Author Topic: A Day At The... Gym?  (Read 331 times)

Offline Surf Boys

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A Day At The... Gym?
« on: January 29, 2016, 07:35:55 AM »
 A gym setting is seen as the camera goes from dark to light. Rows of machines are seen, as are people using them. Amongst the crowd, two confused looking men are seen, instantly recognizable as Narly and Radical, collectively known as The Surf Boys. The two stand in just Bermuda shorts as they look around the people working out. Narly turns his head to Radical, a look of confusion on his face.

Narly: Dude, what are we like doing here?

Radical rubs his chin, also a look of confusion on his face.

Radical: I have like no idea dude.

Narly nods his head slowly, but stops.

Narly: But this was your idea bro-migo.

Radical: It was?

Narly: Totes dude!

Radical rubs his chin in thought.

Radical: Are you sure? Maybe you like had too much coconut juice last night.

Narly: Nu uh. I said like let's totes go to the beach before we like visit Melody, and you said sha, but we totes need the gym like first, then I said, like first like before the beach or first like before Melody, and you said sha and I got confused.

Radical: Then I watched like a penguin video on youtube!

Narly: Sha ya did!

The two attempt a high five but miss dramatically, before hitting each other in the head. The two turn in pain rubbing their heads, but Radical smiles.

Radical: I so remember! That knock to the noggin totes helped me remember why we are like here!

Narly: Why dude?

A sad look crosses Radical's face.

Radical: Totally forgot already. No wait! It's back! We like got like another match dude in SCW, it's totes like more than one match over the last two weeks, and every dude and dudette like go to these places when they have lots of matches to get lots of muscles so being dropped on the booty doesn't hurt as much.

Narly: My booty is still bruised from being dropped on it last week dudeo.

Radical: Sha dude, mine too, but with more muscles, it totes won't hurt as much and we so won't have to sit on rubber rings anymore if we do like others do and get our muscles here.

Narly: You can get muscles here? How much are they dude?

Radical: I don't know but they must so have them in the gift shop!

Narly: We should totes check later.

Radical: Sha ah! For sure dude but while we're here, we should so do what those other dudes in SCW do and try this whole work out thing.

Narly nods in agreement and turns towards a combo weight machine, weights and pullees above, handles to the side as well as leg weights.

Narly: I totes want a go on that!

Narly moves in front of the leg weights and sits on the floor cross legged in front of them, his hands where feet should go and starts to lift with a struggle as a crowd of confused faces look at him.

Radical: Dude, I think you're doing it wrong. I think it's totes something that goes on your back to do push ups under.

Narly scratches his head and moves in to a push up position, the weights on his back. He does a push up, before turning his head to Radical.

Narly: Totes easier this way!

Radical's eyes light up as he points towards something.

Radical: Dude! There's a unicycle! Gotta give that a go!

Narly stands up and looks at Radical, running towards an ab roller wheel on the floor. Instead of using his hand, Radical jumps on it feet first and rolls the ab roller along with his feet before falling backwards and landing on his back.

Radical: Wipeout!

Narly moves over towards Radical and picks him up on to his feet. He moves Radical to a blue gym exercise ball.

Narly: Take a seat dude.

He points to the ball and Radical sits down on it a little too hard, bouncing him up in the air and landing next to the ball. He looks at Narly with sad eyes.

Radical: This is totes hard work. I don't know why people don't get their muscles like we do.

Narly: Totes agree, can't hurt your but in water on boards dude.

Narly sits down on a treadmill as Radical gets to his feet.

Radical: I think some music would totes cheer us up dude.

Narly grins and nods in agreement as Radical moves to the side of him. Radical presses a button on the treadmill, talking to it.

Radical: Weird music machine, totes play music.

A humming comes from the machine.

Narly: You got it to work dude, but I don't know this song.

The machine kicks in to life as Narly's eyes widen and the running belt below him starts to buzz and vibrate.

Narly: Dude, this totes feels weird on my tus...

Before Narly can finish his sentence, the machine send him flying across the gym, the sound of crashing heard as he flies in to something. Narly's voice can be heard off camera in a whiny tone.

Narly: My ass bruise now has an ass bruise.

Radical rushes over to Narly, picking him up amongst weights around him, pulling his dazed partner to his feet.

Radical: This place is totes dangerous and it never played my song.

Narly: That was totes a lousy jukebox. Can we like go visit Melody now?

Radical: Sha dude, maybe the doctor can totes look at your ass bruise.

The two nod together before walking away as the camera fades out.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 07:36:31 AM by Surf Boys »