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« on: September 29, 2013, 09:55:03 PM »
 Post your roleplays here! Good luck!
« Last Edit: September 29, 2013, 10:04:00 PM by Mark Ward »

Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon thee

*NOTE: No longer giving feedback, if you wasn't good enough, you wouldn't be here.
No longer doing show reviews, I already know we're that damn good!

Offline Jessie Salco

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« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2013, 05:40:59 PM »
 The team of Jessie Salco and Nessa Well imploded leading to Jessie being pinned by Mercedes for the pinfall and you can probably tell that they weren’t done with each other.

That would have to wait though, Jessie was one of four Bombshells competing in a Battle Royal to determine who would take Odette Ryder’s place as one half of the Bombshell Tag Team Champions whilst Nessa was defending her title against Traci Patterson and Mercedes later on in the show, teaming with her old enemy was a big enough problem for Jessie but consider her opponents are fellow NXT Stablemate Vixen, the untested but highly touted Lizzie Short and the always dangerous “Jersey Devil Diva” Joanne Carelli she was in for a hell of a fight, can she win?

Jessie’s hotel room, Trinidad
September 30th, 2013, 11:00am

Ugh, that was a disaster.

Then again given Nessa’s attitude towards me throughout the match that isn’t surprising that our team eventually imploded but that doesn’t matter, it’s PPV time and I’m confident that I have at least one title shot coming my way.

And hopefully it’ll be against Nessa.

At the moment I’m currently unpacking my stuff since we arrived at the hotel about twenty minutes ago, you’d think I’d be done by now but I also have my vast collection of Metal CDs to unpack and that’s taking some time, how vast is it? We had to use two separate backpacks so that we could carry them, yeah.

Thankfully I’m almost done but I can hear Shane and Jake talking behind my door about one thing or another, normally I’d ignore this but I’ve heard my name mentioned several times alongside High Stakes III and championship, I haven’t seen the High Stakes III card yet but I have a feeling I’m on it based on what I’ve heard.

Eventually the door opened just as I found a place for my copy of “The Dark Roots of Earth” album by Testament and I looked up seeing Shane at the door, he hesitated and I shook my head. “Shane, if you’re going to stand there checking me out at least try to be subtle about it!”

“Why would I do that when I’ve seen you naked many times?” Shane asked and I just smirked at him. “Okay, do you want the good news or the bad news?”

“Good news.” I responded and Shane nodded.

“Okay, good news is that the High Stakes III card has been released and you’re competing for a title.” Shane responded and I grinned at that. “Bad news is…..well it comes in two forms, it’s not for the Bombshell Roulette Championship like you were hoping, and instead it’s for the Bombshell Tag Titles.”

“I guess Misty and Odette vacated the titles after Odette left the company.” I responded with a shrug and Shane shook his head. “I fail to see why that’s bad news.”

“Not exactly, it’s a bit more complicated than that.” Shane responded and I frowned not liking where it was going one bit. “You’re competing in the opener against Lizzie Short, Joanne Carelli and Vixen in a Battle Royal, the winner…..” Shane trailed off before gulping. “Please don’t shoot the messenger….” Shane pleaded and I raised an eyebrow. “The winner gets to be Misty’s new tag team partner.”

“Okay, that was funny, but seriously what match am I competing in at High Stakes III?” I asked and Shane started backing out of the room with a nervous grin on his face. “That wasn’t a joke, was it?”

“Nope, it wasn’t.” Shane responded with a gulp as my eyes narrowed.

“Are you fucking kidding me?!” I asked as I glared at him. “Did Mark and Christian forget that Misty tried to end my career just a little under a year ago? At least tell me Nessa’s defending her title!”

“She is and she’s defending it in a Triple Threat Match against Traci Patterson and Mercedes Vargas.” Shane answered as he gulped. “I know you were hoping to get a shot at her but apparently Mark and Christian had different ideas.”

“Yeah, fucking stupid ideas.” I grunted as I folded my arms. “How the hell do they expect me to get along with Misty if I win the Battle Royal? That’s like asking most metalheads not to be elitist snobs just because a band got popular.”

“You could always try in favor of your first title reign in months.” Jake chimed in as he glanced at me. “Your title reign as the Bombshell Roulette Champion was cut short due to the whole Team Erick debacle and Joanne is one of the Bombshells you’re facing.”

“You realize how much you’re asking of me right?” I asked and Jake nodded, I sighed in annoyance before sitting down on the bed. “I think this is one match that I wouldn’t exactly mind loosing to be honest, at least then I won’t have to put up with Misty and her psycho squad.”

“Well it could be worse, Lizzie could win the match and we’ll have Marty lusting over two Bombshells.” Shane added and I and Jake looked at him funny. “Oh who am I kidding? The guy’s practically been in heaven since Lizzie signed her SCW contract!”

“That and he never really stopped lusting over the Bombshells, him managing Lizzie just gives him an excuse to get close to one!” Jake pointed out and we shared a laugh. “Are you sure about this Jess? You haven’t had much luck with title opportunities since you lost the Bombshell Roulette Title.”

“I’m not too sure to be honest.” I responded with a frown, “Like you said I haven’t had much luck with title opportunities since the whole Team Erick debacle ended but on the other hand I REALLY don’t like the idea of teaming with Misty if I win this.”

“As much as you don’t like the idea Jess you may not have another opportunity like this.” Jake pointed out as he left us alone. “Well, you have a promo to do so we’re leaving you alone, right Shane.”

“Err, right.” Shane answered before leaving the room and closing the door behind him, I sighed in annoyance knowing that this was going to be a long two weeks but if I wanted to win I had to do this even if winning will result in me teaming up with Misty so I decided to start my promo. “I’m now convinced that Erick Staggs still holds a grudge over his failed coup several months ago, at least that’s my main theory if he was the one who booked my next match! A four Bombshell Battle Royal to determine who gets to take Odette Ryder’s spot as Misty’s tag team partner and Bombshell Tag Team Champion, I’d normally wouldn’t have a problem with this but just look at my history with Misty and you’ll know why it’ll take a miracle for this possible team to work!”

But I digress.

“Still, if I want to get my hands on another title I guess I’ll have to make do, my opponents are my NXT stablemate Vixen, my old enemy Joanne Carelli and Marty McFarge’s newest client Lizzie Short who happens to be making her debut in this match! I’m going to start with the Bombshell I’ve known the longest and one of my friends in NXT Vixen!”

I may as well get my friend out of the way first.

“Vixen, I could go over our history but we both know it like the back of our hands and this time we find ourselves on opposite ends of the ring so to speak, like I’ve already said the prospect of teaming up with Misty is not one I’m looking forward to title or no title but if that’s what it takes to finally get my hands on another title in this company then I’ll go ahead and win this match!”

Next up is Joanne.

“Joanne, you’re someone I’ve wanted another match with for a longtime, why wouldn’t I? You couldn’t beat me clean so you had your buddies in Team Erick do the dirty work for you but now that that bullshit’s ended I can finally get my revenge on you! You may have beaten me once but like I said you needed outside interference to do it and unless Misty specifically wants to team up with you I don’t see it happening, what I do see happening is your elimination!”

Last but not least is the new girl Lizzie Short.

“I guess you could say that I’ve wrestled Lizzie before except we were naked and Shane was involved! Now that I’ve gotten the reference to the three way out of the way let’s get down to business! I don’t know a lot about you Lizzie besides the fact that you’re a great wrestler, Matthew Kennedy trained you, this is your debut match and you’re great in bed! That said if you think that you’re going to debut in grand fashion by winning the SCW Bombshell Tag Titles then you are mistaken!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

“Ideally I wouldn’t team up with Misty if we were the last Bombshells on the roster but unfortunately that’s not the case, Vixen, Joanne and Lizzie are all that stand in my way of winning another title in this company and whilst I hate the prospect of teaming with Misty it seems like I won’t have much of a choice if I win, this is SCW’s Heavy Metal Bombshell Jessie Salco signing off and reminding the SCW Universe to make it metal and as for Vixen, Joanne, Lizzie, I don’t care what your thoughts on teaming up with Misty are because I’m going to suck it up and team up with her when I win!”

I turned to my laptop as the scene fades.

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« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2013, 07:22:34 PM »
 High Stakes III is here and as Jessie Salco has already promoted the show was opening up with a Battle Royal to determine who would replace Odette Ryder as Misty’s tag team partner and one half of the SCW Bombshell Tag Team Champions.

On a lesser note this match will mark the debut of “Prime Time” Matthew Kennedy’s protégé and Marty McFarge’s newest client “The Prodigy” Lizzie Short who was competing in the match alongside NXT members Jessie Salco and Vixen alongside “The Jersey Devil Diva” Joanne Canelli; can Lizzie make her debut in spectacular fashion?

Turtle Rock Beach, Trinidad
October 1st, 2013, 11:00am

Ah the Caribbean, it may be October but it’s still really fucking sunny, perfect weather for me to sunbathe in a string bikini in other words.

I haven’t received word from Marty yet about who I’m facing in my first ever SCW match but no matter whom it is I’ll be ready for them! As I demonstrated in my first ever match I’m not just a Bombshell with great T & A who happens to swing both ways, I can wrestle with the best of them even wrestle circles around certain so-called wrestlers on the roster, not naming any names here but if you’ve watched SCW for long enough you’ll know who I’m talking about!

My train of thought was interrupted, alongside anyone else’s on the beach, when I heard Marty doing his best Daniel Bryan impersonation from halfway down the beach as he ran towards me, either he thinks this will get me to sleep with him, and it won’t, or he has news about my opponent at High Stakes III, regardless I removed my sunglasses as he neared me and I gave him a moment to catch his breath.

“Marty, if you’re trying to lose weight you’re going the wrong way about it.” I sighed as I turned to him. “And the same goes for trying to get me in your bedroom.” I added fairly quickly. “So why are you doing that?”

“Oh, I don’t know….” Marty trailed off as he caught his breath. “It just the fact that your debut match has been announced and they only just got around to telling me for some reason!” Marty added and I raised an eyebrow at that.

“Really, you, off all people, ran down the beach in your thong like swimwear screaming yes at the top of your lungs like you’ve just won the bloody lottery….” I trailed off as Marty nodded at my every word. “Because my debut match has been announced, either it’s as good as your making it out to be or I’m calling Matthew and telling him that he can find me a new manager because I fired his old one!”

“Trust me, it’s good!” Marty responded as he showed me the card, it didn’t take me long to find the match, after all it is the opener, but when I did see it my eyes lit up.

“Four Bombshell Battle Royal where the winner takes Odette Ryder’s place as one half of the SCW Bombshell Tag Team Champions alongside Misty.” I said with a massive grin on my face. “And the other competitors ate Jessie, her NXT stablemate Vixen and Joanne Canelli, be thankful Marty because you still have a job!”

“Hah! What did I tell you! When have I ever done you wrong?” Marty asked before doing a victory dance, yeah, a victory dance in his swimwear with his body is as horrific as it sounds.

“Either you stop that dance or I’ll call Matthew anyway and tell him that I’ve fired you for giving me nightmares twice!” I responded and Marty blinked in confusion. “Do I have to spell it out for you? You gave me nightmares three weeks ago when you set up my debut match to happen at High Stakes III by describing your sex life and just now with that damn dance!”

“Say no more!” Marty responded with a gulp as he stopped dancing. “But still this is a huge match! Do you want to go back to the hotel to conduct your promo?”

“That tired old cliché? I’d rather watch you dance again.” I responded and Marty nodded. “I’ll do the promo right here.” I said as I sat up. “The beach is pretty deserted besides the three of us and that old couple over there.” I added as I pointed them out. “I don’t think privacy will be an issue!”

“Right, got it, come on guys; make sure no one gives her any shit!” Marty responded and the Skar Bros. did what they do next, yes, by that I mean stand around and do nothing but look intimidating, which is pretty much the only thing they know how to do, regardless I decided to start my first ever SCW promo.

“It’s time for my SCW debut and I couldn’t have asked for a better debut match! Not only will I win the SCW Bombshell Tag Titles in my first match but I will do it by fighting off four of the best Bombshells that SCW has to offer! Jessie Salco, Vixen and Joanne Canelli serve as my opponents in this four Bombshell Battle Royal and all four of them are former title holders in their own right, I’m going to start with Jessie as I know her the most.”

This will be fun.

“Our last encounter won’t be something that either of us will forget anytime soon and neither will your boyfriend for that matter, on a more serious note your one of the Bombshells I wanted to face when Matthew set his little plan in motion and at High Stakes III I will win this match and go on to win my first title in my first official match with this company!”

Next up is Vixen.

“As for Vixen, she’s tough I won’t deny that but I’m pretty sure she hasn’t wrestled someone as versatile in the ring as I am! Vixen, you may be a former champion but I am no slouch in the ring either and I will win this match despite the facts that I am the only woman in this match who is untested against the real competition in Sin City Wrestling and there’s two members of NXT in it!”

Last but not least is Joanne.

“I don’t know a lot about the Jersey Devil Diva outside of the matches Matthew showed me to prepare me for my SCW debut and those matches told me everything I need to know, I know she’ll be a tough opponent but I don’t care, I’ll win this match and I’ll have the best debut out of any Bombshell on the SCW Roster!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

“There may be four Bombshells competing in this match but there’s only one clear winner of this match and that’s me! Jessie, Vixen and Joanne may be tough competitors but I’m tougher than all of them and I will prove it when I win this match, The Future is here ladies because The Prodigal Daughter has arrived!”

Marty and the Skar Bros. left me alone as the scene fades.
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« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2013, 02:17:27 PM »
 To say that I was torn about this coming week was saying a lot.  I stood in front of the listing for the supercard debating with myself.  Title guarantee in a battle royal against four other women, most would absolutely die for the chance I was being given at High Stakes III.  If that is the case, then why was I wondering about throwing the shot away?


Standing in the shower after Climax Control, the hot water pulses over the battered body of Vixen who hangs her head and lets the spray cover her as the other bombshells leave the room.  Finally alone, Vixen looks at the empty room and reaches for the faucet and turns it off.  Grabbing a towel, Vixen wraps it around her and heads towards the mirror after grabbing a black comb that she sets to the side.  Looking at herself, Vixen shakes her head as she lets her thoughts be vocalized to her reflection.

“A battle royal for the vacated tag title,” she mutters.  “Great, my chance to finally get my grandslam of the bombshell titles and if I win, I have to share the title with Misty.”  Chuckling to herself, Vixen raises a hand to wipe it across her eyes in disbelief.  “It isn’t even the supercard and already it is getting to me.”

The sound of a door opening causes Vixen’s eyes to meet the eyes of Misty who walks into the room.  Watching her in the mirror, Vixen reaches for the comb sitting on the side of the desk.    

“Did I hear you correctly Vixen?  The announcement was only earlier tonight and already you are letting it get to you?” asks Misty as she lays the title over her arm.  The look on her face was not the normal sneer that Vixen was accustomed to seeing.  “I’m not happy with the announcement that much myself but I have to go by what I was told to do.  And trust me, thinking that I might have to team with someone that for the better part of a long reign just isn’t that much of a partner is something I am going to live with to keep these titles.”

Vixen begins to comb the tangles from her hair as she listens to Misty, her eyes drifting to look at her reflection.  “You have to admit though Misty, the thought of having to team with you when I win is a little disconcerting.  Considering our history wouldn’t you say it would be a lot disconcerting, more to the point, weird even.”

Misty sighs as she moves further into the room and lays the belt on the bench and straddles it.  “I know we have history…and well, I am trying to turn over a new leaf so I’m going to wish you luck,” she says in a tight voice.  

Their eyes meet in the mirror for a moment which causes Vixen to turn to face Misty.  “Listen, between you and me, I don’t know if I can trust you.  I mean last time we faced each other, you took my title and now I have a match to become the other tag champion.  And I don’t honestly know if I can trust you as a partner if, no when I win the title.”

“I would be lying if I told you I trusted you too so let’s just go with the good luck and if you win then we will try to figure out how to co-exist,” says Misty, all the time as she packs her stuff.  Once she is done, she picks up her suitcase and the belt and with a final nod to Vixen without saying anything, she heads out of the room leaving Vixen alone once more.  Thoughtfully she turns and spies the clock and realizes her flight home leaves in less than three hours.  With muttered curses, she drops the towel in her rush to her suitcase as the scene fades to black.


Days have passed as Vixen trains for her match at High Stakes.  Behind her, Spike watches as she gets more violent with the heavybag that is hanging in the gym.  With his arms crossed over his chest, he can hear the frustration under the almost silent speech that Vixen is giving herself.  Hoping to distract her, Spike calls out to her.

“So what match did they give you at the supercard babe?” he asks with a look of innocence that doesn’t fool Vixen.

“I am sure that Jessie must have called you and told you about the battle royal.  I mean we are in NXT together and she is one of my opponents,” answers Vixen with a final violent roundhouse kick against the canvas of the bag starting it on a wobbling spin as she moves lithely towards Spike.  

He watches her as she moves towards him, licking his lip slightly as his head tilts.  “She mentioned something about it,” he admits.  “But you remember what I said last time you were in a match, don’t let anything stand in your way.  Keep that killer instinct and all that, try to think like you did when you were facing Parand.”

Vixen can’t help but smile at that thought.  “You really know how to put it in perspective my love,” she teases as her hands slide up Spike’s chest and she wraps her arms around his neck.  His arms snake around her midsection.  “But if I let that Vixen out…no one is going to be able to stop me and someone if not all of them are going to be hurt and hurt badly.”

“That’s my girl,” says Spike, an insanely sadistic gleam in his eyes.  “Well, at least try to go easy on Jessie.  And who else will be victims in that match?”

“Lizzie Short, Angela Fallon and Joanne Canelli,” says Vixen.  “And victims are right.  But…”

Spike tilts his head as Vixen lets hers fall forward, damp tendrils of hair hiding her eyes for a moment until Spike raises her chin with two fingers.  “But?” he questions her.

“Spike, if, no when I win that match do you realize that I will be teaming with Misty, your former girlfriend?” Vixen says with gritted teeth before pulling away from Spike and moving to once again attack the heavybag.  

Spike tries to process her objection.  “Are you jealous and think that she and I…” he begins only to have Vixen charge back and cover his mouth angrily.

“There is no love lost between the two of you so before you think that this is about her getting between us, there is no damn way that will happen!” exclaims Vixen as she pulls her hand away and with a half smile, kisses him.  “And this isn’t about Eden either, I know where I stand with her too.  This is a trust thing Spike.  This is a woman that I have faced multiple times and we have burned many bridges in our past.  Can I get past that…I don’t really know.”  Sighing, Vixen moves back to the bag but can’t bring herself to continue with the warmup.

“Then don’t make it about Misty babe,” Spike says as he comes up behind Vixen and wraps his arms around her.  “This is all about you winning the battle royal and finally taking your place as the first ever Bombshell grandslam champion.  All you need to do is focus on beating the four women in the match.  Make it about winning the single title, don’t worry about it being a tag title.”

Vixen grins as she nods.  “You’re right,” she states.

“Of course I am my love, aren’t I always?” teases Spike as he plants a kiss on her cheek.  “And since it is time to get back to training, better hit the ring.  I’ll call Jamie,” says Spike with a grin.

“He won’t train with me anymore Spike, not since the last time,” replies Vixen.  “Why don’t you get in the ring with me?”  With a smile she turns in his arms and tugging at him to follow her to the ring.  “I promise my love, I will try to be gentle.”

Spike’s laughter rings out as we…

Fade to black.

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« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2013, 09:20:57 PM »
Act 1: No Coffee Makes Joanne go Crazy...

"Look I eat really well and I work out, but I also indulge when I want to. I don't starve myself in an extremist way. You're not taking away my coffee or my dairy or my glass of wine because I'd be devastated."
Jennifer Aniston


The scene opens on the beautiful area of Jersey Shore. The sun was low in the sky, giving the world a show of pinks, reds, and oranges as it rose higher into the sky. The camera soon focuses on the street where the Canelli Estate sat. The street was quiet, except for the paper boy making his deliveries, and the sprinklers moving around the lush green lawns. A few people jogged while others walked their dogs or just taking in the early morning air. The camera soon focuses on the Canelli Estate where works had just arrived to start another day on the repairs and renovations that were still under way. The camera moves to the interior of the house where we find everyone in the kitchen, except Joanne. She soon stumbles into the kitchen wearing a loose fitting top, and a pair of red and black sleep pants. Her hair was disheveled, and she wasn't wearing any make up as of yet. She moves toward the espresso maker grabbing an over sized cup and sets it under the spout, only to have it make a whirring sound, and then stop.

Joanne: Damn it!

Rude: That's the fifth time this week.

Reno: Damn. Now we have to get a new one.

Joanne: I knew we should have picked one up when we were in Italy the last time we were there.

Rude: Damn cheap Chinese made piece of crap! That's the last time we buy anything from Lowes!

Scarpaci walks into the kitchen and sees that they were trying to fix the espresso machine once again.

Scarpaci: It's broken again? I'll fix it.

Joanne: Are you sure you know what you're doin'? I mean it would be just easier to get a new one then have you try and fix it, only to have your ass get burned again.

Scarpaci: I know what I'm doin' sis. All it takes is...

As Scarpaci pulls on one of the levers hots milk comes splashing out from the machine. He screams as Joanne jumps over the island ans looks at him from the other side, as they burst into laughter.

Joanne: All it's takes it stupidity!

Scarpaci: AWWW! MY CROTCH! Damn that hurt. That son of a bitch machine!

Reno: He's really hurt this time... Maybe we should get him to the hospital.

Rude: He's right boss. We'll get him to the car, and you go and get dressed. We'll be waiting on you.

Joanne sighs, and heads upstairs back to her room. She steps behind the changing curtain and gets changed. She soon steps out in a tight pair of jeans and a crew top. Joanne grabs a black leather jacket and throws it on, and slips on a pair of shoes before heading back down the stairs. She stops when she reaches the kitchen, and looks at the espresso machine. The scene soon changes to the limo that is waiting outside and Joanne slips into the back and takes a seat across from Scarpaci who is still writhing in pain. She sat staring out the window, letting her thoughts wander about her match, and the chance that she would have at becoming part of the Tag Team Champions.

Joanne: *Voice Over* Half of the Bombshell tag team championship is up for grabs, and that is the best news that I've heard all week. But the only thin' that bothers me is the fact that I would have to share it with Misty. She's a bigger bitch then I am and that's not a good thin' at all. I mean what happens when two alpha's come together and collide? It's a war between the two to prove their dominance over the other. Of course I know I would win anyway no matter what happens. But first I have to get through 4 other Bombshell's just to get my hands on that title, and I plan on winnin' this match and gettin' what is rightfully mine.

They are soon heading down the street and toward the interstate. It was quiet and the rush hour traffic was still an hour or so away. Joanne leans back in her seat as she watches the city starting to pass them by.

Joanne: *Voice Over* Vixen do you really think that Misty will give you the title just because you teamed with her before? Hardly. She will walk away from you and leave you with nothin'. She won't cut you a deal! If you want that title then you have to go through me first to get your hands on it. No matter what you do you won't be walkin' out of this match the same when I'm done with all of you. You and I have been in a couple of matches Vixen and you are good but not that good. When all is said and done Vixen I'll be the last one in the middle of that ring as the new half of the Bombshell Tag Title Champions. I've been after these tag titles for a while now, and it will be mine no matter what I have to do to get it.

The city passes by, and soon they arrive at the hospital. Reno and Rude help Scarpaci inside, with Joanne following behind. They get him signed in and are lead to a room to wait for the doctor.

Reno: How are you doing Scarpaci?

Scarpaci: How do you think I feel? I'm in pain you son of a bitch!

Rude: The boss told you not to mess with it you stupid bastard.

Scarpaci: Both of you shut the fuck up!

Joanne: You need to calm down. I know you're in pain, but you need to keep calm.

Scarpaci: I am calm!

Joanne shakes her head, and leans against the door frame as they start to surf through the channels on the TV that was in the room. Joanne looks at her watch, and sighs. She knew they would be waiting for a while, and she couldn't stay in one spot for too long.

Joanne: I'm goin' to go for a walk.

Reno: Do you need one of us to come with you?

Joanne: No, I'll be fine. Besides I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to try anythin' here. I'll be back in a bit.

With that Joanne turns and heads out of the room, and heads for the elevator. It was quiet, and it was a good chance to explore a bit.

Joanne: Jessie you and I have met several times over and I have to say that out of all the opponents that are goin' to be in the ring with me you are the only one to show me any respect. Our matches have been ones that fans have never forgotten and we have given them what they've wanted time and time again. This time won't be any different then those others, except for one thin'... One half of the Bombshell Tag Titles is up for grabs, and only one of us can walk away with it, and from this match. 3 out of 4 us will be on the outside of the ring while the fourth will have the win and the title that we all seem to want. I'm not goin' to back down from this match, and I'm not goin' to underestimate you, but you know that I'm goin' to do everythin' that I can to win this match no matter what I have to do. It's nothin' personal Jessie... It's just business.

Joanne reaches the elevator and presses the button and waits for the car to come down. The numbers start to count down, and soon the elevator reaches the main floor. She steps inside and leans against the back of the car, and watches the doors close. She presses the button for the third floor and the car starts to slowly move up.

Joanne: Lizzie I have yet to face you, and you seem like a smart girl, so I have to ask why in the hell do you want to be a part of this match? Do you know what you are gettin' yourself into? I know you've seen a few of my matches, but that really isn't goin' to help you much. If you watched any of my really old matches when I was first startin' out you would have seen a hellious match that nearly cost me my life. This is a normal match with over the top rules, and is nothin' to really worry about, but let me tell you there are matches out there that will end your career, you're just lucky this isn't one of them. Lizzie I have no doubt that you're any good, but tell me can you stand against someone like me? How far will you go to get what you want? How far will you sink to keep up with us? You seem like a sweet kid, and I know that you will play by the rules, but when there is somethin' this big on the line will you still be that sweet and innocent kid in the end? I guess only time will won't it?

The elevator soon reaches the third floor and she walks out onto the floor and noticed how quiet it was. She was near the chapel while the rest of the hospital was filled with life and movement. Joanne enters the chapel that was now empty, and sits down on of the pews and leans back looking up at the stain glass window that was above the cross.

Joanne: There is just one thin' or rather person that doesn't seem to fit into this match at all. Angela Fallon. I can't find anythin' on you, let alone know what you can actually do in the middle of that ring. Tell me what have you done in this business to make you think that you can actually just come in here and take what we have worked for week in a week out? I've been after those titles for a while now, and no one is goin' to take that chance from me, not when I'm this close to gettin' my hands on it. I hope you know what you're gettin' into because none of us are goin' to go easy on you, and just let you walk away with that title. There is a reason that they call me the Jersey Devil Diva. I come at you without you ever seein' me until it's to late, and I don't let thin's go. I will haunt your dreams, and make sure that your life is a livin' hell until you let go of what is rightfully mine.

The time passes and soon we see Joanne, and the guys leaving the hospital. They head to the limo after three hours of waiting to see someone, and finally Scarpaci was given something for the burn and the pain.

Reno: Man that was a long wait. All they did was fix the burn like last time, and then gave him pain killers.

Rude: Yeah really though. Now we have to go and get a new espresso maker. I wish we could beat the shit out of that old one.

Joanne smiles as she they reach the limo and she moves toward the trunk.

Joanne: Funny you should say that...

Joanne opens the trunk and there sat the espresso maker. They look at each other and then at Joanne who had a smirk on her face.

Reno: What are we going to do with it?

Joanne: I thought we would take it out to pasture so to speak...

Rude: So we're going to take it out into a middle of a field somewhere and beat the shit out of it?

Joanne: Yep. Come on.

Die Espresso Machine

They get into the limo and soon it's pulling off and heading back toward the house, only to take a detour and stop in a vast field that stretched out for a good while. They drag the espresso machine out, and toss it down and start to kick it. Reno pulls out a baseball bat, and starts to destroy it. It falls into pieces but they weren't done yet. Rude grabs a tire iron and smashes it into smaller pieces, only to have Scarpaci hit is with a steel bat. Joanne just stands back and watches knowing it was helping them get out some of the aggression on a piece of crap that no longer worked. They soon quit as the machine is left into pieces. Scarpaci runs back and starts beating what was left of it with his bare hands. Joanne and Reno grab him and start to drag him away. He says he's ok, but then runs back to it, and starts again before Reno and Rude pull him off and drag him to the car. Joanne just shakes her head, as she follow behind and heads to the limo as the scene fades to black.


"We are the Mafioso; and we get paid to kick your ass!"

Hits: 14  Survivors: 13

Current Bombshell Internet Champion
Bombshell Tag Champion
Bombshell Roulette Champion x 1

Offline Christian Underwood

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« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2013, 08:16:26 AM »
 The first RP period is over. All posts following this will be for RP period two.

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Jessie Salco

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« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2013, 09:47:10 PM »
 Week two of the High Stakes III promo period was here and there was a change in the opening match; Amanda Fallon was added last week after Jessie Salco sent in her promo for the first period.

That was last week and now that week two was here she could address the newcomer in the match, can she still win despite this?

Jessie’s hotel room, Trinidad
October 7th, 2013, 5:00pm

Ugh, this is just typical.

Did I hear that someone may be added to my match at High Stakes III? Yeah but I didn’t think anyone would actually be added, so it’s just my luck that Mark and Christian did just that by adding Angela Fallen to the match and the fact that she doesn’t’ have a bio up on SCW’s website (trust me, I spent the whole weekend looking at that damn website) doesn’t help at all.

But, despite my feelings on teaming with Misty, I will win this Battle Royal!

So what am I up too? Jake’s cooking us some dinner in the kitchen, a massive rump steak, mushrooms, peppers, garlic and onions, whilst we are listening to some Down, why? They were announced as Friday’s Bloodstock headliners last week and we’re preparing ourselves for that set the best way we can, I think you can guess what I mean by that.

“I don’t know, I don’t think Phil’s vocal style is really suited for Sludge Metal, supergroup or not.” Shane said as he shook his head. “That and one of their members are leaving to focus on Crowbar.”

“I’m not a fan of Sludge Metal in general and I can definitely think of a few headliners who I would’ve preferred instead.” I agreed as I paused the song, Bury me in Smoke if you’re wondering. “I think the problem is that when I think of Phil Anselmo I think of the pule pounding Heavy Metal anthems that he made as part of Pantera back in the 90s.”

“Yeah, I hear you there.” Shane responded with a nod. “Unfortunately unless they decide to get Zack Wylde to replace Dimebag I think this’ll be the closest we’ll ever get to seeing Pantera live.”

“I was born in the wrong damn century.” I sighed and Shane nodded in agreement. “Still, I guess it can’t get worse.”

“Yeah, they could convince Necra to pull double duty and join the Battle Royal.” Shane responded and the look on my face said it all. “Look, I know you’re frustrated that Angela Fallen was added to the match at the last minute but these things are always subject to change.”

“None of my old feds changed the card after the promo period started.” I pointed out and Shane frowned. “Granted I wasn’t considered important enough for a title shot back then but still.”

“Are you going to spend the next few minutes reminiscing about feds that are so obscure that you can’t remember their names?” Shane asked and I grinned sheepishly. “The only one you remember is that all girls fed you were in when you first found out about SCW.”

“And that fed went out of business shortly after Summer XXXTreme.” I responded as I shook my head. “SCW may be better run but my older feds never gave me this bullshit.” I added with a frown. “Still I don’t care who else gets added to the match at this point, I’ll win and as for Misty I’ll grin and bear teaming up with her for as long as we hold the titles.”

“Shane, you mind helping me with this? The steaks are just about done but I want to make sure that they are too your liking.” Jake called out and I waited for him to leave the room so that I could start on my promo, once the door closed I started on my promo.

“Encase you’ve been living under a rock for the past week there’s a fifth Bombshell in the match, Angela Fallen, I guess you’re expecting me to address her as well but I won’t for one reason, she doesn’t have a bio up on the SCW website and I have nothing to work on as far as material goes, Fallen, you may be the second new girl in this match but you won’t win one way or another.”

Speaking of new girls next up is Lizzie.

“Lizzie, I have even less to say about you because you didn’t say anything new in your promo, with that said I look forward to giving you a better match then that Jessica chick several weeks ago! Lizzie, if you think it’ll be an easy ride from here your dead wrong.”

Next up is Vixen.

“Vixen, we may be stablemates but this week, for the first time since the Team Erick debacle, we find ourselves on the opposite end of the ring from each other in this Battle Royal and there’s no friendships in this, we are both adverse to teaming up with Misty in this match but in the end only one of us will win and that will be me!”

Next up is Joanne.

“Joanne, I don’t like repeating myself in my promos for the most part but there’s nothing new for me to say about you, the last time we were in a title match against each other I was cheated out of my SCW Bombshell Roulette Championship, unfortunately for me I haven’t held a title since then but that will change at High Stakes III when I defeat you and the others in the Battle Royal!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

“This title match is a mixed bag for me, on one hand I get my first title reign in months but on the other hand my title reign will involve teaming up with Misty but no matter what I’ll make the most of this opportunity, this is SCW’s Heavy Metal Bombshell Jessie Salco signing off, the four other Bombshells in the match can look forward to their defeat but me? I have a title reign to look forward too!”

“Jessie, dinner’s ready.” Jake called out and I stood up and left my room as the scene fades.

Offline The Jersey Devil Diva

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    • Joanne Canelli
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2013, 04:40:23 PM »
Act 1: Career Day

"The biggest mistake that you can make is to believe that you are working for somebody else. Job security is gone. The driving force of a career must come from the individual. Remember: Jobs are owned by the company, you own your career!"
Earl Nightingale


The scene opens on one of the many elementary schools in Jersey Heights. The outside was done in a dull colored brick with the windows shimmering in the early morning sun. The American flag was flying high in front of the school, and the kids were already in their classes for the day. The camera moves toward one of the many rooms on the front of the school, where we see the room is filled with children aged anywhere from 8 to 10, and adults stood at the back of the room waiting their turn to speak. It was career day. The camera moves around the room, and we see Joanne and the guys leaning against the wall waiting for their turn to speak. Joanne's thoughts wandered back to a few days before.

Two Days Ago

The scene opens on the dimly lit office where we find Joanne sitting in her high backed black leather chair. Across from her sat a young woman with dark hair dressed in a very nice and conservative outfit with her hair tied back from her face.

Joanne: Why are you comin' to me about this? I don't have any kids Carmela.

Carmela: I've asked prominent people from all over the Jersey Shore area, and besides the kids know you from TV. I thought it would be a good idea for you and your associates to come and speak about the business that you're in.

Joanne: You know I have to leave for Trinidad soon right?

Carmela: It's going to be on Wednesday morning, so you have plenty of time before you have to leave. Plus it would mean a lot to the kids if you showed up. A lot of them are really big fans.

Joanne smiles softly and leans forward in her chair.

Joanne: I guess we could stop by.

Carmela: Oh good. They will be so thrilled! I'll see you on Wednesday!

Joanne: Sure thin'.

With that Joanne gets up from her desk and escorts Carmela out of the office.

Present Day

The sound of clapping fills the room and Joanne snaps from her thoughts.

Carmela: Next we have Miss Joanne Canelli, and her associates Mr. Renard, Mr. Thompson, and her brother Mr Canelli. Now I know a lot of you know them from the TV and more than likely have lots of questions for her and she'll do her best to answer them all before she leaves here today.

Joanne and the guys walk to the front of the room and the kids stare up at them as Joanne clears her throat as she looks around the room.

Joanne: Hey there kids! As your teacher as has said most of you know me from TV, and know what I do. That is my hobby kids but my career is somethin' a lot better and filled with thin's that you need to know when you are out in the street.

Reno: That's right. We're here to teach you all about the real life situations that you will happen upon one day.

Joanne: Now in order to become part of a family such as mine, all you have to do do a few favors for me. But if you're not into that there are other thin's that you can do.

One little girl raises her hand, and Joanne smiles softly.

Joanne: Yes, you in the front. What's your question?

Little Girl: I really want to be a dancer, is there anything that I could do as a favor to your family?

Joanne: Sweety you just said the magic word. I own a few places that allow young women to express themselves in dance. It's a place where daddies come to enjoy a drink and watch pretty girls. You can make a lot of money in one night just for letting men watch you dance. But if you're into turnin' tricks then you'll make a lot more.

The little girl smiles and starts taking notes. Joanne smiles as she looks up at her cousin who just shakes her head. Rude steps up, and leans against the desk, as Joanne moves aside.

Rude: Hey kids! Now I'm going to talk to you about something really serious... Drugs. Now we all know they can be bad, but in moderation they can be ok. Now we all know that if you go down to the corner of 29th and Duke and get some stuff from Sanchez without any problem, but you don't want to do that.

Scarpaci: No you go to the docks and ask for Escobar. His shit is the good stuff. You can't sleep for days.

Reno: As for other things like breaking people's legs because they don't pay their protection money is always a good work out. But you have to be in good shape before you can really start doing stuff like that. But if you want to be a made man within the family you have to be of Italian decent, and most of you are. One day you'll be able to work your way through the ranks and become a made person.

Joanne: Now there are three simple rules that we all follow or at least most of us follow... 1... Never get high off your own supply. 2. Never snitch and 3... Always call your lawyer before you call your mom.

Carmela: Thank you Miss Canelli. I'm sure that they have enjoyed what you had to say, but now it's time for recess. And then we'll start again in a few minutes.

The kids get up from their desks and head outside as well as the rest of the adults, and Reno, Rude, and Scarpaci soon follow behind leaving Joanne alone with Carmela who stood in front of the door.

Carmela: You and I have to talk.

Joanne: About what? I think it went really well.

Carmela: Are you crazy? Those kids are going to be scared for life! Their parents are going to kill me for letting you tell them that stuff.

Joanne: Most of their families are part of "families". There is an odd few that aren't part of one. Besides they see worse on TV every day. You have nothin' to worry about. And don't tell me you don't know anythin' about it... Your father is part of my family.

Carmela looks down at the floor and sighs. She knew Joanne was right. She knew what they did and there was a lot more that Joanne didn't explain.

Carmela: I wish you wouldn't have said anything about the dancing now. Most of the girls in the class will want to be dancers!

Joanne: I danced for like two years.

Carmela: So did I! But that's not the point!

Joanne: They'll be fine. Kids will be kids and changes their minds about what they want to be more times then they'll even remember. Now if you excuse me I have to go and get the guys so I can get packed.

Carmela: Right. Good luck this week. I know the kids will be cheering for you.

Joanne smiles and hugs her before she turns and leaves the room. She walks down the stairs and sees the guys playing dodge ball with the kids.


Reno drops the ball he had in his hands, as the kids let out a loud AWWW as the guys start to walk toward her. The kids watch through the gate as they get into the limo and soon drive away, as the scene fades to black.

Act 2: Last minute preparations

The scene reopens on the Canelli estate. The morning was still quiet but now it was time to get ready to fly off to Trinidad for the match that Joanne had been waiting for. The camera moves to the upper story of the house and through the open balcony doors. She is tossing stuff into suitcases that were laid out on the bed, trying to remember everything that she would need.

Joanne: Jessie haven't you whined enough about what happened like months ago? So what if you lost to me when I was part of Stagg's team? That's in the past and Sunday is the future, and I'll be walkin' away with the other half of those titles. Jessie you need to learn to move on with your life even if you lose a match or two. Sunday will be a match that no one will forget because you, Vixen, Angela, and Lizzie are all goin' to be out on that mat, when I'm done, and I'm not goin' to play nice. I don't care what it takes but if you want to fight the Jersey Devil Diva then brin' it on Jessie. I'm not afraid of you, and I'm not goin' to back down from you or anyone else for that matter. Sunday night will be my night to shine, and I'm not goin' to give it up. If you want that Title Jessie, then you better be ready for one hell of a fight.

Joanne walks into the master bathroom and starts collecting a few things and tosses them into a smaller bag,before tossing it into the open suitcase.

Joanne: Angela I still can't figure out why they tossed you into this match. I mean you haven't been here that long and now you have a chance at a title? That isn't fair, and I'm goin' to make sure that you don't even get your hands on it. Of course it was only a few weeks that I was part of the SCW and I had my first shot at one of the titles. But that's been a while, and look at where I'm at now. I have a chance to get my hands on half of the tag titles, and I plan on gettin' it no matter what it takes. You would be wise to stay out of this match, and just wait for another chance at it somewhere down the road. No one knows anythin' about you, and that makes me think that you have somethin' to hide. Of course I don't care what it is, but then again... Anythin' I could use on you would be for the greater good... Tell me Angela do you even have any experience in the ring at all? From what I've seen you don't. This match isn't goin' to end good for you.

Joanne soon closes one of the suitcases and sets it by her bedroom door, and turns back to the other one.

Joanne: Vixen I know that you want this title, but I'm goin' to stop you at each and every turn that you make on Sunday night. You can try everythin' that you can to stop me but it's not goin' to work. I've faced you at least once and you're not really that impressive in the ring, or anywhere else for that matter. Vixen I know you and Misty couldn't get along long enough to even fight in a match together to defend the titles if you had too. Plus what makes you think you can defeat me? I don't think you even know do you? How far will you go to get your hands on that title Vixen? How far will you sink to do what needs to be done to get the title in your hands? I guess that's up to you and just how bad you want it isn't it?

Joanne walks into the closet and starts pulling out a few outfits and lays them on the bed.

Joanne: Lizzie you're another one that seems to be out of place in this whole match. You've barley had any matches and yet they are throwin' you into this. I don't know if you have any kind of clue of what you're goin' to be in for or not. I hope you do because none of us are goin' to go easy on you, and I'm goin' to be the worst one of all. I've been after the Tag titles for a while now, and this is my chance, and I will take down anyone that stands in my way, and that includes you. You'll have to brin' everythin' in you to this match just to stay on the inside of the ring. We are the Mafioso and we get paid to kick your ass! See you soon ladies!

Joanne throws a few more things into the suitcase that laid open, and closes it. She sets it by the door with the other one and heads out the door and down the stairs as the scene fades to black.


"We are the Mafioso; and we get paid to kick your ass!"

Hits: 14  Survivors: 13

Current Bombshell Internet Champion
Bombshell Tag Champion
Bombshell Roulette Champion x 1

Offline Angela Fallon

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« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2013, 03:13:25 PM »
 Many, many eons ago there was a battle of epic proportions. No, it wasn’t a battle. It was a war. This war is where our story begins. The battlefield is like nothing man has ever seen. Half of it is covered in light with the other half cast into shadows. There are no distinguishing features to the land itself, other than that it appears to be built atop piles of cotton. It’s almost as if these thousands of warriors are battling on top of the clouds. The warriors have very similar features: long white gowns, long luscious locks of hair, and a beauty that exceeds anything known to man. The only thing that distinguishes one side from the other is that about two-thirds of the warriors are engulfed in light while the rest have shadows cast across their bodies. The warriors’ swords let off sparks and flames as they connect. As much as the warriors in shadows are outnumbered, they appear to be holding their own against the light warriors. In the distance, two figures watch the battle from the shadows.

“Beelzebub, we appear to be holding our own against His army,” says a woman with flowing red hair. She gazes up at her companion as her dark eyes attempt to read the man’s reaction.

“Yes, we’re holding our own, but we’re not gaining any more ground. We need greater number, Angelon,” Beelzebub replies without looking away from the ongoing battle. “How are our recruiting efforts going?”

Angelon turns to look back at the battle and lets out a sigh. “Well, it hasn’t been going well. Most of these angels have they lips glued to His ass. They won’t even let us start trying to convince them of the injustice of being forced into servitude by Him.”

Beelzebub’s face hardens and his eyes narrow. After a few moments of silence, he speaks. “Then let them stay with Him. We are going to win this war then they can serve me.”

Angelon quickly whips her head around to look at Beelzebub. “Serve you?”

“Serve us,” Beelzebub laughs, “We will rule heaven with our legion, my queen.”

This appears to satisfy Angelon as a smile crosses her face.

“We’ll rule this place better than He ever could,” she says.

The two figures continue to watch the back and forth battle in silence. After several hours, Beelzebub breaks the silence.

“We need to get some kind of advantage. I think it’s about time we join the battle.”

An evil smirk crosses Angelon’s face. Beelzebub holds out his hand to her.

“Shall we?” he says with a gleeful smile.

Angelon delicately places her hand in his. He closes his long fingers around her hand and the two of them start walking down from their perch atop a hill. After several minutes of Beelzebub and Angelon walking in unison, they arrive at the outer reaches of the battle. At this point, the leaders of the rebellion release each other and draw their swords. Beelzebub has a large sword with a slight curve to the blade with a magnificent ruby encrusted hilt that glimmers every time it catches the light from the sparks and flames from the clashing of the swords. Angelon’s is a bit more slender than Beelzebub’s. Hers has a long straight blade with a gold handle with a large diamond at the base. Beelzebub and Angelon start making their way towards the middle of the battle. They swat off any attackers with relative ease. It’s just a constant rhythm of block, swing, block, swing, block, swing as attacker after attacker is quickly dispatched. After a while, they finally reach the center of the battle where the most dangerous warriors are battling. The top angel of the light, Michael, is battling with the crown jewel of Beelzebub’s army, Azazel. The two angels appear fairly evenly matched as neither can gain a clear cut advantage. Azazel decides to show off a bit as he knocks Michael off balance with a mighty swing and follows it with a spin move that was meant to do nothing more than add a little bit of flash. Unfortunately, the spin doesn’t go as planned and Azazel stumbles over a fallen comrade of his. This is the opening Michael had been waiting for. He immediately starts swinging his sword rapidly at Azazel, keeping him off balance. Azazel fights off Michael’s advances as much as possible, but eventually stumbles and falls to the ground. Michael raises his sword and brings it down at the defenseless Azazel. Just before it hits him though, two swords cross to stop Michael’s from finishing the job. Michael looks up into the eyes of Beelzebub and Angelon who are looking down at him with smiles on their faces.

“Hello, Michael,” Beelzebub says. “I see that you have decided to continue serving Him.”

Michael sneers at Beelzebub. “There was never any other option to consider. I will continue to serve Him for all of eternity.”

“That’s too bad to hear,” Beelzebub retorts, “because now we’ll have to destroy you.”

Michael quickly lifts his sword into a defensive position. With a whistle, he quickly has two other light warriors by his side. Azazel is now back to his feet alongside Beelzebub and Angelon. Michael advances towards Beelzebub, but Angelon steps between them.

“No way, Michael. You’re mine.” Angelon says as she quickly swings her sword towards him.

Michael barely gets his sword around in time to block the blow. Michael and Angelon start slowly circling each other with their swords held out in front of them. Beelzebub and Azazel break away battling the other two angels of the light. Michael and Angelon continue to circle as they size each other up.

“Why are you doing this, Angelon? You are one of His greatest creations,” Michael asks.

Angelon smirks.

“Exactly. I’m one of His greatest creations. I’m much too great to spend eternity in a life of servitude.”

Angelon whips around with a vicious thrust of her sword. Michael gets his sword up and catches her blow. They both attempt to overpower each other as they put all of their strength into pushing their sword into the other’s.

“So you’d rather serve Beelzebub? Not that you guys have a chance of winning this war, but even if you did, do you think you’d have it as good as you have it here? Beelzebub is just going to make you and the rest of his followers serve him,” Michael attempts to reason with Angelon who lets out a cocky chuckle.

“Please! Beelzebub loves me. Him and I are going to rule heaven together once we dispose of the old man,” Angelon retorts.

Michael pulls his sword away and swings wildly at Angelon’s legs. Angelon hops over the blade. She stomps down onto the blade, pinning it to the ground. With her other leg, Angelon kicks Michael in the face. The force of the kick causes Michael to release his sword. He does a backflip and lands on his stomach a few feet away. Michael looks up at Angelon who has the point of his own sword pointed right between his eyes. Angelon smirks.

“It’s kind of funny. You were His favorite warrior. You taught me everything that I know. Now, I’m going to kill you with your own sword,” Angelon seems almost gleeful as she speaks.

She pulls back the sword to deliver the finishing blow as Michael looks up at her helplessly. Suddenly, a blinding light engulfs the battlefield. Every angel covers their eyes to prevent going blind. A booming voice emits from the light.

“Thou hast disgraced the lord your God! Thou hath had much hatred in thou hearts! This hatred hath led to thou betraying the one true God! For this transgression, thou shalt be banished from heaven for all of eternity. The remainder of your eternity shalt be spent in the fiery depths of hell.”

Angelon stands firm, awaiting her punishment from God. She notices movement from the corner of her eye. She turns her head slightly and sees her lover and leader, Beelzebub, turn tail and start running away from the mighty light. Angelon turns her attention back to the light to find that it has begun to move towards her. She turns her sword upside down and stabs it into the ground. She drops down to one knee and bows her head waiting for the light to overtake her. The last thing she feels is the warmth and love that the light feels towards her. She looks up into the face of God himself. His face is young and smooth. His light blue eyes contrast with his long, dark beard. His face is one of disappointment. Angelon immediately feels ashamed. God’s mouth does not move, but his words pierce her heart.

“I will love thou always. Even until the end of time.”

With that, God banishes her and all of the other fallen angels from heaven.

<hr width=50%>

It’s a cold, rainy night in Seattle, Washington. The buildings on the street are dark as the inhabitants are asleep at this time of morning. The street is void of inhabitants with the exception of one lone figure. Leaning against a street light, this figure is wearing black leather pants and a dark red rain coat. Their black boots come up to just below their knees. A lit cigarette hangs from the lips of this person. After a few moments, another figure emerges from the alley next to the light. This one is not as covered. He is wearing blue jeans and a large, fluffy New York Yankees Jacket. His black hair is slicked back and his matching goatee adds a bit of mystery to the man. He walks up behind the other person and just stops, just staring at them.

“Hello, Beelzebub.” A female voice emanates from within the raincoat. “I wish that I could say that I’m surprised to see you, but I knew that you’d find me eventually.”

Beelzebub smiles. “You’ve been a difficult fallen angel to find, Angelon. I’ve been looking for you for the last two thousand years. The last time I saw you, you were trying to get in good with the Son of God.”

“You know I don’t go by Angelon anymore,” the female says, “I go by Angela now.”

Beelzebub looks amused. “Oh yes! Your earthly name! If we’re going to be talking about name changes, you should probably start calling me Satan.”

Angela throws her head back in laughter. “You actually started using that name? That sounds ridiculous!”

“No more ridiculous than Angela,” Satan retorts.

This stops Angela’s laughter in its tracks. The rain is the only thing that can be heard over the awkward silence between the two former lovers.

“Why are you here, Beelz…. umm… Satan?” Angela asks.

Satan hesitates. “I need your help.”

“You need my help?” Angela scoffs. “You just want me to stop destroying all of your demons.”

“That would be helpful, but that’s not why I’m here,“ Satan says. “There’s a rogue demon out there. If he’s not stopped he could unravel existence.”

This seems to catch Angela’s attention. She turns to face Satan for the first time.

“You don’t mean…?”

Satan just nods in acknowledgment.

“But how…?”

Satan shrugs. “I don’t know. I’ve been trying to stop him but I just can’t do it on my own.”

Angela pulls down the hood on her raincoat, letting her long red hair fall down across her shoulders and down her back. She takes a deep breath and pinches the bridge of her nose.

“Okay, let me make sure I’ve got this right,” Angela says, “A rogue demon has figured out how to undo all of existence and you can’t stop him. Does that cover it?”

Satan nods. “Yes, that’s about it.”

“What makes you think that I can do anything about it?” Angela asks.

“To be honest, I don’t know that you can do anything about it,” Satan starts, “but I know that if I’m about to cease existing, I can’t think of anyone I’d rather be by my side.”

The side of Angela’s mouth curls into a bit of a smirk as Satan’s face turns red.

“That came out wrong! I…” Satan starts to backtrack.

“Is that what this is all about?” there’s no hiding the skepticism in Angela’s voice, “Even after all of these years, you’re still not over me?”

Satan starts laughing nervously.

“Me? Not over you? Please! If anything it’s the other way around.”

This causes Angela to burst out into laughter.

“Oh yes! How ever did you know that I’m not over you?” Angela says ironically. “I could never get over a man who ran away when his followers needed him. There’s something about a coward that just turns me on.”

Satan voids his face of all emotion.

“That’s just really not very nice.”

Angela laughs so hard that she snorts.

“That wasn’t nice? That sounds extremely funny coming out of the mouth of the epitome of evil.”

Satan doesn’t appear to be amused as he watches Angela’s laughter die out.

“Look, are you going to help me or not?” Satan says emotionlessly.

Angela’s face looks surprised. “You were serious about the rogue demon? I thought you were just trying to get into my panties… or lack thereof.”

Satan chuckles. “You act like you’re not willing to spread your legs for me. We both know that you can’t turn me down.

“PU-LEASE!” Angela looks at Satan incredulously. “Just because a girl wanted a little dick a couple of centuries ago doesn’t mean that I’m going to open my legs any time that you want me to.”

Satan laughs. “You haven’t lost your edge. That’s why I’m coming to you for help.”

Angela stares off into the distance as she considers working with her former lover.

“Where exactly is this demon?”

“The last I heard, it was working as a professional wrestler. I’ve seen signs of possession in City Wrestling based out of Las Vegas,” Satan replies, “I’ve gotten some of my lower level followers into these promotions to try to gather information, but so far the demon is playing it safe. I need you to get in there. You’re one of the best demon hunters in existence.”

“One of the best? You know as well as I do that I’m the best there is. Nobody has taken out as many of your followers as I have,” Angela boasts.

Satan starts to snarl, but stops himself.

“So far that’s true, but those Winchester boys have been catching up”

“Winchester boys?” Angela inquires.

“Just a couple of kids, but they’re pretty damn good at what they do,” Satan says.

“Humans?” Angela scoffs, “They don’t stand a chance of being as good as a fallen angel such as myself.”

Satan just looks at her, refusing to stroke her ego.

“We’re getting off topic. Are you in or out?”

Angela stares off into the distance again. After several moments, she turns to face Satan.

“I’m in.”

Satan’s face twists into a smile.

“I knew you’d do it. I’ve already taken the liberty of signing you up. Your first match is in a couple of weeks.”

“Match? You’ve got me wrestling?!?” Angela is incredulous which makes Satan laugh again.

“Of course you’re wrestling, Angelon…” Satan starts to explain.

“Angela,” she corrects him.

He continues talking without missing a step. “…you’re the greatest warrior in existence. If anyone can climb through the ranks to get to this demon, it’s you.”

Angela mumbles something under her breath.

“What was that?” Satan inquires.

“I said that you should go fuck yourself.” Angela clarifies, “I can’t fight these mortal women. You know what I could do to them.”

Satan smiles, “Of course I know what you could do to them, but you won’t. You cherish human life, for some reason. You wouldn’t do any permanent damage to them out of fear of His retaliation against you.”

Angela turns away with a look of shame.

“Aww… does the truth hurt? Why do you refuse to accept the fact that we are all kicked out of heaven forever?  Even his book says that we can’t go back,” Satan taunts.

Angela wipes her sleeve across her nose.

“You know as well as I do that that book is ninety percent fiction. There has to be a way to earn his love again,” Angela says, “and I’m going to do everything in my power to do just that.”

“Good. Take care of this rogue demon and I’ll put in a good word for you.”

Angela looks shocked, “You still talk to him?”

Satan smirks, “You know what they say. Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer. Keep that in mind when you get to Trinidad for your match.”

Angela nods as she stares off into the distance in silence. After a moment, she turns back to ask a question.

“How will I know…”

Satan is gone. He’s simply vanished into thin air.

“…who he is?...”

She lets her sentence trail off as she stares back into the rainy darkness. She slams the back of her head into the steel light pole that she’s leaning against.


<hr width=50%>

The sun is high in the afternoon sky above Turtle Rock Beach in Trinidad. Every corner is illuminated leaving not a shadow in sight. We are still about a week or so from High Stakes III and Angela Fallon’s debut in Sin City Wrestling. Satan really hooked her up. He got her into a battle royal to determine one half of the tag team champions along with long time top bombshell, Misty. The SCW crew wasn’t scheduled to arrive to set up for High Stakes III for another couple of days, so the beach is fairly empty except for a few tourists. Walking along the waterline is SCW’s newest bombshell, Angela Fallon, letting the waves wash over her bare feet. The sun is almost blinding as it comes off of her pale skin that is covered only by a black string bikini.

“It’s so beautiful here,” Angela says to no one in particular. “Most people take for granted the little miracles in life. Take the tide for instance. The moon is the perfect distance from the earth so that it can affect the water level with its gravity, but not close enough to be pulled down onto the Earth’s surface. The slightest nudge in either direction would be disastrous. “

Angela snorts.

“And to think that people believe He doesn’t exist.”

Angela digs her toes into the wet sand, letting it squeeze through her toes.

“In about a week, I’ll be stepping into a wrestling ring against four mortal women who all believe they are the best. They’re in for a shock.” Angela continues, “They’ve all got their eyes on becoming one-half of the tag team champions. I’ve got my eyes set much, much higher.”

Angela takes a couple of steps down the beach, staying along the water’s edge.

“Satan must have pulled some strings to get me, an unproven rookie, into a title match. He probably gave Mark Ward his soul back. No big loss, though. I’m sure Mark will just sell it back for another pint.”

Angela smiles at her joke.

“I’ve pondered why Satan must have pushed so hard to get my into this match and it dawned on me. He must want me to win and get close to the current champion, Misty. She must be the rogue demon that I’m here to stop.” She hypothesizes, “But in order to do that, I’ve got to dispatch four other women that are unimportant to my mission. Did I do my research on who these women are? Hell no! I don’t need to. I just need to attempt not to do any permanent damage to them. I saw their promos though. They were…”

Angela turns her head in deep thought as she tried to think of the right word.


Angela starts slowly walking deeper into the gorgeous blue ocean.

“Jessie Salco just sat in her hotel room, in both of her promos, and just talked. I got bored with it and stopped watching after a few seconds. I hate when bitches are all talk and no action. She barely even mentioned me except to say that she wasn’t going to mention me. Let her overlook me, I’m okay with that. Maybe one of the other women in this match will dispatch her early so I don’t have to waste my time on a talentless hack.

She takes another couple of steps into the ocean until she is about knee deep in the waves.

“Lizzie Short at least went somewhere other than a hotel room to film her promo. If I’m not mistaken I believe she was on a beach, working on her tan like so many of the vain women in today’s society. I’m assuming that the promo I saw from her was filmed before I was added to the match as she didn’t make any reference to me. That’s perfectly fine. I don’t really care much for people talking about me, so I’m glad that my name wasn’t coming out of her mouth. From what I’ve seen in the promo though, she’s making her debut in Sin City Wrestling as well. Maybe I should let someone else dispatch her as well so I don’t end such a… promising career.”

Angela is now waist deep in the water.

“There was one person who actually surprised me with their promos. Joanne Canelli, who likes to be called The Jersey Devil Diva, cut a promo that was far and above anything Lizzie and Jessie did. She made some great points towards her opponents, like how Lizzie was too new, and how Misty would just screw Vixen over, and how good Jessie’s ass tastes on her lips. The only thing she didn’t have was something to say to me. Granted, I’ve been secretive about my past, for obvious reasons, and that gave her nothing to work off of. So she went with the generic ‘You’re new so you’re nothing’ approach. Good for her. After next week, she can cut promos about how awesome I am and how she’ll never want to see me across the ring from her again.

Angela is tracing lines in the water with her fingers.

“Vixen, what is there to say about her that hasn’t already been said? She’s the veteran of this match. She’s definitely sexy.  If ring experience or looks mattered, I would think that she would be the favorite to become one-half of the tag team champions. There’s one thing that she doesn’t seem to have though. She’s missing something that the rest of us involved in the match have. She lack true motivation to win. Sure, She want to win for bragging rights and to become a grand slam champion, but deep down she doesn’t want to team with Misty. In fact, I would bet that she might lose intentionally just so she doesn’t have to be so close to the woman who’s played the biggest part in her man’s life. Am I going to look past her? No way! But I don’t think she really wants it as bad as the rest of us. She especially doesn’t want it as bad as me.”

Angela suddenly submerges herself in the water. She comes up after a few seconds. The water has turned her hair from a fiery red to a reddish-brown color. She whips her hair back and water flies for several feet behind her. She wipes the excess water off of her face with her hand.

“At High Stakes III, failure is not an option. It’s tag team champion or bust. I need to get close to Misty so I can accomplish my mission and continue on my path back to righteousness. If I destroy the rogue demon, He will no longer be able to overlook me and accept my back home to heaven.

With that, Angela dives forward into the water and starts swimming out into the open ocean. We watch until she disappears into the horizon as the scene fades.

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Offline Vixen

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    • Vixen
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2013, 11:32:13 PM »
 “You gotta want it.”  That is what I am being told constantly.

“You don’t have the motivation to go for the title because you will have to team with Misty.”  I have heard that time and again.

“You can’t win…”  

Who the hell do you think you are telling me these things?

Truth is…I am coming for the title like an avenging angel and there will be nothing to hold me back.  So ladies…time to throw down…or throw YOU out as the case may be.


Sitting in the airport as she waits for the flight to Trinidad, Vixen lets the beam of light flash off her engagement ring as she thinks about what could be happening at High Stakes when she stepped into the ring with four other women for a chance to wear one half of the tag team titles in SCW.  The diamond sends small rainbows shining around her but her thoughts are a million miles away.

“Those are pretty,” says Eden who tries to catch the sparkles as Spike flops down beside Vixen.  Straightening up, Vixen smiles as she moves the finger with the ring sending sparkles shining over the girl who giggles.  “Mommie Vixen, what makes the sparkles?”

Sharing a grin with Spike, Vixen holds her arms open in invitation as Eden climbs on her lap.  “I could give you the scientific reason but between you and me petite, I think the sparkles are dreams coming true,” answers Vixen as she hugs Eden.

“Kinda like when you are in Trinidad,” adds Timmy who walks up to the family.  Leaning one hip against the end of the row, he pulls one foot up and leans on his knee.  “So Vix, what do you think is going to be happening at the match.  Everyone seems to think that you have already given up from what I have been seeing online and from what the smarks are saying too.

Vixen shakes her head.  “What do you think I should do then Timmy?” she asks in a serious tone as she shares another glance with Eden.  “If I give up I don’t get the title but if I don’t, I will have to be partners with Misty.”

Eden picks up on her mother’s name and turns to pull Vixen’s face towards her.  “You are going to be in a team with Mommie?” she asks wide eyed as Spike gives Vixen a look over the head of his daughter.

“Listen Eden, I am in a match that if I win I will be teaming with your Mommie,” says Vixen slowly.  “It is something that most people think won’t happen because your Mommie and I have had some differences in the past.”

“But you and her are not fighting now,” says Eden with a smile.  “Both my Mommies could be a team right Daddy?”

Spike forces a smile for Eden as he nods.  “The two of them would be a really strong team babygirl.  And when Vixen wins the match, she and Mommie will be the tag champions of the Bombshells.  And we will be so proud of her won’t we?” he demands as over the intercom a staticky voice broadcasts the call for boarding the plane.  “Time for Vixen to leave Eden,” he adds.

Eden nods and throws her arms around the neck of Vixen who hugs her tight.  Spike motions Timmy forward as he offers a halfhearted hug to Vixen before taking the hand of the little girl and guiding her towards the windows to watch a plane taxiing down the runway to take off.  Once the two kids move away, Spike pulls Vixen close, his hands on her shoulders as he looks deep into her eyes.

“I know you are getting ready to be in that match but Vixen I want you to do just like we planned.  Let the wild animal that I know is inside of you out.  This isn’t going to be a match to be technical in.  This match means you are going to have to claw and fight your way to the title,” he says softly as their foreheads meet.  “I want you to let go of the control babe.”

“Are you sure Spike,” Vixen asks, a slow sense of excitement tingeing her voice as her hands rest against his chest.  “If I do that, it could easily mean a level of violence that only Parand released.  Do you wish that on the bombshells I am facing?”

“When I next see you, I want to see that gold on your waist.  Make me proud by not letting anything get in your way.  It is just you and me for NXT.  Bring back the gold babe,” he states, his voice lowering as he leans in for a kiss, their lips melting against each other.  Finally they break apart breathlessly as Timmy coughs and mutters something about getting a room.

Reluctantly Vixen pulls away from Spike and picks up the small carryon resting by the seat.  Timmy picks up Eden as Vixen leans in and kisses the girl on the cheek.  “Love you petite, be good,” she says before ruffling Timmy’s hair.  “That means you too kiddo.”

“Yeah yeah,” he jokes as a blush crosses his face at the teasing.  

Taking Eden down the skyway a little, Vixen and Spike follow more slowly.  “I meant what I said Vix, full throttle against those four women and don’t hold back.”

“I wish you were coming Spike,” Vixen says.  “Who knows if they can control me when I let go of my control.  Even you were almost not enough to stop me with Parand.  And this match is more important my love,” she adds.

“Who said I wanted to let you gain control?” Spike replies as he brings their linked hands and kissing the back of Vixen’s.  “All I want to see at High Stakes is a woman that won’t let anything hold her back.”

Over the intercom, the final boarding call for Vixen’s flight is announced.  With a look towards the high ceiling in the airport, Vixen sighs and steps into the embrace of Spike for a final kiss before turning quickly to board the plane.  Spike watches her go before smirking as the kids move to stand beside him waving as Vixen turns back for a final look as the scene fades to black.


Settled back in her seat, Vixen let her eyes drift closed as she began to relax.  Soft puffs of air escape her as she slips into a light doze.  Moments later, her head moves from side to side as she begins to dream.

The crowd was going wild as five women are seen circling in the middle of the ring.  Lizzy Short locks up with Jessie Salco as Angela Fallon and Joanne Canelli trade punches.  In the middle of the battling women, Vixen is standing alone.  Watching as the others fight along the ropes, Vixen stands still for the most part as a voice begins to speak to her, a soft calming voice in her ear.

“Let them beat the hell out of each other,” it says seductively.  “Then you pick off the survivors until you are the only one left.”

As if to give truth to the words, two of the four are tossed over the top rope only to fall into blackness leaving two bombshells on the ropes.  Turning to look at each other, then turn their sights on Vixen who once again hears the voice in her ear.  

“Now they think that there will be strength in numbers,” it whispers.  “But  it won’t last.”

Vixen fights off the teaming pair that all of a sudden turn on each other.  Grappling and scrambling, the two roll along the ropes.  Finally one manages to duck a shoulder and lift the other over the top and into the darkness.  

“Here is your chance…TAKE IT!” demands the voice which prompts Vixen to rush over and toss the other bombshell over the top to join the other three in the darkness.  

Standing there, her chest heaving Vixen turns her head.  “I know it is you Misty that wanted me to do that,” she says to the shadowy figure standing there.  “So you might as well come out of the darkness.”

“Did you really think that Misty was the one that was pushing you to do what you did?” questions the voice as the figure begins to move into the light.  Vixen’s eyes squint at the sudden flash of light off the gold of the belt resting on the shoulder of the figure.  Wiping at her eyes Vixen looks up and gasps.

“Bet you weren’t expecting me?” says a smirking Vixen with the bombshell title over her shoulder.  “But we both know that I am here inside you…pushing you to be better.  I am the one that takes all your control and locks it away.  I am the one that will make your desire the sweetest burning yearning to wear the title and the only thing that will satisfy is knowing that you tore into those women and killed their dreams of holding the belt.”

“You aren’t me,” states a bewildered Vixen as the figure moves closer.  

“Oh but I am Vix.  And the proof will be at High Stakes when you let me have free rein in the ring,” taunts the figure.  “Even Spike wants to see more of me, he even said so himself.  And we both know he is going to be seeing me in that ring at the supercard.”

With that, the doppelganger charges forward and slams into Vixen who awakes with a scream of surprise as her eyes snap open violently.  Taking in the curious stares of her fellow passengers, Vixen forces herself to her feet and down the aisle to the lavatory.  Splashing water on her face, she looks into the mirror and sees a smirking image staring back at her.

“This is crazy,” Vixen mutters.  “It was all a dream, just a silly dream.”

The intercom comes on announcing the arrival in Trinidad and advising for people to put on their seatbelts.  Vixen spares only a quick glance once more at her reflection as she leaves to head to her seat as the plane begins its descent into the island’s airport.