Author Topic: 19 Nails for Keira  (Read 426 times)

Offline Amanda Cortez

  • SCW's tough and ticklish Biker Chick
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    • Amanda Cortez
19 Nails for Keira
« on: March 16, 2015, 03:49:26 AM »
 “Damn, this fucking PPV really wasn’t a success for the Mean girls. It’s not only that I lost my match in this tournament and that I was the one who got pinned by this retarded idiot Misty, no, Delia lost her title and Veronica lost against this wannabe superhero Keira. Fuck, the mean girls looked like idiots, a group of complete losers and not like the strongest and most dominant stable at SCW, like we always proclaim it. Another show like this and we should really think about retiring. It’s not what I have in mind, but it’s still better than ending up as a joke, cuz this we did this week.”

Completely annoyed and frustrated Amanda storms out of the arena to get a cab to the airport. From Europe she really has enough and also this damn cold goes on her nerves. So she is really happy if she is back at home in LA, together with her family. At least there she can forget all the trouble and misfortune and spend some time with the people, she loves, and with her hobbies. She already sees herself at the beach and going surfing or cruising around with her bike. Damn, that’s so much more fun than this stupid wrestling week after week.

But till she is back home it will take a few more hours in the plane and so she has to wait a bit longer till she can hug and kiss her family and her friends. Still in a bad mood she calls a cab and sits down on a bench, to wait till it arrives. She lights a cigarette and inhales deeply.

"Ok and now back to this fucking show …Fuck, I really don’t know why I do all this crap. First I spend weeks with provoking this retarded moron Misty on Twitter, then I tell the whole world that I’ll wipe the floor with her and then I lose against her. But it’s even worse, it was no normal loss, I had to fucking submit to her. God damn, I wish I were dead. I made myself a complete moron.”

Full of hate she punches on the bench, but that doesn’t make her feel better. It even made her mood worse, because now her hand hurts too. She rubs it and whines a bit.

“Fuck, it seems that everything goes wrong. I can’t even beat up a fucking bench.”

Really frustrated she laughs out. It seems that everything goes wrong in her life and she would love to cry, but she fights the tears back. She still sits directly in front of the arena and it would be too humiliating, if any of the other wrestlers, or even one of her opponents, would see her cry like a little girl. So she only sniffles a bit and drags at her cigarette.

“Ok, but now let’s see what went wrong. To be honest, I really don’t know it. I have been so fucking sure to win this fucking match and it would have been so awesome to become a double champion and now all my dreams are shattered.
I really don’t know how all this could happen. I was so fucking good prepared and I didn’t make the usual mistake to underestimate my opponent. How could I do that?
I can’t remember how often I faced this disgusting slut Misty, but I remember that she wiped the floor with me in each match we had and the same crap happened this night. It was so damn humiliating and now I really don’t know what to do. I’m really not in the mood to come back to the ring so soon. Slowly the people begin to laugh at me and this really hurts.”

The pretty redhead rests her arms on her knees and sighs. A last time she drags at her cigarette, then she throws it away. A bit nervously, but more annoyed, she looks on her phone to check how late it already is and then she sees that she doesn’t has much time to come to the airport in time. So she calls again for a taxi and shoves her phone back into her hip pocket.

"Well, it's already complete crap that I made myself a complete idiot and that I ruined my dream, cuz this time there really isn’t anybody whom I can blame. It has been all my fault, I just wasn’t good enough and prolly I’ll never be it.
But what’s even worse is that I ruined Despayre’s dream too. I really wished him that he would get a chance to go for a title and now everything is fucked up, and all this cuz I’m too stupid to do a proper fight.”

Again the pretty tattooed young woman pauses. She has her eyes closed and thinks for a moment, but then she realizes something. It hasn’t been all her fault. Ok, she hasn’t been good enough to defeat Misty, but with the help of her group this match would have ended in a different way.

“But wait, maybe it wasn’t all my fault and there’s no reason to feel sorry for Despayre. I was blaming this jerk Watts that he stopped my girls from helping me, but that has been a mistake, it has also been Despayre’s mistake. He and his manager were the first ones who started to hold away my team from the ring and this has been the reason why I had to tap out. So there’s really no reason to feel sorry. If he wants a title, then he should learn to fight like a champ and that also means to cheat from time to time. It might not be honorable, but at the end all that counts is the win and he cost us the win.
And there’s something more. He did pretty good in his part against jerk Watts, but at the end he also wasn’t able to pin this motherfucker or to make him submit, so it has been his fault too.
Anyway, it’s too late to change anything, but I really don’t have to feel sorry. This match has been crap, but it’s over and so it’s time to look forward. Prolly we will have to defeat our titles soon and this will be a great success. At least there I have the partner I’m used to have and so nothing much can go wrong.”

Still a bit frustrated, Amanda lights a new cigarette, but slowly her self confidence comes back. She still doesn’t feel too good, but it’s not only because of her own loss, she also is disappointed because her whole group has failed.

“Damn, that one loss already is crap, but what makes it even worse is the fact that our whole group has failed. S dominant stable, this week we looked like idiots and this wasn’t all my fault. Let’s begin with Vero. She is my friend and I still love this girl, but what she did this week against Keira was more than crap. I don’t get it how a skilled and experienced wrestler like Vero can lose against such a person like Keira. It’s unbelievable.
I don’t wanna talk bad about Keira, because she’s the wife of one of my best friends, of Roxy, but to be honest, in the ring nobody can take her seriously. She’s awesome in bed and I love her kinky behavior, bit wrestling is really one of her weaknesses. She stumbles around in the ring like a fat cow, so I really don’t get it how Vero could lose against her, it was laughable and shouldn’t happen to a real Mean Girl.
Losing against Misty was already crap, but against a girl like Keira it’s even worse. In some way she acts almost as stupid as Roxy, with one difference, Roxy I can respect as a wrestler, even though her superhero crap is annoying and goes on my nerves, but with Keira it’s different. She isn’t even good in the ring and all she can do is doing some trash talking.
There’s nothing wrong with trash talking, but if that’s all you can do, then it’s laughable and you make yourself a joke. But anyway, it happened and we can’t change it anymore.
So all this was already laughable enough, but what has been even worse was Keira’s trash talking after her win. If you ask me, then I’d say, that she won by accident and that doesn’t give her the right to talk bad about the Mean Girls or even request a title match. For getting a title match it needs a bit more than one win. But anyway, normally that shouldn’t be my problem at the moment, cuz I’m farer away from a title match than ever before in my life, but she wants to have a match for the tag titles and so it is my problem now.
How can this idiot think that she has a chance against me and Vero? Hasn’t she seen how easily we defeated Raynyn and Gothica a few weeks ago? It seems now, otherwise she couldn’t think that she has any chance to go for a title. But that’s not all, she doesn’t even has a partner.
Haha, it seems she wanna do it all alone and she has no clue how a tag match works. But wait, she wants Roxy as her partner. Well, in some way I can understand this, because she is the only one in this idiotic group who can wrestle, but sadly that’s not possible. Roxy already holds a title and so she can’t go for another one, so no chance for Keira.
Sorry babe, but you’ll have to find another way to go against the Mean Girls. This here won’t work. But I think it won’t be so easy for you to find someone else who is willing to team up with a complete loser, so forget all your dreams and do yourself a favor and leave SCW as fast as possible. Nobody wanna have you here and I’m not the only one who thinks like this.
But even if you manage it to find someone who fights with you, then there’s still another problem, and this problem is called Amanda Cortez. You won’t be able to win a match where I’m in and I’ll make sure that you’ll regret that you ever came here. I will not only defeat you, but I will also destroy you and end your fucking career.”

Now Amanda almost has forgotten that she was waiting for a taxi. Talking shit about her opponents and other wrestlers is a thing she really enjoys too much and then she is unstoppable.

“And now let’s come to the last loss of the Mean Girls, to this fucking match between Delia and Amy. For me this match really was a big problem, because Delia is one of my best friends, but Amy too. So I really didn’t know for whom I should cheer.
Normally I would have cheered for Amy, because she is really a close friend and we also had a few meetings, where we really had so much fun. Hehe, I will never forget the night where she spanked me with that brush and later tickled me silly. Oh God, I never screamed as much before in my life and I really thought that I wouldn’t survive it, but it also had been so much fun and I’d love to do it again one day soon. It was so awesome.
So Amy isn’t only a good friend, but also a sex buddy and after she never had a title match for years, she really deserved it. Normally I should be really happy that she won and in some way I am, she really deserves it to be the new champion.
But there’s still one problem, and this problem is that she took the title from my other best friend, from Delia. Delia has been the one who brought me to the Mean Girls, even though at the beginning nobody wanted to have me there. She has been the one who organized this wonderful welcome party for me and she supported me wherever she could. So I’m really sad that she lost this title after all these months without a loss. She never got pinned and so we can say that she is one of the best wrestlers in this company. And now this long reign finally came to an end and I could really cry. I hoped it so much that my two best friends wouldn’t fight, but there was nothing I could do. I could only watch this fucking drama and stay away, but that still doesn’t mean that I like what had happened at the PPV. I would have preferred if these two wouldn’t have to fight, but anyway, we can’t undo it and so we all will have to live with it.
So now it seems that the great times of the Mean Girls are over, but there’s one thing for sure. We might go down as a stable, but me, Amanda Cortez, will never go down without a hell of a fight. So my next opponent will feel the whole power, the brutality and all the aggressions of a real Mean Girl. She will learn what it means to suffer and she will pay for all the crap that had happened to us at this show.”

Eventually the taxi had arrived and now Amanda jumps up. She climbs into the car and drives off to the airport. Really eased that she can leave Europe for now, she enters the airport and goes directly to the boarding area. Without any problems they let her pass and so she can fly back home to all the people who love her.

The flight was really quiet and ten hours later Amanda arrives at LA. She leaves the plane and after some looking around, she finds someone to carry her bags. Then she calls for a cab again she has to wait pretty long. All this is so annoying, especially as Amanda is really short tempered, but nothing helps. Here are so many people who want to get home, so that her swearing brings her nothing. Eventually it’s her turn and so she throws her bags into the car and then she’s on her way back home.

Even though she is really tired, she is also excited to see her wife Rose again and also her stepsister Casey and her son Jacobi. She is really so curious what happened and what she had missed during the long time she has been away. Half an hour later, she arrives at home and after paying the cab, she storms into the house. As she sees Rose, she jumps into her arms and kisses her again and again, so that none of them can speak for a longer time, but eventually she tells Rose everything what happened and what a fiasco the show has been. Rose tries her best to comfort her, but it’s not so hard, because seeing Rose again had made Amanda so happy, so that she almost forgot all her problems. The two huddle and kiss, Rose tickles Amanda and they are both in heaven and after a while they end up in bed like usually. After some hours of kinky fun, Amanda lays in Rose’s arms, resting her head on her chest and smiles happily.

“And now you must tell me what happened while I’ve been away.”

And this Rose does. She tells her everything that had happened at home and in her little flower shop and so the two have a really nice evening. Then Rose begins to talk about Casey and Jacobi too and as Amanda hears that her son and her stepsister really became good friends, she is more than happy. After she hasn’t seen Jacobi for such a long time, it’s awesome to have him back and also that he really seems to like her family too. Now she only wishes that she could see him a bit more often, but that’s so difficult, because she is so often away from home and also Jacobi lives pretty far away. This really makes her a bit sad and desperately she thinks about a way how to change it, but she has no good idea. She could quit her job and move closer to him, but then she wouldn’t have enough money anymore, so this isn’t an option.

After talking about the whole thing for a pretty long time, the two still have no idea about what to do and so they decide to sleep a bit and to continue in the morning. But just as they switch off the lights, Amanda’s cell phone rings again and she answers it. For a moment she is quiet, but within seconds she has a happy smile in her pretty face. She doesn’t say much and mostly listens, a thing she normally doesn’t do, but her smile becomes broader. She almost isn’t able to speak.

“Yes …that’s be awesome …That’d be really a dream. I love this idea …Oh God …that’s so wonderful …”

The phone call takes pretty long and Amanda becomes more and more excited. She sits in her bed and now she even has tears in her eyes and sniffles. Rose was watching her, but she couldn’t understand about what they were talking, but as she sees Amanda’s tears, she holds her close. Lovingly she kisses her on the lips and after Amanda has hang up the phone, she asks her what is wrong.

“Hey, what has happened? Any problems?”

But Amanda still isn’t able to speak. She sniffles and laughs and the smile comes back into her face. It seems that she is crying because she is so happy and now Rose really wants to know what goes on.

“It ..It was Jacobi. He will come to LA soon and he wanted to visit us.”

Rose smiles and runs her fingers through Amanda’s long red hair. She likes Jacobi too and she knows how much Amanda loves her son, so this is really a great news.

"That's awesome. I'm really happy to see him again. He’s such a great young man.”

Amanda smiles even more and now she kisses Rose. She wraps her arms around her wife and huddles against her and then she sniffles again, but eventually she manages it to talk again.

“He is. But this time he won’t only visit us. I mean … he just ask me whether he can live with us. Oh God, it’s my biggest dream that became reality now. After all these years without him he wants to stay with us in our house. That’s so awesome. Please tell me that it isn’t only a dream, tell me that it’s the reality.”

As she hears this, Rose’s jaw drops down. She knows that this is what Amanda wishes so much and so she is happy too. She holds Amanda close and doesn’t let her go anymore.

“That’s really so great and I’m so happy.”

They both are too excited to sleep now and so they just sit in bed and talk about the future. Wrestling they have completely forgotten and they are only making plans about what to do next. At first they need a room where he can sleep and then some other things.

“Oh God …I really don’t know where to start. We need a room for him. I mean a young man can’t sleep in our bed room.”

Now Rose starts to laugh a bit. She loves her wife and it’s so cute to see her confused like this.

“Don’t worry about this. Our trailer is big enough, so we shouldn’t have a problem with finding a room for him. He will have enough room and everything will become good. We should just think about something else. I mean, now as he lives with us it wouldn’t be good if he sees you doing such fetish stuff. I mean here in bed it’s ok, but as a good mom, you shouldn’t do these movies anymore and we should also think about what to do with our club.”

Now it's Amanda's turn to be shocked. Her jaw drops down and she looks at Rose.

“I know that you’re right, but we need the money …”

But rose shakes her head. She places a finger on Amanda’s lips to shut her up and smiles.

“No, that’s not true. We have my flower shop and you work for three wrestling companies. This should really be enough. And if you try to get a title again, then you earn even more money than now, so it really should be enough.”

The discussion goes on for a bit longer, but Amanda knows that Rose is right. She loved her job as a fetish model, but it’s true, that it wouldn’t be good if Jacobi sees her in a video. So she doesn’t protest and only nods.

“You’re right. We will close our club and no photo shootings anymore, at least no kinky ones. It would really be a drama if he would see me in the Web. But one day I must tell him what I have done. I mean it’s better when I tell it to him than if he finds it out alone. I don’t wanna disappoint him or even lie at him.”

This goes on for a bit longer and eventually the two manage it to find some sleep. The next day, really early in the morning they awake again and Rose makes them a coffee and a nice breakfast. Normally Amanda doesn’t stand up so early, but today they have so much to do. Amanda has to do some phone calls with all the wrestling companies she’s in. She needs more matches and so she has to talk to the owners of these companies. But that’s not the main problem. This is to find someone who buys Amanda’s club and also keeps all her employees. So she calls an estate agent and after two hours of talking everything is cleared. He will look for someone who buys the club and he said that it looks pretty good. So Amanda and Rose are in a really good mood.

After organizing all this stuff Amanda looks on her watch and sees that it’s almost one pm. So it’s time to buy some stuff for Jacobi. The two leave their trailer and drive to the next shopping mall. There they buy some furniture, a bed, a stereo, CDs, a PS4, several games and all the stuff a 16 years old young man could like. The two have so much fun that they almost forget how late it is and as they are finished, the shopping mall is ready to close.

Really exhausted they carry all the stuff outsides to Amanda’s old truck and with some problems they manage it to throw it insides. Then they drive back home. Normally they would have spent a nice evening together, especially as Amanda will have to fight again soon, but they still have so much to do. So, instead of going to bed or to watch TV, the two begin to clean up their huge trailer. It takes really long, but eventually they are finished and one of the rooms is free for Jacobi and his stuff. Then they bring all the stuff from the truck insides and decorate everything.


Early in the morning they are finished and really satisfied with their work. Amanda sits down on Jacobi’s bed and has a warm smile in her face, but she also is a bit worried. Will he like his new room? And will he like it to stay here with her? She doesn’t know an answer, but she still hopes it so much.

“Oh God, I really hope he will like it here …”

Rose sits down besides her and puts her arm around her wife. Gently she rubs her shoulder and kisses her on the cheek.

“He will, I know it. It’s awesome here and he will see how much you love him. I’m sure that he will enjoy it here and I also know that you will be a great mom. He will be so proud of you.”

“Hopefully …”

But then they stand up and Rose gently pulls Amanda over to their own bed room. It’s already early in the morning, but they still need some sleep and so it’s bed time now. She smiles at Amanda in her lovingly way.

“But now we really should sleep a bit. I mean you don’t wanna be too tired when he arrives here and we also have to book the flights to Germany in two weeks.”

Amanda’s eyes widen.


But Rose shuts her up by putting her finger gently on her lips.

“I’ll tell you later after we had our breakfast. It’s not too important.”

For Amanda it is important, because she had lived there for a few years and her foster family, Casey’s parents, still live in Germany. So this would be a great chance to visit them, but at the moment she can’t think of anything. She is so tired and after she crawled into the bed, she immediately falls asleep.

Some hours later they awake again and Mandy remembers that Rose had said something about Germany. While she makes them a coffee she begins to bug her wife. She can be so curious and now she really wants to know what awaits her.

“And now you must tell me everything you know.”

With a smile in her face Rose looks at her wife. She loves it to tease Mandy, but this time she is willing to tell her everything she knows.

“Well, I haven’t seen the match card till now, but I’ve seen the schedule and so I know that this show will be in Germany and that you will prolly face Keira. I think that the city is Munich, but I’m not so sure.”

As she hears this, Amanda's eyes widen. As a kid she has lived in Berlin, Germany in a foster family and this family is Casey’s. So Amanda is really happy to see them again.

“Wow, that’s so awesome. This way I can visit Casey’s parents. I really love them, cuz they have always been like real parents to me, but sadly I haven’t seen them for years. We talk pretty often at the phone, but seeing them is so much better. Damn, I’m really so happy.
Casey visits them pretty often, but I never found the time with all these jobs in different wrestling companies. But anyway, now I can visit them and I know that they will be happy to see me too. And I’m really curious how they will react when they hear that they have a grandson. We really must take Jacobi with us. But now I must call Casey to tell her the good news.”

Now Amanda is really excited and can't wait to call her stepsister. She dials the number and after a few seconds Casey is at the phone. This time she didn’t want to go with Amanda on tour, but as she hears that she will have the chance to visit her family, the normally so cool young woman is excited too and agrees to come with Amanda.

While Casey and Amanda talk about the whole thing, Rose books them the flights and then she waits till Amanda is finished with talking to her sister.

“God, I thought that you would never come to an end …”

Amanda knows that she talks too much, but this time it has been necessary to tell Casey everything. It would have been mean not to take her with them and Amanda loves her sister.

“Well, I think I had to tell it to her. Normally she visits them once a year at Xmas, so she is happy to find a way to see them again.”

For a moment Amanda pauses and it seems that she becomes a bit sad. The pretty redhead is really very emotional and thinking back at her chaotic childhood always makes her sad.

“Damn, they really have been so nice to me and they loved me the same way as their real daughter. At the beginning it has been wonderful, but then they moved to the USA and there the chaos began. I still don’t know why I did it, but I began to take drugs and to steal, but they have always forgiven me and they still loved me. At the end I even ran away and that was it.
It was so fucking mean from me and I really thought that they would never forgive me, but they did. They didn’t know that I have been in jail, but after I got released, I managed it to call them and they forgave me everything. They still treated me like their real daughter and I was so happy. They would also have visited me in jail, but as I was there, I was too ashamed to tell them.
But anyway, now it’s over and I’m happy that we will visit them. It will be a wonderful trip to Europe. Hehe, now I even don’t care anymore whether I win my match or not. All that counts is to see my parents again.”

Now the two have something to eat and sit at their kitchen table. While they eat they talk about the future and the next show and Mandy is really relaxed and in a good mood. Then she looks at Rose and smiles.

“Well, the show will be in Germany, so I think it’s something very special for me. So I thought I should change something. Since years the people are used to my old entrance song and now, after nine years, it’s time to change it. I thought it should be something very special, something weird and sick, that really fits to me and it should be in German. Yes, and I have something very special in mind. It’s sick and weird, but so everybody knows what awaits me when they face me in the ring. Just listen.”

With this Amanda pulls out her ipad and looks for a song. She switches it on and a mean smile comes into her face.

Welch wunderschöne Frau
(What a wonderful woman)
und ich dachte sie sei mein
(And I thought she was mine)
sie hat mir ja auch gehört
(She belonged to me)
doch eben leider nicht allein.
(But sadly not alone.)

Ein Engel mit rotem Haar
(An angel with red hair)
sein Name war Sophie
(And her name was Sophie)
ich hab alles für ihn getan
(I have done all for her)
doch geliebt hat er mich nie.
(But she never really loved me.)

All die Jahre hab ich es verdrängt
(All the years I tried not to see)
dass ich vielleicht nicht der einzige bin
(That I might not be the only one)
der ihr seine Liebe schenkt und in ihren Körper dringt.
(Who gave her her love and and made love to her.)

Doch irgendwann nach ein paar Jahren
(But after a few years)
da stürzte es ein das Haus der Lügen
(The building full of lies crashed)
mit einem Mal hab ich alles erfahren
(Suddenly I realized the fact)
dass da noch 19 Männer neben mir waren.
)That there were 19 more guys besides me.)

Aus Liebe wurde Hass
(Love turned into hate)
im selben Augenblick
(In the same moment)
ich verlor fast den Verstand
(I almost lost my mind)
doch nun führt kein Weg zurück.
(But now there's no way back.)

Suchte mir 19 Nägel aus gehärtetem Stahl
(I looked for 19 nails made of steel)
jeder von ihnen ein 30cm langer rostfreier Totenpfahl.
(Each of them a 30 cm long torture stake)

19 Nägel, 19 Nägel für Sophie
(19 nails, 19 nails for Sophie)
sie blutet aus 19 Löchern
(She bleeds out of 19 wounds)
so heftig wie noch nie
(As much as never before)
ich schenk ihr 19 Nägel
(I gave her 19 nails)
19 Mal rostfreier Stahl
(19 nails made out of steel)
doch erst Nagel Nummer 19
(But only nail no. 19)
beendet ihre Qual.
(Ends her pain.)

2 für die Augen
(2 for the eyes)
2 für die Ohren
(2 for the ears)
2 werden sich in Hals und Zunge bohren
(2 will be stabbed into her throat and tongue)
2 durch die Hände in die Unterarme
(2 through her hands into her arms)
sie nimmt Gestalt an, Stahl für die Dame
(Slowly it becomes good, steel for the lady)
2 für die Knie
(2 for the knees)
für jedes Schienbein 2 gemeine
(For each leg 2 mean ones)
und durch die Füße wird sich Stahl
(Through the feet will the steel)
mit heißem Blut vereinen
(Be mixed with hot blood)
bleiben 2 für die Brüste
(There are left 2 for the breasts)
und der letzte Nagel
(And the last one)
noch reserviert für den Platz zwischen den Beinen
(Is reserved for the place between her legs)
für jenes feuchte tiefe Loch.
(For this deep and wet whole.)

Doch bevor der Stahl kam
(But before the steel came)
da gestand ich Sophie
(I told Sophie)
all ihre 19 Liebhaber
(All her 19 lovers)
ich tötete sie
(I killed)
vor ihrem Ableben
(Before she died)
hab ich sie gefragt
(I asked them)
ob es sich lohnt für dich zu sterben
(Whether it was worth to die for her)
"nein" haben sie gesagt
(“No” they have said)
so erhielt ich 19 Schädel,
(So I got 19 skulls)
19 Schädel für Sophie
(19 skulls for Sophie)
all ihre 19 Lover
(All her 19 lovers)
so leblos wie noch nie.
(Dead as never before)

Ich schenk ihr 19 Schädel
(I gave her 19 skulls)
19 Mal durch Berg und Tal
(19 times through good and bad times)
doch mit Schädel Nummer 19
(But with skull no. 19)
beginnt erst ihre Qual.
(Starts her pain.)

19 Nägel, 19 Nägel für Sophie
(19 nails, 19 nails for Sophie)
sie blutet aus 19 Löchern
(She bleeds out of 19 wounds)
so heftig wie noch nie
(As much as never before)
ich schenk ihr 19 Nägel
(I gave her 19 nails)
19 Mal rostfreier Stahl
(19 nails made out of steel)
doch erst Nagel Nummer 19
(But only nail no. 19)
beendet ihre Qual.
(Ends her pain.)

Again a mean smile comes into her face and she winks at Rose.

"So do you like it? Hehe, the next time I will show a video too and I come with some long nails to the ring. May they call me sick, but they will see that they can’t await any mercy from me.”

The song is disgusting and Rose doesn’t like it too much, but in some way it’s funny how aggressive the normally so submissive Amanda can become. So she laughs too.

“Oh shit, this thing is really sick, but in some way such things fit to you.”

Now she giggles and winks at Amanda.

“Haha, you and your kinky lifestyle. This girl could be you, Hehe, but for you I wouldn’t take nails, I’d take 19 feathers and tickle you to death. Hehe, but I could bet that you like it.”

They both laugh in a cheery way, but then Amanda becomes serious again. She remembers the last conversation with a girl called Keira on Twitter and that chat has been really annoying. The two have been something like friends, but now Amanda sees this a bit different. Ok, Keira is still the wife of one of her best friends, of Roxi, but this chat really escalated and so Mandy isn’t so sure anymore what to think about the whole friendship.

"True, to me it would fit better with the feathers, but if I face Keira, the thing with the nails is ok.”

Now Rose is a bit puzzled and looks at her wife.

“But I thought she and Roxi are friends of you. Did I miss something?”

Amanda hasn’t told her all about this trouble and so she does it now. She lights a cigarette and smiles in a sad, but also angry way.

“Ok, I tell you. You know that Roxi is one of my best friends and in some way I liked Keira too, especially as she is Roxi’s wife. But we had a longer conversation after she defeated Vero and this conversation wasn’t very nice. It ended almost in war and now I’m really pissed.
But wait, switch on the camera, so that they can bring it on TV, so that Keira sees that too.”

Amanda pauses for a moment and Rose takes a camera and switches it on. Now Amanda’s facial expression isn’t sad anymore, but still really angry and aggressive.

"Ok, Keira, I think now you can see this here too, at least if you aren't too stupid to switch on a TV.
Since I came back here to SCW me and Roxi are in different teams and it never had been a bigger problem, but now you joined the party and everything changed. You had a match against my partner Vero and in some way you managed it to take the win. Ok, I’m not happy about this, but I stayed quiet. I haven’t forgotten that you are Roxi’s wife and that we had had some fun in the past, so I ignored the whole thing and I thought it should be ok, but it seems that I was wrong.
Because then you started to talk shit. On Twitter you said that Vero was the first Mean Girl you could defeat and that others would follow. You also talked about getting Tag gold. But it seems that you have forgotten that I’m a Mean Girl too and that I’m one half of the tag champions. So if you want tag gold, you have to fight me too.
Anyway, even this crap I could ignore, but a few days ago you went too far. I can’t remember exactly how it began, but you were insulting Vero again. I got involved and told you to shut up, but you didn’t. Instead you began to insult me too, but you should have known that I would punish you for this. Ok, you requested a match and you can have this match, cuz I’m nit scared of you.
But it seems that you are scared of you. Otherwise I can’r explain why you backed away as I suggested a match where the loser gets fired. I thought you were so confident to take the win against me. Well, if that’s the case you also could have accepted my challenge. But no, you didn’t. You even called the bosses for help because you know that you have no chance against me and that you will lose this match.
Well, I would call this desperate. You play the tough and dominant one and now as it becomes serious, you run away lie a lil girl. Fuck, that’s laughable, you fucking slut.
If you’re really so tough, then come out and prove it to me, accept my lil special stipulation and try to make me get fired, but you know that your wrestling skills are too crappy to do this. You know that you would be the one who gets fired. Fuck you you desperate wimp.
But anyway, the boss didn’t allow this match and now you think that you are safe, but there you’re wrong too. I can also end your career in a normal match. This wouldn’t be a bigger problem and I have done such things in the past. So be sure that you won’t get away with your fucking insults against the Mean Girls. I will punish you and I’ll make sure that you will regret that you ever opened your fucking mouth. You will regret that you came to SCW, you will regret that you ever touched a Mean Girl, and you will even regret that you were born.
We only have a normal match, but I’ll make sure that you will end up in hospital, injured and crippled for the rest of your fucking life. And now don’t think that your wife Roxi will be there to save you, cuz my friends will take care that she won’t even come close to the ring. I don’t want war with her, but I want war with you. So if that means that Roxi gets hurt too, well, then I can only tell you that I don’t give a fuck. If she comes into my way, then she will get destroyed too.
But you, Keira, you are my primary goal, or shall I better say victim? I will show the worls what you really are, a fucking desperate wimp and a fucking losers. You wanna be a superhero? Well, that’s idiotic, cuz such crap as superheros doesn’t exist, but I can tell you what you are, you are a SUPERLOSER. Haha and superlosers do exist, at least one and the name of this one is Keira Fisher.
But anyway, I think I have wasted enough time with talking about you, you fucking stinky slut, so let’s bring this here to an end. Challenge me and you get punished, provoke me and you get punished too, but if you ever come close to my friends, then you won’t only get punished, then you will get destroyed.”

For a moment Amanda pauses and takes a deep breath, but then she continues.

"And now some last words about the Mean Girls. I know that we didn’t look very good at the last show. Delia lost her title against one of your fucking friends, against Amy, Vero lost against you, you slut, Mercedes lost and I did so too, so it really was a bad day for the Mean Girls. I don’t even know how or whether it goes on with our stable, but however it ends, I’m still here and I won’t go down with fighting back. I’ll show you all that there is still one Mean Girl left who can fight back and who can take the win in a match and this Mean Girl is me, Amanda Cortez. At the next show I’ll prove that the Mean Girls aren’t death and so this fucking cunt Keira will be my first victim.
At the next show you will see one of the most brutal matches in the wrestling history and you will see the end of a career, of Keira’s.
And now a last word to you, Keira …Go to Hell and FUCK OFF.”

Amanda flips the bird into the direction of the camera and then Rose shuts the camera off. Mandy is still in rage and so Rose waits for a moment, but then she shakes her head and winks.

“Wow, that was really a mean speech, but I loved it …I bet That Keira will piss her pants if she sees this.”

As she hears something about pissing pants, Amanda laughs in a dirty way.

“She won’t only pee her pants, she will poo and prolly it is better if we bring her some diapers to the ring. At least I don’t wanna touch her after she has done this. Haha …”

Again they both laugh in a really dirty way, but the Amanda has enough of talking about her opponent. Slowly she calms a bit down.

“But now it’s enough. I don’t want that this slut ruins my good mood. She isn’t worth my time, no, not even worth to breath the same air as me, so let’s just forget her for now. Her end will come soon, but till then let’s enjoy this day and get ready for the arrival of my son.”

Now it seems that she really calmed down again and a happy smile comes into her face. Then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 7351


Huddle me, tickle me, I'm so cute

Records Amanda
Win: 20
Loss: 13
Draw: 1
Thrown: 0