Author Topic: Is it destiny or is it memorex?  (Read 471 times)

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Is it destiny or is it memorex?
« on: January 17, 2014, 11:59:39 PM »
 Event: SCW's Climax Control     DATE: Sunday, 1/19/2014

Place: Las Vegas, Nevada   Venue: Tryst Nightclup



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My Bloody Valentine is right around the corner, and things are heating up around the Sin City Wrestling.  New faces are showing up, old friends are coming out of the wood work, and the Pay Per View is shaping up to be one for the books!!  Our Vampyric Bombshell Champion is gearing up to step up once more in a tag team match up against the team of Traci Paterson and Necra Octavian Kane.  Only this time, her partner will be someone she’s worked with in the past, Mercedes Vargas.  Will Gothika be able to step up to the plate and come out of this match victorious?  Or will all of her hard work go up in smoke?  I can’t wait for the action to begin!  I know it’s gonna be epic!...

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following are scenes from the daily lives of the Sin City Wrestling's Newest Bombshell Champion, Gothika.  They were not intended for the younger viewers of our audience.  They contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  So graphic, they've even given me nightmares which make me hide under the bed and use a night light if I watch them for too long.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  If you do go further, be prepared to wet and soil yourselves.  You have to provide your own diapers and wet wipes.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********


*** An Except from the Online Blog of Gothika  ***

January 15, 2014

Bonjour Tout le monde,

Have you ever wondered what your life would have been like if a single thing had changed in your past?  I mean, something so minuscule, that you don’t think it would make a difference, but in all truth it might change your entire world.  You know… something like, having been born with blue eyes instead of brown, born blonde instead of a brunet or auburn, or been born with b-cup breasts instead of triple d's?  What if you had smaller feet, or bigger for that matter?  What if u had a gap in your teeth, or curly hair instead of straight?  What if you'd been born with the normal five toes instead of maybe six or seven like my friend’s double cousin Buford… That one  still makes me cringe…  Anyways...  What would your life be like if just that one single thing was different?  That's truly something to think about...

Now..  What if it wasn't something small, but something major...  Something like, instead of having an IQ of one hundred ten, you were like me and had an IQ of one sixty-five or more even?  What if you had  been born with athletic prowess, or instead as a klutz?  What if you were born deaf or mute, or blind?  What would your life have been like for you?  What if you were born before your sister or brother, and you were the older sibling instead?

Now let's think even bigger...  What if you were headed to work one day and instead of taking Fifth street, you cut across on Main and went down third?  What if you had worn dress shoes that day instead of your Nikes, and hadn't been able to run to catch that elevator up to your office?  What if your kid had gotten sick, and you had to stay home one day instead of going to a big game?  Or what if in high school your dog really ate your term paper and you'd failed political science that year?


Causality is the effect of the choices we make and how they interact with the world around us.  In essence...  The smallest change can alter the course of our destinies.  The smallest change could make us a king or a queen, or a pauper in the streets.  Cause and Effect my friends...  Two of the most dangerous words in the English Language because these two words govern everything around us without us even paying attention to it.  

Now I'm going to let you know why this is such a prominent thought on my mind these days...  There was a point in my past where I could have changed things in my life.  I could have become like you...  someone who sits on the sidelines and just watched as things happened around me.  I could have settled down and become a wife and mother.   I could have become a teacher, a dancer, a martial arts superstar...  There are a lot of things that could have happened, had I simply made another choice...  

But instead, I'm here.  Everything that I've done, everything that I've been through had been to bring me to this place... this moment... this specific point in time...  Every experience I've had to go through has been to create... Me...  the person I am right now...  The woman who has become the Sin City Wrestling's Bombshell Champion and has held it for almost four months now and who will after  the pay per view, still be Bombshell Champion.  This person that I am is a culmination of every stubbed toe, every broken finger, every pulled muscle, and every ounce of blood, sweat and tears I've shed.  It's the embodiment of every joy and sorrow, every triumph and every loss, every fight I've had to live through... it all has come together in one bad ass sexy vampyric beast of a Champion.  Everything I've gone through has brought me knowledge... It's given me strength of will and and of character.  It's given me the drive and need to go out each and every time I step into the ring and scrap like a mad woman so I can put on the best show I can... and come out of it victorious.  

Bloody Valentine is right around the corner my friends.  A day that has been aptly named as to what I’m planning to do to my opponent is not going to be for the faint of heart.  But the best thing is… I get to give her a taste of what she should expect a few days early.  You see… I’ve been denied my quota of the red stuff as of late.  Roxi has been dodging my fangs, but soon… very soon, I will be able to sink my teeth into something tasty.  Traci Paterson has rubbed my friend the wrong way…  She thought she could step up to the living legend of Female Professional wrestling.. the Wrestling Goddess, and one of my closest friends, Darknyss and come away from it unscathed…  You don’t grim face an Angel of the Fallen and not come away from it tasting shoe leather.  And just like in our last match, when I made her feel the wrath, and she ran from what I could deliver, I will do so again during this match, and every match I have when I stand against her.  Again… cause and effect.. You piss off one Angel, and you put a target on your chest the size of the state of Texas.  Hell, you just change your name to punching bag and be done with it.

Necra… Necra… Necra… oh Necra… You who have tried to stand against me before…  And failed miserably every time that you have…  I will enjoy taking you down and having you looking up at the lights in that dazed and confused way that you can do…  trust me.  I’ve beaten you before, over and over again for a reason, and every time I step out in that ring, I prove that reason… twenty thousand fold.  You believe yourself o be invincible…  And for that reason, you are weak.  No one is invincible.  Hell, I know I’m not…  I don’t try to be.  I don’ want to be.   You see,it’s that knowledge that someone just might get lucky enough to find your kryptonite, that’s what makes me what does work in the ring… very… very… DANGEROUS!!  My few vulnerabilities make me work harder to overcome them.  They make me strive to do better and be better than I am at that very moment… during EVERY moment…  And it’s helped me to accomplish what I have in the SCW and so much more!


And if you didn’t know… now you know.  

Au Revoir Tout le monde!!

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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***  Word Count, 1445  ***

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