Author Topic: Playing Cowboys and Indians  (Read 333 times)

Offline Amanda Cortez

  • SCW's tough and ticklish Biker Chick
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    • Amanda Cortez
Playing Cowboys and Indians
« on: February 10, 2015, 04:09:36 AM »
 “Ouch …Ouch …please, be a bit carefully …stop it, no more  …”

After winning the tag titles, Amanda is back in her locker room and her sister and trainer Casey and her wife Rose is with her. Normally Amanda should be happy that she could win this match, but she isn’t, because the whole match has been a complete chaos. It was a normal match, but her opponents, the Fallen have been so much better and stronger, so that Amanda and Vero received the beating up of their life. During the whole match they couldn’t do any proper action and they could only take the win by cheating, like usually. This time Vero has knocked out one of their opponents with the belt, as the referee wasn’t looking, and then she had dragged Amanda’s lifeless body over Gothika, so that Amanda and Vero are the champions now.
So they have the titles now, but they had to pay a high price and Amanda is completely bruised and damaged. There isn’t a single part of her body that doesn’t hurt and so she is whining and complaining as Casey checks whether she has any real injuries. It goes on for a bit longer and Amanda even starts to cry and sniffle, so that Casey has enough of all this.

“Hey, you act like a lil school girl and not like a champion.”

But that doesn’t help and Amanda continues to cry. Nobody sees her and so she has no reason to hold back and she also doesn’t want to hold back. She acts a bit like a small child, but that’s no problem for her.

“Damn, but it hurts ..why should I hide my feelings and play the tough one if nobody sees me? That makes no sense.”

The strong and tough Casey roles her eyes. She’s really tough and brutal and so she can’t understand that Amanda acts like this.

“Because you are the champion now and so you should act like one.”

Now Amanda stops the crying and looks at her sister. She is annoyed that Casey is so cold hearted and it hurts her. So she yells at her.

“But I don’t feel like a champ, I feel like crap. I’m happy that they didn’t break our bones. Damn, that was no match, that was a beating up, a massacre. They wiped the floor with us, especially with me and I think I really didn’t look like a champion, I more looked like a rag doll or like a complete idiot.”

It’s clearly visible that Amanda is annoyed and frustrated, but the cold hearted Casey doesn’t care, but now Rose gets involved. She kisses Amanda lovingly and holds her close.

“That’s not true …you had a bad day and that’s all. And don’t forget that these two are really strong.”

Amanda huddles at her wife and she is really happy to have her. She smiles lovingly and in Rose’s arms she feels better immediately.

“That’s true, they are really strong, but you’re right, and at the end all that counts is who won this match and the winners were we, me and Vero. It hasn’t been our best match, but we have the titles and in some way I’m proud. And I’m pretty sure that Deliah will be proud too. It has been a great success for the Mean Girls and I could prove again that I’m worth to be in their team. We are the champions and I would say that that’s a reason to party, if there only wouldn’t be these damn bruises.
But anyway, party we can do later. For now I’m just happy that it’s over and that I have a week to relax before all this stress begins again. But now back to that match. I think that the wrestling world now knows what we can do in the ring. We have been the complete underdogs and it really didn’t look good for us. Everybody was betting against us, but we still did it, we took the win against these two ugly weird monsters. There’s no reason to talk bad about them anymore, because their title reign is history, but they are still scary and I don’t wanna face them again. Fighting them is almost as bad as fighting the guys, a thing I really try to avoid. I don’t want my pretty face gets damaged.
Haha, for other divas it’s no problem, because they are already ugly, but for me it isn’t. I’m the Goddess, the cutest diva in this company and I don’t want this to change. So no match against these idiots again.”

Fir a moment Amanda pauses and it seems that she has forgotten all her bruises. She is proud to be the champion and so she smiles happily, looking cute as always, even though her eye slowly becomes black and also her lip is a bit swollen.

“But at least now everybody knows that we aren’t scared of facing such monsters. The Mean Girls never back away or give up and this we could prove. The fans might not love us, and the other wrestlers too, but at least now they have to respect us. So everything is good and this was only the beginning. I mean if me and Despayre win this tournament, then we will have the chance to go for another title. Well, then I’ll hold all titles in this company, even though I don’t like the thought of facing Delia. She’s my friend and I don’t wanna beat her up. I would know better things to do with her if she only was into girls, hehe.”

As she hears this, Rose’s jaw drops down. She isn’t the jealous type, but this is still too much and she glares at Amanda. Pretty fast she reaches forward and pokes Amanda in the side, so that the cute redhead giggles.

"Hey, are you crazy? Sex with Delia ...that's a complete no go."

Still giggling Amanda smiles at Rose and runs her fingers over her cheek. She loves her and would never cheat on her and now it’s time to comfort her. She really doesn’t want to see Rose hurt or even sad and it would break her heart.

“Don’t worry, I love you and only you. I mean, Delia is pretty, but I’d never touch her, at least not if you don’t want it. I mean a threesome could be fun, hehe.”

Amanda giggles, Casey roles her eyes and Rose laughs too. She never can be mad at Amanda, even though Amanda can be a bit annoying.

“Well, maybe a threesome would be fun, but as you said, Delia isn’t into such things and we don’t want to make your boss mad. Haha, so we should take Casey.”

“Hell no …”

The tall blond woman raises her arms and moves a bit back. That’s really too much for her and she doesn’t even want to hear this. Tickling Amanda sometimes is fun, but no sex, even though she only is her stepsister.

“I think I better leave you two alone before all this here escalates. Just tell me when we leave here. I’m at the lounge and get a coffee.”

Then she leaves the room and so Rose and Amanda are alone. The couple look at each other and they both laugh, then Rose gets an ice pack for Mandy’s eye and sits down besides her.

"Well, prolly it's better that she is gone. We just have to take care that we don’t forget her when we drive to the airport. I think she would kill us and it’ll even be worse than your match against the Fallen.”

They both laugh and now it seems that Amanda has forgotten all her bruises and her pain. She leans forward, wraps her arms around Rose and they kiss passionately. Lovingly she nibbles at Rose’s ear and whispers.

"I want you"

That’s exactly what Rose wanted to hear and she gently presses Amanda down on the couch, holding her by her arms. They kiss again and rub their bodies against each other. They are both in heaven and begin to breath heavily. After a few minutes, Rose stops it and smirks at Amanda.

“But it won’t be so easy for you …”

Within seconds she rips off Amanda’s clothes and so the petite redhead is all nude. Carefully Rose caresses Amanda’s tight body, taking care not to touch all the bruises, even though this is really difficult, because there are so many of them. Amanda moans, but from time to time she whines and so Rose stops it again. She looks at Mandy, thinking for a moment about what to do, but then she takes Mandy’s feet in her lap and gently rubs them until the petite redhead giggles and purrs. Then she takes her by her ankles and lifts them up. With a lovingly smile in her face she licks and nibbles the bottoms of Amanda’s feet and Mandy giggles and laughs, but then she begins to make cute noises. To make it even better, Rose kisses Mandy’s cute toes and licks and sucks them, driving the tattooed girl wild completely. Her tongue circles around Amanda’s cute toes and now it’s over, Mandy laughs and shrieks, but she is so aroused now. She has her eyes closed and is in heaven and after a few minutes she screams out in passion and explodes. Completely out of breath she sinks back while Rose continues to rub her feet.

“Oh God, that was wonderful ..I love it. The best way to treat your cute Goddess and to celebrate our win. Hehe …please do it again …me wants more.”

Rose laughs a bit and winks at Amanda. It’s so cute that Mandy never gets enough of getting pleasured, but now it’s time to pick up Casey and drive to the airport. So she shakes her head.

“I’d love to, but now we have to go. We have to look for Casey, because I really want her to get mad and then we must go to the airport. I have enough of Wales and this fucking weather. I really need the heat of California to recover from all this stress.”

Even though Amanda would have loved it to get pleasured a bit more, she nods. Rose is right and getting home will be awesome. So she stands up, but now the pain comes back and she moans. So Rose helps her to get dressed and to pack their stuff and then the two leave the locker room. After a few minutes they find the lounge and also Casey, who already is a bit impatient, but not too mad and so the three leave the building and call a cab. After a short drive they arrive at the airport and without any problems they check in and fly back to LA.
Back at home the nice life begins and Amanda recovers from all her injuries. Most of the days she spends at the pool or at the beach and after a few days she is ok again and ready to begin with her training.

Doing nothing has been so much fun, but now it’s time again to train and to get ready for her next match. So she checks the match card again and sees that she has to face Bo Dreamwolf and Crystal Hilton in the Blast of the Past Tournament. After being away from SCW she isn’t so good informed anymore about who belongs to the best wrestlers, but she still remembers that Dreamwolf has been the Roulette Champion in the past and also his partner Crystal can’t be that bad, because at least they managed it to come into the next round of the tournament. So it would be a deadly mistake to underestimate her opponents. But like usually Amanda is pretty relaxed and not really worried. She watches a few movies with matches of her opponents, especially their last one in this tournament, and now she is really confident that she will take the win against these two and advance into the next round. So her main goal to win this tournament comes closer and she is really excited.
She has watched the matches together with her trainer Casey, so that they both know what awaits Amanda and so that they can optimize their training. It doesn’t take long and Casey has a plan and also the cocky Amanda knows what to do. She will focus on her MMA training, knowing that she will have success with this. If she gets her opponent into a grapple, she will be able to use one of these deadly submission holds and she will force her opponent to tap out. And even if this doesn’t happen, she still has Despayre, who’s really dangerous in the ring. So she is sure that nothing much can go wrong.

“Well, the next two idiots we have to defeat. It really sucks that they always throw such morons into our way. I really could need a real opponent. These damn losers slowly make me sick.”

Amanda is the nicest of the Mean Girls, but she's still a Mean Girl and so she is good in trash talking and she loves it more than anything else. She loves it to show that nothing can scare her and she isn’t worried about anything. Even though she also can be nice and the fans still love her because of her cute appearance, she can be really mean and aggressive, insides the ring, but also outsides when she makes interviews.

"Damn, a match against such a native American who still seems to live in the jungle and against a stupid bitch who wanna be a movie star, that’s more than laughable.
Now don’t call me a racist, cuz I’m none. I’m not from the USA myself and I would be the last person who would laugh about such things, but just look at this guy.  He dresses like the evolution has stopped 200 years ago. He hardly can’t speak and his fighting skills aren’t worth to be mentioned. Maybe with a tomahawk he’s better, but please not in the ring. Damn, and I’m no cowboy whom he can scalp. So do me a favor and hold away this moron from me. It’s laughable and doesn’t belong to a wrestling show. This idiot belongs to a freak show at an amusement park.
And his partner isn’t much better. A girl, or lemme better say a woman, cuz she really isn’t that young anymore, who says about herself that she is a movie star, that’s really a joke. Just look at her, how ugly and fat she is. Do you really wanna see such a person in a movie? Well, at least I can’t say that I don’t want.
But anyway, it’s not the main problem that she is ugly, even though I don’t like ugly persons, but this way she at least fits to her stupid partner. But the main problem is that she isn’t that good in the ring, so that she should be in such a tournament. I really don’t know how it could happen that these two didn’t already got eliminated, but anyway, I will make sure that this will happen now.
As I said before, this is a wrestling show and no freak show, so we really should find a way to get rid of these laughable idiots. Shell he go back to the plains or the jungle, or wherever he came from and she should go back to her so called film studio. I don’t care, as long as they stay away from me and as long as I don’t have to touch their ugly stinky bodies.
But sadly this won’t happen and I have to waste my time with them. Damn, I really have better things to do. Having a match each week really sucks. I have my club and now it’s already closed for the second weekend. Damn, that really sucks. I don’t wanna think about how much money I’ll lose and all this for facing these two losers. I get paid 300 to 500 USD for a one hour session, and the weekends are the days where I get mostly booked, so it will be so much money I’ll lose. Damn, these idiots will pay for this,, this I’ll make sure and you can see this as a promise.”

Eventually Amanda is finished with her trash talking and so the two can drive to the gym to do some training. Now Amanda takes it seriously and so they spend the next days with some really intense training, where Amanda mostly practices her MMA skills. She’s already really good, but so she even becomes better and she is really good in shape.

A few days later it’s time to move to Oslo, where the show will be and Rose books the flights for them. Amanda, Casey and Rose pack their stuff and then they are on the way to the airport again. After a really long flight, they arrive at Oslo and as Amanda has expected it, it’s so damn cold. This time they didn’t book a room at the hotel, but they booked a small house near Oslo. It has been snowing all day and so it looks wonderful, all white, and Amanda is really happy. She is dressed in really warm clothes, a black pants, thick boots, a red sweater and a warm jacket and her cap, but it’s still too cold for the tiny young woman, but Mandy loves the snow and so she’s in a good mood.


They enter the house and after it’s warm there, Amanda explores everything and then she goes out for a long walk in the snow, together with her wife Rose. It’s so romantic and the two talk about what they will do in the evenings.  Laying around naked in front of the fire place will be so awesome and they really can’t wait till it becomes evening. But at first they decide to sled a bit. The two really have their fun and hours later they come back to the house, with wet clothes, but in a really good mood. Casey is already waiting for them and she is really annoyed, because she would have preferred to spend the day at the gym.

“Oh …are the two lovers eventually back? I hope you had your fun, cuz I had. Starving is really awesome …”

Rose and Mandy look at each other and then back at Casey and laugh. Normally it’s Amanda who’s always hungry and it’s fun to see her sister like this.

“Oh, don’t worry, you won’t starve so fast. Haha, you could have eaten some snow, hehe, but don’t take the yellow one, that tastes so salty ..”

They giggle like little girls, but then they get rid of their wet clothes and help Casey to make the dinner. After spending the whole day at the fresh and cold air and now after they aren’t hungry anymore, it’s time to relax a bit. So they all go into the sauna and enjoy the heat. Especially Amanda loves this, because there they can run around naked, a thing the pretty redhead really loves. After 30 minutes of sauna it’s time to cool down again and so they leave the sauna. They could have jumped into the cold water, but they also could go outsides and rub snow over their bodies, but Mandy doesn’t  like this thought. She prefers it to have it warm and comfortable and so she shakes her head violently as Rose suggests to go outsides.

“No way that I will do this …”

Now Rose and Casey look at each other and then back at Mandy. Suddenly and with out a warning, Casey grabs Amanda by her wrists and Rose takes her ankles and they begin to carry her outsides. Amanda struggles like mad, but she’s really small and petite and so she has no chance against the two stronger girls. They carry her outsides and throw her naked into the cold snow and Amanda screams bloody murder. But that’s not enough, thee two follow her and rub the cold snow all over Amanda’s petite body, so that Mandy shrieks and squirms, but they hold her down, so that she can’t escape. Mandy is almost hysterically, but in some way she still loves such fun. She fights back, but then the two begin to tickle the hell out of her. Casey kneads her ribs and her tummy, while Rose digs her fingers into Amanda’s soft and sensitive foot bottoms. Now it’s over and Mandy is completely out of control. She laughs and shrieks hysterically and roles around in the snow. Eventually the fun is over and Casey and Laura help Amanda up. Still laughing and giggling they go back into the house to warm up a bit. Then they spend the rest of the evening in front of the fire place and it is so romantic. Then they all go to bed.

The next day, after a nice and long breakfast in bed, they decide to visit Oslo. They walk through the city and enjoy it there. Sadly the day is much too short and it becomes evening so that they have to drive to the arena, where Amanda will have her match. They enter the building and after a few minutes they found their locker room, so that Amanda can get ready for the match. Like usually she puts on some small shorts, a sports bra and fighting gloves, the same stuff she wears in her MMA fights and then she is ready to go to the stage. She lights a last cigarette and waits till it becomes time, but then she hears a knocking at the door and Rose opens the door. As Rose sees the camera team, she shakes her head.

“Please no interview now …Mandy has a match in a few minutes, so let her relax a bit.”

But Amanda interrupts her and asks them to come in. She loves it to talk and she isn’t nervous in any way, so it’s no problem for her. But she doesn’t want to give an interview and prefers it to make a small speech, so she makes them a sign to shut up.

“Ok guys, come in, but no useless questions. But don’t worry, I’ll tell you everything you wanna know. Lemme begin with the question how I feel, being a champion now. It’s easy to describe, I feel wonderful. As I came back again to this company a few weeks ago, I just did it to earn some money and I really didn’t wanna go for a title. I never have been this ambitious, but remember the first time I joined at SCW. There it has been the same. After a few matches I have been the tag champion and a few weeks later the women’s champion and it seems that it won’t be different this time.
As I said, I didn’t want a title and I only teamed up with Vero, because we are in the same stable and she wanted a title. Well, the result you all have seen last week. Now you might say that we don’t deserve it and that we stole the win, but that doesn’t mean anything. All that counts is the fact that we are the champions now. So you see, I had success again, even though everybody said that my best time is over, but it’s not.
Anyway, we are the champions and now I’m in this tournament, together with Despayre, one of the best wrestlers I’ve ever known, and the price for winning this tournament is another title shot. Well, I thing you all know what this means, it means that I will hold a second title soon, because there’s no doubt that Despayre and me will win this tournament.
Now yyou might wanna know why I do all this and I’ll tell you. I do it, because there’s no better female wrestler in this company than me, so there’s no way that I don’t get this title too. I’m not ambitious, but seeing all these ugly fat cows here, trying to perform in the ring, really hurts my eyes. They are a shame for the whole women’s wrestling and it’s time to stop this farce. I’ll show you all what real wrestling is and so I’ll hold the next title soon. I’m a real woman, the one and only Goddess, a real wrestler and not such a worthless bimbo, so it’s logical that I defeat everybody whom they throw into my way. Yeah,  I’ll win tonight, I’ll win this tournament and really soon I’ll be a double champion.”

For a moment Amanda pauses and drags at her cigarette, while Rose applauds. She blows out a smoke ring and smiles into the direction of the camera. Too good she knows how pretty and cute she is and she enjoys the sensation she gets.

“But now it’s enough with the talking about me and my goals. Let’s come to my partner, the wonderful Despayre. I know that many people in this company say that he is retarded, because it’s strange that a young man loves candy and runs around with a teddy. Well, to be honest, I found it strange too as I saw him the first time, but now I see it different. It might be strange, but he isn’t retarded. Even though I had had some trouble with his dead and his friend Melody, he still helped me in our match and held my back. He never betrayed me and that’s a thing I really appreciate. He’s a wonderful young man and if he loves his teddy and his candy, then it’s ok for me. Shall he bring Angel with him to the ring, I don’t care. Maybe this teddy even brings us luck and if not, then it’s at least cute. So Despayre listen to me. Don’t listen to all these idiots here, just stay as you are, you’re a wonderful guy and all these morons who talk bad about you are just jealous, because they know that you will kick their asses in the ring. You’re really the best wrestler in this company and I wish it so much that you will hold gold soon and I’ll do everything I can to help you to have success. Oh, and there’s one thing more, I’ll kill everybody who comes even close to Angel and who talks bad about you, so you can really see me as your friend or even as your big sister.
And now a little reward for you, after we have won this match I’ll buy you as much candy and chocolate you want. That’s a promise.”

Again Amanda pauses and takes a deep breath. Slowly it’s time to get ready for her match, but she still has to say something. She doesn’t want to leave here without some last words about her opponents whom she condemns.

“And now let’s come to these two wannabe wrestlers, too these idiots, to my opponents Bo Dreamwolf and Crystal Hilton. Damn, just look at these idiots, they call themselves a team, but all they are, is being a joke. An adult who plays Cowboys and Indians like a lil kid. What shall I say to such crap? Ok, he’s native American and I respect this, but that doesn’t mean that he has to run around like a moron. All his people are dressed like civilized people, just this moron has stopped 200 years ago. It’s laughable, it’s hilarious and I would laugh about it, but this makes the whole match to a farce. Damn, or do you wanna fight a freak show? I doubt that.
But anyway, he looks like a moron, he acts like one, but that wouldn’t be a problem if he would at least perform good in the ring, but not even this he can do properly. Fuck, you don’t need much brain to be a good wrestler, but it seems that he doesn’t even have enough for doing a good fight. To be honest, I even doubt that he has any brain in his head, all that’s insides there is some crap. Damn, otherwise he couldn’t call himself Dreamwolf. This name sounds so fucking idiotic. Aren’t wolves these ugly animals who attack from behind and if their victim attacks, they run away? And don’t they only hunt in a group because they are too scared to do it alone? Well, then this name really fits to this guy, but it also shows us how stupid he is. I would never give myself such a name. Haha, and the thing with the Dream might fit too. He prolly has the dream to become champion, but I will shatter his dreams.
Now I already said that I don’t like ugly and stupid people and that’s one of the reasons why I really can’t stand this person. Shall he crawl back into his wigwam and play with his tomahawk or fuck his squaw, I don’t care, but he better stays away from me and Despayre or I’ll fuck him up as bad as it never happened before in his fucking life. I always hated people like him and I still do so, they are good for nothing and it’s a waste of time to deal with them.”

Amanda looks into the camera and poses for a moment. A smile comes into her pretty face and then she giggles and licks her lips.

“But maybe I forgot one thing. Hehe, doesn’t Indians have feathers in their hair and at their clothes? At least that would be something useful from him. Haha, I love feathers ….”

But then she becomes honest again. She glares at the camera team and wants to begins her trash talking again, but then she hesitates and smirks.

"Just gimme a sec. I think I’ll have to change my ring gear so that it fits. I mean if I have to fight an Indian, well, then I should at least look like a cowboy. Hehe”

Amanda isn’t shy and so she begins to strip down to her underwear. She doesn’t care much that all this will be seen on TV. Then she opens her locker and after some searching she finds what she was looking for. Pretty fast she puts on a small white shirt, a really short leather skirt and some western boots, even though she will kick them off right before her match. Then she takes a cowboy hat and puts it on. With a huge smile she looks into the camera and poses, knowing exactly that she looks really hot. Again her cute giggling can be heard.


"Well, now I can only hope that he won't tie me to a stake and tickle me with his feathers till I submit. Hehe, cuz this will be his only chance to win this match.”

Another giggling, but then a cold glare comes into her dark eyes. She’s a bubbly and cheery young woman, but right before a match she takes everything serious and doesn’t want to be in a good mood. So it only takes seconds till she becomes aggressive again.

“And now let’s come to his partner, or to my victim, to Crystal, this so called movie star. Me and my love Rose love it to watch movies together when we are in bed, and I’ve seen so many. Well, now I must admit that I’m not the most intelligent person in this company, but movies I love, and I remember each of them. So I must say that it’s really strange that I’ve never seen any with Chrystal in them and I also never heard of a company called Rose production. So what does that mean?
There are two options. Number one is that everything is a lie, that she’s too unimportant and too ugly to play in a really good movie, a thing I can imagine. Just look at this fat cow. Do you really wanna see her on TV? I don’t think so. All it will bring you is eye cancer, haha.
Well, and the other reason might be that she performs in a very special kind of movie.”

Now Amanda winks. Everybody can see that it will become really dirty now, but she has no remorse and it’s just too much fun to talk bad about her opponents.

"I mean porn. Well, there’s nothing wrong with porn and I love it. Some people even call the stuff I do porn too and I don’t care and I’m even proud for doing it, but why the hell is this woman to scared to admit it? Is there something wrong with spreading your legs for money? I don’t think so, at least not as long as you have the guts to be proud of it. Then it really is ok.
But it’s not ok what this woman does. She calls herself an actress and nobody has ever seen something from her, her company is fake and ll this stuff. But prolly she even doesn’t appear in normal porn movies, because she’s to ugly and fat for such stuff and there are only some perverts who wanna see her naked or get banged. Damn, I almost feel sorry for this chick, but only almost.
Then there’s this thing with her being a wrestler. Well, shall she try to be one, but to be honest, I don’t think she is one. I haven’t seen much from her and all I’ve seen wasn’t very impressive, so facing her is a waste of time for me. I’m the champion and I have better things to do than fight against rookies and wannabe divas. That’s nothing for me. I also don’t see why such a chick should have the chance to go for a title, at least not at the moment. She can try it again in a few years, but not now. And now I’ll take care that she disappears out of this tournament, together with her stupid partner. They are nobodies and I’ll show them what I do with nobodies, I’ll throw them into the toilet and flush them away like shit.”

Again Amanda laughs, but this time it’s a bit dirty. Then she looks at the camera team and gives them a sign to stop the filming. She loves it to do such speeches and to entertain the fans with her vulgar trash talking, but now it’s time for her to get ready for her match. She is already in her ring gear, but the last minutes before it starts, she needs it a bit quiet, so that she can focus on her match and her opponents.

“So if you would excuse me now, I have to get ready now and I don’t wanna come late to my match. I’ll tell you more after I’m done with these two idiots.”

The camera team leaves and now Amanda is alone with her wife and her stepsister. Even though she only has a few minutes left till she has to fight, she still is pretty relaxed. A last time she looks into the mirror, making sure that she really looks hot and sexy for her match. She turns around and poses a bit and it seems that she is really satisfied with what she sees. Then she opens her locker again and after a few minutes of searching, she found what she was looking for. With a huge smile in her pretty face, she shoves her brass knux under her belt.

“Well, just to make sure that nothing goes wrong. And now let’s go and play Cowboys and Indians …Haha.”

She takes Rose by her hand and the two leave the room, while Casey stays in their locker room. Then they slowly walk into the direction of the stage and the scene fades to black.

Word count: 6014


Huddle me, tickle me, I'm so cute

Records Amanda
Win: 20
Loss: 13
Draw: 1
Thrown: 0