Author Topic: The A.G.E of The Nobodies  (Read 365 times)

Offline Alexis Edwards

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    • Alexis Edwards
The A.G.E of The Nobodies
« on: July 15, 2015, 10:26:06 PM »
WARNING: Alexis Edwards does not speak the language of a lady.  She has quite the foul mouth and nothing she says should be taken personally, as offensive as it may be at times.  Viewer Discretion is advised!

Did you all see that?  Did you watch carefully and get the hint at just what those of us in The Nobodies is all about and what we’re capable of?  No?  Well what the fuck were you doing that whole time?  I didn’t agree to have my ass kicked in my big Sin City Wrestling debut just so you people could change the damn channel, or website, or however it is that you watch these fucking shows every week!  I set myself up for a beating at the hands of the other female members of the Nobodies because, as of this moment, I want you all put on notice.

Let me introduce myself, again, since I’m sure you weren’t watching that fan-fucking-tastic gang-style beat down that spilled my blood in the six-sided SCW ring for the very first, but definitely not the last, time.  My name is Alexis Edwards, but you can call me Lexi.  Or Lex.  I really don’t care which you call me as long as you don’t call me Alex, because I fucking hate that nickname.  I’m not a guy, so I’d rather not be known as such.  Got it?  Good.  Because I’m only going to warn you once.  I hate having to repeat myself over and over again, but I have no doubt I’ll be forced to do just that here in SCW.  Seems to be quite the norm around here.  

Anyway, I’m getting a bit off topic here, so I’ll get back to it.  Yours truly is the first official female member of The Nobodies and there is a reason that I was chosen as the lucky one.  Because I am, hands down, the toughest bitch you will ever see on the women’s side of things in this platoon of ours.  I mean is there really any fuckin’ doubt of that after what just happened?  Fuck no, I say!  In all honesty those weak bitches that were beating me down didn’t need to stop, but my boy Tim apparently thought they did.  Oh well, there will be many more where that came from I’m sure.

I am also well aware that many of you that we forced into watching my glorious beat down might be under the impression that I have been brainwashed perhaps, or simply delusional.  I mean, why would a young girl like myself really allow something so horrid to happen, right?  

Because it shows strength…toughness.  It builds character, and quite honestly, it was fuckin’ fun as hell!  You all should try it sometime and quit being pussy ass bitches.  This world would be a hell of a lot better place if so many of you weren’t so afraid and introverted all the damn time.  Man or woman, grow a big set of balls and live a little!  What the fuck are you all so afraid of, anyway?

Someone hits you?  Hit them the fuck back, harder!

Someone insults you?  Insult them back ten times worse, because trust me, it is possible.  


While they were kickin’ my ass out in that ring, I could have begged them to stop.  I could have pleaded for mercy because the pain got to be too much, but did I do that?  Fuck no!  I let it happen, and I’d let it happen again!  I didn’t shed one single pathetic tear, because it shows fuckin’ weakness and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let myself appear as some scared weak little girl.  

I’m as tough as nails and I proved it further just now as Tim and the rest of The Nobodies led me backstage, a bloodied and bruised mess.


Along with the rest of The Nobodies that were in the ring for my beat down initiation, my homeboy Tim Staggs’ is leading me down the backstage hall.  I have my arm slung over Tim’s shoulder, and I can barely stand, much less walk as he searches for the medical locker room.  I briefly look up, noticing the shocked faces and the stares of the bystanders backstage as they get a close up glimpse of the damage my Nobody family has inflicted upon me.  Damn, they must have done a good job, because these people look fuckin’ horrified.

I’m holding my ribcage as Tim finally finds the medical locker room and kicks the door open, leading me inside.  The rest of the female members of The Nobodies, still hooded and masked of course, stand outside, and Tim helps me over to an examination table and an EMT rushes over to my side.  He has a disgusted look on his face, which causes me and Tim to smile even more.

~*~Lame EMT~*~: Jesus, what the hell were you guys thinking?  They could have killed you, you know that?

I don’t even make eye contact with the guy as he assesses my wounds and shines his dorky little pen light in my eyes.  I cough a little, spitting a mouthful of blood all over his shirt and I laugh, as does Tim.  The EMT, however, seems very concerned after I do this, but I am quick to put his mind at ease.

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: Yeah, well unless you’re a blind EMT, you’ll happen to notice that I’m very much alive and well.  Just keep your opinion to yourself and do your fuckin’ job.

~*~Lame EMT~*~: Well?  You call THIS well?  Miss, have you seen yourself in a mirror?  You have a large gash in your right cheek.  Your lip is split open.  Your nose looks like it may be broken and your right eye is started to swell.  Oh, and let’s not forget any damage to your ribs and midsection, which I am betting have caused internal bleeding.  I can’t exactly do my job here.  You need to be seen at a hospital.

Tim doesn’t seem to appreciate how the EMT is speaking to me, and I can’t exactly say that I blame him.  The guy is an arrogant piece of shit and I really wish I had confiscated that brass knucks right about now.

~*~Bad Ass T. Staggs~*~: Hey, why don’t you listen to what she just told you.  Just do the job that you’re paid to do and patch her up so we can get the hell out of this place.

~*~Lame EMT~*~: Kid, didn’t you hear me?  I can-t—

I’ve had about enough of this douchebag.  I jump down from the examination table, a momentary mistake as I nearly fall to the floor but Tim is kind enough to catch me.  Once I get my balance back, I glare up at the EMT, placing a threatening finger on his chest.

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: Look, as much as I appreciate your concern and your very unneeded opinion, keep it to yourself and don’t speak another word.  That is unless you want to feel some of the pain I’m feeling right now because one of my girls’ standing outside still has that lovely set of brass knucks that I’m dying to use.  Do your fuckin’ job.  Patch me up and send me on my way, because I’m NOT going to some piece of shit hospital in this country to catch God only knows what.  Got it?

The EMT looks me in my eyes for a moment, then briefly looks at Tim.  When he realizes arguing with us will get him nowhere, he shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders, having no other choice but to do as he’s told.  Tim helps me back up on the examination table as the EMT gathers his supplies, and I look up at Tim.

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: Why’d you fuckin’ stop them out there?  I could have taken more.

~*~Bad Ass T. Staggs~*~: I’m sure you could have but I thought you’d had enough.  I wasn’t going to let you get knocked unconscious out there.  You proved your loyalty and your strength out there.

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: Whatever.  The rest of the girls just better not give me any shit because you stopped them.  I didn’t ask you to stop.

Tim cracks a smile at me, proud of my tough nature I’m sure.  The EMT returns with his supplies, trying to decide where to begin with my wounds.  In the end, he decides the gash on my cheek requires his immediate attention.

~*~Lame EMT~*~: This is probably going to hurt, miss.  If I had to guess, you could have a fracture in your cheekbone—

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: Do I look like I give a shit about any pain and remember what I said about that opinion of yours?  Just do what you gotta do asshole.

The EMT lets out a sigh and rolls his eyes and he sticks an alcohol soaked cloth against my cheek.  I let out a loud wince from the stinging, and he stops for a moment but one glare from me gets him back to doing his job.  Tim watches on carefully and quietly as the EMT starts stitching up the gash.

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: Shit I can’t wait to be a part the next induction for one of those bitches standing outside the door.  Some of those hits were weak as shit.  Ain’t no chance of ME holding back like that.

I let out a laugh as I make sure to speak loud enough so the other girls can hear me outside the door.  Tim manages to get a chuckle as well and the EMT continues stitching up my wounds.

~*~Bad Ass T. Staggs~*~: You’ll get your chance in due time, Lex.  Just be patient.

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: Shit, I know that.  I’m just sayin’.  I’m so fuckin’ glad to have that shit over with, too.  I been wantin’ nothing more than to get started in this place.  Ouch!  Fuck, take it easy asshole before I introduce my fist to your face!

The EMT quietly apologizes for his lack of caring hands as he put a little too much pressure on my busted cheek.  He finishes up stitching the gash then gets to work on cleaning the rest of my face.  Tim keeps staring at me and I can tell something is on his mind so I immediately question him on it because I can’t stand the silence.

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: Ok, I can tell something is on your mind so just spill that shit already.  What’s up?

~*~Bad Ass T. Staggs~*~: I have to admit I was a bit concerned that you might not have gone through with that beating after the shape you were in last year when I found you.  You remember that?

I nod my head a bit but not enough to where the EMT would glare at me to be still.  He continues wiping my face and then grabs for a liquid to disinfect the other cuts.

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: Yeah I remember.  How could I forget?  This was nothing compared to what happened then…

As irritating as it is, the two of us fall silent for a while as both of us go back to that night just about a year and a half ago when I first met Tim.  I’d say I wish it was under better circumstances, but I think everything that happened that night had a direct effect on how we both turned out.

February 28th, 2014- Las Vegas, Nevada

As soon as I turned eighteen, I packed up a bag and left my so-called home for good.  I couldn’t stand the place any longer and there was no way I was going to live any longer than I already had.  I was legally an adult, so I made the decision to leave and never look back.

That was just over a month ago.  I had no real destination to where I was going, and I didn’t care one bit.  I ran.  I walked.  I hitched a few rides, and I will continue to do so until I find a place where I feel I belong.  It may take some time, but fuck it, I’m not giving up.  

It’s getting late and I’m approaching the city of Las Vegas.  I’m just on the outskirts of the city somewhere, and I can see the bright lights of the Strip just in the distance.  I hitched a ride several miles back and once I saw the city in the distance, I had the driver drop me off.  Say what you will about me, I really don’t give a shit.  I’m perfectly capable of defending myself so I’m not afraid of what could potentially happen.

I need to find a place to stay for the night as it’s getting chilly outside.  I’m sure I could find a cheap motel to stay at somewhere nearby, so I just wander around, making my way closer to the city.  As I walk further, the danger seems to loom closer as I hear footsteps following behind me.  I glance over my shoulder to see a shadowy figure following behind me, but I keep moving.  I clutch a knife in my pocket that I keep for safety and I increase my walking speed.  As I do this, the person following behind me does the same thing.  

Eventually, I make the mistake of turning down an alley, hoping to give myself a quick chance to pull my knife out on this creepy asshole following behind me.  This unfortunately doesn’t happen, as when I turn around, the person shoves me against the brick wall of one of the two buildings and pins me against it by my throat.  I hear the knife fall to the ground, but I glare at my attacker directly in his eyes.  He has a sinister look as he pulls my hood from over my face, a sort of sick pleasure in realizing he’s got a pretty young lady under his control.

~*~Attacker~*~: Well, well, well…Who do we have here?  Don’t you know that it’s dangerous for a pretty little girl such as yourself to be walking all by her lonesome at night?  

I struggle to get away, but he is admittedly a bit stronger than I am.  No big deal, I don’t show the asshole any fear.

~*~Alexis~*~: Fuck you, asshole.  Don’t you know some girls are capable of defending themselves?  

He laughs a dark, menacing laugh.  A laugh that should, for all intents and purposes, scare the shit out of me, but I stay strong.

~*~Attacker~*~: And you think you’re one of those girls?  Not from where I’m standing, sweetheart.  Now, how’s about you show me what you got going on under that filthy hoodie there.  Make this easier on yourself, sweetie.

~*~Alexis~*~: This is your one and only warning asshole.  If you so much as lay one more finger one me or try and pull that tiny excuse of a dick out of your pants, you’ll regret it in the morning.

He laughs again but I never take my eyes away from his.

~*~Attacker~*~: Somehow, I doubt that very much.  I love a girl that can put up a bit of a fight though.  So I guess the hard way it is then.

The events that followed become more of a blur as the time passes.  The guy ignored my warning and I know I got the first shot in.  I’m not sure how much time went by, but after the fight, I found myself just outside of this place called Staggs Dungeon.  The name of the place should have scared me off, but as it was completely dark and I needed a warm place to sleep for the night, I searched around until I found a place to sneak inside.  I was half expecting some sort of creepy fetish porn studio or something by the name, but what I found instead surprised me.

It was dark, yes, but I could still make out the outline of a wrestling ring as well as a lot of other work out and training equipment.  Judging by this, I figured there had to be some sort of locker rooms or a place I could at least shower and clean up.  At the very least a damn mirror so I could see what that bastard had done to me.  Eventually, I found just what I was looking for and made my way into the women’s shower area.

I flipped on the light once inside and stumbled my way over to the sinks.  I was almost afraid to look at myself, but I knew I had to.  I got the shock of my life when I looked at my attacker’s handy work.  There was a cut above my left eye, which was now completely swollen shut.  My left cheek was cut and swollen as well, and I had a fat bloody lip.  When I leaned forward on the counter, I felt a pain shoot through my midsection, and I was fairly sure I had a broken rib or two.  I almost wanted to cry, but I didn’t.  Especially not when I pulled my right hand from out of my pocket, where I once again held the knife.

I stared down at the now blood covered knife in my hand, but the blood of course wasn’t my own.  My hand began to tremble and I soon dropped the knife and just stared at the cuts and scrapes lining my knuckles.  All where tell tale signs of the fight I put up against my attacker, but eventually, everything started to catch up with me.  My knees started to tremble and not long after, my legs gave out from underneath me and I collapsed to the floor.  I must have hit my head, because I blacked out after that.

The next morning…

The next thing I knew it was morning and when I opened my eyes, I had some strange red-haired kid looking down at me.  He looked a little concerned and when I felt a cold wet cloth run over my eye, I bolted up and quickly scooted away.  It must have been a burst of adrenaline because my whole body felt like I was hit by a truck.

~*~Tim Staggs~*~: Whoa, whoa…Relax.  I…I’m not going to hurt you.  I’m just trying to clean up some of this blood.

I didn’t say anything at first.  I couldn’t.  I wasn’t sure if it was because I didn’t know this kid, or because I couldn’t find my voice, but when he held up his hands and backed away a bit, I knew he meant no harm.  I looked around, realizing I was still in the women’s shower room.

~*~Alexis: W-what are you doing in the women’s shower room?  And who the hell are you?

In a display of good faith, he holds out the wet cloth to me, allowing me to clean up my wounds myself.  I slowly take it from his hand, bringing it up to my eye and the damp cold is a relief.

~*~Tim Staggs~*~: My name is Tim.  My dad runs this place.  I came in for an early workout and I a trail of blood and the light on in here so I had to check it out.  For a second there I thought you were dead.

I let out a chuckle and pull the cloth away from my eye.  When I glance down, it is covered in blood, though I’m sure my cuts have stopped bleeding at this point.  I bring the cloth back up to my eye and look back to Tim.

~*~Alexis~*~: Shit, I wasn’t about to give that guy the satisfaction in killing me.

~*~Tim Staggs~*~: What guy?  What happened to you?

I scoot myself more against the wall, pressing my back against it for balance.  I’m in a considerable amount of pain but I try not to let it show.

~*~Alexis~*~: Some asshole attacked me last night.  No big deal, though.  You should see how I left him, though.

Tim looks over to the bloodied knife just feet away from me, pointing to it.

~*~Tim Staggs~*~: I don’t think I have to see him.  Look, we should probably get you to a hospital to get checked out.  You look pretty bad…

I quickly shake my head.

~*~Alexis~*~: No!  No hospitals.  I…I’m fine.  Nothing that some ibuprofen and some rest won’t cure.  

~*~Tim Staggs~*~: I’m not so sure about that. These…things…they need to get reported to the authorities.  

I raise my good eyebrow as I stare at him.

~*~Alexis~*~: I know what you’re thinking, and I can tell you right now, that didn’t happen.  I threw the first punch when the asshole ignored my warning when I told him not to touch me and he fought back.  Like I said, he walked away worse off than I did.  At least I think he walked away anyway.  Everything is a bit fuzzy.

~*~Tim Staggs~*~: Yeah, I can see why.  That guy really did a number on you…What is your name?

I thought I told him my name, but I guess I didn’t.  I take a few moments and slowly, as well as very painfully, get back to my feet, still leaning against the wall.  Tim stands by me the entire time, ready to help catch me if I lose my balance and fall again.

~*~Alexis~*~: I’m Alexis, but you can call me Lexi or Lex.  But don’t ever fuckin’ call me Alex because I hate that shit.

Tim laughs and holds his hands up defensively.

~*~Tim Staggs~*~: I have already made a mental note, so don’t worry.

Tim turns and looks around, spotting my duffel bag and backpack on the floor just a few feet away and he turns to face me again, but I’m leaning against the sink trying to clean badly bruised and swollen face.

~*~Tim Staggs~*~: Well, judging by your bags there, I’m assuming you don’t have a place to stay or anything.  I’m not going to ask why, because it’s none of my business, but if you need a place to crash for a while, there’s a really comfortable sofa in my dad’s office.  I won’t tell him you’re here and I’ll sneak an extra pillow and a blanket over here later.  It’s up to you.

I turn on the faucet, rinsing the cloth in the sink and look at Tim through the mirror.  This kid doesn’t know me, and I have no idea why he is offering to help me.

~*~Alexis~*~: Look, you seem like a nice kid and all, but I really don’t want to get you in trouble and I sure as shit don’t want your dad callin’ the cops on me for trespassing or anything…

~*~Tim Staggs~*~: Don’t worry about that, you’re not going to get caught and he won’t call the cops either.  I’ll handle it all.  Just crash here as long as you need to.  Anyway, I’ll let you get cleaned up.  If you need anything, just come find me.  

I see potential in this kid.  I really do.  As good as he is, I also see a bit of a troubled soul, much like my own.

~*~Alexis~*~: Thanks, kid.  And I’ll be sure to clean up the blood before your dad—

~*~Tim Staggs~*~: Don’t worry about it, I’ll get it.  Just take it easy and get cleaned up.

And without another word, Tim turns around and heads out of the shower room, leaving me to get cleaned up.  I turn and look back at myself in the mirror and shake my head in disgust.  Damn, that guy really did do a number on me, but fuck if I’m not a fighter.  I held my own against that creep and I think it’s safe to say he won’t be trying to attack another helpless female ever again.  I let out a satisfied laugh as I turn around and head over to the showers, turning on the water and letting it get nice and steamy.

I didn’t know it at the time, but that sofa in Tim’s Dad’s office…really was pretty fuckin’ comfortable…

Back To The Present…

~*~Lame EMT~*~: Ok, your face is all cleaned up.  Do you mind if I examine your abdomen?

The EMT’s voice snaps both Tim and I out of our temporary flashback as we were both remembering that morning he found me.  I shake my head and look to the EMT, slightly confused.

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: Huh?  The fuck you just say?

The EMT rolls his eyes and tosses blood soaked gauze pads and the like into the trash before he turns and looks back to me.

~*~Lame EMT~*~: Your face is all cleaned and stitched up, but I’d like to take a look at your abdomen if you don’t want to go to the hospital.

He looks directly at Tim this time.

~*~Lame EMT~*~: You should probably step outside for a bit.

Tim looks at me, hesitant for a moment.

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: Go on.  You have a match to win and other shit to handle anyway.  I’ll come find you when I’m done getting patched up.

~*~Bad Ass T. Staggs~*~: Alright, but if you need anything, I’ll leave the other girls here with you.  

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: Whatever you say man.  I’ll be fine without ‘em, though.

Tim laughs and shakes his head before he turns and walks out of the room.  As soon as he is out of sight the EMT stares at me and I roll my eyes.  I remove my hoodie and pull up my tank top underneath so he can examine my abdomen.  It’s badly bruised, but I know it is nothing compared to the damage inflicted by my attacker last year.

~*~Lame EMT~*~: I don’t know the extent of the damage, but I’m going to go ahead and wrap up your ribs.  Is that alright?

My only response is a shrug of my shoulders.  He sighs and walks back over to his supplies to get some wrap.  I stay as still as I can, waiting for the guy to speed up, but I’m fairly sure he’s purposely taking his time.  I wait as patiently as I can, but if this guy seriously doesn’t speed up, fuck wrapping up my ribs, I’ll just walk out.  Luckily I think he gets the clue and walks back over to me with the supplies.


Wednesday July 15th
Hong Kong, China
Run Down Local Gym

In just four days I will be making my official in-ring debut for Sin City Wrestling and let me tell you all, I can’t fucking wait!  Don’t get me wrong, I have been working my ass off for the last year trying to get prepared, and if it were up to me, I would have debuted a long time ago regardless of if I was fully ready or not.  Hell, some people might say I haven’t had enough training, and maybe that’s true, but all I’d really like to do is get into that ring and knock a few bitches around.  It’s really not that difficult.

So this Sunday here in Hong Kong I’m being put up against some chick named Traci Patterson.  Yeah, I’ve heard of her.  She’s one of the seasoned Bombshells of SCW, but everything I’ve found on her really isn’t all that impressive.  I’ll get into all of that a little later though, during my self-scheduled interview.  Apparently, being a Nobody means the higher ups in SCW don’t want to schedule the interviews with us, so I had to do the work myself and find someone willing to interview me.  Fucking assholes!

Anyway, where was I?  Oh, right, preparations!  So, because my big debut is in just four days, I guess I have to do at least one training session to get ready for this Traci Patterson bitch.  I decided to search around Hong Kong for a suitable gym to get a training session in and can you believe that the only place I could find that would let me in this shitty run down local shack that wreaks of piss and body odor?  Seriously, I’m also almost afraid to do any wrestling in the sorry excuse of a wrestling ring, because I’m pretty sure I might end up with ringworm or some other disgusting fungus.  Aren’t Mark Ward and Christian Underwood supposed to take care of their talent?  Especially newly acquired Bombshells?!  Hint hint, guys.

So after getting this amazingly hilarious idea that will also help me prepare for my match, I got my boy Tim to tag along.  It’s always fun sparring with him anyway, but I actually need his help more in setting up a little something.  In fact, he’s got several of the pieces inside the ring right now, looking down at them with a bit of a confused yet amused smile on his face.  If that makes sense.

~*~Bad Ass T. Staggs~*~: Lex, are you gonna explain to me what exactly we’re doing?  Because, as awesomely morbid as this is, I’m highly confused.  

I look down at the mess of disassembled body parts.  Yes, body parts.  They’re laying at Tim’s feet and I fold my arms across my chest, grinning from ear to ear and let out a laugh.

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: What does it look like to you, Tim?  

He looks down at the pile again, raising his eyebrow in confusion.

~*~Bad Ass T. Staggs~*~: Honestly?  It looks like you went and hacked someone to bits, but without all the blood.

I let out a loud laugh and reach down searching through the mess of parts.  Eventually, I come back up, holding out just the piece I was looking for.  A mannequin head with blonde hair.  I turn my head and stare at it, trying my best not to laugh.

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: Ok so I’m all for this training session and all, but you know me and, well…I wanted to have a bit of morbid fun with it.  So I got a hold of this blonde mannequin and I figured I could use the damn thing as a punching bag or some shit.  You know, to sort of mimic Traci Patterson?  I dunno though, maybe I should just leave the damn thing in pieces and burn it or something.  Either way, this stupid thing is going to show what Traci Patterson is going to look like when I’m through with her.

~*~Bad Ass T. Staggs~*~: Why did you get a mannequin though?  Why not just do whatever the hell you want to a real person?  That sounds like a better plan to me.

Out of sheer boredom, or maybe further morbidity, I begin swinging the mannequin head around by its blonde locks as I stare at Tim, this time a bit disappointed.

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: That was the first thought I had in mind, but I think I might have scared off any potential females I tried to round up.  Besides, none of them spoke a word of English so it was like talking to a brick wall.

Tim lets out a laugh before he reaches down and picks up a few pieces of the mannequin.

~*~Bad Ass T. Staggs~*~: Well, I’m down for whatever you are.  Let’s get this disgusting thing set up.

It doesn’t take us long to put the mannequin together, even sharing a few laughs from time to time and eventually, the Traci Patterson mannequin is standing tall and proud in all its fucked up glory in the center of that ring.  I’m formulating more of a plan in my head when I hear the doors swing open and heels clicking against the floor.  Tim and I both turn our attention away from the mannequin to our guest that has just entered the gym.

~*~Pussy Willow~*~: Seriously?  Couldn’t we do this some place else?  This gym is horrible and…Oh my God, what the hell is that?

SCW’s blonde haired, fake breasted reporter, Pussy Willow, is standing several feet away from the wrestling ring, pointing at the mannequin.  Tim and I stand on either side of the mannequin and I make my way over to the ropes, leaning on them and staring at the plastic reporter.

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: What does it look like?  Pussy Willow…

I can’t help but chuckle every time I say her name.

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: Meet Traci Patterson.  My opponent for this week.

~*~Pussy Willow~*~: THAT is supposed to be Traci Patterson?  What kind of training session is this?

~*~Bad Ass T. Staggs~*~: A training session Alexis Edwards style.

Pussy Willow doesn’t seem impressed, but I couldn’t really care less.  People tend to not like my way of doing things, but I still do whatever the hell I want and when I want.  I step through the ropes and head over to Pussy Willow, who remains rather quiet.

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: So, aren’t you going to ask me questions or something?  You know, do your job maybe?

~*~Pussy Willow~*~: Wait, I’m supposed to interview you today?  I was told that you wanted to speak to me!  I have no questions for you.

My jaw nearly drops.  This bimbo can’t be serious!  She’s an interviewer or reporter or whatever and she can’t, I don’t know, think of questions on the spot?!

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: What the actual fuck?  Are you serious?  You’re supposed to be the interviewer!  The only reason I had to set the damn thing up is because Mark Ward and Christian Underwood had nothing already set up for me!

~*~Pussy Willow~*~: Well, when you’re debuting and opening the show, you can’t really expect start treatment.  Sorry, honey.

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: Well Traci Patterson is in the fucking opening match against me and she’s been in SCW longer than I have.  Does SHE have scheduled interviews?

~*~Pussy Willow~*~: I have no idea, but I would imagine so.  She’s a former champion.  She gets special perks after all.  

I grab at my hair, ready to pull out fistfuls of my brunette locks when Tim quickly exits the ring and joins me.

~*~Call Me Lex~*~: This is a joke!  This is seriously one big fucking joke!  I’m an SCW Bombshell, all be it a new one, but yet I’m treated like nothing!  Get the fuck out of here!  Leave!  Before I fucking pretend YOU are Traci and beat your ass bloody all over this fungus filled wrestling ring!

Pussy Willow jumps back, fearing for her safety as she should.  Tim has to hold me back, because this incompetent reporter can’t do the job she is paid to do and it pisses me off.  Pussy Willow quickly exits the gym and I turn around, sliding back into the ring without saying so much as a word.  I am fuming…livid and Tim doesn’t know exactly what to say so he decides to let me vent.  And vent I do.  I storm right up to the Traci Patterson mannequin and proceed to rip it to shreds, tossing the pieces across the ring, all the while screaming and growling in frustration.  

Tim, meanwhile, watches on with an amused and satisfied smile knowing full well the impact I am about to make in just four days on Climax Control.
