Author Topic: Your worst Nightmare  (Read 343 times)

Offline Amanda Cortez

  • SCW's tough and ticklish Biker Chick
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    • Amanda Cortez
Your worst Nightmare
« on: March 25, 2015, 07:30:58 AM »
 The last weeks really have been pretty exciting for Amanda. Her career didn’t go very well and she got injured really bad in another company, but thanks God the doctors could fix her knee again. But at SCW it isn’t much better at the moment. She lost the tournament at the PPV, her friend Delia lost her title, Veronica lost against Keira and it seems that the good and glorious times of the Mean Girls are over now.

Everybody in her group seems to be frustrated, and so is Amanda, but she still doesn’t give up. Her partner Vero had taken a break for a few weeks and so she didn’t had to defend her title for a while, but now this break is over and her next match will be a title defense again. This is pretty important for her, because these tag titles are the only titles the Mean Girls still hold and Amanda really doesn’t want to change this. But about her Tag match she doesn’t care much at the moment.

For now she is happy that she was able to defeat Keira, the girl who won against Vero in the last week. It’s not that she really hates Keira, but she wanted a revenge for the Mean Girls and this revenge she got. Now she’s back at home, in her trailer at LA, and tries to relax a bit, even though this is a bit hard at the moment. Normally, till a few weeks ago, she has lived there together with her wife Rose, but then her son Jacobi moved in and also his girlfriend Kiara. Amanda really loves the two and she enjoys it to have them there, but it’s not as quiet anymore as it used to be.

But today it’s a quiet day. Her family is enjoying the day at the beach, but Amanda decided to stay at home and to relax a bit. So she sits there in a deck chair in front of her trailer and dozes a bit, but in some way she can’t really relax. Again she thinks about her chaotic career and about all this trouble at SCW. She had rejoined there to have some fun and to earn some money, but slowly everything escalates. The war between the mean Girls, her stable, and all the other divas becomes worse from week to week and it slowly goes on Amanda’s nerves.

So she still sits in her deck chair, and even though it's such a nice day, her mood isn’t very good. For a moment she wishes that her family would be here, but sadly they are all gone today and so she is alone with her thoughts. She lights a cigarette and inhales deeply, then she laughs a bit. Rose and her family doesn’t like it very much if she smokes, but now nobody can complain.

“Ok Keira, I hope you have learned your lesson. You talked so many shit, especially as you said that you want to take the tag titles from us and you don’t even have a partner. But that wasn’t the worst thing you had done. The worst thing was that you offended my friends again and again. Did you really think that I would let you get away with this shit? It seems that you have forgotten that I’m a Mean Girl too and the same counts for the title stuff. If you wanna take it from the Mean Girls, then you will also have to fight me. So tell me, is this a way to treat a friend?
I wouldn’t say so. I really don’t know what is wrong with you. You, your wife Roxi and me had had so many nice evenings together and I really saw you as my friend and then you started that shit. I really don’t get this.
I had told you that you won against Vero only by luck and you freaked out. Damn, you should have known that you wouldn’t have a chance in a real match against any of the Mean Girls, and I think this I proved last week. We had our match and I took the win. So now you see that all your childish superhero crap didn’t help you in any way and also your partner Roxi couldn’t help you. I already told you what I think about you, you’re no superhero, you’re a superloser and this you have proved last week. So do us all a favor and stop this crap. Do what is best for you and quit this wrestling job, cuz wrestling is a thing you’re really bad in.”

Again Amanda drags at her cigarette. Then she stands up and goes insides to get a drink. A few minutes later she comes back with an ice tea and sits down again. In the past she used to drink alcohol and she also took drugs, but this time is over now. She really doesn’t want to think about wrestling anymore, and now her thoughts go back to her family.

“But anyway, this all isn’t worth my time, I have better things to do. I’m a mom now and I have to take care that my kids are happy, even though they aren’t really kids anymore, they are more young adults. Oh God, I feel so old now, almost like a grandma.”

She laughs a bit, because she’s only 30, but she has been 14 as she got Jacobi. As he moved to her home she has been really happy, but then it became even better. She had heard that he has a girlfriend, Kiara, and she has talked to this girl. In some way Amanda really liked Kiara, but then it looked like there were some tensions between Kiara and Jacobi, at least Kiara said that Jacoby was completely ignoring her. Amanda felt really bad for the young girl and she really wanted to comfort her and so she invited her to live at her home too and Kiara accepted. Now they are a real little patchwork family and Amanda is really happy with how everything develops. She still doesn’t know whether everything is ok again between Kiara and Jacobi, but it seems that the young girl slowly feels better and relaxes a bit. At the beginning she has been really sad, but now it’s a bit better and Kiara enjoys her life again. NNow Amanda hopes that Kiara will find some new friends, but she’s confident, because the young girl is really such a nice person. By the thought of her a smile comes into her pretty face.

"Damn, I never thought that all this would happen to me one day. I already thought that I would never see my boy again, and now I don’t only have a son, I have a daughter too. It’s really so awesome and I love it, even though all this love things can be pretty stressing. Damn, that reminds me of all the stress I had as I was young, but thanks God this is over since I married Rose. Some people might call me a slut, because we have an open relationship, but I would never do anything that could hurt her. I hope with Jacobi and Kiara it’s the same, but there I’m not so sure.
In some way the two don’t talk to each other at the moment and I really don’t know why, but I will find it out. And even if not, I hope that they are still happy here at my house. It really would make me so sad if this wouldn’t be the case.”

Now Amanda sighs and it’s clearly visible that she is a bit worried. It’s really not so easy and in some way she becomes a bit sad, but then Rose comes back from the beach. A bit surprised Amanda sees that she is alone.

“Hey, what’s with the kids? Are they ok?”

Rose knows how much Amanda loves the two and how much her family means to her. So she smiles in a lovingly way and runs her fingers playfully through Amanda’s long red hair.. Then she bends down to Amanda and kisses her gently on the lips.

“Don’t worry about them, they are. And they are old enough to fix their problems alone. I know that you wanna be a good mom, and I can tell you that you are, but this is a thing between the two of them. There’s nothing you can do.”

Amanda hates it to be out of control, as long as it isn’t in the bed room and so she doesn’t like this thought too much, but she knows that Rose is right, like usually, and even though it hurts a bit, she nods in agreement.

“You’re right …I shouldn’t be overprotective. They are almost grown up and such problems happen. And I bet they will find a way to solve their problems, even if it might hurt a bit. But I still will do whatever I can to make them happy. That’s the way a mom thinks and I can’t change it.”

She smiles a bit and looks up to Rose, who sits down at the foot end of the deck chair. She knows that Rose understands her and that she thinks the same way. After being together for so many years, they both know exactly how the other one feels and thinks.

“True ..and you’re a good mom. But now lets talk about something else, or better, let’s do something else. The kids are still at the beach and they know that we two also need some time alone, at least sometimes. So let’s not talk about problems, let’s enjoy this nice day and have some fun.”

Even though it’s a bit strange, Amanda isn’t in the right mood for having fun and so she shakes her head, but Rose already sits on her deck chair and gives her a foot rub. So Amanda has no choice and she begins to purr a bit. She loves this too much and never can resist, but then she tries to pull her feet back.

“Please ..what if the kids come back and see us?”

Knowing how much Amanda loves it to get caressed and teased, Rose doesn’t listen to her and continues with what she does. She smiles voluptuously and laughs a bit at her wife who already became turned on.

“Don’t worry about them, they are busy. So we have some time for us. I doubt that they will come back before the evening. Hehe, I gave them one of your surfboards and now they are busy.”

That’s possible, but Amanda still is a bit worried that they could come back home earlier. She doesn’t want to get caught while doing kinky stuff, not even just making love with Rose and even though she really isn’t square, that would be too embarrassing for her.

“I don’t know …Please .. Or I run away.”

But this doesn’t count and Rose isn’t willing to let her get away, especially as she knows that Amanda doesn’t want her to stop. Normally Rose is more the quiet one, but if she’s in the right mood, she can be really dominant.

“Well, then I might have to tie you to the deck chair. Then you are all mine and you have no chance to run.”

That's a thought Amanda really loves and so she giggles, but she still isn't convinced and now she even tries to pull her feet back, but Rose was prepared and traps Amanda’s ankles between her legs. Then she continues her foot rub, but now she also tickles Amanda’s toes lightly, so that the pretty redhead starts to giggle in such a cute way.

"You're so mean to me ...."

But Rose only laughs at her and continues to tease and tickle her love, enjoying Amanda’s cute and girlish giggling and laughing. Normally Amanda is really dominant and loves it to boss others around, so it is cute to see her all helpless and giggling like a little schoolgirl. But that’s not all, Amanda also looks really pretty and cute when she laughs and giggles.

“So I’m mean? And I thought that you love this …”

And there she is right. Amanda really loves this treatment. So Rose continues a bit longer and now Amanda really laughs and screams. But all her squirming doesn’t help her, Rose isn’t willing to stop so soon. Rose is physically stronger than her wife, but it’s still pretty hard to keep the squirming Mandy under control. For a moment she stops to torture her wife and reaches besides the deck chair. With a smile in her face she shows Amanda a long piece of robe and before Amanda can react, Rose has tied her wrists and ankles to the deck chair. Now she winks at her wife.

"Maybe I should call the kids and they could help me to make you laugh again. I bet they are willing to do so.”

Now Amanda eyes widen in shock and she shakes her head violently. Getting tickled and teased by more than one person is fun, but not if these persons are her kids. This would really be too weird.

“Shit no, you can’t do this. This would be too weird.”

Again Rose laughs. She would never do such a thing and she also doesn’t want to scare Amanda, but teasing her was just too much fun. For a moment she thinks about to continue, but then she decides not to do it.

“Don’t worry, this I wouldn’t do. But only if I can have my fun with you for the rest of the afternoon.”

Amanda really is eased and she smiles. She also loves the thought of being Rose’s slave for the rest of the day and really excited she nods. And then the fun begins. For a few minutes Rose caresses Amanda’s petite body with her finger until the pretty redhead is completely excited, but then she stops it and stands up. With a smile in her face she leaves Amanda alone and goes back to the house, while Amanda’s eyes widen.

“Hey, you can’t leave me alone here …”

A few minutes later Rose comes back and now she has a feather in her hand and shows it to Mandy. Then she begins to caress Amanda’s soft and sensitive skin with the feather and Amanda purrs and giggles again. Rose begins with her armpits, her breasts, her sides, then the tummy follows and slowly she comes to Amanda’s long and pretty legs. This takes a really long time and Amanda already is out of breath and laughs and screams, but as Rose reaches her tiny feet, it is over with the tattooed young woman. She laughs hysterically, especially as Rose runs the feather under and in between her cute little toes, but the laughing is also mixed with moaning now.

Eventually Rose stops it now, but only for a short moment. Then she runs the feather over Amanda’s privates and the poor girl is really out of control. She laughs and screams, but her hips begin to move rhythmically and eventually she can’t hold back any longer and explodes.

But Rose still isn’t dome with Amanda and after a small break the whole treatment begins again. This way she tortures and teases her love for the rest of the afternoon and as she unties Amanda, the poor young woman is completely spent, but also happy again. Now she really has forgotten all her problems and she huddles against Rose, while she tries to catch her breath.

“God damn, that was so mean, but also so wonderful. Hehe, I think tomorrow I will have sore muscles in my tummy from all that laughing. Hehe.”

Then she gets her clothes and Rose helps her to get dressed again. Then she helps Amanda up and the two go back to the house. Amanda had planed to sleep a bit and to recover, but just as she had entered the house, her cell phone rings and she answers it. It’s her stepsister Casey who works for her as her personal trainer and after a small chat Amanda hangs up again. A bit disappointed she looks at Rose.

“Damn, this was Casey. It seems that she has already heard that I have this title defense next week and now she wants to train with me. Shit, that really sucks. Sometimes Casey really goes on my nerves.”

Now Rose laughs a bit. She kisses Amanda on the cheek and huddles her again to comfort her a bit. She knows that Amanda is more the lazy one and that she loves it more to have fun than to spend her time at the gym, but she also knows that Casey is right and that her wife really needs the training.

“Hey, that’s mean. She only wants your best and she wants that you leave the ring, still with the championship belt around your waist.”

Amanda knows that she is right, but she still isn’t in the mood for a training right now, especially as training with Casey always means stress. Her stepsister is so strong and has such a good stamina, so that it’s really hard to train with her. Especially their trainings matches are really stressing and Amanda mostly loses them.

“True, but I’m already tired and exhausted, and Casey won’t let me go before I’m completely spent.”

But nothing helps. Casey can be stressing if she doesn’t get what she wants and so Amanda gets dressed again. Then she packs her stuff for the gym and a few minutes later she sits in her old truck and drives to the gym. As she arrives there, Casey is already waiting for her and the tall blond winks at Amanda.

“Did I interrupt you and Rose? Haha”

Amanda roles her eyes and points out her tongue. She isn’t mad at Casey, because her sister only wants to help her, but sometimes she really goes on her nerves, especially when Casey provokes her.

“Nope, we were already finished. Hehe, and I don’t needa do anything for my stamina now.”

Then they both laugh. Casey isn’t so much in kinky things, but she knows what Amanda means. The whole thing amuses her, but like usually she is honest again within seconds. It’s not that Casey doesn’t like fun, but at the moment she is single and so the pretty blond spends all her time at the gym and this with success. She is no wrestler, but she is successful as a MMA fighter and she also does some bodybuilding contests. So she is not only very strong, but she also has more muscles than some men and she is proud of it. With a smile in her face she looks at her stepsister.

“Well, I don’t know much about your opponents, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t train you. I could call for two more fighters to help us out. I mean then we two are in a team and I can play Vero’s part during the match, even though this isn’t so easy. I don’t wanna talk bad about her, but her skills aren’t convincing. She is just an arrogant bitch and she only takes the win with cheating. If she can’t do this, then she loses, like last week against Keira.”

Talking bad about her her friends always annoys Amanda and so she glares at her sister. She knows that Casey doesn’t mean it and that it’s her normal way to talk about others, but it still hurts and is annoying.

“Hey, don’t talk bad about my friend and partner. During our last matches she has been a great help.

Casey is more the serious person and she doesn’t smile often, but now a tauntingly smile comes into her face and she shrugs. She doesn’t like Vero and all her beauty stuff and she isn’t willing to hide it.

"Well, maybe, but I still don't like her. She is one of the reasons why nobody respects the Mean Girls. You can’t think that anybody will respect you if you cheat the whole time, but this should end now. We two will train and then you will do a great match. We have to change the image of the Mean Girls and prove that you are good in the ring and that you can do a proper fight. So don’t worry about it. After we are done here, you will be ready for whatever awaits you. I can’t promise you that you will take the win, but I will make sure that the people will respect you after your match is over. They will see the Mean Girls in a completely different way. Prolly they will still think that you are bitches, but they will have to admit that you’re great wrestlers.”

Immediately Amanda understands what Casey means. Changing the image of the Mean Girls will be a great thing and help her with her career at SCW. She nods and claps her hands.

“That’s really a great idea. Thank you. I already thought of something like this, but I never had an idea how to start it. But it would be really good if the people will see us in a different light. I’m fed up of being called a loser or a cheater. It goes on my nerves, especially as it’s not true. I’m not bad in the ring and I think the people should see this too. So let’s start our training and I won’t stop before I manage it to defeat you.”

Casey puts her hands on her hips and looks down at the smaller Amanda. The tall and muscular blond has a smile in her face and she shakes her head. She knows that Amanda is good in the ring, but in a match against her, Amanda mostly loses, because Casey’s submission holds are really mean and unescapable.

“Well, then we will never come to an end. Haha, but don’t forget that they close here at 11 pm, so till then we have to get outa here.”

Amanda punches her sister into the stomach, but Casey has so many muscles that she doesn’t feel anything. The only result Amanda gets is, that her hand hurts now and that her sister laughs at her again. Sometimes it can be really frustrating.

“If you wanna win against me, then you have to try something different, but I doubt that you will have success. But at least you can try it. Oh, and if you really should have success, well, then you also can face the guys in your company. They aren’t much stronger than me. So give your best. But we should start with some weight lifting first.”

Now Casey begins to bandage her wrists and Amanda roles her eyes. She is pretty small and petite and so she really doesn’t like weight lifting, even though she is strong for her size. But she ignores the fact that she hates it and so the two begin with some bench pressing, followed by squat and several other exercises. At the end Amanda is completely exhausted and she needs a break, while her stepsister still is fit. Amanda sits down on a bench, drinks some water, and desperately tries to catch her breath. And this was only the beginning. Probably the following trainings match she won’t survive.

“Damn, you’re really gonna kill me ..”

But Casey ignores that comment and only laughs. Then she rubs Amanda’s sore shoulders and slowly Amanda relaxes and recovers a bit. She knows that this will help Mandy to feel better and that it motivates her and so she continues a bit longer.

“I won’t …but I wouldn’t be so sure that your opponents won’t try it. They really want your title and they would love to see one of the Mean Girls die in the ring, haha.”

Amanda looks up and shakes her head violently. Her team is really hated by all the others, but she loves her friends and she wants to see them having success, so losing is no option for the proud young woman.

“No way that this will happen. I won’t die and I also won’t lose my title against these idiots. This time we will prove that we are still a force. The last weeks with all this losing have been annoying enough and I really don’t want this to happen again. This time we will win. I’m the Goddess and no sore loser like Keira or all these other bitches. I will start a new era for the Mean Girls. From now on we will be the dominating stable again, but with one big difference to the past. Now we will take our wins with brutal force. The people shall fear us because of our strength and our wrestling skills and not because of our cheating.
And there’s one more thing that’s inportant for me. Delia and Mercedes will be proud of Vero and me and that’s what even counts more than the title. We two are the last remaining Mean Girls with a title and I will make sure that this won’t change. From now on everybody who thinks of the Mean Girls will think of Vero and me, the two most dangerous wrestlers at SCW.”

With a smile in her face Casey pats Amanda on the shoulder, then she helps her up again. It’s awesome that Amanda is always so full of self confidence, even if she has a losing streak and that she never gives up.

"That's the right spirit. Go out there and kill all these idiots. Wipe them away, throw them into the toilet and flush them away like shit.
But before you will do this, you will first try to defeat me here. And do me a favor and forget that you’re my sister. Just imagine that I’m one of your opponents in your title match, so don’t hold back. Try to hurt me, try to injure me, try to knock me out, just do whatever it needs to take the win.”

Then the two climb into the ring, but Amanda still hesitates a bit. She knows what Casey means, but she still feels bad to attack her own sister in such a brutal way, but Casey begins to provoke her.
“What’s wrong with you? Are you scared like a lil girl? That’s laughable, you’re even a worse loser than your fucking friends, the Mean Girls. Haha, you’re as bad in the ring as the superlosers Roxi and Keira.”

And that’s too much. Amanda really hates it if someone talks bad about her stable and so she attacks now. She moves forward and tries to kick and punch Casey, but it doesn’t seem to bother the strong blond woman. Casey only laughs at her.

“Is that all you can do? That’s a joke, a baby has more power than you.”

And Amanda tries it again. She punches, kicks, tries to throw Casey down and get her in a submission hold, but nothing really works good. With ease Casey powers out and starts to laugh at her again. So Amanda gets more and more annoyed, but she sees that she has no chance. It’s time to do something different. Now she makes some short attacks and when Casey attacks, she moves back. Amanda is really fast and so Casey has some problems with the speed and eventually Amanda tries it with all her high flying moves. At first she doesn’t has much success, but then she sees that Casey becomes slower. It seems that the strong blond woman becomes tired and now Amanda manages it to throw her down a few times, but it’s never enough to pin her. At the end Amanda tries it again, but as she tries to throw Casey down again, the tall woman blocks her attack and before Amanda can do anything, she ends up in a Kimura lock and has to tap out.
The match is over and Casey helps her up. She sees how frustrated Amanda is and hugs her sister in a friendly way.

“Hey, you did good, much better than I had expected it. I bet, if we continue this training the next days, you will take the win.”

Losing is no fun, especially not if you are as cocky as Amanda is and so she still is a bit frustrated. At first she wants to push her away and she looks at her sister and growls, but then she allows it to get hugged.

“Hopefully, cuz if not, I don’t see the come back of the Mean Girls coming.”

Again Casey hugs her and runs her hand through her hair. Normally she’s really cold, but Amanda is so cute and lovable, so she likes her and smiles. Her hand runs over Mandy’s back and she rubs it.

“You will win, I know it. You’re a real champion and you will do great in your match. The people will fear you.”

Well, that doesn’t sound to bad and Amanda almost believes it. At least she can smile again and so she thinks that she could invite Casey to a nice dinner. Rose and the kids are at home and so she has some time for herself and a dinner would be awesome. After a shower the two are ready to leave the gym and even though Amanda is a bit tired, she is in a pretty good mood. Now she only has to find out who her opponents are, but this can wait till later. The dinner comes first and she is really hungry.

After a short ride they stop in front of a restaurant and enter. Like usually there are many people who know her from TV and so she has to sign some autographs and talk to the fans, before they can sit down at a table. Amanda orders a steak and Casey her usual salad with chicken and then they start to eat.

Everything is really relaxed and the two enjoy their free time, but then Amanda’s phone rings again. At first she wants to ignore it, but as she sees that it’s Rose who calls her, she becomes curious and answers the phone. The call doesn’t last very long and she shoves her phone back into her pocket. Now Casey looks up.

“So who was it?”

Normally Casey isn’t very curious and doesn’t talk much, but she sees that it must have been important and so she wants to know what goes on. But before she can ask anything, Amanda tells her everything.

“Well, it was Rose and she told me that the match card is up. Since I got these tag titles, we didn’t had a title defense, but now this changes. The next week we will face Cynthia Warren and Candy Overton in a title match. Wow, our first title defense, I’m really excited.”

Like usually Amanda becomes excited or nervous really fast, but her younger sister is more relaxed. She only shrugs and looks at Mandy.

“So are they good? I’ve never heard anything of them, so it can’t be that impressive.”

And the same counts for Amanda. She was away from SCW for a pretty long time and so she also doesn’t know most of the wrestlers, besides the few whom she has faced in the ring, but Cynthia and Candy don’t belong to this group. She shakes her head and sighs.

“Well, me neither. The only thing I know is that they managed it to defeat the Fallen in a tag match. I don’t know how they have done it, but at least it means that they can’t be too bad. But wether that gives them the right to be in a title match I don’t know too. For me they are some fucking rookies who had luck and nothing more. But we will see. I think we will have to watch their last matches and then we will know it. But to be honest, I’m still not very impressed. I would have understood if the Fallen would have gotten a rematch or if Roxi would have teamed up with Keira to take the titles from us, but why these two got this chance I really can’t understand. Maybe one of them or even both slept with the bosses. At least this would explain this decision.”

In some way she still doesn’t understand this decision, but she also doesn’t care much and accepts it. It was pretty clear that she will have to defend her title in the near future and so it might not even be too bad. At least it is better than facing wrestlers like Misty.

“But anyway, I think this decision isn’t too bad for me and Vero. At least it’s easier to win against such rookies like Cynthia and Candy, than against real wrestler. A rematch against the Fallen would have been harder and I also know other opponents who are hard to defeat. So it’ll be an easy win, even though we still have to take care that we won’t underestimate these two. This mistake we already did at the last PPV and it really ended up in a fiasco for the Mean Girls. After this weeks wins, I’m really happy that everything changed and that we are again at the top of the food chain. So don’t worry, we will continue our training and I also will watch all the matches these two have done. But I think then nothing can go wrong and we will leave the ring as the winners again.
And it’s not only that each of us is the better wrestler than these two, Vero and me are also a great team. I know that you and also the fans, don’t like our cheating, but in title matches it can be very helpful. I do it too, but Vero is even better in it than me and so I’m pretty sure that neither Cynthia nor Candy will manage it to pin me. Nothing can go wrong.”

It’s true that Casey doesn’t like cheating, but that’s understandable. She’s tall and strong and she takes her wins with brutal force, but Amanda is much smaller and so sometimes she needs the cheating, but she understands her older stepsister and nods.

“It’s true, I don’t like it, but you’re right, the most important thing is that you two take the win. But now tell me why you’re so eager to keep these titles. I thought you do all the stuff only for getting money and having some fun and now it seems that you changed completely.”

Amanda knows what Casey means. In the last weeks she has really changed and now she cares for her career. If she would be alone, everything would be different, but now she has a real family and has to take care for them and then there are also the Mean Girls, her stable.

"Yeah, I changed a bit. As I started here again, I just wanted to have some fun, but now I have to take care for Jacobi and Kiara. For me and Rose the money I earned would have been enough, but with two kids I need more and as a champion they pay me better. That’s the main reason, but there’s still something more. The Mean Girls are my friends and the last weeks haven’t been that good for them. I mean they lost the main title, I lost the tournament and that sucks. We have been the strongest and most dominant stable in this company and I want that it is this way again. Vero and me are the last Mean Girls who still have a title and I won’t allow it that this changes. Without these tag titles we wouldn’t have any title anymore and then we would look like complete losers. But we are no losers. The real losers are Amy, Roxi, Keira and Jessie, but not we. We are the real champions at SCW and without us the company would be nothing. The fans hate us, the other wrestlers too, but without our group everything would be boring and just average. We make the best shows, we give the people what they want to have, a real show and we are the sexiest women in this business, so it’s normal that we are also the ones who hold the titles.
And there’s something more why I wanna hold this title. Many people her say that I’m too nice to be a real Mean Girl, because I don’t hate my opponents. I’m even a friend of Amy and I still see Roxi as my friend too. For me it is ok, but the other Mean Girls see that different. They say that I’m too soft and they worry that I don’t give my best. But as long as I have this title, nobody can say that I don’t give my best, especially not as it’s the last one we have.
I’m pretty sure that Delia will get the bombshell’s title back again, but till this is the case, Vero and me are the most important Mean Girls.
But there’s something more that makes me so ambitious. Losing is no bigger problem for me, as you could see after my loss against Misty, but losing against such nobodies as Cynthia and Candy really is no option. It would make us look like complete morons and that’s a thing I really don’t need.
I’m a Mean Girl, and I’m the champion, and so I will have to show that I’m one of the most dangerous wrestlers in this company. The people can hate us and the bosses can throw into our way whomever they want, we will destroy them all.”

For a moment Amanda pauses and takes a deep breath. The whole thing started as a private conversation with her sister, but it developed to a real little speech and Amanda was talking pretty loud, so that the others in this company could understand everything. The pretty redhead is really famous and so the people in the restaurant applaud at her her. Cocky as she is, she loves this attention and a smile comes into her pretty face. Now it’s really not possible anymore to stop her. She knows that all this here will be shown on TV later and so she addresses her opponents directly.

“And now listen to me, Cynthia and Candy, and listen good, cuz I won’t repeat this here again.  You two want our titles, well, so come out of your fucking hole and try to get them, but I can tell you, that this won’t be easy. You might think, that you two could defeat the Fallen, and to be honest, I still don’t understand how this could happen, but anyway, you did it. I would say, that it has been just luck and nothing more.
But now don’t forget, that me and Vero defeated them too. So your win against them doesn’t mean anything. We both won against them, so it is equal …but not exactly equal. You won by accident, but Vero and me won because we are the better team than the Fallen, so this point goes to our team.
And now tell me what gives you the right to challenge us ..I don’t know it, but to be honest, I also don’t care much. For me it makes no difference whether I win against you two or against any other team in this company, because we are the best. We proved this in the past, we did at the show last weak and we will do it again in Bucharest, Romania, when we wile the floor with you two idiots.
I can understand that you have the dream to become champion. I think every wrestler here has this dream, but it’s a mistake to think that you will have a chance against us. We will shatter all your dreams, we will destroy you and if we are in the right mood, then we will even end your career or at least bring you straight to hospital.
I’m no real sadist, as many of you think, but I must say that I don’t give a fuck about what happens to you. I don’t care whether I will have to injure you, as long as I take the win in our match. And I think you all have seen what I can do in the ring, last week as I destroyed this fucking newcomer and idiot Keira, but also as we attacked Holly backstage. I think you have seen that I can be really mean too and I think you also know that my partner Vero has no remorse too.
So be prepared to receive the worst beating up of your life. But anyway, however it ends, at least you can be proud to say that it have been the Mean Girls who ruined your career. You are losers, sore losers, but think about it, it’s better to get destroyed by a really good team like Vero and me than by one of these rookie teams like all the others here in this company. So go down with pride and don’t complain about it, because you have had a choice and you still have one.
Nobody forced you to do a title match and if you still have some brain left in your fucking ugly heads, then you back away and give up, before the drama starts. Till nothing bad has happened to you and you still have the chance to get out of this situation without getting really harmed, but as soon as you step into the ring against us, it will be too late. Then all that awaits you is pain and mischief and there will be nothing and nobody who can save you from your fate. Then you will be doomed.”

Normally Amanda is a bubbly and cheery girl, but all this trash talking here brought her really in rage. She grabs the knife and rams it into the table, so that it sticks there. For a moment she is a bit shocked, but than she smiles in a mean way.

“Ok, most of you here know me as the bubbly and cheery girl, who loves to have fun, who loves sex and kinky lil games, who loves to get her feet tickled and so on. So prolly you all don’t take me too serious, but I’ll show you, that this is a mistake, a deadly one. For you I’m not SCW’s lil TickleCutie, for you I’ll be the angel of death, the Goddess of the condemn and I’ll come over you and destroy you. I won’t only win this match and end your career, I will also ruin your life by crippling you. So be prepared to face the real horror, your worst nightmare, the most terrific thing you can imagine in your fucking life.
Now you can call me mean, but I don’t give a fuck. I have never cared about what the fans or morons like you think about me. The only thing that interests me is my success and to reach my goals, I do anything that’s necessary. Last week I fucked up Keira and that wasn’t easy, cuz she’s the wife of a close friend and now, after this match was over, our friendship prolly has ended, but I don’t give a fuck. You see that I really don’t care about anything besides my success and my stable, the Mean Girls. Now you have seen what I have done to Keira and that was nothing compared to what will happen to you if you climb into the ring against me. I ruined a friendship by beating up a girl I liked, so if you have some brain in your fucking head, then you can imagine what I will do to you. We are no friends, we never have been friends and we never will be something like that. So I really have no remorse to destroy you.
But I will show that I have heard about a thing that is called mercy. That doesn’t mean tat I will go easy on you, but I show you that I still have something like a heart in my chest. So I will give you a last chance. When we are in Romania and right before our match has started, then you two can come to the ring, go down on your knees, kiss my toes and beg for forgiveness. Then I might let you live and the only thing that will get hurt is your pride, but I think that’s a thing you can live with, because you two have no real pride.
You are sluts and morons and even your ringnames are laughable, or who calls himself the nurse, or who has a name like Candy? That’s idiotic and a joke, but to be honest, it fits to you.
But now let’s come back to my offer, or you will regret it.”

Now Amanda starts to giggle in a pretty sadistic way. Right at this moment a really weird and violent thought comes into her mind. It’s sick, but the pretty tattooed girl doesn’t care much. She has never cared what others thing about her and now it isn’t different. Then she begins to talk again.

“Well, as you might remember, I changed my entrance song last week to “19 Nails for Sophie” and I did this for Keira, to show her what awaits her if she tries to fight me. Well, for you two I have something different in mind.
We will have our match in Romania and when I remember it right, the people there, or at least the people in the small villages, believe in Vampires and such stuff. Well, I’m no child anymore and so I don’t believe in such crap and I think it’s idiotic, but do you know how to kill a vampire? Well, you take a plug and ram it into their heart.
Well, now call me sadistic and sick, but I must say that I love this kind of execution. So, as soon as we arrive at Romania, I will buy two caskets for you and two plugs and then I’m going to end your fucking life.
By requesting this match you two have messed with the devil and so you have to take the consequences. I will send you straight to Hell and there your real pain will begin. See me as a female devil and I can tell you that this female devil is worse than anything you can remember. I won’t only destroy you, no, I will torture you in the meanest way you can imagine. I’ll make your life to hell and you will beg me to kill you and to end your pain, but it will be a pain that’ll never end. You will be doomed till eternity and there will be nobody, who unbans you, no human being, but also no God, because a thing like God doesn’t exist.”

Again she pauses for a short moment and takes a cigarette out of her pocket. It’s forbidden to smoke insides the restaurant, but the pretty redhead doesn’t care and nobody stops her. So she lights the cigarette, inhales deeply and blows out a smoke ring.

A few days ago my son went missing and his father is a native American. Now they told me that he was on The Trail of Tears. Ok, don’t ask me about what this is, because I can’t answer this question exactly. The only thing I know is that it has something to do with their culture and that you go there if you prepare yourself for war. Well, but that’s not all. The whole thing is pretty dangerous and you will have to face your worst nightmares there.
Ok, but I don’t wanna tell you the whole story, but me and my daughter went there too and we brought back home my son and I can tell you that everything I heard about this Trail of Tears is true. You really have to face all your fears and nightmares there, but we did it and we had success. But what I wanna tell you is, that all this is nothing against what awaits you when you step into the ring against me. There you will face the Goddess of Death and that’s worse than any vampire slayer or even as the Trail of Death.”

Again Amanda drags at her cigarette and she seems to be lost in thoughts. The people in the restaurant are shocked to hear such a violent and sick speech from this normally so nice and cute young woman and also Casey is shocked for a moment. Even though they don’t like all this weird stuff, they applaud and that brings Amanda back to reality. For a moment she doesn’t remember what she has said, but then she does and she smiles.
It’s always the same and in the ring it isn’t different. There she forgets everything around her and the only thing she has in mind is her goal to take the win and to destroy her opponent and that’s what makes her so dangerous, even though she is really small, petite and not the strongest person in the wrestling industry. This is what brings her all her wins and her success and that’s her strength and she really knows it. So she confident that she will also take the win this time and there’s nothing that can worry her.
But now she has finished her speech and slowly she calms down a bit. After all this talking, her food is already cold, but she doesn’t care much and she starts to eat again. After she has finished her meal, she pays the bill and smiles at Casey.

“And now we have to get ready. I mean we should give Rose a call, so that she can book a flight for us. I rally hope that you will come with me too.”

As she hears this, Casey smiles a bit. She has never been in Romania and so she is happy to go there too. This way she will have the chance to visit some castles her, but also to be with the people she loves and so she nods.

"Oh yes, I will come with you. Or do you think that I’ll let you go alone to such an important match. And I will also have to make sure that you won’t forget your training there …so you can count me in.”

Before they leave the restaurant, Amanda pulls out her cell phone again and she calls Rose again to tell her to book the flights for herself and for Rose, Casey, Kiara and her son Jacoby. Then she shuts off the phone and shoves it back into her hip pocket. With a smile in her face she looks at Casey.

"Ok, ready to go?"

Then the two leave the restaurant and go back to their car to drive home. They climb into the old truck and like usually Amanda has some problems to start the engine. It takes a while and the short tempered young woman gets annoyed again, but eventually she has success and the engine is running. Then she drives off and after a short ride they come back home. On her way back home she has calmed down completely and she is changed. Now she is the cheery girl again, the young mother who loves her family and does everything for them and the good friend. In a really good mood she jumps out of the car and runs into the house, where her family is already waiting for her. Then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 8669


Huddle me, tickle me, I'm so cute

Records Amanda
Win: 20
Loss: 13
Draw: 1
Thrown: 0