Author Topic: QUEEN OF THE HILL LADDER MATCH  (Read 1274 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

  • TAFKATPF aka The Artist Formerly Known As The Pink Flamingo
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    • Christian Underwood
« on: April 19, 2015, 08:23:46 PM »
 First RP Period Deadline:
United States: 11:59pm EST Saturday 04/25/2015
England: 04:59am Sunday 04/26/2015

Post all RPs for this match here.

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Keira Fisher

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« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2015, 10:57:56 PM »
 *Keira is seen punching the wall a bit Roxi walks in, hearing the loud banging on the wall.*

Roxi: Are you okay?

Keira: NO! I can't get shit done! Pulse is still OUT THERE

Roxi: Keira, it's alright, we'll get her.

Keira: Not soon enough!

Roxi: Keira, come on now, it's not the end of the world.


*Roxi sighs*

Roxi: I know that. But breaking down the wall here isn't going to help anything. You need to control your anger.

Keira: Not til I end this shit with Pulse!

*Roxi walks over to Keira and places her hand on her shoulder.*

Roxi: Keira, you need to calm down. Come, sit down with me and let's talk about this.
Keira: Get off of me!

*Keira walks into the other room and looks around. Moments later, she is seen in her Kat costume. Roxi walks towards Keira*

Roxi: Where are you going?

Keira: Patrol, you coming?

Roxi: Keira... You know I don't like to see you like this. I don't think it' a good idea for you to go out
on patrol so angry...

Keira: Are you coming or not!?

Roxi: No Keira. I don't want you going out either...

*Keira walks away from Roxi and goes to the window*

Roxi: Keira... come on...

Keira: Either you're coming or I'm going!

Roxi: Keira...

*Keira leaps out and flies off Keira was seen on a rooftop, in her costume, angry as all hell.Pulse pops up on the building next to her, the building is slightly taller, so she has a tactical advantage. She yells at the woman, obviously not in the greatest mood.*

Pulse: You look like you are having a bad night. Something wrong?

Keira: Huh? None of your buisness! But I'm glad you're here. Maybe now I can end this!

*Pulse laughs at her, there is sarcasm in it, and she doesn't even try to veil it this time.*

Pulse: You know, I have gone easy on you the last few times. I kept telling you that I don't want to fight. I told you that I was having a bad night and you went full bitch mode on me. Now... now I really don't care if I hurt you.

*Keira growls as she blasts Pulse, catching her off guard, making her take the full effect.Pulse manages to teleport herself a few inches before taking the blast. Instead of it hitting her flush in the chest, she catches it in the shoulder and it spins her around in a circle. Keira catches Pulse and throws a few punches to her face, hard*

Pulse: You want to play like that? After you broke my arm, and fucked up my knee, I am not inclined to be nice. I don't think you are fast enough to deal with it either.

*Pulse teleports again, there is a loud pop around her when she does, which is something that Keira had not seen happen before. When she comes back though, she is behind the hero and slams her face first into the side of the building. Keira grunts, but she clocks Pulse with a hard elbow.Pulse takes the hard shot to the cheek, and teleports quickly backwards, her right hand coming up to the side of her face.*

Pulse: Is that how you want to play it?

*Keira turns and blasts Pulse, catching her hard*

Pulse: We have been over this before!

*Pulse teleports again, and with Keira touching her, she disappears along with the villain, again hanging over the edge of the roof. With a sick smile, Pulse releases her hand and drops her off the taller building to the roof below.*

Keira: Shut up! I'm losing everyone around me...yet you come back! You're the only one I WANT to get rid of.
Either I capture you or I kill you!

*Keira flips and wraps Pulse around her legs. She flips Pulse over her, forcing her to fall.Before she can hit the ground she is gone again, reappearing in front of Keira, her feet outstretched to the hero's chest, and her momentum from falling still very much intact. She puts both feet into Keira, sending her backwards with a hard kick.*

Pulse: Capture me? Doubtful. What are you going to do? Get pissed off and lose your mind again?

Keira: You're the only one pissing me off. I lost someone who admitted their love to me...We've tried to bring her in...yet she doesn't want us!

Pulse: I have been watching, closer than you know. Didn't she say that she was in love with you? I heard you say the same thing about her, and me, on the rooftop last time. Did you tell her that? Or did you just let her walk away?

Keira: What....huh....

Pulse: When you thought I was gone? Before you blasted me off the roof? Before I took you to that place? Did you not say the same thing about her?

Keira: Who...who are you!?

Pulse: None of your god damn concern!

*Keira then smirks*

Keira: Then I'm done with you. I'll let Warp and Force handle you....

*Pulse starts to run towards Keira, but teleports again, before she is within reach of the woman. She sweeps her legs out of under her like before, but Keira had her scouted when she tries to drop her elbow into the hero's chest. She flips her over onto the roof next to her, both quick to their feet.*
Pulse: Handle me? No. This is between the two of us. Not your wife. Not your little guild partners. You are a hero now. You do this or you are a failure. Want to know what I have money on?

Keira: I don't care about fact

*Keira raises her comm to her mouth. Pulse rushes towards her again, disappearing from the front of her and kicking the comm away from her mouth, breaking it before Keira can call for someone else.*

Pulse: YOU and ME. Nobody else.

Keira: No. I'm done with you. You're not worth it anymore...

*Pulse claps her hands, and the air around Keira immediately becomes more dense, almost so much that she can't breathe. For a moment it disorients her, and creates a small window of opportunity. She runs again, not even needing to teleport this time before slamming into her and sending her back first into the wall behind the hero.*

Pulse: You are done with me when I say you are, not the other way around.

Keira: Ho...wha...

*Pulse rips at the hood covering her own face. He brown hair, with tints of red drops to her shoulders, she is crying, but it doesn't stop Keira from recognizing her immediately.*

Keira: J...J...Jean?

Jean: I am in love with you and you couldn't even say the same thing to me to my face. You couldn't even text me and say it back.

*She sends a hard right handed punch to Keira's ribcage, and then follows it with a second identical show with her left hand.*

Jean: I love you and you don't care!

Keira: Jean...I...

*Jean pushes her back against the wall and presses her lips to hers, still with tears streaming down her face.*

Jean: I didn't want to fight you. I even forgave you for everything you did to me.

Keira: Please....

Jean: Please what, Keira? What do you want from me?

Keira: Stop....this...


Keira: But...I didn' you

Jean: It didn't matter who I was, or my reasons behind doing what I did.

Keira: yes...yes it does...the ATMs...all of it...why?

Jean: I wanted to get your attention. Nobody lost any money. It is all insured, and I would have given it all back, if it meant that you would love me. You gave me my first kiss, and a new life.

Keira: But if you could have asked....

*Jean brings herself closer to Keira and wraps her arms around her, sobbing on her shoulder.*

Jean: You kicked me out on the street and left me. I didn't think you wanted me.

Keira: We could have helped

Jean: Only last time... after all you had tried to do was capture me. Christine crushed me. I was so upset. You only offered help out of pity.

*Her fingers fumble with the back of Keira's costume, finding the zipper close to the side and starting to bring it down.*

Keira: I...don't control..what Christine...does

Jean: I want you so bad, Keira. I wasn't lying when I said I was in love with you. Do you really feel the same way about me? Or was it all a lie?

Keira: I...I Roxi...

*She brings the zipper down far enough to slip her hand inside the back of Keira's top, just needing to feel the warmth of her skin.*

Keira: So...all of get to me?

Jean: I dont want to steal you from her, or to run away with you. I wanted to be with you both, but when you both turned me down, I didn't think that would ever happen.

Keira: We want to away

Jean: You pushed me to Christine for comfort... and she was the one that pushed me away.

Keira: Jean...I didn't know...she....

Jean: I don't want to hurt you. I have told you that every time we have fought. That is why I need you to be very calm right now. Can you do that for me? I don't want this to turn out badly.

Keira: Please...stop...Jean...

Jean: Shhhh... please. You heard that popping sound earlier. It was because I tried this when I was upset. Tell me that you love me. But only if it is true. I will know if you are lying.

*She moves her head, being shorter than the woman, and resting her head on Keira's chest.*

Keira: I...want to...but me

*Jean's eyes close, she is concentrating hard on trying to clear every thought from her mind.*

Jean: If it is true, then tell me. I don't want this to hurt.

Keira: You're a hurt me...

Jean: You are a hero... and you hurt me.. but I forgive you. For everything. As Pulse. As Jean. I forgive you. That is what love is, Keira. I promise I just want to show you something.... but it is hard for me.

Keira: Wha....

Jean: Please, Keira. I need to hear the words, if they are true.

Keira: It's...the truth...I you...but you hurt be...arrested

Jean: You're a liar!

*Keira finally screams as she transforms into her Super Form, knocking Jean back*

Keira: I do love you. I love you as much as I love Roxi. This is why it's now harder to do this. But you're a villain. You must be captured

*Jean holds up her hand to Keira's face. She holds it there for a second and then pops her wrist, and opens her hand, palm towards Keira. From it, pops the same void that she created the last time. Instead of sucking her in though, it shoots forward, wrapping around Keira in a thin purple layer that spreads and covers her body within seconds. As it does, the hero becomes rigid, her moments stopped.*

Jean: I take no pleasure in this Keira. None at all.

Keira: LET GO!!!!!

Jean: NO! If I do you will just hurt me again. I am doing this because I don't want to hurt you.

Keira: You...are hurting me!!!!

*Jean steps forward, her hand seeming to guide Keira backwards. It bends her legs, and lowers her, sitting her down on the ledge of the building.*

Jean: Better? Please don't fight it. It isn't very stable. I am afraid what will happen to you if you struggle too much.

Keira: Don't....tell me what to do...Remember...I still have some...of Sin's power. nothing to me
Jean: Did you hear that popping sound earlier? Do you know how many times I have pushed myself to become stronger? When my mind isn't clear. When I am conflicted. When I push too hard? That popping down was each atom of my body exploding instead of allowing me to move. You know why I have to move around so much? You remember that building fire? That little explosion was me trying to fight it. Please don't do that.


*Keira screams and breaks free as she looks at Jean*


*Keira's eyes roll over and falls down Jean rushes to her side as she falls and catches her before she smacks the ground. She drops down to her knees, her love unconscious in her arms.*

Jean: I didn't want it to be this way. I'm sorry.

*Keira doesn't respond. Jean reaches into the small front pocket of the hero's pants and pulls out her phone.*

Jean: I made this place for you. I know it won't take you but a day to find your way out. I can't just leave you here like this though. It wouldn't be right.

*Keira is still out She clutches Keira close and the void circles them, sucking them into the same dark place as before. However, unlike the last time, this pocket between one world and some place Jean hides, there is a small room, with no door, and no ceiling, just darkness. There is a small purple light in the corner, bright enough to lighten the room. Jean picks Keira up, and places her gently on the bed. She leans down and kisses the woman's head.*

Jean: You'll be okay here, I promise.

Keira: R...Roxi...

*Keira says in her sleep*

Jean: I won't let her worry. At least not as much as a cold blooded super villain would normally. I have to go. Get your rest Keira.

*Jean brushes her hand against Keira's and disappears.*

Pain. For what feels like weeks. I feel like I've been in major pain. Knowing everything around me is falling in pieces. But knowing I got a ladder match. Not just any ladder match. But a match to give me any title match I desire. Maybe I can forgo that thing and finally get what I want. But, even I know it won't be easy.

Three opponents stand in my way. Three opponents I need to make my bitches in order to get what I want. How did Mikah get into this match, I'll NEVER know. But I do know this. She's a weak link in it. So it might not be as hard to get rid of her.

Jade, I see her at the middle woman in this. Nothing to really talk about. But nothing exciting about her either.  She might be somewhat a wild card in this. But other than that. I could pretty much dominate her before she even blinks.

Traci Patterson on the other hand, will be my true test. She isn't a Mean Girl. But I'll sure as Hell treat her like one. I'm sorry to do that, but you crossed a line. A line that I've been building ever since coming here.

Time will soon be up. Once it happens...THEY...are next!

Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2015, 12:01:22 AM »
 The first RP period is over!

All RPs in this thread will be counted towards RP period two!

Second RP Period Deadline:
United States: 11:59pm EST Friday 05/01/2015
England: 04:59am Saturday 05/02/2015

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Traci Patterson

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« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2015, 04:20:23 PM »

The camera came up we see Traci Patterson looking out of her hotel room into the city of in Casablanca in the country of Morocco. Below the room all the hustle and bustle of the city was going on but to Traci it wasn’t like it was there she was stareing out into the sky. As it panned back it showed the large blonde was wearing a white tank top, black shorts and flip-flops.

Traci Patterson
Hey Katie can I ask you something?

The camera panned around to show her younger sister Katie Patterson sitting on a white desk chair and she was wearing a striking white bikini that showed off her beautiful tanned body. The young blonde put her arm down and lifted her head before lifting up her sunglasses.

Katie Patterson
Sure Traci?

Traci Patterson
What’s it like to be a queen?

Katie looked at her stunned after all it was a kind of out left field question for her sister to ask.

Katie Patterson

Traci Patterson
I just asked what it’s like to be a queen? I mean you been a beauty queen, prom queen and the like. So I was just wondering what’s it like to be a queen since I know I got that chance Sunday on the show.

Katie sat up fully at this point.

Katie Patterson
Traci is the sun getting to you?

Traci shook her head at her sister she could understand her reaction.

Traci Patterson
No I’m deadly serious I mean the only time I’ve ever been called a queen is a queen of the freaks so I just wanted to see know what it was like to have that kind of title even if it’s for a moment?

Katie looked at her and let out a chuckle as she heard that.

Katie Patterson
Traci you have to do to relax I mean seriously it’s just a match. Having the title of a queen isn’t going to change you I mean did you ever see a different with me when I had gotten a queen title?

Traci shook her head lightly as her sister asked that.

Katie Patterson
Yeah it didn’t because it’s just something that is put in front of you but at the end of it was all about what kind of person you are and let’s be honest there is something way more important in this match at stake. A title shot I’m not sure which title it was but a title shot is just what you want to get you pumped up. I mean I know it’s been a rough few months what with the knee injury and what not but listen there is something that does worry me and that is this is a ladder match I mean like I said you not long come back from Knee surgery so this could be something that you don’t need but you have to remember this because I don’t want to have you miss time again!

Traci could look at her sister and could hear the concern in her voice. She looked down at her knee she knew that it was the thing that the other three ladies would target and she couldn’t blame them if they chose to do so  after all it was a weakness on Traci and they had to do that.

Traci Patterson
Look Katie I can’t promise it’s not going to happen as you know injures can happen no matter how safe I try to be. So the old problems with my knees come about it’s happens but for now I just got to focus on getting up the ladder and claiming the prize as well as focus on looking past my opponents.

Katie looked at her and nodded at her as she said that.

Katie Patterson
Yeah I saw who you were facing and well I’m not sure if you are going to be in for a fun ride.

Traci Patterson
Yeah I mean you got Mikah who I got to admit was better then I give her credit for I mean for someone who hasn’t been in a ring in a while I mean she was competing at a much higher level then you would have thought. Shame she was such a bitch towards me in the build up she seems like she would be ok to hang out with otherwise plus she a mom on top of it all too so I will give her props for that. Then there Jade I mean rock solid veteran has been in a number of wars over the years. Jade knows her way around a ring and that makes her dangerous as all hell really hope that it doesn’t give me too many problems but I know I can’t relax with her. Lastly there Keira Roxi wife and while I don’t get why they do the whole superhero thing they both do. I mean to me it’s like it’s so odd you think that dressing up to do that is on you but hey when you are are as talented as they are in the ring you can get away with it. I know Roxi has been a champion numerous times in the past so I’m sure that Keira will want to do the same. I know that it’s just a case of climbing a ladder but no matter what I got to go through hell to get to it. I don’t know if I will win but I will be damned if I don’t get it my all.

Katie stood up at this point and walked over to her sister.

Katie Patterson
That’s all I ever ask of you Traci and even if you don’t win the match. To me you will always be a queen because you are my sister and you’re the queen who protects me from the people who want to hurt me.

Traci looked at her sister and shook her head.

Traci Patterson
That was cheese but you know what! I liked it but since you see me as a queen her highness has a request you treat her to dinner I’m starving right now!

Katie looked at her and bowed to Traci like she was royalty.

Katie Patterson
As you wish your highness!

Traci simple shook her head as Katie headed back into the hotel room Traci then followed her in as she did this the screen turned black.

End of RP
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Offline Keira Fisher

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« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2015, 10:39:02 PM »
 *Pulse had left instructions on Roxi's Twitter via Keira's Twitter that she had to come to Pulse, alone.*

*As instructed, Roxi, clad in her costume, stands on the rooftop, waiting.*

Pulse: If you would be so kind as to come up here.

*Roxi looks up, and sees Pulse.*

Roxi: Pulse... what... did you?

*Pulse is sitting on the ledge of the taller, neighboring building, her eyes closed. She sits with her legs crossed.*

Pulse: Can you just do what I ask without questioning it? I am trying to concentrate here.

*Roxi flies up cautiously.*

Roxi: Pulse, did you take Ke - Kat? Do you know where she is?

*Pulse turns herself on the ledge, facing Roxi and pointing at the ledge in front of her for the hero to sit. He legs are crossed, her hands on her knees, not bothering to open her eyes.*

Pulse: She is fine. She knocked herself out trying to struggle when I was asking the same from her as I am from you. If you would sit, this can go very smoothly. You are the more level-headed of the two of you.

Roxi: I just... alright.

*Roxi nervously, cautiously sits down*

Pulse: Hands please...

*Roxi nervously gives Pulse her hands. Pulse opens her eyes and looks up, very serious.*

Pulse: I need you to clear your mind of bullshit. Keira is fine. She passed out is all. I put her in a safe place.

Roxi: Okay...

Pulse: I need you to focus on just one thing. And please dont get scared or struggle. You won't be able to move. Keira tried, and all that energy she used hurt her.

Roxi: What is this for?

Pulse: I want to show you something. I have been growing.

*As she speaks a purple void starts to cover their skin, covering their hands first and then traveling up their arms. It wraps around their bodies, tightly locking them in place.*

Pulse: Can you focus on nothing but a number? You don’t have to picture it like me, just focus on it. It might help.

Roxi: Okay...

Pulse: 38.8893° N, 77.0501° W.... I apologize beforehand if we blow up.

Roxi: Wha....That's... the Lincoln memorial?

Pulse: I haven't tried to go this far but just a few times before. Most of the time I just combust. You're helping though. As long as you're focused we will be alright.

Roxi: Why are we going to do there...

*Pulse doesnt answer, instead the two disappear, a light popping sound left echoing on the rooftop. Moments later the two appear, one hundred feet in the air, sitting on top of the roof of the memorial. The purple void around them disappears and Pulse breaks her hands away, quickly getting to her feet and surveying their surroundings.*

Pulse: Holy shit! It worked! I did it!

*Roxi looks around, stunned*

Roxi: Pulse... what... what is all this about?

*Pulse moves around the top of the memorial, looking around the city, and locking her eyes on the Washington Monument across the way.*

Pulse: It's beautiful, isn’t it? I have always wanted to come here.

Roxi: Yes... it is...

Pulse: You two, and all the rest of your friends, fly around and kind of protect the places that these things represent, don’t you?

Roxi: That's our job, Pulse. To keep these people, and these things safe.

Pulse: I don’t mean to make you think I don’t realize that. I know you have a job to do. I know what that means for me as well. I never really hurt anyone. I never stole anything that people wouldn’t get back from insurance. Am I really so bad?

Roxi: Pulse, I can understand the moral grey area in life. But you robbed those ATM's, that's not your money. Regardless of if you were going to give it back.

Pulse: And you made me fight you... well, Keira did. I never wanted to.

Roxi: It's my job, and Keira's job to uphold the law. Do I think you're a bad person? No... For some reason, I don't. I'm not here to fight you. I just want Keira back.

Pulse: I can take you to her, but you can't take me in. You have to let me go. Keira wouldn't, nothing I could do could change her mind. I am done with those things. I found something better. You can’t take me in though. I won’t go.

Roxi: Then... what was this all about? Why did you kidnap Keira? You obviously know who we are, what was this for?

Pulse: If you do that, you're going to lose someone that you love. There is no coming back from that. It is your choice. You have to pick between arresting me, or one of your loved ones. Keira didn’t understand. She is emotional.

Roxi: I just want to know... I don't want to fight you, and I don't want you to hurt Keira. Please.
Pulse: I don’t want either of those things either. It isn’t Keira I am talking about. I need an answer Roxi. Am I free to go, or not?

Keira:'re not....

*Keira is seen behind Pulse and in front of Roxi, one eye closed and panting heavily*

Roxi: Keira?

Keira: Hey...

*Roxi rushes over to Keira and hugs her, cradling her in her arms.*

*Keira weakly hugs Roxi*

Roxi: Pulse... Just.... just go.

*Pulse shrugs and turns around.*

Pulse: I told you that you would only be in there for a day. I knew you would break out, and I knew that when you did, it would be right here.

Keira: took all of my escape...

Pulse: I knew you would escape. You have no patience. We would have been there soon. As soon as Roxi made her decision.

Keira: I...I got patience. I had patience when I first met you...When I from your own father

Roxi: Keira shhh! Please... it's over and done with. Pulse, I said you're free to go.

Keira: And let her escape?

*Pulse, still with her back to them, does as she did the night before, she reaches up and pulls the mask off her face, looking down.*

Roxi: I don't care about her escape. I just wanted you back.

*Roxi looks up at Pulse*

Keira: Turn around....Jean

Pulse: That’s the thing, I don’t want to escape. I want to stay, with both of you.

*She turns slowly, showing them both her face and finding courage to meet Roxi's eyes.Roxi stares at Jean in disbelief.

Roxi: Jean... you...

*Keira just stares and pants*

Jean: Do you understand now why I never wanted to fight?

Roxi: .... I.. You captured Keira, why did you take her? You could have just left her. You came to me last
night, you told me all those things... it didn't have to come to this.

Jean: I tried to bring her here. Even after she knew it was me.... she hurt me. She kept fighting.

*Jean brushes away a tear from her cheek.*

Jean: I hugged her and she pushed me away with that... thing.

Keira: We be happy. But if I had known...

Jean: YOU DID KNOW! I told you and you still hurt me.

Keira: Well, you got...a chance

Roxi: Stop it! Keira you're in no condition to fight. Please save your strength.

Keira: I'm not...fighting her anymore

*Jean shakes her head and steps further away.*

Keira: Jean...stop. I said I'm not fighting....

Jean: You made your choice. By the time you get back to Miami I will be gone.

Roxi: Pul... Jean... You wanted to be with us....

Keira: Yea...I made my choice. I said you're not going anywhere. I never said...about going to jail

Jean: It’s what I want more than anything. I want you both. But I am not going in though. Not arrested. Not in front of your other heroes. Nothing.

Keira: JEAN! LISTEN TO ME! I'm not arresting you...not anymore

*Keira slowly walks over to Jean, but she slowly falls over again As soon as she starts to fall Jean disappears, and comes forward in less then a second, appearing again on her knees and catching Keira before she can fall to the ground.*

Jean: Stop pushing yourself.

Keira: I...I...

*Jean looks up at Roxi and waves her over.*

Jean: Come here.

*Roxi walks over, close to Jean. Jean pulls Keira up, leaning her back against her chest. She reaches out, her arms under Keira's and out towards Roxi.*

Jean: If it is three of us we need to be closer together. Hug us. This is a lot to break down.

*Roxi reaches up and pulls her mask off, tossing it aside, tears streaming down her face. She reaches out for Jean and Keira.*

Jean: This one is really easy. Just think home. I'm sorry. Roxi.

*Roxi finally does embrace them both thinking of home as she still cries. Jean closes her eyes and instead of the instantaneous disappearance, they all flicker for a second before they are gone. They come back into existence, whole again, standing at the foot of the married couple's bed.*

Jean: I... love you both...

*Her arms go limp and her eyes rolls back in her head. She collapses like a rag doll, hitting the floor hard, undoubtedly unconscious.*

*Roxi gently lays Keira on the bed. She then reaches down and caresses Jeans face before picking her up and gently laying her next to Keira.*

Roxi: Rest now... Both of you.

*Jean's eyes flutter, and finally manage to open. She is immediately in panic mode. She feels herself, still in her Pulse outfit. She couldn't remember how she got here, but had her suspicions. She must have passed out. She knew she shouldnt have taken Roxi so far. She sits up, gauging her surroundings and noticing the fans around her. It was kind of familiar, but everything in her head was fuzzy.Keira was seen trying to train as she breathes heavily*

Jean: Ke... Keira... where are we? What happened? You got out.. you fell.

Keira: J...Jean?

*She is immediately terrified, sitting up and pulling her legs into her chest, making herself as small as possible.*

Jean: Whats going on?

Keira: You're home

*As the fog starts to clear from her head, the room becomes more familiar.*

Jean: Your house.... but why?

Keira: It's where you live now

Jean: How did we...? Did I make us here? Where is Roxi? Oh no.... I messed it up, didnt I? She didnt make it through? Is she here?

Keira: She' the...bedroom

Jean: All of her?

Keira: Yes....

*She looks down at her knees with a feeling of success in her smile, and whispers to herself.*

Jean: I did it...

*Keira smiles, but falls down again. Roxi hears the thud, and scrambles to her feet running into the fan room*

Roxi: Keira! I told you! You can't work out!

Keira: I...I...I'm....f-f-fine

Jean: Roxi!

Roxi: Jean! You're awake!

*Roxi helps Keira to her feet, and then walks over to Jean, offering a hand to help her up. Jean looks reluctant, guilt radiating from her, but she takes Keira's hand and slowly gets to her feet.*

Roxi: Both of you need to take it easy. You lost a lot of energy. I mean it.

Keira: I...said...

*Jean's legs wobble a little as she takes a step towards Keira, hugging her.*

Jean: I'm sorry.

*Keira's eyes close as she feels the breeze from the fans Roxi hooks her head under both girls arms to support them, walking very gingerly to ensure they don't fall.*

Roxi: I mean it you two. You both can barely stay conscious. Take it easy, and get in bed. If I have to, I'll tie you both down.

*Jean laughs.*

Jean: It really doesn’t work...

*There is nothing threatening in her voice, just light humor.*

Roxi: Shhh. Come on, walk slowly.

*Roxi walks gingerly with Keira and Jean, taking them into the bed room. She gently lays them both on the bed, and places Keira gently in the bed, followed by Jean. She kisses each of them on the forehead*

Jean: I am sorry you two... I didn’t mean for this to happen.

Roxi: Jean, save your strength. We'll talk about everything when you' both are well enough.

Keira: Ro...Roxi

*Jean closes her eyes, and puts her hands across her chest. She takes a few steady breaths and disappears, coming back behind Roxi with her arms around her waist.*

Jean: I mean it.... I messed up....

Roxi: Jean... come on, you're being stubborn. You need rest.

Keira... don't you dare get up again.

Jean: I can’t just lay in your house without saying it.

*Roxi again eases Jean onto the bed, sitting her down on it.*

*She turns towards Keira.*

Jean: I... I shouldn't have...

Roxi: Jean, please... It's over now. Lay down, sleep. Before you hurt yourself.

*Roxi kisses Jean on the cheek and smiles, caressing her face.*

Jean: I already did... I hurt both of you.

Roxi: *sigh* Jean, listen, we've got a lot to discuss when you're both better. Right now, it will make me very happy, if you just lay down and rest.

Jean: You too?

Roxi: In a little bit. I've got patrols to do. You lay here with Keira. I'll be back soon, and I'll join you. And we'll all rest.

Jean: One less person causing trouble...

Roxi: Jean, come on, please, I'm begging you. Rest before you black out or pass out again. Keira will be fine, you have each other to keep company until I get back.

Jean: I will stay until she is better....

*Keira grabs Jean by her arm*

Keira: arm

Jean: You shouldnt love me.

*Her eyes start to flutter, trying to stay awake.*

Roxi: Keira, let her go. Jean, where else is there for you to go? You can't go back out on the run. Moving from place to place like a nomad? You need to lay down here, and save your energy.

Keira: as

Jean: I’m so sorry...

*Tears start to rolls from her eyes.*

Roxi: Rest now. We love you.

*Jean nods, trying to stop the tears. She reaches out for Keira's hand.

*Keira grabs Jean's hand*

Jean: I love you both.

Keira: you....too

*Roxi hugs both girls gently, kissing each of them on the forehead.*

Roxi: I love you both too.

What's it like to be Queen? Hell if I know. Never experienced it myself. I grew up with a crappy life. I grew up, losing my parents. Having some sort of curse placed upon me. So yea. I know how it feels to be mud. Then again, my opponents should feel the same, considering that they picked the wrong damn day to mess with me!

Where's Mikah at? I thought she wanted to be in this as badly as everyone else? I mean. She had every chance to bitch and moan about how she was going to climb the ladder. Instead, NOPE! I got better things to do! I can't stay here and try to win anything!

Jade's the same way. It's like ever since I came here. Everyone I faced has fallen. So let me guess. Jade found out that I don't go easy on my opponents and she decided to run? I don't blame her to be honest. But I'm not a Mean Girl. I'm known to people as Evil Incarnate.

Least Traci was the only one brave enough to step up! Traci's the only one out of everyone in this match to step up and try to fight for a chance to be champion! A chance to be Queen! Sadly, no offense Traci. But after everything that's happened since I came to SCW. All I want is to make sure I have erased any trace of the Mean Girls. That means injuring you to do it, then so be it.

I take it back. I do know how it feels to be a Queen. I have my wife, Roxi. She'll see what I can do when I win. Once I win, Pray to God that the Mean Girls don't have a title to walk away with in Morocco. If they do, then I'm going to B.A.B

