Author Topic: Hometown Hate  (Read 357 times)

Offline Alexis Edwards

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    • Alexis Edwards
Hometown Hate
« on: September 18, 2015, 09:18:17 PM »

I really hope that tag match with Mikah was the last tag team match I’ll ever have to be in, because like her, I can’t fuckin’ stand tag team matches!  It doesn’t matter who I’m facing or who I’m teamed with, I’d rather deal with the match by myself than have to worry about a tag team partner who could possibly lose the match for us.  Like Mikah did.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not blaming Mikah for that loss one bit.  Oh no.  If anything, it’s my fault because I couldn’t get back into the ring to stop Roxi from pinning Mikah, and it was all because of that psychotic weird ass wife of hers, Keira!  That bitch is now acting like she is all high and mighty or some shit because HER WIFE won the match for them.  Bitch needs to face that she sucks and her wife is the one who will carry Team Hero to where ever they go.  But whatever, I really don’t fuckin’ care about that anymore.

So I had the week off in Uruguay, but I showed up anyway.  I wanted to try and talk to Tim, but the angry asshole was hiding for some reason.  Instead, I unexpectedly met his pathetic wanna-be mother, Misty.  Seriously?  The bitch has a premature son to be worrying about and she travels all the way to Uruguay?!  She can spin any excuse she wants, but that is fuckin’ low.  And then after she couldn’t find Tim later that night, she goes all boo-fuckin’-hoo on Twitter and hasn’t been heard from since.  But again, whatever.  I hope she stays gone.  I don’t care.

No, what I care about now is this match that I’ve been put in this upcoming Sunday in Buenos Aires.  I’m inching closer and closer to the Main Event, where I should be but instead the likes of Amy Marshall and Lucy Seraphina are there instead.  Before that, though, I’ll be going up against the hometown favorite, miss Mercedes Vargas.  The former Mean Girl turned respected bombshell for some crazy reason.  

I don’t exactly know why they chose ME of all people to face Mercedes in her hometown.  If the higher-ups had any sort of respect or decency they would have booked her against someone she stood a chance against beating, because let’s face it, I’m going to be the one who causes her to disappoint her hometown fans when I beat her ass all over the six-sided ring and then walk away the winner.  She has all this hometown pride of whatever reason, when if it was me, I wouldn’t give two shits about pleasing my hometown fans.

I haven’t always felt this way about my hometown, though.  I haven’t always hated Phoenix so much that I never want to go back.  Unfortunately I know that once this tour is done and over with, SCW will be returning to the states and a trip to Phoenix is inevitable.  That is the only reason I’m trying to enjoy this World tour while I can, though since I’ve signed with SCW, that has been easier said than done.

Seriously, though…Why the hell did they have to book me against Mercedes Vargas in her hometown?!


~*~Four Years Ago~*~
~*~Phoenix, Arizona~*~

Tonight is the night!  The state basketball championship game when my teammates and I go against the other top team in all of Arizona.  We’ve all worked so hard to get to this point, and while I may not be the best player on the team, I’m damn proud to be a part of this whole experience.   I just hope the coach gives me a little more playing time than normal because this game is huge!

The gym is jam-packed.  Most of those in the bleachers are our supporters, but naturally the other team has their fans here as well.  No big deal, though, because our friends and families make a hell of a lot more noise than they do.

While we’re all out on the court warming up before the start of the game, I’m looking through the bleachers searching for my parents.  I told them how important this game was to me and how much I needed their support, but a big part of me knew they weren’t going to show up.  I was still hoping anyway.  As I’m not paying attention during our quick practice, my attention is brought back to reality as one of my teammates shouts to me and I’m nearly hit in the face by a basketball.

“Dude, Alexis, pay attention! Damn!”

I shake my head quick, looking to the basketball in my hands.

Alexis: I’m sorry Jess.  I was trying to find my parents.

Jess, our team captain and point guard, rolls her eyes at me as I run towards the basket and do a lay-up, easily making it into the net.

Jess: Like they’d waste their time to show up to watch you not play?  Why don’t you just go sit on the bench and let us practice.

I run back towards the line of the rest of my teammates.  It’s clear that I’m not liked or even wanted on the team, but I push through it because tonight is my chance.  I don’t care what they say, but I’m going to prove to everybody that I’m not giving up.

Once warm ups are over, the referee signals the start of the game.  Coach calls me and a few other girls back over to the bench.  I’m not really that bothered that I’m not part of the starting players, but any amount of playing time I get, I’ll gladly take.  Unfortunately I’m forced to wait until near the end of the game.  One of my teammates is about to make a play, giving us the lead again, when she’s accidentally knocked to the ground.  She lands the wrong way on her wrist and has to be taken out of the game.  Needless to say, coach takes one look at me, and seeing me eager to play, finally gives me my shot.

Coach: Don’t try and go for the shot, Alexis.  You hear me?  Make sure Jess or Madison gets the ball.

I nod my head.

Alexis: You got it Coach!

I don’t promise anything, though, because if it comes down to it, I know I can make a shot if no one is open for the pass.  The last few minutes of the game go by way to fast.  The other team scores, giving them a one point lead.  After they score what is most likely their final basket of the game, I grab the ball as it rebounds back.  Every one of my other teammates is guarded by players on the other team, giving me the advantage to run towards our basket.

The adrenaline is rushing through me as I run down the court, with everyone else quickly on my tail.  Once to our side of the court, Jess and Madison are screaming at me to pass them the ball, as is Coach.  Neither one is readily open and I look around nervously, deciding what to do.  The seconds are ticking down on the time clock and as the rest of my teammates are yelling at me, I make a last minute, all be it, awful decision.  I shoot for the basket just as the buzzer goes off and watch as the ball sails towards the basket, almost in slow motion.  Coach and my teammates watch also, hoping I didn’t make an awful mistake, but in the end, I did.  The ball bounces off the side of the net and I’ve just lost us the game, and the championship.

I sink to my knees as my teammates and Coach stare at me, disappointed and more specifically, angrier than hell.  As the other team celebrates their win, my teammates walk past me, glaring down at me as they make their way over to the bench, disappointed.

Jess: Way to go, Alexis.  You just lost us the game.

Jess and the rest of my teammates snarl and shake their heads as they leave me on the court, feeling disappointed and utterly stupid.  I take my place in the back of the line as we congratulate the other team on their victory, but as the rest of the team make their way back to the locker room, I stay behind on the bench.  The gym quickly empties following the game.  I don’t want to face my teammates again, but I know I have to.

I finally make my way into the locker room, wanting to just quickly gather my things and leave, but my teammates have other plans.  They all go silent as I walk into the locker room, and Jess is ultimately the one to break the long awkward silence and approach me.

Jess: Are you happy now, loser?  Coach told you not to shoot the damn ball and you did anyway!  We could have won the game if you had just passed the ball to me or Madison!

I look around at the group of angry stares and I shake my head.

Alexis: I wasn’t planning on making the shot, Jess.  No one else was open for me to pass the ball so I made a judgment call and took the shot.  I thought I had it!

Jess: Well you thought wrong.  I don’t even know how you made the team because you suck.

The rest of the team laughs but says nothing.  Jess even lets out a laugh before she holds a hand up, remembering something.

Jess: Oh wait, now I remember.  If your more talented twin sister, Riley, hadn’t begged Coach’s wife to talk to him and get you on the team, you wouldn’t have made it, and we would have the championship trophy.  Lucky for you, though, Coach’s wife just happens to be the cheerleading coach.

My eyes widen at hearing this bit of information.  I knew Riley’s cheerleading coach was married to my basketball coach, but to think she had any part in me making the team?  I had no clue.

Alexis: What?  That-s not—

Jess: You mean you didn’t know?  Oh, that’s classic.  Face it, Alexis.  You’re a loser…a nobody.  And you always will be.  Thanks for ruining everything for us.

Jess then grabs her duffel bag, slings it over her shoulder and shoves her way past me, purposely knocking into me.  The rest of the team does the same exact thing, further making their point that they now hate me.  Once everyone is gone, I’m left alone in the locker room, and I just sink down on to the bench, burying my head in my hands.

How the hell am I going to show my face around town now?


Looking back to that night, I really have no fuckin’ clue why I put up with that bullshit from Jess and the rest of the team.  If I were to come face to face with any one of those heartless skanks now?  Well, let’s just say they wouldn’t be talking to me in the same manner.  Especially not Jess.  That stupid bitch better hope I never see her again, because I won’t hesitate to break her nose if given the chance.

I think it’s safe to say that night was probably where things first started to change in me.  As much as I tried not to believe it, I knew how everyone in Phoenix was and how they would treat me from that point on.  It was honestly no different than before, but after causing our team to lose the state championship match, no one would ever see me as worth anything.

It’s okay, though, because now that I think about it, I’m kinda glad I caused them to lose.  Not a single one of those bitches deserved to be any kind of champion.  

It’s really a similar situation as this Sunday, except for Mercedes Vargas.  I’ll be the one to cause her the same kind of failure that I dealt with back in high school.

And honestly…I feel just a little bit bad about that.


~*~Two hours post failure…~*~

Luckily for me, I live just a few blocks away from the high school campus.  If I didn’t, the walk home would have taken me much longer.  I was forced to walk home, as usual, because my parents wouldn’t come to the school to pick me up and I didn’t have my license, or a car, yet.  It wasn’t a big deal tonight, though, because the walk home allowed me to clear my head.  Or try to anyway.  

I had my earphones in as I walked through the door, listening to some of the songs that calmed me down on my iPod.  My parents didn’t even say a word to me as I walked through the door, as my father was in his office doing some work, and dear old Mom was buried in her laptop as well.  I shook my head and when I looked up, I saw Riley standing at the top of the stairs waiting for me.  I tried to pay her no mind, however, as I’m sure she heard what had happened.

Riley: I heard about what happened.  I’m so sorry, Alex.  There’s always next year, though.

I roll my eyes and laugh as I walk past her, heading towards my bedroom.  She follows behind me unfortunately.

Riley: Don’t you want to talk about it?

I shake my head with my back still facing her.

Alexis: What is there to talk about?  We lost.  I’m done.

Riley: Alex don’t be like this!  You gave it your best shot—

I quickly spun around and glared at her.  She was trying to make me feel better, but after what Jess had told me, I no longer believed anything my sister said.

Alexis: Too bad it wasn’t good enough, Riley!  I lost us the damn game, and the championship!  Clearly I shouldn’t have been on the team anyway, but I’m sure you know exactly what I’m talking about, right?

Riley seems taken aback by what I’ve just said and she shakes her head as innocently as possible.  I’m not buying it however.

Alexis: Don’t try and lie about it anymore, Riley.  I know what you did.  I know you talked to Coach C’s wife…your cheerleading coach…You told her to talk to Coach C didn’t you?  To make sure I made the team!

Riley: W-who told you that?

Alexis: It doesn’t matter who told me!  What matters is that you did it, and the whole basketball team knew you did!  Do you realize how worse that makes the entire situation?

Riley steps towards me, looking even more apologetic than she already did now that I knew what she had done.

Riley: Alex, I’m so sor—

I hold my hand up, silencing her immediately.

Alexis: Save your apology for someone who cares, because I no longer do.  You’re supposed to be my sister, Riley.  You’re not supposed to do stuff like that, but you did.  And now because of you, my life has just gotten a whole lot worse than it already was.  So, thanks a lot.

I turn and disappear into my room, closing the door behind me and locking it.  I know Riley is standing outside my door, heartbroken and guilty over what just happened, but I choose to ignore her for the rest of the night…and maybe for quite some time if I’m honest.

My life was about to get a whole lot messier and I needed to think about how I was now going to handle it all.


Mercedes, I know you’re watching this.  I know you’re one of the few people who probably pay any attention to me what-so-ever and only because that’s just you.  So, let me start with something that my surprise a lot of people, including you.  Mercedes, let me start with an apology.

Yes…an apology.

You see, I know the position you’re in.  I was in almost the same situation just a few years ago.  I know everything you’re thinking and feeling right now, and I’m damn sure you’re going to do everything to try and make your hometown proud and put on a stellar performance at the same time.  Hell, I did the same shit!  I was hoping to make my hometown proud of me by scoring the winning basket for the state championship.  I probably was more confident than I should have been because not one person expected me to pull it off.  

And I didn’t.  I failed them.  I failed myself.  Exactly what will happen to you on Sunday.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s no championship on the line.  You don’t really have a whole lot to lose…except the respect and love of your people.  Think about it, you’re facing a Nobody, Mercedes.  Do you really think you can walk away with love and respect from your hometown if you lose to a Nobody?  No…WHEN you lose to a Nobody?  Because you won’t.

I’m not going to do you any favors, Mercedes.  Simply put, I don’t like you and I’m sure you don’t like me.  You’ve had a sudden about face in recent months after you turned on the Mean Girls along with Delia, but do I buy any of it?  Fuck no!  I can’t wait to step into the ring against you and beat your ass!

You might have had a big win over Raynin and Amy Marshall last week, Mercedes, but this Sunday?  You won’t have a big win over me.  I’m going to show each and every one of the fans in Buenos Aires why they should hate disappointed in you.

This Sunday, Mercedes…This Nobody is going to give you your own dose of hometown hate…

See you Sunday chica!