Author Topic: Doing It For The Monkeys!  (Read 379 times)

Offline Surf Boys

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Doing It For The Monkeys!
« on: March 20, 2015, 01:00:32 AM »
 The scene opens up on the streets of Munich, Germany, where the fun loving boy of summer, The Surf Boys are seen wandering aimlessly. Both men have their customary surf boards under their arms and a brown satchel rests over Narly's shoulder and resting on his hip. The two move through the crowd.

Narly:  It's gotta be here somewhere.

Radical:  Sha dude... wait, what has?

Narly stops in the street, spinning around and knocking his board in to the mid section of a middle aged man. Narly turns his head, apologetically looking at the man.

Narly:  Like sorry dude, didn't see you there.

The man puts up a hand before nodding and walking away, holding his midsection. Radical looks on impressed.

Radical:  The Germans are such nice people, I totes don't know why they have such a bad rep cause a funny dude, with a silly little mustache liked visiting other places with tanks.

Narly nods in agreement with Radical

Narly:  Sha! It's not like the whole countries fault.

Radical:  Anyway dude, what are we looking for again?

Narly:  The beach... duh!

A look of relief crosses Radical's face as he looks at Narly.

Radical:  Oh good dude, because I thought we was talking about that donut you misplaced earlier, that your bro of all bros might have....

Radical trails off.

Narly:  Have what dude?

Radical:  Have.... seen a mouse run away with it this morning... it was like so fast, it shot across the place shouting ariba, riba, and it was gone.

Radical scratches his head in confusion

Radical:  Wait... that was probably a cartoon... so the beach!

Narly:  Sha! The beach!

Narly spins around, forcing people to jump out of the way of his swinging board and the two begin to walk again through Munich. A sound starts to come out of the satchel on Narly's body.

Radical:  Dude!

Narly:  What dude?

Radical:  Your ass is making a really weird noise.

Narly:  Sorry Radical dude, I told you this German food didn't sit well with me before we left.

Radical points to the satchel resting on Narly's hip.

Radical:  My bad dude-e-o, it's totes coming from that bag thingy you have.

Narly:  Are you sure?

Radical:  Sha!

Narly:  Oh thank god!

A look of relief crosses Narly's face as he rests his surf board against the window of a nearby store. He spins the bag around to the front and quickly opens it up. He pulls out an iPad, and the sounds of Skype are clearly heard.

Narly:  Dude! It's Christian Underwood!

Radical moves next to Narly as Narly hits the accept button and the face of SCW owner Christian Underwood appears on the screen.

Narly:  Hey sometimes long haired dude, that now has photos around that makes you short haired dude!

Christian instantly leans back in his chair, a solid look of confusion on his face as he stares down a camera.

Christian:  I did not understand a word of that.

Radical looks at Narly, whispering to him.

Radical:  Dude, because we're in Germanyland, does that mean we talk and he hears us speak Germanyland language.

Narly's eyes widen as he nods in agreement, forcing Christian to shake his head.

Narly:  That has to be it!

Christian:  Now I know why Mark makes me call these guys.... No, Radical, it's coming through English.

Radical:  Bummer dude, cause I was so gonna ask you to record this so I can see what my coolio accent sounds like in Germanyland language.

Another shake of the head from Christian fills the screen as he moves forward.

Christian:  Guys, Mark has stolen my Starbucks card again, which is weird considering I haven't seen him in a week, but he sent me a ransom note for it.

Narly:  Do you want us to help you pay the ransom?

Christian:  No! My point is me with no Starbucks takes away at my patience and I have other calls to make today. I'm just letting you know that you two have a match on Sunday for the Tag Team Championships.

Radical:  Dude, you totes got the wrong number, because we're like not the tag champions.

Christian breathes deeply, a very unimpressed look on his face.

Christian:  You have a shot at the titles against Dying Breed! You could become the SCW Tag Team champions if you defeat them on Sunday.

Narly:  Gotcha dude, and like, who's the other team in the match?

Christian:  What other team?

Narly:  Well every time we get a tag title shot thingy, there's like three teams, and someone pins us, and the champions complain they never got pinned and you dudes in the office get some totes angry Nellie telling you bad words.

Christian:  There is no other teams, Dying Breed Vs The Surf Boys for the tag titles. Call it a birthday present or something! Look, I gotta go, I'll see you both on Sunday.

Christian quickly ends the Skype calls and Narly and Radical look at each other. The two start jumping up and down in the street, their arms around each other as the circle around. The two stop and look at each other.

Radical:  Happy birthday dude!

Narly:  Thanks dude.... wait... it's not my birthday!

Radical:  Christian said it was a birthday present and it's not my birthday...

Narly:  Maybe it's his birthday and he like got too many presents so he gave that one to us.

Radical:  That must be it!

Radical's face changes to a look of thoughtfulness, a rare thing for the dimwitted man.

Radical:  Wait, what if Christian Underwear was like... playing a trick on us and he's like totes joking and we like turn up for the show and he sprays us with a fire extinguisher?

Narly:  That sounds pretty awesome!

Radical:  Yeah it does!

The two attempt to high fight but miss each other's hands and catches each other on the forehead. The duo turn around, rubbing their foreheads before turning back to each other.

Radical:  One day, we will get that right.

Narly:  Sha! Anyway, this pad thing here let's me see like wrestling cards and like forums on the SCW site, so I can see if that dude is giving us a match, or getting the fire extinguishers ready.

Narly starts to tap away on the iPad, running his fingers over it and grinning widely.

Narly:  Dude! He wasn't joking, we like have a match with just us and them in it.

Radical:  Radical!

Narly:  That's so your name but...

Narly's face turns to instant sadness.

Narly:  But on the forum thingy bobs, no one thinks we can like win the titles at all. They're all like Dying Breed are like so cool, and like they're gonna win.

Radical:  Don't be down my water friendly bro-migo! Every dude and dudette out there says that but we like win from time to time and we could this time.

Radical taps away at his chin.

Radical:  Maybe people like think they will win because they look more like champions, because they're not fun enough to wear like cool, bright clothes like us, so if we like dress like stars and cut one of those things.

Narly:  Cut a cake?

Radical:  Nu uh dude.

Narly:  Cut a rug?

Radical:  Naaaaaaaaaaaaah

Narly:  Cut your toenails?

Radical:  A promo!

Narly:  Damn, that was my next guess!

Radical:  I know it was dude-iano Ronaldo, but I like remembered it and had to say it before I forgot.

Narly:  Right, so we need like flashy clothes, and a like cool setting to talk about Dying Breed and people will like think that we can win?

Radical:  Sha!

Radical looks up at the store behind him to see men's suits on mannequins in the window. He quickly look at the camera.

Radical:  Isn't that lucky?

Radical points at the door and Narly nods and the duo quickly walk inside. A little while later, the two emerge, their upper bodies seen in the camera to show them both in white button down shirt, the collars opened at the top and a black suit jacket on. Both men's hair are neatly tied back. They look at each other with an approving look slide back sunglasses on. Radical points off camera.

Radical:  And that my dude, is where we do the promo thing.

The two walk away, the camera turning to follow them as they cross a road, their lower bodies coming in to view to show both men wearing bright Bermuda shorts on their lower halves, with flip flops on their feet... What? You really thought they would change that much?

The scene fades out and back in to see Narly and Radical sitting on a sand pile.

Narly:  So like, do I go first here? I do? Right, sha, dudes and dudettes, we don't like do these but we have to like totes talk about Dying Breed. Are these dudes like gonna go extinct if we hit them or something?

Radical:  Maybe.

Narly:  That would totally do the opposite of rawk, what's the opposite of rawk?

Radical:  Paper.... no wait.... scissors!

Narly:  That would totally scissors! We don't want to make them be like the dinosaurs.

Radical:  But we do want their tag titles!

Narly:  Sha we do, we like so want their tag titles, cause... why do we want them?

Radical:  Cause they would look totes amazeballs with our surf  boards and cause we've never won them, when like everyone shows up and wins them.

Narly:  Sha! What he said! We are so gonna win them for like those reasons. We've like done this thing for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and never won those titles. Winning those titles would be like hitting the biggest wave ever in front of lots of bikini babes.

Radical:  Or watching a monkey do the macarena!

Narly:  Sha! Cause that would be like awesome! That is so the reason we want to win this.

Radical:  Sha! Cause if we win these, all the monkeys that can do the macarena will want to hang with the coolest tag team champions there's like ever been. Like evers and evers so Dying Breed, we will take those titles from you, because we wanna hang out with the macarena monkeys and those belts will make us cool enough to do that!

A commotion behind the two causes Radical to stop and the camera pans out to see the men sitting on a sand dune in a building site. A group of builders approach the two as they spring to their feet.

Narly:  That's our cue to leave dude.

Narly and Radical move away from the group of builders, Radical looks at them.

Radical:  It was the only sand we could find!

The angry looking mob move closer, Narly turns to the camera one more time.

Narly:  Remember, we're doing it for the monkeys!

Narly and Radical make their way through the building site as the scene fades.