Author Topic: Vixen Climax Control nightmare  (Read 432 times)

Offline Vixen

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Vixen Climax Control nightmare
« on: May 11, 2013, 11:59:09 PM »
 The light at the end of the tunnel is usually a train coming at you…

“Vixen’s made it out of the cage…” is heard in the air before it is cut off.  On the screen, Vixen can be seen getting back into the cage before the action resumes.  “Vixen’s made it out of…”

“The more you watch it, the worse it is going to be Vix,” says Devlin who is sitting on the leather sofa in the living room of Vixen’s apartment.  Beside him, Vixen has her remote pointed at the screen but gives her brother a glare.  “Man, if looks could kill.”

“Don’t Dev, really.  It was bad enough that I had Spike reminding me that his uncle doesn’t play by the rules of a cage match with the first person out of the cage winning it,” says Vixen.  “And if I challenge it, Erik will probably lawyer up and just make it harder on us that are Team SCW, even though I would have won it for Mark and Christian by escaping first.”

“Why bother reliving it Vix?” he asks as he reaches for the remote.  “Besides you have something else to worry about you know.  After all you have been booked in a match this week against your teammates Jessie, Karina and Becky Jones.  And from what I hear, all three of them are pretty good.”  He finally manages to pull the remote out of her hand and turns off the supercard match that Vixen was watching.

“True,” admits Vixen as she slumps against the arm of the couch.  “When I heard the card announced I couldn’t believe what Erik did, pitting all of us against each other when I know that the four of us would rather be kicking the rears of Team Erik.  But that doesn’t mean the four of us won’t be out for the win either.  So we have to give it our all but we also have to watch out for our friends to the outside.”  Vixen makes a face, the sneer choking back the slight laugh wanting to escape.  “Lumberjills…really, in my opinion just a flimsy excuse for Team Erik’s bombshells to rub it in and get their shots in on us.”

Devlin gives a look at Vixen as the sound of crying begins to be heard.  Vixen’s sneer turns to a smile as she leaps to her feet and moves towards the small playpen set up nearby while Devlin pulls himself up and into the kitchen.  Reaching inside, she holds her hands out to the little boy who works his way to a standing position.  Picking her nephew up, she dances him back to the couch just as Devlin arrives with a diaper and bottle.

“Vixen, you can’t tell me you are ready to give up that quickly in the match.  You still have to be looking to win as well.  Karina probably is still smarting from the time you took her title and Jessie…well, you haven’t really faced her either but she is probably looking to make a name for herself and Becky Jones…I think you beat her too,” offers Devlin as he begins to change his son.

“Karina and I have some unfinished business that is true but there isn’t that many wrestlers that I can say that I have mad respect for.  But she is one of them,” offers Vixen.  “The girl is tough just like her brothers so I know she is going to be a factor in this match.  And I am not going to take her lightly.  She’s been a champion and knows just what to do to win.  And that wild streak makes her that much more unpredictable.”
“And what I have seen of Jessie Salco, she is the same,” says Devlin as he holds up the baby who reaches for Vixen with a coo.  “Jessie is probably thinking that she will be able to pull out the win for herself too, she’s a real confident woman as well.”

“I’ve teamed with Jessie and trust me, I would rather have her at my back than in my face for the win.  Don’t get me wrong I know that girl has mad skills and I know that she has been helped along the road by Spike just as I have.  And training with her means I know a bit of what she is capable of,” says Vixen and she cuddles her nephew.  “And before you talk about Becky, let me just say that although I haven’t worked much with her in NXT or SCW, I am not counting her out either.  She has started to make a name for herself in the ring too.”

The siblings relax once more on the sofa.  Devlin keeps shooting looks at Vixen which she appears to be ignoring for the most part until finally she turns her eyes to her brother.  “Okay Dev, spill it…” she demands.

Devlin fidgets slightly with a bottle of hand sanitizer before opening it and squeezing a bit onto his hands.  His head drops when the very feminine scent envelopes him.  Vixen hides her smile against the downy head of the youngster.  “Vixen, the one thing you really need to worry about isn’t in the ring, it is on the outside.  Just how are you going to deal with the lumberjills from Team Erik?” he asks.

Vixen sighs and shrugs.  “I don’t know Dev.  I really don’t know because I know that they are going to be doing their damnedest to hurt us in the ring.  I don’t think that we are going to be able to deal with this one on one.  So we are going to have to keep it in the ring and not give them the option to do anything to us.  I hope that the others are on board with something like that.  But seriously, I can’t let Team Erik get the chance to hurt any of us.”

Devlin shoots his sister a surprised look that turns into a look of concern.  “Don’t you go making yourself the hero Vix.  That isn’t going to do anything but get you hurt and you don’t need that at all.”

“You know me too well Dev.  But trust me when I say that this match is not going to divide us in NXT or Team SCW.  And I do want to get a little payback on those traitors,” Vixen teases halfheartedly.  She reaches for the bottle beside the sofa and offers it to her nephew as the siblings relax.  

Scene 2…Straight talk.

Vixen can be seen standing in an empty arena with a hand held camera that she points at herself as she stands in the six sided ring.

“I am going to make this short and sweet for my opponents that I know as friends and teammates.  Listen between the four of us we are what makes Team SCW strong and that is what is frightening the bombshells of Team Erik as well as Erik himself.  So what does he decide to do?  He puts us in a match where we are expected to implode.  Well I for one am not going to let that happen.  I will wrestle against you three but I leave it all in the ring and you all have my respect.”

“Team Erik however, I only have this one thing to say to you.  Mark my words, you are going to regret ever starting this war because I am going to finish it if it is the last thing I do.  And Misty, don’t rest too much on your laurels, you have something of mine that I am going to be coming for,” says Vixen before she smiles and turns off the camera.