Author Topic: Vixen Vs Necra Octavian Kane  (Read 1462 times)

Offline Mark Ward

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Vixen Vs Necra Octavian Kane
« on: March 16, 2014, 10:28:13 PM »
 Post your roleplays here! Good luck!

Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon thee

*NOTE: No longer giving feedback, if you wasn't good enough, you wouldn't be here.
No longer doing show reviews, I already know we're that damn good!

Offline GoddessoftheDead

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    • Necra Octavian Kane
Vixen Vs Necra Octavian Kane
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2014, 02:29:39 PM »
Act 1: Champions



noun: champion; plural noun: champions

   a person who has defeated or surpassed all rivals in a competition, esp. in sports.
   "a champion hurdler"
   synonyms:   winner, titleholder, defending champion, gold medalist, titlist, record holder; prizewinner, victor; informal champ, number one, king "the world champion"

a person who fights or argues for a cause or on behalf of someone else.
"a champion of women's rights"
synonyms:   advocate, proponent, promoter, supporter, defender, upholder, backer, exponent; campaigner, lobbyist, crusader, apologist, booster, flag-bearer
"a champion of change"


verb: champion; 3rd person present: champions; past tense: championed; past participle: championed; gerund or present participle: championing

   support the cause of; defend.
   "priests who championed human rights"
   synonyms:   advocate, promote, defend, uphold, support, back, stand up for, take someone's part; campaign for, lobby for, fight for, crusade ,for, stick up for
   "championing the rights of refugees"


The scene opens on the beautiful crystal clear blue water off of the coast of Greece. The sun was shinning brightly over the water, and white puffy clouds floated over head. The camera pans over the water until it comes to the Isle of the Gods, where the water seemed to be even clearer in the late afternoon sun. Servants of the Goddess fished off of boats hauling in a fresh catch for that evening's meal, while others moved a little closer along the shore line gathering up oysters, and other shell fish that clung to rocks. The lush forest had already started to come to life as Persephone and had returned to the earth bringing the warmth and joy back to the world. The tree buds had sprung to life, while the beautiful multicolored flowers had started to bloom once more. The birds sung high in the trees and the wildlife that had fallen asleep for the winter, had woken up, and once again moved about the island as they always have. The camera moves along the pathways showing the beautiful temples that littered the island, before it focuses on the main estate that looms over everything. Servants worked quietly going about their chores for the day, in hope of finishing before nightfall in order to get some rest for the evening. The camera moves into a large room where steam rises to the ceiling from a rather large bath tub sitting against one wall. It was a two tier tub made out of marble. A waterfall fell from the top part where servants mixed in perfumes and what appeared to be milk and stirred it before it streamed down to the pool where the young Goddess sat. In the background a young man sang, while young women danced for the pleasure of their Goddess as she relaxed. Her muscles had started to relax and the bruises started to disappear from her flawless skin. Sara walks in the room with her head lowered never meeting the gaze of the young Goddess that sat before her and stands in front of her.

Sara: If it pleases you my Goddess we have everything ready for you to get out.

Necra: I think I'm ready. Is everything laid out for tonight?

Sara: Yes my Goddess. The yacht will be ready to sail whenever you are and the Lord are ready to go.

Necra laughs, as she starts to move toward the small set of marble stairs in front of Sara.

Necra: I'm not taking Ex with me. He's staying behind especially for something like this.

Sara: You're not taking your father are you?

Necra: Gods no! This is a civilized function, and neither one are suited for something like this. I'm taking Stacy with me. This is a matter of business nothing more.

Necra starts up the stairs, and the camera catches a glimpse of her perfect body. There wasn't a scar on it, but moves around to the back, as she steps completely out of the tub, and is dried off by servants with large fluffy towels. Her body shimmers in the late afternoon sun as it streamed through the bay window in the room, and the water beaded down her long legs, and into a puddle on the floor beneath her. As the servants finish drying her off, she is wrapped in a shimmering silken robe of deep blues, and purples, mixed with black. She moves across the floor with graceful movement and is guided to a vanity. Necra sits down, and one of the servants begins to brush her hair.

Sara: I have your dress laid out on your bed my Goddess.

Necra: Good. After the benefit make sure that everything is ready to go back to the Oasis. I want to spend a bit of time getting ready for my match against Vixen.

Sara: Yes my Goddess.

With that Sara bows to her and walks out of the room, leaving Necra alone with the servant that had started to brush out her long hair. The servant keeps her eyes lowered at all times never speaking unless she was spoken to. Necra's head goes back, as the servant accidentally pulls at a knot. Necra turns around quickly and looks at the young girl as she falls to her knees.

Servant: Forgive me my Goddess! I didn't mean to pull your hair!

Necra: How dare you?!

Servant: I'm sorry my Goddess! Please forgive me!

Necra looks down at her with narrow eyes, and a cool demeanor. She grabs the young girl by the hair and drags her out of the room, and down the hall, passing other servants as they fall to their knees knowing that she was going to be punished. Necra opens her bedroom door where Stacy is finishing getting ready for the evening herself. Necra tosses the girl down, and Stacy sighs, knowing what was coming.

Stacy: What has this child done my Goddess?

Necra: She pulled my hair while she was brushing it.

Stacy: I see. What do you want done?

Necra: Bring me my pins.

Stacy: Yes my Goddess.

Stacy walks off to a small cupboard on the other side of the room, and pulls out a long box as the young girl cries softly. Stacy bows and opens the box as Necra smiles looking down at what appear to be golden hat pins but longer. Tears stream down the young girls face as Necra pulls one out of the box, and looks down at the young girl on the floor.

Necra: Stacy get her to her feet.

Stacy: Yes my Goddess.

Stacy gets the young girl to her feet, with tears still streaming down her face. Necra's eyes flash red, as an evil grin appears on her face, as she starts plunging one of the pins into the girls milky white skin on her breast. She bites her lip in pain until she draws blood. Necra pushes the pin all the way down, with the top sticking out just above the bare skin, and pulls out another one as the young girl weeps.

Necra: If you are truly sorry then I will see it in your eyes when you look at me my child.

The young girl looks at Necra with lowered eyes, and Necra sighs, taking out another pin, and takes one of her hands. Necra starts to place one of the pins under one of her fingernails. Blood starts to form under the nail, as the girl cries in pain. She soon passes out from the loss of blood and the pain, and Necra sighs, pulling the pins out and placing them back in the box. Stacy closes the box once again and bows before setting the box on the table beside them.

Stacy: What do you want me to do with her my Goddess?

Necra: Take her back to the labyrinth, and see if she can find her way back to the light and to her Goddess.

Stacy: Yes my Goddess. I'll have more servants to cater to you my Goddess.

Necra: No, just send Sara in here to help me get ready please. She's the only one that I trust.

With that Stacy bows and walks out of the room, leaving Necra alone. She sits down at the large vanity and starts to brush out her hair.

Necra: Sunday night didn't go as planned did it Vixen? You cost us the match, and another win for myself. That's why in two weeks time it'll just make it that much easier to beat you in our match. I've learned something about you Sunday night, and it's this... You can be beaten! And you shall be. This match means more to me other than any other match that I have ever been in. This is my chance to get my hands on not only my own title, but the Bombshell as well. Just know one thing Vixen I will not stop, I will not show mercy to you. I will do everything that I can to win this match.

Necra looks at herself in the mirror with her dark eyes sparkling in the lowering sun. Sunset would be in just a few hours, and then she would be off to the gala across the water. She soon sets the brush down, and starts to apply her makeup casting the dark colors over her eyes.

Necra: Vixen you and I are a lot alike. We have fought to get where we are, prove ourselves time and time again, and for what? To have shiny titles on our arms? Me I do it for the glory of the title, and what it means, while others think it's nothing more than a trinket to hold. I've held all the titles but one... And that is the one you now hold.

Her lips are soon covered in a dark color, and deep blue color had been applied to her eyes and extended our with a black line curled at the end. Her nails had been polished to the same deep blue that she wore over her eyes. The door soon opens and Sara walks in with two servants behind her, only to pick up the girl that was still lying on the floor behind Necra.

Necra: Vixen I've watched you from the shadows all this time, watching and waiting to see if we would ever have to face one another, and it's funny how fate truly works isn't it? If you hadn't taken the title away from Gothika, it would be her that I would be facing instead, but fate had something else in mind now didn't it? I am the Mistress of my own fate, and when the stars align everything will go my way. You see when I won the Roulette Title from Mercedes the last time I knew my fate from then on. I was just one step away from becoming one of the proud few that have gotten the triple crown in the SCW, and nothing is going to change that, no matter what it takes.

Sara: Are you ready for your dress my Goddess?

Necra: I am.

Necra gets up from where she sits, and sheds the dark robe, revealing the soft tan skin of the young Goddess that stood before her. Sara takes out a small puff and a small container of a strange looking powder and puts it all over Necra's body. The smell was sweet, and caused her body to shimmer slightly as the light touched her skin as the sun set just a little more behind the mountain side. Sara sets the jar down, and picks the dress up from the bed, and helps Necra slip it on. The deep blues and black mixed beautifully around her body, as it fell over her tanned skin and to the floor like a river spreading out around her.

Sara: You look beautiful my Goddess.

Necra: Thank you Sara. Hand me my necklace, my shoes, and my handbag and I'll be on my way.

Sara: Yes my Goddess.

Sara bows slightly and walks back to the bed, where a shimmering blue sapphire scarab necklace sat besides a pair of golden heeled sandals and a matching shimmering handbag and soon returns to her Goddess's side. Necra slips her sandals on as Sara puts the necklace around Necra's neck, letting it hang gracefully as she did. Necra grabs the handbag and heads for the door of her bedroom. Sara follows behind as Necra moves down the hallway and toward the main door, where Stacy was waiting for her.

Necra: Was the problem handled Stacy?

Stacy: Yes my Goddess. The Lord of the island took her back to the Shadows ma'am. How long should I leave the door to the Light open?

Necra: Leave it open for 24 hours, and if she doesn't make it, then so be it. If she does it just proves that she is willing to do whatever needs to be done for me.

Stacy: Of course she will. By the end of it she will be begging for your approval my Goddess. If we don't go now my Goddess we will be late for the gala, and I know you don't want to miss anything.

Necra sighs, as she nods. She and Stacy walks down the stairs to the modified golf cart that waited for them. The servant falls to his knees as Necra and Stacy take a seat on the cushioned seats. The servant gets up, and moves to the drivers seat and soon they are taking off through the forest along one of the many paths.

Necra: *Voice Over* Tell me do you know what you are really getting into this time around? I'm not the average Bombshell that you usually face. I am something that shouldn't exist but does, and lingers in the back of the human mind as an evil creature that comes to you on their death bed, but I am so much more. I am a creature that lurks in the darkness watching and waiting for the prefect time to strike and take what is mine. Vixen I will tell you now that I will do whatever it takes to claim both of those titles. I will not stop when you beg and plead with me, I will not stop when you try and take your last breath in the middle of the ring. I will not only end your title reign and your career... I will end your life if I want to. I'm not above breaking bones, or making you bleed. This is my time to shine and I will do so in a manner that is worthy of a creature such as I. I am a Goddess among mortals and they fear me, yet adore me. Tell me Vixen do you fear me? If you don't then you should be on your knees in front of me... Of course by the end of everything you will be.

Necra watches as the darkening forest moves past them. The animals settle in for the night, while others came to life and fill the night. The birds songs had started to fade, while the songs from the crickets and frogs started to fill the night as the sun set further into the water.

Necra: *Voice Over* If I would have more time Vixen I would have played mind games with for the last few weeks, but I didn't. What a shame. I would have had you a total wreck by now, wondering, and waiting for the next time that I would strike at not only you, but anyone close to you. You see I have been taught by the best in the world and he has shown me, not only technique while in the ring, but other things as well. You see mortals fear us for a reason, and I will show you that reason when we step into the middle of the ring at Blaze of Glory.

Necra smiles softly as she watches the last rays of the sun touch the earth for the night. The stars were starting to appear in the sky, as they reached the docks. The tide was rising as they boarded the private yacht that would take them to the mainland. The servant helps Necra out of the cart and then bows as she passes by with Stacy following behind, and up the gangplank. They board the yacht, and head inside. The gangplank is lowered and soon they start out into the open water heading toward the mainland.

Necra: *Voice Over* Vixen you think you have this match won already don't you? Hardly. This can go either way, but there is only ONE way this is going to end, and we know that it's going to end with me walking away with both titles leaving you with nothing, and broken in the middle of the ring. I will not hold back Vixen and I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty. I will make you bleed, beg, and cry in pain wanting to all end, but I won't let it end. I will fight you every step of the way. What I did to my servant will be nothing compared to what I'm going to do to you. I've been wanting a match like this for a long time, and I finally got what I wanted. Everyone else that has stood in my path have been mongrels, fools, and buffoons, but you... You are someone that I can stand against and show the world that I am not a one trick pony, or that it has been fluke after fluke that let me have the titles that I've held and the one that I now hold. No two weeks from now, we will meet in the middle of that ring, and prove who truly is the best woman in the SCW won't we?

Necra smiles to herself, as the last rays of the sun kissed the water sinking further down on the water on the horizon. the lights of the city of Athens could soon be made out, as the Parthenon shone brightly against the sky on the highest cliff above the city.

Stacy: It looks like things are in full swing already ma'am.

Necra: Indeed. We're not that late.

Stacy: We'll be about half an hour late at the rate we're going.

Necra sighs, and gets up from where she sits. She walks out onto the deck and watches the boat cut through the water, as they sped toward the mainland.

Necra: *Voice Over* In two weeks time Vixen you and I will meet in the middle of the ring, and the match will be hellicious and neither one of us will stop until there is only one left standing in the end. But when all is said and done Vixen I will be the victor and you will be left in the middle of the ring, broken, battered, bloodied, and bruised. This will not be a joyful experience... At least not for you. But for me... It will be one that I will not soon forget. I am the Goddess of Death, Queen of the Dead, the Black Lady, The Reaper of Souls, and a  Child of the Damned; fear me! For when you look upon me you will see your demise at my hands. See you soon... Oh and Vixen... Good luck... You're going to need it!

Her eyes flash red before turning back to blue and then back to their normal color. She looks down at the water, watching dolphins leap out of the water in front of the yacht as they sped toward Greece. The camera soon focuses on the yacht as it soon disappears into the night, as the scene fades to black.

I am the Goddess of Death, the Queen of the Dead, the Grim reaper... and your soul belongs to me.

Mummification's: 23  Free Souls: 23

4x Bombshell Roulette Champion
1x Bombshell Tag Team Champion

Offline Vixen

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Vixen Vs Necra Octavian Kane
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2014, 11:43:21 PM »
 Everyone talks about what matters in their life.  Does it mean being worshipped or needing the adulation of people that subjugate themselves for someone who has delusions of grandeur, or is it much simpler than that?  Is it wanting to win, surviving a life without needing to define one’s self by other people’s standards or just simply making a truth out of lies.

To Vixen, what matters most to her is the fact that she is surrounded by love, family and friends.  She gets her strength from the people around her.  She is enveloped in a circle of happiness that feeds her desires in the ring and satisfies them over and over again.  She is a partner to one, somewhat of a hero to another, the love of someone’s life and to the universe of Sin City Wrestling, she IS the two time Bombshell champion and the only Bombshell Triple crown champion the federation has had in its history.

Wednesday March 19…

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you…happy birthday dear Eden,” chorus a group of people sitting around a table as a little girl in an Ariel princess dress and the crown her mother gave her claps with excitement.  On either side her, Vixen and Misty lift a candle blazing cake over her head and in front of the birthday girl.

“Blow out the candles Eden,” says Misty with a smile on her face.

“And make a wish petite,” adds Vixen in her soft French accent.

Squishing up her face as her eyes close tight, Eden thinks for a moment before her eyes open and she huffs noisily at the candles burning in front of her.  Pride shows in her grin as all the candles sputter and send up the soft wafting smoke of being extinguished.  Around her, everyone is cheering and chattering as magically, presents start to pile up opposite the cake.

As Spike and Timmy begin to help Eden open her gifts and Jamie’s son plays with a piece of paper, waving it like a flag before a bull, Vixen moves towards the kitchen and pulls open the freezer.  Shutting it, she comes face to face with a serious looking Misty.

“Okay Vix, I know that face,” she says as her arms cross over her chest.  

“Face, what face?” asks Vixen as she ducks her head and moves to the counter to open the ice cream in her hand.

“Do you want to share or should I beat it out of you?” Misty adds teasingly.  “You aren’t your normal self.”

“If you must know, it is the Supercard that has me thinking and well, it is a serious match that I am in that night,” Vixen says as she pries the top off the ice cream.  “I mean look at what happened last year.  I was Bombshell champion going into Blaze of Glory and then what happened?”

Misty has the grace to look sheepishly at Vixen for a moment.  “Think that you are going to repeat last year and lose the title huh?  Why do you do that to yourself?” she asks as she leans against the counter in front of Vixen.  “That is probably half the reason you keep losing your titles, you psyche yourself out and that allows your opponent to beat you.”

“Can I help it Misty,” growls Vixen.  “Last year I had you beat then you pulled out the win and took my title.  It was a hook or crook moment and you took it.  This year, Necra is definitely going to do the same thing because she NEEDS the title I wear.   I on the other hand have the chance to be that much closer to being the two time Triple Crown bombshell champion,” says Vixen slowly.

“Hold on to that thought and use it,” Misty urges Vixen.  The pair moves towards the table where Spike holds out his hands for the ice cream and the scoop that is handed to him by Vixen.  Eden pulls the two over to the table where her presents are sitting amid a pile of paper and gift bags.

“Look Mommie and Mommie Vixen…I gots so much stuff!” exclaims the small girl.  “But something’s missing…”

Misty and Vixen share a look.  “What is missing petite?” asks Vixen softly, her arms going around the little girl’s shoulders.  

“I wanted a…” Eden begins before leaning up and whispering in Vixen’s ear.  Misty leans down enough to hear the whispered request.   Spike looks at both women who are sharing a smile.

“What did she want?” he questions only to have Vixen stand up and wrap her arms around his neck.  “That is between her and I,” Vixen says with a wink to Eden who giggles.  “Besides, I already knew what it was that she wanted and it is something we will be getting tomorrow.”

“WE WILL!” squeals Eden who rushes towards Vixen to wrap her arms around her waist, hugging tightly.  Spike can’t help but laugh.  “You spoil her,” he says as he kneels down to Eden.  “Gonna tell Daddy what it is you want munchkin?”

Eden gives her father a “know it all” look and raises her nose in the air.  “Nuh uh, Mommie Vixen and I will show you tomorrow!” she exclaims.  “It is going to be a surprise!”

“That’s right,” Vixen adds.  The two girls giggle as Spike narrows his eyes to try and pry their secret away from them.  When he realizes he can’t he throws his hands up in the air and shakes his head.  “So who wants cake?” he asks as Eden rushes to the table followed by Spike.

Misty hangs back and grabs Vixen by the arm.  “You over the psyche out you are doing to yourself?” she asks serious for a moment.  “This match is going to be yours at the supercard Vixen and don’t think otherwise.  Just be happy it isn’t me you are facing.”

“Oh you know I am Misty,” replies Vixen with a smirk.  “And knowing it is Necra, I am going to have to dig down into a place that I haven’t been for a long long time and that might not be a good thing.”

“What place?” Misty asks worriedly.

“Better you not know,” answers Vixen with a look that is all intensity.  “Place where my life began and I finally realized that I was someone that could overcome anything.  My baptism of fire so to speak,” she adds as she moves towards the table.  “I figure that when I step into that ring at Blaze of Glory, I am going to be going to war for the belts.  And as a former soldier, I have all the tools to end Necra’s dream of winning MY title.  I just have two words for her...bonne chance!”

With that said, Vixen and Misty join the family to finish celebrating Eden’s birthday.

Defining Vixen

Vixen actually setting up a camera and talking to it is something that most people expect.  Actually come to enjoy and revel in her snappy comebacks and one liners.  Today however, this is a serious Vixen as she sets up the camera in what looks like the nave of a church and focuses it on the altar where the priest would be standing.  Sitting on the altar is what looks like an Egyptian reliquary.

“Necra, I want to talk to you seriously considering that you are taking this challenge to my title serious.  I know you consider yourself a goddess, some would say the goddess of death,” Vixen says into the camera.  “I have come to see that you take yourself religiously iconic.  And that is why at Blaze of Glory, I am going back to my iconoclastic self.”

Vixen smiles as she picks up the reliquary and caresses it slowly.  Looking down at her hands, she bravely strokes the head of Anubis that is engraved on the piece of pottery.

“I don’t know if you know what an iconoclast is Necra so I am going to spell it out for you,” offers Vixen as she turns slightly to the side and picks up a small IPad to reveal Merriam Webster on the screen.  Setting the reliquary down, Vixen uses her index finger to type in the word then turns the screen back to the camera as the definition of iconoclast appears on the screen.

“Says here that  iconoclast is a noun that is defined as one, a person who destroys religious images or opposes their veneration or two, a person who attacks settled beliefs or institutions,” reads Vixen with a slight smile.  “Which do you think I think I am?  Actually, which one do you think I am going to be in that ring at Blaze of Glory?  Let me give you a hint Necra…I am going to be the person that will destroy the religious figure that you are and will give all those who venerate you something to think about.  I don’t believe that you, oh goddess, will be able to affect me enough to take my title or stop me from taking yours.  This battle we are going into isn’t going to be a fight, not even going to be a war.  This is going to be the utter devastation that only a crusade will fulfill.  And if you don’t remember what I was like in my last crusade, maybe you need to talk to Parand Ara about it.”

Vixen smiles again as she sets the IPad down and once more picks up the reliquary.  

“You know I have done something that no other bombshell in the federation has done.  I have won every bombshell title,” Vixen boasts softly.  “I am the only triple crown bombshell with a couple of bombshells breathing down my neck and at my achievement.  One of them is going to get the chance to try to take the title, isn’t that right Necra.  If you can beat me and take the belt that you seem to think I don’t deserve to wear, you will join me in the rarified atmosphere of being a triplecrown winner.  You fight for glory, you consider the title belts another accessory like your clothes and jewelry.”

Vixen reaches for something lying beside her.  Pulling it upward, the Bombshell title is revealed.  Pulling it closer to her chest, Vixen once more looks at the camera.

“This belt isn’t about glory,” she says quietly…menacingly.  “This belt is my life.  This belt defines me, because I live, breath and bleed for this title.  Outside of the ring, I have Spike and my family and friends and I am Vixen Lefebvre.”  That brings a smile to soften Vixen’s face.  Her face changes as she holds up the belt “But in that ring, under those lights, this is who I am, the iconoclast that is going to defy death herself.”

Vixen looks at the belt in one hand and the reliquary in the other.  Suddenly without warning, Vixen uses the belt to smash the pottery.  Dust and shards of the reliquary fall to the floor as Vixen’s hand is left holding something small and wizened in her hand.  Faintly, a heartbeat can seem to be heard from it.

“This little nugget of a heart that you seem to hide from everyone in your quest to be considered a goddess, it is going to be broken at Blaze of Glory,” vows Vixen as she crushes it in her hand then turns it sideways to let the remains trickle out of her slightly open fist.  “I am coming to the supercard with everything that I need to defeat you.  And what I don’t bring with me, well, let’s just say that when I step in the ring with you Necra, I may just be inspired to drag you down and end your dreams of immortality.  Once we step in the ring Necra, it isn’t going to be Goddess versus a Fox…it is going to be the Iconoclast destroying YOU and taking your title.”

Vixen then moves towards the camera, her title still in her hand as she reaches up for the camera with the other.  Before she clicks the camera off Vixen lifts it to focus directly on her face where her eyes flash with something almost feral.  

“Time to pray to whatever gods you need to Necra,” says Vixen.  “But be warned, they won’t be able to save your title at Blaze of Glory.”

As her voice fades, she presses stop on the camera sending the feed to black.

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Vixen Vs Necra Octavian Kane
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2014, 07:52:24 AM »
 The first RP Period has passed. Everything posted after this counts toward the second RP Period.

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline GoddessoftheDead

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    • Necra Octavian Kane
Vixen Vs Necra Octavian Kane
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2014, 07:43:50 PM »
Act 1: Dreams of Grandeur

gran·deur noun \ˈgran-jər, -ˌju̇r, -ˌd(y)u̇r, -d(y)ər\

a great and impressive quality

:the quality or state of being grand :  magnificence <the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome — E. A. Poe>

:an instance or example of grandeur

His paintings capture the beauty and grandeur of the landscape.
They are restoring the hotel to its original grandeur.

Origin of GRANDEUR

French, from Old French, from grand
First Known Use: 1600


The scene opens on the beautiful city of Athens. The moon was high above the city, and the stars twinkled brightly against the midnight black sky. The Parthenon was lit from top to bottom, and music thumped from inside. Cars were parked at the bottom of the hillside, while small chariots moved back and forth to the Parthenon with party goers. The marble pillars glowed in the lights casting their shadows over the city below. The camera moves into the Parthenon where we see crowds of people, standing around talking as a DJ plays loud music over the speakers that sat beside the DJ table. Streamers of blue, gold, black, and purple were draped from what was left of the ceiling and along the pillars, while tables were set up with glasses of champagne, and finger foods that had been hardly touched by the models, and designers that moved around the floor of the Parthenon. The camera pans over the crowd, and we soon see Necra in the middle of a group of people. The Bombshell Roulette title hangs on her shoulder, and she smiles brightly as compliments are cast in her direction. She nods politely taking it all in, watching the room, knowing that by tonight someone was going to die. It was on the wind, and it was just a matter of time before they would take their last breath. It was easy to spot, and hear the breaths that would soon start to slow, but then again... There was always a price to pay for the talent she had. She had to answer to a higher power but then again, he was nothing more than a skeleton in black robes. An older looking man starts to clutch at his chest, as the crowd parts around him while someone tries to help him, while others scream for help somewhere in the crowd. Necra looks down and sees that her left hand has started to turn skeletal. She sighs, and looks over at Stacy.

Stacy: You knew that he was going to die didn't you?

Necra: Sort of. I figured it would be a few days or so, not tonight. Hold this, and I'll be back in a little bit.

Stacy: Yes my Goddess.

Necra hands the title to Stacy and starts moving through the crowd, trying not to touch anyone else. It was never easy to be around a room full of mortals when she as in this form. Instead of one soul she could end up taking more then she wanted at the moment. One was what she was here for and no more. Time seems to stop as she passes through the crowd until she reaches the gentleman that was lying on the floor, not breathing. Necra looks over and there he stood beside her looking down at his own body.

Man: Is that me?

Necra: Yes... Do you know what happened?

Man: I had a pain in my chest, and then everything went black...

Necra: You had a heart attack, and now you are on the other side.

Man: Why can't anyone see us?

Necra: You are nothing but a spirit and well... I'm the Reaper. So if you would follow me please... We have a long journey ahead of us.

The man nods, as Necra looks around and time seems to start like it had once before. The two of them disappear and once again the party is in full swing as the scene fades to black.


The scene soon changes to the great Nile River that wound itself through the vast country of Egypt. The sky was a midnight blue, and the stars twinkled brightly high above the Nile as it flowed in silence. The camera soon pans over a large temple that loomed out into the night lit from top to bottom with bright lights. Two guards moved in silence among the sandstone walls, and pillars in what was left of the Temple of Isis. It had been hours since the crowds had left for the evening, after the light and sound show that was put on each and every evening. A lone figure soon appears out what appears to be shadows along one of the walls, as a guard finishes their rounds. We soon see Necra walking along the courtyard of the temple and stops as she sees a headless statue of Isis. She clenches her fist and stares at what was left of it.

Necra: The Temple of Isis, was a place of love and peace, and where the Priest's and Priestesses came to get away from the Christians that hunted them for their belief's. Also the Iconolasts decided that they needed to disappear from the face of the earth. You claim to be an Iconolast, and that's not a good thing to say around someone like me Vixen. They came to this place of peace and killed everyone they could! They claimed to be pacifists, and lovers of all men, and they killed the innocent people that lived here not harming anyone. But as I walk through this place of worship, I hear their cries for revenge and I will take it on any that stand in my way Vixen. Do you really think that you can stop me when you claim what you do? I will not stop until I have what I want, and the revenge that these poor souls deserve and want from me. My children cry out for your blood, and it will be spilled no matter what I have do to get it.

Her high heeled sandals click on the sandstone as she walks along taking in the sights around her. Most of the statues had been destroyed when the Iconolasts had come and destroyed the temple. Necra stops in front of a statue of Horus, and notices something different. It wasn't defaced like the rest.

Necra: I saw your promo Vixen and I have to say that you and Misty have become awfully close in a very short time... And why is that? Is it because you were thrown together as the Tag Team Champions, or is it because you've had "feelings" for each other all this time, and just hid them really well? I'm a master of the mind games Vixen so you playing the whole I'm going to beat you isn't going to work on me. You've already started to doubt yourself, and that is something that I feed on. Doubt, misery, sin, death, and violence... all give me power from the darkest reaches on this planet feed me, and you have been like a feast so far. You can delve into that dark part of your soul, but just remember what it does for me. You're sinking to my level Vixen and I love it. Even the greatest hero will fall to their knees, and bow to the villain that stands before them. And you have Vixen... You have...

Necra smiles to herself, as she continues along the stone ground, and reaches where the inner sanctum would have been. A large stone slab that had been weathered by time sat toward one of the back walls. The engravings on the lab had been defaced as well, but could still be made out. It was the Goddess Isis, Osiris, and Horus as Osiris rose as the first mummy.

Necra: Two Champions will walk into that ring on Sunday night, but only one will walk out. Can you guess who that's going to be Vixen? You see I'm not going to let you get away that easy. You have admitted to being a God killer, and that cannot go unpunished by the hands of a Goddess. My followers number in the hundreds of thousands because they believe in what they see, and the powers that I have. Those that don't believe end up on their knees begging for forgiveness... But me, your pleas will fall on deaf ears just like so many others that have stood before me. However you are right on one thing, there will be utter destruction in the middle of that ring. There will be nothing but chaos, and destruction to you. I'm not afraid of you, not will I ever be. You are nothing more than a mortal that thinks she can stand against the might of the Goddess of Death. You are just lucky that I'm not going to end it right there. No, you're time will come soon enough. When that day comes Vixen I will take great pleasure in ripping your soul from your body, and dragging it to the depths of hell.

Necra continues to walk, through the temple, and spots something moving along the sand and stone. She looks down and that's when she sees it. An asp, a symbol of the great Pharaoh's moves along the floor, but not away from her. Necra bends down, and the creature slithers up her arm, and wraps around it, but doesn't bite.

Necra: A sign of the great Pharaoh's. They are truly watching over me. When you destroyed those relics Vixen the Gods marked you, and the Pharaoh's have cursed you. They have sent the Goddess Nephthys back to this plain of existence to show that we still walk among you. "Ascend and descend; descend with Nephthys, sink into darkness with the Night-bark. Ascend and descend; ascend with Isis, rise with the Day-bark." It was found on a temple wall a few years ago, and it rings true. If you descend with me there is no coming back and Vixen when I drag you down, there will be no way back from where I'm going to send you. You say the Title is your life, then I will rip it from you! When I do you will wither and die just like so many others that have come before you. Tell me Vixen how far are you willing to go to keep your title from my cold, dead hands?

Necra holds up her skeletal hand, that had yet to turn back to normal. The bone clicks together as she smiles and her eyes turn red before turning back to normal. The asp wraps itself around her arm, a bit more as if for safety and Necra just smiles feeling a little squeeze around her arm.

Necra: When I step into that ring on Sunday night Vixen I will have the blessing of the Gods upon me, and the grace of the Pharaoh's upon me. They smile upon one of their own and they will keep me safe, no matter what you throw at me. I'm not afraid of getting my hands dirty Vixen and I'm not above breaking bones just to prove a point. I will do everything that I can just to win this match. I'm not one that gives up that easy, nor will I lie back and let you walk away with both of the titles, and another win that will be mine.

Necra continues to walk along the temple grounds, feeling eyes upon her. She knew they were watching her, knowing that she was a child of their Goddess, and didn't dare speak a word to her in fear of her wrath.

Necra: By the end of this Vixen there will not be anything left of you. I will not hold back, and I will break every bone in your body just to keep you on the mat. I know your weak spot, and know that you can be defeated. Amy and what's her face proved that last week didn't they?  If Amy can bring you down, I know that I can, because I'm better then she is. Vixen when you step into the middle of that ring, I hope you realize what you're getting yourself into. I'm not going to stop when that bell rings, nor will I care if you beg and plead with me to stop until I hear a crunch of a bone, or the last breathe escapes from you. By the end of this match Vixen you will broken, battered, bruised, bloodied, and totally humiliated! I will bring you to your knees and when you look up at me and beg me to end it, I will look down at you and whisper... no. I am the Goddess of Death, the Goddess of the Dead, The Lady in black, The Reaper of souls, the Child of the damned; fear me! For when you look upon me, you will see your death! See you soon Vixen. Oh and good luck this week... You're going to need it.

Necra smiles and walks out of the temple. Her high heeled sandals click on the stone once again, as she crosses the courtyard heading toward the edge of the temple, looking down at the black water, as the lights of the temple sparkle behind her casting her image into the water below. She smiles and looks at the camera as her eyes turn blue, and a flash of light fills the lens. It disappears as soon as it had appeared and Necra is gone, leaving us to wonder where she had gone as the scene fades to black.  
I am the Goddess of Death, the Queen of the Dead, the Grim reaper... and your soul belongs to me.

Mummification's: 23  Free Souls: 23

4x Bombshell Roulette Champion
1x Bombshell Tag Team Champion

Offline Vixen

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Vixen Vs Necra Octavian Kane
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2014, 11:42:08 PM »
 Spike put the car into idle as Vixen and Eden watched out the window at the small strip mall where a pet shop can be seen.  Looking over at Vixen, he coughs slightly.  “Are you sure about this…I don’t think the cat is going to appreciate it much.”

Eden fights her way out of her seatbelt, bouncing forward to wrap her arms around Spike’s neck and the headrest of the car seat.  “Daddy, Mommie Vixen said that it was time I learn to take care of something other than you,” she exclaims which just causes Spike to shoot a narrowed glare at his fiancée.  

Pretending to look inside her purse, Vixen can’t help but grin at the enthusiasm that Eden is showing.  Spike puts the car into park then turns to Vixen who is getting out of the car.  “You know my limits right?” he questions as Vixen nods.  “No huskies or yappie little footballs for her, right?”

“Would we do that to you my love,” teases Vixen as she reaches out a hand to caress Spike’s cheek before waggling it for Eden to take as the girls exit the car.  Spike joins them, the slight beep of the car locking fading quickly as the trio move towards the pet shop.  Once inside, the three of them approach the cashier.

“We are looking to get this little lady a pet,” says Vixen with a wink at Eden who smiles widely.

“Yeah, what kinda aminals you got?” asks Eden.

“We have some puppies and kittens that we just got in,” says the cashier as she leads them towards the back where the sounds of yapping puppies can be heard.  “And it is time to get them out for a little play time so would you like to help me with them?” she asks Eden who looks at her father who nods.  With a squeal, Eden rushes behind the cashier towards the small play area where the puppies were.  

“Look Mommie Vixen,” she calls out.  “I’m gonna help.”

“Looking good,” calls back Vixen who moves slightly to the side as Eden is knocked over by a group of small spaniels that are wiggling excitedly.  The laughing girl becomes the bottom of the doggie pile as Vixen watches.  Spike, sensing her mood changing moves behind Vixen and wraps his arms around her shoulders.

“Okay, out with it my love,” he says.

“Huh,” says Vixen coming out of her reverie with a look of misunderstanding.  “What do you mean?”

“You aren’t thinking about the puppies or Eden right now, I can tell.  So it must be about your match coming up or the wedding,” he replies.  “So spill what you are thinking babe.”

“You are right Spike, I am thinking about my match, or rather my opponent Necra and what she said,” answers Vixen.  “I heard her insinuating that Misty and I were…more than just partners in the ring.  How she is going to feed on my doubts and do you know what?”

“What?” asks Spike as he slowly turns Vixen in his arms.  

“Listening to her talk just made me realize that I don’t need to doubt myself anymore.  I am getting to her and I know it and she knows it but I swear, I think that we really need to figure out how it was that she was able to know what we were doing on Eden’s birthday.

“What do you mean Vix,” Spike asks.  “Do you think she has some ability to walk into our house like some spook or something?”

“It was creepy Spike,” Vixen says with a shudder.  “She talked like she was there in the room with us.  To make things worse, what if she…”

Vixen’s fists clench and unclench as she takes a slow gagging breath.  Spike puts one hand against the cheek of the woman, capturing her attention.  “What if she what my love?” he asks softly.

Vixen leans into the caress with a sigh.  “What if she saw us…together?  What if she took some voyeuristic pleasure in watching as we,” says Vixen, her voice lowering even more as she continues, “make love?”

Spike smirks slightly as he leans closer to Vixen, his lips teasing against her ear as he whispers something that makes Vixen blush and pull away to lightly smack him on the chest.  Raising his hand to caress at the spot, he chuckles.  “Well wouldn’t it feel like doing it in public?”

“You are incorrigible my love,” she teases.  

“Daddy!  Daddy! I found the one I want,” shouts Eden as she rushes over the pair.  

Vixen kneels down to the little girl and holds out her hand.  “Which one?” she asks Eden.

“Come on, you gotta see it,” says Eden grabbing Vixen’s hand and dragging her towards the dogs in the back.  Spike joins them and standing by Vixen looks around at the puppies milling at his feet.  

“So which one is the lucky one,” he offers as Eden’s eyes widen then she begins to laugh.

“The one piddlin’ on your shoe Daddy!” squeals Eden as she laughs harder at the wiggly puppy who jumps up and balances against the leg of the now disgusted Spike Staggs.  Eden drops to her knees and picks up the puppy.  

Vixen valiantly holds her laughter back after being glared at by Spike.  “Eden petite, let’s go and get this little guy paid for while Daddy does something about his shoe.”  The two females head to the cash as Spike growls at the wet spot on his shoe then follows them to the cash.


De•i•cide  [dee-uh-sahyd]:  noun  

1.   a person who kills a god.
2.   the act of killing a god.

1605–15;  < Neo-Latin  deicīda  (def 1),  deicīdium  (def 2),  equivalent to Latin  dei-  (combining form of deus  god) + -cīda,  -cīdium  -cide

Related forms  
de•i•cid•al, adjective

The peace and quiet of the library is only broken by the odd turning of a page or the muted cough of a student who is trying to get the attention of the cute girl in the study carol next to him.  This moment however, the serenity of the room is broken by the loud thump of books on a table then the squeal of the feet of a chair scraping across floor.  An angry shush is directed at the two toned blonde who flashes an apologetic smile to the stern librarian before sitting down and looking at the books.  Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she sets it against the stack of books and presses record on it.

“I bet you Necra that you would’ve thought the last place I would be is a library,” offers Vixen in a hushed voice.  “After all, I am the ditzy Bombshell champion that likes to throw big words around.  I caught your promo the other day.  Very interesting if you ask me.”

Vixen looks around as she notices that she is drawing a bit of a crowd.  Waving them off, she turns back to the camera of her phone to continue talking.  

“You said that you got under my skin, and I think you meant it.  However, who really got under whom’s skin?” asks Vixen, her eyes twinkling slightly with humour.  “It seems to me that you were really upset about my talking about being an iconoclast.”  A faint smile crosses Vixen’s face as she contemplates how angry and vengeful Necra had sounded.  “And if you ask me, I think that it is you that has a very weak psyche if you felt the need to talk down to me about being someone that would drag you down and destroy you.”

A loud shush is again heard from the librarian forcing Vixen to lean closer to the camera and speak softer.  But even the muted tone of her voice carries a menace as she speaks.

“An iconoclast was a good reference but I that isn’t why I am here,” she says as she motions to the library.  “Spike gave me the idea about it and you know, I just may need to follow it up, study and research it thoroughly.  If you thought that me being an iconoclast was a God killer, you were so wrong.  But that gave me an idea.  How do you kill a god?”

“Vixen picks up a book and flashes the title quickly at the small screen.  “Norse mythology talks about how Balder was killed by a sprig of mistletoe because it was the only thing that wouldn’t promise not to hurt the god and the trickster god Loki used it against Balder.”  Picking up another book, she shows the flash of another mythology’s title.  “Osiris in your religion, became king of the dead when he was murdered, killed if you will by Set.”

“Miss, if you will not be quiet, you will have to leave this library at once!” exclaims the librarian from behind Vixen.  Slowly, Vixen gets to her feet and nodding,picks up the camera and walks out of the library still recording herself.

“Necra, you talk about me needing to be punished and here I am wondering just how to kill a god.  But I think that I have found my inspiration,” offers Vixen wolfishly grinning at the camera.  “I have realized just how it is that I am going to become SCW’s deicidal entity.  By making you my first and only Goddess that I will make cease to exist as Bombshell roulette champion.  You want to drag my soul to hell Necra, then you are coming with me.”

Stopping at her rental car, Vixen puts the camera phone against the dash after climbing inside.  “Necra, you know my weak spot.  You know I can be defeated…” Vixen laughs.  “Of course I can be defeated.  Of course I have a weak spot and I know that too.  The key to retaining my title and taking yours is not letting you exploit it.  And you won’t because Necra I am focused on your creepy, voyeuristic self.  You may think that you are going to be the one double champion after Blaze of Glory,” says Vixen with a slow hiss of breath.  “You may think you have me figured out but when all is said and done and the final bell is heard there is going to be only one person standing.”

Vixen’s eyes narrow as she glares into the cell phone’s screen, her hand reaching for something out of the camera’s view.  “That person Necra is going to be the one that is ready to go to hell.  The one that breathes and bleeds for this title,” adds Vixen as she pulls the Bombshell title into view. “I am willing to lay my soul on the line, put my body to the test and take whatever it is you wish to sacrifice me to or for and rise above your weak and pitiful dependence on what you think you are.  You are not a Goddess, you are not death and you are NOT going to be the Bombshell Champion.  That I promise you.”

Vixen stops for a moment, the intensity almost choking her.  Calming only slightly, Vixen lets her eyes drift closed and inhales deeply.  Opening them once again, she focuses on the camera in front of her.

“I sincerely wish you well Necra, and I apologize now for what I am about to do at Blaze of Glory.  I suppose if I was a religious person, I would confess to being almost eager to commit the crime of deicide against you.  Good thing I’m not.  But can’t deny that I am eager to meet and beat you in that ring at the supercard,” admits Vixen.  “So I guess the question remains…How do you kill a Goddess?”

“Guess we are going to find out at Blaze of Glory aren't we Necra?”

Vixen starts the engine of the car and then reaches towards the cameraphone to press stop.  Once she has turned off the phone, she shifts into drive and disappears among the traffic.