Author Topic: The elusive "any" key  (Read 338 times)

Offline Surf Boys

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The elusive "any" key
« on: January 22, 2016, 06:39:56 PM »
 "Well east coast girls are hip,
I really dig those styles they wear!"

An out-of-tune singing voice was heard belting out the classic Beach Boys tune and Radical of the Surf Boys came out in the shack apartment he shared with his bro surf buddy Narly. The digs resembled a typical surfing movie residence, and if you think that's a stereotype, then you haven't laid eyes on the man himself.

Radical had on a Hawaiian style polo shirt, red in color with white outlined palm trees printed, and matching Bermuda shorts, sandals were on his feet as was the norm for him and his tag team partner, and on his head was a baseball cap that fit two cans of Sprite in them and an extra long straw that ran one end to both cans, and the other to his lips. He was singing along with the radio that hung from the bamboo rafters above his head, and carried a closed laptop computer tucked under his perpetually tanned arm like he might a surfboard on normal days. He walked up to a small dinette table, one of the few pieces of furniture he and Narly owned that didn't have some form of Hawaiian theme to it, although the tropical colors it came in could argue the point. Taking a seat, still humming the tune, even though it had ended on the radio station, and he flipped the laptop open and pressed the power button.

Radical: Far out, now let's hope this little doohicky is worth what we paid.

After a fair few moments, the laptop booted up with a soft *ping* and entered the wonderful world of high speed internet. Taking an extra deep slurp from his straw, Radical leaned in and looked at the words on the screen.

Radical: Hm, press any key to continue...

Biting his lower lip, Radical started to look over the keys of the laptop, his eyes searching over each one.

Radical: Any key... any key...

His brows narrowed in confusion and he shook his head.

Radical: Bummer! I would have to go and get the one laptop missing the any key!


At the sound of his partner and buddy's call of the mild, er, wild, Radical started and looked up just in time to see a grass skirt wearing, coconut bra sporting, Narly, sliding past him in his stocking feet, skid right past the screen and go crashing, making Radical wince. Radical watched as a bowl rolled past on the floor and several other little nick knacks stop rattling until he looked to his friend.

Radical: Er, dude of all dudes? That grass skirt you're wearing?

Off-screen  Narly: Yeah?

Radical: I do believe you're supposed to be wearing something underneath it.

Narly came back on-screen, blinking in confusion.

Narly: What do you mean surf bro dude? I'm wearing...

Narly started to part the grass but Radical quickly swerved the laptop in front of him. Narly looked down and his eyes went wide and his cheeks turned deep red.

Narly: Oops! Totally my bad as they say on the streets!

And he hurried back off-screen on the other side, Radical watching him go before shuddering.

Radical: That would make for a mighty uncool grass cut!

He turned back to the laptop and the never ending search for the any key, but had no time to pick up where he left off as Narly emerged back onto the scene, now wearing a colorful pair of Bermuda shorts of yellows, greens, reds and blues -- and still that coconut bra.

Radical: So what brings you to such a mighty excited state?

Narly: I just got a text from that bodacious bro that's not into babes!

Radical: Christian Underwood?

Narly: One and the same! He told me that we get to wrestle this weekend, here in sunny D!

Radical: You mean Sunny C?

Narly: Totally!

Radical: No way!

Narly: Way!

Radical jumped to his feet and the two Surf Boys jumped into the air for a chest bump -- a big mistake as Radical's chest met those firm coconuts of Narly's mid-air and he came flopping down with a grimace, holding his own coconuts -- so to speak.

Radical: Oh my aching manatees!

Narly: Bummer, dude! My most sincerest of apologies!

Radical: Totally my fault, bro! But have you been working out because your coconuts are more firm now than they've ever been!

Narly: No, no I just... wait, what?

The two blinked at each other, then looked at the camera and shrugged.

Radical: So, who are we wrestling? Some frightfully voltageous babe in jello I trust?

Narly: Fraid not! You still have to wait until Christmas to get that!

Radical: Bummer! So, who are we wrestling then?

Narly: That's just it! He said the details are online so I thought I'd ask you to hop on the Almighty Ethernet and find out. You know you're a lot smarter where it comes to computers than I am.

Radical: Compliments appreciated, my bra friend, but this laptop seems to be broken.

Radical takes a seat and motions towards the screen.

Radical: I mean, look! It says to press the any key to continue and the people who made this gadget forgot the any key!

Narly: Well that was mighty irresponsible of them to...

As Narly leaned down to look, his fingers brushed a key and the computer *pinged* to the web browser, and the two Surf Boys' eyes opened wide and they smiled.

Together: Far out!

A few moments of searching, and an accidental run in with a dominatrix fetish website, they finally managed to hit the right website and they looked up the run down (get it?) of this week's card.

Radical: Far out! Two honest and far out bro dudes! Simon Jones!

Narly: And if you think that's something, look who his partner is! Ben Jordan!

Radical: Isn't that the guy our little guy Despy says is just a Fig Newton of his own imagination?

Narly: That's the one!

Radical: Whoaaaa! This is going to be one serious mind trip! I guess that means we'll have to work on keeping Simon in the ring.

Narly: Why for?

Radical: Because if we let the imaginary dude in the ring, then Ben might be able to put a bigger hurting on us. Logic says to keep the guy who can hurt us more out of the ring.

Narly: Ah ha!

Radical jumps, looking up at Narly wide eyed.

Narly: I may have found the fatal flaw in your logic, my bro dude!

Radical: Do tell!

Narly: Well there's also the train of thought that if the Benster is what Despy says,.which would mean he's not what he is, then logic also says that he can't do anything to hurt us. You can't get hurt by your imagination.

Radical slowly turned his head back to the computer screen, as did Narly.

Together: Whoaaaa!

Radical: This is going to be by far a more far out match than I believe we've ever had, Narly!

Narly: I do believe you are right, Radical!

Radical: Say brah! I been meaning to ask you something.

Narly: The Walking Dead isn't based on a true story.

Radical nodded in comprehension.

Radical: Not what I planned to ask, but totally outrageous bit of trivia there! No, I was going to ask...

He pointed towards the coconut bra on Narly that had no straps.

Radical: How is that staying up?

Narly looked down at the coconut bra, then up and left to right to see if anyone was listening in. He leaned in to Radical and...

Narly: Will power.

Radical: Whoa....