Author Topic: Mixed Tag...Mixed Emotions  (Read 385 times)

Offline Alexis Edwards

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    • Alexis Edwards
Mixed Tag...Mixed Emotions
« on: November 26, 2015, 07:42:46 PM »
Sunday November 22nd
San Jose, Costa Rica
Immediately After Climax Control

So things when a little bit different than I had originally planned.  I think it was pretty damn obvious that I had plenty of time to stop Melanie from pinning Crystal and I really was going to.  But it was a last minute decision…a last minute thought that popped into my head, and I just…stopped.  I’m still trying to figure out completely why, but right now, I don’t even give a shit.  I’m sure Melanie will brag that she beat me or blah, blah, blah.  But, really, she beat Crystal.  I let that bitch pin Crystal and everyone saw it.

Or maybe they didn’t.  It doesn’t matter anymore.  I just want to get out of this shit hole and figure out what I’m going to do next.  I’m looking forward to next week off and not having to go through another shitty triple threat match.  Maybe I’ll head back to Las Vegas for a few weeks until December to Dismember.  Fuck, I’m so happy that this world tour will be over after December to Dismember and we can just stick to the Las Vegas area.

After the blonde reporter with the big tits and horrible name tried to get answers from me, I slammed the door to the dressing room in her face.  The fact is, I didn’t owe her an explanation so I gave her the big fuck you so I could get my shit together and leave.  Before I left, though, I remembered that I couldn’t watching Roxi and Keira face each other.  I had a feeling it would be boring as hell considering neither of them wanted to face the other, and really…I was kind of right.

I suffered through watching that shit, and now I’m almost wishing I hadn’t.  I have a feeling in some sick sort of way, Keira probably enjoyed that match, because it probably gave her ideas for their nasty bedroom activities, but I’m really trying to keep any image of that out of my head.  I didn’t even bother watching Sean Jackson face Kris Halc, mainly because Kris Halc is an undeserving asshole that deserves no attention what-so-ever.

Anyway, I’ve got my duffel bag slung over my shoulder and I’m just about to head out of the dressing room.  Just as I open the door, the pain in my ass this week, Celeste, nearly crashes into me, and she’s not even slightly sorry about it.  I was expecting her to have a grin on her face after her win against Mercedes tonight, but instead, she’s looking rather pissed off at me at the moment.  And I’m pretty sure I know why.

Lex: Whatever you want to say, C, it can way until later.  I’m ready to get out of this shit—

Celeste: Like hell it can wait.  The fuck was that shit out there, huh Lex?  I didn’t think you’d be that stupid.

She folds her arms, glaring at me with a half disappointed half angry look on her face.  I roll my eyes and let out a sigh before I look back to her.

Lex: Pot meet kettle?  Don’t you lecture me for doing the same shit just a couple weeks ago.

Celeste: Only difference being I gave you the damn win out there!  I practically gift wrapped the whole damn tournament for you and you went and threw it away!

I shake my head with a laugh.

Lex: Oh well.  Ask me if I care.

I go to walk past her but she steps in front of me, blocking me, as she continues to glare at me with a fury in her eyes.

Celeste: You may not, but I sure as shit do.  Doing what you did out there just proved that you’re exactly what you accused me of.

Lex: C, can you please just—

Celeste: Did Mikah convince you to do that shit?

My eyes go wide as she asks me that.  I’m left speechless for a moment until I let out a laugh and shake my head.

Lex: You’re joking, right?  Why would Mikah even do that?  And why the fuck would I let her convince me to do that shit?

Celeste: One, because she’s a selfish bitch who thinks she’s superior to everyone including you.  And two, because you’ve got her nose so far up her ass I can smell her shit just standing right in front of you!

I’m not laughing almost uncontrollably, but Celeste is dead serious.  She remains silent as she stares at me with a stern look on her face.

Lex: Look, C, I’ve got enough shit on my plate right now and going after Mikah and her title is not my top priorities.  I have my Internet Championship to worry about more, and I’m not interested in the World Bombshell Championship right now.

Celeste: Yeah because you’re too damn scared to face Mikah for a reason I still don’t understand.  You could have brought the World Bombshell Championship to the Nobodies, but now that isn’t gonna happen, is it?

Lex:  If you’re so fuckin’ concerned with bringing that title to the Nobodies, maybe you shouldn’t have handed me that win a couple weeks ago.  You could have easily won the tournament anyway.

Celeste shrugs her shoulders and lightly shakes her head.  She doesn’t seem to care much as she’s more pissed off at what I did.

Celeste: Well, that’s obvious but I was trying to do you a damn favor.  When are you going to see Mikah for the self-absorbed Mean Girl reject that she is?  She might claim to be your friend, Lexi, but I can see right through her bullshit.  I’m just surprised you can’t for whatever reason.

Lex: I don’t know how many times I have to tell you, C.  I…don’t…care!  What’s done is done, so just get over it.

Celeste: Whatever, Lexi.  It’s not me you should be worried about anyway.  Just wait until Tim finds out about this.

I let out a laugh and adjust my duffel bag over my shoulder.  I stare at her, not as concerned with Tim’s reaction as she seems to be.

Lex: I’m pretty sure Tim won’t give a shit either.  It was my decision, so like you, he’ll just have to deal with it.  Now, can you move please?  I need to see about getting a flight back to the states.  I’d like to enjoy the next few weeks off before December 2 Dismemeber.

Celeste laughs but she doesn’t move.

Celeste: Few weeks off?  Oooh…you haven’t heard yet, have you?

Lex: Heard what?  Come on, C…just get out of my way…

Celeste reaches into the pocket of her jacket, pulling out a folded up sheet of paper.  She unfolds it and holds it out to me, but I’m not interested in it.

Celeste: I’d put off that trip back to the states, Lexi.  At least for another week.  You have a match next week and you might want to take a look at just what match it is.

She continues to hold the sheet of paper out to me, which I now assume is the list of next week’s matches.  After hearing I have a match I snatch the paper from her hands, scanning over the first few matches, not spotting my name.  I shake my head and hold it back out to her.

Lex: Nice try, C.  My name isn’t on the list so, again, get out—

She holds the list up in front of my face, pointing to the very last match.  The main event.  Sure as shit my name is there.

Celeste: It figures you wouldn’t bother to look in the main event.  Congratulations.  Now you’re the first Nobody to be in a main event.  Movin’ on up in the world, Lexi.

I snatch it from her hands again, this time staring at it.  My the main event.  It’s a mixed tag match, but I’m left too shocked to even give a shit about that right now.

Lex: This…this has to be…a mistake?  Why the fuck would they put me in the main event?

Celeste laughs again, knowing full well why they did.

Celeste: Isn’t it obvious, Lexi?  Look at who you’re facing.  That is the only reason you’re in the main event.

I glance back to the paper, getting a good look of who Goth and I will be facing.  Oh fantastic.  Drake Green and his bitch girlfriend, Lyah Lindberg.  About fuckin’ time!  I smile wickedly, now eagerly anticipating this match next week.

Lex: I couldn’t care less what match this is, C.  I’m finally going to—

I’m suddenly cut off as my phone goes off in my pocket, alerting me of a text message.  I let out a sigh, hold up my hand telling her just a second and I take my phone out of my pocket.  I assume it’s a message from Tim, but I assume wrong.  It’s the same unknown number that has been calling me for the last couple of weeks, only this time, the person texted me.

“I’m going to call you in a couple of minutes.  Don’t ignore my call this time.  We need to talk, and not through text. –Vince”

My eyes widen a bit when I see who the message is from.  I have no clue how he got my number and I feel myself growing angry.  Celeste stares at me for a moment with a confused look on her face.

Celeste: What the fuck is wrong with you?  Your pretty little sister trying to reach you again?

I shake my head, but before I can even respond, my phone starts ringing.  Sure enough, it’s Vince.

Lex: No, it’s not Riley.  Look, I gotta take this call.

I answer the call and put the phone up to my ear.

Lex: How the fuck did you get my number?

I quickly shove my way past Celeste because I don’t want her listening to my conversation with Vince, much less asking any questions.  As far as I know, no one knows about Vince and considering there is nothing going on between him and I, I’d like to keep it that way.  I storm my way down the hall and out the exit door and I can feel Celeste’s eyes burning a hole through the back of my head.  I know she’ll butt her nose in my business and try and find out who I’m talking to, but for now…she’ll just have to wait.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.  I fuckin’ HATE tag team matches.  Unless you team me up with somebody I can fully trust, which is basically no one…you’ll never get me to care much about them.  Hell, even if I were to team with Celeste I probably wouldn’t be happy about it.  Though I’d say I could trust her more than anyone else.

But how do I feel about mixed tag team matches, you might ask?  I don’t have to rely on, or carry, another bitch’s ass throughout the whole match.  The men can only fight the men and the bombshells can only fight the bombshells.  I’d rather deal with that shit over having to team with another bombshell any day!  I just wish I was teaming with Tim or Connor instead.  But…I’m sure Goth will handle Drake just fine.  Regardless of what Drake will say.

Isn’t that right, Drake?

Now, I’m not going to waste too much time talking to or about you, Drake, because let’s face it…you’re not my concern on Sunday.  You’re pretty little girlfriend is, and trust me when I say that after Sunday, she won’t be so pretty anymore.  Don’t worry, though.  I’ll be doing you a favor a lot sooner, because I’m sure you’re planning on dropping her for a younger hotter model soon, right?  Everyone knows you’re a cradle robbing douchebag, and I bet you’re already shacking up with some barely eighteen year old chick somewhere.

Why’d you come back, Drake?  I mean, why did you REALLY return to wrestling?  You can spout off all this bullshit about you’re doing it for the *air quotes* people all you want, but everyone knows that’s a load of crap.  I had to sound like the Mean Girls here, but from my perspective, you decided to come back because you saw that people were starting to forget your name.  They were starting to not give a shit about Drake Green.  Hell, those shitty movies you made even proved it.  You call that crap blockbusters?  I feel asleep not even five minutes into that shit!  And yes, that is me admitting I TRIED to watch it.

You may be the World Heavyweight Champion right now, but you think that’s some accomplishment right now?  I mean, look at your so called “competition”.  Anyone…and I mean ANYONE…could beat Lord Raab, so don’t take it as some major accomplishment that you did the same.  Don’t get used to holding that belt for too long, Drake, because I’m sure Tim or Connor will be looking for a shot at it pretty soon.  I promise you that.

Your time is up, Drake.  Your body is broken down and useless, and you know it.  You’ll be lucky to even make it to your title versus title match at December 2 Dismember, because I’m not sure if you’ve noticed or not, but Goth has beat the shit out of everyone he has faced, and he’s going to do the same to you.  I’m actually looking forward to it.  You made a huge mistake challenging Goth to a title versus title but you’ll realize that soon enough.  

I personally hope pretty little Lyah gets to watch Goth destroy you on Sunday.  Who knows…maybe I’ll just hold her back and make her watch.  

This match will not end well for either of you, Drake.  That’s a fuckin’ promise.


Wednesday November 25th
Cancun, Mexico
Location: Hotel Casa Maya

Climax Control is just four days away, and while this is the second to the last stop of the world tour, most of my fellow American members of SCW have made detours back home to the states.  I had considered heading back to Vegas until December 2 Dismember and finding something to do in Las Vegas for Thanksgiving, but the truth is, I couldn’t give a flying fuck about Thanksgiving.  I never have and probably never will.  I mean, what’s the point when I don’t have a family anyway?  At least not one that gives a shit about me.

So here I am in Cancun, days earlier than everyone else.  Cancun is one of, if not the most overrated tourist cities I can think of. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve heard brag about Cancun at some point or another and that is the main reason I’ve never really had much interest in coming here.  But, of course SCW has to make it one of the final stops on this shitty, annoyingly long world tour.  

I haven’t been in Cancun long.  Only a few hours, actually.  But I’m already hating it.  The only rooms that were available were non-smoking and because I needed a cigarette, I am forced to sit outside while people I don’t even know give me dirty looks.  Not to mention, because this hotel is right near the beach, half naked tramps and disgusting guys in speedos are constantly passing by me.  

As I’m sitting outside enjoying my cigarette, I take my phone out of my pocket and stare at it.  I’m half expecting someone to call, and just as I go to put my phone back in my pocket, Tim’s voice startles me.  I nearly drop my cigarette on my leg, not that the burning pain would bother me any.

Tim: Waiting for someone to call?

I look up at him, trying to hide the fact that, yes, I was waiting for someone to call.  I shake my head and put my phone back inside my pocket and take a long drag from my cigarette.

Lex: Nah.  I haven’t checked my phone in a while so I was making sure I didn’t have any messages.  What are you doing here?

Tim takes a seat next to me on the bench.  I hold out my pack of cigarettes, offer him one and he gladly accepts.  I pass over my lighter and he flicks it, bringing the flame to the tip of the cigarette.  He passes the lighter back to me as he takes in the first drag, savoring it for a moment before he exhales the smoke from his lungs and looks at me.

Tim: I got tired of sitting in my shitty hotel room watching TV shows I can’t even understand.  So, I thought I’d come find you.

I laugh and shake my head, blowing out a lungful of smoke.

Lex: I didn’t mean that.  I meant, what are you doing here so early.  I thought your dad would force you to stay in Vegas for Thanksgiving or something.

He rolls his eyes and shakes his head.  I study him as he leans back on the bench, noticing just how his demeanor has changed recently.  He’s more troubled now than he has been in the past, but fuck if I’m going to judge him at all.

Tim: I’m sure that was his plan, but I wasn’t going to stick around for that shit.  So I snuck away.  They probably don’t even know that I’m gone.

Lex: I’m sure they’ve figured it out by now.  What’s going on?

He shrugs, seeming a lot quieter than normal.

Tim: Same shit, different day.

I nod, trying to think of a response.  I plan on prodding him for answers, but my phone goes off in my pocket and distracts me.  Distracts the both of us really.  I take it out and see that Vince is trying to call me.  I quickly send the call to voicemail, turning my attention back to Tim.

Lex: Sorry about that.  Anyway…you seem kind  Something wrong?

He looks to my phone as I put it back in my pocket.

Tim: Who was that?

I shake my head, trying to shrug it off as someone unimportant, even though I know it’s a lie.

Lex: My dumbass sister again.  She’s probably trying to get me to show up in Phoenix for Thanksgiving, but it ain’t happening.

I lie as best as I can, but I get the feeling he doesn’t believe me.  If he doesn’t, he doesn’t question me on it, which is weird for him.

Tim: Maybe you should change your number.  That should stop her from getting a hold of you.

Lex: I’ve thought about it.  It’s no big deal right now anyway.  I can handle her.

I finish off the last bit of my cigarette before I drop the butt on the ground and stomp on it.  I look ahead to the beach, going quiet and Tim just stares at me curiously.

Tim: So…are you gonna tell me the truth on why you didn’t stop Melanie from pinning Crystal on Sunday?  You could have won that match.

Aaaand there it is.  I let out a long sigh, not wanting to get into this conversation with Tim.  I already had it once with Celeste, and I don’t really want Tim to get pissed off at me right now.

Lex: Sure, I’ll tell you.  But maybe we should call Celeste to come here first.  She’s dying to see your reaction to my explanation.

Tim: She kind of has a point, Lex.  What you did was stupid.

I shrug, not caring one bit.

Lex: Might have been, but do you think anyone else gave a shit?  Nope.  If you two are so concerned with an explanation, I’ll give you one.  But I’ll do it on Sunday at Climax Control.

My phone again starts ringing in my pocket.  I let out a low growl as I take it out of my pocket again.  Vince is being relentless it seems, but I just send the call to voicemail again.

Tim: Why don’t you just answer the call, Lex?  It’s not a big deal…

Lex: The call can wait, Tim.  It’s just going to put me in a bad mood anyway.

I put my phone on silent this time.  I know Vince will just try to keep calling so I’d rather not hear my phone ringing when he does.

Tim: Go ahead and rip her to shreds, Lex.  Unless it’s someone else calling that you don’t want me to know about?

Yeahhh…he knows.  But, I’d still rather not talk about this right now.

Lex: Who the hell would be calling me, Tim?  Aside from you, Celeste and Connor and Tessa, I don’t have any other friends.  And none of them really call me anyway.  I’m ignoring my phone for now anyway.  Need to focus on this match on Sunday.

He takes in another puff of his cigarette, nearly finished with it.  He savors it again before blowing out the smoke and nodding his head.

Tim: Riiiiight..the main event.

I let out a slight growl and fold my arms across my chest.

Lex: Uuugh.  Don’t tell me you’re annoyed by that, too.  Celeste has already thrown it in my face.  I’m just as shocked you guys are, honestly.  I mean, not only is it my first main event, but it’s Lyah’s too!  And I’ve been in—

Tim: Whoa, whoa, whoa…Calm the fuck down, Lex.  Geez.

Lex: Sorry.  I’m just a little irritated right now.  I mean, I’m really looking forward to getting my hands on that prissy little bitch, but at the same time, they just threw me into this match anyway.  If Drake Green weren’t in the equation, this wouldn’t even be the fuckin’ main event.

Tim nods in agreement.

Tim: Yeah, I know.  But that doesn’t mean you’re not main event material, Lex.  You deserve to be in this match and you’ll prove it on Sunday.  You’ve proven it enough already, anyway.

I let out a laugh, turn my head and stare towards him.

Lex: Apparently I haven’t if this is the first time I’m main eventing and I’ve been around since July.  Oh well.  I really don’t give a shit.

Tim: You know, you say that an awful lot, Lex, but we all know it’s a lie.  I don’t blame you anyway.

I shrug, honestly feeling indifferent towards the whole situation.  Before I can respond, my phone starts vibrating in my pocket.  I guess I accidentally set it to vibrate instead of turning it on completely silent.

Lex: You know what…can you give me a few minutes, Tim?  I think I need to handle this phone call real quick.

Tim: I already told you it was fine.

I nod and tell him I’ll only be a minute as I take my phone out of my pocket and head into the lobby of the hotel.  I answer the phone angrily, even though it’s Vince on the other end.

Lex: Vince, I can’t talk to you right now.  I’m busy.

Vince: Well Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.

I roll my eyes.

Lex: Thanksgiving is tomorrow, dipshit.

Vince: I know.  And, look, I know you’re in Cancun right now, but there is a plane ticket back to Vegas if you want it…

I let out a sigh and shake my head, even though Vince can’t see it.

Lex: I’m not flying back to Vegas, Vince.  At least not until after this tour is over in a few weeks.  Why do you want me to come back to Vegas so bad anyway?

Vince: I already told you the other day.  We need to talk.  Face to face.

Lex: And what did I tell you the other day?  There’s nothing for us to talk about, Vince.  Just leave me alone and quit calling me.

Vince: Lexi, don’t hang up—

Lex: Goodbye, Vince.

I quickly end the call and shut my phone off before returning it to my pocket.  I let out a sigh and turn around to head back outside to continue my conversation with Tim.

Lex: Sorry, Tim.  Riley wouldn’t…

My voice trails off as I look towards the bench where Tim and I were seated.  Tim is no longer there and I look around, trying to find him, but he’s nowhere in sight.  I let out another sigh and shake my head now feeling guilty.  I’ll have to call Tim later, but for now, I just disappear back inside the hotel to kill time in my room.


Man, Thanksgiving came a week early for me this year.  Why, you might ask?  Because the bosses in SCW FINALLY did something right.  A couple of things actually.  They booked me in a match I’ve been waiting for for quite some time.  The fuckin’ main event!  And even better yet?  Against an opponent I really CAN’T WAIT to wrap my hands around her throat and break her neck!  

But this isn’t a one-on-one match.  Oh, no.  It’s a mixed tag team match, and I’m teamed with someone I’m not entirely sure I think I can trust.  If it were Tim or Connor?  Sure, I know they’d have my back, but someone the likes of Goth?  Ya can’t blame me for being a little leary on this whole fuckin’ thing.

Goth, I’m only gonna warn you once.  Don’t stand in my way of getting a hold of Drake’s pretty little girlfriend, Lyah.  I’ve got no problem with you destroying Drake all you want, but I want Lyah in that ring, and I’d strongly suggest you let me handle it.  I have no problem working WITH you in this match, so long as we’re both on the same page.  You hate Drake?  Good…so do I.  So just do your job and kick his ass, and I’ll do mine and knock the fuck out of Lyah Lindberg.  Got it?  I hope so.

As for Lyah?  *chuckles* Lyah, Lyah, Lyah…How about this, chickie?  We finally get what we want.  A chance to prove just who is superior between the two of us.  I have to admit, your threats and shit on Twitter?  Pretty fuckin’ hilarious, because as much as people hate my guts, I’m fairly sure they’d put their money on me beating you pretty damn easily.  You probably won’t believe it, because you’re Drake Green’s girlfriend and—oops.  I went and played the Drake’s girlfriend card again.  You mad?

I hope you are.  I hope every word I say pisses you off, because I want to see that anger from you Lyah.  I want to see this supposed tough side of you, because so far?  I ain’t seen shit.  All I’ve seen is some blonde haired little girl that reminds me of my piece of shit sister, and you know what that means, Lyah?  It means I’m going to have fun beating the shit out of you.

This match may not be a true one-on-one, Lyah, but WHEN I beat you…and I promise you that I will…you’ll know for a fact that I’m better than you.  There will be no excuses for when I pin your shoulders to the mat or, better yet, make you tap out like the little bitch you are.  

You want a shot at my title, Lyah?  Keep dreamin’ because once I beat you, it’ll just prove you don’t deserve it.  The only way you’ll get a shot at my title is if your cradle robbing boyfriend goes to Christian Underwood and puts in a favor.  Which…I’m sure he will.  Seems to be the norm around here.  After all…that’s basically how he got his World Heavyweight Title shot so soon after returning to the ring, because we all know he damn sure didn’t earn it.

Just like you haven’t earned shit.  And you won’t, Lyah.  You can’t win this battle, little girl.  And you sure as hell can’t win the war, if that is what you want.  People who fuck with me learn the hard way, and if you continue to fuck with me?  Well…it won’t end well for you.

Come Sunday, Lyah…all bets are off.  Oh..and try not to worry about Drake so much, either.  He’ll get hurt just as much as you will on Sunday, Lyah.  I guarantee it.

See ya Sunday, bitch!