Author Topic: VIXEN vs ODETTE STEVENS  (Read 1053 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« on: July 06, 2014, 09:54:29 PM »
 First RP Period Deadline:
United States: 11:59pm EST Saturday 07/12/2014
England: 04:59am Sunday 07/13/2014

Post all RPs here!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Vixen

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    • Vixen
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2014, 12:01:15 AM »
 Journal entry:  Jealousy is so ugly.

Seriously, I thought all the drama ended in high school when I left.  Little did I expect it to repeat here in SCW or my life now.

Back in high school I had a friend that was closer than a sister.  We did everything together and I thought she had my back.  Little did I know that behind my back, she was small and mean and pea green with jealousy.  From telling my boyfriends that I was cheating on them, to talking behind my back to alienating my friends and boyfriends from me, there wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do.  And once I called her on it, then she dropped me and revealed her true colours…pea green and yellow.

Fast forward to today and once again I have to deal with someone that I thought was a friend.  Someone that I saw invited into NXT then try to push me out.  And when she found out that she couldn’t do that, she walked away and turned her back on NXT.  And if that wasn’t enough, she took her toys and went back to her yard…or disappeared only to reappear hanging on the coattails of someone else but still whining about how she is the best…only to disappear again.  Then return and then try to be the best when all she was and has ever been a second thought when it comes to commitment and being the best.

Now I am going to have to beat that truth into her among some very strong and dangerous barbed wire.

I can’t wait…


The room where she sat was cold at the edges but warmed as she approached the furnace that was glowing a bright gold and red.  Her two toned hair reflected the sparks and heat to shine a dull reddish gold which was bright against the black shirt and dark denim that graced her figure.  Suddenly the dark silhouette turned and Vixen was framed by the molten metal that began to pour into a hopper.

“Can you imagine where I might be?” she asks the camera that she has brought up to film herself.  â€œI am in the place where it will all begin for you and me Odette.  Does it give you pause to think that I am getting ahead of the match and coming to the one place that will encompass our fight.”

Smiling, Vixen turns the camera to another machine, the stamping motion hypnotic in its own way as it rhythmically moves up and down.  Vixen moves closer to see that it is twisting fast cooling metal into small sharp knots.

“I am here in the factory where our playground is taking shape.  These little barbs are what will bite into our flesh when we enter the ring at Into the Void Odette.  These are the barbs that give the wire its iconic name…barbed wire.  Just like any weapon, it doesn’t play favourites, no not at all,” teases Vixen as her hand plunges into the hopper of barbs.  Pulling it out, she holds the limb to the camera to show how the little barbs have bitten into her skin.

“I bet you are sitting there talking about how you are going to make me hurt, how you have wanted to do that all along,” says Vixen dispassionately.  â€œYou know, when you first got invited to NXT, I will admit that you did get under my skin for all of maybe five minutes.  Until I spoke to Spike and got the lowdown on what was what in our group.  Then I had your back, I went out of my way to embrace your energy and be the team player.  And I thought we were friends…”

Vixen turns the camera with dizzying speed towards herself as she brings up the hand once more, shaking it slightly to let the barbs fall back into hopper.  â€œThen came the distancing from NXT as we watched you fall in love with Gabriel and we were happy for you.  But even then, there was something about you that just didn’t sit right with me.  About the fact that you had to keep telling everyone and their brother about how you were the first lady of NXT and its guiding light while I went on to do something about it and win title after title.”

Vixen tilts her head slowly to the side, one bloody finger laying slightly on her cheek.  

“I could see it ate at you.  I saw how you would look at me like I was a target that you wanted to impale with your daggers and jabs about how I was nothing.  Seems to me, you are still doing that Odette only this time from a position of some power that you seem to think you have,” offers Vixen.  â€œYou talk about how you are the end all and be all of the Bombshell division here in Sin City Wrestling.  Seriously O, you are nothing but a footnote in it.”

Vixen sighs as she moves once more, the camera still focuses on her face as she talks.

“Then when I won the Bombshell title for the third time,” she says, “you couldn’t stand it and you needed to do something that would once again put you in the spotlight because you couldn’t stand the shadows.  Well, when you did what you did, all that happened was that you lit a fire that is going to consume you at Into the Void.  By bloodying me with my own belt and then walking out with it…you did something that made me realize your true colours, pea green and yellow.”  Vixen chuckles at that comment before continuing.  â€œYes Odette, I said it, pea green because you are sooo jealous of what I have done and that I have been seen as better than you.  And yellow because you can’t stand on your own and face me one on one.  You can’t step up like a real woman and ask for the match that I would be so willing to give you.”

Vixen’s eyes light up with glee as she brings the camera in close.

“I guess you did finally ask for a match but what you didn’t reckon on is how Christian would give me the match that would test me to my limits once again.  You see once before I was in a match that I almost killed another Bombshell.  The only thing that stopped me was Spike.  Now I don’t know where he stands right now because he and I have had our differences.  But let me tell you, when it comes to this match, he is going to let me go, let me have my fun with making you pay for the audacity you showed me by attacking me and stealing MY belt.  You may think you are going to be ready for me Odette but there will be nothing you can do to prepare for this other than say your prayers and beg your husband that he might have some magic trick to help you escape the retribution and revenge I am coming for.  And if you think that you can get Gabriel to help you defeat me, all I want you to do is remember that I am a soldier and this will be my war to win.  And should he decide to get involved, I will execute whatever it takes, and with extreme prejudice I might add, to make him suffer just as much as you.”

Vixen’s nostrils flare slightly as she moves towards the doorway where the images of barbed wire are implanted into the doorway’s window.  Pushing her way into the sunlight of the Vegas strip, Vixen continues to film.

“Into the void is going to be one hellacious match Odette and knowing that I am ready to bleed in it, I have to question just how extreme you can be,” wonders Vixen.  â€œI mean your moneymaker is barely ever off the ass of your husband talking about how good the pair of you are.  And doing it with quite a lot of curse words I might add.  What Odette, didn’t think people would pay attention to you if you didn’t broadcast your ignorance loud and proud?”

“Listen missy, there are three things I am going to promise you about our match at the supercard.  Number one is the fact that I will be walking in the champion belt or no belt,” promises Vixen.  â€œSecond, I am going to make you bleed…A LOT!  And thirdly, I will walk out of that hell we are going to be fighting in still the Bombshell champion.”

With that, Vixen smirks at the camera then sends the image to snow with a soft chuckle.


Vixen is seen looking in her bedroom, tossing clothes around, slamming drawers and rummaging on a dresser.  Blowing her hair out of her eyes, she turns and slams out of the room heading towards the kitchen of the house.

“It has to be here somewhere, and I need to find it now before anyone else does,” she says with a frustrated sigh.  As she charges into the kitchen, she slams into Spike.  â€œSorry but could you get out of the way please…I need to find something.”

Spike looks at her strangely before turning his head to the side.  "Oh, okay...? Can I maybe help you look for whatever it is you're trying to find? Or would that be smothering you too much?"

“Spike, not now, I am looking for my book because I need to deal with some things about my match.  Besides, you haven’t been smothering me at all,” she says slowly.  â€œIn fact, you haven’t been…no, I am not going to say it.”  Brushing her hand through her hair, Vixen rolls her eyes and shakes her head.  â€œIt’s not worth it.”

Spike's face shows a tinge of pain as he looks away from Vixen.  He sighs, taking a deep breath, ready to bite his tongue yet again. Instead, it just slips out.  "Says the Queen of Mixed Signals. I just don't know what you need to be happy right now. I'm too close, and then I'm too far away.  And now, I'm not worth it. Thanks a lot..."

“That’s not what I said Spike,” replies Vixen as she fights for control.  â€œIt’s just that I feel that I am the one that being left out in the cold all the time, seeing the man that I am supposed to be marrying supporting everyone but me.  Why Spike huh?  Did you think I was strong enough without you?  I guess I wasn’t.  Maybe what we need…what I need is to know where I stand…”

Slowly twisting at the ring on her left hand, she slips it off and looks at it before she takes Spike’s hand and slips it into the palm.  Looking up at him with tears in her eyes that she can’t fight back anymore, she steps into him, lightly kissing him on the cheek.

“When you have figured out where I stand in your life, then and only then will I really be worthy of wearing that ring…”whispers Vixen.  â€œI’m going to head to the supercard venue to get ready.”  Vixen turns and grabbing her purse and keys, she walks out of the door and towards her beat up chevy.

Eden moves up beside a now silent Spike who watches as Vixen slides into the driver side of her car, guns the motor and drives away.  Eden leans against him and holds up a battered but very familiar book, the same book that Vixen has been writing in for the past few weeks.

“Daddy, can you read me a story?” asks the little girl softly.  â€œMommie Vixen had promised me a story that she would write and I think this is it,” she adds.  
Spike takes the book and opens it, reading the first page and then nods as he looks out the door to where Vixen is turning and nods.  

"Okay punkin, let's go read the story."