A soft creak came from behind her.

She whirled around, her heart pounding. A flash of movement in the far corner. It was quick, too quick to make out, but something—or someone—had just ducked behind the large telescope.

Alexandra’s pulse raced. Should she confront them?

Her instincts screamed at her to take Ashlynn and leave, but she wasn’t one to run without knowing what she was up against. She forced herself to take slow, deliberate steps toward the telescope, her body taut like a wire pulled tight. The dim light from the dome cast long, eerie shadows across the floor, making it harder to see into the dark recesses of the room.

When she reached the telescope, she held her breath, peering around it, half expecting to come face to face with something—or someone.

But there was nothing.

Her heart thudded in her chest. She was sure she’d seen something. Her eyes darted to the shadows again. Maybe they’re toying with me.

Suddenly, the floor creaked behind her. This time, closer.

Alexandra spun, her breath catching in her throat. Still nothing. But the feeling—that thick, suffocating sensation of being watched—it was overwhelming now. She was sure of it. Someone—or something—was in the room with her, hiding just out of sight, watching her every move. Ashlynn noticed her mom’s actions and moved closer to her.

“Mom, what is it?” Ashlynn looked around as if she was trying to see someone or something in the direction her mom was looking.

“It's nothing darling, just relax.”  She could swear that she heard someone.

She took a step back, her back brushing against the cold metal of the telescope. The room felt smaller now, the vast dome above offering no comfort. Her hand instinctively went to her pocket, searching for her phone. She shivered pulling it out, but with her hands shaking it was hard to dial anything.

Her heart pounded louder in her ears. She took another step, this time towards the exit, when a low creaking noise filled the room—the door she had come through slowly closing.  She ran to push it open, pulling her daughter close and out the door before it shut for the night. The two quickly leave the area and head back to the hotel. At least there, they were safe, right?



Sweet Dreams
Stockholm, Sweden

Being in Stockholm was like something out of a fairytale. The homes and shops, the food, the atmosphere. It was all too wonderful, everything there was beautiful. She walked along the gardens, enjoying every inch of the view. She took a few more steps before stopping to look at the camera in front of her.

“Loser, dead weight, old, past her prime. I’ll end your dreams. I’ll end your career.  I’ve heard it all, time and time again. But it still remains the same, I win some, I lose some. It doesn’t matter either way, because I’m still here. I go out to the ring, I fight, every single time I’m booked. I don’t play games and bullshit around when it comes to my legacy. I bust my ass and I keep doing what I’ve been doing for the last twenty four years. Its time to fight back from those losses, to claw my way back to the top.”

Alexandra now locks eyes with the camera, her expression sharpens, and her voice takes on a hardened tone as the tranquil scenery of Stockholm contrasts with her fiery words.

"You think you’ve got me figured out? That my time’s up? Let me make one thing perfectly clear – I am not defined by wins or losses. I am defined by the fact that I am still standing. The fact that after every beating, after every so-called ‘failure,’ I walk back down that ramp with my head held high because I’ve earned the right to be here. I’ve bled in this business, I’ve sacrificed for it, and I’ve survived longer than anyone ever expected me to. I’ve worked over and over, countless times."

She takes a deep breath, exhaling slowly as if summoning the energy for what's next.

"They said I was done years ago, but here I am – still standing, still fighting, still proving everyone wrong. I don’t need to prove anything to you or the next person who steps in that ring with me, because when that bell sounds, you’ll know exactly why I belong here. You? You’ve got something to prove. You talk a big game, you throw every insult you can think of, but words don’t win matches. Heart does. Will does. And that’s something you can’t take from me."

Her voice grows deeper, filled with conviction.

"You see, this isn’t a fairytale for me. This is reality. This is everything I’ve given my life to, and you think you can just waltz in and take it away because you’re younger, faster, stronger? You are just coming back after all, just returning after a small break, isn’t that right? Maybe you are capable of beating me, but you won’t break me. You can hit me with everything you’ve got, but I will still stand up, time and time again, because this isn’t about one match or one night. This is about legacy."

She smirks, a slight glimmer of challenge in her eyes.

"So you can call me a loser, past my prime, dead weight... whatever makes you feel better. But when we step into that ring, when that bell rings, and you realize that I’m not just some stepping stone on your journey, you’ll understand why I’m still here. Why, no matter how many times they’ve tried to bury me, I keep rising. I am not afraid of losing. I am not afraid of pain. I am afraid of nothing."

She smiles at her daughter, who’s standing just off camera, being there to see her mom’s match first hand. Everything she did was for her.

“Andrea, we have a ring waiting for us, let’s not make these fans wait. I’ll be waiting for you. I’ve been watching your last few matches. Congrats on the win against Seleana. I’ve been there and done that a few times over. She has a lot of my respect. The woman is a lot like me, she doesn’t back down and she keeps coming, no matter what you throw at her. So that’s got to be a big win for you. But that’s where it stops my dear. From here it’s all me darling, win or lose, it’s MY name they will be chanting.”

She steps closer to the camera, her face now dominating the frame. Alexandra’s eyes narrow, a smirk tugging at her lips as she steps closer to the camera, her tone cold and deliberate.

"Andrea, let me get something straight right off the bat—you’ve had a nice little run, haven’t you? You beat Seleana, made some waves, got people talking. Well, congrats. Seriously, I’ve been in the ring with her more times than I can count, and every time, she brings a fight. But beating her? That doesn’t make you special, sweetheart. That just makes you next. You see, you think you're the future, that you’re about to push someone like me out of the way because you’ve got youth on your side. You’re faster, maybe even stronger. But this ring? This business? It’s about more than that. It’s about the strength of heart. And that’s something you can’t just train for or fake. That’s something you have to live through, bleed for, sacrifice everything for."

Her voice grows sharper, cutting through the tranquil atmosphere around her.

"You’ve got all the arrogance in the world, Andrea, and you really think you can walk in here, stand toe-to-toe with me, and just take what I’ve spent the last twenty-four years earning? Nah, sweetheart, it doesn’t work like that. You might have the crowd on your side, you might have your moment, but the difference between us is I’ve been in that ring time and time again, facing people who’ve said exactly what you’re saying now. They all thought I was done. They all thought they could take me out. But look where I am. Still standing. Still fighting. Still proving people wrong."

Alexandra pauses, a steely glint in her eyes as she leans forward, voice deepening with intensity. You can tell she is more than a bit fired up. She’s ready to face off against her opponent and get another mark in the win column for her. She was focused more so than she has been in a very long time.

"So you can bring everything you’ve got—your speed, your attitude, your ‘I’m the future’ mentality. Bring your insults, your cockiness, all the things that make you think you’re untouchable. But when that bell rings and we step into that ring, Andrea, you’ll realize real fast that I’m not like the others. I’m not a stepping stone on your journey. I’m the roadblock that’s gonna show you just how far you still have to go. Because no matter what happens, no matter how many times you knock me down, I get back up. I always get back up. And that, my dear, is something you’ll never be able to break. See you in the ring."

She flashes a final, knowing smile before turning her back, the Queenslayer jacket glinting under the lights of the garden as she walks away, taking her daughter's hand.

Climax Control Archives / You'll have to fucking kill me...
« on: August 30, 2024, 10:45:36 PM »
Final Countdown
Alexandra’s Blog
Bangkok, Thailand

Another shot, another chance to prove that Miles and I aren’t the losers that everyone has been trying to make us out to be. We’ve both been the weak link for each other, that’s part of the ups and downs of being a team. It happens and there’s really not much you can do about it, except dust yourself off and keep going. Miles is strong when I’m not and I’m strong when he is not. That’s what a team does. We power through the weak moments together instead of walking around with a chip on our shoulder. We take the bad with the good. We both trust in each other.

Trust, that’s a big part of teamwork. You have to trust your partner. So many people these days believe that it isn't what’s required. You need to be able to trust your tag partner, even in mixed tag action. Honestly, if you don’t have trust, you don’t have anything. I’m sure that the reason the wolves have been at the top of the game as long as they have, is because they trust each other. I’m sure it was clear to everyone in attendance the past few shows, that they can see I am on fire. And I know that Miles is primed and ready to do whatever it takes. If you don’t have trust, you don’t have shit.

But you also need to have teamwork. Lately Miles and I have been a bit busy with other things in our life. I know without a shadow of a doubt that we can take the tag titles this time, because we’ve proven time and time again that there isn’t a team alive out there who has beaten us, other than the Wolves. But it’s funny, we always wind up right back in the ring with them. I think it’s been a long time coming.

There’s so much more I could say, but I have a feeling I need to wait. I know where I stand and once I get the time to talk things out with Miles, I know that we will both be on the same page. And a little message for those who doubt us, the time for doubting is through. There’s a reason WE keep getting that shot. We are a solid team, with a damned good shot at taking the Mixed Tag Team Championships away from the Wolves of Gheimhriah. If you want to, keep doubting and you’ll be proven wrong.

Alexandra Calaway

The Strength of the Pack
The Gym
Brussels, Belgium

Miles and Alexandra met up in Brussel’s finding a gym, the two set up to work out. The two friends had another chance at the Mixed Tag Titles against the Wolves of Gheimhriah. Alexandra worked on a machine next to Miles, before she looked over at him.

“I know I let you down in the past and I can tell you right now. That is not going to happen again. I plan on doing whatever it takes.” She took a deep breath and did another rep, her gaze going to him.

Miles was on his machine, looking over at Ally he began to speak. “We talked about this, we’ve both had our low points and we still sit at the top slot to take the titles away from Finn and Kayla.”

“I know, I know, but I still felt like it needed to be said. Is there something else on your mind?” Alexandra looked over at him, taking a few more reps before they both sat up and looked at each other.

“Well, I’m concerned.” Miles took a deep breath and he began to speak. “You and my brother, that is something that’s been on my mind since this whole thing started. I’m just concerned.”

“About what?” Alexandra looked at him. “Is it because he’s your brother or something else?”

“Well, honestly, it’s everything. The age difference is part of it, the suddenness of it all as well. Nothing against my brother, but even I am still trying to get a feel of him and I’m fairly certain that Carter really does not trust him either.” Miles smirked, “He thinks I don’t know, but I see how Carter reacts, not only around him but even talking about him.”

“He didn’t trust me at the start. But he learned to trust me.” She smiled at him. “I understand the fear and trust me I have my own ones. But know this, Lyle is kind and caring. He believes in you, in us. I know that if Carter took the time to get to know him, like he did me, he’d see it too.” She took a breath. “I know it’s unconventional, but no one would bat an eye at it if he was older and I was younger. It’s an unfair judgment.”

“It is, it is completely unfair because you are both consenting adults but I barely know the guy and he’s my brother. You get what I’m sayin’?”

“Yeah I get it.”  She looked down. “I know it can’t be easy for you. Finding out you have a half brother and having to get to know him in the small amount of time you’ve had with him. I just, something tells me that I can trust him and you can too. He just wants to know his family and I feel like, maybe, it’ll help both of you.” She looked away, he was right, it was a lot. But there was so much going on inside her head. Hence why she knew they needed this time. “This is part of the reason why I wanted to sit down and talk. If we go into this match like we have before, we will wind up losing. And I want us to win. I know we can, if we are on the same page. You know them better than I do. You know how the Wolfslair operates.”

“The most I can say is, we can’t plan for anything. We must expect the unexpected. We are a great team and we can do it.” Miles moved to sit next to her on the bench. “Look, things are crazy for both of us right now. But we need to remain focused on this match. If we do that, those championships are as good as ours.”

“You know that I’m focused on it. Everything else can wait until after this match. We both can do this.” Alexandra looked at him.  “As for the stuff between Lyle and I, I can’t betray how I feel to do that would break us both. And I refuse to do that.” She took a breath. “We can talk about that after we win. How does that sound? How about we all go out to dinner? Gives us all a chance to talk.”

She looked at him and saw him give a nod.

Grand Place
Brussels, Belgium

After a long conversation with her friend and some time to think on everything, she had her focus on one thing, ending the reign of the Wolves of Gheimhriah and grabbing the Sin City Wrestling Mixed Tag Titles with Miles. This wasn’t their first time either and it was true, they had failed to capture the gold several times over. This time however, they both were focused on it. Their sights aimed directly on the win. She had been walking around Grand Place, trying to find the right spot for her promo. Finally deciding to just stop in the middle of a clear space, she spoke directly to the camera.

“It seems to me that people see me as a joke, dead weight that’s dragging down Miles with me. That was clear to me the moment that we first lost our shot. And it’s true to a degree, I have let Miles down in the past and that’s on me. It’s not something that I can change. But we both agree that at times we’ve been the weaker link for each other. And guess what, we accept each other, mistakes and all. What I won't stand by and take is listening to people who have a giant chip on their shoulder downplay all of our accomplishments as if the only titles that matter are the ones they are holding.

Now I’ll give credit where credit is due, you both have had amazing careers and those titles have been in your hands for a reason. You are at the top of your game. I need you all to remember that all it takes is one second for everything you two have built to come crashing down around you. But I know, and you know,  that chip on your shoulder may prevent you from being able to see past that.

You clearly aren’t intimidated, but you have to be at least a bit worried, otherwise your little quips on twitter wouldn’t have been so bad. Yes I know, I’ve been watching your interactions with others, not just with me. Normally, you seem pretty chill and confident. Where’s that now Kayla? Is it that you truly believe in yourself or is there a seed of doubt that I planted in your head the last time we faced off. I want you to consider me mother nature. It is my goal, to water, feed and nurture that seed until it grows into a giant tree of doubt, that occupies your every waking thought. From this moment on Kayla, you shall me as Demeter, Goddess of the Harvest. And harbinger of your timely destruction.”

There was a pause, a few beats to let everything she had already said sink in. She still respected the reign that Kayla had over both the Bombshells and the Mixed Tag divisions. But that respect was slowly waning.

“I’ll say this and everyone can fact check it if they want, it’s public. That respect I had for you, it’s waning. I used to respect you for being the top here in Sin City Wrestling. But there’s a bigger world out there. It’s so much bigger than you and me. Everyone’s at the top of their game somewhere, ruling over a roster. You seem to think that you are untouchable. You aren’t. You’ve ruled two divisions in a bigger company than most could ever dream of being in. But that title doesn't make you any better than anyone else. If anything, it’s a target. You see, people thought I was complacent in the Bombshell Roulette Championship picture. But my eyes were always on every title available to us in this company. As any competitor’s eyes should be. Always looking for the next opportunity. If not, what's the point in being here?

As for dragging Miles with me through the Mix Tag division, it was partly his idea to be involved in the first place. He approached me with the idea when I joined. Miles and I aren’t people who just met you know. No, we knew each other before I hit the scene here in Sin City. He brought me here. He is in this because he wants to have those titles as much as I do. Sure we’ve both slipped up here and there, made mistakes that cost us the chance. But this time, we are focused, we have a game plan and our aim is directly at you.

But I know, you don’t see that as a threat. You are going to shake it off and continue to go on. But as you go about your days here in Belgium, that seed of doubt is going to eat at you. With each second that ticks by, you’ll start to ask yourself if maybe, just maybe I’m right. It’s in that moment, you’ll realize that Miles and I actually have more than enough of what it takes, to take you down. But what do I know right? I’m just a loser after all.”

She gave a smirk and a bit of a laugh before she took a deep breath. She needed to let it all out.

“I’m well aware of what you think of me. Thank you for being so forward and blunt. It will make what I am about to do to you so much easier. You see at one time, I would have let it go. I would have moved on to finding someone else to face, biding my time until someone else dethroned you. But now, you see, I want to take it from you. Because taking your Mixed Tag Team Championship will prove that I have what it takes to remove the SCW Bombshell Championship from your grasp. What a sight that would be, the one you see as a loser, as the Champion.

You’ve downplayed the accomplishments of others because you feel that you are above them, you are better than them. You talk down to others. You try to get under their skin, you try to plant seeds of doubt. It almost worked out for you. But as you can see, here I am, yet again, coming for a title you hold more precious than anything else in your life. Where you see weakness I see strength. I have the love of my friends, the love of my family. Those are things you can never make me doubt. You seem to think that your words towards me are new? Did you not see the things people say about me, hell here and in the entire industry? Probably not. You are so focused on your own existence to look outside yourself for more than a few cheap shots.

But that ends tonight. That ends when we take the Mixed Tag Championships off you and Finn once and for all. When Miles and I are the champions, we won’t feel the need to put down our opponents, to attempt to belittle them as some plot to play on their weaknesses. No, instead we will raise them up and I’ll take that seed of doubt that I planted in you, and I’ll use it for good. You may think you are a dreamkiller, but so long as I am still living, I’ll have a dream. You can’t kill that.”

Another pause, she still had to address Finn even though she wasn’t going to be the one facing him. She had said all she needed to say to Kayla. Now it was time to drive it home.

“The saddest part of all this is, Finn will also pay for the words you’ve spoken, but that’s not for me to worry about. No, my tag partner has that well under control. You see Miles is talented, with or without me by his side. He doesn’t need me to speak for him, but as his tag team partner, when it comes to mixed tag action, you aren’t going to get anyone better for a partner. Miles has been a rock through all of this for me. Through the ups and downs. Hell, he’s been there through one of my darkest times. In a time when I thought the answer was to just wallow in the darkness and shy away from the light. He pulled me out of that and while you may see a weakness in me being the friendly and kind soul that I should have been, then I feel sorry for you and your partner Kayla. Because both of you will suffer for it tonight.

Actually on second thought, no I don’t. You both have made your comments about us over and over until it has started to sound redundant and furthermore, I’m tired of hearing your insults and bullshit. Those Championships you hold, it’s time for them to come to a new home. Nothing lasts forever in this industry, least of all you two’s reign of insults and slander. If I have to bleed to prove it I will. I’ll show you two and everyone in the back that the days of calling me a joke and a loser are over. Step aside or get knocked the fuck down. It’s our ride now and you two have been at the top long enough.

Whatever it takes. When it gets to be too much for you, just say when. See you both in the ring. When it’s all said and done, win or lose, you can’t take my pride away.”

With that Alexandra turns away from the camera and walks away.

Calls From Home
Brussels, Belgium

Alexandra had just finished up her promo and was heading back to the hotel when her phone rang. She looked at it, seeing that it was Mika. She quickly answered it.

"Hey Mika, what's up?"

"Where are you?" She asked, getting out of the car and grabbing the girl's bags.

"I'm in Belgium.. for the Sin City show.  Did you get the girls?" She smiled at the thought that she'd see her daughter soon.

"Yeah and it's a good thing Ash remembered the gate code. You would have had to buy a new one." She grumbled, setting the bags down.

"She's a teenager, she knows this stuff, so does Damien."  She rolled her eyes and laughed.  "You guys are welcome to hang out there until I get home on Monday. I have a tag match to win."

"Good luck. I would have asked Damien if he wasn't dealing with bailing Atticus out of jail. Some bar fight I guess." She heard giggling in the background “Hey! Touch my coffee and you will go missing! Anyway, You really will let me stay here, alone, unsupervised with the girls?" Mika smirked.

"Remember Mika, I live in a historic home.. don't change anything, rearrange all you want, but if you change anything.. I'mma get a big fine from the state." She laughed.  "Wait.. what?  Are you kidding me? Atticus.." She laughed.  "Who touched your coffee?"

"I won't paint anything. Just a little Mika feng shui. I guess he was defending your honor or some shit." Mika shrugged. "Your daughter. She seems to think it's funny to mess with my coffee."

"She probably is going to put MORE sugar in it. You seem a bit grumpy." She shook her head.  "I swear Atticus is so protective over me.  The big lug.  Guess me being the mother figure in his life has rubbed off on him."

"You know...just for that I'm turning your bedroom Peppa Pig themed." She playfully grumbled. "Maybe. Not like he's had much of one before...still...he called Damien over Zak. You may have to do some damage control when you get back with those titles."

"I refuse to continue to be the laughing stock of the roster. I know that they think I've gone soft. They think that I'm not taking any of this seriously. But I am." She shook her head. "Kayla believes she's going to walk out the champion. She will have to damn near kill me to make that happen." She grumbled. "Don't you dare touch my fucking bedroom."

She heard Mika give an exasperated sigh. “You aren’t the laughing stock. A little distracted with your new boy but hey, that’s happened to everyone. The Wolves or whatever their fucking names are will fall and you will have gold. Ain’t no point in stressing when you are known around the world and these idiots are just footnotes.”

She switched the phone to her other ear. "Not much of a footnote as some people we've faced off against before. But you have a point. I don't know if I'm known in a great light anymore. Honestly after my losing streak it's a wonder I've still even got a job anymore. But you know me, I'll never give up, not until there's no blood left in my body and the air from my lungs has all gone."

"Everyone has a losing streak. Hell, I've only had title. You are a Legend in your own right. So what if you've had a rough patch. Life beats the Ring and you've had a lot of shit go down. Hold on." Mika set the phone down but her voice could still be heard. "OI! I AIN'T YOUR BELLHOP! GET YOUR BAGS AND PUT YOUR SHIT AWAY!" Mika picked the phone back up, "Sorry. Anyway, this is the start of your winning streak. Trust me."

Alexandra laughed and shook her head. "You guys are going to watch from there right?" She heard everyone cheering in the background as the girls clearly went to put their stuff away. "You know what, you are right. I'll see you guys on Monday. Tell Ash we love her and we will see her soon."

"Yeah I will and we will be watching. You have fun." She heard Mika stress the word fun.

"You know as well as I do that I will."  She laughed and listened as the phone hung up. With that Alexandra walked ahead with a new sense of strength. No matter what she had the love and support of her family and friends.

Climax Control Archives / Fanning the flames || vs. Eiley
« on: August 23, 2024, 11:54:52 PM »
Winning against all odds
Collision Control
Tokyo, Japan


Alexandra had just pulled herself up onto the ring apron as Miles got the pin. She smiled at her best friend and laughed, before slipping into the ring and moving to raise his hand in victory. She nodded at him, before it hit her, they had another chance to do this right. The Mixed Tag Team Championships were well within reach and it was clear that they had the fire to do it.

“We get another shot!!” Alexandra cheered happily, before she hugged him and they rolled out of the ring and headed up the ramp, disappearing into the backstage area where Carter and LJ were waiting for them.

After some quick congratulations she watched as Carter and Miles walked away together talking. She smiled at the happy newlyweds.

“Hey love.” She smiled hearing LJ’s voice and felt his arm slip around her.

“Hello handsome.” She leaned back against him. “That was refreshing. I feel amazing right now. Even if I’m in need of a shower.”

“Angel, that doesn’t matter. What you two just did out there, you proved to everyone why you both deserve those Tag Titles." He smiled at her. “I know that you both will leave it all on the mat, like you both do every single time you go out there.”

“You’re so supportive of us and I love that.”  She laughed softly. “Now, we have to win them. It’s not going to be easy and I know that. In just a few weeks time, I’ll be facing one of the hardest people I’ve ever faced here in Sin City. Kayla is no joke and I’ve learned that first hand.”

“And I’ll be cheering you on love.” he gave her a wink and it made her melt.

“Knowing that makes me want to win this even more. So are you heading back home or are you heading with me to Thailand?”  She spoke softly, wondering if she would be making the trek there alone. “Totally understandable if you want to go home.”

“I’ll be there too, I’m booked.” LJ gave her a smile and let go of her, reaching out for her hand as he leaned against a gear box. “You aren’t getting rid of me that easily.”

“Why would I want to?” She giggled and the two walked off towards her locker room.

She knew that this time, things were different. She and Miles could take the titles, it wouldn’t be easy, the members of the Wolfslair weren’t anyone to bat an eye at. She wasn’t going to take this shot forgranted.

Teamwork at its finest
Alexandra’s Blog
Tokyo, Japan

We did it, just like we said we would. For those who doubted us, we showed that we are more than capable of taking the Mix Tagged Division by storm. Do you all still believe that we are each other’s weak link? So many people keep counting us out, they keep running off at the mouth saying that we can’t do it. But time and time again, it’s us as the number one contenders. We continue to take out every team in our way. This time, it’s for good. You can bet on that.

Weak links my ass? Did they just see what we did out there? We kicked ass together. We showed everyone why we keep getting the number one contender spot and why we keep getting the shots. This time, the shot isn’t going to be just a shot. I’m going out there to win it. I’m going to leave every bit of my blood, sweat and soul on that mat when we face off against Kayla and Finn. I’m actually looking forward to it.

Now, I get to relax for a few days, spend some time with LJ and prepare for my next fight. The next few months are sure to be busy. I know that looming on the horizon is a Mixed Tag Team Championship shot. I’ve had ones before and we always come up short. Not this time. I plan on leaving it all out there in the ring. Between appearances for Sin City Wrestling and PWS: LEGACY I’m going to be one busy woman. When this tour ends, I plan on being one half of the Mixed Tag Team Champions. But I’ve heard up next I have a challenger who I’ve faced before, Eiley. This time, it won’t be a tag team match. It’s going to be one on one. There’s so much I want to say, but I think I’ll save it for Bangkok. Right now, I have other plans that aren’t sitting here writing in my blog.
Alexandra Calaway

Settling the Score
Ganesh Shrine
Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand, a city bustling with life. Where the past meets the present, with all the best hope for the future. Alexandra and LJ had been walking around the town, taking in all the sights before they would have to return to the hotel and get rest. She took a moment to look up at the Shrine and then closed her eyes, taking in all of the sounds around her. Opening her eyes she began to speak.

“Bangkok, Thailand, is a beautiful country, steeped in history, religion and technology. It’s where the past meets the future. I love it here. Just as I did in Japan. There’s something about being in the land of warriors that makes me feel connected with my inner strength. You might wonder where I am. I’m standing right here in front of the Ganesh Shrine. Do you know who the God Ganesh is? Ganesh is the God of Wisdom, Success and Good luck. You might ask what that has to do with our match. There’s plenty that can be said. I’m here and you can hear it from the veteran in this match.”

She took a quick moment to pause, tossing her hair behind her head as she found momentum and started to speak again. She needed to lay it all out on the line, early on and get it out of the way.

“Wrestling is more than just what happens in that ring. It’s a battle of wits and wisdom. It’s knowing that no matter what’s said, it’s what happens out there in the ring that really matters. You see, I learned a long time ago that it takes more than social media and a big mouth to get the win. You see, the thing you proved the last time we faced off, is that I could get under your skin, which was only half the battle. And wouldn’t you know.. Alexander Raven and I beat you and Mark Cross, taking you both out of the Blast from the Past tournament. And that's wisdom, I suggest you get some before you step into the ring with me. Because it’s going to take more than you running your mouth about my age to get me. It’s old and played out by now, Princess.”

She took a deep breath, remembering how Eiley had bragged about having this amazing record and how she was the best and on the top of the world because she won. But in their last meeting, Eiley lost.

“Success wasn’t that a big part of your little speech against me last time. How you were so successful so quickly. Look at how that went. You burned hard, bright and fast. And what happened? You burned out quickly. So many people are in such a rush to get to the pinnacle that they falter before they can ever really get there. So go on, use everything you can against me. Pull out all the stops, talk about how I’ve lost, talk about how I got to the pinnacle and lost to Julianna. It's true. I did. But in the ashes of that loss, I rose to become a two time Bombshell Champion, and damn near took the entire Blast from The Past tournament in my second time being involved. Made it all the way to the finals. I mean, it’s safe to say that if I do enter next year, I’ll be shooting for that final spot. One way or another. Success my dear, success, I haven’t really seen much out of you since the loss. I’m sorry, did I put out your fire? You faced off against one of the greatest women in this company, Tempest and yet, you couldn’t get the win. Tempest is one of the best this company has to offer. That would have been a big win in the hat for you. But you couldn’t. You know who beat Tempest? Me. Tempest and I had a hell of a match. We tore each other apart. And I have the utmost respect for her.”

She nodded her head, glad to see that Tempest managed to put a fork in Eiley. It was a bump in the road to a far more rocky path for her. She was about to walk right into a match with a woman who was dead set on making it back to the top, one championship at a time.

“And finally, good luck. Well, let’s face it, we all need a little luck every now and then. It’s customary to wish an opponent good luck, is it not. Good luck Eiley. You are really going to need it. You once talked about being on fire. You will experience what a real fire is like. And you see, unlike you I won't burn out as fast as you did. Do you want to know why? Of course you do. God listen to all these pearls of wisdom I’m giving you for free. I didn’t rush to make it through to the gold. I earned my spots, took my lumps and got back up to fight again. So the luck I’ll ask Ganesh for is for you. Because you are on my path to redemption, it started last week, and now I’m going to go straight through you.”

She took a deep breath, running her fingers through her hair. Her gaze is far off for a few moments, before she looks back into the camera again.

“Eiley, you and I have a score to settle, don't we dear one. You see, you have so much to say about me. You loved to run your mouth a lot. And sure, you got a win over me when I was just breaking into Sin City Wrestling. I was just finding my footing in a new company. You and Oz pushed Miles and I to the limits, when we had just really started out as a team. I won’t sit here and make excuses. Honestly, I wasn’t sure how Miles and I would work as a team at that time. I knew I trusted him and he trusted me. We’ve had each other’s back. But you and Oz, you all proved to be quite the challenge and yes, you won. But look how I took off after that loss.”

She took time to pause, looking up at the Shrine for a few moments, before she turned back to the camera. She took a deep breath and continued to speak.

“Eiley, it’s anyone’s game. It’s the way this industry works. Somedays you are on the top, other’s you are back at the bottom of the ladder. What matters is what you do next. You see, I hear it alot, oh Alexandra’s old, oh she’s going to quit if she keeps losing. Funny, how people have been saying that for years, and yet.. HERE I am. Still fighting, winning some, losing some. I’m still in it, just because I’ve had a few low points, doesn’t change anything. If I have a low point here, so be it. I’ll get up, dust myself off and be right back at the next show. Why? Because that’s how legacy’s are built and legends are made. You’ll get there eventually, it’s just, not your time yet.”

She took another pause, soaking it all in. There was so much that she could say further, but then it would just be repeating the same old lines over and over when it comes to Eiley. She knew the young woman was talented. She had to give her that. In their last match Eiley proved she had the staying power. She gave it her all, but still, in the end she fell short.

“In our last match, you proved you have the staying power. But again, you fell short of that win, didn’t you. I know you’ll be coming at me hard. I know that you need this win. You are one half of the former Mixed Tag Team Champions, and I won't sell that short. You know what it takes to win. You have accomplished the one thing I haven’t yet. However, that doesn’t count towards this match. We are currently standing at one for one. Yes I have a win over you in the Blast from the Past and you have a win over me in solo competition. That’s great, wonderful. I’ve picked up on a few things since then, I’ve studied you, watched your work, so that I’d know what to expect. And I do know now what to expect when it comes to you.”

She looked around for a few moments and then back at the camera once again.

“You see Eiley, I know what I am capable of doing out there. The question is, do you think you have what it takes to take me out one more time. Because if the same Eiley shows up this week, that’s been showing up, I don’t think that’s possible. I want that Eiley I first faced when I came here. I want that Eiley who was on fire. The one who claimed she was going to put out my fire. Because, you didn’t. If anything you made it burn brighter, because after our first match I became a champion and after our last match, I skyrocketed to the top. And I’m still one of the most talked about names in Sin City Wrestling. I’ll beat the former mixed tag team champion this week, and go on to win against Kayla next week, becoming one half of the Mixed Tag Team Champions.”

She took a deep breath and nodded her head.

“Before I go, I’d love to thank the Royal Family of the Chakri Dynasty for having us in your beautiful country. It’s an honor to perform in front of all of you. And Eiley, I’ll be seeing you soon.”

She blows a kiss at the camera and it fades to black.

The Call
Skyview Hotel
Bangkok, Thailand

Alexandra and LJ arrived back at the hotel after a lovely dinner. The two made it up to her room and settled in for a night of silly movies and relaxing. She had just come from the bathroom and was getting into her pjs, when her phone rang.

“Hey Momma..” She heard her daughter's voice on the other end of the line.

“Hey sweetie.”  Alexandra’s smile was bright and cheerful.  “It’s good to hear from you. I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too momma. It’s just another week and then I’m coming home.” Ashlynn sounded excited and ready to head back.

“I know, you’ll be back in time to see Miles and I face off against Kayla and Finn for the Mixed Tag Team Championships again!” Alexandra couldn’t wait for her daughter to get back. Granted, her little girl was growing up. She wanted to get as much time with her before the day came when college would take her away.

“I’m excited to see everyone again. How’s Thailand?” Ashlynn asked her mom.

Alexandra looked over at LJ with a smile. Slipping into the bed the two cuddled in and Alexandra put her phone on speaker, keeping the volume low.

“Thailand is great, we got to see a lot of really nice art, we got a nice dinner and now we are both going to rest up for our matches.” She smiled telling her daughter about everything. “I have a couple of big matches coming up, but you know about that. I’m excited to be back in the title hunt.”

“I know, I can’t wait to see you take the Mixed Tag Team Championships with Miles.” Ashlynn paused, thinking over what her mother just said. “Wait, you said we, is LJ there too?” Ashlynn asked.

“Yes, he is. He’s right here.” Alexandra nodded and playfully nudged LJ.

“Hello Ashlynn.” He spoke up finally.

“OH MY GOODNESS!!” Ashlynn squealed happily. “Are you two dating?!?! I’ve been seeing the posts on X and stuff.”

They looked at each other and smiled, hearing her daughter's excitement. Alexandra smiled at her daughter's excitement and she spoke again.

“That’s something you can find out next week. For now, just focus on getting ready to come home. I’m so glad you’ll be back. I got a bag of candy waiting for you. Smarties, just like you promised Miles.” Alexandra couldn't help it, she wanted to help Ash keep that promise.

“I’m so happy. I can’t wait to see everyone next week. I love you momma, but I need to get some rest. I just wanted to be able to catch you before you headed to bed.”  Ashlynn took a moment to speak again. “I love you Momma, see you soon.”

“See you soon Ash. I’m so proud of you. You get some rest. I love you.” She hung up the phone and the two were alone again.

“You two are close aren’t you?” LJ looked at Alexandra as she put her phone on the charger next to the bed.

Alexandra turned to look at him. “I’m all she’s had her whole life. I’ve had to be mom and dad to her and it’s not been easy. Originally I had planned for her to be on this trip with me. But she wanted to go to camp, so I couldn't say no.”

“You’re a good mum.” LJ put his fingers under her chin and brought her gaze to his.

“I try to be. It’s part of why I push myself so hard. I do it to show her she can do anything she puts her mind to.” She nodded.

LJ smiled, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "And she sees that, Alexandra. She sees everything you do for her, and she’s proud of you too.”

Alexandra’s eyes softened as she leaned into him. “I hope so. She’s my whole world.”

LJ wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. “You’re giving her the best example she could ever have.”

They lay there in comfortable silence, the quiet hum of the city outside their window, as they held onto each other. Alexandra felt a sense of peace wash over her, a rare moment of calm in their fast-paced lives. As they drifted off to sleep, Alexandra’s thoughts lingered on her daughter’s excited voice. She smiled, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she had the love and support of both her daughter and LJ. That was all she needed to keep moving forward. The night settled around them, full of promise, as they prepared for the battles and joys that awaited them in the days to come.

Truth be told
Alexandra’s Blog
Calaway Estate
Dallas, Texas

Hello everyone, God it feels good to be home in Texas. I’ve been gone for far too long. But I won't be here for long. I’ll be heading off to Japan tomorrow for the show. The Texas heat is really bad this year and I wanted to come home to check on things.

Coming off the heels of a string of bad losses is never an easy task. But I remember when I first started out in Sin City Wrestling, I lost every match I was booked, up until I really focused on winning. Then, I became a champion, the Bombshell Roulette Champion and I ran redhot for months, win after win accumulated and I even got two wins up on one of my team's opponents this next Collision Control, Bea Barnhart. Clearly she’s forgotten what it’s like to be in the ring with me, or the fact that just because we are tied, she truly believes that she’s going to be on the winning team.. It’s true, I’ve been on a losing streak once again, but I’ve been around this industry long enough to know there’s an ebb and flow to it. Sometimes you are on and sometimes you aren’t, that’s just the way it goes. But if people think that’s going to be enough to send me packing, then clearly they haven't been paying attention the past year.

Sometimes people seem to forget that everyone has their day. There’s ups and downs you’ll experience all through life, be it professionally, spiritually, or romantically. Eventually with every low point, comes a high point. I’ve had my fair share in my life, just as everyone else has. It’s what you do afterward that sets the bar. Do you crumble in defeat or do you get up and rebuild? What happens after that is all on you. Trust me, it may seem easy to say that, but it’s not. You see, unlike quite a few others, I don’t leave when I lose a title or even a title shot. I stick it out, I bust my ass and prove why I am still standing. I’ve never given up before and I don’t plan on starting now.

I’m not going to beat around the bush, to be honest, we’ve all had a pretty shitty go of this the past few months, but it’s time for that to change. It’s time for the uphill battle back to the top. If that means I have to run though both the Barnharts, then so be it. I’m done with the losing streak and I’m done playing nice. Yes, I’ve changed, I’m a better person than I was a few months ago, hell I’m a different person now than I was when I first came here  and now, I’m going to prove it. Anything else.. Well you’ll just have to wait until I speak my mind to both of them. Yes, both of them. I know that Miles will get the job done. He’s had his time to relax to heal up and I trust him. We both know what each other is capable of and we have more than enough left in the tank to take those titles.

Alexandra Calaway

Never Count your winnings early
Sensō-ji Temple
Tokyo, Japan

Alexandra had spent the day walking around the grounds surrounding the Sensō-ji Temple taking in the sights and sounds of the people around her before the sun started to go down on her visit to the temple, walking down the steps with it behind her, she turned around to look up at it once more, she began to speak.

“Sensō-ji Temple is the oldest established temple in Tokyo. Founded in 645 AD, it was a tutelary temple to the Tokugawa Clan. It’s had a history in Japan for the longest time and is one of the most visited temples in Tokyo. Even after the bombing in 1945, yes during World War two. It’s still standing strong, facing repairs here and there. As we all do in time. It’s only a matter of time before you are faced with a challenge so big that you must rebuild. And I’m sure that you are thinking, Alexandra what does this have to do with your match coming up? And the answer to that is very simple, it’s a story of resilience.”

She looked around her, taking it all in. She paused, taking a moment to close her eyes and take in the temple and its surroundings in a way she hadn’t had much time to do. It was grounding and releasing everything of the past few months, letting go of all that had gone wrong and bringing in the abundance.

“Resilience, that’s what this is about. About not giving up even when everyone who doubts you thinks you should. It’s about pushing through the rubble and rebuilding. It’s about showing that no matter how much people try, they just can’t break your resolve. That’s what I’m doing, showing everyone who doubts me wrong. Showing that I keep pushing forward when people think I should or will cower into a corner and boohoo over a loss. I keep going, I step back into that ring, no matter who’s standing across from me. Friend or Foe, it’s all the same when that bell sounds and the match starts. Ask Bella, ask Laura, hell ask Miles himself. We faced off in PWS: Apex, it’s what led to us becoming friends. After that match, we had a respect and trust for each other that try as people may, they can’t destroy. It’s what makes us a great team. A team that people will one day soon see as the mixed tag team champions.”

She paused to smile for a few moments. It was clear that no matter how hard Bea and Bill tried, they just couldn't get their hands on the mixed tag titles either. But the real question still had yet to be answered. She trusted Miles with her life. She knew that this time, things could be different for them and they would once again walk into a match with Finn and Kayla in Brussels on the first of September.

“Let’s not bellinger the moment now. So let me start with you Bill. Bill Barnhart, you have a lot to say don’t you. You love to run your mouth, act like you are above everyone else because you’ve managed to snake out a few wins and kick people when they are down. That doesn’t make you a champion, it doesn’t make you a hero to the people. It just makes you look weak. And weakness is exactly what people like me feed off. You, however, don’t have to worry about me. Due to the rules, I am unable to touch you. But know this, once the match is over, all bets are off, it's fair game. Do you play cards? Place your bets, play your hand, but this isn’t a simple hand of poker, this is warfare and people like me well, we excel at that.”

She held the book she had been reading up to the camera, “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu. She smiled, pausing for a few moments, allowing it to sink in for Bill, knowing he’s a bit stubborn and it might take a few moments.

“Sun Tzu said that the art of war is deception, which sounds quite a lot like poker to me. You see, Billy, I have trust in my partner. I know what Miles is capable of. The man is one of the most talented men on the roster and it's true, we haven’t had the best of luck lately. But you see, there’s no title or big impending matches for us. We were so close to winning those titles last time, you want to know why? Because Miles and I work as a team. We focus on what’s right in front of us. And this week, it’s you two. Ask Finn, ask Kayla, we pushed them to their limits and yes, their limits secured  their title reigns. But as anyone who’s seen my record, third times the charm. You see when it comes to you I’m not concerned. I know that Miles can handle whatever you choose to throw at him. And when he does, I’ll be standing in his corner. Which brings me to your little wife.”

She slid The Art of War back into her bag and smiled into the camera. She had a lot to say to little miss Bea Barnhart. Everytime she turned around, Bea was there wanting a moment of her spotlight and this time would be fun. Because she could prove once and for all, who the better was between them.

“Bea, darling sweet little Bea, you just can’t seem to be satisfied with our two for two can you. Alright, you want to settle this, let’s settle this my dear. But know this one little thing, everything seems to work out for me in my third attempt. You can sit there and talk about how you feel above me. You wouldn’t be the first Bombshell to sit around and feel the same. Look at the times I’ve beaten you and you were left to sit in the ring? The first time was when I beat two of you to go on and face Jessie Salco for the Bombshell Roulette Championship and the second time I walked out the Bombshell Roulette Champion. When it matters the most, you can’t beat me. Yes it’s true, the first two times I faced off against you, I was in a dark place. A lot had happened to me both in my personal life and in my professional life. I was lost and in a dark place where all I wanted was to feel pain. Now, I’ve tasted what I can do in Sin City Wrestling and I’ve done a pretty damned good job so far.”

She took a deep breath and nodded her head, walking towards the exit of the temple. She knew that she would need to get a move on soon. She had more to say though, before leaving the temple. She wasn’t done with Bea, not in the slightest.

“I have said it several times throughout my time here in Sin City Wrestling, the talent pool here is deep. It’s so deep that little girls like you, who dream big, often drown under the weight of talented individuals like me. Hell even I’ve had my fair share of losses. I won't lie. It’s been hard getting to where I am. But everytime a title shot is up for grabs, who’s there winning the number one championship. The Bombshell Roulette Championship, The World Bombshell Championship, the Mixed Tag Titles, it’s always been me. I have yet to see you actually overcome your losing streak. Meanwhile, I bounce back and do something spectacular. Just go back and check the tapes. Look at what I’ve done in my time here, think really hard about how badly I ended your chances when I was the Bombshell Roulette Champion. You want to think about something, think about that.”

She walked down the pathways further, leaning against a stone retaining wall, the sakura trees above her, shedding petals that fell around her. She looks up at it, smiling brightly before licking her lips and speaking again. She looked deeply into the camera as if she was looking into Bea’s soul.

“You can believe in your husband all you want to and you should. It’s good to be supportive of your partner. Honestly I think you are his weak link. I think it’s you who is holding him back, but you know. I don’t have to worry about that. You see, I know what Miles can do. He’s been relaxing in paradise. I also don’t need to be rescued. I’ve taken you down twice before.  We are currently tit for tat. That changes at Climax Control. I plan on showing you exactly what happens when you decide to call me by anything other than my name. You seem to think you have Miles and I figured out, don’t you. You think you have any idea what the two of us have done together. We went from being opponents to being friends, to tag team partners. The kind of chemistry we have in that ring, it’s not like what you and Bill have. You think that just because you are married he can drag your ass to greatness. Neither of you have it and therein lies the problem for both of you. You can believe, pray, use whatever anecdotes you want to. But it’s not going to help anything. At the end of the night, it will be Miles and I who advance to face Finn and Kayla again. It’s us who will without a shadow of a doubt, go on to be the next Mixed Tag Team Champions. A win has been a long time coming for Miles and I. You can bet on that.”

She pushes off the wall, standing once more.  She turns away from the camera for a moment before spinning back around with a smile on her face, her long hair whipping around with her. She knew exactly how to aim the very last thing she had to say to Bea, she knew it would strike true.

“Now, that I’ve said all I’ve ever needed to say to you Bea, I have somewhere to be and someone far more interesting to talk to. Say hi to your husband for me.  Let’s face it, he’s dreaming about me when he’s lying next to you, not that I’d ever touch him. Meanwhile, the only thoughts I have about you two, are the ones where I’m standing over both of you in the middle of the ring as Miles and I have our arms raised in victory.”

She blows a kiss at the camera and makes her way out of the temple grounds as the camera fades out on her.

Win or Lose, I have you
Tokyo Skytree
Tokyo, Japan

Alexandra stepped out of the car at the Tokyo Skytree and made her way inside. Heading into the elevator. Its doors closed with only her on it and she made her way up to the top, taking in the moment. Shooting LJ a quick text to tell him she had arrived she smiled at his picture on her phone. It was an image of him hugging her daughter at the Fourth of July party she had. She slid her phone into her purse and zipped it closed, just the doors opened.  Looking up she smiled at LJ who was waiting for her.

“Hello handsome.”  She reached out, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him.

“Hello angel.”  He smiled, hugging her back. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you. You look amazing as always.”  she blushed and looked down.

“You're welcome and thank you.”  He put a finger under her chin and brought it up so he could look into hers. “I’m still thinking about that kiss we shared on the cruise.”

She blushed as he spoke about it. “I have thought about it a lot too.”

“I know you and my bruv have that tag match and I want you to be able to focus on it.” He smiled. “You two have this, this is your moment. Take it.”

Alexandra smiled up at him for a few moments before she started to speak.  “Thank you for being so amazing and supportive.” The two of them walked towards the edge so they could watch the night take over Tokyo.

He led them towards the side, so they could look out at the lights of Tokyo from somewhere higher up.  She watched as it was a splash of color rolled out before their eyes.  She could sense though that he was missing it and instead looking at her. She turned to look up at him, still feeling his hand on her lower back. He turned towards her, hooking his finger under her chin once more, before he leaned down and kissed her once more.

Climax Control Archives / Death of Doubt || Mixed Tag Main Event
« on: July 19, 2024, 05:35:21 PM »
Redemption and Resilience
Calaway Estate
Dallas, Texas

Sitting on the balcony as the early morning sunlight flooded in, Alexandra took the last few moments before the sun would eventually peek over the tops of the trees to stare at the sky in silence. The last week had been hell for her, two back to back losses one in Sin City Wrestling, the other in PWS: Legacy. Both losses had been at the hands of a member of the Lyon’s Den. Both powerful women in their own rights. It had stung, losing the Bombshell Roulette Championship, Alexandra took the loss in stride, titles come and go. But when she was back home in silence, her daughter away at camp, the losses started to weigh on her and she tried to pull herself out of the funk alone.

What Victoria and Cleo had done was light a fire inside her. They started something that Alexandra was more than willing to finish. They wanted a war, they had it. The war wasn’t over, that was one battle. Alexandra had two opportunities at titles right now, one, in mixed tag action with Miles, she wouldn’t let another loss befall them, no matter what it took. She refused to let this go like the last two times they were in mixed tag action. Hell she and Alexander Raven had made it to the finals of the Blast from The Past and they could have won it just as easily. Despite what people thought about her and Raven they had been a well oiled machine.

While she was lost in thoughts of what had occurred, her cell phone began to ring and she answered it.

“Hey Ash, how’s camp?” She spoke softly to her daughter.

“It’s great! I heard about your match at Sin City, I’m so sorry mom.” She could hear the sadness in her daughter's voice and it broke her heart.

“Well that’s not anything you need to worry about.” She smiled no matter how much it hurt to know that while her daughter should have been enjoying camp she was too focused on what was going on with her mom.

“I’m going to worry mom. You are the best out there and hearing what people say about you. It’s shitty.” Ashlynn’s voice cracked a bit and Alexandra nodded, holding the phone to her ear.

“I know darling. People are always going to talk, they are always going to have something shitty to say.” She took a deep breath. “Again, that’s nothing for you to worry about sweetie. That’s for me to deal with. The things people say about me are just reflections of their own insecurities. That’s something I hope you learn from all this.”

“I heard you have two really big matches coming up. Don’t let these past few losses get to you mom. Go out there and show them exactly who you are.” Ashlynn was always good at that, being her mothers cheerleader, even when Alexandra thought about retiring.

“I plan on it. I’ll be teaming with Miles and I plan on making sure he walks out a winner this time.” She spoke softly. “He deserves a win before he goes off to marry the love of his life.” She was happy for them.

“Do you think you’ll see LJ?” Ashlynn asked softly.

“I don’t know. Besides, who wants to be seen with a loser like me ya know? He’s got a bright future, the last thing he needs is me fucking that up for him.” Alexandra laughed a bit.

“Mom..” Ashlynn groaned. “I don’t think he cares about that. LJ doesn’t seem like the shallow type. I saw how he looked at you at the fourth of July party.”

“Darling, if there’s one thing I know. People can change, people can grow. But I doubt he'd be like that either.” She nodded her head. “Right now you just focus on having fun at camp.”

“Speaking of which, you are still coming to parents day right?” Ashlynn’s voice was hopeful.

“Of course I am.”  She assured her daughter.

“You know, I’m proud of you, win or lose right mom?” Ashlynn’s smile could be heard through it all. “You are my hero and I’m honored to be your kid. Not many people could last in the industry as long as you have and still be ready to go like you.”

“I know, sometimes though, I feel like a failure.” Alexandra took a deep breath.

“Yes, we all do, but look at the things I’ve gotten to do, because of you putting your life on hold, your body on the line and risking it all for me.” Ashlynn had a point.

“You are right, no giving up, no surrendering.” She responded. "What would I do without you kiddo?"

“Suffer." She giggled. "Mom, I hate to cut this call short, but I have to go.They are calling us for rehearsal for the play.  I’ll call again this afternoon.”

“Of course darling, you can tell me all about the play when you call. I’ll be waiting for it.”

“Bye Mom. I love you.”

“Bye Ash.  I love you too.”

Alexandra smiled and the two said their goodbyes. Alexandra hung up after her daughter did, letting the call go to dead air. Placing her phone back in her pocket she took in a deep breath. It was hard to not have her daughter there but she knew that in time, her daughter would grow and head off to college and Alexandra would find herself in this big house alone.

Psychological Warfare often leads to Bloody Battles
Calaway Estate
Dallas Texas

After the phone call with her daughter Alexandra felt a new sense of empowerment. Something about that small bit of encouragement after the two consecutive losses, really helped to fan the flames she was already feeling. After all, the mental toll was beginning to cause those flames to become cinders and ash. Alexandra was overwhelmed and she was rarely one to admit that. Despite many people saying that losses don't bother them, they were full of shit. It was clear that those who often bragged about their wins, hide the losses they have, ashamed of those ones, so they bolster their egos and hide behind their wins. Unless cyborgs are a real thing and they have no emotions, or maybe they were just capable of hiding theirs, either way, Alexandra let her emotions fuel her. It was what kept her passion for this business alive for as long as it has been.

She took a moment setting up a camera, thanks to her bestie Mika for being her camera woman and getting ready to record a bit about her match. Honestly, she was done catering to the fans, it was time to open up, speak her mind and let EVERYONE know just what she was really thinking. No blog post, no chit chat, no games.

"A true champion isn't the one who never falls, but the one who rises every time they do.” She took a deep breath, looking into the camera. “So go on, flaunt your two titles. Raise them high and praise your historical wins. But don’t forget that there was a time that you lost, somewhere in your career. Right now, you may be on the upside of a swing, you may be sitting on the top of the world, but all it takes is one bad day, one mistake, one wrong step and it can all come crashing down around you. That’s what happened to me. You can be riding the high of a win and when you underestimate your opponent, BAM,” She slams her hand down on the table next to her. “It’s all over.”

She took a deep breath, she tried to find the words in her mind, but in that moment everything was going a million miles a minute in her head. There were so many different things she was thinking about, her career, her personal life and the challenges ahead for her. The Wolves of Gheimhridh were nothing to bat an eye at or underestimate. Kayla and Finn were at the top of their game, the best of the best.

“You know Kayla, up until you decided to run your mouth on X, I had the highest of respect for you. I know what game you were trying to play. You were attempting to get under my skin. Again, game recognizes game.” She applauded her attempt. “I didn’t feel the need to dignify your attempts to rile me up with a response. You see, unlike the younger generation, I don’t feel the need to waste my good material on twitter, you want that. Go talk to Mercedes or someone, then you will have someone who needs that kind of attention from you. I do my best work face to face. Something you have yet to experience. I know you see me as a never was, same material, different opponent. Are all of you the same hivemind?”

She had another chuckle. Something that she respected about Kayla was the fact that the woman had a big set of balls on her. She didn’t feel the need to bring age into it, she didn’t feel the need to pull shit out of her ass. She was straightforward and to the point. People often underestimated Miles and Alexandra. Truth be told, people had been doing that all of Alexandra’s life, doubting her abilities, her longevity in companies and her willingness to do whatever it took. Sure, she had been knocked down several times in her career, these last two weren’t enough of a loss to make her want to give up the legacy she had begun to build long before most of her opponents were old enough to consider a job in the industry.

"Fear is not my enemy; it's my motivator. Every challenge is a stepping stone to greatness. Fear motivates everyone differently. Where most ladies in this industry would run away or hide in fear of Kayla Richards, I will not. I can’t wait to step into the ring with her. It’s my goal by the end of the match, to make her regret her words. To make her see where she failed to get under my skin with her little comments on X. And I know Miles is fired up and ready to rock. He’s never been one for half assing it. I will not let him down either. When that bell rings, Miles and I will be on top, you can bet on it. You see Kayla, you may have Finn’s back, but while you are watching his back, who is watching yours. Victoria was absolutely right about me, I’m a snake. And when snakes are backed into a corner, what do they do? That’s right, they strike. And if you believe for one moment that I won’t do whatever it takes, you are a fool.”

She took the moment to pause, knowing that she still had much more to discuss and she knew that it wasn’t going to be the last time she busted her ass for something. She wasn’t going anywhere despite the people calling for her career to end. She was going to continue to go for it, because now, it was about spite. Her dignity was unbruised. Losses come and go, she would win and lose again and again, as would everyone else. No one was truly unstoppable, Kayla’s time would come. Alexandra knew the repercussions should she defeat Kayla and take her mixed tag title off her hands. She knew that it meant she could take her Bombshell title as well.

“You and Finn may be thick as thieves and you may know each other very well. Hell it’s the reason you all have beaten anyone who’s stepped to you in your respective matches. But you seem to forget something, I took the Bombshell division by storm, dethroning Jessie Salco, sending her into a retirement that I feel came WAY too soon. I took Bobbie Dahl to her limit and pushed her to an extreme she wasn’t used to. Yes I’ve had nine losses in my year here in Sin City Wrestling and thirteen amazing wins. I’ve stood toe to toe with some of the best and put on some of the best matches this company has ever seen. You see, the reason why you still hold those mixed tag team titles, is simply because there wasn’t competition for you two. And I know, you can run your mouth about how we’ve been here all this time and haven’t stepped up. We both were focused on amazing title runs of our own. But now, Kayla, my focus is on you and you alone. There’s no title keeping me held back from unleashing EVERY bit of my focus on you.”

She rose from her seat and started back out onto the back porch of her estate. A place she had designed, paid for and lived in, since 2010. She knew that everything she had, she bled for. The career she had cemented. But still, people wanted to doubt everything about her. This wasn’t about physical strength but mental strength. How much was she willing to go through, to continue to have the life she and her daughter had grown accustomed to.

"In the ring, it's not just about physical strength. The real battle is in your mind. You make your comments about me, because deep inside, you know that myself and Miles both could have your numbers. I’m taking this life one day at a time. Yes, I have a big match coming up at Summer Xxxtreme, but right now, I can only plan for the match right in front of me. You see, I know something you have seemed to forget in your march to the top. It can all come crashing down around you in a millisecond. You can’t only depend on your physical strength Kayla. You have to play the mind game. You’ve tried that on X, talking about me. You tried to knock me down, but mentally and physically I am still here. And my sights are aimed directly on you. Come on Kayla, let me lighten the load on your shoulders, you must be sore from carrying around all that weight. Both the title and your tag partner. Or should I ask that of Finn?"

She took a small pause to smirk at the camera, before turning away to look out over her yard once more, the dogs running around and another breath was taken, before she started to speak once again.

“You see when it comes to Miles and I. Alone we are strong, but together, we are invincible. We’ve both had a lot happen to use in the past few months. Miles has been put through hell, I’ve had to sit by and watch someone who I have a lot of respect for get knocked around and downed, with my hands tied and nothing I could do to help. But now, I have as much to do with our win and loss as he does. You can bet on that. Miles is one of the most talented people I have ever met in my life and with everything he’s got going for him, taking those mixed tag titles into Summer Xxxtreme with us would be an honor. He could say that he got the title and then to marry the man of his dreams all in the same week. So Miles and I teaming hasn’t gone quite the way we planned. But you know what, it’s time for that to change. You’ll see what I’m talking about. I just feel bad that Finn’s going to have to carry you. You wanted to get under my skin, under Miles' skin, you wanted us to doubt each other’s abilities. But all you did was prove to me that you are scared. You know that we have your number. I know what Miles is capable of and he’s on fire with everything that’s happened, who can blame him."

That reminded her, she needed to get her shit together for his wedding and actually be on her game. She wanted to make sure that Miles and Carter had the wedding they deserved. For now, all she could focus on would be this match, to make sure that Miles carried the Mixed Tag Titles with her.

"This is more than just a match. It's about building a legacy, one victory at a time. Every victory comes with a downfall. Victoria took the Bombshell Roulette title from me, ending my second reign with it quickly. Now, it’s time I take that title off you. You’ve held it for a long time, because you had no one who was willing to step up and do what must be done. You see, I’m surprised at the fact that no one was as willing as Miles and I were. But that’s their mistake, with all these mixed tag teams we saw at the Blast From the Past tournament, none of them were willing to step up. Pretty sad if you asked me. But I guess you weren’t paying attention to that were you? Too busy being obsessed with your greatness. I made it to the finals. My team was the one everyone doubted. When they did, we showed them just what we could do. Tell me, do you doubt Miles and I? You see, when people do that and my name is involved, I show exactly why I’m still in this industry years after people who have claimed they would end my career, are either too broken to do the deed themselves or fizzled out and couldn’t carry through with their own careers."

Alexandra walks towards the barn on her property, where her brother is standing in the middle of her training ring. She climbs up as she watches Mika climb up onto the ring apron. Something about this moment felt right, back to training with her family, no more silly blog posts for her. Just pure out battle prep.

"Victory favors the prepared. Every drop of sweat, every hour of training, is a step closer to triumph. You see, my family, my friends, we all mean something to each other and we make sure each other is prepared. With Mika, her style is a lot like yours and if anyone in this world is more than willing to hurt me and put me on my ass, it’s her. You might see this and think, oh because they are besties, they would be more than willing to let me win. But you’d be wrong. She’s blood thirsty, even if it means hurting me. You see Kayla, when it comes down to it, you are going to have to break me to win. You are going to have to make it so that I cannot compete if you expect to get the win over me. Hell, where I came from, when I was training, I fought anyone, men, women.. Anyone. I wasn’t going to put it in categories. But, I’ll leave Finn to Miles, I trust in him. But I think the better question here is, do you trust Finn to have your back? And Finn, don’t think that my not mentioning you doesn’t mean I don’t see you as a threat. I am actually looking forward to watching as Miles tears you apart. He’s got some pent up anger and I know he needs the release. I trust he knows exactly what to do. Anything else, well.. I’ll let him speak on that."

She shrugged and started trading blows and holds with Mika, both of them going the distance. The two women go at it hard and in the end, Alexandra got a clean shot off on Mika, busting her open and pinning her.

“See you at Climax Control 400 dear sweet Kayla. While you may be the dreamslayer, I’m the Queenslayer and it’s time I started showing each and everyone one of you what I am willing to do. No more holding back. Keep the titles warm for us.”

She blows a kiss at the camera before walking away from it. The scene fades to black on her sparring with her brother Damien in the ring, before Mika jumps in and starts helping her train to face off against Kayla.   


Call To Arms
Calaway Estate
Dallas, Tx

Alexandra was done training, she ran through three hours of training with her brother and his wife Mika. She took a towel wiping her face off before picking up her phone and calling Miles. It rang through to voicemail and she knew it was because he was busy with the final preparations for his wedding. There were things that he needed to get done.

“Hey Miles, I’m looking forward to another chance for our tag team. Win or lose I can’t wait to see you and Carter finally taking that leap. I’m so happy for you both. I’ll see you at the show and we can catch up. Ash sends her love, but she’s not going to make the wedding, she’ll be at Camp. She found something she’s really loving about it and you know me, anything to keep her from following in my footsteps.” She laughed. “Anyways, have a goodnight I wont keep rambling on in your voicemail.  I got a few other calls to make before I fly out for the show. Give my love to Carter. Again, I can’t wait.. It’s just a few more days until the wedding. I know you are both excited. See ya.”

With that Alexandra hung up the phone and looked through the images on her phone. It had been a trying year in Alexandra’s life, but it seemed like things were about to take an upturn for her.

Climax Control Archives / Checkmate Queenie || Vs. Victoria Lyons
« on: July 12, 2024, 11:25:40 PM »
What started in fear, ended in comfort
Colorado Springs, Colorado


Several really stupid movies later and Alexandra found herself asleep in LJ’s arms. Hours had passed since they left the hospital and she rolled over to see him sleeping peacefully next to her. She wasn’t even sure which one of them had fallen asleep first, but there they were. It was refreshing, there were no expectations.It was just two friends who understood each other, seeking comfort after a harrowing experience. He looked so peaceful laying there. As if everything was at peace in that moment. She watched him for a few moments before curling back over onto her side once more, feeling his arm slide around her. Their hands touched and for a while she laid there looking at them.

“Goodnight LJ..” She shook her head.

She felt the warmth of his body against her back. Laying there in silence, she soon fell back asleep. Hours passed and she heard him waking up, felt his hand slide down her arm as he pulled away, causing her to sit up and look over at him in silence. She watched as he moved to the curtain, looking out. Sunlight slipped through the crack, bathing him in light. For a moment she found herself just watching him. Unable to speak, just lost in awe of him. She placed her feet on the cold floor and her body screamed out to crawl back into bed, but she knew she couldn’t. She had to get breakfast up to Carter and Miles, before heading to the airport and home to Dallas. But a part of her wanted to stay here, knowing that they all might need her.

“We need to take them breakfast and coffee, I’m sure they would appreciate it.” She finally spoke. 

“We should.” He nodded his head.  “Are you going to stick around?”

“I have to get home to Dallas. Ashlynn will be waiting for me.” She hated the look in his eyes.  “Besides I’m sure Carter and Miles will head home as soon as he’s cleared and they’ll need you.”

“You’re right. Sorry love.” She looked at LJ and tilted her head, watching as he started getting his stuff together.

“Hey, for the first time in a very long time. I actually got a full night's rest.” She took a moment to pause. “I know this might sound awkward and a bit out of left field. But I’m having a little get together for the Fourth of July and I was wondering if you’d like to come. I understand completely if you don’t, considering what’s happened. But it would be nice to have you there. And I have to agree, this trip wasn’t a total waste.”

She smiled at him as she finished getting her stuff together, before slipping into the bathroom to get ready to deliver Miles and Carter food and then head home. She knew she’d have a lot to talk about when she got back home. She would have to speak to her best friend and brother to process everything that had happened.

Queens Blog
Calaway Estate
Dallas, Tx.

So here we are, another defense of my Bombshell Roulette Title. A title with a historic and star-studded past. My Bombshell Roulette Title. A title I have busted my ass for over and over. This time it’s against an opponent with an impressive start in Sin City Wrestling. Victoria Lyons, our Queen for a day winner for 2024. She did give us an impressive showing, didn’t she? Even booking me in a match where I had to team with Julianna DiMaria against Harper Mason, another young and fierce competitor. That same card she booked, brought two of my favorite people against each other. While most people would sit by and let it happen. I have things I need to say about it, for now though, let’s get down to brass tacks shall we?

Victoria is someone who came from a training facility with another wrestler I’ve faced before. Cleo Phillips, Victoria really should have asked her about me, before she decided to step into my path. However, I wont see Victoria short, I know what people from the Lyon’s family are capable of doing. You see, I am very close to another Lyon.. Alexander. We both understand each other and that, understanding, goes deep. She will need to remember this, heading into our little match. She seems to think she has me completely figured out and that’s when most people make the biggest mistake. Thinking you have me downed. It rarely works out for anyone, just check my past records, not only here in Sin City Wrestling, but in my career over the course of my time in the industry. I’ve done and seen it all, multiple times.

Now, Victoria is undefeated this year. Congratulations, I plan on being the one to give you that loss you’ve been searching for. There’s still something so raw about your talent and while most people would say I’m crazy for rushing into this match without a care. I know that either way this goes, we will rock the house. We will give them the showing they deserve and then, in just a few weeks at Summer Xxxtreme we will do it again. Either way, I plan on going out there and showing you just why I am the Bombshell Roulette Champion. There’s a very good reason this belt keeps coming back to me time and time again.

There’s more I could say, but I have somewhere to be right now and it’s not here in front of my computer, typing this up for you all. There’s so much more I need to do before I head out for the show. See you all in Ontario, California.

Alexandra Calaway

Independence Day
Calaway Estate
Dallas, Tx


Alexandra’s eyes grew wide when she saw LJ walk through the gate towards her. She had invited him, but expected him to be busy. She stood up and walked towards him. Pausing just a few feet from him.

“Hi. Come on in. It’s great to see you LJ.” She tried to fight back the blush that threatened to steal her cheeks. It would have given away too much. The two shared a look, much like they had outside the hospital that night. “How’s Carter doing?”

She watched as Damien and Mika exchanged a look and then turned back to him. She was still shocked that he was there.

“Better, it’s a surprise after everything that happened.”  He smiled at her.

“Of course. I hope that he feels better soon. Sin City won't be the same without them both there. I guess I got spoiled having them there.”  She laughed and led him over.  “Everyone this is LJ.”

“Hi LJ!” Ashlynn called from the pool and Alexandra smiled. She watched as the two had a momentary interaction and for a moment it felt right.

“Oh so this is the famous LJ I’ve heard so much about?” Mika spoke softly leaning against Damien.

“Hey I’m Damien. It's nice to meet you.” Damien held his hand out for LJ.

“Damien, Alexandra’s brother?” He smiled and shook his hand.  “It’s nice to meet you too.”

Alexandra was practically beaming at that moment. She watched the exchange between them before offering him a drink and a seat if he wanted it. Just seeing him brought a smile to her face. She hadn’t expected it but knowing he was there, definitely made her day. The rest of the evening was enjoyable, with the family and LJ sitting around the bonfire and sharing stories. She couldn’t help but smile, knowing that her family liked him as much as she cared and liked Miles and Carter.

Questions and Answers
Calaway Estate
Dallas, Tx.

“So you're telling me that nothing happened on your little evening with him.”  Mika chimed in. “Just watching movies and falling asleep?”

“You’d be correct.” Alexandra nodded, knowing that Mika would tease her relentlessly about it.

“Wow.. I’m surprised.” Mika shrugged.

“Surprised by what?” Damien chimed in.

“That Alexandra had a night alone with LJ and didn’t make a move. They just watched a movie and passed out.”  Mika answered.

“Yeah, we did, it was innocent and sweet.” She smiled at them.

“I mean it’s a surprise but at the same time it’s not.” He smiled at his sister. “You’ve never been the type to hook up randomly with someone.” He chuckled. “Then he showed up at the fourth of July party, even though you said he might not show up because of what happened to Carter.” Damien spoke to his sister.

“Look, just because you two’s life is full of sex doesn’t mean everyone else is like that too. It was sweet.” Alexandra smiled. “I’m glad he came, it gave you all a chance to meet him. To get to know him. At the same time, I half expected him to be with his brother, helping out.”

“Do you think you’ll see him again?”  Ashlynn chimed in.

“I’m sure I will. I mean, we work at the same company.”  She laughed.

“That’s not what I mean momma.”  Ashlynn hugged her mom. “I mean are you going to ask him on a date.”

“LJ is a gentleman. I think if he wants that, he’ll ask me himself.”  Alexandra smiled at her daughter. “Right now I have to focus on winning my match against Victoria. Everything else can play out in time. I don’t mind taking it slow.”

She was more than willing to just get to know LJ, despite the vibes they both gave off towards each other.

“That’s still a surprise.” Damien spoke softly. “Who would have known..”

“Momma, I know you said I could go with you this summer. But Brianna got us into this really cool summer camp and I think I’d like to go. If you don’t mind.” Ashlynn spoke softly, leaning against her moms chair.

“I thought you wanted to come this summer.” Alexandra looked at her daughter.

“I did, until the camp was brought up.”  She looked at her mom. “Can I please?”

“Of course.” She nodded. “What do you need from me? I’d never want you to not have a good summer.”

“I have a list, but let's not worry about that right now. Let’s just enjoy this time together, before you go kick ass and win Championships.” Ashlynn chuckled.

The family sits around talking about what was needed for the summer camp, before Ashlynn and Brianna went off to start packing her up. Alexandra stood and looked out over her back yard for a while, taking in the silence. Her daughter was growing up and she knew, soon the days of her little one wanting to spend time with her would come to an end.

Tearful Goodbyes
DFW International Airport
Dallas, Texas

Saying goodbye was never easy, not even with all the times they had done it before. Something still hurts every time. Not only was Alexandra heading back out on the road, but she wouldn’t be taking her daughter with her either.

“I’ll see you in a month mom, it’s not like it’s forever.” Ashlynn hugged her mother tightly, wrapping her arms around her.

Alexandra held her daughter to her.  “I know, but I had planned so much. But I want you to experience everything you can in life and get to make memories. If you want to go to summer camp, who am I to deny you that fun.”

“Thank you momma. Besides, you have to focus on several matches coming up. Cleo and Victoria, both are Championship Main Events, both are glory. I know that you’ll defeat them. You know the Lyon’s Den better than anyone else.” She smiled at her mom.

“I know sweetie. I’ll do my best.” She let her go. “I’ve got a lot on my plate, but I am NEVER too busy for you. You can call me anytime you want.”

“I know momma. You know I will. How about we call every other night while I’m gone. I can fill you in on everything going on at camp and you can tell me how the matches went. Send me pictures.”  She laughed. “You can spend time getting to know LJ. You don’t need me around while doing that.”

“Ashlynn..that’s not what this is..”

“I know momma.  Now go, you’ll miss your flight.” She hugged her again softly. “I love you momma.”

“I love you too Kiddo.” She kissed her forehead.

“Say hi to Miles for me?” Ashlynn asked softly.

“Of course I will. Why wouldn’t I?” She held back the tears not wanting to let her family see.

“Thank you.” She kissed her mom’s cheek and let go.

“You’re welcome.  Alright.  Here I go.” Alexandra turned and walked away, towards the escalators that would take her up to the area where she would go for boarding. 

She stopped at the top and waved to them. Once she turned away, she wiped the tears from her eyes and walked tall towards her terminal, knowing that she had a fight ahead of her, but she wasn’t going to fear it. Victoria Lyons wouldn't forget this match as long as she lived. Alexandra had a lot riding on this, taking out two of the Lyons Den in the same week would be a challenge. But she looked forward to it.

So falls the Queen
Hollywood Walk of Fame
Los Angeles, California

Alexandra stood at the star of a woman who had a lot of influence on Alexandra as she grew up. The Iconic Carrie Fisher, of Star Wars fame. She sits down next to it, taking time to pause, just thinking about how Carrie Fisher taught Alexandra about mental health. Maybe not one on one, but hearing Carrie’s story and how she dealt with life and the experiences she had, helped Alexandra become the woman she had become. She taught her how to face every issue and when it was bad, to say “Fuck You” and carry on.

“The Bombshell Roulette Championship isn't something I’ve ever taken for granted. I busted my ass to get my hands on it the first time, but the second time came as a surprise. And I’ll be damned if I am going to let it slip through my fingers so easily. You see, this title has had a long and historic past. Some of the greatest champions of all time have held this title and my name is on that list with theirs. Names like Jessie Salco, Bobbie Dahl, Keira Fisher, Roxie Johnson, Luna Vanity, and so many more. Names who moved on to accomplish great things. I’ll admit that I’m honored to be there, not at all ashamed of it. I could sit here all day listing the greats that held this title.”

She took a deep breath, gauging her next words with care. She knew that Victoria was tough and it wouldn’t be an easy night in any stretch of the imagination. Victoria is a woman who is just as violent as Alexandra was. They would tear the house down in their main event match.

“Victoria, I know you think very highly of me, it’s part of why I am looking forward to this match. But, let’s face it, this is exactly why you booked the Queen for a day card the way you did. Because you wanted a chance to see what I would do for the “Queen”.  A chuckle escaped her lips. “But what you didn’t expect was that I’ve had my eyes on you since before you came here. You see, I know what the members of the Lyon’s den are more than capable of doing. I know what games you all love to play and just so that you are aware, I played those same games when I started. The games won't work with me, ask Alexander. He can tell you quite a bit about me, if he hasn’t already. Then again, he and I do have a bond. I have his back and he has mine.”

She took another brief pause, gathering her thoughts, her hand resting on Carrie Fisher’s star. She knew that she could be vulnerable with people, she had been shown that before. But this wasn’t one of those moments. She was tough and she was going to do whatever it took to be the champion at the end of the night.

“Main event Victoria, are you sure you are ready for this? I’ve done this several times over. While I won’t discredit your talent in the ring or the power you hold. But know this, your time as the Queen of Sin City Wrestling is over. Win or lose, you still aren’t on top baby girl. You are down here in the pit, battling with the rest of us. Clawing your way to the top.” This title, my Bombshell Roulette Title, I’ve bled for it and I’ll do it again over and over until there’s nothing left in me. I’ve said that every match, but now I’m sure it sounds like a mantra and in a way it is. I have to tell you this though, I do see a little bit of someone I know in you. I see a lot of myself. Let’s hope you don’t make the same mistake so many others have. Do not underestimate what I will do to win.”

She took a deep breath standing up and starting to walk down the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Each step she took felt like a step closer to once again defending her title and then moving on to bigger and better.

“Now, this isn’t to say that tonight can’t be your night, because it absolutely can. But speaking from a veteran of the ring, you are going to have to bring much more than a few promises of violence to take my Bombshell Roulette Championship from me. Much more. You see, there have been so many who stood there and said they would be the one to do it, that they would take my title from me and I took out every single one of them. Hell, maybe you can. There’s only one thing for certain in this industry, never expect to win them all.”

She laughed, shaking her head. People needed to remember that. Sometimes she even had to remind herself of that. Nothing lasts forever, right? She took another breath and stepped forward, speaking again.

“You are probably asking why I am walking down the Hollywood Walk of Fame, when we aren’t actually in LA. Well it’s as simple as this, there’s something so real about this place. Think about the hardships they experienced in life and tell me again if you think we are all any different? We really aren’t despite people thinking they are all different. Think about it, if you cut us, we all still bleed the same color, a beautiful shade of crimson red. Which brings me to my next point.”

There was something that didn't sit right with her at all and she had been thinking about it for a few weeks now. What Victoria had done to Miles and Carter. While they had said their peace, she held hers in. She knew that Victoria would cross her path and if anyone really knows Alexandra, they know that her loyalty to her friends and family was her driving force.

“You know, you did let your power get to your head though, didn’t you Queenie? You took the strongest couple in Sin City Wrestling and tried to destroy what they have, for your own sick pleasure in some game of twisted fate. But as you and I both got to witness, they rose above your petty little game. While they may feel avenged in that, it’s not enough. Not in my books. You need to pay for what you did. And it just so happens that I get to face you twice. Win or lose, both times, I plan on making it hurt. Miles is my best friend. Someone I trust with my life. In the time that should have been his happiest, preparing for his wedding to the man he loves, you had to come in and try to destroy that for them. That’s where we differ, Victoria. I never would have done something so cruel. You said you did it to make them stronger, to teach them a lesson. The only lesson you showed anyone is that you have a heart of stone. I will not let what you did go unchecked. Vengeance is mine.”

She took a moment to chuckle.

“You said to me on X, that you wanted to show Sin City Wrestling and the fans a horror show.”

She stopped just over the star of Jamie Lee Curtis, the original scream Queen. She smiled and nodded. She knew that Victoria would get a kick out of this. She had a plan and she was going to run with it as far as she possibly could.

“You want to put on a goddamn horror show, you got it.  You want blood, you want pain, you want to feel torment like never before. You came to the right place sweetheart. I can promise you that you won't walk out the same way you walked in and neither will I. You’ve seen what I can do, just check the tapes darling, find any of my matches. If you want a horror show, I’ll give you one. You can play the villain if you want. But we both know in the end, I’ll be the final girl.”

Alexandra started to walk away, before she looked back and looked over her shoulder.

“See you in Ontario, Queenie...”

With that she turns on her heels and walks off. The back of Alexandra’s jacket has something written across the back of it. The screen fades to black on the image of the word,


Queens Blog
Calaway Estate
Dallas, Texas

Well Well, who would have known that I would be one half of Victoria Lyon’s favorite tag team for the Blast from the Past tournament. She hand chose me for a match against Harper Mason, a young upstart with a bright future ahead of her. But, Victoria also chose to put a little caveat in this match in the form of Julianna DiMaria. While I may be a favorite of hers, I knew that she would give me not only Harper to fight, but a battle to fight within my own mind. Anyone who’s been around for a while knows simply that Julianna and I do not vibe well. We have our own issues. It’s true, I lost to her, fair and square. But her mouth is also an issue. She’s held that big time Gold and now, she sees herself above everyone else. Untouchable and deserving of everything.

We must be able to work together to take out Harper. Now most people, I'm sure, are looking at me going, Alexandra, you are the veteran in this. Show them both that you are capable of doing what must be done. Either way, win or lose, that’s exactly what I plan on doing. So far I’ve heard little to nothing from my tag partner in this. Then again, look at what Raven and I did during the tournament, we barely spoke and we made it to the finals. It’s true though, Sean Parker and Luna did us in. Congrats to both of them. However, I know Luna will soar to new heights, she’s always been on fire. Sean Parker however, will fail when it comes to standing toe to toe with Finn Whelan. But that’s a story for another time. 

Now I have to focus on defending my Bombshell Roulette Championship, as well as teaming with the same woman who retained the Bombshell Championship against me. For anyone who knows, this is my second time holding this title since joining Sin City Wrestling. I held it for almost four and a half months, defending it almost every single week. Nothing will keep me from doing it again. Not even this match. I will make sure that when the time comes, what needs to be done will be. When it’s all said and done, my hand WILL be raised at the end of the match, with or without Julianna.

Anything else, I’ll discuss when it’s time. See you all soon Denver.
Alexandra Calaway

Calaway Estate
Dallas, Texas

It’s the morning of Alexandra’s birthday. Waking up early she started making breakfast for her daughter and herself. Knowing that it would just be the two of them for the day. In a way, it was nice to have the time to relax. By the time breakfast was made, her daughter was awake and ready to start the day.

“Happy Birthday!!!” Ashlynn ran into the room, slamming into her mom’s side and hugging her tightly.  Alexandra stopped plating the food and turned to hug her daughter. 

“Well good morning to you too sweetie. And thank you.” She giggled softly, watching as her daughter pulled away.  “Get your adorable self seated, breakfast will be on the table in a few moments.”

“Momma, it’s your special day.” She tilted her head looking up at her mom.

Yes, but you are still my little girl. Now go sit down.” She finished plating the food and moved to set the plates on the table.

“Thank you momma..”  Ashlynn looked up at her. Just as Alexandra sat her plate down there was a knock at the door.

“Go ahead and get started, I’ll be right there.” She got up and headed towards the front door, looking at the man who was standing there.  In his hands was a large bouquet of flowers, roses from the looks of them. Opening the door she spoke.  “Can I help you?”

“I’m looking for an Alexandra Calaway?”  He looked at her.  “Is that you?”

She nodded. “I am.”

“Happy Birthday..”  He handed them to her before walking back to his car, leaving her there in shock, unsure of what she was looking at. She walked back inside, giving herself a moment to look the roses over before heading back to the kitchen with the roses in hand.

“Wow mom.. Who sent you those?” Ashlynn looked at her mom shocked.

“I don’t know..” She looked for the card, grabbing it, and she sat the flowers on the table.  Opening the card she read it.

Happy Birthday Love, here's wishing all the happiness and joy.

Alexandra blushed, which caused her daughter to rush over and look over her shoulder. “Mom.. it’s from LJ.. I told you.. He must really like you.”

“Shush.. You.”  She playfully nudged her daughter, putting the little card back into the envelope and placing it in her pocket. 

Work was definitely going to be interesting when she got to the show.  Taking a moment to breath, she began to have breakfast with her daughter.

Airport Goodbyes
DFW International
Dallas, Texas

Alexandra stood in the terminal, her eyes focused on the board as her brother and his wife Mika walked up, tapping her shoulder. Alexandra spun around.

“Finally you two are here.  Thanks for taking her this weekend.” She smiled at them and nodded.

“I want to go too mom.” Ashlynn looked very sad. Like she didn't want to let go of her mom.

“I know you do Ash, it’s just.. This could be dangerous.”

“Your last one was far more dangerous.”

“Yes and I was worried about you the whole time, the fact that you had to see that happen. I know what it did to you.”

She looked at her daughter, taking a deep breath, trying to find the words to say to her.  Something about it really bothered her. Knowing her daughter had to see her mother lose the way she did. She may have retained her title, but knowing that the dream of trying for the Bombshell World Title was further from her reach now, how could she put her little girl through seeing that again.

“I promise, you can go with me next week.”

“Okay.  But tell everyone I said hello.” Ashlynn looked up at her.

She took a deep breath.

“If I see them I will.”  She nodded her head.  “Miles and Carter have a pretty big match.  I’m sure they will be spending time together coming up with a way for them to do this without hurting each other.”

“I understand momma. See you on Monday?”  Her daughter ran over and hugged her tightly.

“Of course sweetheart.” She wrapped her arms around her daughter and held her close, closing her eyes and trying to calm them both.

“Come on Ash.  Brianna wants to go to Six Flags.”  Alexandra’s brother Damien stepped closer and put a hand on his niece’s arm.

“Okay Uncle Damien..” She turns back to her mom.  “I love you momma..”

“I love you too Ash.” She took a deep breath and watched as they walked away, before turning and heading to her terminal. This was going to be a long weekend. She was walking into a lion's den and she knew it. It was only a matter of time before Alexandra constantly running so hot, was going to catch up with her. This weekend.. Might just be it.

Et Tu?
Rocky Mountain National Park
Denver, Colorado

Sitting on a rock, after a nice walk through the Rocky Mountain Park, Alexandra took the time to pause, looking over at the camera crew who had followed her there to get her thoughts on the match she was going to be heading into at Collision Control. Her mind was full of a great many thoughts, but time was drawing close, the sun would be going down soon and it would be too late.

“From the moment this match was announced, the moment that I was informed that Victoria had chosen my opponent for a match and then I was informed that it was to be a two on one, with my tag partner being the very same woman who retained her World Bombshell Championship against me, Julianna DiMaria, I had to ask myself a very serious question. Was I as highly thought of as Victoria had said? You see, the Lyons and I go way back. I used to be a member of the same group as her cousin Alexander. I had his back throughout our entire run with Antithesis. However, when the leader abandoned us, I took up the leader's mantle and continued to keep Alexander and the rest of Antithesis on top in PWS: Apex. And it’s because of that, she chose me for this match, as she says. But I must ask if she truly remembers what I did for him, or if she is simply.. Playing games.”

She took a moment to pause, running her fingers through her hair. She took a deep breath and went back into it, not giving away how she really felt about this match.

“It doesn’t matter if this is just a match for her sick enjoyment or if she spoke the truth. Either way, I can tell you right now. The one who will be standing tall at the end of the night, will be me. You see she failed to realize that while Julianna is forced to be my tag partner for this little, twisted game Victoria is playing, it doesn’t mean that we are going to work well together. You see, Julianna and I, we have a history. During our little fight for the title, she loved to sling as much mud in my direction as she could. Funny how it didn’t have the same effect she wished for. But, it did light a fire, just as my loss to Luna did back in the beginning. You see, even as a veteran, sometimes you find yourself in a slump and it takes just the right ignitor to send you up in flames. I had gotten comfortable, I had gotten complacent. Not anymore. What you all saw during the tournament, that was just a start. We got so close. So close that the taste of victory was right there and we fell short. Focus was lost and the better team won that day. But that’s where it stops. THIS is where it stops.”

She bit her lip, trying to get her anger under control. She needed to keep her focus, she needed to keep her wits about her. Or it would be all for nothing.

“Let me start by saying this, Julianna, you and I, we don’t see eye to eye and to be honest, we don’t need to. We do however need to be on the same page when it comes to this match tonight. I need you to realize that it doesn’t matter what YOU want to happen out there, what Victoria wants to happen, it doesn’t matter what Harper wants to happen out there. What you all need to know is that I will do what must be done to win. I will walk through both you and Harper if that’s what it takes, tag match be damned. I need this win, after the loss at Into The Void, I need to know that this isn’t the end.”

She took another breath, a small beat before she began to speak again.

“As the Bombshell Roulette Champion, I have a target on my back. Something you should remember well yourself from when you were the Bombshell World Champion. You always have to be prepared. We’ve had our issues in the past and I need to know that when the time comes, your focus will be on Harper. Otherwise, you need to step aside and let me finish it for us.”

She took time to pause, knowing all she had left to say was directly for Harper Mason to hear, this was something the young talent needed to hear. This was Alexandra’s job as the veteran, to give the upcomer the knowledge she could impart to her. Win or lose, this was always the way it was supposed to be.

“Harper, you are the young gun in this match and I know for a fact that your mind is racing with the what ifs. But you need to focus. You are going to be in the ring with the former Bombshell World Champion and the Current Bombshell Roulette Champion, who’s on her second run. You came in hot, after I took out Jessie. I never made the challenge or the decision for her to retire, nor was it my goal to make that happen. She made that decision for herself and I will not be the one who is accused of it. Jessie was one of my favorite opponents, but from what I’ve heard, she’s doing well for herself.”

She paused, looking away for a moment, before licking her lips and starting again.

“Harper, you have all the talent needed to make it in this industry. To truly be a star, but you need to show that you can take on anyone in that ring, be it one, two or three opponents. You have to be willing to face the storm that is coming for you, from every direction. Championship or no championship. When it comes down to it and you have accomplished that. It won’t matter who was in that ring, it will only matter that YOU did what needed to be done. If you can do that, then what do you have to truly fear?”

Alexandra let that set in for a few moments, knowing that it’s not always an easy thing to hear. But it was what Harper needed to hear. This was what was needed to make a champion and one day she knew that Harper would be the Bombshell World Champion, just, not yet.

“Harper, it’s okay to fear this whole match. It’s okay to feel like it’s not fair. But just think of the story you can tell if you beat us. You beat a former Bombshell World Champion and the current reigning Bombshell Roulette Champion, they’ll have to pay attention to you. But the real question here is this my dear. Can you?”

She takes a moment to chuckle softly, her gaze on the camera still.

“No. You cannot. Between you and I, you might have been able to do it one on one. With just Julianna or just me on a good day. But today isn’t it. You have to face both of us and you can’t. I don’t plan on going down unless you completely knock me out. That’s what it is going to take and tell me, do you have it in you?”

She shook her head.  “No I don’t think you do Harper. But I’ll tell you what. Show me you deserve it and maybe just maybe, soon you and I will go one on one for my Bombshell Roulette Championship. See you out there.”

With that, Alexandra gets up and walks off towards the trail as the scene fades to black.

Meeting up with an old friend
Battlegrounds Café & Grille
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Alexandra had received a call from her old boss, Star Stormz, saying that she wanted to meet up with her to talk about an offer.  Alexandra knew that Star was one of the best bosses she had ever worked for and if the truth be told, she would work for any company that had Star in the spot she had been in with PWS: Apex.  Arriving at the little cafe, Alexandra found her quickly and spoke.

“Hey Star.” She took a seat and made a quick order with the waiter.  “So what was it that you needed to talk to me about? Is PWS: Apex coming back?”

“In a manner of speaking… yes. We have rebranded and are now PWS:Legacy. As our last World Champion I felt it only right to bring a contract offer to you personally.” Star kept her eyes on Alexandra, knowing what she had to offer her.

She looked at Star, that wasn’t something that happened every day. A personally delivered invitation back. She took a sip of her drink. 

“Now that’s not something that happens every day.  And I can’t say it’s something I’ve had happen before.  So PWS is back, but different.  Are the issues of the time passed as well?”

She leaned back in her seat relaxing a bit. Star let out a slight chuckle.

“Yes, our past problems are no longer problems. I have a brand new staff, 2 of which are returning and well trusted legends. I am quite confident in this relaunch, and I hope you find the details in this offered contract sufficient.”

She slides a manilla folder towards Alexandra. Alexandra takes the envelope and opens it, rolling over the contract deals.

“Wait.. so I get a chance to claim the PWS Legacy World Championship in a match against an unnamed opponent at the first pay per view?” She thought about that for a moment, giving it some real consideration. PWS had been very good to her and the talent there had been top notch. “Wow, I must have left a lasting mark on Apex.”

Alexandra gave another giggle, listening to everything that Star was offering her. She knew that Star was honest.

“That's an understatement,  to say the least. I always held you in high regard, as do the fans. Should you decide to rejoin us, you are correct. Our first pay per view event you will automatically be in the World Title Match against an opponent who wins a qualifier on our return show. I do hope everything under the… perks and bonuses… section is to your liking?”

Alexandra chuckled hard and nodded.

“The perks and bonuses are icing on the cake Star.  I must say you are really making it easy to say yes.” She gave a soft chuckle at the added bonuses. “Well Star, I would say you got yourself a deal.  I would love to help launch PWS: Legacy.”

She extends her hand. Star reciprocate with a firm handshake before sliding a pen over.

“All you have to do is sign on the dotted line. Welcome home, Alexandra.”

Alexandra signed her name on the dotted line and smiled. 

“Now.. let's make history. Give me your best and I'll show you that you haven't placed your trust in someone who can't handle it.”

She smiled and slid the contract back over to her.

“Perfect! I’ll have a copy made for you. Now… onto a bit less of business. How have you  been?”

Alexandra looked at her with a soft nod of her head.

“Well I’m sure you know that I divorced Sanders.  That was clear before the sad closing of PWS: Apex. But life now has become, well, interesting…” She gave a soft giggle. “Just know that even with my schedule, PWS: Legacy will have my attention.”

“Yes, I heard about the divorce. I'm glad to hear we have your attention. You have a bright future in PWS, I'm sad it got cut short. Glad to see you have been thriving here in Sin City Wrestling. They are good people here.”

“They do. I’ve made friends with Miles Kasey, he became my tag team partner. And Carter, is amazing.  Sin City has been good to me.  Now, I have a tournament to finish trying to win.” She laughed softly. “How have you been?”

“Working tirelessly to get things going again. Running a company and getting everything set is a Never Ending process. But it was worth it. Cut some red tape here, knock out some drama there, sign my life away…"

She chuckled softly as she took a sip of her drink

“But things are falling into place.”

“I’m glad to hear that they are. I know it couldn’t have been easy. I remember from when I ran American Made Wrestling.”  She gave her a smile and sipped her drink.  “I heard through the grapevine that there was a lot of red tape and knocking out to deal with. Sorry I couldn’t be there to help out. I would have taken great pleasure in busting his skull.”  She winked.

“I believe that there was a line. But we handled things. It has opened the doors for a lot of returns. Great things are happening, that's for sure.”

“Well how about this?”  Alexandra pulls a ticket out for the show. “Come see the show.. Enjoy the show for the night.”

Star smiled and nodded

“Deal. It's been too long since I've just watched a wrestling show I had no hand in producing.”

“Well now you have an excuse.”

The two old friends have a laugh and share a meal.  Alexandra knew that it was only a matter of time before PWS: Legacy would see what she was like now. With the contract signing out of the way, she was going to need to focus on winning the tournament.

Queens Blog
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

What’s up everyone? I hope that you are all doing well.  It’s great to be back on American soil. I’ve missed being home so much. Flying back and forth was getting crazy. Still, I do it for the love of the game. Who could have known that the team would make it this far. Not me and I still feel like I’m dreaming. I can’t wait to see my family, not that I mind letting my family spend time with my daughter, but it’s been her and I through everything. Despite my shortcomings, she’s never stopped believing in me. And I’ll never stop being her biggest supporter.

Goodness so much has happened hasn’t it? From weeks of losing to weeks of winning match after match.  Who ever could have known that the woman who couldn’t make it past round one last year, has stood next to the same partner, week after week, winning match after match, until we have finally reached the semi finals?  No one. If you would have told me a year ago that I’d be teaming with Raven again and win, I’d laugh and ask you what drugs you were on and if I could get some. Last year didn’t go well for us, this year, look at us soar.

But here it is and it’s really happening. Just look at who we’ve gone through so far. Shay Owens and Jamie Dean, both of them gave us a pretty good fight and for a moment there, it could have been the same outcome as last year, out in the first round. Then we went on to face Peter Vaughn and the VERY woman who cost us the match last year, Bobbie Dahl.  Now, I wont say that they didn’t come carrying a strong chance, because they did. They gave us a run for our money and could have gotten there, if it wasn’t for one misstep. That misstep, was what opened the door to the pin and the win.

That win brought back my Bombshell Roulette Title. It brought back the first title I ever held in this company and I intend to defend it with everything I have in me. Until I have no blood to bleed and no breath left in my lungs. To take this, you’ll have to end me. You will have to spill every drop of my blood until there is nothing left. It’s not going to be easy work either.  I plan on proving to everyone that my winning this wasn’t a fluke, that it wasn’t just a bad day for Bobbie Dahl.  I will defend this title until the time comes when someone isn’t afraid of what that wheel can give us. It seems that it was always the luck of the draw and when it comes down to brass tacks, that’s just what life is. You take the cards you're dealt and you show that you are capable of living with what happens next.


Video Message
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Alexandra had just finished up her blog posting when her phone vibrated on the table next to her. She looked down to see the name there. 

                                             ALEXANDER RAVEN

She took a deep breath, she knew that they were supposed to have a sit down together.  To talk things through, but they kept having missed connections, or delays in flights. It was crazy. To think that even at three weeks in while most of the other teams are meeting up and having conversations, but Alexandra and Raven seemed to work better without the constant conversations and sit downs. They worked better this way.  Maybe that’s what caused them to do badly last year. The sit down. They could talk after. Hitting the button, she started recording a message back. At least they would know each other’s thoughts on the match.

“It’s alright. I’ve started to think that maybe our not hanging out constantly helped us this time. We are showing a great amount of trust in each other. A trust that these other teams aren’t showing. There was too much going on between our sides last time, this time.. We did this. After this is all over, we should sit down and have that drink. Either way, however this goes, we’ve made it this far.”

She took a moment to pause her body was sore, but she would make it through this match and the next and the next. She missed her family, but something told her everything would be worth it in the end.

“We both kicked ass so hard. I’m proud of us. I thought it was going to be you for a minute there. But thank you for the congratulations. I would have been happy for us either way. But think about this, if we get there to the end, think of what we can get. I know that we can do this. It will be an honor to stand across the ring from Luna again. This time, perhaps we both will respect each other more. In the end I’ll have your back too. I want you to know that. I need you to understand that no matter the outcome, I’m proud of what we’ve done here and I hope that you are proud of your spot too.”

She paused again, her eyes closing for a moment and she opened them nodding.

“How about this, let’s meet up once this tournament is over. We can celebrate the win! I know that we can do this, we just need to maintain focus and keep kicking ass like we have recently. See you at the show Raven. You're welcome.”

With that she pressed the button to end the call, seeing that another call was coming in.  She answered it.

“Hey bro what’s up?”

Alexandra smiled hearing her brother’s voice.

“Hey, just wanted to let you know that Ashlynn wanted to come see you. She wanted to be there for the match, so we booked her the first flight that we could. She should be landing in about two hours. I know she can’t wait to see you.”

She laughed softly. Always leave it to her brother to know just what she needed.

“Thank you Damien. I’ve missed her.”

“She’s missed you too. Now go out there and show her just what all the time apart is worth. Go out there and win the match for her.”

“I will and I’ll head to the airport now. It’s about an hour drive up there. So I want to be early, that way just in case the flights are early. I don’t want her sitting around the airport with nothing to do while waiting for me.”

“Good call.  We will be watching from Dallas.”

“Thanks. Say Hi to Mika for me.”

“Good luck. Don’t do anything too stupid. And I will, you have my word.”

“I wont.”

She hung up the phone and headed to the airport. Sometimes family was the best medicine. She couldn’t wait to bring Ashlynn to the show.

The Best Medicine is Family
Harrisburg International Airport
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Alexandra Calaway stood near the arrival gate at Harrisburg International Airport, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and excitement. She glanced at the large digital clock on the wall. The flight from Dallas was due to land any minute now. Adjusting the collar of her black leather jacket, she took a deep breath and tried to calm her racing thoughts. It had been months since she last saw Ashlynn, and the separation had been difficult for both of them.

The airport was bustling with activity, travelers rushing past with luggage in tow, families reuniting, and business people making their way to their next destination. Despite the chaos, Alexandra felt a sense of calm wash over her. Soon, she would be holding her daughter in her arms again.

She scanned the crowd, her sharp eyes searching for any sign of Ashlynn. Her thoughts drifted to the last time they were together, recalling the tears and promises exchanged. As a wrestler, Alexandra’s schedule was grueling and unpredictable, but she had always made a vow to be there for Ashlynn as much as she could. The weeks of separation had been hard, but the thought of this moment had kept her going.

The loudspeaker crackled to life, announcing the arrival of the flight from Dallas. Alexandra’s heart skipped a beat. She moved closer to the gate, her eyes fixed on the doors where passengers would soon emerge. The minutes felt like hours, and she found herself shifting from one foot to the other, her patience wearing thin.

Finally, the doors slid open, and a stream of passengers began to flow out. Alexandra’s eyes darted from face to face, searching for the one she had been longing to see. Then, she spotted her—a petite girl with dark hair and sparkling eyes, dragging a bright purple suitcase. Ashlynn.

A wide smile spread across Alexandra’s face as she pushed through the crowd, her focus entirely on her daughter. “Ashlynn!” she called out, her voice breaking with emotion.

Ashlynn’s face lit up when she saw her mother. She let go of her suitcase and ran towards Alexandra, her arms outstretched. “Mom!”

They collided in a tight embrace, both of them holding on as if they never wanted to let go. Alexandra buried her face in Ashlynn’s hair, the familiar scent bringing a rush of memories and emotions. “I missed you so much, sweetheart,” she whispered, her voice thick with tears.

“I missed you too, Mom,” Ashlynn replied, her voice muffled against Alexandra’s jacket.

After a long moment, they finally pulled apart, but Alexandra kept her hands on Ashlynn’s shoulders, as if to reassure herself that her daughter was really there. She studied Ashlynn’s face, noting the changes—the slightly longer hair, the hint of maturity in her features. “You’ve grown,” she said with a smile.

Ashlynn shrugged, a shy smile playing on her lips. “Maybe a little.”

Alexandra chuckled and ruffled Ashlynn’s hair. “Let’s get your luggage and get out of here. I have a big surprise planned for you.”

They retrieved Ashlynn’s suitcase and made their way to the parking lot.

“I wish I could come to the show this weekend,” Ashlynn said as they reached Alexandra’s car, a sleek black SUV.

“Well I guess it’s a good thing you came this weekend then isn’t it? Because you are getting to come to the show.” She giggled and tousled her daughter's hair, before they drove back towards the hotel.

They arrived at the hotel, it was a charming place. Alexandra had chosen it specifically for its cozy, welcoming atmosphere. They checked her daughter in and headed to their room, where Ashlynn immediately claimed the bed by the window.

“This place is amazing!” Ashlynn exclaimed, bouncing on the bed. “Thank you, Mom.”

Alexandra laughed, setting her bag down on the other bed. “I’m glad you like it. And this is just the beginning. We have a lot to do before showtime.”

After unpacking, they decided to take a walk to get dinner at the cafe by the battlegrounds.  While walking they had time to talk.

As they walked, Ashlynn suddenly stopped and looked up at her mother. “Mom, do you ever get scared?”

Alexandra was taken aback by the question. She crouched down to be at eye level with Ashlynn. “Sometimes,” she admitted. “But being scared isn’t a bad thing. It just means you’re about to do something really brave.”

Ashlynn nodded thoughtfully. “I get scared sometimes, too. But I feel braver when I’m with you.”

Alexandra’s heart swelled with love and pride. She hugged Ashlynn tightly. “And I feel braver when I’m with you, too. We make a pretty good team, don’t we?”

Ashlynn smiled and nodded. “The best team.”

They continued their walk, eventually finding a small café where they stopped for hot chocolate and pastries. They sat by the window, watching the world go by as they talked about everything and nothing. Alexandra cherished these moments, knowing how fleeting they could be.

Later that night, back at the hotel, Alexandra tucked Ashlynn into bed. As she sat on the edge of the bed, brushing a strand of hair from Ashlynn’s face, she felt a deep sense of contentment. No matter the challenges and obstacles she faced in the wrestling ring, nothing could compare to the love she felt for her daughter.

“Goodnight, sweetheart,” she whispered, kissing Ashlynn’s forehead.

“Goodnight, Mom,” Ashlynn murmured, already half-asleep.

Alexandra watched her daughter for a moment, her heart full. Then, she stood up and walked to the window, looking out at the city lights. Tomorrow would bring new adventures and challenges, but for now, she was exactly where she needed to be—by her daughter’s side.

As she gazed out into the night, she made a silent promise to herself and to Ashlynn. No matter what the future held, she would always fight for their moments together, ensuring that their bond remained unbreakable.

This isn’t a war, this is just a small battle
Undisclosed location
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

The camera opens, focusing on a dark, shadowy place. The atmosphere is tense, with only a single flickering light casting eerie shadows on the area around the camera. Alexandra Calaway, dressed in her signature dark attire, steps into the frame from out of the shadows. Her face is a mask of determination and intensity.

“Eiley... we meet again. How long has it been since our last encounter? Weeks? Months? A year? Time has a way of blending together when you're constantly battling in the ring. But one thing remains clear in my mind... our last match. The night you beat me. I remember every detail. The crowd's roar, the pain coursing through my body, and the sight of your hand raised in victory. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but I took it. I took that loss and let it fuel the fire inside me.”

She took a deep breath, knowing she needed to keep the focus she’s had this round of the tournament. She had been working hard to make sure that her team would walk out on top each and every time they stepped into that ring and so far, they had.

“You see, Eiley, losses are like scars. They might fade with time, but they never truly disappear. They remind us of our past, of our weaknesses. I have a great many of those scars in my twenty four years in this industry. And I've spent every single day since that match confronting my own weaknesses. I've trained harder, fought fiercer, and pushed myself beyond my limits. All because of the many failures I’ve had in that ring. But there is none greater than the loss of my first Blast from the Past tournament. That loss stung and the last time I stepped foot into the Sin City Wrestling ring, I took out the very same person who took my shot at winning this whole thing last year. You know it’s funny, we’ve now come full circle. Because it was roughly a year ago that you, yourself beat me. Only difference is, in that time I’ve made myself a two time Bombshell Roulette Champion.”

She allowed a moment for everything she had just stated to sink in. All the hard work that she and Raven had put in, the battles they had fought to get to this point, she refused to let it be in vain. Each time she won, she wasn’t just winning this for Raven or Herself, she was doing it for her family.  She did it for each person out there who was told they couldn’t do it.

“You may have beaten me before, but the woman standing before you today is not the same woman you faced then. I've evolved. I've grown stronger, smarter, and more ruthless. Every victory since then has been a testament to my resilience, to my unwillingness to be defined by my many losses. We all have our good and bad days, don’t we Eiley.  You’ve had your fair share, I’ve seen them. But what about you, Eiley? Have you grown complacent with your victory? Have you convinced yourself that you have my number? Because if you have, you're in for a rude awakening. Underestimating me would be the biggest mistake of your career, but I’m sure you are well aware of this by now.”

She stayed within the candle’s glow, something inside her swelled. Was that pride? She hadn’t been on that much of a losing streak, look at her record so far. It wasn’t that bad. She had been on a roll of late and she wasn’t going to stop now. Not for anyone.

“Each match I step into, is another chance at redemption. Another shot to prove that I am more than you all seem to think. Most people look at me and see a veteran of the ring and yet, show none of the respect. They laugh, they make jokes and they attack the very foundation of the industry that has paid my bills. This is about proving that no matter how many times I’m knocked down I get back up and I keep fighting, until there’s nothing left in the tank. It's about proving to everyone that I rise back up each and every time. And each time I come back it’s more dangerous than before, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to win.”

Eiley had talent, she had style, but she lacked in the department of any means necessary. She wouldn’t be able to face up against Alexandra in that department. She wouldn’t do it, couldn’t even if she wanted to.

“I said it earlier, the Alexandra you faced a year ago, she’s not the same woman now. That woman was a shell of who she had once been, still heartbroken over the kidnapping of her daughter, unsure of herself and her career, personal life in shambles, brain all over the place. That woman isn't the one you look at now. This one is different. I’m not afraid to do what must be done. I can’t wait to show you what it’s like now that this fire inside of me burns brighter and hotter than ever.”

Everything Alexandra did now was for her daughter. She did it to show her that you can do anything you put your mind to. People like Eiley, are flash in the pans, they start bright, burning fast and hard, like a shooting star and then fizzle and crash. 

“Eiley, you have been doing so well in the tournament, but it’s time you rest now. Let me take it from here. I’m certain that you could use the break darling. So you are two for one this year, so far. Well it will be an honor to put you at two for two, this year alone. However I must give you your props, so far you have been on a roll, you are two wins deep, but it ends here. Just in case you haven’t noticed, my team has been on fire, already taking two teams out of the tournament. I was the Bombshell Roulette Champion for one hundred and forty-seven days. Tell me Eiley, do you think you honestly have what it takes to face me, now that I’ve changed.  The question I must ask you Eiley, is are you willing to do the same? I’m sure I already know the answer to that. Your record speaks for itself my dear. But, knowing your partner, he might see things differently. He might push you beyond the limits you have set for yourself. Whereas my partner and I, if you haven’t noticed, are on the same page.”

She got a smile on her face, bright, and excited.

“Which brings me to your partner, Mark Cross, Mister I’ve won this tournament before. Just because you’ve won, doesn’t mean you’ll always win.  Isn’t that right Mark? You know that better than anyone here. You win some, you lose some. At least, in my years of experience that’s always been the case. You see, I understand you Mark, I get it. You are seasoned, like me. You’ve won this before, that’s the only difference I see between us my dear.  Your little friend Eiley, seems to think that you two can defeat myself and the Raven. Its her own personal conspiracy theory.  Perhaps teaming with you has been a good thing for her. But she’s still being someone else’s shadow, not her own wrestler. Not the woman she dreams of one day being. You know, someone more like.. Well me.”

There was something so freeing about being able to speak her peace, knowing that her tag team partner will have her back.  Having received a video from him earlier that day, assuring her that no matter the outcome, he was in this to win it. And she believed in him, she believed in their team.

“You see Mark, I respect you. I respect what you have done in this industry. Your name is well known and I’ve heard the people that say Raven and Calaway cannot beat him.  That’s the thing my friends. We don’t need to beat him. All it takes is one solid mistake, one misstep and the win is ours. You don’t even have to be the one who’s pinned. That’s the beautiful part in this. You don’t have to be the one who fails your team. But, let’s face the facts here. Alexander Raven is primed. The man is off the chain and willing to do whatever it takes. Hell each week that we’ve stepped into this ring since the tournament began, we’ve put our bodies on the line. I’ve stepped into each and every match with the same goal. Walk out the winner. I know what Raven is capable of doing to you. I know that he is in this to win it. He will march on my command into that ring and destroy you. Just as I will for him.”

She took a moment to pause again, knowing each second counted. Each word held meaning. When she and Raven stepped into that ring, they both had the same goal in mind. Win by any means necessary, including hurting themselves or their opponents.

“That’s the difference between all of us. Raven and I, we aren’t afraid to destroy either of you. Eiley may believe she has the upper hand because she’s beaten me before. She may assume that I underestimate her. In my twenty four years in this industry I’ve never truly underestimated my opponents. I’ve made my fair share of mistakes as a competitor. I’ve taken my losses with dignity and pride. I don’t wallow or whine. I pick up and keep going because that is what a champion does. That’s what a warrior does. Tell me Mark, do you have the balls to stand in the ring across from us and not look at your opponent and know you’ve already lost? She wants to be more than someone’s shadow. She wants to be a champion, but from where I’m standing, she’s still in someone’s shadow, riding the coattails of another to greatness. She did it to Oz and she’s doing it to you. Look me in the eyes and tell me I’m wrong.”

She took a deep breath, her next words, pointed like a knife’s edge.

“Mark, Eiley, these are your last moments in this tournament. You will walk into that ring with your head held high and go out, with it hung low.  Perhaps not in shame. Because I respect you both, despite what Eiley believes.”

She pauses looking at the camera, with a smile.

“This is your final warning. When we step into that ring, there's no turning back. No mercy. No hesitation. Only the relentless pursuit of victory. And I promise you, Eiley, this time, it will be different. This time, your team will fall. And Raven and I... will rise.”

With that she backs into the darkness, fading from view.

Riding the high
Queens Blog
Normandy, France

The energy was palpable as I stepped into the ring for my second Blast From the Past Tournament, again I’m teaming with Alexander Raven. The crowd roared with anticipation, and I could feel their support fueling my determination. Facing off against formidable opponents, the stakes were high, but so was my confidence.

As the bell rang, the intensity surged. Every move, every counter, was executed with precision and strategy. It was a fierce battle, and I knew I had to give it my all. The cheers of the crowd echoed in my ears, pushing me to push harder, fight smarter.

When the final bell rang, signaling the end of the match, the feeling of victory washed over me. The thrill of triumph, of proving myself once again in the ring, was unparalleled. But even as I celebrated that moment, I knew this was just the beginning.

The Blast From the Past Tournament is a journey, a test of skill, resilience, and determination. Winning round one was a significant achievement, but it's not where my journey ends. It's a stepping stone, a springboard to greater challenges and victories. This time, I’m more focused than ever. I want to win, I can taste it. It’s so close, I just need to score a few more victories. Hopefully my partner is just as focused on it as I am. He needs it just as badly as I do.

Not to mention it’s officially my year mark in Sin City Wrestling and now, I’m on the track for my second title win. I’m excited in ways I could never imagine was possible. Things have been hard this past year, but now, I’m even more excited for my future here in Sin City Wrestling.

Looking ahead, I feel a surge of excitement and anticipation. The next rounds promise even tougher competition, but I thrive on challenges. Each match is an opportunity to showcase my abilities, to prove that I belong among the best in the industry. Each match brings a new challenge and each challenge I win, I grow stronger. Never stop learning, there’s always room for growth.

I'm ready to continue this journey, to face whatever challenges come my way. The night of triumph in round one was exhilarating, but there's more to come. With every match, every victory, I'm one step closer to the ultimate goal. And I'm ready to seize it with everything I've got. The Blast From the Past Tournament is far from over, and I'm just getting started. Stay tuned for more excitement, more thrills, and more victories. For now, I’m off to celebrate my friend Bella’s birthday!


Making Calls
Toronto Ontario Canada

The scene opens with Alexandra Calaway sitting in her hotel room, her phone in hand as she dials Alexander Raven's number. After a few rings, the call goes to voicemail. She clears her throat.

“Hey, Raven. It's Alexandra. Just wanted to say, we killed it out there in the first round. I'm proud of what we did together. We made a statement, and I think we've got what it takes to go all the way in this tournament.”

She pauses for a moment, gathering her thoughts. There was a lot to unpack, a year’s worth of anger and aggression between them.

“Look, I know we've had our differences in the past, but when we're in that ring, we're unstoppable. We complement each other's strengths, and we cover each other's weaknesses. That's what makes us a great throw together team. I knew we had this in the bag this time.”

Her tone becomes more earnest, a hint of determination in her voice. She was wondering when or if they were going to talk.

“So, let's do it again, Raven. Let's show them what we're made of. I know we can win this thing and prove to everyone that we're not to be underestimated.”

She takes a deep breath, her voice filled with conviction.

“Call me back when you get this. We've got work to do, and I know we can do it together. Take care, Raven. I’ll land in France soon, I had to fly back to Canada for my Pro Wrestling Valor  match. I'm sure you are somewhere here too.  Catch up soon?”

With that, Alexandra ends the call, hoping that her words will reach Alexander Raven and ignite the same fire of determination in him. It was strange that they still had not met up this time around. There was no invitation to his bar, no pomp and circumstance. The two were simply in this to win it. She wondered if he would even call her back this time. He had said they would speak after the match, but they didn’t. Perhaps, this was better for both sides. Perhaps it was better that their partnership for the tournament was simply in the ring. Which worked for them last week. But last week, their opponents weren’t Bobbie Dahl and Peter Vaughn, they would be more of a challenge than their last was.

Traveling again
Aéroport de Lille-Lesquin
Vimy Ridge, France

At the Aéroport de Lille-Lesquin, travelers hustle and bustle through the terminal. Among them is Alexandra Calaway, recognizable even in the busy crowd. A little girl, no more than seven years old, spots Alexandra and tugs on her mother's sleeve, pointing excitedly. Alexandra knew she still needed to take the speeder train down to Vimy Ridge from here.

“Maman, maman, c'est Alexandra Calaway! Mon lutteur préféré."

Alexandra smiles warmly at the little girl, who approaches hesitantly, holding out a pen and a piece of paper.

"S'il vous plaît, pouvez-vous me donner un autographe?"

Alexandra understands the request even though it's in French and nods, taking the pen and paper. She reminded her so much of Ashlynn when she was little, her eyes seeing a world full of wonder and happiness.

"Oui, bien sûr, ma chérie."

She signs the paper with a flourish, handing it back to the little girl, who beams with joy. She was glad that her many travels around the world had brought her back to a country she loved almost as much as she did England and home.

"Merci beaucoup! Est-ce que vous êtes excitée de rencontrer Bobbie à nouveau?"

Alexandra's eyes light up with excitement, and she kneels down to the little girl's eye level. It seemed the little girl was just as excited to see them fight again as Alexandra was. She talked to the little girl with an excited expression. One that could rival a child taking their first looks at the castle at Disney World.

"Oh, je suis très excitée! Bobbie et moi avons une longue histoire, pleine de rivalité et de compétition. Mais cette fois-ci, je suis déterminée à la vaincre. C'est une adversaire redoutable, mais je suis prête à relever le défi. Après tout, je l'ai déjà battue."

The little girl listens intently, her eyes wide with admiration.

"Je crois en vous, Alexandra!"

Alexandra smiles, touched by the little girl's encouragement.

"Merci, ma chérie. Votre soutien signifie beaucoup pour moi."

With a final wave, the little girl and her mother continue on their journey, leaving Alexandra with a renewed sense of determination as she prepares to face her rival once again. She turned to head towards the train station, knowing that she had a challenge ahead of her.  Bobbie wasn’t one to shake a finger at, or underestimate. Bobbie and Alexandra once again in a Sin City Wrestling ring, and again, crossing paths in the Blast From the Past tournament. This time, Bobbie wouldn’t cost her the shot.

Missed Messages
Aéroport de Lille-Lesquin
Vimy Ridge, France

As Alexandra Calaway walked through the bustling Aéroport de Lille-Lesquin, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. The recent victory in the Blast from the Past Tournament had left her energized, and she was looking forward to the next challenge. Amidst the noise of the airport, she checked her phone, noting the missed calls from her family. She made a mental note to call them back as soon as she had a moment of privacy.

With a swipe, she opened her messages, and her eyes landed on the one from Alexander Raven. A small smile tugged at her lips as she read his words, sensing the sincerity behind them.

“Hey, sorry we haven’t had a chance to sit down and chat. And sorry for being out of it during the match. There’s been some… strange things. I’m feeling better, so come this week, I’ll be good. I promise. If we get a chance, we’ll sit down after the match. Have a celebratory drink. Maybe get to know the Rabenschwarz’s outside of the ring. You’d be surprised how much… nicer, we can be.”

Her heart warmed at his words, appreciating his honesty and openness. She quickly composed a reply, her fingers tapping on the screen with a sense of eagerness.

"Hey Raven, no need to apologize. Matches can be intense, and we all have our moments. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better, I got worried for a moment there.  I know you are tough and whatever is going on, you’ll get through. After all, you got Luna. As long as we are on the same page out there, we’ve got this match and all the ones to come. However, a celebratory drink sounds great. Looking forward to catching up and getting to know the Rabenschwarz's outside of the ring. Safe travels, and see you soon."

With a satisfied smile, Alexandra sent the message and continued on her way through the airport, excited for the upcoming plans and the chance to connect with Alexander Raven outside of the wrestling arena.

When the past becomes present
Canadian National Vimy Memorial
Vimy Ridge, France

The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a golden hue over the historic grounds of Vimy Ridge. Alexandra Calaway stood amidst the poignant remnants of a bygone era, her gaze solemn as she recalled the echoes of battles long fought and sacrifices made. It was here, amidst the solemnity of war's legacy, that Alexandra contemplated her own ongoing battle—a clash not of nations, but of wills, with Bobbie Dahl.

As the breeze whispered through the tall grasses, memories flooded back to the inaugural Blast From the Past Tournament where Alexandra and Bobbie's feud first ignited. It was a clash of titans, a collision of fierce determination and unyielding spirit. Their rivalry was born in the crucible of competition, fueled by ambition and a thirst for supremacy. Alexandra Calaway and Alexander Raven faced off against Bobbie Dahl and Jack Washington.

With a deep breath, Alexandra turned her attention to the looming match against Bobbie Dahl, a chance to rewrite history and reclaim her Bombshell Roulette Title. The stakes were higher than ever, not just for herself but for her partner Alexander Raven, whose fate was intertwined with hers in this tumultuous tournament.

"I remember the first time I faced Bobbie," Alexandra's voice carried over the serene landscape, tinged with a mix of respect and determination. "It was a battle that shook the very foundation of our rivalry, and now, here we stand again, poised to make history once more. Only this time won't go like our last meeting in that ring, or like our first meeting. I'm sure even you have to admit that in my year here, I’ve changed, grown into a new person. The talent pool here in Sin City Wrestling is strong and the best people I’ve faced have been right here."

The thought of recapturing the Bombshell Roulette Title, a symbol of her past triumphs and resilience, fueled Alexandra's spirit. It wasn't just about the gold—it was about proving herself, proving that she was still the dominant force in the Bombshell division.

"Bobbie, you and I have danced this dance before," Alexandra continued, her eyes gleaming with a fierce intensity. "But this time, the stakes are higher. This time, it's not just about pride or bragging rights—it's about solidifying my legacy I’ve started and proving that I am the true queen of this division. Not to mention, getting a win over you in the Blast from the Past tournament, just imagine what that would do for me."

With each word, Alexandra's resolve grew stronger, her determination unwavering as she envisioned the battle that awaited her. The thought of standing victorious, of pinning Bobbie Dahl's shoulders to the mat and reclaiming what was rightfully hers, fueled her every move.

"The Bombshell Roulette Title is a symbol of excellence," Alexandra declared, her voice echoing with conviction. "It's a symbol of the battles fought and the victories earned. And at the end of this night, that title will be back where it belongs—around my waist. I fought and bled for that title, never complained about what the unforgiving wheel dished out for me each and every week for four and a half months straight. It even led me back to facing off against you. That last win was from a hard fought battle between us.  Congratulations on that.  But I know you Bobbie, better than most. I know what makes you tick, I know what to expect from you.  The unexpected. You see, I’ve been watching, keeping track. You’ve been impressive, but now, it’s time for you to rest. I’ll take it from here."

She took a deep breath, the thought of winning this whole damned thing seemed closer than ever. She just needed to make it a bit further, push herself beyond her limits so to speak. Alexandra had been digging deep within herself the past year and look at what she’s accomplished in just that little bit of time.

"But this isn't just about titles," Alexandra's voice echoed with a steely resolve, her eyes fixed on the distant horizon. "This is about redemption. About proving that last year was a blip on the radar, a momentary setback that only fueled our fire."

The weight of expectation hung heavy in the air, a palpable energy that fueled Alexandra's every word. The Bombshell Roulette Title was a symbol, yes, but it was also a testament to resilience, to the unwavering belief that setbacks were merely stepping stones to greater triumphs.

"We've trained, we've fought, we've bled," Alexandra's voice grew stronger, resonating with the determination of a warrior on the eve of battle. "And at Climax Control we will show the world what we're made of once again, when we take out Peter Vaughn and Bobbie Dahl.. We will rewrite the narrative, erase the doubts, and emerge victorious."

The echoes of history mingled with the anticipation of the present, creating a tapestry of emotions that fueled Alexandra's resolve. This match wasn't just another chapter in her storied career; it was a defining moment, a chance to etch her name in the annals of wrestling history as a force to be reckoned with.

"We stand here, on the cusp of greatness," Alexandra's words rang out with unwavering conviction. "And no one, not Bobbie Dahl, not anyone, will stand in our way. We rewrite the story. We prove that our loss last year was nothing but a fluke—a momentary blip in a legacy that is still being written. The legacy of Alexandra Calaway and Alexander Raven."

"As the sun sets on Vimy Ridge, so too will it set on our feud," Alexandra's voice echoed with conviction. "Bobbie, prepare yourself, for I am coming for what is mine. And no doubt, Alexander will be coming for Peter’s head. If I am the one to pin you, to claim victory, and to lead Raven and myself to the next round of this tournament, so be it. Speaking of my tag partner for the tournament.”

She took time to pause, knowing that she should bring up the fact that people didn’t understand how a team that couldn’t work well together last year, actually pulled off the win this year.

“This past week on Climax Control, something clicked. Something that goes beyond mere strategy or training. Alexander Raven and I found that elusive harmony, that synchronicity that defines great tag teams, and it’s far more than these other teams have. They don’t have the history we do. It's more than just being on the same page; it's about sharing the same heartbeat, the same passion for victory.”

She pauses, her gaze intense as she reflects on the recent developments.

“We've faced our share of challenges, our ups and downs, but this past week, everything fell into place. Our minds aligned, our goals crystal clear. We didn't train together; we transcended, we became a cohesive unit, a force to be reckoned with.”

She nods, a hint of pride evident in her voice.

“It's moments like these that remind me why I stepped into this ring in the first place. It's the thrill of competition, the adrenaline rush of a perfectly executed plan. And with Alexander Raven by my side, that thrill is amplified tenfold. You see, last year was a fluke.”

A determined glint shines in her eyes as she continues.

“We're not just fighting for ourselves; we're having to fight for each other. We're fighting for the trust we've built, the camaraderie forged through sweat and sacrifice. This isn't just a tag team; it's a blood bond, a bond that transcends the ropes and reaches into the very essence of who we are. Of the competitors we are.”

Her voice rises with conviction, each word carrying the weight of her dedication.

“This unity, this synergy—it's our secret weapon. It's what sets us apart, what propels us forward when others falter. We've faced adversity, doubts, and naysayers, but together, we stand tall, unyielding in our pursuit of greatness.”

She takes a moment, a small smile playing on her lips. Her gaze focused as she addressed the man who would be her partner’s focus, "The Mechanic" Peter Vaughn.

“You know, Peter Vaughn is an interesting character. He's been through quite a transformation, hasn't he? From the carefree janitor with dreams of wrestling stardom to the dark and unpredictable force he is today. I've seen his matches, studied his moves, and I have to admit, there's a level of unpredictability that comes with facing someone like him.”

She pauses, a thoughtful expression crossing her features before she continues.

“But let's not forget, Raven and I have been in this game for a long time. We've faced opponents of all shapes, sizes, and personalities. We know how to adapt, how to strategize, and how to come out on top. Vaughn may have his tricks, but we have our own arsenal of skills honed through years of experience.”

Her tone shifts, becoming more determined as she speaks about the upcoming battle.

“This match isn't just about proving ourselves against them; it's about proving that last year's loss in the Blast from the Past Tournament was a fluke. Peter, you just happen to be in the wrong place at the right time. It's about showing everyone that Raven and I are not to be underestimated, that we are a force to be reckoned with.”

She takes a moment, a glint of excitement in her eyes as she envisions the fight ahead.

“So, Peter Vaughn, bring your best. Bring your high-flying moves, your hardcore tendencies, and your unpredictable nature. Because when you step into that ring against Raven, you're stepping into a battle you may not be prepared for. And as for me Bobbie, I'll be there, holding you back from getting involved this time, making sure this match ends the way it's meant to—with Raven and me moving forward, and you are left in the dust.”

With a final gaze at the historic landscape, Alexandra turned on her heel, her steps purposeful and resolute. The battlefield awaited, and she was ready to wage war once more, to etch her name in the annals of wrestling history as the Bombshell Roulette Champion.

Video calls to home
Vimy Ridge, France

The soft glow of morning sunlight filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a warm hue across the elegant hotel room where Alexandra Calaway was staying. Her laptop sat open on the marble-topped desk, displaying the smiling face of her daughter, Ashlynn, on a video call. Alexandra leaned back in the plush chair, a contented smile playing on her lips as she looked at her beloved daughter.

"Hey, sweetie," Alexandra greeted Ashlynn warmly, her voice carrying a hint of excitement. "How are you doing today?"

Ashlynn's bright eyes lit up on the screen. "Hi, Mom! I'm great. Damien, Brianna and I just finished breakfast. He's getting ready for Universal day."

A pang of longing tugged at Alexandra's heart as Ashlynn mentioned her beloved family. She missed them dearly, especially when she was away for wrestling tours. "Tell everyone I said hi and that I miss them," Alexandra replied, her voice softening with affection.

"I will, Mom," Ashlynn promised with a nod, her straight hair rocking as she moved. "Are you heading to the gym today?"

Alexandra chuckled, her eyes sparkling with determination. "Yes, I am. I have a big match coming up, and I need to stay in top shape."

Ashlynn's face lit up with admiration. "Wow, Mom! You're going to win for sure! You're the best wrestler ever!"

Alexandra's heart swelled with pride at her daughter's words. "Thank you, sweetheart. I'll do my best, just like I always do."

A playful glint entered Ashlynn's eyes. "Can I see your muscles, Mom?"

Laughing, Alexandra stood up from the chair and flexed her arm for the camera. "Here they are, all ready for action!"

Ashlynn giggled, clapping her hands. "You're so strong, Mom! I wish I could be like you."

"You can be anything you want to be, Ashlynn," Alexandra encouraged her daughter, her voice gentle yet firm. "Just work hard and believe in yourself."

"I will, Mom," Ashlynn promised, her eyes shining with determination. "I'm going to be a great artist someday, just like you're a great wrestler."

"You're already a great artist, sweetheart," Alexandra assured her, her heart swelling with love for her talented daughter. "I love seeing your drawings and paintings."

They chatted for a while longer, exchanging stories and sharing laughter. Alexandra cherished these moments with Ashlynn, knowing how precious they were, especially when they were apart. As the conversation drew to a close, Alexandra glanced at the clock and realized it was time for her to head to the gym.

"I have to go now, Ashlynn," Alexandra said regretfully, a hint of sadness in her voice.

Ashlynn nodded understandingly. "Okay, Mom. Good luck at the gym! I know you'll be amazing."

"Thank you, sweetheart," Alexandra replied with a warm smile. "I'll call you later, okay?"

"Okay, Mom. Love you!"

"I love you too, Ashlynn," Alexandra said, blowing a kiss to the screen before ending the call.

Feeling a mix of emotions—love, determination, and a touch of homesickness—Alexandra gathered her gym bag and headed out of the hotel room. The bustling energy of the city greeted her as she made her way to the gym, her mind focused on the upcoming match and the challenges she would face in the ring.

Arriving at the gym,  Alexandra greeted her trainers and fellow wrestlers with a confident smile. She was ready to put in the hard work, pushing her body to its limits and honing her skills to perfection. With each weight lifted, each punch thrown, and each move practiced, Alexandra felt a surge of adrenaline and determination coursing through her veins.

As she sparred with her training partner, exchanging holds and maneuvers, Alexandra's mind drifted back to her video call with Ashlynn. She drew strength from her daughter's unwavering belief in her abilities, knowing that she was not just wrestling for herself but also for the little girl who looked up to her with admiration and love.

It was there she saw him again and while she wouldn't outright say it, he was a welcome distraction. She had just met him last week, but their back and forths on twitter had brought a happiness she hadn’t felt in a while. She watched his muscles move as he lifted weights. She bit her lip before focusing back on her task at hand. Shaking her head she thought to herself, get a grip girl, you’ve been hurt before. You have a match to win against Bobbie Dahl and Peter Vaughn. Standing up she walked past him.

“Good luck in your match LJ.”

Hours flew by in a blur of intense training and focused dedication. Sweat glistened on Alexandra's brow as she pushed herself to the limit, determined to be at the peak of her performance for the upcoming match. As the training session came to an end, Alexandra felt a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction wash over her.

Leaving the gym, muscles tired but spirits high, Alexandra couldn't help but smile. She knew that she had given her all, leaving nothing behind, and that her hard work would pay off in the ring. With Ashlynn's love and support fueling her determination, Alexandra was ready to face whatever challenges awaited her, confident in her abilities and her passion for wrestling.

Final Words
Online Tales of The Tape
Vimy Ridge, France

The screen lit up with the information after Alexandra had pulled up the website.  There was something to be said for always knowing your opponents. Even if you knew them, there was still a hint of unpredictability.

Physical Attributes:
Peter Vaughn stands at 5'8" and weighs 185 lbs, while Alexander Raven is 6'2" and weighs 225 lbs. Raven has a noticeable height and weight advantage over Vaughn, which could play a factor in their match.

Vaughn's physical appearance is that of an older individual due to his years of manual labor, while Raven maintains a more youthful and intimidating presence with his lean physique.

Alignment and Gimmick:
Vaughn is chaotic neutral but leans towards a heel persona, using unpredictability and dirty tactics in his matches. His gimmick as "The Mechanic" reflects his rough past and his willingness to do whatever it takes to win.

Raven, on the other hand, is a full-fledged heel known for his anger-driven and violent tendencies. His moniker "Napalm Kingslayer" suggests his destructive nature and his desire to prove himself at any cost.

Ring Style and Finishers:
Vaughn employs a high-flying wrestling style with some hardcore tendencies, utilizing moves like the Zig Zag (Revenged), Top-Rope Shooting Star Leg Drop (The Plunge), and Ripcord DDT (The Key Holder). His agility and aerial maneuvers make him a formidable opponent.

Raven, on the contrary, is a brawler who relies on power moves and submissions. His go-to moves include the Belly-to-back Suplex, German Suplex, Romero Special, and his signature Double Hammerlock DDT known as The Kingslayer. Raven's wrestling style is more grounded and focused on inflicting pain.

Entrance and Persona:
Vaughn's entrance is characterized by a dark smirk, a cocky smile, and a mocking demeanor towards the crowd. His choice of entrance music and tron video sets the tone for his rebellious and unpredictable nature.

Raven's entrance, accompanied by "Watch The World Burn" by Falling In Reverse, exudes a sense of menace and defiance. He carries a metal pipe, interacts aggressively with the audience, and relishes in the boos and disdain directed at him. His persona as a slimy scumbag heel is well-established through his entrance and in-ring behavior.

Achievements and Career:
Vaughn has achieved success in various promotions, holding titles such as CWF Paramount Champion, GCWA Hardcore Champion, OCW World Champion, and several others. His journey from a care-free wrestler to a dark and determined competitor reflects his evolution in the wrestling world.

Raven's career accomplishments include being a 1x UECW Tag Team Champion, 1x uXw Champion, and winning titles like SCW Roulette Champion and SCW Internet Champion. His career has been marked by intense rivalries, betrayals, and a thirst for vengeance, showcasing his relentless pursuit of dominance.

In summary, while both Peter Vaughn and Alexander Raven possess unique skills and accomplishments, they differ significantly in their wrestling styles, personas, and career trajectories. Their upcoming match promises to be a clash of contrasting personalities and in-ring strategies, making it a highly anticipated showdown for fans and competitors alike. And as for their partners, Bobbie Dahl and Alexandra Calaway. Here's a comparison and contrast between Alexandra Calaway and Bobbie Dahl based on the provided information:

Wrestling Style:
Alexandra Calaway: Technical, Brawler, Daredevil.
Bobbie Dahl: Powerhouse, Grappler.

Physical Attributes:
Alexandra Calaway: 5'6", 125lbs.
Bobbie Dahl: 5'4", 240lbs.

Alexandra Calaway: Dallas, Texas.
Bobbie Dahl: Coal City, Illinois (now residing in Las Vegas).

Alexandra Calaway: 19x Hardcore Champion, 9x Women's Champion, 6x Tag Team Champion, 1x Knockouts Champion, 1x Vixens Champion, 1x Intercontinental Champion, 1x Chaos Champion, 1x Prospect Champion, 1x NFW Genesis Champion, 1x PWS:Apex World Champion, 1x OCW Piledriver Champion, 1x OCW Anarchy Champion, 1x SCW Bombshell Roulette Champion, 1x IWF Invictus Champion. Wrestler of the year 2016, 2018, 2020.

Bobbie Dahl:
SCW Bombshell Roulette Champion.

Alexandra Calaway: Enters with "Mine" by Halestorm, accompanied by red lights, fog, and a cocky smirk.

Bobbie Dahl: Enters with "Happy" by Pharrell Williams, clapping along with the fans and radiating positivity.

Physical Appearance:
Alexandra Calaway: Dark soul, hidden behind a pretty face. Wears various outfits and uses fire.

Bobbie Dahl: Initially fun-loving and carefree, now taking things more seriously while still having fun.

Entrance Theme and Style:
Alexandra Calaway: Enters with a dark-themed music video and aura, portraying a cocky and confident attitude.

Bobbie Dahl: Enters with a happy and positive theme, clapping along with fans and radiating joy.

Moveset and Finishers:
Alexandra Calaway: Technical moves like Spinning Sitout Lifting Double Underhook Facebuster, Daredevil style, and finishers like Fallen Angel and Apocalypse.

Bobbie Dahl: Power-based moves like Bear Hug, Big Splash, Stink Face, Bronco Buster, and finisher Boobie Bomb.

These comparisons and contrasts showcase the diverse styles, personas, achievements, and characteristics of Alexandra Calaway and Bobbie Dahl as professional wrestlers.

Broken Pieces
Rage Room
New York City, New York

The neon sign above the entrance flickered with the words "Rage Room." Alexandra glanced up at it, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension. She hadn't expected her friend Miles Kasey to suggest such a place, but after everything she'd been through lately, maybe smashing a few things would be therapeutic.

"Are you sure about this, Miles?" Alexandra asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty as they approached the entrance.

Miles grinned, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Trust me, Lex. Sometimes, breaking stuff is the best way to let out all that pent-up frustration."

With a nod, Alexandra followed Miles into the rage room facility. The interior was dimly lit, with sturdy walls lined with various objects waiting to meet their destructive fate. The air hummed with anticipation, and Alexandra could feel her heart rate picking up.

"Pick your weapon," Miles said, gesturing toward a rack filled with bats, crowbars, and sledgehammers.

Alexandra scanned the options before settling on a sturdy bat. She tightened her grip, feeling a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins.

"Let it all out, Lex," Miles encouraged, stepping back to give her space.

Taking a deep breath, Alexandra stepped up to a table piled high with glassware, old electronics, and ceramic plates. Without hesitation, she swung the bat, shattering the objects into a cacophony of destruction. The sound echoed in the room, mingling with her grunts of exertion.

With each swing, Alexandra felt a weight lifting off her shoulders. The frustrations of her failed relationships, the disappointments, and the heartache all fueled her swings. She imagined John's face on the objects she smashed, then Justin's, and she let out a primal scream as she swung harder.

Miles watched with a mix of awe and amusement, occasionally cheering her on or offering words of encouragement. He knew that Alexandra needed this release, a way to purge herself of all the emotions swirling inside her.

After several minutes of relentless smashing, Alexandra paused, sweat glistening on her forehead. She looked around at the carnage she'd created, a mix of satisfaction and exhaustion washing over her. She found herself breathing heavily, she dropped the bat to the ground and turned to look at her friend, someone who understood it.

"Feel better?" Miles asked, a playful grin on his face.

Alexandra chuckled, her breaths coming in heavy. "Yeah, I think I do."

As they exited the rage room, Alexandra felt a sense of catharsis she hadn't experienced in a long time. The weight on her shoulders had lightened, and she knew that, at least for now, she had let go of some of the pain and anger that had been holding her back.

"Thanks, Miles," she said, offering him a grateful smile.

Miles clapped her on the back. "Anytime, Lex. We all need a little destruction therapy now and then."

Together, they walked out into the evening air, the echoes of shattered objects fading behind them. Alexandra felt a newfound sense of clarity and determination, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with renewed strength.

“You would think our job would give us enough of a release.  But honestly, lately it's been bothering me more than anything else.”

Alexandra felt the cool evening breeze against her skin as they walked away from the rage room. Despite the physical exhaustion from the intense session, she also felt mentally refreshed, as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She glanced at Miles, grateful for his friendship and the unexpected therapy session.

As they strolled down the sidewalk, the city lights casting a warm glow around them, Miles turned to Alexandra with a thoughtful expression. "You know, Lex, sometimes the best way to move forward is to let go of the past."

Alexandra nodded, her mind still processing the whirlwind of emotions she had just unleashed. "Yeah, I think you're right. It's time to stop dwelling on what could have been and focus on what's ahead."

Miles smiled, his eyes reflecting genuine camaraderie. "Exactly. And speaking of what's ahead, I have a feeling that things are about to turn around for you. You've been through a lot, but you're stronger than you realize."

His words resonated with Alexandra, reminding her of the resilience she had always carried within her. She straightened her posture, a newfound determination shining in her eyes. "You're right, Miles. I'm not going to let past heartaches hold me back anymore. I have goals to achieve, and nothing's going to stop me. I need to look past what’s happened and focus on the Blast From the Past."

Miles chuckled, giving her a playful nudge. "That's the spirit, Lex! Now, let's grab a bite to eat and celebrate the start of a new chapter."

They continued their walk, the city bustling around them. Alexandra felt a sense of optimism growing within her, fueled by the support of her friend and the cathartic release she had just experienced. The night held promise, and she was ready to embrace whatever challenges and adventures awaited her.

Making the Call
New York City, New York

The scene opens with Alexandra Calaway sitting in her hotel room, a determined expression on her face as she dials Alexander Raven's number. After a few rings, the call goes to voicemail. She clears her throat and begins to speak. This was risky, but she had to take the chance.

“Hey, Alexander. It's Alexandra Calaway. I know, I’m the last person you want to hear from, but..”

She took a deep breath. “Look, I know we haven't always seen eye to eye, but I wanted to talk to you about the Blast from the Past Tournament. This could be our chance to break out of the rut we've been in, to show everyone what we're truly capable of if we team together one more time. I know we can do this. Do you really want your legacy to have that red stain of our loss?”

She pauses, gathering her thoughts before continuing.

“You and I both know that we're forces to be reckoned with in that ring. Together, we can create something incredible, something that'll shake up the entire wrestling world. But we can't do that if we're stuck in our own heads, doubting ourselves. I’ve moved on from all that bullshit, have you?”

Her tone becomes more urgent, a hint of frustration seeping in.

“So, I'm asking you to get off your ass, Alexander. Stop dwelling on the past and start focusing on the future. We have a chance to make history, and I refuse to let that opportunity slip through our fingers because of pride or ego. Be it yours or mine.”

She takes a deep breath, her voice softening.

“Think about it, okay? Give me a call back when you get this. Let's do this, Raven. Let's show them all that last year was a fluke. That we are the best.”

With that, Alexandra ends the call, her determination unwavering as she sets her sights on the upcoming challenge. But the voicemail wasn't enough for Alexandra. As she hit the end call button, she realized she needed to do more. She couldn't leave it all to chance, not when so much was riding on this partnership.

Determined to make her point clear, Alexandra picked up her pen and a notepad. She started jotting down ideas, plans, strategies. She wanted Raven to know that she was serious about this, that she believed in their potential as a team. After what seemed like hours of brainstorming, Alexandra finally had a solid plan. She grabbed her phone again, this time typing out a text message to Raven. She kept it short and to the point, just like her voicemail.

"Raven, I left you a voicemail. Listen to it. Let's meet up and discuss our strategy for the Blast from the Past Tournament. This is our chance to shine. - Alexandra"

She hit send and waited, the anticipation building with each passing second. She knew that if Raven could see things from her perspective, if he could grasp the magnitude of this opportunity, they could turn things around. The weight of uncertainty settled heavily on Alexandra's shoulders as she sat in her hotel room, staring at her phone after leaving a voicemail for Alexander Raven. She couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that Raven might have already given up before even considering her proposal. The thought gnawed at her, fueled by past encounters where their disagreements had led to dead ends.

"He's probably sitting there, listening to my message, and thinking it's just another one of my crazy ideas," Alexandra muttered to herself, frustration lacing her voice. She had poured her heart into that voicemail, urging Raven to see the potential they had as a team, but there was a lingering doubt that it might fall on deaf ears. “God damn it Raven.”

As minutes ticked by, turning into hours, Alexandra's anxiety grew. She knew Raven's tendency to retreat into his own thoughts, to dwell on past failures rather than embracing new opportunities. It was a pattern she had observed, one that made her question if this attempt to reignite their partnership was futile.

"I can't do this alone, at least not according to the rules. My partner has to be in it too." Alexandra muttered, her fingers tapping restlessly on the table. The Blast from the Past Tournament was fast approaching, and she needed Raven's volatile violence in the ring. But more than that, she needed his belief, his commitment to making this work.

With a sigh, Alexandra decided to distract herself, scrolling through old matches and memories of their past encounters. It was a bittersweet trip down memory lane, reminding her of the chemistry they had in the ring when they were in sync, when they trusted each other's instincts.

"I hope he remembers those moments," Alexandra murmured, a faint glimmer of hope mingling with her concerns. She knew that beneath Raven's stoic exterior, there was a wrestler hungry for success, for recognition. But whether he was willing to set aside differences and take a leap of faith remained to be seen. “Because, I know, we can do this, if he would just focus and keep his mind in the game.”

The silence of the room echoed her thoughts, the unanswered voicemail hanging in the air like an unresolved chord. Alexandra couldn't help but wonder if this was the end of the road for their Blast From the Past partnership or if Raven would surprise her with a change of heart. Only time would tell, and Alexandra braced herself for whatever outcome awaited them in the days to come.

Queens Blog: Reflections from Normandy: A Journey of Redemption and Resilience
Hotel Room
Normandy, France

Greetings, Sin City Wrestling fans and fellow warriors of the squared circle. As I sit here amidst the serene landscapes of Normandy, France, with the echoes of history reverberating through the air, I find myself reflecting on the path that has led me to this momentous occasion—the Blast from the Past Tournament.

This tournament holds a special place in my heart, not just because it showcases the legends of our sport but because it represents a chance at redemption. Last year, I teamed up with Alexander Raven in this very tournament, and while our partnership was formidable, it didn't yield the results we had hoped for. But as the saying goes, failure is not the end; it is the beginning of something greater.

This year, fate has brought Alexander and me back together as partners once again. The universe works in mysterious ways, and perhaps this reunion is an opportunity for us to rewrite our story, to turn the tide in our favor, and to show the world the resilience and determination that define us both.

Reflecting on the past year in Sin City Wrestling, I am reminded of the challenges, triumphs, and lessons learned. It has been a journey unlike any other, filled with moments of glory and moments of adversity. From epic battles in the ring to personal struggles outside of it, each experience has shaped me into the competitor and the person I am today.

One of the defining moments of this past year was my rivalry with Julianna DiMaria for the SCW Bombshell Championship. Our feud was intense, fueled by passion, ambition, and a thirst for greatness. While the outcome may not have been what I desired, the journey itself was a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the bonds forged in the heat of competition.

As I prepare for the Blast from the Past Tournament, I carry with me the lessons learned from every victory and every defeat. I carry the determination to rise above adversity, the resilience to bounce back from setbacks, and the unwavering belief in my abilities and those of my partner, Alexander Raven.

To my fellow competitors in the tournament, I extend my respect and admiration. We are all here because we share a love for this sport, a passion for competition, and a drive to leave our mark on history. May our battles be fierce, our performances be legendary, and may the spirit of competition unite us in camaraderie and sportsmanship.

As the sun sets over the horizon, casting a golden glow upon the ancient cliffs of Normandy, I am filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement for the challenges that lie ahead. The Blast from the Past Tournament awaits, and I am ready to seize the opportunity, rewrite my story, and etch my name in the annals of wrestling history once more.

To all the fans who have supported me on this journey, I say thank you. Your unwavering loyalty and passion fuel my drive to succeed, and I promise to give my all in every match, every promo, and every moment in the spotlight.

Here's to the Blast from the Past Tournament, to redemption, resilience, and the unbreakable spirit of Sin City Wrestling.

Yours in strength and determination,
Alexandra Calaway xoxo

Articles of Rivalry, Loss and Volatile natures
Online Websites
Normandy, France

The history between Alexandra Calaway and Alexander Raven is a turbulent tale that spans several encounters and moments of conflict within the wrestling world.

First Encounter: Alexandra and Alexander first crossed paths during a multi-competitor match in a major wrestling event. Both competitors showcased their skills and tenacity, leading to a memorable showdown that ended in a draw.

Tag Team Alliance: Despite their initial meeting, circumstances forced Alexandra and Alexander to form a reluctant tag team for a high-stakes tag team tournament match. Their partnership was marred by disagreements and clashes in strategy, leading to a loss in the Blast from the Past match.

Rivalry Intensifies: Following their failed tag team venture, tensions between Alexandra and Alexander escalated. They engaged in a fiery back and forth for weeks, each determined to prove their superiority over the other. These matches often ended in controversial finishes, fueling their animosity further. This ended in a match against Alexander Raven’s lady, Luna. That found Alexandra losing to the woman and going down a different path, to win the Bombshell Roulette Championship from Jessie Salco, while Alexander Raven went down a path of a losing streak.

Respect Earned: Over time, through their intense battles and occasional collaborations, Alexandra and Alexander gained a grudging respect for each other's skills and determination. While their rivalry persisted, it was tempered by a newfound acknowledgment of each other's capabilities.However, Raven began to blame Alexandra for his downfall, for where he now stands in his career.

Future Encounters: As their paths continue to intertwine in the wrestling circuit, the dynamic between Alexandra Calaway and Alexander Raven remains unpredictable. Their history of conflict and somewhat skewed respect adds layers of complexity to any future encounters, promising intense and compelling showdowns for fans and critics alike.

In the world of professional wrestling, few alliances are as volatile and unpredictable as that of Alexandra Calaway and Alexander Raven. As they gear up to enter the highly anticipated Blast from the Past Tournament, the wrestling community is abuzz with anticipation and speculation about this formidable duo.

Clash of Titans: Both Alexandra and Alexander Raven are renowned for their individual prowess in the ring. Alexandra, with her dark and intense persona, brings a relentless aggression to every match. On the other hand, Alexander Raven is a cunning strategist with a knack for exploiting his opponents' weaknesses. Together, their contrasting styles create a synergy that makes them a force to be reckoned with.

History of Rivalry: What makes their alliance so intriguing is their storied history of rivalry. The ring has witnessed numerous battles between these two competitors, each vying for supremacy. Their clashes have been brutal, intense, and often ended in controversial finishes, leaving fans on the edge of their seats.

Unpredictable Chemistry: While their past encounters have been marked by animosity, there's no denying the chemistry between Alexandra and Alexander Raven. Their volatile relationship adds an element of unpredictability to their teamwork. They can seamlessly transition from allies to adversaries and back again, keeping their opponents guessing at every turn.

Strategic Advantage: One of the key strengths of this partnership is their ability to strategize. Alexandra's ferocity combined with Alexander Raven's calculated approach creates a deadly combination in the ring. They are adept at exploiting their opponents' weaknesses and capitalizing on opportunities, making them a formidable threat.

Mind Games: Both Alexandra and Alexander Raven are masters of mind games. They know how to get into their opponents' heads, creating doubt and hesitation. This psychological warfare often gives them the upper hand, allowing them to control the pace and direction of the match.

Respect Amidst Rivalry: Despite their intense rivalry, there's a begrudging respect between Alexandra and Alexander Raven. They understand each other's strengths and weaknesses better than anyone else, which enables them to work together effectively when necessary.

Blast from the Past: As they step into the Blast from the Past Tournament, all eyes are on Alexandra Calaway and Alexander Raven. Their volatile history, combined with their undeniable talent and strategic prowess, makes them a team that no one can afford to underestimate. Whether they emerge victorious or succumb to their tumultuous dynamic remains to be seen, but one thing is certain – their journey through the tournament will be nothing short of explosive.

Skewed Respect and The Challenge Ahead
Normandy Beach
Normandy, France

On the haunting shores of Normandy, where the echoes of past battles still linger in the air, Alexandra Calaway stands amidst the solemn reminders of history. The sands beneath her feet whisper tales of resilience and triumph, stories that resonate with her own journey in the world of professional wrestling.

As she gazes out at the vast expanse of the beach, her thoughts drift to the upcoming Blast from the Past Tournament. A tournament that holds a special significance this year, as fate has paired her once again with Alexander Raven, her former partner, turned rival turned partner again. The news of their pairing came as a surprise, but Alexandra is no stranger to unexpected alliances and the challenges they bring.

The waves crash against the shoreline of Normandy, a symphony of relentless power echoing the intensity that Alexandra Calaway brings to the ring. Standing amidst the historic sands, her gaze is focused, her mind sharp as she envisions the battle ahead.

"Alexander Raven," Alexandra begins, her voice carrying a blend of respect and anticipation. "We've danced this dance before, haven't we? The clash of our forces, the clash of our wills—it's a story etched in the annals of Sin City Wrestling. However, we didn’t work as a team last time and for that, you blamed me. But I won’t let your venom destroy us. This time, we will make it to the end."

She turns to face the camera, the winds tousling her hair as if mirroring the tumultuous journey she's been on. "The Blast from the Past Tournament is upon us, and fate has once again intertwined our paths. But this time, it's different. This time, we can stand united, ready to rewrite history. To change our past, perhaps, even get you out of that slump you are in. You blame me for your downfall, perhaps, you’ll see that it wasn’t my fault after all."

The past between Alexander and Alexandra flashed through her mind. Quick snapshots of how the last Blast from the Past tournament went for them. Alexandra’s focus had been off. But she had gone on to do great things in Sin City Wrestling, after the failure that was her first few months there. Now a year into the company and she’s been so much more than she was.

"We've been on this battlefield before," Alexandra's voice carries a determined edge, her eyes reflecting the fire of determination. "But this time, things are different. This time, we won't falter. We won't be out in the first round, watching others claim victory while we lick our wounds. Not if I have anything to do with it."

The memories of their previous encounter on the battlefield of competition resurface, a bitter reminder of what could have been. But Alexandra refuses to dwell on past losses. Instead, she channels that energy into a renewed sense of purpose, a fierce determination to emerge victorious this time around.

"This fight, this tournament, it's more than just a chance at glory," Alexandra's words are tinged with passion. "It's a testament to our growth, to our resilience. We've both faced our share of battles, both in and out of the ring. But it's those battles that have forged us into the warriors we are today."

With the beach serving as her battleground, Alexandra draws parallels between the historic battles fought on these shores and the upcoming tournament. "Just as soldiers faced adversity on these sands, we two will face formidable foes in Jamie Dean and Shay Owens. But mark my words, our resolve is unyielding."

The memories of past encounters with Raven flash through her mind, a montage of rivalry and mutual skewed respect. "We've proven ourselves individually," she declares, her eyes blazing with determination. "Now, it's time to prove our strength as a team, to show the world what happens when two forces unite for a common goal."

As she speaks, the camera captures the determination etched on her face, the fire in her eyes reflecting the passion burning within. "Jamie, Shay, you may be skilled, but you've never faced the chaos that Alexandra Calaway and Alexander Raven bring. Prepare yourselves for a battle unlike any other. I’ve teamed with him and I’m aware of what my teammate is capable of doing. I also know that over my past year here in Sin City Wrestling, I’ve fought and beaten the best of the best."

The winds seem to whisper encouragement, carrying the echoes of cheers from unseen supporters. Alexandra's voice rises, carrying the weight of her conviction. "This isn't just about winning a tournament. It's about seizing our destiny, about showing everyone that we are forces to be reckoned with."

With a final, resolute gaze at the horizon, Alexandra concludes, "The battlefield awaits, and we will emerge victorious. Together, we will rewrite history, leaving our mark as legends of Sin City Wrestling."

As the scene fades, the waves continue their relentless rhythm, a harbinger of the chaos and triumph yet to come in the Blast from the Past Tournament. As the winds of change sweep across the beach, carrying with them the echoes of battles yet to come, Alexandra stands tall, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. The Blast from the Past Tournament may be the stage, but the battlefield of Normandy serves as a reminder—a reminder that victory is earned through determination, resilience, and the unwavering will to succeed. She watched as the sun fell beyond the horizon and the day had ended, just as Jamie and Shay’s dreams of the win being theirs in this year's Blast from the Past Tournament would end.

Instagram Live
Normandy, France

Alexandra Calaway, clad in her signature black leather jacket and with her hair cascading down in dark waves, sat comfortably in front of her phone, ready to connect with her fans on Instagram Live. The familiar red 'Live' icon glowed in the corner as viewers started to pour in, sending heart emojis and excited greetings.

"Hey, everyone!" Alexandra greeted, her voice filled with warmth and enthusiasm. "It's been a while since I've done one of these, but I wanted to catch up with all of you."

The comments section exploded with questions and greetings, and Alexandra chuckled as she tried to keep up with the rapid-fire messages. One question stood out among the rest.

"Alex, it's been a year since you joined Sin City Wrestling. How has the journey been for you?" a fan asked.

Alexandra's eyes lit up, a nostalgic smile gracing her lips. "Ah, yes, it's been an incredible journey," she began, reflecting on the past year. "From the highs of winning championships to the challenges in the ring, it's been a rollercoaster ride, but one I wouldn't trade for anything."

The Instagram Live session was in full swing, with Alexandra Calaway engaging in lively conversations with her fans. Questions flew in from all directions, covering a wide range of topics from wrestling to personal interests.

"Hey, Alex, what's been your favorite match in Sin City Wrestling so far?" one fan inquired.

Alexandra grinned, recalling the intense battles she had faced in the ring. "That's a tough one, but I'd have to say my match against Jessie Salco stands out. We brought out the best in each other, and the energy in that match was electric."

Another fan chimed in, "What's your strategy going into the Blast From the Past Tournament?"

Alexandra leaned in, her expression turning serious yet determined. "My strategy is simple—bring my A-game and leave it all in the ring. The competition will be fierce, but I'm always ready for whatever comes my way. I never back down, even when I have to bleed to prove it. Everytime I get knocked down, I get right back up. Because that’s all I know."

Alexandra took the time to read some of the questions that were coming in. Wanting to give her fans the time they deserved to ask whatever they wanted to know.

"Alex, what's your favorite part about being a wrestler in Sin City Wrestling?"

She took the time to think of her words carefully. Knowing that there’s so many things she loved about being a wrestler in Sin City.

"One of the best parts is the sense of family and camaraderie among the wrestlers. We push each other to be better every day, and the support from the fans is incredible. You are building lasting friendships in this industry. People who will be there for you in the worst times."

She read a few more questions, thinking about them with each one she saw. The fans loved them all so much and she knew without them, there would be no her.

"Are there any dream matches you're hoping to have in the future?"

Now that was a question she already knew the answer to.

"Absolutely! I'd love to get another shot at the Bombshell’s World Championship. I know I blew it last time, but there’s always the chance of another shot after the Blast From The Past Tournament is over."

She laughed softly, knowing to never say never in this industry.  Did she want another shot at it, of course. Would she get it, absolutely.

"How do you stay motivated and focused during tough times or setbacks?"

She took a few moments to think on that one, knowing that she would be honest.

"It's all about perspective and resilience. Setbacks are part of the journey, and I use them as fuel to push harder. Surrounding myself with a supportive family, friends and fans also keeps me motivated."

She smiled and answered another question.

"Any advice for aspiring wrestlers looking to break into the industry?"

She gave another few moments to pause, thinking it through. But in the end, honesty was always the best policy to this question.

"Stay dedicated, work hard, and never stop learning. Building relationships, both inside and outside the ring, is crucial. And always remember to have fun and stay true to yourself. And for god’s sake, keep the drama in the ring. Nothing screws your chances like unnecessary drama."

The interaction with her fans continued to be lively and engaging, showcasing Alexandra's connection with her supporters and her passion for wrestling. As the questions continued to pour in, Alexandra's phone buzzed with a notification. It was a message from Miles, her friend and tag team partner, asking to meet up. Curiosity piqued, Alexandra decided to take her fans along for the ride.

"Alright, folks, looks like we're going on a mini adventure, my buddy Miles wants to meet up." Alexandra announced with a playful grin. "Let's see what Miles has in store for us today.”

The viewers erupted in excitement, eagerly anticipating the surprise meeting with Miles. Alexandra quickly wrapped up the Instagram Live session, promising to update everyone on the developments.

“I won't be going live while I have this little meet up with Miles, but I will let you all know how it goes later."

Moments later, Alexandra arrived at the bustling cafe where she was supposed to meet Miles. However, as she approached their usual table, her eyes widened in surprise. Sitting across from Miles was another familiar face—a fellow wrestler from Sin City Wrestling.

Alexandra's heart skipped a beat as she took in the unexpected sight. She bit her lip, a mix of curiosity and intrigue swirling in her mind. What was this all about? What surprises awaited her in this impromptu gathering?

The scene fades out on Alexandra's uncertain expression, leaving her extremely intrigued and eager to discover the unfolding events.

Climax Control Archives / Respect || Vs Bella
« on: March 15, 2024, 11:25:42 PM »
Dinner with the kiddo
Calaway Estate
Dallas, Texas

At the dining table, Alexandra and Ashlynn enjoy a peaceful dinner together. The table is set with a warm, inviting spread of food as soft music plays in the background. The ambiance is cozy and familial. Alexandra takes a bite of her food and

“Mmm, this tastes delicious, Ashlynn. You really outdid yourself.”

Ashlynn is beaming at her mom and proud of herself.

“Thanks, Mom! I wanted to make something special tonight.”

Alexandra takes another bite and enjoys it.

“Well, you definitely succeeded. So, how was school today?”

Ashlynn starts talking excitedly.

“It was good! We learned about space in science class. Did you know Jupiter has over 79 moons?”

Alexandra smiles, looking at her daughter proudly.

“Wow, that's a lot of moons! You must have some great teachers at your school.”

Ashlynn nodded looking at her mom.

“Yeah, they're really cool. Oh, Mom, did you see that move Seleana did in her match last week?”

Alexandra giggles softly, her smile bright.

“I did! She's always coming up with new and exciting moves. You should have seen her when she first started wrestling.”

Ashlynn asked curiously

“Did you ever do moves like that when you were first wrestling?”

Alexandra chuckles softly.

“Oh, definitely. I had my own set of signature moves, different from the ones I have now. Maybe I'll show you some of them one day.”

Ashlynn excitedly.

“Really? That would be awesome!”

Alexandra gently brought up the subject.

“Speaking of wrestling, I wanted to talk to you about the match Miles and I had recently.”

Ashlynn was curious and her tone was clear.

“Did everything go okay? It looked like you all had that won.. What happened?”

Alexandra nodded.

“We tried our best, but sometimes things don't go as planned. Miles did get a bit banged up, but he's tough. He knows how to handle himself.”

Ashlynn is concerned.

“Is he okay now?”

Alexandra smiles at her daughter 

“He's resting and taking care of himself. He's been in tough situations before, and he always bounces back.”

Ashlynn took a few moments, being thoughtful of her mom’s career and that of her friends.
“I guess that's part of being a wrestler, huh? You win some, you lose some, but you always get back up.”

Alexandra smiled at her daughter proudly. She was growing up to be such a fine young woman.

“Exactly, sweetheart. It's about resilience and determination. Miles and I are already thinking about our next opportunity. We'll train hard and be ready for whatever comes our way.”

Ashlynn began to speak again with an encouraging tone.

“I know you and Miles will do great. You always do.”

Alexandra is smiling at her daughter, laughing softly.

“Thank you, darling. Your support means everything to us.”

Ashlynn grins brightly.

“You're welcome, Mom. We're a strong team, just like you and Miles.”

Alexandra hugs her daughter Ashlynn.

“That's right, sweetheart. Together, we can handle anything.”

The mother-daughter duo continues their dinner, enjoying each other's company and sharing stories of their day.

Reflections on the recently Challenges
Calaway Estate

As a professional wrestler, victories and losses are part of the journey. They shape us, challenge us, and sometimes even humble us. Recently, I found myself on the receiving end of a loss that hit harder than expected. Our tag team match against The Conspiracy didn't end in our favor, and it's been weighing heavily on my mind.

There's no denying that losing is tough. It tests your resilience, your determination, and your ability to bounce back. Every defeat teaches us valuable lessons, pushing us to strive for improvement and growth. However, this loss felt different. It wasn't just about the outcome; it was about the manner in which it happened.

The Conspiracy may have claimed victory, but in my eyes, it was a cheap win. Their tactics were questionable, their methods underhanded. It's one thing to win fair and square in the ring, but it's another to resort to deceit and manipulation. Wrestling is about skill, honor, and sportsmanship, values that seem to have been forgotten in that match.

Despite the disappointment and frustration, I refuse to let this setback define me. Every setback is an opportunity to come back stronger, more determined, and more focused. I've faced challenges before, and I've always emerged stronger on the other side.

What matters most now is how we respond to adversity. It's about channeling that disappointment into motivation, using it as fuel to propel us forward. The road to success is never easy, but it's the obstacles along the way that make the victory sweeter.

So, to The Conspiracy, I say this: enjoy your momentary triumph, but know that true success isn't measured by cheap tactics or hollow victories. It's earned through hard work, dedication, and integrity. I may have stumbled, but I'm ready to rise again, ready to face whatever challenges come my way.

In the end, it's not about the losses we endure; it's about how we rise from them, stronger and more determined than ever before.

Stay tuned for what's to come. The journey continues, and the best is yet to come.

Yours in determination,

Tale of the Tape
Online Blogs

Height and Weight:

Bella: 5’ 5.5”, 125 lbs
Alexandra: 5'6", 125 lbs


Bella: New York, NY
Alexandra: Dallas, Texas


Bella: Face/Tweener
Alexandra: Heel

Physical Appearance:

Bella: Long hair, blazing blue-gray eyes
Alexandra: Appearance not specified in detail, but known for having a pretty face and a dark soul
Ring Attire:

Bella: Wrestling gear with wrestling shoes and kick pads
Alexandra: Varies based on match type, from regular outfits to jeans and a shirt for hardcore matches

Wrestling Style:

Bella: Technical/Catch-as-catch-can/High Flyer
Alexandra: Technical, Brawler, and a bit of a flyer ("Daredevil")


Bella: "Bella Notte" - Paige’s Tap Out or the PTO, "Ashes to Ashes" - Pancaked out DDT, "Second Gen" - Phoenix Splash
Alexandra: "Fallen Angel" - Spinning Sitout Lifting Double underhook facebuster, "Apocalypse" - Elevated Powerbomb/Last Ride


Bella: Enters to the song "Shut up" by New Years Day with a confident and playful demeanor.
Alexandra: Enters to "Mine" by Halestorm with an intimidating aura, often engaging with the crowd and talking trash.

Favorite Moves:

Bella: Chain wrestling, dropkicks, DDTs, moonsaults, hurricanranas, and various aerial and technical maneuvers.
Alexandra: Spilt-legged moonsault, chokeslam, suicide dive, STO, senton bomb, spin kick, bulldog, teardrop suplex, Boston crab, sharpshooter, guillotine leg drop, furious punches, V-trigger, curb stomp, air raid crash.

Brief History:

Bella: Second-generation wrestler with a rebellious streak, intelligent, graduated top of her class, and seeking to make her mark in the wrestling industry.
Alexandra: Experienced wrestler with a dark past, multiple championships and accolades, co-owned companies, faced personal struggles, and joined different wrestling promotions including SCW.


Bella: New character, no achievements listed yet.
Alexandra: 19x Hardcore Champion, 9x Women's Champion, 6x Tag Team Champion, and several other championship titles. Wrestler of the Year multiple times.

In summary, Bella Madison and Alexandra Calaway are both talented wrestlers with unique styles, backgrounds, and accomplishments. Bella is relatively new to the wrestling scene but brings technical and high-flying skills, while Alexandra is an experienced veteran with a mix of technical, brawling, and daredevil moves. Their alignments, appearances, entrances, and histories further differentiate their characters, making them compelling additions to the wrestling world.

Something to be proud of

The camera fades in to show Alexandra Calaway sitting at a table in a cozy cafe setting, a picturesque view of the ocean visible through the window behind her. She looks directly at the camera with a composed yet determined expression.

"Greetings, SCW Universe. It's Alexandra Calaway, and I wanted to take a moment to discuss an upcoming clash that's been on my mind."

She pauses briefly, collecting her thoughts before continuing.

"Bella Madison, a name that's been making waves in the wrestling world, and rightfully so. We're on a collision course toward a match that promises to be intense, unpredictable, and a true test of skill."

Her tone becomes more focused as she delves into the specifics.

"Our paths have crossed before, Bella, and while it wasn’t in the ring, I still paid attention to your time. I’ve lost that title, but I also know what it takes to HOLD that title. Look how long I held it. One Hundred and twelve days. This time, however, the stakes are different. It's not about titles or accolades; it's about proving who we are as competitors. It’s about proving "

A determined glint flashes in her eyes.

"Bella, you bring a unique blend of technical prowess, high-flying agility, and a tenacity that's earned my respect. As we prepare to step into the ring together once again, I'm looking forward to the challenge you present."

She leans forward slightly, emphasizing her point.

"Our match won't be governed by titles or rules; it'll be a showcase of our abilities, our passion for this sport, and our relentless pursuit of victory."

Her expression softens, showing a hint of admiration.

"I've watched your journey, Bella, and I know you won't hold back. Rest assured, neither will I. When we face off, it'll be a clash of wills, a testament to the spirit of competition that drives us forward."

She concludes with a confident nod.

"So, Bella, let's give the SCW Universe a match they won't forget. Let's leave it all in that ring and show why we belong among the best. Get ready, because the storm is coming, and I'm ready to face it head-on."

The camera fades out, leaving a sense of anticipation for the impending showdown between Alexandra Calaway and Bella Madison.

Calaway Estate
Dallas, Tx
Family Time: Off Camera

The scene opens in a quiet moment in Alexandra’s backyard, where Alexandra sits, lost in thought, staring at a photo in her hand. Mika approaches, noticing Alexandra's distant look.

"Hey, Alex. What's on your mind? You’ve not been this quiet since well, before I could remember. Normally you are talking my ear off. No talking about wedding plans.. No mention of your new life. What’s up?"

Alexandra looks up, a faint smile touching her lips as she sees Mika. She gestures for Mika to sit beside her.

"Just thinking about the past, Mika. Remembering things I'd rather forget. But like most people’s pasts, they come back with a vengeance."

Mika sits down, placing a comforting hand on Alexandra's shoulder.

"You can talk to me, you know that, right? What’s up bitch?"

Alexandra nods, taking a deep breath before speaking. Giving words to what was going on in her mind.

"Do you remember Alexander Raven and Luna Vanity? They tried to bring me into their little team, their family, but I didn't do it. I was too caught up in my own battles and wanted to prove myself in Sin City Wrestling, my now ONLY home for this industry."

Mika's expression turns serious as she considers Alexandra's words.

"Alexandra, you did the right thing. Luna and Alexander, they wanted to use you. They saw you as a tool, a means to an end. They didn't care about you, not like we do. We are your family, those two.. They saw someone with a violent streak so deep that they wanted to use it."

Alexandra looks surprised, processing Mika's words.

"But... you and my brother aren’t here. You two are busy taking care of your family.” She let out an exasperated sigh. “And Johns off with his family right now.."

"They wanted to mold you into something you're not, to use your darkness for their own gain. You were right to walk away, to choose your own path. And look how high you soared."

"I’ve always kind of done that. But what would have happened had I accepted their friendship. Would they have been there when I was at my lowest, or would they have kicked me lower? I don’t know, I just.."

Mika interrupted her train of thought, not letting her say what she thought that the woman would say.

"No, Alex. You were the one who saw through their facade, who saw the truth behind their words. You were strong enough to walk away, to forge your own path. And look where you are now. You're stronger, wiser, and more determined than ever." Mika shook her head. “You and Miles have a great team formed, it just takes time to actually gain any traction in a company that big."

Alexandra smiles, a sense of relief washing over her.

"Thank you, Mika. Thank you for helping me see that. I don't know where I'd be without you sometimes."

"You'd be right here, Alex. Right here, with me, with your friends, with your family. Because no matter what, we're always here for you. Always."

The two women sit together, sharing a moment of understanding and support, the weight of the past lifting off Alexandra's shoulders. The back door opens, and Damien, Alexandra's brother, walks out to join them, a concerned look on his face as he sees Alexandra and Mika deep in conversation. He walks over and sits down beside them.

"Hey, sis. Everything okay?"

Alexandra looks up, surprised to see Damien but grateful for his presence.

"Hey, Damien. Yeah, everything's fine. Just reminiscing about the past. It’s hard to think that it’s about to be year two of me being in Sin City Wrestling. I’ve done so much, yet when it matters the most, I fail. Maybe they are right about me."

Damien nods, glancing at the photo in Alexandra's hand.

"Ah, I see. Thinking about the old days, huh?"

"Yeah, something like that."

Mika looks at Damien, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Damien, do you remember Alexander Raven and Luna Vanity? Alexandra was just telling me about them."

Damien's expression darkens at the mention of their names.

"Yeah, I remember them. They were trouble, always trying to manipulate people to further their own agenda."

"Mika was just telling me that I did the right thing by walking away from them. That they wanted to use me."

Damien nods, placing a reassuring hand on Alexandra's shoulder.

"She's right, sis. You made the right choice. They were toxic, and you didn't need that kind of negativity in your life."

Alexandra looks at Damien, gratitude shining in her eyes.

"Thank you, Damien. I always value your opinion. You and Mika have been my rock through all of this."

Damien smiles, squeezing her shoulder gently.

"That's what family is for. We're always here for you, no matter what. You're stronger than you think, and you've come so far. I'm proud of you."

Alexandra smiles, feeling a sense of peace and gratitude wash over her. She knows that no matter what challenges lie ahead, she has her family and friends by her side, ready to support her every step of the way.

Calaway Estate
Dallas, Tx
Blog Post: Off Camera

The Fires of Redemption: Alexandra Calaway's Journey in Sin City Wrestling

In the world of professional wrestling, victories and defeats are part of the journey. They shape us, define us, and sometimes haunt us. For me, Alexandra Calaway, my journey in Sin City Wrestling has been a rollercoaster of triumphs and setbacks, but through it all, one loss stands out—the defeat at the hands of Luna Vanity.

It was a match that mattered, a match that had consequences beyond the ring. Luna and I had a history, a rivalry fueled by personal animosity and professional pride. When we clashed in that fateful match, the stakes were high, and the outcome was devastating. Luna emerged victorious, and I was left to ponder my defeat.

That loss cut deep, a wound that refused to heal. It was a reminder of my fallibility, of the fact that even the strongest can be defeated. But in that moment of darkness, I found a spark, a tiny ember of determination that refused to be extinguished. That loss became fuel for the fire burning inside me, a fire that would drive me to greater heights.

Since that defeat, I have fought tooth and nail to climb back up the ladder, to prove to myself and to the world that I am not defined by my losses but by my resilience. I have faced formidable opponents, conquered insurmountable odds, and reclaimed my rightful place at the top of the mountain.

Now, as I stand on the precipice of redemption, I look back at that loss to Luna Vanity not with regret but with gratitude. It was a wake-up call, a reminder that greatness is not achieved without sacrifice and struggle. And as I prepare to face Luna once again, I do so with a renewed sense of purpose, a burning desire to right the wrongs of the past and emerge victorious.

Luna Vanity may have won the battle, but the war is far from over. I am stronger, wiser, and more determined than ever before. And when I step into that ring to face Luna once again, I will do so not just for myself but for everyone who has ever faced defeat and refused to stay down. The fires of redemption burn bright within me, and nothing will stand in my way.

In the annals of my wrestling career, losses have been as much a part of my story as victories. Each defeat, each setback, has been a stepping stone, a lesson in resilience and determination. They have tested my resolve, pushed me to my limits, and ultimately made me stronger. Luna Vanity's victory over me was just one chapter in a larger narrative, a narrative of perseverance and triumph.

With every loss, I have emerged stronger, more determined, more focused. I have learned from my mistakes, honed my skills, and grown as a wrestler and as a person. Each defeat has fueled my fire, igniting a passion within me to be the best, to never settle for mediocrity, to always strive for greatness.

This match may be a bump in the road, a temporary setback, but it is not the end of my journey. When the dust settles and the bell tolls, I will rise again, stronger than ever before. I will use this defeat as motivation, as fuel for the fire that burns within me. And when I step back into the ring to challenge for the World Bombshell Championship, I will do so with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

For me, wrestling is more than just a sport. It is a passion, a calling, a way of life. It is about pushing myself to the limit, testing my boundaries, and never backing down from a challenge. Luna Vanity may have defeated me once, but she will not defeat me again. I will train harder, fight harder, and be ready to face her head-on, knowing that victory is within my grasp.

So to all my fans, to all those who have supported me on this journey, I say this: do not count me out, do not write me off. This loss is just a blip on the radar, a momentary setback. The best is yet to come, and when I reclaim my shot at the World Bombshell Championship, I will do so with the heart of a champion, ready to take on whatever challenges come my way.

Alexandra Calaway….

Summerland Beach
Santa Barbara, California
It’s on:  On Camera

The scene transitions to a picturesque Summerland beach in Santa Barbara, California, where Alexandra stands with the ocean waves crashing behind her. The sun is setting, casting a warm glow over the scene.

"Here we are, in beautiful Santa Barbara, on the cusp of something great. Miles and I, we've been through it all together. We've faced the highs and the lows, the victories and the defeats. And tonight, under the California sun, we're writing a new chapter. This match, it's not just about redemption. It's about proving that we're not just a team, we're a family. Miles, he's more than a partner to me. He's a friend, a confidant, a brother. And together, we're unstoppable."

She walks along the beach, the sand shifting beneath her shoeless feet. She stops and looks out at the ocean, the waves crashing against the shore.

"I know what you're thinking, Raven, Vanity. You think you have the upper hand. You think you know our weaknesses, our vulnerabilities. But let me tell you something. You've never faced a team like us before. You've never faced the fire, the determination, the sheer will to win that Miles and I possess. You have faced us solo, one on one. But you get the two of us out there together, cheering each other on.  There’s nothing we can’t face and defeat.  But it’s cute that you think you have us all figured out."

She turns back to the camera, her eyes burning with intensity.

"Tonight, we're not just fighting for ourselves. We're fighting for everyone who's ever doubted us, everyone who's ever counted us out. We're fighting for the underdogs, the ones who refuse to back down in the face of adversity. We're fighting for everyone who's ever had to claw and scratch for every inch of success."

She walks back towards the camera, her voice unwavering.

"So, Raven, Vanity, you better be ready. Because tonight, you're facing the best. You're facing two warriors who will stop at nothing to claim victory. You're facing Alexandra Calaway and Miles Kasey, and we're coming for you with everything we've got. So get ready, because tonight, the beach isn't the only thing that's going to be heating up in Santa Barbara.  And the next time you hear from me, will be just that, my final words on this subject. When it’s over, this time, it’s over. I have a few choice words for both of you, but this isn’t the moment for that. Just know that before we face off, you’ll hear from me again. You see that..”

She looked out over the ocean at the setting sun, gesturing towards it.

“That’s the sun setting on you and Luna’s sanity. Because when I’m done with both of you, nothing will ever be the same again.”

She smiled and blew a kiss at the camera as it faded to black.

Mar Monte Hotel
Santa Barbara, California
Some Goodbyes are the hardest: Off Camera

The sun was beginning to set over the Pacific Ocean, casting a golden hue over the Mar Monte Hotel as Alexandra and John stood on the balcony of their room, taking in the breathtaking view.

"I can't believe how beautiful it is here," Alexandra said, leaning against the railing. "I never want to leave."

John wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. "I know, it's amazing. Which is why I thought we could make tonight extra special."

He led her downstairs to the lobby, where a vintage car was waiting to take them to Stearns Wharf. As they drove along the coast, the cool ocean breeze ruffled Alexandra's hair, and she felt a sense of peace wash over her. When they arrived at the wharf, John took her hand and led her to a quaint seafood restaurant overlooking the water. They shared a delicious meal, laughing and talking as if they didn't have a care in the world. As they finished their meal, John's demeanor shifted slightly, and Alexandra could tell something was on his mind.

"Alexandra, there's something I need to talk to you about," John said, his voice serious.

Alexandra's heart skipped a beat. "What is it, John? Is everything okay?"

John sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I just got a call from my family. There's some stuff going on back home that I need to take care of. I have to head back tonight, they need me there tomorrow."

Alexandra's heart sank. She knew how much John's family meant to him, and she couldn't imagine how difficult this must be for him.

"I understand, John. Family comes first," Alexandra said, placing a comforting hand on his arm.

John smiled gratefully at her. "Thank you, Alexandra. I hate to cut our trip short, but I promise I'll be back by your side as soon as I can. And when I do, we'll pick up right where we left off."

Alexandra nodded, trying to hide the disappointment she felt. She knew John had to go, but she couldn't help but wish they could stay in this moment forever.

As they walked back to the car, John took her hand in his, squeezing it gently. "I love you, Alexandra. And I'll be back before you know it."

"I love you too, John," Alexandra said, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "Take care of yourself, and your family. We'll get through this together."

As they arrived back at the Mar Monte Hotel, Alexandra felt a lump form in her throat. She didn't want this night to end, knowing it might be a while before she saw John again. They stood outside the hotel, under the soft glow of the streetlights, holding each other close. Alexandra could see the sadness in John's eyes, mirroring her own feelings.

"I wish things were different, Alexandra. I wish I didn't have to leave," John said, his voice breaking slightly.

Alexandra brushed away a tear, smiling through her own sadness. "I know, John. But we'll get through this. Just promise me you'll come back to me."

John nodded, pulling her into a tight embrace. "I promise, Alexandra. I'll be back as soon as I can. And when I do, we'll start planning our future together."

They held each other for a few more moments, neither wanting to let go. But eventually, they knew they had to say goodbye.

"I love you, John," Alexandra said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I love you too, Alexandra," John replied, his voice full of emotion.

With one last lingering hug, John got into the car and drove away, leaving Alexandra standing alone outside the hotel, tears streaming down her face. She watched until his car disappeared into the night, feeling the weight of his absence already settling in her heart.

Mar Monte Hotel
Santa Barabara, California
Lost in thought: Off Camera

In her hotel room at the Mar Monte Hotel, Alexandra found herself grappling with doubt, a feeling she was unaccustomed to. Sitting in front of the vanity mirror, she stared at her reflection, trying to make sense of the conflicting emotions swirling inside her.

"This doubt is irrational," she whispered to herself, but the words felt hollow. Ever since her last tag match where she and Miles had suffered a defeat, a seed of uncertainty had taken root in her mind. She knew it was normal to have setbacks in wrestling, but the fear that the loss was all her fault lingered at the back of her thoughts.

"You're being ridiculous," she chided herself, standing up and pacing the room. "You've trained hard, you're at the top of your game. One loss doesn't define you."

Despite her attempts at reassurance, the doubt persisted, gnawing at her confidence. She sat back down in front of the mirror, her reflection a picture of uncertainty. "Maybe I'm just not cut out for this. Maybe I'm not as good as I thought I was," she thought, her brow furrowing.

"No, stop it," she scolded herself, shaking her head. "You're a fighter, Alexandra. You've overcome challenges before, and you'll overcome this one too."

As she stared at her reflection, a mixture of determination and fear flickered in her eyes. "I won't let this doubt consume me. I won't let it weaken me," she vowed, trying to muster the same fierce determination she showed in the ring.

Just then, her phone rang. It was Miles. "We need to talk," he said when she answered, his tone serious.

"What about?" she asked, curious about what could be so urgent.

"About the match, about your doubts, about what's next for you," Miles replied, his voice calm but firm.

“I know, I’m sorry that I let us down last time.” She spoke softly. “It wont happen again, not this time, nor anytime to come.”

“Alexandra, just meet me so we can talk all this over. It can be discussed more in person.”

Alexandra hesitated for a moment, unsure if she was ready to confront her fears. But something in Miles' tone reassured her, and she agreed to meet him, hoping that their conversation would provide the clarity and strength she needed to face the uncertainty that lay ahead in her wrestling career and in her team with Miles Kasey.

Summerland Beach
Santa Barbara, California
Speaking my mind:  On Camera

The camera comes up on Alexandra who’s sitting on a rock at Summerland Beach again, this time her hair is blowing in the light breeze coming off the water, the moon shimmering down on her and dancing over the water as the waves lightly roll in.

“I said you all would see me again before the match, and here I am. Luna.. I hope you are paying attention my dear.”

Luna Vanity. The name alone was enough to elicit a mixture of emotions from Alexandra Calaway. They had a history, a long and tumultuous one that stretched back to the Blast from the Past tournament where Luna played a pivotal role in Alexandra's defeat. But Luna, like so many others before her, seemed to believe that she was the one who had created Alexandra's fire, that she was the reason for Alexandra's relentless pursuit of success in Sin City Wrestling.

"Let's talk about Luna Vanity for a moment. Luna, Luna, Luna... you've been a thorn in my side for far too long. You seem to think that you've had some kind of influence on my career here in Sin City Wrestling. That you've somehow shaped me into the wrestler I am today. Well, let me set the record straight. You haven't. Not in the slightest.”

But Alexandra knew better. She knew that her drive, her determination, came from within herself. Luna may have been a catalyst, a spark that ignited the flames, but the fire had always been there, burning bright and fierce.

“Yes, you may have been a factor in some of my losses, but you were never the reason for my success. That fire, that drive, that's always been within me. It's what pushes me to be better, to strive for greatness. You were just another opponent, another obstacle to overcome. And overcome you, I did.  I became a champion and defended that title, no matter what was thrown at me. Until the one that does deserve my thanks came along.  Bobbie Dahl.”

It was true that after her loss to Luna, Alexandra had worked harder than ever before. She had pushed herself to the limit, both physically and mentally, determined to prove that she was not defined by her defeats. And her efforts had paid off. She had climbed the ranks, fought her way to the top, and captured the Bombshell Roulette Championship, a title she held proudly for one hundred and twelve days. But Luna seemed to think that she was the one who had shaped Alexandra into the wrestler she was today. She had made no secret of her belief that she was the superior athlete, the better competitor. She had taunted and mocked Alexandra, trying to get under her skin, trying to diminish her accomplishments.

“But I do have to thank you, Luna. Not for shaping my career, but for showing me once again that you don't see me as a threat. Your doubt in me only fuels my fire, only makes me more determined to prove you wrong. So thank you, Luna, for underestimating me. It just makes my soon to be victory over you that much sweeter."

But Alexandra refused to let Luna's words affect her. She knew her own worth, she knew what she was capable of. Luna may have won their last encounter, but Alexandra was determined to prove that it was just a bump in the road, a temporary setback. She had faced adversity before, she had overcome challenges that seemed insurmountable. Luna was just another obstacle in her path, another opponent to conquer. And conquer her, she would.

“That brings me to you Alexander Raven.”

In the world of professional wrestling, alliances can be fragile things, easily shattered by the weight of ambition and ego. For Alexandra Calaway, her partnership with Alexander Raven during the Blast from the Past tournament was meant to be a stepping stone to success. However, as time passed and the dust settled, it became clear that their alliance was built on shaky ground.

“For Alexander Raven, his feud with me has become a defining chapter in his career, one filled with bitterness, blame, and a burning desire for revenge. But as I look back on our tumultuous history, I see a different story unfolding.”

As the one-year anniversary of Alexandra's tenure in Sin City Wrestling approached, memories of her partnership with Alexander Raven came flooding back. It was a time of uncertainty and tension, as both wrestlers were eager to prove themselves in a new environment. For Alexandra, it was an opportunity to show the world what she was capable of, to carve out a place for herself in the annals of SCW history. But for Alexander, it seemed to be something else entirely.

“With my one-year anniversary coming up, I have had some time to look back on everything that’s happened in the past year, all of my downfalls and accomplishments. Each one falls on me and me alone. No one else. Can you say the same?”

In the aftermath of the Blast from the Past tournament, Alexander Raven's career took a nosedive. Losses piled up, championships slipped through his fingers, and his once-promising future began to dim. And in his eyes, Alexandra was to blame. He saw her as a hindrance, a weight around his neck that dragged him down into the depths of failure. He couldn't see past his own ego to recognize that his shortcomings were his own doing.

“Alexander Raven's accusations against me are nothing new. He blames me for his downfalls, for his failures in the ring. He sees me as the catalyst for his decline, the reason why he has fallen from grace. But in my eyes, his words ring hollow. I know that I am not to blame for his shortcomings, just as Luna Vanity is not the cause of mine.”

As the months passed, Alexander's resentment towards Alexandra grew. He became bitter and spiteful, lashing out at her at every opportunity. He blamed her for his failures, refusing to take responsibility for his own actions. But Alexandra knew the truth. She knew that she was not responsible for Alexander's downfall. She had fought tooth and nail for her victories, earning her place in SCW through hard work and dedication.

“Luna, Alexander's "lady love," claims to be my catalyst, the one who ignited the fire within me. But I know that my drive and determination come from within. I have fought tooth and nail for every victory, earning my place in Sin City Wrestling through hard work and dedication. Luna's claims are nothing but delusions of grandeur, a desperate attempt to cling to relevance in a world that has passed her by.”

Now, as the BFTP tournament loomed on the horizon once again, Alexandra found herself reflecting on her past with Alexander. She realized that their partnership had been doomed from the start, poisoned by Alexander's jealousy and insecurity. But she also realized that she had grown stronger because of it. She had learned to trust in herself, to believe in her abilities, regardless of what others might say.

“As I look ahead to my upcoming matches, I can't help but feel a sense of anticipation. I know that Alexander Raven will stop at nothing to seek his revenge, to prove once and for all that I am the cause of his downfall. But I also know that I am more than capable of handling whatever he throws my way.”

As she prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead in the BFTP tournament, Alexandra knew that she would do so with her head held high. She would not let Alexander Raven's bitterness and resentment hold her back. She would prove, once and for all, that she was a force to be reckoned with in Sin City Wrestling, with or without his approval.  Alexandra looked out over the water, watching the waves flow back and forth.

“As I prepare to watch Miles tear him apart, I know that I will be ready for whatever comes my way. I will not back down from a challenge, no matter how formidable my opponent may be. Luna and Alexander have one hell of a night coming their way. Miles is primed and ready to roll. And I’m going to rock Luna’s world.”

She turns back to the camera, giving a soft smile to it.

"Alexander Raven, listen closely. The last man who claimed he was a Raven that stepped to me, found his title to be around my waist after our bout in the middle of a ring. So I ask you, how do you think you'll fare in this match? You come here blaming me for your downfalls, claiming I was your catalyst, much like your lady love Luna claims to be mine. But let me make something clear to you. You, nor Luna, nor anyone else, shaped my career in Sin City Wrestling. My fire, my determination, that's all within myself. Luna, she doubts me, she thinks I'm not a threat. And you, Alexander, you blame me for your own shortcomings. But let me tell you something. Blaming me won't change a thing. Blaming me won't make you a better wrestler. Blaming me won't erase the fact that you lost. And when you step into that ring with Miles, I can't wait to watch him tear you apart. You see, Alexander, you're not the first man to underestimate me, to blame me for his failures. And you won't be the last. But mark my words, when this match is over, when Miles is done with you, you'll understand that the only person responsible for your success or failure is yourself. So go ahead, blame me, blame Luna, blame anyone you want. But when you're lying on the mat, defeated, remember this moment. Remember that you were warned."

As Alexandra finishes her speech, Miles walks up, a determined look on his face, ready to take on Alexander Raven.

Reflections on Loss and a Farewell to 2023
Strader Estate
Houston Tx

As I sit down to pen down these words, there's a weight in my heart, a reality that stings even as I acknowledge it. The Bombshell Roulette Championship, a title I've held dear and defended fiercely, is no longer around my waist. In a world where victories and losses are etched in the annals of wrestling history, this one, the loss to Bobbie Dahl, holds a unique place.

Bobbie Dahl, a name that resonates in the corridors of Sin City Wrestling, is the one who now carries the mantle of the Bombshell Roulette Champion. If there was ever a contender destined to dethrone me, it had to be Bobbie. In the heart of the ring, where rivalries and alliances are crafted, Bobbie brought a tenacity that demanded respect. To her, I tip my hat, acknowledging that this loss was not just a defeat but a passing of the torch to a deserving successor.

The path of a champion is a journey marked by highs and lows, victories and defeats. In the grand tapestry of wrestling, titles change hands, and champions rise and fall. The Bombshell Roulette Championship, for me, was not just a piece of gold; it was a symbol of resilience, of battles fought and won. As I hand it over to Bobbie Dahl, I know that she understands the weight of this legacy.

To my followers, my fans who have stood by me through triumphs and tribulations, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude. Your cheers, your messages, your unwavering support have been the driving force behind every stride I took in that ring. Wrestling is not just about the clashes under the spotlight; it's about the shared journey, the connection that transcends the boundaries of the squared circle.

As the year draws to a close, I find solace in the embrace of my beloved, and our daughters, in the warmth of the holidays. It's a time for healing, for reflecting on the chapters that have closed and those yet to be written. In the arms of my love, I'll spend these holidays, recharging, rejuvenating, preparing for what the new year holds.

To each of you, my dear followers, I wish you a joyous holiday season. May it be filled with laughter, love, and moments of serenity. As we step into a new year, I want to express my deepest gratitude for being a part of this journey. Together, we've witnessed victories and, yes, this recent defeat. But the story doesn't end here; it merely takes a pause, a breath before the next chapter unfolds.

So, until we meet again in the vibrant arenas of Sin City Wrestling, let's cherish these moments of respite, these holidays that offer a reprieve from the adrenaline-fueled battles. Happy holidays, a merry Christmas, and a wonderful New Year to each of you. Until then, take care, stay strong, and let's welcome the future with open arms.

With love and gratitude,
Alexandra Calaway

A Calaway-Strader Christmas
Strader Estate
Houston, Tx.

The Calaway-Strader household hummed with the vibrant energy of the holiday season. Twinkling lights adorned the Christmas tree, casting a festive glow that danced across the room. Alexandra, sitting cross-legged on the floor, basked in the warmth of the Houston winter, a hint of coolness in the air replaced the need for a crackling fire.

Alexandra handed a carefully wrapped box to Ashlynn, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

“Go on, open it.”

Ashlynn tore through the paper, Alexandra had picked it up on a trip out of the country. Ashlynn's eyes gleamed as she unwrapped her mother's thoughtful gift, the moon shaped pendant capturing the essence of their shared familial bond.

“Mom, it's amazing! Thank you.”

John and Mackenzie exchanged glances, smiling at the heartfelt moment. John handed Alexandra a small, elegantly wrapped box. Alexandra received a perfectly crafted leather bracelet with their family names on it. Her fingers glided over the fabric as she looked at John.

“Merry Christmas, babe.”

“John, it's beautiful.”

He leaned over and kissed her as Mackenzie, with the innocence of youth, handed Ashlynn a bracelet then revealed she had a matching one, a promise of enduring friendship. Looking down at the bracelet Ashlynn saw the words, we may not be sisters by blood, but we are sisters by choice.

“Now, we'll always be connected.”

“Oh my goodness I love it. Thank you Mackenzie.”

John, a figure who embraced the thrill of the open road and the hum of a Harley beneath him, received a custom-made leather jacket. Crafted with care, the jacket bore a subtle embossing of a phoenix rising, a symbol of resilience and rebirth. As Alexandra draped it over his shoulders, she spoke of the strength he brought into their lives and the unwavering support that mirrored the phoenix's majestic ascent from the ashes. John unwraps a carefully wrapped package, revealing a custom leather jacket.

“Wow, this is... incredible.”

“It's a phoenix rising, a symbol of strength and resilience. You bring that into our lives every day.”

For Mackenzie, Alexandra and Ashlynn carefully chose a delicate silver necklace adorned with a small star pendant. The star symbolized dreams, aspirations, and the infinite possibilities that lay ahead for Mackenzie. The thoughtful gift was nestled in an elegant jewelry box, a shimmering reminder of the celestial bond the two families shared. Mackenzie eagerly tears open her gift.

“It's beautiful!”

“Stars represent dreams and endless possibilities. We thought it suits you.”

Ashlynn hands a vintage Harley manual to John, who grins appreciatively.

“This is awesome, thanks, Ash.”

“It's for all your reading pleasures.. I hope you like it.”

John, attuned to the fiery spirit of Ashlynn, presented her with a vintage journal adorned with intricate patterns, a space for her to pen down her dreams and aspirations.

“It’s a journal for you to write down your own thoughts and dreams.”

“Thank you Dad…”

Ashlynn hugs him tightly. In turn, Mackenzie and John had gifts that reflected a keen understanding of their recipients. Mackenzie, with youthful exuberance, gifted Alexandra a meticulously designed scrapbook chronicling their shared moments — a tangible testament to the bonds formed and memories created.

“It's filled with memories — our memories.”

“You made this?”

“Yeah, it's our story.”

“I love it very much.  Thank you.”

The room is filled with warmth as the family exchanges heartfelt gifts, sealing their bond on this special holiday. Laughter and warmth filled the room as they continued the gift exchange. Soon, the talk shifted to reflections on the past year. The hardships and triumphs they all had, the girls with training and their education, Alexandra about her battles in the ring.

“It's been a wild ride, hasn't it babe?”

Alexandra nodded, a mixture of nostalgia and determination in her eyes. John, Alexandra's rock, marveled at the journey they'd embarked upon. Alexandra nodded, her eyes a kaleidoscope of emotions—a testament to the triumphs and tribulations of the past year.

“Ups and downs, victories and setbacks. But through it all, we're here. Together.”

As gifts exchanged hands, the conversation meandered through reflections on the passing year. Victories were celebrated, challenges acknowledged, and setbacks met with resilience. Alexandra's gaze lingered on the necklace adorning her neck, a testament to the unwavering support she found in John.

“Krystal Wolfe awaits our fated battle. A formidable opponent, a new challenge. But I'm ready.”

“And we'll be right there with you.”

John, an unwavering pillar of strength, assured her. The sentiment echoed in the quiet nods of Ashlynn and Mackenzie, their unity a source of unspoken comfort. The warmth of the Houston winter, devoid of snow but rich in familial embrace, enveloped them. Alexandra, the Bombshell in and out of the ring, found solace in the love that surrounded her. The Christmas tree, adorned with ornaments representing shared memories, stood as a silent witness to their journey. The conversation, now a tapestry woven with shared laughter and heartfelt exchanges, delved into the intricacies of facing Krystal Wolfe.

“Christmas reminds us of what truly matters. Family, love, and the strength to face whatever comes our way. Krystal Wolfe may be fierce, but she hasn't faced this Bombshell's fire. Not when she’s fully prepared.”

The room, vibrant with the spirit of Christmas, echoed with the shared understanding that family, love, and the strength drawn from each other defined their essence. As they faced the uncertainties of the upcoming year, the unity within the Calaway-Strader household became a beacon—a guiding light in the vast sea of challenges that awaited Alexandra in Sin City Wrestling. Wrapped in the warmth of familial love, Alexandra Calaway embraced the holiday season, finding not only joy in the festivities but also the fortitude to conquer the battles that awaited her in the ring and beyond.

The Tale of the Tape
Houston Tx.


Championship Success:
Both Krystal Wolfe and Alexandra Calaway have tasted championship success. Krystal held the Bombshell Roulette Championship for an impressive reign of 266 days, showcasing her resilience and skill. On the other hand, Alexandra boasts an extensive list of championships, including the IWF Invictus Championship and the SCW Bombshell Roulette Championship.

Unique Gimmicks:
Both wrestlers have unique and multifaceted gimmicks. Krystal is not only a skilled wrestler but also a gamer with a popular YouTube channel and Twitch account. Alexandra, with her dark persona hidden behind a pretty face, adds a layer of mystery and complexity to her character.

International Background:
Krystal hails from Adelaide, Australia, while Alexandra's roots are in Dallas, Texas. Both bring diverse cultural influences to the wrestling scene, contributing to the global appeal of their characters.

All-Rounder Wrestling Style:
Both Krystal and Alexandra are versatile in the ring, showcasing an all-rounder wrestling style. They can adapt to various situations, employing technical moves, high-flying maneuvers, and impactful strikes.


Krystal Wolfe is portrayed as a neutral character, while Alexandra Calaway embraces the rebel alignment. This fundamental difference in character alignment can significantly impact their in-ring strategies and how they engage with the audience.

Entrance and Presentation:
The presentation of their characters differs, particularly in their entrances. Krystal enters to "Beneath" by Delain with a focused and expressionless demeanor, emphasizing her determination. Alexandra, on the other hand, has a more theatrical entrance with the song "Mine" by Halestorm, incorporating red lights, fog, and a cocky smirk.

Gimmick Integration:
While Krystal's gimmick seamlessly blends her gaming persona with her wrestling career, Alexandra's character is characterized by a darker edge, incorporating elements like fire and a violent streak. Their gimmicks offer distinct flavors, appealing to different segments of the audience.

Career Trajectories:
Their paths to SCU/SCW vary. Krystal discovered SCW as a fan and pursued her wrestling dream by training under her idol, Odette Stevens. Alexandra, however, has a more extensive career, including co-owning wrestling companies, facing personal tragedies, and returning to the ring with a resilient spirit.

Physical Attributes:
There's a contrast in their physical attributes. Krystal Wolfe stands at 5ft 5 and weighs 125 lbs, portraying agility and speed. Alexandra Calaway, at 5ft 6 and 125 lbs, shares a similar build but presents a more intimidating aura, aligning with her heel persona.

In essence, while both Krystal Wolfe and Alexandra Calaway share certain wrestling fundamentals and championship achievements, their character alignments, presentation, and the integration of their unique gimmicks make them distinctive and compelling in their own right within the wrestling landscape.

The Proposal
Strader Estate
Houston, Texas

Underneath the expansive Texan sky, studded with a myriad of stars, the Strader Estate in Houston transformed into a haven of magic on New Year's Eve. The air was crisp, carrying the anticipation of new beginnings. John Strader, his heart brimming with love, had orchestrated a proposal that would etch itself into the tapestry of their shared history. As the clock ticked down the hours leading up to midnight, John guided Alexandra to a secluded spot in the estate's garden. Strings of fairy lights adorned the trees, casting a gentle glow on the path that led to a picturesque gazebo adorned with fragrant flowers. A blanket of soft grass cradled the space, and a gentle breeze whispered secrets of the moment about to unfold. The stars above sparkled with a brilliance that mirrored the gleam in John's eyes as he took Alexandra's hands. Words, carefully chosen, hung in the air, a promise of forever.


John began, his voice a melody that resonated with the beating hearts around them.

"Our journey has been a tapestry of shared laughter, unwavering support, and the strength that comes from a love as deep as the night sky above."

He led her to the center of the gazebo, a celestial canopy serving as the backdrop to their defining moment. She looked at him, a light blush capturing her cheeks.

"As we stand here on the precipice of a new year, I can't help but think of all the moments that brought us here. The victories, the challenges, and the countless instances where your strength illuminated my darkest days."

As the seconds ticked away, John dropped to one knee, presenting a box that held a symbol of their enduring love—a ring that glistened in the soft glow of the surrounding lights.

"Alexandra Calaway, will you make me the happiest man alive? Will you marry me and continue this incredible journey hand in hand, under the vast expanse of the Texas stars? What do you say babe?"

Time seemed to pause, the universe holding its breath as Alexandra's eyes, brimming with emotion, met John's. The weight of their shared experiences hung in the air, and with a radiant smile, she whispered.

 "Yes, John. A thousand times, yes."

“Remind me to tell the girls thank you..”

“For what?”

“All this..”

In that sacred moment, surrounded by the celestial wonders of the Texan night sky, Alexandra and John Strader embarked on a new chapter, their love story forever marked by the magic of a New Year's Eve proposal under a canvas of stars.

Getting down to brass tacks
Strader Estate
Houston Texas

The Strader Estate lay under the Texan night like a canvas painted in hues of indigo. Stars scattered across the vast sky, casting a gentle glow on the carefully tended property. The air carried a hint of magnolia, an aromatic backdrop to the scene unfolding outside the confines of the wrestling ring. Amidst this tranquil setting, Alexandra Calaway stood, her silhouette defined by the soft glow of fairy lights that adorned the estate's backyard. Dressed in an ensemble that blended sophistication with a touch of rebellion, she embodied the essence of a woman who had faced battles both inside and outside the ring. The Strader Estate served as an improvised stage for Alexandra's message to the world, her audience not the thousands who would pack into an arena but the silent witnesses above.

She began, her voice steady yet carrying an unmistakable intensity. "Krystal Wolfe, the last time we shared a ring, it was under circumstances neither of us would have chosen. Forced alliances, reluctant partnerships, but in the end, a victory. We stood on the same side, not by choice but by circumstance. Many said you handpicked me, I did not want to work with you and made it very clear. However, I wouldn’t disappoint the fans."

A breeze rustled the leaves, almost like a quiet acknowledgment of the words being spoken.

The Strader Estate, a haven away from the chaos of the wrestling world, became the canvas for Alexandra's narrative. "Krystal, you might think you've seen all there is to Alexandra Calaway. We danced in the chaos of a tag team match, and perhaps you believe that you've deciphered the entirety of my repertoire. But, my dear, the dance you witnessed was but a fraction, a mere glimpse of what lies within."

The lights glistened in her eyes as she continued, "I've faced battles in arenas, defended championships under glaring lights, but tonight, here, I speak to you under the stars. Titles may come and go, Krystal, but the essence of a fighter, the spirit that defines a true competitor, that is eternal."

She gestured to the surroundings, the Strader Estate bathed in night's embrace. "Here, where the cheers of the crowd are replaced by the symphony of nature, I stand not as a champion with gold around my waist but as a woman who understands that the true test is not in the title you hold but in the battles you choose to fight."

A moment of silence hung in the air, broken only by the distant chirping of crickets.

"In the realm of Sin City Wrestling, we have clashed with titans of this industry, in arenas filled with fervent fans. But tonight, I stand away from the bright lights, away from the orchestrated chaos of a wrestling event. Tonight, it's not about the Bombshell Roulette Championship, The Bombshell World Championship or any other title. It's about the clash of two warriors, about the echoes of our journeys reverberating under the Texas sky."

The breeze carried Alexandra's words, a message etched not in the annals of championships but in the very fabric of their shared history.

"You're not just a gamer with a YouTube channel, Krystal Wolfe. You're a wrestler, a fighter, and so am I. Titles can be lost, won, or traded, but the essence of a competitor remains steadfast. Our paths have intertwined, not just in the scripted narrative of a wrestling match, but in the uncharted territories where battles are fought with every breath, every step."

The Strader Estate, under the celestial canopy, became a theater for a different kind of performance.

"In the upcoming match, Krystal, don't think that the past encounter has unlocked all my secrets. Don't believe that you've navigated the entirety of the storm. We step into the ring, yes, but this time, the canvas is different. It's not the tag team action we once shared; it’s not the sanctity of knowing you are the most hated in the company, it’s the knowledge that at the end of the match, it’s me standing tall. The stakes are not measured in gold but in the echoes we create. And I fully plan on leaving my mark on you so deep, that you will not forget the time we’ve shared."

A quiet resolve echoed in her words, "Krystal Wolfe, be prepared not for the Alexandra Calaway of championships but for the warrior who stands beneath the stars, ready to pen another chapter in the story we tell, away from the scripted lines and choreographed sequences."

As she concluded, the Texan night seemed to embrace her words, carrying them into the vast expanse above. The Strader Estate, a witness to a different kind of battle, held its secrets under the star-studded sky, awaiting the results of the clash of two competitors whose destinies were woven not just in titles but in the very fabric of their shared journey. The journey of professional wrestling.

Invasion of Privacy
Dallas, Texas

The night is settled over Alexandra's house, a tranquil suburban haven. Streetlights cast a warm glow on the quiet street. Alexandra, her daughter Ashlynn, her boyfriend John Strader, and John's daughter Mackenzie are inside, the house radiating a sense of comfort. Cut to a mysterious unmarked car, lurking in the shadows down the street. The hum of its engine is barely audible. Tinted windows conceal the watcher within. The watcher was on a phone, they spoke into it.

“I’ll get the information needed. It shouldn’t be that hard. I’ll report back to you shortly.”

Inside the house, Alexandra is in the living room, flipping through a photo album with Ashlynn. Laughter and the occasional sound of pages turning create a soothing melody. John Strader is in the kitchen, preparing a late dinner, and Mackenzie is in the living room, engrossed in a book.

“Something feels off.”

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifts. Ashlynn glances toward the window, sensing something. Alexandra, ever vigilant, follows her daughter's gaze, a flicker of concern crossing her face. The unmarked car remains parked, an eerie stillness accompanying it. The distant sound of footsteps on the pavement echoes. Ashlynn peeks through the blinds, her curiosity overcoming her.

“Mom, there's a strange car outside.”

Alexandra pauses her protective instincts kicking in.

“John, did you invite someone over?”

Her question was simple, she knew his family was close and there was always the chance that he could have asked someone to come over for dinner.

“No, babe. I thought Mackenzie and I were the only ones cooking up surprises tonight.”

John Strader joins Alexandra, Ashlynn, and Mackenzie in the living room. They exchange puzzled glances.

“There's someone in that car. We should find out who.”

The two cautiously move to the front door. Alexandra, a mix of concern and determination in her eyes, opens the door, revealing the night air. The unmarked car remains, an unblinking sentinel. Alexandra calls out, extremely pissed off.

“Can I help you? Who's in the car?”

Silence. Then, the distant whirr of an automatic camera shutter is heard. A flash of light from the unmarked car momentarily blinds Alexandra. John Strader shields his eyes, squinting into the darkness, before covering the kids trying to get them inside.

“What the hell? No. No this isn’t happening.”

As quickly as it started, the flash ceases. The unmarked car, now an ominous silhouette, peels away from the curb and vanishes into the night. The family is left on the doorstep, a sense of violation settling over them.

“Get inside. I'll call the police. We're not letting this slide.”

John looked at Alexandra shaking his head, he had a feeling what was going on.

“No, we can’t involve them.”

Inside the house, a charged energy lingers in the air. John Strader's face contorts from concern to anger as he processes the violation of his family's privacy. He glances at Alexandra, eyes determined.

“This isn't right. I'm not letting them get away with this.”

His fists clench, and he storms towards the door. Alexandra, sensing his fury, rushes after him.

“John, wait! We need to call the police”.

“The police can wait. I'm not letting some creep mess with us. I’m pretty sure I know what this is about.”

The door slams shut behind them, the outside air carrying a hint of tension. The suburban street, once serene, is now a stage for a confrontation. Cut to the driveway. John strides purposefully, eyes fixed on the distant tail lights of the unmarked car disappearing around a corner. Alexandra follows, her concern growing.

“John, be careful. We don't know who we're dealing with.”

She grabbed his hand, trying to get him to stay.  He touches it with his other hand for a moment, before pulling away from her grip.

“They're messing with our family, babe. They're gonna regret it. Take care of the girls, I’ll be right back.”

The night air is charged with anticipation as John reaches his Harley. He throws his leg over it and turns the key, the engine roaring to life. Alexandra hesitates, torn between the impulse to protect and the realization that John is a force to be reckoned with. The engine's growl echoes down the street as John peels out of the driveway in pursuit of the mysterious interloper. Inside the house, Ashlynn watches from the living room window, her worry mirroring Alexandra's. Mackenzie steps up to the window, sensing the tension, her own expression mimicking the others.

“What's happening?”

Mackenzie asks, causing Alexandra to turn around. Alexandra looked at her with a grim expression.

“Someone thought it was okay to spy on us. Your dad's not taking it lightly.”

The distant revving of the car engine fades into the night as John Strader gives chase, a lone guardian determined to shield his family from the shadows.

The Tale of the tape
Dallas Texas

In the unforgiving world of Sin City Wrestling, two titans, Alexandra Calaway and Tempest, loom large, each casting a distinctive shadow over the squared circle. The contrasts between these bombshell behemoths are as stark as the sunlit beaches of Honolulu compared to the fiery depths of the Texas desert.

Physical Prowess:
Alexandra: At 5'6" and 125 pounds, Alexandra is a dynamo compacted with explosive power. Her aesthetic embraces a balance of beauty and brutality, morphing seamlessly from alluring enigma to a fearsome force in the ring.

Tempest: Standing at an imposing 6'3" and weighing a formidable 218 pounds, Tempest's physicality is her statement. She doesn't beckon with charm; instead, she commands attention with sheer size and an aura of untamed power.

Fighting Style:
Alexandra: Her in-ring repertoire is a kaleidoscope of technical wizardry, brawling brutality, and daredevil aerial assaults. Alexandra is a chameleon in the ring, adapting her style to the demands of the moment.

Tempest: Unapologetically, Tempest is a powerhouse. A brawler through and through, her moveset is a symphony of devastating slams, bone-crushing suplexes, and an array of impactful strikes. She doesn't dance around; she marches forward, leaving destruction in her wake.

Entrance and Presence:
Alexandra: The ominous yet captivating strains of "Mine" by Halestorm herald her arrival. Alexandra's entrance is a visual spectacle, bathed in crimson lights and fog. Her charismatic strut to the ring is a psychological warfare, engaging the audience and unsettling her opponents.

Tempest: Tempest enters with the dominating anthem of "You Call Me a Bitch Like It's a Bad Thing" by Halestorm. Her march to the ring is a no-nonsense power walk, focused and unyielding. She neither acknowledges nor dismisses the crowd, a stoic enigma.

Gimmick and Background:
Alexandra: Concealed behind a pretty facade lies a dark soul. Alexandra's gimmick is a dichotomy, a femme fatale who can turn into a remorseless warrior when the bell tolls. Her journey through personal tragedy, marriage, and motherhood paints a multifaceted portrait of resilience.

Tempest: The Monster Heel from Honolulu, Tempest's gimmick is raw power. Her life's narrative, marred by childhood bullying and personal tragedy, has forged her into a formidable force. A bounty hunter turned wrestler, her journey is one of conquering adversity and channeling anger into might.

Alexandra: The accolades on Alexandra's resume read like a dynasty. From Hardcore Championships to Women's Championships, she's left an indelible mark in every promotion she's graced. She's a multiple-time Wrestler of the Year, a testament to her enduring excellence.

Tempest: As of now, Tempest's ledger is unmarked by championship victories. Her journey into professional wrestling is marked by overcoming societal scorn, embracing her size as an advantage, and now seeking to carve a legacy in SCW.

In Summary:
Alexandra, the Dark Angel of Texas, and Tempest, the unyielding force from the Hawaiian shores, stand as polar opposites yet united in their pursuit of dominance. Alexandra's versatility meets Tempest's unbridled power in a clash that promises a collision of styles, stories, and destinies in the unforgiving world of Sin City Wrestling.

The Hero Returns
Dallas, Texas

The night air is tense as John Strader, Alexandra's boyfriend, storms back into their home, a tempest of fury and frustration. Alexandra, her concern evident, rushes towards him as he enters, blood staining his lip, a tangible symbol of the clash that just unfolded in the shadows. She was clearly worried about him, the situation and the safety of her family.

“John, what happened? Who was in that car?”

John, his jaw set in a rigid line, glances at Alexandra, the fire in his eyes speaking of a confrontation that was more than just a chance encounter. She knew what his life was and she never feared that. She was curious about why they would be there for her.

“I don't know who they were, but they won't be watching us anymore.”

He tosses a mangled camera onto the table, its lens shattered, evidence of the struggle that took place. She worried about what they were trying to do, the kids were in danger when this kind of thing happened, she couldn’t allow that to continue. Clearly John wouldn’t either.

“What's this? What were they doing?”

Alexandra sounded confused and John wrapped his arms around her before pulling back. John takes a moment to catch his breath, wiping the blood from his lip. His gaze is intense, a mix of anger and protectiveness.

“They were watching us, Alex. For hours. I don't know what they wanted, but I couldn't let them keep doing it.”

He moves towards the destroyed camera, picking it up, then with a clenched fist, smashes it again. The expression on his face was anger.

“They won't be seeing anything through this again.”

Alexandra, her mind racing with concern, steps closer. Her hand rested softly on his chest.

“You're hurt. We need to get you cleaned up.”

John, a mixture of exhaustion and determination etched on his face, nods.

“After what I just did, a little blood doesn't matter.”

She leads him to the kitchen, fetching a first aid kit.

“You can't just go out and fight whoever without—”

He interrupts her, his voice a low growl.

“They were spying on us, Alex. I won't let anyone threaten you, Ashlynn, or Mackenzie. I won’t let this happen again. I will keep you all safe.”

As she tends to his wounds, the gravity of the situation settles over them. Alexandra’s voice was soft as she spoke, not wanting to wake the kids.

“We need to figure out who they were and why they were watching us.”

John, now calmer but still seething, nods in agreement.

“We will. I won't let anyone endanger this family, our family. Let me handle this.”

Their eyes lock, a silent pact forged in the crucible of unexpected danger. Her expression is a determined one.

“We’ve faced threats in the ring, but this... this is different. This wasn’t in the ring John.”

John, his hand gently cupping her cheek, nods. He looked at her with an expression that says all she needs to see.

“It’s not that different from what I normally deal with.  Hey, we'll face it together, just like everything else. I think it’s time we move you all to Houston with my family, for good.”

Alexandra looks at him with a nod, her hand resting on his chest as they spoke about his idea.

“Honestly, I think the girls will be safer there. It will take some time to pack this place up and get rid of some of the stuff. Plus, I’m sure there’s going to need to be a place there for us.  I didn’t see a house for us there.”

“Give it a few weeks and a new place could be there for us.”

Alexandra looked at John with concern on her face. Something had been going on and she wasn’t going to push. If he wanted to tell her he would, she knew better than to push about it.

“Are you sure this is what you want?  What about the club?”

She didn’t want him to give up everything about his life over something that could just be her opponent digging up dirt to use.

“That’s not what you need to worry about right now. Right now, I need you and the kids safe. I have bigger things to worry about right now. You and the girls are the most important thing, the only thing I have to worry about right now.”

The night unfolds with questions unanswered, shadows lingering in the corners of their lives. But in the quiet unity of that moment, Alexandra and John find strength—the kind that goes beyond the squared circle, beyond the cheers of the audience, a strength forged in the crucible of their unwavering bond.

A sweet goodbye turns into we are going too
Dallas, Texas

The dim glow of the morning sun painted soft streaks across the spacious living room of Alexandra Calaway's home in Dallas, Texas. Alexandra, adorned in a sleek black leather jacket and faded blue jeans, moved with purpose, gathering her belongings for an impending trip to Phoenix. She had a championship to defend, and the familiar hum of anticipation buzzed in the air.

"Mom!" called a youthful voice from the direction of the kitchen. Ashlynn, Alexandra's teenage daughter, appeared with a wide smile. "Need any help packing, or are you summoning the strength of the dark arts to do it all yourself?"

Alexandra chuckled, a sound that resonated with both warmth and an underlying edge. "You know me too well, Ash. But today, I might accept some assistance. After all, even dark sorceresses can use an extra pair of hands."

In the midst of their banter, John Strader, Alexandra's ruggedly handsome boyfriend, sauntered into the room. His broad shoulders filled the doorframe as he grinned at the duo.

"Good morning, ladies," he greeted, wrapping an arm around Alexandra's waist and planting a kiss on her forehead. "Ready for another trip to the ring, Babe?"

Alexandra nodded, her gaze meeting John's with a shared understanding that transcended words. "Always. But this time, it's not just about me. It's about proving a point and keeping what's rightfully mine."

As the trio exchanged glances, Mackenzie, John's daughter, emerged with a backpack slung over her shoulder. At fourteen, she exuded a quiet confidence, a trait likely inherited from her father.

"Hey, Ash. Hey, Miss Calaway," Mackenzie greeted with a polite smile. "Need any help with stuff?"

Ashlynn grinned at her friend and future sister. "Sure, Kenzie. The more, the merrier. Plus, we've got to make sure Mom doesn't forget her lucky charm or whatever she uses to win matches."

Alexandra joined the laughter, her fingers ruffling Ashlynn's hair affectionately. "I don't need luck, just skill and a touch of chaos. But hey, a lucky charm won't hurt. Maybe I should bring that old pendant your dad gave me."

John leaned against the doorframe, a thoughtful expression crossing his features. "The pendant from our first official date? That's a good idea. I think it's in the top drawer of the dresser."

While the girls continued to organize clothes and essentials, John strolled toward the bedroom. The door creaked open, and he reappeared, holding a delicate silver pendant with a small, glistening sapphire. The pendant held sentimental value, a token of the time when their relationship was budding.

"Here you go, Babe," John said, putting the necklace around her neck. "May it bring you luck and remind you of the chaos we've weathered together."

Alexandra's eyes softened as she clutched the pendant. "Thank you, John. For everything."

As the preparations continued, Ashlynn couldn't resist a teasing comment. "See, Mom, even you have a soft side."

Alexandra shot her daughter a mock glare. "Don't get used to it. Softness is overrated. Now, where's my leather jacket?"

In the midst of their spirited packing, the house felt alive with a sense of camaraderie. The bond between Alexandra, John, and their daughters formed an unspoken pact of support, understanding, and shared laughter.

While the trio of women organized essentials, John lingered, watching with a mix of pride and affection. Alexandra, with the pendant now hanging from her neck, moved with a quiet determination that bordered on elegance. Each item packed was a silent affirmation, a step toward the squared circle where she'd face the challenges awaiting in Phoenix.

Eventually, the bags were packed, and Alexandra stood at the threshold of her home, her kingdom of shadows and secrets. John, Ashlynn, and Mackenzie flanked her, a makeshift court ready to send their queen into battle.

"Phoenix awaits," Alexandra declared, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of determination and something deeper—an acknowledgment of the familial bonds that fueled her strength.

John wrapped his arm around her shoulders, a silent promise echoing in the embrace. Ashlynn and Mackenzie stood on either side, forming a tableau of unity.

"Go show them what a real queen looks like," Ashlynn said, her voice carrying a pride that transcended the casual banter.

With a final glance at her makeshift court, Alexandra stepped into the awaiting car, the engine roaring to life. The door closed with a definitive thud, sealing the departure.

“Hey girls, I got a plan.”

John smiled at them, as the car rolled away from the curb, the trio standing in the driveway watched, the unspoken bond of family and love intertwining with the echoes of the rumbling engine—a symphony of support propelling Alexandra into the awaiting chaos of the wrestling world.

“Let’s surprise your mother at the show, we still have time to fly out and see her in person. What do you guys say?”

He looked at them both and they smiled with a nod, before disappearing into the house to follow after her on another flight. This surprise would be great.

A Champions Speech
Phoenix, Arizona

The scene opens with Alexandra standing in the center of a dimly lit room, the Bombshell Roulette Championship gleaming over her shoulder. Her eyes pierce through the camera, a storm of determination swirling within. The idea of another chance at Tempest was fresh in her mind, even with everything going on with her family.  She decides to address her opponent, the fans, and everyone backstage.

“In the world of Bombshell Roulette, uncertainty is the only certainty. The Wheel of Fate, unpredictable and capricious, is our guide tonight. You might wonder, does it faze me? Not in the slightest. Because, my friends, adaptability is the cornerstone of my legacy. I’ve lasted this long in this industry, because of my ability to adapt to whatever is thrown my way. No matter who is in that ring with me.”

She gestures toward the vibrant wheel, each segment a potential game-changer.

“You see, some may fret about the unknown—the precarious nature of what stipulation this wheel might decree. But I thrive in the unknown. It doesn't matter if it's a Tables Match, a Submission Only bout, or a Last Woman Standing. The canvas may change, but the artistry remains mine and mine alone.”

Her words resonate with a quiet determination, a warrior's assurance.

“Every match is a canvas, and I am the artist. New, fresh and ready to be turned into a masterpiece of my own creation. Whether it's scaling heights in a Ladder Match or delving into the brutality of a Steel Cage, I am prepared. I am adaptable. This wheel is but a reminder that, in the chaos of Bombshell Roulette, I am the calm in the storm.”

The crowd listens in rapt attention, a sea of faces captivated by the confidence exuding from the Bombshell Roulette Champion.

“Some might ask, "What if the wheel lands on a stipulation you've never faced?" To them, I say, there's a first time for everything. Every challenge is an opportunity. I've faced the uncharted before, and each time, I've emerged victorious.”

She paces the ring, the spotlight capturing her every move.

“So, let the wheel spin. Let Lady fate reveal her hand. Whatever stipulation it lands on, know this—I am ready. Ready for the calculated brutality of a Steel Cage, the high-stakes drama of a Last Woman Standing, or the strategic precision of a Submission Only. This wheel may decide the battlefield, but victory... that's a foregone conclusion. Humble in victory, humble in defeat right?”

She paused for a moment, thinking about her opponent.

“Tempest, the towering force from Honolulu, Hawaii, carries an air of unpredictability that sets her apart in the Bombshell division. Unlike others who stand steadfast, she seems to ebb and flow, appearing when the wind of opportunity blows in her favor. There's a transient quality to her presence, a sense that she's not tethered to the relentless grind of the wrestling world. While others might be fixtures in the locker room, tirelessly honing their craft, Tempest operates on her terms, a lone wanderer in the landscape of competition.”

Alexandra paused before continuing.

“In the arena of Sin City Wrestling, where dedication and resilience often define a career, Tempest's sporadic appearances have raised eyebrows. Her approach is more enigmatic, choosing when to unleash her colossal presence. Some might see it as a strategic advantage, a way to conserve energy for the decisive moments. Others, however, might question the commitment to the everyday battles that define the true essence of a wrestler's journey. Tempest, it seems, is a tempest indeed—arriving with fury and vanishing just as swiftly, leaving the echoes of her dominance in her wake.”

She compared her opponent to the very thing her name comes from. A Tempest.

“People have asked me what it’s like to be facing someone who stole my chances to rule during the Queen for a day tournament. Tempest, the "Monster Heel" from the tropical haven of Honolulu, Hawaii. Quite the tale you've got there, Tempest, from paradise to the squared circle. But you see, your story doesn't intimidate me; it intrigues me. We're cut from different cloths, you and I. But in that ring, we both are powerhouses.”

She leans against a table backstage, the Bombshell Roulette Championship gleaming beside her.

“You're a powerhouse, a brawler, a living force of nature. Your favorite moves read like a list of catastrophic events, each one capable of tearing through opponents. Bear hug, Exploder suplex, Air Raid Siren — formidable, no doubt. But, Tempest, your physicality is not what sets you apart; it's your mindset. I won’t discount what you’ve done in the business or in your life. However I won’t just lay down for you.”

She pauses, the weight of experience evident in her eyes.

“You've faced scorn, battled bullies, and your journey led you from the Peace Corps to being a bounty hunter. Now, you stand here, a monster in the world of professional wrestling. But, Tempest, while you thrive on the "fight or flight" instinct, I have a different philosophy. While I’ve faced my fair share of enemies, bullies and otherwise, I’ve accomplished things that most people only dream of.”

The Bombshell Roulette Championship represents more than gold for Alexandra; it symbolizes resilience.

“Ninety-five days, Tempest. Ninety-five days of proving that size, power, and a relentless fighting style aren't the only keys to success. It's about resilience, adaptability, and the fire within. You might have the size advantage, the powerhouse moves, but in this ring, it's about more than raw strength. It’s about cunning and mindgames as well. All the strength in the world doesn't compare to technical abilities. You know, going back to that Queen for a Day tournament, you remember, the one win you have over me, the one that lit that fire, for that, you have my respect. But you should know that even my respect for you won't stop me from showing you the very fire you ignited.”

She holds up the Bombshell Roulette Championship.

“This, Tempest, is a testament to the fights I've faced, the giants I've toppled, and the monsters I've conquered. You might be a monster heel, but I am the embodiment of Bombshell resilience. You got one over on me the first time around. I will give you that. I will give credit where credit is more than due. But if you feel that coming into this match will have the same outcome as last time, I’m not that same person you described before.”

The camera zooms in as Alexandra's eyes flash with determination.

“Our clash on Climax Control won't just be a battle of moves; it'll be a war of philosophies. The powerhouse against the strategist, the Monster Heel against the Bombshell Roulette Champion. Your Amazon Prime and Implant Buster, they might be devastating, but they won't extinguish this fire.”

She smirks confidently.

“I've faced monsters, Tempest, and I've left each encounter with my head held high. Climax Control will be no different. Your monster aura might intimidate others, but I see through it. You're just another challenge, another mountain to climb. And when the dust settles, the Bombshell Roulette Championship will still be around my waist.”

Alexandra stands in front of the Sin City Wrestling banner, her expression unwavering, determined. The Bombshell Roulette Championship is draped over her shoulder, a symbol of her reign.

“Tempest, let's not dance around the obvious. You're big, powerful, and you bring a storm with you into the ring. But here's the thing about storms; they can be weathered. They might shake the foundations, but they don't last forever. And when the storm clears, what remains standing?”

She looks directly into the camera, her gaze piercing.

“The Bombshell Roulette Championship has weathered storms before. It's been through wars, witnessed giants falling and monsters being tamed. Tempest, your size might be a challenge, but it's one I accept willingly. You see, I don't just step into the ring; I strategize.”

The championship glints as she adjusts it on her shoulder.

“It's not about overpowering you, Tempest; it's about outsmarting you. It's about finding the chinks in the armor, exploiting the weaknesses, and turning the tide in my favor. Amazon Prime and Implant Buster might be devastating finishers, but they're not invincible. If anyone’s been around the industry for any real length of time, they know how to adapt, how to counteract when a move comes their way.  And trust me after our last meeting, I’ve been working on that.”

She smirks, a hint of confidence in her demeanor.

“I've watched your matches, studied your moves, and I know where the vulnerabilities lie. It's not about going toe-to-toe in a power struggle; it's about finesse, timing, and precision. Every powerhouse has a blind spot, Tempest, and I'm adept at finding it.”

Her fingers drum against the championship, a rhythmic beat of assurance.

“Climax Control won't just be a test of strength; it'll be a showcase of strategy. You bring the storm; I bring the calm. When the bell tolls, and the clash begins, it won't be about who can hit harder; it'll be about who can think faster. I've faced monsters before, and I've emerged victorious not just because I hit harder but because I think smarter.”

Alexandra took the time to pause, her hand resting on the Bombshell Roulette Championship.

“Tempest, we go way back, don't we? You and I, we've danced this dance before. You managed to pin me once, and credit where it's due, that victory in the Queen for a Day tournament was yours. But let's not get lost in the past; let's talk about the present, the now, the fire you lit in me that's been burning for ninety-five days.”

She runs her fingers over the Bombshell Roulette Championship, a tangible reminder of her reign.

“You see, that loss was a catalyst. It was the spark that ignited something within me, a flame that refuses to be extinguished. You made me question, you made me reevaluate, and most importantly, you made me fight harder than ever. Ninety-five days, Tempest. Ninety-five days of proving that I am not a one-hit-wonder, that I am the constant force in the realm of Bombshells.”

The intensity in her eyes grows as she speaks.

“Climax Control is our battleground once again, and this time, the stakes are higher than ever. Bobbie Dahl awaits, and I won't let anyone stand between me and December 2 Dismember. Tempest, you might have had your moment in the sun, but this is my time, my era. And nothing will stand between me and facing Bobbie Dahl again.”

She steps closer to the camera, the championship casting a shadow on her face.

“The Bombshell Roulette Championship is more than gold and leather; it's a testament to my resilience, my dominance. I've faced challenges, I've overcome, and now, it's your turn to stand in my path. Tempest, you know what I bring to the table, and I know what you're capable of. This won't be a walk in the park. It'll be a war, a clash of two titans, each fighting for their right to rule.”

Her voice drops to a low, almost menacing tone.

“The fire you ignited, Tempest, it's a raging inferno now. You'll feel its heat, its intensity. I won't let anything, anyone, extinguish it. Climax Control will be the canvas where I paint the picture of my triumph, the stepping stone to December 2 Dismember. You beat me once, but this time, there's more at stake, and I won't leave anything to chance.”

The camera slowly zooms out as Alexandra stands tall, the championship on her shoulder, her eyes fixed on an image of her opponent, ready for the impending battle on Climax Control. Tempest had put Alexandra on the mat before, this time, it would be a different outcome.

Climax Control Archives / Legendary Battle
« on: September 29, 2023, 10:45:35 PM »
Calaway Estate
Dallas, Tx

Alexandra sat at her computer having found out her opponent was going to be none other than Laura Phoenix, in her second defense of the Bombshell Roulette Championship. Laura Phoenix, a legend in the industry, just as she herself was. Seeing their little match blurb she shook her head. She couldn’t be bothered with all that mess. Letting it bother her would only prove a weakness. She needed to focus all her energy on facing Laura. Not a lot of women had the staying power that Alexandra, Laura, and Jessie had. Those who did were few and far between. Those who couldn’t, walked away from the industry, to pursue other things, other careers, families or due to injuries and burning out.Those whose hearts were truly in it, stayed strong in the face of all that.

The Unyielding Legacy: What it Means to be a Legend in Wrestling

In the grand tapestry of professional wrestling, the term "Legend" is not casually bestowed; it is earned through a combination of skill, charisma, and a profound impact on the industry. Legends are not just skilled athletes; they are architects of moments that echo through time, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of fans.

For Alexandra Calaway, the journey to legendary status has been a tumultuous yet triumphant odyssey. Being a legend means more than just amassing championships and accolades; it is about weaving a narrative that captivates audiences, transcending the boundaries of the squared circle to become a symbol of inspiration and aspiration.

Legends are storytellers, using their bodies as a canvas to paint tales of heroism, tragedy, and triumph. Each match, each feud, contributes to the evolving saga that defines a legendary career. Alexandra's story, marked by victories and defeats, heartbreak and redemption, embodies the essence of what it means to be a legend.

Beyond the confines of the ring, legends are pillars of the wrestling community, providing guidance and inspiration to the next generation of stars. They become mentors, passing down not just technical expertise but the intangible qualities that elevate a wrestler to greatness — resilience, perseverance, and an unyielding passion for the craft.

A legend's impact extends beyond championships; it reverberates through the very soul of professional wrestling. Moments etched in time, whether it's a breathtaking match, a riveting promo, or a heartwarming interaction with fans, contribute to the legacy of a true icon. Alexandra's journey, marked by unforgettable matches and her unwavering connection with the audience, has solidified her as a luminary in the wrestling pantheon.

In the hero's journey, trials are inevitable. Legends face adversity head-on, turning obstacles into stepping stones toward immortality. Alexandra's battles against formidable opponents, her resilience in the face of personal tragedy, and her unapologetic embrace of the hardcore style are chapters that define her as a wrestling hero.

Legends are not bound by time; they transcend eras, becoming timeless symbols of the sport's enduring magic. As Alexandra steps into the ring, she carries with her the weight of history, mindful of the legends who paved the way before her and determined to leave a legacy that future generations will look to with reverence.

Being a legend is a responsibility, a commitment to leaving the industry better than when one entered it. It's about giving back, whether through passing on knowledge or contributing to the continued evolution of professional wrestling. Alexandra's impact extends beyond championships; it's measured in the lives she has touched, the stories she has told, and the indomitable spirit she brings to the ring.

In the hallowed halls of wrestling lore, legends are not mere mortals; they are demigods, revered for their contributions to an art form that transcends sport. Alexandra Calaway, with her unwavering dedication, her electrifying performances, and her place as a trailblazer in women's wrestling, stands as a testament to what it truly means to be a legend in the wrestling world.

Online Article by Wrestling News Daily
Viewed in Dallas, Tx.

In a showdown that promises to set Sin City Wrestling ablaze, the Bombshell Roulette Championship will be on the line as Alexandra Calaway squares off against Laura Phoenix in the Main Event. These two women, each boasting an impressive list of accolades and wrestling styles, are set to deliver a memorable encounter that fans won't soon forget.

Physical Attributes:
Alexandra stands at 5'6" and weighs 125 lbs, while Laura Phoenix is slightly taller at 5'7" and weighs 147 lbs. Both have agile and compact physiques, suited for their wrestling styles.

Alexandra embodies a darker persona, often concealed behind her attractive exterior. She's known for her ruthless streak and her willingness to use fire as a weapon. Laura, on the other hand, is a face character, representing a heroic persona who enjoys fan support. She doesn't rely on extreme elements like fire in her wrestling.

Ring Attire:
Alexandra adapts her attire based on the situation, favoring diverse colors and styles. She opts for standard wrestling gear in regular matches. In contrast, Laura appears in a more consistent attire, typically donning wrestling gear that emphasizes functionality.

Wrestling Style:
Alexandra boasts a versatile style encompassing technical prowess, brawling, and occasional high-flying maneuvers. She's a daredevil in the ring and is known for her technical acumen. Willing to do whatever it takes to get the pinfall. Laura adopts a more technical approach, often targeting specific body parts of her opponents with strikes and holds, resembling the styles of strikers and flyers.

Alexandra employs the "Fallen Angel" (Spinning Sitout Lifting Double Underhook Facebuster) and "Apocalypse" (Elevated Powerbomb/Last Ride) as her primary finishers. Laura has a varied arsenal, with finishers like "Kick To Damnation" (Superkick), "Whiplash" (a modified Edge-O-Matic), and "Neuro-mutilation" (Snapmare driver).

Alexandra's entrance is accompanied by "Mine" by Halestorm, featuring dramatic lighting, fog, and a confident strut. In contrast, Laura enters to "Hell Yeah" by Rev Theory, with energetic fan interaction, pyrotechnics, and fist-raising moments.

Career Highlights:
Alexandra boasts an impressive 19-time Hardcore Championship reign, along with several women's and tag team titles, as well as a World Championship reign, marking her as a dominant force in the wrestling world. Laura, on the other hand, has a rich history of title victories, including being a 4-time RCW World Champion and earning a place in the PWSWF Hall of Fame.

Career Trajectory:
Alexandra's career journey includes overcoming a serious injury, a personal tragedy involving her husband, and a triumphant return to the ring to provide for her daughter. Laura's career highlights include a 178-day X-Division Championship reign and her inclusion in the PWS Hall of Fame.

In conclusion, while both Alexandra Calaway and Laura Phoenix have left significant marks in the wrestling industry, they diverge in their personas, in-ring styles, and career trajectories. Their clash in Sin City Wrestling's Main Event promises to be a captivating encounter, showcasing their unique abilities and contrasting approaches to the sport.

Blood and Guts
San Francisco, California

The camera focuses on Alexandra Calaway, the Bombshell Roulette Championship glinting ominously in the dimly lit room. Her piercing gaze remains locked on the lens as she begins to speak, her words filled with both respect and determination.

“My path to the Bombshell Roulette Championship was a tumultuous one, marked by a series of grueling and unforgettable matches that showcased my unwavering determination, tenacity, and unquenchable thirst for success. But it was not an easy one, no. It all began with a fateful decision. I, a seasoned veteran of the wrestling world, made the choice to step into the chaotic realm of 2 out of 3 falls, hardcore matches. This was not a decision taken lightly, for such matches are a true test of a wrestler's physical and mental fortitude.”

She remembers back just a few weeks ago to when she claimed the Bombshell Roulette Championship from Jessie Salco.

“My first challenge came in the form of Jessie Salco, a formidable opponent with an impressive track record. The stakes were high: the coveted Bombshell Roulette Championship was on the line. I knew that to secure this championship, she would have to push her limits, go beyond her comfort zone, and confront the brutality of hardcore wrestling. The match was a relentless, back-and-forth brawl that saw both of us push ourselves to the brink. Fall after fall, we battered each other with unforgiving weapons, our bodies absorbing the punishment. The crowd was on the edge of their seats, witnessing a clash of two titans who refused to yield.”

That was one of the hardest battles she had faced since joining Sin City Wrestling. Even more so than fighting anyone else she had faced.  Now she had a new challenger.

“As the falls accumulated, it became clear that our resolve was unwavering. We demonstrated an uncanny ability to adapt to the hardcore environment, wielding chairs, kendo sticks, and tables with precision and ferocity. Each fall I secured was a testament to my versatility as a wrestler and my unrelenting pursuit of victory. In the end, I emerged victorious, having secured two out of the three falls. I had conquered Jessie Salco in a grueling, epic battle that left both of us battered and bruised. The Bombshell Roulette Championship is now firmly in my grasp, a symbol of my unrelentless spirit and willingness to embrace the chaos of hardcore wrestling. Which many cannot do.”

She moved around, thinking about everything that brought her there.

“But there was no time to rest on my laurels. My championship reign had just begun, and my next challenge was already looming on the horizon. The Bombshell Roulette Championship is unique in that it required its new champion to defend it in 2 out of 3 falls, tables matches. It was a stipulation that added an extra layer of complexity and danger to my title defenses.”

Then there was Seleana, the wife of one of Alexandra’s greatest opponents. 

“My first defense would be against Seleana, a skilled and ruthless competitor who was eager to dethrone me as the new champion. I knew that I couldn't afford to underestimate my opponent, especially in a tables match where victory demanded not just athleticism but strategy and cunning. The battle that followed was nothing short of brutal. Tables were shattered, bodies were launched through wood, and the intensity reached a fever pitch. Fall after fall, we fought tooth and nail, neither of us willing to yield an inch. The sheer physicality of the contest was awe-inspiring, a testament to the lengths we were willing to go to secure victory.”

Even then there was another battle that she had to face, another 2 out of 3 falls and again she held title in her hands.

“In the end, it was me who emerged victorious, once again securing two out of the three falls. I had successfully defended my Bombshell Roulette Championship for the first time, proving that my first win was no fluke. But the toll of these matches was undeniable. My body bore the scars of battle, and my spirit had been tested in ways I had never imagined.”

She stopped facing the camera and looked into it. Now a challenge stood in front of her.

“As I prepare for my second title defense, the weight of my journey is hanging heavy on my shoulders. I have faced two formidable opponents in two grueling stipulation matches, and now I am on the cusp of another monumental challenge: defending my championship against Laura Phoenix, a respected veteran of the wrestling world.”

She nodded her head, feeling the excitement building up inside her, but she maintained her cool.

“The road to the championship has been paved with pain, sacrifice, and unwavering determination. My resolve has been tested in the crucible of hardcore wrestling, and I have emerged as a champion who refuses to back down, no matter the odds. But the ultimate test awaits me in the form of Laura Phoenix, and the wrestling world will watch with bated breath to see if Alexandra Calaway can continue her reign as the Bombshell Roulette Champion or crumble at the feet of the Phoenix.”

She smirked, looking into the camera again.

"Laura Phoenix, I want to make something clear right from the start – I respect you. I respect the years you've poured into this industry, the sacrifices, the blood, sweat, and tears that have brought you to where you stand today. Your name is synonymous with excellence, and for good reason. You've earned the admiration of fans worldwide, and that's something that can't be fabricated. It's something that's forged through time and experience."

She takes a brief pause, allowing the weight of her words to linger.

"But here's the thing, Laura. I'm not here to diminish or disrespect your legacy. I'm here to challenge it, to push it to its very limits. The Bombshell Roulette Championship," she gestures to the title, "it's more than just a piece of gold to me. It's a symbol of my dedication, my sacrifices, and my unwavering will to fight for what I believe in."

The room is filled with an almost palpable tension as Alexandra continues.

"I know, Laura, that you're coming for this championship with that same fire, that same dedication. You want to prove that you're still at the top of your game, that you can outperform anyone who steps into the ring with you. And I respect that ambition, I truly do."

She takes a step closer to the camera, her voice growing more intense.

"But let's not kid ourselves. This match, it's not just about titles or prestige. It's about our love for this business, our respect for each other. It's about the countless hours we've spent training, the pain we've endured, and the sacrifices we've made to stand where we are today."

Her eyes seem to burn with an unyielding determination.

"I won't deny it, Laura – I'm willing to go to extremes to defend this championship. I'll push myself to the very brink and then some. Because I understand that to pry this title from my grasp, it's going to take more than just skill; it's going to take almost killing me. And I'm ready for that. Are you?"

She pauses, giving a moment for her words to sink in.

"In that ring, when the bell sounds, it'll be more than just a wrestling match. It'll be a battle of wills, a testament to our shared passion for professional wrestling. It'll be brutal, intense, and unforgettable. And unlike other certain individuals, I won't have to threaten the safety of your family in order to win."

She clenches her fists, her resolve crystal clear. As Alexandra continues her impassioned promo, the weight of the impending match hangs heavy in the air.

"You see, Laura, it's not just about championships and accolades. It's about the legacy we leave behind. The history books of professional wrestling are filled with names of great champions, trailblazers, and icons who've paved the way for future generations. And I have the utmost respect for those who came before us."

She paces back and forth, her words flowing with a blend of reverence and intensity.

"I've always been drawn to the stories of legendary women. Women who broke barriers, who shattered expectations, and who proved that they could excel in a male-dominated industry. They set the standard, and now it's our turn to carry that torch, to add our chapter to that storied history."

The Bombshell Roulette Championship rests on her shoulder, its presence a testament to her journey.

"You've been a part of that journey, Laura. You've left your mark in this business, from the PWSWF to SCW and beyond. Your name is etched in the annals of wrestling greatness, and I respect that. But I also recognize that our paths, though they've never crossed in the past, we will truly collide in a clash of titans unlike they have ever seen in this company.”

The intensity in her eyes never wavers. She takes a moment to pause, soaking in the salt filled air of San Francisco at night.

"It's almost poetic, isn't it? Two women, each with her own legacy, her own story, her own unique style will meet to do battle in the middle of the Sin City Wrestling ring. We together bring a mixture of styles to showcase for everyone just what we are still capable of, for a battle that transcends time. This is more than just a wrestling match; this is a building of legacies, our legacies. Our time is not yet over and it’s time we prove it to each and every one of those ladies in the back."

Her voice takes on a near-preacher's cadence, her words carrying a deeper meaning.

"Laura, I respect you not just as an opponent but as a symbol of what this industry can achieve. You've shown that hard work, dedication, and an unwavering spirit can take you to the highest echelons of wrestling. And I have no doubt that you'll bring all of that to the ring when we face off."

She gestures toward the title on her shoulder, a silent reminder of what's at stake.

"But you must understand, the Bombshell Roulette Championship represents more than just my personal success. It's a symbol of the challenges I've overcome, the obstacles I've conquered, and the sacrifices I've made. I've been to the highest peaks and the darkest depths in my career, and this my Bombshell Roulette Championship, it's a testament to my resilience, my willpower."

Her eyes glisten with a fiery determination. She places a hand on it, looking at it for a moment, soaking in the time she’s having with it.

"In that ring, we'll not only be competing for a championship; we'll be battling for our very legacies. The outcome of this match will be etched in history, and it will be talked about for generations to come. This is our opportunity to carve our names deeper into the annals of wrestling, to inspire the next generation of competitors who look up to us."

Her voice rises, echoing with passion.

"So, Laura, when we step into that ring, let's do more than just wrestle. Let's create a masterpiece, a clash of titans that will stand the test of time. Let's show the world what happens when two warriors, each with her own unique story, collide with the weight of history on their shoulders."

She takes a deep breath, her eyes locked onto the camera.

"This isn't just about winning or losing. It's about forging a moment, a spectacle that will be long remembered. And as we stand face to face, as competitors and as women who've dedicated our lives to this business, let's make this match a testament to our shared love for professional wrestling."

With those resolute words, Alexandra nods, her eyes filled with determination.

"So, Laura Phoenix, bring your A-game, your best moves, and your indomitable spirit, because I'll be doing the same. Let's give these fans a match they'll remember for a lifetime, a match that will solidify our places in the annals of wrestling history. May the best woman win."

With her final words, Alexandra nods, the unspoken challenge clear in her gaze. The room is filled with an electric tension, a sense of anticipation for a match that promises to be nothing short of legendary.

Pier 39
San Francisco, California

The dim glow of the evening cast long shadows across Alexandra's form as she settled into the wooden bench looking out over the bay. Her Bombshell Roulette Championship, gleaming in the lamplight, rested on her lap, a testament to her recent triumphs. The atmosphere, however, bore an unexpected weight, a tension that lingered like a storm on the horizon.

The soft chime of her phone interrupted the silence, and she reached for it with a sense of anticipation. John's name illuminated the screen, a beacon in the encroaching darkness. With a swift motion, she answered the call, the faint echoes of hope coloring her voice.

"Hey, John. What's going on?"

Instead of the familiar cadence of his voice, a prelude to warmth and familiarity, a voicemail notification punctuated the air. Her brows furrowed in confusion as she tapped to listen, a subtle sense of foreboding settling in her chest.

The voicemail played, his words reaching her like distant echoes, carrying the weight of unspoken burdens.

"Hey, Ally. It's John. I, uh, I needed to head out to Canada for a bit. There are some things I need to handle, and I just... I need some time to think. I'll contact you soon; I promise. Just need to clear my head. Take care, Ally."

The room seemed to contract around her, the ambient sounds of the city outside fading into an indistinct hum. The warmth that usually radiated from the lamp now felt feeble against the encroaching shadows. The weight of John's words settled in the air, a heavy silence stretching between the seconds.

Questions, concerns, and a whirlwind of emotions stirred within her. Alexandra, accustomed to standing resilient against the storms of life, found herself navigating uncharted waters. She replayed the voicemail, parsing each syllable for clues, for a hint of the turmoil he might be facing.

The championship belt, once a symbol of triumph, now lay against the table like a silent companion. In this moment of uncertainty, she felt the cold reality that even champions grappled with challenges beyond the ring. As she stared at the city lights dancing beyond her window, Alexandra braced herself for a storm, both within and without.

With a steadying breath, she whispered to the emptiness around her, "We'll weather this too, John. Together." In the distance thunder rumbled and she turned towards the oncoming storm.

Climax Control Archives / Bombshell Badass
« on: September 15, 2023, 06:21:18 PM »
The Win
Violent Conduct
Vs. Jessie Salco
Yucatan, Mexico

The crowd was in a state of shock themselves. They were sure it was over, just like Alexandra was. She sat up holding her head. The same thought had to be running through her head. What does she have to do in order to win? But she forced herself to stand back up. She had to keep control of the match. Once she stood up she reached down to grab a hold of Jessie, but when she did. Jessie drove her foot right up into the jaw of Alexandra knocking her back creating some separation between the two. Jessie finding herself scrambling to get to her feet.

Once she was up she turned around right into a Forearm from Alexandra that knocked her back against the ropes. Jessie came springing right back and connected with a dropkick to the chest. Causing Alexandra to fall into the ropes on her side, but she also came springing right back up. This time leaping into the air and delivering a nasty V-TRIGGER right to the skull of the Bombshell Roulette Champion. It dropped Jessie down to one knee as Alexandra acted quick. Grabbing the head and arms of Jessie quickly lifting her up before planting her in the center of the ring with FALLEN ANGEL! Once Jessie rolled onto her back from being driven into the mat Alexandra made the cover attempting to get the win.

Adams: Spiked Jessie on her head with her signature move!


Simone: Alexandra is proving just how bad she wants to be the new SCW Bombshell Roulette Champion!


Adams: But Jessie is proving why she's been such a dominant champion for so long. She's not going out without a fight. That's something you have to respect.



As soon as the bell sounded Alexandra found herself rolling off of Jessie and laying there on the mat. Looking up at the bright lights above her. Jacob Summers kneeling down beside both women to check on them after such a hard fought battle.


Back inside the ring Jessie had started to roll out leaving Alexandra the ring. She was now on her feet as Jacob was handing over the championship. Alexandra quickly snatched it and held it above her head in victory. Clearly soaking in the moment.

Adams: I mean this as no disrespect to anyone, but this might've been one of the greatest SCW Bombshell Roulette Championship matches we've seen this year. Maybe even one of the best in this company's history.

Simone: The action was fast, it was hard-hitting, and it was brutal. At times downright violent. Living up to tonight's event name.

Adams: Alexandra brought it tonight and it worked out in her favor. She's the brand new champion, but that does bring the question of what's next for Jessie Salco?

Simone: We've heard her mention over the last few weeks. That when she lost the championship, it would be the end of her career. Is it really? Have we seen the last of Jessie?

Adams: You never know. After all they say you never truly retire from pro wrestling.

Simone: You're correct about that one, but somehow this just feels like it could be different

Jessie was shown sitting on the outside of the ring. Clearly trying to gather herself after the loss. All while Alexandra continued to celebrate in the ring. Cameras finally cut away from the ring and headed backstage to catch up with some other action going on.

The Faith of Friends
Violent Conduct Backstage
Yucatan, Mexico

Backstage in the dimly lit corridors of the wrestling arena, Alexandra Calaway, the newly crowned Bombshell Roulette Champion, stands in her private locker room. She wears the championship belt proudly on her shoulder, the gold and leather reflecting the dim light. Her face, etched with the marks of battle, tells the story of a hard-fought victory. She leans against a row of lockers, her breaths deep and steady as adrenaline still courses through her veins.

Alexandra's close friend, Miles, stands nearby, a grin on his face as he watches her soak in the victory. He knows the physical toll these matches can take on her, and he's been a source of unwavering support. Alexandra chuckles, looking over at him.

The room is filled with a mixture of exhaustion and euphoria. Alexandra's victory over Jessie Salco was hard-won, a brutal contest that saw both competitors pushed to their limits. The crowd's roars still echo in her ears.

Miles moves closer to Alexandra, his own excitement palpable. "You did it, Ally," he exclaims, his voice filled with admiration.

She turns to look at him, her hazel eyes meeting his with a mixture of exhaustion and exhilaration. "Yeah, Miles, we did it," she replies, emphasizing the collective effort it took to secure the victory.

Miles chuckles, a sense of pride evident in his tone. "You were incredible out there. It's like you were on fire."

Alexandra smiles, her heart swelling with gratitude for her friend. She knows that Miles has been a constant pillar of support in her wrestling journey.

"I couldn't have done it without you, Miles," she says, her voice filled with sincerity. "Your belief in me, your encouragement—it means the world. Thank you for being a good friend. The only real friend I have here."

As Alexandra continues to bask in the glow of her victory, she feels a sense of accomplishment wash over her. The championship belt resting against her shoulder represents not just a title but the culmination of years of hard work, sacrifice, and dedication.

"This title means everything to me," she says, her voice filled with emotion. "I've fought so hard to get here, to prove that I belong in this division. Hell in this company. And now, I have the chance to make a real impact, to inspire others to never give up on their dreams."

Miles nods, his eyes reflecting his pride in his friend's achievement. He knows the passion and determination that drive Alexandra, and he's seen her overcome countless challenges in pursuit of her dreams.

"You're an inspiration, Ally," Miles says, his voice filled with sincerity. "You inspire everyone who watches you in that ring. And I know there’s a little girl back home who couldn’t be any prouder than she is right now."

Alexandra smiles, a mix of gratitude and joy in her eyes. "I couldn't do any of this without friends like you, Miles. You've been with me through thick and thin. Seriously, I’m sure she’s looking at the TV in shock and awe right now."

As the adrenaline of the match begins to fade, Alexandra feels the aches and pains of battle settling in. But she wears them as a badge of honor, a reminder of what she's achieved. She knows that the road ahead won't be easy, that challengers will come, seeking to take her championship. But she's ready to face whatever comes her way, fueled by the support of friends like Miles and her unwavering determination. In the midst of celebration and relief, Alexandra Calaway stands as the Bombshell Roulette Champion, a testament to her unwavering dedication and the enduring bonds of friendship.

Jessie's Flowers
Strader Training Facility
Houston, Texas

Alexandra Calaway stands in the center of the wrestling ring, the Bombshell Roulette Championship glimmering under the spotlight. Her expression is a mix of determination and respect as she addresses the camera.

"You know, Jessie, when we stepped into that ring at Violent Conduct, it wasn't my intention to be the one to potentially retire you. I've always believed that a wrestler should decide when to hang up their boots, on their own terms. But sometimes, fate has its way of intervening."

She takes a deep breath, her eyes reflecting sincerity.

"Jessie, I want to make one thing crystal clear. I respect you. I respect your journey, your dedication to this business, and the legacy you've built. And I feel like I've said that a thousand times over. But it's still true today, as it was the day I first said it. You've been a formidable opponent, a fierce competitor, and you've left an indelible mark on the Bombshell division."

She adjusts the championship belt on her shoulder, a symbol of her victory.

"But, in the end, the decision to walk away, to potentially retire from in-ring competition, was yours to make. It's a decision that every wrestler has to face at some point in their career. And while I didn't want to be the one to push you to that point, I also knew that in our match, we would give it everything we had."

Her tone becomes more resolute.

"Jessie, we pushed each other to our limits. We fought with everything we had, and it was an incredible battle. But it was your choice, your decision, to step away from active competition. I didn't force you into retirement; it was the culmination of our clash, the physical toll this business takes on all of us."

She looks directly into the camera, her message clear.

"I want you to know, Jessie, that I have the utmost respect for you, both as a competitor and as a person. Our match was a testament to our dedication to this business. And while I may have won the Bombshell Roulette Championship, I know that you'll always have a place in the hearts of wrestling fans around the world."

She raises the championship belt high, a gesture of respect to her opponent.

"So, Jessie, as you step into this new chapter of your life, remember that your legacy in this industry is secure. You've earned your place among the greats, and I'm honored to have shared the ring with you. Retirement might be the end of one journey, but it's the beginning of another. I wish you all the best in whatever comes next."

With those words, she lowers the championship belt and exits the ring, leaving behind a message of respect and admiration for her opponent, Jessie Salco.

Family above all else
Strader Estate
Houston Texas

The Calaway-Strader household was bustling with excitement as Alexandra, still holding her Bombshell Roulette Championship, and her daughter Ashlynn, waited in the living room. John Strader, her supportive boyfriend, and his daughter Mackenzie were returning from Violent Conduct, the recent wrestling event where Alexandra had successfully defended her title. Alexandra couldn't help but wear a satisfied smile as she glanced at her championship.

Ashlynn's eyes sparkled with admiration as she looked at her mother. "Mom, that match was incredible! You totally rocked the ring."

John wrapped his arm around Alexandra, smiling over at her daughter. "She sure did, kiddo. Your mom's a real warrior out there. One of the best this industry has, Sin City Wrestling is lucky to have her."

Mackenzie chimed in, echoing her father's sentiments. "Yeah, it was amazing, Ash. Your mom is the best, well, other than my family."

Alexandra chuckled, the pride in her eyes unmistakable. "Thanks, guys. It means the world to me that you were getting to witness it."

John put his arm around Alexandra, pulling her closer. "You know, Ally, I had no doubt you'd come out on top. You've got the heart of a champion."

Alexandra leaned into him, grateful for his unwavering support. "Thank you, John. Having Ash, you and Mackenzie here makes every victory sweeter."

Ashlynn couldn't contain her excitement any longer. "Can I see the championship up close, Mom?"

"Of course, Princess," Alexandra said, carefully lowering the title belt so Ashlynn could get a better look. Ashlynn gingerly touched the gold, her eyes filled with awe.

John spoke up again, his tone filled with confidence. "You see, Ashlynn, your mom is not just a champion in that ring. She's a champion in everything she does. I knew she'd win it."

Alexandra exchanged a tender glance with John. "And I couldn't have done it without you all by my side. This championship, this victory, it's not just mine; it's ours."

With a shared smile, they celebrated the victory together, basking in the warmth of family, love, and triumph.

As they settled on the couch, Mackenzie couldn't resist asking, "So, Ally, what's next for you and that beautiful championship?"

Alexandra's eyes gleamed with determination. "Well, Mack, the thing about being a champion is that you're a target. Every wrestler out there wants a shot at this title, and I won't back down from any challenge. I plan to defend it with everything I've got."

John chimed in, a thoughtful expression on his face. "That's what makes Alexandra a true champion. She doesn't shy away from competition; she welcomes it."

Ashlynn, still mesmerized by the title belt, looked up at her mother. "Mom, do you think you'll have to fight Seleana again? You know, one of the ladies you faced to get this championship shot?"

Alexandra nodded, recalling her previous encounters with Seleana. "It's possible, sweetheart. Seleana is a fierce competitor, and she's got her eyes on this championship too. But remember, I've faced her before several times, and I know what it takes to defeat her."

Mackenzie's curiosity got the best of her. "Ally, can you tell us about that match? The one where you earned this title?"

Alexandra smiled, reminiscing about that pivotal match. "It was a triple-threat match, Kenzie, against Seleana and Bea Carter. We fought tooth and nail, and in the end, I managed to pin Bea for the win. It was one of the toughest matches of my career. Both ladies didn’t want to give up."

John added, "And she overcame the odds to win, just like we always know she does."

Alexandra continued, "That match wasn't just about winning a title. It was about proving to myself and everyone else that I deserved to be in the Bombshell Roulette Championship picture. I fought hard for this opportunity, and I won't let anyone take it away from me easily. Jessie still has a ton of my respect. What she did out there, was push me to the limits. Was to make me show that I’m not going down easily. She made me work for this."

Ashlynn, always inquisitive, asked another question. "Mom, what's it like to be a champion? Does it change things?"

Alexandra considered her response carefully. "Being a champion is an incredible feeling, Ashlynn. It's a symbol of all the hard work and dedication I've put into my wrestling career. But it doesn't change who I am. I'm still your mom, and I'll always be there for you."

John nodded in agreement. "That's the truth, Ash. Ally's a champion both in and out of the ring."

Mackenzie leaned in, her eyes filled with admiration. "Ally, you've been through so much in your career. From injuries to setbacks, you've faced it all. What keeps you going?"

Alexandra's gaze turned thoughtful. The amount of knowledge that Mackenzie wanted to soak in about the industry made her proud. "It's the love of wrestling, Kenzie. It's the thrill of stepping into that ring, hearing the roar of the crowd, and giving it everything I've got. I know each and every time I go out there, that it could be my last. But more than that, it's the support of my family and the belief that I can inspire others to chase their dreams. People like you Mack."

John smiled warmly at her. "And inspire you do, doll."

As the evening continued, the conversation shifted to lighter topics, filled with laughter and shared stories. Alexandra, the Bombshell Roulette Champion, cherished these moments with her loved ones. She knew that with their unwavering support, she could face any challenge that came her way, inside or outside the wrestling ring. Alexandra looked around at her newly forming future, seeing nothing but brightness ahead.

Online Wrestling News Source

Alexandra Calaway, the reigning Bombshell Roulette Champion, is no stranger to the sacrifices required to maintain her championship reign. Throughout her illustrious career, she's demonstrated time and again that she's willing to go to the extreme to keep that coveted gold around her waist. Alexandra understands that in the world of professional wrestling, competition is fierce, and only the most tenacious emerge as champions.

When it comes to retaining her title, Alexandra leaves no stone unturned. She knows that her opponents will bring their A-game, and she's more than willing to do the same. The intensity and drive that have defined her journey in the wrestling industry are channeled into every title defense. Alexandra doesn't just enter the ring; she steps into a battleground where she's prepared to bleed, sweat, and fight with every ounce of her being.

Seleana, a formidable opponent in her own right, will be met with an Alexandra Calaway who is not only determined but relentless. Alexandra understands that to keep her championship, she might have to make Seleana bleed. In the unforgiving world of professional wrestling, where titles are won and lost, Alexandra knows that retaining her championship will require her to push her limits, challenge her opponent, and fight with a ferocity that few can match.

In the end, Alexandra's commitment to her championship isn't just about the gold or the glory; it's about the legacy she's building, the battles she's willing to endure, and the message she sends to the wrestling world: she's a champion who will do whatever it takes to remain at the top, even if it means shedding blood and making her opponent do the same.

The Champion of Champions
Strader Estate
Houston, Texas

Alexandra Calaway stood before the camera, the Bombshell Roulette Championship proudly draped over her shoulder, the gold shimmering in the sunlight. Her eyes were fierce, her words laced with determination.

"Seleana, it's been quite the journey, hasn't it?" Alexandra's voice carried the weight of their history. "We've danced this dance before, you and I. The ring, the cheers of the crowd, the pursuit of gold – it's a story we know all too well. But history has shown, Seleana, that when it comes to stepping into that squared circle with me, the outcome remains consistent."

She paused, allowing the significance of her words to settle in. "I fought my way through challenges, through trials, and through some of the most talented competitors this division has to offer. It wasn't easy, but nothing worth having ever is. And now, I stand here as the Bombshell Roulette Champion, a title that symbolizes not just success, but the relentless pursuit of greatness."

Alexandra's gaze intensified, her grip on the championship growing firmer. "I know you're coming for this, Seleana. I know you want to etch your name into the annals of history as the champion. But I need you to understand something, something you should have learned from our past encounters – I'm not willing to relinquish this title without a fight. You want this gold? You want to wear this championship like a badge of honor? Then you better be willing to bleed for it."

She took a step closer to the camera, her voice turning cold as steel. "Seleana, you've seen my journey. You've seen the sacrifices, the pain, and the relentless pursuit of excellence that have brought me to this moment. I've fought through trials that would break most, and I've come out on the other side stronger, more determined, and hungrier than ever."

"The Bombshell Roulette Championship means more to me than just gold around my waist," Alexandra continued. "It represents every sleepless night, every sacrifice, and every moment of pain that I've endured to get here. So, Seleana, when you step into that ring with me, know this – you're not just facing Alexandra Calaway; you're facing everything I've become. You're facing a champion who's fought her way to the top and isn't letting go without a fight. We've danced this dance before. We've faced each other in that ring, and you know as well as I do that I'm not one to back down from a fight. If anything, I thrive on it. So, it's no surprise that you've come back, hungry for the Bombshell Roulette Championship."

She smirks, a glint of challenge in her eyes.

"But here's the thing, Seleana. Wanting that championship is one thing, but how far are you willing to go to get it? We've pushed each other to the limits before, and this time, I intend to take it even further. The Bombshell Roulette Championship means the world to me, and I won't let it slip through my fingers easily."

She adjusts the championship belt on her shoulder, a symbol of her determination.

"No matter what that wheel lands on, whether it's a Steel Cage match, a Falls Count Anywhere match, or something even more brutal, rest assured, I'll use it to my advantage. I'll push you, Seleana, to the very brink of what you can endure. And the question you need to ask yourself is, are you willing to bleed for it?"

Her voice carries a note of intensity as she gazes directly into the camera.

"You see, Seleana, this championship isn't just gold and leather. It's a symbol of my dedication, my hard work, and my will to succeed. I've fought tooth and nail to get here, and I won't let go without a fight. So, prepare yourself, because when we step into that ring, it's not just about winning the championship; it's about survival. And I intend to survive, to thrive, and to walk out of that ring still holding this title high."

With a determined look, she raises the championship belt, signifying her readiness for the battle to come. Her words echoed with an unshakable resolve.

"Darling Seleana, history will repeat itself. When the dust settles, when the bell tolls, and when the referee raises the hand of the victor, it will be mine, once again, that's held high. I've beaten you before, and I'll do it again. This championship isn't going anywhere, not as long as I have breath in my body and fire in my soul. At least not to you."

With a final, steely gaze into the camera, Alexandra concluded.

"So, Seleana, prepare yourself for a battle like no other. The Bombshell Roulette Championship isn't just on the line; it's my legacy, my determination, and my will to succeed that you'll have to overcome. And let me tell you, Seleana, that's a challenge many have risen to, and none have conquered. Get ready, because when we clash, the ring, the fans, the entire company will bear witness to history once more, and the outcome will be undeniable – Alexandra Calaway, still your Bombshell Roulette Champion."

With that she gave a shrug, looking into the camera one last time with a wink, before she walked off into the darkness.

Climax Control Backstage
San Diego, California
Viejas Arena

The bustling energy of the San Diego arena filled the air as Alexandra Calaway, the reigning Bombshell Roulette Champion, prepared for her upcoming match. This time, there was an additional source of excitement and support—her loving boyfriend, John Strader, and their children, Ashlynn and Mackenzie, were accompanying her to the show.

In the locker room, Alexandra, already dressed in her wrestling gear, sat on a bench, her championship belt resting beside her. She couldn't help but smile as she watched John and the kids settle into the room. Ashlynn and Mackenzie, wide-eyed and thrilled to be in the midst of the wrestling world, were taking in every detail, from the racks of costumes to the vibrant posters of wrestling superstars.

John, ever the calming presence, approached Alexandra with a warm smile. "You ready for this, champ?" he asked, his voice filled with admiration.

Alexandra nodded, her eyes reflecting the determination that had carried her to this point. "More than ready, John. Having you and the kids here with me makes it even better."

Ashlynn, Alexandra's spirited daughter, couldn't contain her excitement. "Mom, I can't believe we get to see you wrestle! It’s been a little bit, since we got to see it in person." She exclaimed, her eyes shining with pride.

Mackenzie, the older of the two, chimed in with a shy smile. "Yeah, Alex, we're your biggest fans."

Alexandra's heart swelled with love for her family. Having them by her side was a source of motivation and strength. "I'm so glad you're here," she said, pulling them both into a warm embrace. "And Mackenzie, this is a great opportunity for you to see what the locker rooms are like at a show."

As the time for her match drew nearer, Alexandra felt a mix of nerves and anticipation. She knew that the support of her loved ones would carry her through any challenge that lay ahead.

John, ever the supportive partner, placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You've got this, Ally," he said, his eyes filled with unwavering belief. "We're all here to see you shine."

Alexandra nodded, smiling at John and kissing him softly, her hand resting on his cheek. “I’ve got this, because you all are here.” She winked at him.

With her family and the championship belt that symbolized her hard-fought journey, Alexandra Calaway stepped out into the roaring arena, ready to defend her title. As she made her way to the ring, the cheers of the crowd mingled with the enthusiastic cheers of her children, the loving gaze of John, and the wide-eyed wonder of Mackenzie. In that moment, Alexandra felt like she had everything she needed to face any opponent and overcome any obstacle. With her family by her side, she was unstoppable.

Saying Goodbye is hard
Off Camera

The airport is bustling with travelers and the excitement of the upcoming journey fills the air. Alexandra stands near the entrance, accompanied by her daughter Ashlynn, John, and his daughter Mackenzie. The four of them are preparing to say their goodbyes as Alexandra gets ready to head to Cuzco, Peru for her wrestling show at Machu Picchu. Alexandra pulls her daughter into a tight hug.

"Take care of yourself, sweetheart. I'll miss you so much. I'm going to miss all of you.  I know it's just a few days.  But, beign away from you all sucks."

"I'll miss you too, Mom. But I know you'll rock that show and bring back another victory!"

"That's the plan! You be good for the Straders and take care of everyone, okay?"

"I will. Love you, Mom."

"Love you more, sweetie."

She kisses Ashlynn's forehead. John and Mackenzie step forward, and Alexandra turns to her boyfriend, giving him a warm smile. He wraps his arms around her and hugs her.

"You're gonna do amazing out there, babe. Like you always do. Just remember we're all cheering for you."

She rested her head on his shoulder. As she also pulls the girls into a hug.

"Thank you. I had that I'm having to leave so quickly after you get home John."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure my Dad stays out of trouble while you're gone!"

Mackenzie laughs looking around, before pulling away.

"I have no doubt about that. You're the best, Mackenzie. Look out for Ashlynn while I'm gone."

"I know! And I will."

"And I'll make sure to keep Ash safe. But seriously, be careful, okay? And have a blast at Machu Picchu."

"I will, and don't worry. I'll have my game face on the whole time."

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you, My Queen. Besides you have to come back in one piece and face Matt Knox."

The Queen comment causes Alexandra to blush and the girls giggle at the exchange.

"And I will."

The couple shares a romantic moment, kissing passionately.

"I'll be back before you know it."

"Can't wait. But we've got plenty to do to keep us busy right girls?"

As their tender moment ends, Alexandra turns to face the adventure ahead. Looking back the girls wave and John winks at her.  Ashlynn runs over and hugs her mom.

"Well, I better get going. The show won't wait for me and neither will this flight."

"Have an amazing time, Mom. We'll be waiting for you when you get back."

"Counting down the minutes. Love you all."

"Love you too, Alexandra. Kick some ass out there."

With a final wave, Alexandra walks towards the departure gate, carrying the love and support of her family with her. As she heads off to her next wrestling adventure, she knows she has a team cheering her on from home.

Undisclosed location within Machu Picchu
On Camera

Alexandra stands in a dimly lit area, the moon casting a great glow on her, her eyes focused on the camera in front of her, ready to address her upcoming match against Bea Barnhart and in the Triple Threat Roulette Qualifier. The soft glow of the moon causes her to cast an eerie shadow on the ground as she stands still. She takes a deep breath, steeling herself for the daunting task ahead.

"In this industry, you learn that success is not a straight line. It's a tumultuous journey, filled with peaks and valleys, victories and defeats. And trust me, I've experienced them all. I may have been the last World Champion of PWS: Apex, but that doesn't mean my path has been paved with nothing but gold."

Her eyes pierce through the camera, revealing a sense of vulnerability beneath her confident exterior. It was pretty clear that Alexandra was focused on the task at home.

"SCW has been a different beast entirely. A place where the competition is fierce, and every match is a battle for survival. I've tasted the bitterness of defeat here, and I won't deny that it hit me hard. But let me be clear, those losses only fueled the fire inside me. They drove me to push harder, to fight with everything I have, to prove that I belong at the top once again."

She clenches her fists, determination coursing through her veins. Her setbacks are still solid in her mind. Like fresh wounds after a big battle. So far her time in Sin City Wrestling, was marked with a horrible win and loss record.

"It hasn't been an easy road, and I've faced my fair share of setbacks. But through it all, I never lost sight of who I am and what I'm capable of. I am a former World Champion, and that title was not just handed to me. I fought tooth and nail to claim it, and I will fight even harder to claim a title here in SCW, Specifically the Bombshell Roulette."

Her voice grows stronger, her resolve unyielding. She needed this win, she needed to know that she was better than it seemed. She used to be at the top of the game. But lately the loss after loss, had made her consider other things.

"Yes, I've had my downfalls, but I've also had moments of triumph. I've faced the best this company has to offer, and I've shown that I can go toe-to-toe with anyone. Every loss has taught me something, every defeat has made me stronger, and now I stand here more determined than ever."

She takes a step closer to the camera, her eyes blazing with a fierce determination. With each step down the stone pathway, she can feel the strength growing within her.

"So, to my opponents, to anyone who doubts me, I say this - you may think I'm down and out, that I'm just another name on the roster. But mark my words, I am a force to be reckoned with. I am the Hellion, and I will not be taken lightly. This may be SCW, a place of trials and tribulations, but it's also a place where dreams are made. And let me tell you something, my dream is to stand tall once again as a Champion. I've done it before, and I'll do it again. So, bring on the challenges, bring on the competition. I welcome it all, because it's through these battles that I will rise. The Hellion will reign once again, and no one will stand in my way. Which brings me to my opponents. Roulette rules?  So be it."

She cracks a smile and nods, knowing she had words for both these ladies. Both were fierce competitors, however, she had a new found fire. A flame that could not be extinguished by them. Her confidence returned at long last.

"Seleana Zdunich, oh how the tables have turned. You see, it wasn't that long ago when you were cheering from the sidelines as Crystal, your beloved wife and trainer, stepped into a wrestling ring to face me. And each time, she fell victim to my relentless pursuit of victory. I relished in hurting her, in destroying her momentum, just as I will in stopping you."

She smirks, recalling the battles she's had with Crystal. Countless times the two have faced off and every time the result is the same. Alexandra had to chuckle at the fact that she would be facing the wife of the same woman who she just fought again recently.

"Crystal gave it her all, just like she trained you to do, but it wasn't enough to stop the Hellion. And now, here you are, stepping up to the plate to face me yourself. But let me be clear, Seleana, you're not going to find a different outcome than Crystal did. You see, Seleana, you may be riding on the coattails of your wife's success, but that doesn't make you a champion, or even championship material. It doesn't make you worthy of stepping into the ring with me. Crystal may have trained you, but she couldn't prepare you for the war that awaits you when you face the Hellion. She couldn't prepare you for the ferocity, the determination, and the hunger that drives me. I will show you why I am the queen of this ring, and you will bow down before me. Ask her, go on, look at your wife and ask her how badly it hurts to be in that ring with me.”

Her voice turns cold and confident as she speaks about the upcoming match. Her eyes lock onto the camera, her intensity burning bright.

"You may be trained by Crystal, but you are not her. And no matter how much she may have taught you, no matter how much she has poured into you, it won't change the fact that you are stepping into the ring with me, the woman who has conquered opponents far greater than you. The woman who isn’t afraid to do what must be done. I hope you're prepared, Seleana, because this is not going to be a walk in the park. This is not going to be a training session with your wife. This is a battle, a war, and I intend to win it. I will show you just why I am the Hellion, the woman who has fought her way to the top and will stop at nothing to stay there.

She takes a step closer to the camera, her voice low and dangerous. Almost cold and uncaring.

"You may think you know me, Seleana, but you don't. You may think you know what I'm capable of, but you have no idea. I have faced opponents from all walks of life, and I have emerged victorious time and time again. And you, my dear, are just another name on the list. I hope you've been training hard, Seleana, because you're going to need every ounce of strength and skill you can muster. I don't back down from a fight, and I sure as hell don't let anyone stand in my way. The Bombshell Roulette Championship is mine, and I will do whatever it takes to make sure it is around my waist."

Her confidence oozes from every word she speaks. She lets her words hang in the air, the intensity of the moment palpable.

"So, Seleana, you can bring all the fight you want, but it won't be enough. You can have the support of Crystal, but it won't save you. Because when you step into that ring with me, there will be no mercy, no quarter given. It will be a battle for the ages, and I will come out on top, just like I always do."

She took a deep breath, pausing for just a few moments.

"Bea Barnhart, you must be feeling pretty good about yourself, huh? You think you're on top of the world just because you managed to beat me in one of my first matches in SCW? Well, let me tell you something, Bea, that was then, and this is now. Things have changed, and I've changed."

Her voice drips with contempt as she recalls that painful loss.

"I remember that night like it was yesterday. The humiliation, the frustration of falling short against you, it still lingers in the back of my mind. But let me be clear, Bea, that was a long time ago, and I've grown since then. I've been in other companies, learned a few lessons here in Sin City Wrestling, fought some of the best and became a force to be reckoned with."

Her eyes narrow as she speaks with an edge of malice.

"You think you've seen my best? Oh, honey, you haven't seen anything yet. I've been biding my time, waiting for the perfect moment to get my revenge. And now, with the Roulette Qualifier upon us, that moment has arrived. You may have beaten me once, but I promise you, it won't happen again."

She takes a deep breath, trying to contain her anger.

"You see, Bea, I've had to claw my way to the top, and I'm not about to let you or anyone else stand in my way. The fire inside me burns hotter than ever, and I will not be denied. I will destroy you in that ring, and I will prove to everyone that I am the superior competitor."

Her voice grows cold and calculating.

"You may think this is just another match, but for me, it's personal. You humiliated me once, and I will make sure it's the last thing you ever do. I will break you, Bea. I will make you regret ever stepping foot in the same ring as me."

She steps closer to the camera, her eyes blazing with intensity.

"You won't be able to hide behind your past victories this time. I am a different woman now, a woman who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. And what I want is to crush you, to wipe that smug grin off your face and leave you lying in the dust."

Her words are laced with venom as she continues.

"You see, Bea, this isn't just about winning the Roulette Qualifier. This is about redemption, about proving that I am better than you in every way. So get ready, because I'm coming for you, and I won't stop until I've taken everything from you. I step into this ring with one goal in mind - to take down the woman who once thought she could break me. Bea Barnhart, you may have beaten me before, twice I might add, but let me make one thing crystal clear - that was a fluke, a mere blip on my journey to greatness."

Her voice resonates with unwavering confidence as she continues.

"I have faced the toughest of opponents, battled through the most grueling matches, and risen to the top of this industry. But there's one thorn that's been stuck in my side, and that's you, Bea. You dared to think that victory over me made you superior, but I'm here to show you that you couldn't be more wrong."

She takes a moment to let her words sink in, her eyes never leaving the camera.

"Bea, you may have been blinded by your own arrogance, but I've been honing my craft, improving every single day, and learning from every setback. You see, I thrive on challenges, on proving my worth in the face of adversity. And at Climax Control, I will prove, not only to you but to the entire world, that I am the true dominant force in this industry.

The crowd roars in response, energizing Alexandra even more. Her eyes blaze with intensity as she continues her passionate tirade.

"When we step into that ring, I will unleash every ounce of fury and determination I possess. You may think you know what's coming, but trust me, you have no idea. You'll be facing a woman who has faced her darkest fears and emerged stronger than ever before. Bea, I'm not just fighting for victory in the Roulette Qualifier. No, I'm fighting for redemption. I'm fighting for every moment I've spent training, sacrificing, and pouring my heart and soul into this business. I'm fighting for all the doubters and naysayers who ever questioned my abilities. And I'm fighting to prove to myself that I am, without a doubt, the best in the world."

Her voice takes on a chilling tone as she issues a  further warning to her opponent.

"So, Bea, I hope you're ready because when I step into that ring, there will be no mercy, no respite. I will show you the true meaning of pain, the true meaning of defeat. And when the dust settles, there will be no doubt left in anyone's mind that I am the one who deserves to advance in the Roulette match to face Jessie Salco at Violent Conduct."

She raises her arms, soaking in the energy of Machu Picchu around her. The energies in the earth fill her with the strength of the ages. She focuses her gaze back on the camera once more, opening her eyes focused on the lens. A fire filled her eyes.

"When we all step into that ring, history will be made. And I will once again prove that I am not just the Hellion I claim to be, but the future Bombshell Roulette Champion of SCW. So, Bea Barnhart, brace yourself because the Hellion is coming for you, and there's no escaping the wrath that's about to be unleashed. Bea Barnhart, you made a big mistake by crossing me. And now, you're going to pay the price. The clock is ticking, and your time is running out. See you in the ring.”

With that, Alexandra turns around and walks back up the steps into Machu Picchu, with a newly found focus she hadn’t had in a while. Jessie Salco and Alexandra would meet at Violent Conduct and all she had to do, was make sure that Bea and Seleana did not.

Climax Control Archives / The Karma || Tagging with Miles Kasey
« on: June 02, 2023, 05:52:10 PM »
Alexandra’s Blog
May 31st, 2023
Calaway Estate
Dallas, Texas

This was the small amount of time that Alexandra would have to let everyone who followed her blog know what was going on in her life. It was easier in those moments than a simple video, sometimes, that couldn’t last forever and knowing her, would get her social media banned. Sitting down at her laptop, she looked out the window, up at the moon, collecting her thoughts. She had a big chance ahead of her, tagging with someone she had faced in the ring before.

So here we are again, another blog, letting you all have a glimpse into my personal life. Something I never used to do, something I said I never would, yet, here I sit, typing out my personal life and sending it into the void of social media. I’m done hiding, I’m done keeping secrets. Something big hangs in the air, a secret that could come to light very soon. A secret I never should have kept, however the danger was too great, should that secret come to light, people could have died. When it does, I only hope that those who are involved can forgive me for never telling them. But that’s a story for another time. Things are.. Hectic, but I must focus. I have to focus on what’s important at this time. Enough about my personal life, there’s more to worry about. My focus is on my match, going into this, I was glad that he came to me, instead of me going to him.

Sin City Wrestling gave me a place to showcase my talent and so far, I’ve been lacking because of my personal bullshit. This time, no. I’m not going down without tearing apart our opponents. I’m not going to just lay down and take it anymore. Bea, Luna, Bobbie, Krystal, in due time I will take everything you hold dear and destroy it. I will watch as you crumble to your knees in front of me and beg for release. However when that time comes for you, and it will, I will look down on you and kick your god damned teeth down your fucking throats. For now, it’s Oliver Zahn and Eiley who get to feel the pain and I will not leave that ring until they are both on their backs in pain, wishing they hadn’t shown up.

This week, I’ll be teaming with Miles Kasey, a man who is as breathtakingly talented as he is gorgeous. Now before you all go making assumptions, I’m well aware of him and his partner. I adore both of them and I am happy for them. I’m honored that Carter would trust me with the safety and well being of his beloved. And he has my word that I will keep Miles as safe as I possibly can. The man is talented and knowing that he’s in my corner as my new tag team partner, well, I have nothing to worry about. The two of us working together, will be JUST what we both needed.

Miles, I’m sure you’ll read this at some point, I’m sure words will reach your ears. I want you to know that no matter what happens out there, I have your back. There’s nothing to worry about when it comes to me.  Unlike when I teamed with Krystal, I won’t do to you what she did to me. I unlike that woman, and I use that word lightly, I have nothing left to prove. We work well, just look at what we did in our match against each other. That match was one of the best. This time, instead of being opponents, we are in each other’s corner. Let’s show them what happens when two of the BEST WRESTLERS in SCW work as a cohesive unit. I can’t wait to have you for my tag team partner. I know that both Oliver and Eiley are gunning to take us out, so let’s show them what happens when we become a target.

Oliver Zahn, a name I’ve heard whispered, but is he really ready to face off against someone like Miles or myself? Not that it matters, because he will soon find out just what the two of us are capable of doing. Has he been on a roll of late, yes. But soon enough, everyone hits a wall and finds themselves on the losing side. No one can win all the time, those on the top, eventually wind up on the bottom and those who seem to be untouchable, become the touched. It just takes the right catalyst. At Climax Control, he finds himself standing across the ring from two catalysts, prepared to dethrone him.

Eiley, sweet little girl, a woman of your ilk, shouldn’t be worried about this match. But here you are, you are going to be stepping into the ring with a team who knows each other’s moves, who’ve been in the ring against each other, we know what each other can do.  You may know exactly who your partner is, how he works, how he ticks. But you don’t know what we, what myself and Miles can do.  Neither of us have to prove ourselves to anyone, we are here and we are going to do what WE do best, which is beat the shit out of people. We are here to wrestle against the best of the best and beat them. Which is exactly what we plan on doing to the two of you.

There’s nothing more at this time, see you all soon. Tune into Climax Control, to see your favorite new tag team take the world by storm.

Post and BAM there it was, her life in the public view now. And to be honest, it was a wonder that her life wasn’t that public yet. There it is, the start of something new, something better. The Tag Team that the people deserve. She wasn’t sure just how hard it would be to live life now. It was different now, she was different now. The same woman who hid that dark secret for years, now was different. She wasn’t scared now then again there was nothing to be afraid of right. Those threats went when he did right? After all, no threat is there forever, but could it really have died out in eleven years. Was it really that simple? Could all the hatred and desire to end his bloodline be gone that easily? She had to be sure before she could come clean about it to them. There was far too much risk and Ashlynn had already been through too much in her life to have to learn this truth, but it was coming. Soon everyone would know the truth and their lives wouldn’t be the same.

For now, her focus was on winning. She needed it. She was lost for a while, especially with her life in shambles as it had been. Between her and Miles Kasey, there was no way they could lose, unless someone else got involved, after all, she did attack Bobbie Dahl last week, wanting revenge for what had happened in the Blast From the Past tournament. A match that she and Raven could have won, a match SHE should have won. Now the time had come.

June 1st, 2023
DFW Airport
Dallas, Texas

Alexandra had been sitting in the airport waiting for her flight. Her daughter would be safe, staying with her friend Tamika Strader for the next few days while Alexandra worked. It was only a matter of time before Alexandra and her daughter would be reunited, at least if she was with the Straders, she would be safe.  Her phone rang and she picked it up, seeing the number and photo of the person calling, a smile crossed her face and she spoke.

“Hey handsome. Just waiting on my flight to Tucson Arizona for Climax Control. Nah, it’s fine. I can handle this one. Ash? She’s with your sister. Hey come on, Tamika has been a good influence on her.  I trust her with my daughter, as much as I trust you with her sweetheart. I know that so long as she’s there, she’s safe from harm. You and Mika wouldn’t let anything happen to her. I trust your family John, who is better than the Straders.”

Alexandra chuckled, listening to the person on the other end of the line. It was like something had changed between them and she wasn’t sure what it was, but she liked it a lot. She smiled like a teenage girl with her first crush, but when she caught her reflection she stopped and cleared her throat.

“I am in the middle of the airport handsome. Can you not make me blush? Come on John, this isn’t fair. I’ll come see you after this is over, besides, aren’t you going to congratulate me, I’m the World Champion of PWS: Apex. If anyone believed in me, it was you.  Well it’s what I do darling. You should know by now I go out there every show and give it one hundred percent. We both know I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t.”

She listened as the voice on the other side spoke again, that smile returned and she gave a nod, seeing her flight boarding.

“My flight is boarding, sorry to cut this short. I’ll call you when I land.  I’ll miss you too, nothing to worry about. I wish you were going with me, but I know you’ve got your own things to deal with. I’ll see you soon, handsome.  We both know this, besides, I’ve got a tag match to go win.”

She smiled as she hung up and looked at the photo until her phone faded to black.  She closed her phone and stuffed it into her pocket, standing to walk towards the booth to check into her flight, before walking down the tunnel. She looked back over her shoulder, knowing that there was a possibility he was here, but she didn’t see anything. It’s very often that she could look over her shoulder and he would be there protecting her. And honestly, she had grown used to that, however this time, she would have to do it alone. Both of them had their own issues to deal with right now. Hers was this match, his was personal.

Time to show you just who the hell we are
Hiking up Mount Lemmon
Hoodoo Vista
June 2nd, 2023
Tucson, Az

Once at the highest point, she took a moment to take in all of the view around her. It was gorgeous and honestly, it was a view she would have killed to have been sharing with her lover. But she knew it wasn’t time. Thousands of thoughts flowed through her head. It was only a matter of time before she would need to say something more about her match. There was a lot to say to be perfectly honest. She needed this win, she needed to remind everyone here just who she was. It was true, fate had not been on her side lately and she needed to turn this shit around. Miles was trustworthy, he wasn’t Krystal, he wasn’t Alexander Raven. He was a man who knew WHO he was and WHAT he could do. She feared nothing and neither did he. Together the two of them would make a formidable team, one that could boost Sin City Wrestlings Tag division to new heights. They just needed to win and they would. Using her phone, she set up the camera to record, she could send it over to the management team at Sin City when she made it down the mountain. Taking a breath she began to speak.

“Oliver and Eiley, there is something you two need to realize about me. I do not stop. I will not give up and I will not stop until both of you are begging for me to stop, and maybe not even then. You see, up until last week, I was testing people. Testing the waters here in Sin City, but not anymore. If the people here want to see me as weak, then I’ll show them just how weak I’m not. Bea, Bobbie, Luna and Alexander, hell even Krystal Wolfe all see me as a weak individual.  What because of my age? Because of my lack of wins? That’s not what builds a champion. The thing that builds a champion, is taking your losses in stride. How do you think I’ve managed to stick around for twenty-three years in this industry? I take all the time I need to get a feel for people, for management and then I strike.  And strike I do. Ask any company I’ve been in, they’ll all tell you the same thing. Alexandra loves to play with her prey, then when they are comfortable, she takes them down.”

She paused for a few moments, her focus out over the horizon again.  She takes a breath and swallows before turning back to the camera, focusing on her opponents now. Oliver Zahn, what was it with these men who tried to pull off the brooding look. Every little bitch coming out of some academy acts like they have something to prove. Both Oliver and Eiley had that look about them and it disgusted Alexandra.

“Oliver you seem to have everything it takes, but from the look in your eyes, you aren’t ready for this. You aren’t ready for what either of us are capable of doing. And your little tag partner, she’s not ready for the woman I am. Neither of you could take me out and I won't allow it to happen. I’m done testing as I’ve said before. Now is the time for doing, the time has come and the two of you are going to be the symbol of that. You all saw what I did to Bobbie and that’s been building since my Blast from the past match. Once Miles and I tear you and your little buddy apart, I fully intend on destroying everyone who tried to stop my momentum here.”

Another small pause came as Alexandra tried to slow down the thoughts running through her mind.

“Eiley, you have all the time in the world to try and be the number one heel woman. You have the ability to do great things, I can see that. But don’t chain yourself to this Oliver guy. Strike out on your own, make a name for yourself. Don’t rely on a man to get you to the top. That’s not how the Queens of this industry are made. The Queens TAKE it, they make it known that they lead the call, not the man. But you know, what do I know right? I’ve lost every match here. I’ve not been focused. Your time will come, your time is not now. I promise you, listen to me, learn and you’ll see the truth.  Or you can wind up loony like Luna Vanity and in my crosshairs.”

And now a message to her partner. A promise to make and to keep. She knew they needed to be a cohesive team, one that worked together BETTER than Oliver and Eiley, and they would.

“Miles, you and I have been in a ring against each other, now we get a chance to be on the other side of that. We’ve finally got a chance to show everyone that we are even more formidable in the ring as partners than as opponents. I can’t wait to meet up and talk this out. We have a lot to discuss and very little time to do this in.  You posed this team up and we are going to do this. I believe in us, even though it seems we’ve got everything and everyone against us. The two of us have nothing to prove to these assholes, but it will be nice to destroy them, just to prove a point to everyone that WE are the ones who will run the mixed tag division.”

Alexandra shrugs her shoulders, laughing softly, looking over the horizon in the distance. Reaching up she pulls a chain necklace from out of her shirt and holds onto the charm.  Her heart racing at the thought of what’s going to happen if they win this match.  She shakes her head and tucks it away again.

“And as for me, my focus is on beating our opponents. That’s why I took the hike up here, that’s the whole reason for this video. I needed somewhere to find that inner peace again. I came up here to clear my mind, to build stamina and focus. I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to go into this match with my mind full of bullshit that I will eventually have to face. Right now, my mind has never been so clear. I know who I am, what I am, and what I want. I know what I need to do to make sure that we win. I will stop at nothing to get it. Oliver and Eiley, I hope that you both are just as ready. See you soon.”

With that Alexandra reaches over and turns off the camera. There was nothing more to say. Anything else would just be overkill and she knew that. Leave something for Miles to say, this was as much his moment as it was hers. All that she wanted now was to win this match and go home to her family. To the people who mattered the most to her and live her life without the fear that had hung over her head for so many years.

Meeting with Miles
Blue Willow Restaurant and Gift Shop
June 2nd, 2023
Tucson, Az

Alexandra waited at the restaurant she had been told to go to. After having spoken to Miles backstage when this whole idea came into being, she knew that the two of them needed to sit down and have a real conversation. There was no fear about what was going to happen in the ring. She knew what he was capable of, of what SHE was capable of. She needed to make sure that mentally they were on the same page, that what happened with Krystal wouldn't happen here, unless it was REALLY needed. Something told her she could trust Kasey, he wasn’t the type to pull that shit.

“I’m meeting a friend here. Miles Kasey, he should be waiting for me.”

The waitress led her towards the table and nodded as Kasey stood and the two shook hands.

“It’s good to see you again Miles, I’m glad we are going to have this time to discuss things..”

It was a needed meeting, knowing they both needed to clear the air after the match they had not too long ago. She took a seat and waited to see what he might say.


Climax Control Archives / Queens Gambit
« on: March 24, 2023, 08:17:17 PM »
Memoirs of a Legacy

For the longest time, Alexandra had referred to herself as the Queen of Social Media, having formed a blog where people could catch up on everything happening to her, no matter where they were in the world, this journey would be chronicled, to be added to her own biography later.  She took this time to sit down at her laptop and give them a journey to remember

March 15th, 2023

Twenty three years in this industry and I still get surprised when I’m invited to do amazing events, like this one, The Blast from the Past tournament.  Twenty-Three long years, traveling all over the world, wrestling in some of the strangest locations, including a McDonald's parking lot in Russia. In Australia, the outback.  I wrestled on the edge of a volcano, and so many other strange places, places that would scare most people to even dream up. And I am still standing, still fighting and holding it down for all the OG’s in the industry. An honor that I am more than willing to take on. It's been a long journey, one I often walked completely alone. It was through that loneliness I learned just what I am capable of, just what I needed to do what had to be done. To tap into that bit of darkness I possess within, that gives me the strength to destroy anyone in my path.

I should reach out to management and my dear friend to thank them for bringing me in for this tournament. Sin City has been on my radar for some time and now I get to show you all, those of you who I DON'T know just what I can do, what I’ve been doing for my entire career. Which is kicking ass.  Anyone who steps into a ring with me can tell you that Win or Lose, you don’t forget my name, or what I did to them in the ring. I leave my mark, no matter the circumstance. And I feel that with Alexander Raven as my partner, this match .. hell this tournament is ours to win.

Sitting here writing this, I’m still shocked that I received the invite to Sin City Wrestling, it wasn’t something I thought would happen, however it did. When the call came and I was informed that I would be participating in the Blast From The Past tournament. I couldn’t turn down the chance of participating in something I had seen so much about. My partner seems to be one of the top men in the company, so this should be very interesting. But the question I’ve heard whispered around through the internet is:

Can she hold her own in this match? Can she be a good ally for him? Is she any good?  Where the hell have any of you been for the last twenty-three years that I’ve been doing this? Here let me put all your fears to rest. Can I hold my own in this match?  I’m currently the NFW Genesis Champion, I recently defeated twenty-nine other competitors to win a World Championship shot in PWS: APEX, and I was BORN TO DO THIS.  Will I be a good ally for Alexander Raven?  Let’s see, I know for a fact that he’s a talented man, he’s powerful, talented, and we have the same mindset.  Am I any good?  If I wasn’t, I would have quit a long time ago. And here I am, twenty three years after my debut, still doing the damn thing.

And I will continue to do this as long as my body will allow me to do this. Lately I’ve had my fair share of controversy, my fair share of losses, however, one thing remains the same, I always bounce back.  And if anyone doubts that, they are more than welcome to either step into the ring with me.. Or tune in to any of the shows I’m on.  See you all at Climax Control.

Assembling the Team
Alexandra drove to the little bar that she had been given the address for.  Stepping out of her car,she took in the sight of it.  It was much like the ones she frequented back home before she became a mother.  Nodding, she walked into the bar, noticing how upon entering, it was just like the one’s back home in Dallas, those nice hole in the wall places, blasting some nice music. Strangely that made Alexandra feel like home. Scanning the bar, she spotted the person she had been seeking sitting at the bar. In front of him was a half empty glass of some amber liquid. From this distance she could tell, bourbon was his drink of choice. Something she herself favored too.

“Ah, the queen herself. Good to finally meet you. Despite what everyone might tell you, I’m only half a pretentious prick. In this place, my sanctuary, people actually like me. Usually.”

His voice was warm, booming, the voice of a man who was clearly aware of the power that radiated off him.  A King, ruling over a kingdom that no one else could dethrone. She had seen men like him and it was those men she was often closer to than any other.  She nodded, greeting him with a handshake. It was at this moment she spoke for the first time, to her future tag partner, Alexander Raven.

“Pretentiousness is something I can deal with.  Have you seen some of the people I associate with?  I wouldn’t have taken this partnership, if I couldn’t deal with it.”

“So, come, have a drink. If we’re guided by the hands of fate, then we’ll be spending a fair bit of time together. I apologize for that. Even my friend’s don’t want to put up with me for that long.”

“Well that’s something I understand all too well.  People rarely stay around me for long either.  So I get where you are coming from ALL too well.  I’ll have a bourbon on the rocks.”

She sat down accepting the chance to get to know her partner for this tournament.  Before her sat a man of impressive talent and she knew that with their minds on the same goal, as they both seemed to already click on social media.  She motioned to the bartender and looked over at him. She turned to look at Alexander Raven, wondering just what made this man tick.  It’s true, he was a champion, THE CHAMPION, that mattered in this match. When it came to her, she was the “new blood” in Sin City Wrestling, though not new to the industry.  She felt that this match was already won the moment they were teamed together.  Two people of the same mind, as a team, was going to be deadly for their opponents, they just needed to make sure they were on the same page. Consider this the first page of their fairytale, their trip to the top of the rankings, started here.

“Last time I teamed with an Alex, Alexoholic’s Anonymous if you will, there was short-founded success. Tag team championships, the boost and elevation of my own career, and in turn my first ever world championship run in my first… six months in the business. Also a crucified father, and my own attempted living cremation. I can’t imagine things going that way again… but.”

She shrugged and looked around. The patrons had started to take notice of them. That bothered her a little. She hated it, but something about it told her not to worry, that Alexander Raven knew this place well enough that she had no cause for concern.

“Well that’s something I understand all too well.  People rarely stay around me for long either.  So I get where you are coming from ALL too well.  As for anything that could happen in the future. Win or lose, you have my word that it will not go down that road. You and I are solid and on the same page. The last time I trusted someone with the name Raven, I wound up in a box, buried alive. So you could see we have a lot of the same issues to work out.”

“I have faith. I have faith that fate spun that wheel for a reason, and put us in each other’s midst. I’ll be honest. We’re going to win. That’s simple fact. I have no doubts.”

“Fate’s wheel was spun and it chose us.  Whatever happens now, it’s on us to decide. This is OUR kingdom and I will protect the throne as fiercely as any warrior would.  I may not look it, but I come from the greatest stock this industry has ever seen. A breed of individuals who seem to be a dying stock. Today’s people are often boisterous but unable to follow through.  They will crumble and fall at our feet, while we go on, continuing to rule on high.”

She looked at him, bringing her drink to her lips, she sipped it down.  She took the time to listen to him, knowing that the man had everything to lose in this match, his Internet Championship. Something she wouldn’t let be taken, no matter WHO stood in the ring against them. She pulled another long sip from her drink and looked over to him, listening once more.

“First match is a bit of… personal one, for me. I don’t like Jack Washington. Full of bravado but with no substance. Had some less than stellar things to say about me in the past. Arrogant little fuck, but he knows his stuff. Bobbie, however. Well, I don’t think Bobbie will be much of a problem. But, you never know.”

“If I’ve learned anything in my twenty three years in this industry, it’s never underestimate the underdog.  I personally do not know much about this Bobbie, but I know what I am capable of. More than anyone else, I want this win, this will be my first showing here in SCW and I will NOT let this night go by, without leaving my mark on it.”

“For me, this is a culmination. Validation of things I’ve been saying. The changes that need to be made, to ensure that things… continue. Metaphorically, the Kingdom is the image used, but truthfully, I am just that narcissistic and vain. It’s all well and good for me to spout on like I do, but the truth of it. I just don’t like the arrogance of them. Sin City is full of arrogant and blind sheep. The Blast from the Past, we put them on notice. That’s my expectations going in to this.”

“This industry is full of arrogant and blind sheep.  Know that your expectations will be met.  The Kingdom you have taken, will be yours to rule over. A partnership between Kingdoms.”

Before she could finish what she was saying, a man approached them and leaned on the table.  He scoffed and looked down at them, causing Alexandra to roll her eyes.

“Can I help you?  We are in the middle of a conversation.”

“Well, what does your man think about you being out with another man, while he’s wrestling in another city?”

“How is that any of your fucking business?”

“And you man.. How could you do that?”

“I've done many things, you'll have to be more specific. But if you are inferring infidelity against Luna. I would check your fucking tone.”

Alexandra looked over at Alexander, shaking her head.  At this point she was getting very annoyed with this jerk. She stands up and gets in his face, giving Alexander a chance to do whatever he wanted, to this asshole.

“You do realize that men and women can be friends.  Not that its any of your fucking concern, but we are coworkers.  And the only reason you have ANYTHING to say about this is because you are jealous.  You are jealous that no one wants you, you fucking wombat.”

“A what? What did you just call me bitch?”

“A wombat.  A waste of money, breath and time.”

With that she cracks the whiskey glass she had been drinking out of over the man's head, before kneeing him in the stomach as he doubles over.

“Stay down, and I won't break your jaw.”

Alexander Raven simply swings his arm backwards, cracking the man across the side of the face with the back of his fist, sending him crumpling into a pile on the floor. Muttering and murmuring from onlookers.

“Well if we fight anything like this in the ring, I think Jack and Bobbie have one hell of a team to deal with. I’ll tell you right now, I know that we’ve got this in the bag.”

The two stood back to back, looking around the bar to see if anyone else was going to try anything.  After a few moments, the bar patrons went back to their drinks and the pair sat down, going back to their drinks.

Sealed With a Scarlet Kiss
When the scene opens up we find Alexandra sitting on a throne, it was black, adorned with skulls on the hand rests and at the base of the legs, piles of skulls, made it appear as if she was sitting on the skulls of her enemies. The cushions of red velvet inlaid with sparkling silver studs. Alexandra was draped in a beautiful black gown, with pearls that shimmered when then candle light danced over them.  On her head, rested a large crown, which looked like it would cause any other normal woman to crumble under its weight. She had been petting what looked like a large black dog, which then laid at her feet. Her scarlet lips parted and she began to speak, leaning forward a bit, her eyes fixed on the camera.

Bobbie Dahl, from what I have seen, you my dear have all the talent in the world to take this industry by storm, if only you could focus on it. Let people run their mouths, that’s all most people can do. I see that you have potential, however, but the Blast from the Past will not be your time. This is my time to show everyone here in Sin City, who doesn’t know who I am, just what I can do.  And I will do what must be done, that thing that no one else has the strength to do.  If that means I must destroy you, then I shall. I will do what a QUEEN must do to protect the kingdom.

My suggestion for you, Dollface, is to stay out of this. From the things I have been told, your very partner ended your chances to win last time this tournament happened.  Poetic justice if you ask me. That the very man who was your opponent, is now your partner, that must be a pain to know that just that simple issue alone will be your downfall no matter who your opponents were to be. From the start, you were screwed over. I can promise your return into Sin City will not be at the expense of MY win. It will not change the cards that fate has dealt for you. They have chosen to place you in my path. My crown is not yours to carry for it is heavy and you would easily break under its weight. Bobbie you are right to fear me, because I am a person you SHOULD fear.

You are not Queen material. You are not ready to last in this industry.  There’s so much more out there that you could do. There’s so many other industries that would be better for you. DO NOT step into this world again. If you couldn’t do it before, I can promise, this time will not be different.  Instead of giving you someone easier to defeat, they gave you to me. You are cannon fodder. You are simply a meal for the worms, because when I am done with you, your career, your existence in this industry, will be six feet under. Unwilling victims, make the sweetest sacrifices to the darkness.  Do you feel it Bobbie? The icy breath of death on your neck?

She sits back snapping her fingers.  The dog sits up and rests his head on her lap. She reaches out and starts petting the dog on the head. A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she took a few moments to think about their other opponent, Jack Washington, a man who seemed he could be impressive, however, after looking back at the other things Jack had done, Alexandra found nothing impressive about him.

Jack Washington, after meeting my tournament partner, I see that there’s absolutely nothing impressive about you. Nothing at all. You may have beaten him once before, but if there is anything I have learned in my years in this industry is that you can use your losses, each one of them, and process ways to counteract the moves your opponent can make.  So that next time you face them, they cannot catch you off guard.You’ve had shot after shot to take down some of the so-called best in this industry, names I've Heard for years. And you fail each and every time.

You will not take the glory from Alexander Raven this time, not with me in his corner. Not when his tag team partner truly understands what it is like to hold dominion over lesser creatures such as yourself. You see Alexander and I, are of the same mind, cut from the same cloth. We understand each other and at this point, we need not even speak to know what the other is thinking or planning, can you say the same for you and Bobbie?  Can you trust her to do what must be done to win? Or will Alexander and I have an easy night? I would hope that you give us a fight, because otherwise, you can fade into oblivion with the others who waste perfectly good roster space.

I have a little taste of poetry for you, since you like it so much. Loser, going down with the fall, with every tick of time. Ready to be held and slayed, in return of a crime. Ruthless days, just crawl till dark, darkness too, throws no mercy on this losing and fading star. Shielding the gone, eluding a collapse, he stares into an empty faith. Blinding the mind, resurrecting the time, he runs against and alone, to distill self fate. For he knows what lay behind, is ahead again, if death you look to achieve, of little respect for pain. He stares to the other side, finding a kingdom of the divine, he seeks to dethrone, that which he could never own. Fear instilled, now creates a soul, who could not bother, the Raven King upon his throne, and now shall be locked inside the tower, ever fading within the ticking of the hour. His failures, the only greatness he could achieve, crumble and blow away, as the fall leaves from the trees.

I guess that says it all, doesn’t it. You have set your sights upon dethroning a king, that you don’t even have the ability to lace his boots. You want to feel important, so you use funny riddles and poetry.  You insult and belittle because it makes you feel stronger than your opponent. It will be an honor to stand at ringside and watch as Alexander Raven beats the shit out of you. This match, isn’t yours or Bobbie’s to win.

Alexandra reaches into a bag, pulling out a large bone, with a little meat on it, tossing it off camera and the large cane corso dog runs off, before dragging the bone back on camera and starts chewing on it.  Alexandra rises to her feet, still looking down at the camera from the throne’s steps.

Alexander Raven, you and I are birds of a feather. We’ve discussed this match, and our opponents to great lengths actually. Not only that, but we have discussed our minds and how alike they are, how much the two of us are alike. I personally cannot wait to show Jack and Bobbie that neither of us are beings of mercy. Mercy isn’t something we were shown and such as that is, we are unable to show it ourselves. To them, to anyone who shall try to stop us on our path to greatness. Side by side, we will take the tournament by storm and come out on top, where we belong, as The King and Queen of Sin City.

Standing tall on the throne of her own. A Queen, entering a new Kingdom, where people don’t know anything about her. Still there is no look of fear on her face. She stands as if she is to command a room of warriors for her cause, yet there is no one except herself and her dog. She looks away for a moment, before turning back to the cameras, raising the crown from her head, placing it on the seat of the throne.

I know that many of you have no idea who this woman is, stepping into a new kingdom, prepared to stake my claim.  At this time, I don’t care about your pathetic feuds, I don’t care about what plans you have made for yourself. What I do know, is that I fully plan on running through each and every one of you.  You may not respect me but there is something that is greater than respect that I crave.  I don’t need your respect, I don’t want it, I don’t even ask for it. Respect me or not, I don’t fucking care.  But you will FEAR me.  You will fear what I am capable of in a team and what I can and will do when we are one on one. If you think that I will simply lay down and all you to run over me, well I will show you something different.

So if any of you have a real problem with a legacy showing you precisely how this is done, feel free to step forward, but take what happens to Bobbie and Jack at Climax Control to heart. Use it as an example for what will happen to you if you step in my way or Alexander Ravens way, because partners or friends, we will still have each other’s back. So Bobbie, you suck up to Jack.. call him your fine friend, do whatever it is that your precious little dollface wants to do, but it won't change anything. When the dust settles I will walk back to my crown and sit upon the same throne you long to touch, you will be crushed beneath my boot, like the being beneath anyone who go on to greatness. Because in the end, you don’t have what it takes to dethrone me.

If you did, you’d be Alexander’s partner and I’d be stuck with Jack. Fate has already seen this, it’s been written in the stars and who are you to defy the Gods. You are a mere woman who can’t stick it out, you run at the slightest bit of a challenge. You take your pathetic excuse of a carcass and run into the darkness to hide in shame.  Do you know what I do when I lose?  Do you want to know? It doesn’t matter, I’ll tell you anyway.  I keep going.  I fight harder, I bleed for it, I destroy anyone who steps in my path. And right now, that’s you. So get yourself right with your maker, for at Climax Control, your ass belongs to me.  If you want my crown, come and take it.

With that, Alexandra steps down off the raised throne and walks towards the camera. She pauses, looking into it, before blowing a kiss at the camera. With a whistle, the large Cane Corso rises to his feet and pads along behind her as the camera zooms in, fading out on the crown sitting on the throne.


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