Author Topic: The brat prince will bow to the king!  (Read 361 times)

Offline Cyrus King

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    • Cyrus King
The brat prince will bow to the king!
« on: September 09, 2013, 07:52:21 AM »
 At Climax Control it was made official, amongst rumors and speculation Mark Ward officially announced that he had brought out SCW’s Sister Fed ACW and its roster.

And one member of the roster couldn’t wait to make an impact.

Cyrus King, a man who had been working with JJ Dixon up until ACW’s purchase, tricked a frustrated James Huntington Hawkes the III into challenging him to a No Holds Barred Street fight next week on Climax Control, the time has come and now the two men would meet with James’s tag team partner and fellow tag team champion Gianni Di Luca and his bodyguard Simpson accompanying Hawkes to ringside, can Cyrus win?

Well according to nearly every bookie in Las Vegas, the answer was a resounding yes!

Cyrus’s hotel room, Cane Garden Bay Tortola
September 9th, 2013, 11:00am

Sometimes to get noticed you need to make yourself heard, no one’s going to pay attention to the kid twiddling his thumbs in the corner after all.

So when it was announced that ACW had been brought by SCW I set out to do just that, I didn’t care who it was as long as they were a current, male roster member and preferably a title holder so that I could challenge them to a match, so why did I go after James Huntington Hawkes the III and not someone like Max Burke or Goth?

His ego gave me an extra reason to want to face him in a match.

Hawkes may be one half of the SCW Tag Team Champions alongside Gianni Di Luca but I’m no fool, I was watching SCW long before I got the offer to join ACW, I even attended last year’s Summer XXXTreme Cruise to see if this was the fed for me.

I decided against it in the end but low and behold, one year later and I’m on the SCW Roster.

“How goes the house hunting?” I asked Miranda as I glanced up, Miranda, having just sold our apartment in Nova Scotia to help pay for our new home in Las Vegas, looked up with a grin on her face.

“I was able to find a big house in the residential areas not far from the strip.” Miranda responded as she showed me the picture on her IPad. “Price is pretty reasonable for Las Vegas and if we hurry we can get it locked down and move in by the end of the year.”

“And if you aren’t able to get that house?” I asked and Miranda’s grin grew a bit.

“I have some back-up plans in case that falls through for one reason or another.” Miranda responded as she showed me the pictures of the other houses. “Either way we should have a home in Vegas by the end of this tour.”

“This whole situation has thrown us through a loop in general though.” I pointed out and Miranda nodded in agreement. “I thought ACW was doing well, they were going on tour after all so the merger did catch me off guard.”

“According to who I talked to Dixon was spending way too much to try to get ACW on the road.” Miranda responded as she checked the time on her watch. “It may have been doing well for a while but Dixon’s spending had gotten to the point where it was either ACW gets brought by SCW or ACW goes bankrupt.”

“Lesser of two evils.” I responded and Miranda nodded in response. “Do you have Hawkes’s bio for me?”

“Yeah, it’s on your laptop.” Miranda responded and I booted it up. “Still can’t believe how easily you tricked him into accepting that match.”

“He is an egotistical brat who got caught with his foot in his mouth for the hundredth time this year, I’m still convinced that Gianni is the only reason why they are still champions.” I responded with a frown as I logged in. “I won’t soften Hawkes up too much for Sinful Obsession, which sounds more like a Death Metal band’s name than a tag team name but I digress, but I will kick Hawkes’s ass so hard that he won’t be able to sit down for the rest of the month.”

“Don’t forget that Hawkes has his tag team partner Gianni and his bodyguard Simpson in his corner and all you’ve got is me.” Miranda responded with a frown. “What will you do about them?”

“If they stay out of the match I won’t bother them.” I responded with a frown. “If they interfere they’ll regret it, it’s that simple.”

“And if by some miracle Hawkes actually manages to beat you?” Miranda responded and I frowned.

“Well I’ll probably piss off everyone in Vegas who betted against Hawkes winning the match…..which I’m pretty sure IS everyone in Vegas……but if he beats me I’ll accept it.” I responded with a nod. “I doubt Sinful Obsession will get involved as they have that tag team match against The Flying Jets just before my match against Hawkes, I’m pretty sure they’ll be too tired from that match to run interference.”

“I’m still convinced Jeremy and Jason stole that name from a circus act but that’s beside the point.” Miranda responded as she turned off her IPad. “I’m heading down for breakfast and after that I’ll book us next year’s Bloodstock tickets, still can’t believe you want to go to a festival.”

“I saw the footage from this year’s Bloodstock and despite the technical issues it looked like a great metal festival so yes, I do want to attend.” I responded and Miranda nodded before leaving, now that I have some time to myself I decided to address Hawkes. “For those of you who don’t watch ACW or LOW my name is Cyrus King, for two years of my life I served in the US Army continuing my family’s proud tradition of military service and now, because of the ACW/SCW Merger I find myself in Sin City Wrestling and my debut match is one I set up myself, against James Huntington Hawkes the III.”

This will be quick.

“I want to make one thing absolutely clear before I move on with this promo, when I tricked Hawkes into challenging me to a No Holds Barred Street Fight last week on my first ever Climax Control I did it with no malicious intent intended, I was out to make myself noticed, to make as big an impact as possible upon my SCW debut and whilst Goth and Max Burke where busy with their own stuff I overheard Hawkes sticking his foot in his mouth and I jumped at the chance to put him in his place.”

It’s that simple.

“Hawkes, you may be one half of the SCW Tag Team Champions but it’s clear to me that Gianni has been carrying your team to victory every step of the way, I’m sure you two take exception to that but quite frankly I don’t care.” I said as I hoisted up my title. “As you can see I’m a champion myself, the LOW US Champion to be precise and I can tell you from firsthand experience that the competition in LOW is very stiff! I had to win a Three Stages of Hell match that featured a Table match, a Submissions match and, incidentally, a No Holds Barred match just to become the number one contender to this title, what chance do you think you have Hawkes?”

Not a very good chance.

“I saw that Mark put your tag team partner and your bodyguard in your corner to help even the odds a bit so I’ll just say this now, stay out of the match and we won’t have a problem, interfere in the match and we’ll have a problem, do we understand each other or do I have to spell it out for you? The only thing you’ll get out of any attempted interference in the match is an ass kicking but if you two are smart and stay out of it then your team may just stand a chance against Sinful Obsession at the next PPV.”

Somehow I doubt they’ll heed my warning.

“I’m not some naïve newcomer on the scene Hawkes, I watched SCW before I joined ACW and eventually SCW and I am well acquainted with your career here in SCW, for the majority of it you where the SCW Roster’s punching bag, everyone beat you to the point where there was even a Put Hawkes Back on TV petition, for the record I signed that petition just so you could get your ass kicked some more, and then, out of the blue, you win the SCW Roulette Championship and suddenly your actually winning matches, your still SCW’s Punching Bag but your punching back, unfortunately for you I will be the next one you punch!”

And you will break you hand punching me.

“Going into this match I have nothing to lose and everything to gain from winning this match whilst you are the exact opposite, you need this win so that you have momentum going into your next title defense against Sinful Obsession at the next PPV but I’m afraid to tell you that your momentum will come to a screeching halt once I pin you.”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

“Hawkes, this isn’t personal for me, this is just business, I want to start my SCW career with a bang rather than a whimper and you are the one who’s standing in my way this Sunday at Climax Control, Hawkes you may be the Brat Prince of SCW but I am the king of SCW and you will bow down to the king!”

I turned to my laptop as the scene fades.
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