Author Topic: Meeting Up With An Old Flame  (Read 403 times)

Offline Jordan Williams

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    • Jordan "PS"Williams
Meeting Up With An Old Flame
« on: March 29, 2013, 11:56:26 PM »
 The scene opens up to Jordan Williams’ apartment in New York City, early in the morning. Jordan is sitting at the island in his kitchen, drinking coffee and reading the New York Times on his iPad. Jordan takes a sip of coffee as he swipes over to the Sports section. Suddenly, his phone starts ringing. Jordan checks it and it says “SHANNON”. Jordan and Shannon had a fling during SCW’s London Brawling tour last year, that resulted in Shannon becoming pregnant with Jordan’s baby, but eventually losing it. She’s in New York for three months for a job.

Jordan answers with: “Hi, Shannon.”

Shannon: “Hey love!!! I knew you’d be awake! Wha’cha doing??”

“Drinking and reading.”

“Drinking at this hour, mate? Why didn’t you invite me over!?” she says jokingly.

“Err, I meant coffee. I’m drinking coffee.”

“Are you sure!?” she again says in a joking manner.

Jordan can’t help but crack a smile, then says: “I’m sure.” he says with a laugh.

“Listen, I’m going to have the night off tonight, I was wondering if you wanted to go out for a drink…possibly, maybe?”

“Yeah, sure. We can do that.”

“I mean, we don’t have to if you’re busy…”

Jordan smiles a little, then says: “Yes, Shannon. We can get a drink.”

“Great! I’ll text you the place later!!!”

“Actually, just come to my place.” he says as he takes a sip of coffee.


“Yeah, sure.”

“Okay, that‘s even better!”

Jordan smiles and says: “Well, we‘re passed the whole ‘meet me at the bar’ thing.”

“That’s true, love. Well, I’ll meet you later on tonight, then around 8ish?”

“Sounds good. See ya then.”

“Okay!!! Bye!!” she says enthusiastically.

“Bye!” he says as he hit’s the end call button with a smile on his.

Jordan hits end call as he takes another sip of coffee. Jordan has been hesitant about seeing Shannon because he knows where this could lead to. Shannon and him connected very quickly, because she understands him and they think so much alike. By the time Jordan left London, they were finishing each other’s sentences and knew what each other were thinking. Shannon has a vibrant personality and such a shit talker and that’s what attracted Jordan to her, beyond the good looks.

The scene opens up later on around 7:45. Jordan has just gotten out of the shower and has on a sleeveless shirt and track pants, with a pair of running shoes. Jordan’s phone starts ringing. He checks it and sees that its his friend, Rob Anderson.

Jordan: “Rob, what’s up, man?”

Rob yells into the phone his signature catchphrase from when he wrestled: “GOOD GAWD!!!”

Jordan holds the phone away from his ear with a pissed look on his face, then says: “Damn man, did you have to scream that?”

Rob: “Ha! What’s going on brother?”

“Getting ready for this girl to come over. You?”

“Uh-oh! Who’s coming over? How good does she look? She like threesomes?” Rob asks without a breath in between each question.

“Dude, you’re sick. If I’m having a threesome, its with two females!”

“I’m just messing with you. But who is she? Do I know her? Is it Shanice?”

“What’s with the inquisition, Rob? Geez, hop off my dick!”

Rob laughs and says: “My bad.”

“You remember that chick I spent the week with in London, right?”

“Oh yeah! The one you got pregnant!”

Jordan rolls his eyes and says: “Yes.” with a deflated tone.

“What the hell is she doing in New York?”

“She here on a job, from what she says.”

“Dude, she’s stalking you!” Rob says with a laugh.

“Oh damn! Don’t say that, man! I’ve actually thought about that angle!”

“So, you invite a stalker over to bang you, that’s smart. Throw fuel on the fire!”

“Shut up, man. What if she was stalking me?”

“Dude, you would have major problems on your hands then!!”

“I say that because a few weeks ago, when I was coming home, she was right behind me. She knew exactly when I was coming home.”

“Yeah, I knew that too, actually. You must have gotten that mass text thing situated, because I haven’t seen any crazy text from you!!”

Jordan grits his teeth together and says: “Damnit! I feel so fucking dumb for that!”

“I would too. I’m sure your Mom got that text about how that one chick sucked your…”

Jordan cuts Rob off and says: “SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” he says in a disgusted tone. “Why didn’t anyone say anything to me? Everyone just kept on receiving my messages without saying a damn word! That’s the weird thing about that situation!”

“I thought it was entertaining, that’s why I didn’t say anything.”

“All of you are assholes!!!”

“Even your poor mother?”

“Yes! Even my Mom! Jesus Christ!”

“And Jesus Christ?”

“Him too!” Jordan says jokingly.

“Alright, well I wanted to see if you wanted to go to the Rangers game tonight with Hope and I and one of her friends, but I guess that’s a no?”

“Maybe some other time, Rob.”
“Alright buddy, I’ll let you finish getting ready for your stalker…I mean girlfriend…I mean, friend.”

“Haha, very funny, jackass.”

“Ha! Talk to you later!”

“See ya.”

Jordan hit’s the end call button as he shakes his head. Thirty minutes later Shannon has just arrived at Jordan apartment. Shannon sits on Jordan’s plush couch while he grabs some wine and wine glasses. Jordan brings walks into the living room and sets the wine and glasses on his solid oak coffee table. Jordan undoes the cap and pours Shannon a glass and then himself.

“Nice technique, Jordan!!!”

Shannon was a bartending the night she met Jordan .

“Thanks…It’s all…”

“In the wrist!!” she says as they both laugh.

“You’re silly.” Jordan says.

“Who me???” she says innocently.

“How was work today?” he asks.

“Blah! Its fun, but it can be too much, sometimes. Especially when the director is being an arse!”

Shannon is a production assistant on a TV series that’s being filmed in New York temporarily.

“That’s cool. But you like it, that’s what’s important though.”

“Yeah, I love it actually. Its better than bartending!!”

“Ha! I bet!”

“But I never would’ve met you if I didn’t bartend.”

“True, but I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing!” he says with a small laugh.

Shannon playfully hits Jordan on the shoulder, then says: “Of course it’s a good thing, silly!”

Jordan nods his head while he takes a drink from his wine glass.

“I have to admit something.” Shannon says as he takes a sip of wine as well.

Jordan gets a semi-worried look on his face.

“I think about you all the time. Seriously. I replay that whole week we spent at my flat and think I wish we could stay in that moment forever…”

Jordan takes a sip of wine as he continues listening to Shannon.

“I used to think those things only happened in movies, where you meet someone at a bar or whatever and then that person turns out to be perfect for you on all the levels…if that makes sense. The only thing that wasn’t perfect, was that you were married then.”


“I never had so much fun with anyone like that whole week. It was so spontaneous and fun. It was really like a movie or TV show. I felt so empty when you left. I kept telling myself and hoping that you would come back, because you felt the same way I did.”

“I felt it too, Shannon. But I had the opposite reaction though. And I guess this is just another example of what an idiot I am. But I tend to run away from things I want, if that makes sense. The fact that we clicked so fast and easy, scared me. I was afraid of what would have happened had I spent more time with you.”

“I can understand that, mate.”

“I mean in the long run, it just fucked up my marriage anyways. But you’re the only woman to fully understand me and that’s huge. That’s something I didn’t have with Vanessa. She would constantly grind on me with what I should be doing and she was right, but you accepted me for me and didn’t just went with who I was, if that makes sense.”

“Yes, I like who you are and I would never want to change anything about you. But believe me, I was waiting for something about your personality or how you did a certain thing to rub me the wrong way and it never happened. Because that’s my luck with men. Everything could be going great and then some would bloody happen where I lose interest. You had me hooked from our first conversation.”

Jordan takes a sip of wine and then strokes his chin as he smirks.

“I feel like such a berk coming here and telling you this.”

Jordan puts his hand on Shannon’s thigh, then says: “Don’t feel that way.”

“I probably come off as a stalker too, huh?” She says with a laugh.

Jordan scratches his head and says: “No, not at all!”

“You sure?” she says jokingly.

“You’re good.” he reassures.

“So, how’s your wrestling career going?”

“Its going well. I’m working full time again.”

“That’s great! You still wrestle in Japan?”

“Yes, I do. I won the Heavyweight title there in January.”

“When are you coming back to London???” she asks with a big grin.

“I really don’t know, honestly. I love wrestling in Europe. I have so many fans over there, so when I do finally get over there, its like a rock band, showed up. I had no idea I had so many European fans. Its nuts.”

“Didn’t you say your friend that runs the company is from London?”

“Yes! Mark is a huge Millwall fan.”

“Boo! Liverpool, mate!”

Jordan starts laughing.

“Actually, I have no opinion one way or the other about Millwall.”

Jordan and Shannon keep talking and drinking as the night wears on. Just like they did a year ago, they’re having fun talking about everything from music to politics to stupid clichés to movies and just general small talk. Eventually Jordan and Shannon end up spending the night together.

The scene fades in the next morning where Jordan and Shannon are awake in bed. Shannon has her head on Jordan’s chest, while he has his right arm around her.

“It feels great waking up in your arms again.” she says.

“Corny alert!!!” he jokingly says.

Shannon pinches Jordan, then says: “I’m serious!”

“I know, it feels natural.”

Shannon smiles as she kisses his chiseled chest.

“One thing, though…I know we didn’t make a baby this time!” he says jokingly.

“Don’t say that! That still hurts!”

Jordan gets a serious look on his face and says: “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“It’s okay. You know had I carried it to term, the baby would be three months old, now?”

“I don’t even like to think about it.”

“I do from time to time. I can’t help but think: ‘Will this happen again in the future.’ You know?”

“That must be tough. I can only imagine.”

Shannon is deep in thought for a minute as Jordan pulls her in closer and then she changes the subject and says: “Hungry?”

Jordan: “You know me so well. Its like you can read my mind or something!”

“You don’t have much of a mind to read….WHAAAAAT!!!” she says laughing.

Jordan laughs and says: “You got jokes, huh!?”

The scene fades out as Jordan and Shannon start wrestling each other under the sheets.

The scene fades in backstage at Coliseo Amautu in Lima, Peru. Pussy Willow is walking through the hallway as a camera crew follows her. Eventually she makes her way to the Supremacy locker room where a lot of noise is heard coming from their locker room. Pussy Willow gets a perplexed look on her face before she knocks on the door. She puts her ear up to the door and hears a lot of banging and noises. She slowly opens up the door and as she cracks the door open further and further, look of bewilderment overcomes her face. She opens the door and the camera crew follows her to see Jordan Williams, Nick Jones and Hot Stuff Mark Ward playing Rock Band 3. Jordan, Nick and Mark are playing what many have regarded as the hardest song, “Operation Ground and Pound” by Dragonforce. They are trying to get one hundred percent on the song. Jordan is playing lead guitar, Nick is on the drums and HS is singing. They’re about halfway through the song and are hitting all their notes and keys. PW waves her arms at Jordan trying to get his attention, but Jordan is playing the guitar as if he’s really in front of a big crowd.

Nick sees PW waving her arms and yells: “Get out of here!”

Jordan looks up, thinking Nick is talking to him and he yells: “What!?”

Nick shakes his head as to mean nothing while he drums.

PW to Jordan: “Can I talk to you when you’re done?”

HS hears this and turns around and gets an annoyed look on his face in between words, causing him to miss a note. Then like dominos falling, Jordan misses a note on his guitar and Nick frustrating kicks over the drums.

Nick: “God damnit! Pussy! Can’t you see that we’re in the middle of something? Is this interview this damn important!?”

Nick gets up and sits on the chair near his bag, with a pissed look on his face.

HS glares at PW and she says: “Are you guys serious!?”

HS: “You’re fired!” he says as he drops the microphone on the ground and joins Nick.

Jordan: “Do you know how long we’ve been playing that damn song?”

PW: “No!”

Jordan: “All fucking day. We were fucking rocking and you fucked it all up. We almost had one hundred percent…but no! You had to ruin it! Damnit!”

PW stares at Jordan for a bit, then says: “Well I need you to do your promo, you’re late.”

Jordan shakes his head and motions for PW to follow him outside of the locker room. PW follows Jordan to the hallway. Jordan takes a minute to get his composure back as PW begins the interview.

PW: “I’m here with number one contender to the SCW Heavyweight Championship, Jordan Williams. Jordan, tonight you’ll be facing someone who is rising up the ranks in SCW pretty quickly, Ace Baldwin. Can we get your thoughts about the match?”

“Ace Baldwin, one of the guys whom I think can do something here in SCW; I face one on one tonight at Climax Control. Already, you’re one half of the SCW Tag Team Champions. Congratulations are in order, Ace. While, I think you have some potential, make no mistake about it Ace, I am not the God of professional wrestling for no reason, son. This is a title, that I earned and that was bestowed upon me! You see, I’ve been wrestling for a long, long time. I’ve seen them come and I’ve seen them go. Do you have the staying power? Do you have the passion to be great? Do you have what it takes to beat Jordan Williams inside that ring!?”

“I can answer the last one emphatically and that’s not just a no, but a hell no! Ever since I was named number one contender at Blaze of Glory, I’ve got one focus….and that’s preparing myself to win the SCW Championship. You’re a tune up for me, Ace. A lot of people would bitch and moan if they were booked up against a guy of your caliber…not me. You see I want it. I crave the competition. I want to be at my very best when I meet Spike for the title. I don’t want to be complacent. I want to be sharp. So, facing you will keep that edge. I’m not using you as a measuring stick, in fact, it’s the other way around-you using me as a measuring stick…to see if you got what it takes to compete at a high level. The competition is the very best here in SCW. This isn’t like some walk in the park that you’re use to. No! I’m the GOD of professional wrestling and you will get taken to places you’ve never been before, I can assure you of that!”

“Ace, I’ve been in the ring with the very best in the history of this business and I’ve beaten them all. What have you done? Who have you beaten? My resume is littered with fallen greats. Like I said before, me being a God isn’t some gimmick, it’s a lifestyle. Its about being the very best at what I do…and you know what? I know I’m the best at what I do. Tonight, Baldwin, you’re going to find out what being in the ring with a true great is all about. I’m sure you’re saying I’m some washed up fossil or some other stupid and corny jokes that have been said a thousand times over. I’m not washed up, I’m at the top of my game. You see, when you’re young, you’re still learning to be the best…me? I’m at the point where I’m teaching everyone how being the best is done!”

“While I think you will amount to something here in SCW, tonight just isn’t your night Baldwin. I’m going to teach how about greatness. I’m going to show you that…while you may think you’re great, you still have a ways to go. You’re not even on my level, son. Will you get there someday? Maybe, but I’m at my apex right now, Ace. No one will stop me. Not you, not anyone. I’m on a path to the top of this organization, and you’ll just be another wrestler that I disposed of on my way to the top, where I belong.”

“When you’re in your locker room, getting ready, I want you to look in the mirror and ask yourself, do I have what it takes to beat Jordan Williams? Can I bring my very best and still be able to beat Jordan? The answer is again, a no! Ace, I’m a master at this business. That ring is sanctuary. Its where I thrive at. I know all the tricks. I know everything. I have a counter to your counters. And if you think you can counter my counters, I can counter those counter. And around and round we go. So you can say you don’t know much about me, but who exactly are you? I’m not some green guy new to the business, son. I’ve been around a long time and after tonight, you’ll know me as the guy that beat the shit out of you and gave you the wrestling lesson of a lifetime! That’s what I do. I take people like you who think they’re hot and I quickly put an end to all that nonsense. This is your one touch with greatness, Ace. One day you’ll be bouncing your grandkids on your knees and telling them about the day you wrestled the greatest wrestler EVER. After tonight, you will know who I am and what my name is…Jordan Williams, the GOD of professional wrestling!!!”

Jordan glares at PW as the camera crew lower their cameras.

Jordan: “Happy?”

PW rolls her eyes as Jordan heads back into the Supremacy locker room. Jordan walks over to HS and Nick, who are still visibly upset.

Nick: “Can you believe that chick?”

Jordan: “Unbelievable, man.”

HS: “No courtesy or anything. I’m going to fire her!”

Jordan: “Seriously?”

HS: “Of course not, bro. It just sounds good.” he says as he and Jordan laugh.

Nick: “Well, I would fire her!”

Jordan: “You wanna finish this song finally, or what?”

HS: “Might as well.”

Jordan, Nick and HS head over to the TV and start setting up to take another stab at the song. They start off strong on the first verse, when Big B and Tony walk into the locker room talking loud and laughing, which makes Jordan, Nick and HS mess up again. Nick takes his drum sticks and throws them at Big B and Tony, while Jordan and HS throw their hands up in the air as the scene fades out.
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