Author Topic: Freedom!  (Read 377 times)

Offline Amy Marshall

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    • Amy Santino
« on: May 24, 2013, 09:27:32 AM »
 May 19th 2013
War Memorial Gymnasium
San Francisco, California

[Backstage moments after Amy quit Team Erik]

Stepping through the curtain, Amy stood for a moment soaking in what she had just done, there wasn’t many times in her life that she had quit anything apart from quitting life as a hooker, quitting Endless Filth and quitting WEW… all those pale in comparison to quitting Team Erik.

Quitting Team Erik would change the landscape of the whole Team Erik vs. Team SCW war.

Shaking her head from out the clouds, Amy stepped forward and began to head to the Team Erik locker room to collect her bags, however, before she could continue her journey back to the locker room, she was stopped by the one and only remaining reporter still employed in the company - "Stoner" Scott Oliver.

“Hey Amy can I get a word with you regarding what happened out there?”

Amy shrugs…

“Uh sure… but if you hadn’t noticed, im not really decent.”

Amy places her hands on hips.

“Its only a few questions.”

“Oh what the hell… go on then.”

Amy smirks as ‘Stone’ Scott Oliver prepares himself and gives the cameraman a little nudge as an indication to stop staring.

“Ok… first question – If Erik did you give you the title match, would you have still quit Team Erik?”

“Can we start heading back to the locker rooms and I’ll answer your questions along the way.”


“And to answer your question… Would have I quit Team Erik even if Erik granted me a title shot - Yes.”


“His refusal to rehire Kevin, but we all know that is bullshit because look what he did to Amanda Hugginkiss, he made Amanda wrestle for his job, so he has the power to fire people.”

“But aren’t you worried about the repercussions from Erik and the rest of Team Erik?”

Amy chuckled a little…

“God no… they are focused on their own little problems and sucking up to Erik.  But I hope the rest of Team Erik see through his bullshit and dump his sorry ass.”

“So does this mean you are joining Team SCW?”


“Ok, two more questions…  people are going to say that you sold out… did you?”

“Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. But the fans have already made their minds up in what I did. I was just looking out for number one.”

“Lastly, you ‘won’ the bombshell hardcore brawl, however, more of the brawl came pre-match as Jessie and Jake interfered and gave everyone an ass kicking, including Jessie stating her intent for the Roulette title. Your thoughts on this?”

“Jessie is just trying to stay in the Team SCW limelight and has to make herself relevant in this war and not be outshone by others.  As for the Roulette title scene sadly there is a long queue behind Necra for the Roulette title and that queue is right behind me. She was never screwed out of the title, she lost it fair and square and she needs to get the fuck over it.”

“Thank you Amy.”

“No problem.”

Scott Oliver and cameraman walk off, happy they have their scoop, but fail to realise that Amy had stopped outside the Team Erik locker room.  Watching them leave, Amy stood at the door unsure whether to knock or just enter and grab her bags to relocate to another locker room – although she was done for the night.

“Fuck it!”

Amy grabbed the door handle and slowly opened it, holding her breath and expecting a severe beat down from the occupants behind the door, she swung the door open and the locker room was virtually empty with only Amanda Cortez in the room sitting watching what was on TV.

“Uh hi”

Amy stood in the doorway, unsure what is about to happen, as Amanda stood up and places her hands on her hips.

“What are you doing here?”

Amy took a hesitant step forwards.

“Come to get my bags and I don’t want any trouble.”

Amanda frowns as she glares at Amy.

“Go get them.”

Amy gives a small smile, as she quickly enters the locker room, before heading to the lockers, where she opens one of them and pulls out a bag, jacket and boots before closing the locker door.

Amy turns and then quickly makes her way to the locker room door, Amy then turns to look at Amanda who had been watching Amy’s every move.


And just as Amy turns to leave, Amanda rushes at Amy and grabs Amy by the hair and arm and pinning her to the wall, as Amy bag and others bits fall to the floor.

“You made a very big mistake quitting Team Erik, you will come crawling back begging but there will be no welcome back.”

Amy struggles to free herself from Amanda’s grip.

“You will find I made the right decision and there will be no begging only cheering when you idiots realise that Erik has conned everyone.” Amy said as she managed to wriggle free from Amanda grip and pushes her away. “Now if you excuse me, I have to wash away the stench of Team Erik off me.”

Amy grabs her bag, jacket and boots before leaving a Amanda pissed off and leaving the Team Erik locker room for one last time, as she goes in search for another locker room.


Monday 20th May 2013
Time: 11am
LA, California.
Home of Kevin Carter.

“Honey I’m home.”

Amy said with a cheesy smile as she entered Kevin’s apartment, however, with no answer, Amy places her bag down on the floor and began her search for Kevin around the apartment, eventually finding him sitting in bed with his laptop in front of him and headphones in his ears.

Amy stops in the doorway for a moment and looks at Kevin, before bounding over and jumping on the bed.


Kevin said as he removed his headphone from his ears, before planting a kiss on Amy’s lips.

“What you watching there?”

Amy asked as she leant to see what was on the laptop screen.

“Cool Django unchained.”

What else do you think he was watching?  Amy smiled as she snuggled up to Kevin and popping in one of the headphone.

“I watched Climax Control.”

Amy looked at Kevin a little unsure.

“Congrats on winning your match…though it wasn’t hardcore enough for me.”

Kevin said.

“Thanks. I was more worried at the fact that I quit Team Erik.”

Amy said as she shifted uncomfortably.

“You had to do it, I’m not mad about it.”

Amy lets a out a small sigh of relief.

“I was so worried that you would be mad or something.”

“Why would I be mad, you had to do it and if you feel good for it then it was the right decision.”

Kevin said as he pressed Amy closer to him.

“Thank you.” Amy gives a Kevin a kiss on the cheek before wrapping an arm around him. “So what have you been doing to keep yourself entertained?”

“Directed and starred in a movie.”

“Nice… I can’t wait to see it.”

Amy said.

“Its on this laptop for editing. We can watch it after the movie.”


Amy said with a smile, as Kevin pressed the play button once more on the laptop, as Amy pressed her body close to Kevin’s. The scene fades out on Amy and Kevin watching the movie.


Well it looks like I shocked a few people last week, however, by the looks of the match booked this week it may have backfired just a little. But the thing is, I am free from the bullshit and false promises that was fed to me.  All Erik was focused on was getting his power and fuck everyone else.

Well the joke is on him… no Kevin Carter and now no Amy Marshall.

And it looks like I got out in time.

Glad I don’t have a bounty on my head… eh Misty.

Although only a dumb idiot would try and collect a bounty on you, I would choose the weakest member of Team Erik.


You see I am glad that I am partnered with you; however, I know that I am going to be in for a further verbal bashing, although you have already lambasted me over twitter about how I have disappointed everyone on the team, and if I come crawling back that no body will accept me back.

Misty you have to realise that I won’t be coming back to Team Erik – not begging nor asking for forgiveness.  I saw the light when Kevin was suspended infinitely and Erik refused to do anything about it.

I am not sorry about leaving the team… I feel a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders… and I highly recommend every do it because you will feel a whole lot better.

Especially as now there is a bounty on everyone’s head.

Now back to the match… we all know that you are this big bad wrestler, who competes in most alliance wide matches but I highly doubt you are capable of winning a handicap match – if you know what I mean.

You need me… especially when Vixen and Roxi are Team SCW and can easily destroy you and collect some of that bounty.

So don’t try and push me away or threaten me… as I said – YOU NEED ME!

And so onto our opponents - Vixen and Roxi Johnson.

I have faced you guys once before- obviously in separate matches with some mixed results.

Firstly Vixen back in December in a battle royal, which included Karina Koji, Jessie Salco and myself – with obviously Vixen winning that match.

Then March this year, another battle royal featuring myself, Laura Jackson, Becky Jones and Roxi Johnson, and in this match I came off the victor but only just.

And now in a tag team match…

One day it will be a one-on-one singles match.

Anyway to this match…

Firstly you guys don’t have to worry about me joining Team SCW because I have no intention in coming back into this war but I also have no intention feeding Misty to you in this match.

Yes I did threaten Misty but at the same I have no intention of losing this match, I am not doing this for Erik, I am doing it for me.  Post match you can do what you want with her as long as you don’t involve me.

Although I won’t be at all surprised if im jumped, after all I played a small part in jumping Team SCW members backstage and post matches… but since I am no longer a member of Team Erik I could help you collect a bounty on the head of Misty once is the match is finished.

What do you say?

Anyway my point is that what happens in this match… Misty and I are walking away victors of this match.


2x GRIME Champion (10/07/2021 - 05/12/2021 (154 days)) (20/03/2022 - 15/05/2022 (57 Days)
1x Bombshell Champion
2x Bombshell Roulette Champion
2x Bombshell Internet Champion
3x Bombshell Tag Team Champion
- 1 x w/ Necra Kane
- 2 x w/ Jessie Salco
~ First three time bombshell tag team champion.
~ 2nd ever Bombshell triple crown winner.
~ 1st ever Bombshell Grand Slam Champion.
~ 2015 Woman of the year.
~ 2015 Feud of the Year vs. Roxi Johnson
~ 2015 Match of the Year vs. Roxi Johnson.
~ 2015 Hall Of Fame!
~ 2018 Feud of the year vs Jessie Salco
- 2021 Year End Awards: Story of the Year:Masked member Rainbow/minority GRIME owner unmasks to reveal herself as multi-time champion and SCW Hall of Famer Amy Santino