Author Topic: Asterisk the Fourteenth  (Read 325 times)

Offline Mercedes Vargas

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    • Mercedes Vargas
Asterisk the Fourteenth
« on: February 06, 2015, 11:59:30 PM »
 S|C|E|N|E| 001
[A R R I V A L S | A N D | D E P A R T U R E S, P A R T  VI]


At an open window as the slow toiling of morning church bells breaks the dawn. An elderly man walks along the cobbled stone before he sees a nearby church bench. With all his might, he wills himself to grab hold of the bench and finally is able to position himself to see the early sunrise. A nun is seen armed reading an opened bible and then briefly closes it as he walks towards him.

Elderly Man: Sister Abigail? What brings you here on this day?

Nun: Oh, well, I always take a little walk right after breakfast. I find it, therapeutic.

Suddenly in the distance, a German Shepherd runs across the set, causing widespread panic among actors and crew alike.

Director: Cut, cut, CUT!

The lighting on the movie set comes on and we see a green screen. Mercedes rises quickly and removes the  traditional full-length habit and wimple of her nun costume. She takes refuge behind one of the camera crew and arms herself with the nearest piece of scenery she could find, a stick. The director shouts through his megaphone that was previously under his chair.

Director: Alright, who let the dog out?

One of the crew members raises his hand as the guilty party and as he retrieves the dog, he is scorned by his fellow employees.

Crew Member Here, Bruno. Here boy!

Mercedes: Back, you foul beast! Back, I say!

Some of the crew are enjoying this as Mercedes high tails it around the set. She trips over her nun's gown two or three times during the ordeal. Apparently, Bruno is enjoying the chase as well.

Mercedes: Guys a little help here?!?



S|C|E|N|E| 002
[A R R I V A L S | A N D | D E P A R T U R E S, P A R T  VII]


A man sits at his desk with his feet up while polishing a trophy. There's a beautiful view of the Miami skyline behind him. He carries a tune, polishes the name at the base of the trophy, and then sets this on his desk. He picks up an apple and tosses into the air a few times before biting into it. A brunette woman, Andrea, comes in the office, leaning against the door frame.

Andrea: Matt?

Matt looks up at Andrea.

Matt: What's up?

Andrea: What are you doing?

Matt: What does it look like I'm doing?

Andrea puts her hands to forehead as if she was predicting something.

Andrea: Well, my psychic powers are telling me (as Matt pays rapt attention gesturing her to go on) that you're doing "nothing."

i][Matt gives her a thumbs up to Andrea's dismay as she crosses her arms in front of her.

Matt: Wow, you're pretty good at this. How about my favorite breakfast cereal?

Andrea walks to Matt.

Andrea: We're supposed to be meeting clients all day and you're just sitting here shooting the breeze, like this is some kind of game to you?

Matt: They don't pay me enough.

Andrea raises her an eyebrow.

Andrea: You earn five figures and you're a first-year attorney. Pretty sure that's enough reason to take this seriously. I could use some company. Walk with me?

Andrea and Matt walk and talk.

Andrea: So did you hear about the Reyes-Shepherd case?

Matt: You mean the case that was delayed like five times because reason? Yeah, I heard about it. I don't know why they just won't get it over with. Holidays and all. Thank God I'm not tied with that case.

Andrea and Matt walk down stairs.

Andrea: Do you take anything seriously?

Matt says nothing. When Andrea waited for an answer he gave a puzzled expression, then figured it out.

Matt: Oh, that wasn't rhetorical? I work around the clock for fun!

Exposed skyline shows a beautiful sun.

Andrea and Matt walk, skyline in foreground.

Matt: Guidelines tattoos on my back.

Matt and Andrea stop in front of a vending machine where they both get tacos. Andrea and Matt eat.

Andrea and Matt walk.

Andrea: Matt...

Andrea and Matt end journey outside meeting room.

Andrea: Matt. You don't know...That case is being handled by Irene Martinez, the toughest attorney on the firm.

Matt: Oh crap. That can't be good.


S|C|E|N|E| 003
[A R R I V A L S | A N D | D E P A R T U R E S, P A R T  VIII]


Our scene opens in the lobby area of a high rise building. A secretary is behind the switchboard taking calls. She picks up another line and places the phone in the crook of her neck so she could continue typing on a laptop.

Secretary: Helen Shepherd's office, this is Kathryn speaking.

She pauses, nodding her head before speaking again.

Secretary: I'm sorry, but Mrs. Shepherd is in a meeting at the moment. Would you like me to send you to her voicemail or you can leave a message with me if you like? Voicemail? Sure. Hold, please.

She puts the call on voicemail and hangs up. Irene enters the double doors of the building holding an envelope and simply walks straight past the switchboard. Behind tinted sunglasses, she maintained a direct expression. Her body wrapped in a dark business suit. Black heels. Blonde hair that hung just past her shoulders. The secretary quickly looks up and calls out to her.

Secretary: Excuse me, miss? Can I help you?

The linoleum floor reflected the sunlight from the large windows. Above was an atrium, which reached several feet up, the apex arching into a glazed skylight. Irene stops, but doesn't turn to acknowledge her.

Irene: Yes, you can help me. I am here to see Helen Shepherd. I believe her office is on the third floor?

Irene starts walking to the elevators.

Secretary: Do you have an appointment?

Helen stops and turns around.

Irene: Excuse me?

Secretary: Do you have an appointment? Mrs. Shepherd is in a very important meeting right now.

Suddenly, her hand, which a moment ago went to remove her sunglasses, holds up the envelope.

Irene: Oh, I won't be very long, but thanks for asking.

Irene smiles at the secretary before turning her back on her as her expression changes to one of disgust as she heads towards the elevators. Kathryn goes to stop her but the switchboard is firing up again. The elevator door opens. A male employee exits as he is talking on his cellphone while a female employee is not too close behind carrying paperwork in one hand and distracted by a PDA tablet in the other.

Irene: Third floor, please.

She gives a pensive smile at the secretary, who glances at her while taking a call, then turns to the other riders as this is the last we see of Irene as the elevator door closes.



S|C|E|N|E| 004
[S E L E C T I V E | M E M O R Y...or B O O M | H E A D S H O T]


“So we're nearly a month away from SCW's next supershow Blaze of Glory IV and just two days away from Climax Control 106 and if you're like me, you're going to be watching the newcomers, you're going to be watching the title matches, and you're going to be watching the quarterfinals of the Blast from the Past Tournament featuring the Mean Girls.”

She smiles.

“Had to throw that in there, for trademark purposes.”

“No matter how you look at it, this tournament is kind of working out for us. I mean, I still hate the fact that Delia and Vero are gone, but at least we no longer have to worry about the competition. Roxi Johnson, gone. Amy Marshall, gone. Jessie Salco, gone. And it will only be a matter of time before the rest of Roxi's team is gone. Luckily that may happen this Sunday, when we beat Misty, and Andrew.

"You know, Misty, if I were in your shoes, I would want to forget the rotten person I used to be too. I would want to forget that I'm a Bombshell who is past her prime, who is just here to reclaim her glory days. I would want to forget that I walked out of the very company that treated me like a queen. I would want to forget all that, especially the part where the Mean Girls has made my life a living hell.

"I would want to forget the moment where I had a chance to win back the Bombshell Championship only to fall short. I want to forget that Delia Darling has destroyed my life personally and professionally. I want to forget that. Hell, I would take it further. I would go incognito, move to some far off country, change my name.

"And whether it's gambling, amnesia or turning to drinking, the after effects are one and the same: Eventually, everything will come flooding back,. It always does, Misty. Delia Darling was facing life and death - literally - nobody cares. You get attacked out of nowhere, everyone loses their minds.

"So, tell me Misty? Do you really have amnesia? Are you playing us for a fool? I really, really, really, would love to believe you and all, but logic tells me that I can't. Isn't it funny that ever since Inception and the whole incident, not a single clue has turned up about your mystery stalker? I mean, Roxi Johnson, superhero extrodinaire and now doing her best Nancy Drew impression, still hasn't found out anything. What, do you fucking need Blues Clues here? What a joke?

"See, Misty, it doesn't matter which Bombshell/Superstar combination makes it to the finish line at Blaze of Glory, the Bombshell Championship will never leave the Mean Girls as long as Delia Darling has it in her possession. Whether  it's Melody or Necra or you should you and Alex happen to win Sunday - and that's a big if - at Blaze of Glory, you're not going to be the number one contender, you're going to be a statistic, a footnote, just another name that Delia will cross off on her checklist. She's done it before, and if given the opportunity, she'll do it again.

"Maybe that amnesia was really a blessing in disguise. But then again, maybe not. In the end, the Mean Girls will always be here.

"And that's one memory you'll never escape from.

"Sorry not sorry."

“So, who are you running from Mr. Outlaw, Misty's partner? It certainly isn't competition. In fact, they're the ones running away from you. Now, don't get me wrong, being undefeated is awesome, it's a great feeling and I'm not going to take that away from you, you've earned it, and I'm sure the rest of your fellow Rejects aren't surprised you peaked this early in SCW. But like you said last week, the names you've defeated so far haven't been all that great. Still, 6-0 is still 6-0. It's just too bad that for you, 7 isn't going to be your lucky number.

Now, you may be asking yourself, 'Well, Mercedes, Watts in it for me?' Get it? “Watts”, “what’s?” Oh, I crack myself up sometimes!


"You act like you have this chip on your shoulder, and that's fine. But it's not going to help you advance in the next round. But you go ahead and use the tired jokes everyone uses about the Mean Girls. We've heard them all before, and it just worse because you don't have anything original to say. You just practically gleamed off my entire record. That is amazing. You sure do your research. But it's one thing to know someone, and then there's another when you actually get in the ring with them.

"I'm afraid I'm going have to take you in...dead or alive. Just call me Annie Oakley. You want to shoot cowboy? We can do that, but I'm afraid that last bullet is going to waste. My words are as accurate as sniper fire. And unfortunately for you, Mr. Outlaw, you're in my crosshairs, and I'm a pretty good sure shot.

"I'd say you're dead, but you probably don't even know it yet.

"Boom. Headshot.”
« Last Edit: February 07, 2015, 12:28:17 AM by Mercedes Vargas »

2x SCW Hall of Famer (Class of 2018, Class of 2022)
World Bombshell Champion (x2)
Bombshell Roulette Champion (x4)
Bombshell Internet Champion 
World Bombshell Tag Team Champion (x3; w/Traci Patterson (x2) and Delia Darling (x1)
World Mixed Tag Team Champion (x3; x2 w/Kain, x1 w/Goth)
Third Bombshell SCW Triple Crown Champion (6th SCW Triple Crown Champion overall)
First-ever and only 2x, 3x and 4x Bombshell Triple Crown Champion in SCW history (most ever by a female wrestler)
Second Bombshell Grand Slam Champion (4th SCW Grand Slam Champion overall)
SCW Year-End Award Winner: 2014 Feud of the Year (Mean Girls vs SCW Bombshells roster)
Queen for a Day winner (December 2 Dismember 2015, inaugural)