Author Topic: Magni vs. Vixen  (Read 743 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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Magni vs. Vixen
« on: March 10, 2013, 04:01:16 PM »

DATE: Sunday 03/24/2013

First RP Deadline:

United States: 11:59pm EST Friday 03/15/2013

England: 04:59am Saturday 03/16/2012

Second RP Deadline:

United States: 11:59pm EST Friday 03/22/2013

England: 04:59am Saturday 03/23/2012

RP NOTE: One RP per character minimum, Two maximum

Locale: Bogota, Colombia - Palacio de los Deportes


Good luck to you both!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Magni

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Magni vs. Vixen
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2013, 11:23:34 PM »
 You know, it’s funny how many professional athletes end up with nothing when their sporting careers are over. These guys make millions of dollars playing soccer, or football, or baseball or whatever… and when their careers wrap up, they have nothing left. You wonder where it all goes? Of course, we all know the answer… drugs, women, gambling, fast cars and big houses that they can’t make payments on down the line… it sucks them dry. You hear about players from all sports, from all walks of life, in that situation. Most notably it’s African footballers, bought by rich European clubs and brought in too young and without anyone to provide financial advice. But number two on that list of people who make the big bucks and all too often lose it all… are pro wrestlers. Ninety-five percent of wrestlers never hit the big time, and those that do piss away their winnings on dope and girlfriends in every city on the tour.

Of course… you can’t accuse Magni of being in that same boat!

Fresh off his first defence of his NWA World Cruiserweight Championship at Wrestle Classic in San Juan, Magni is starting to be considered one of the best in the NWA today. He’s earning his stripes, and proving that he can handle himself on the biggest stage. And as a touring World Champion, he’s finally starting to make some money out of wrestling… not that you would know that by looking at him in his surroundings today. The Estonian is still making his home in the same single bedroom apartment he’s had since coming to Canada back in the summer. Situated above a coffee shop on the second floor of an old building on Wolfville, Nova Scotia’s Main Street, Magni still has an Estonian flag covering his window instead of a proper curtain, still has a few dirty dishes in the sink… because any true bachelor can never be bothered to do dishes until there’s a monumental pile, and he’s still fiddling with the taps in the bathroom trying to shut off the drip that just never seems to go away. The lap of luxury it ain’t!

But Magni hardly seems bothered by his surroundings. Today he’s totally immersed in his laptop. It looks like a grenade could go off behind him at any moment, and it might not throw off his concentration. Dressed in a pair of plaid pyjama pants and a white T-shirt emblazoned with a logo not recognized on this side of the Atlantic, Magni stares into the computer screen as his mentor and trainer, Propain, walks into the room.

Propain: Are you watching the Big Brother Canada live feed again?

Magni: Yes.

The big man facepalms, slowly moving the hand up and over his bald head as he walks towards the Estonian. Propain stands behind Magni, looking over his shoulder at the actions on the screen. Of course “actions” is a bit too generous of a word to use. He’s watching three of the houseguests laying on some deck chairs talking about nothing in particular.

Propain: I really don’t see the appeal of this.

Magni: Reality TV hater?

Propain: Not totally. I used to watch Survivor back in the day, and I was on this show for Christ’s sake.

Magni spins around in his computer chair in shock.

Propain: Well, not exactly this show. We did a small celebrity version of Big Brother for Ricochet Wrestling back in 2002. It was Mike and I, Jimmy O’Shields, Shark Hunter, Skor… one of the camera guys… not the most star studded group ever, but we had fun with it.

Magni: Then this should be… how you say it… up your road?

Propain: It’s “up your alley”, and yeah, I can enjoy the show. I know what it’s all about, and some of it can be fun, but you spend so much time just staring at the walls being bored in this game. About the only thing I can imagine being more boring than being in the Big Brother House, is watching people be bored in the Big Brother House. There’s no competition going on here, no drama… just people sitting there being boring. I could understand if you were watching the TV show, but the live feed? That’s just mind numbing.

Magni: It not so bad. They talking strategy. Maybe backdoor Tom?

Propain: I have no idea who that is, nor do I care. Besides, Big Brother’s a European invention… Dutch, right? Don’t you get enough opportunities to watch this at home?

Magni: Well, there no Big Brother in Estonia. Guess we not big enough for that. But we watch it from other countries. Finland has Big Brother almost every year, and they show that in Estonia. Plus Sweden and Norway have done big combined games, and we see those. I watch some of the British one sometimes too before it got cancelled. I know it pretty silly. I see why people say it boring, but maybe I like the parallels?

Propain: Two questions… one, what parallels? And Two… did you really just use the word “parallels”? Your English really is getting better, Mags.

Magni: Takk. But I mean Big Brother has parallels to wrestling. All people have big egos, and are usually too loud! Everything you do is on camera being watched all the time. Everybody always scheming and plotting to take you down, or talking smack. And in the end, only one can win. I think Big Brother winner should get championship belt.

Propain is left to contemplate Magni’s comparison as the Estonian’s cell phone starts to ring.

Magni: That Ross. Must want to talk about big title defence this month.

Propain: Alright, I’ll leave you to it. We’ll hit the gym after lunch, okay?

Magni nods as Propain leaves the apartment. He doesn’t turn off the live feed, but mutes it, before answering the phone, putting his manager, Patrick Ross, on speaker.

Magni: Hello?

Ross: Morning Magni. How are you? Training with Andrew today?

Magni: Yup. Going to do some cardio training this afternoon. Have some errands to run before that.

Ross: Very good. You staying up to date on all the latest news? One fed in and one fed out in Puerto Rico?

Magni: Yes, I hear about that. Never nice to see a fed close and guys lose jobs, but closing PRA not the worst thing.

Ross: I agree one hundred percent, Magni. That place was messed up, and I’m just as happy to have it gone from the NWA. And nobody really lost their jobs. In an environment like ours, people get absorbed and have the chance to re-sign all over the place. It’s one of the major benefits of the NWA since, let’s face it, pro wrestling is always going to be a little unstable. It just seems to be the nature of the beast lately.

Magni: And guys from islands can work with new group… Gladiator Pit.

Ross: Some are, some went abroad, but whatever. Personally, I wish they would have filled that hole without going right back to Puerto Rico. We’ve got no reason to crap on the Gladiator Pit, but I know you didn’t endear yourself to the people of the island at Wrestle Classic. If and when you have to go back, you might be looking at another hostile reception… depending on how much time passes of course. Wrestling fans are fickle… always have been. They love you, then tend to forget you overnight when you vanish from the spotlight. That’s why we’re working so hard to keep you there as long as possible. So you can blossom into a real star in the wrestling world. And that means traveling.

Magni: Yeah, I see lots of that this month. Canada, U-S-A and… Columbia?

Ross: Well, normally that would have been Las Vegas, but SCW is doing some sort of crazy South American tour, and you’re just showing up at the right time for it.

Magni: It a bonus for me. I will have chance to go back to Las Vegas, but when will I go back to Bogota, right?

Ross: Exactly! As one of the brightest stars in the NWA you can soak up all sorts of different cultures. North America, South America, Europe…

Ross deliberately lets that last one hang in the air, dangling the worm on his hook, waiting for Magni to take the bait.

Magni: Europe? NWA Europe is just me… right?

Ross: Not any more, kid. I’m guessing you haven’t heard about Rhine Valley Wrestling yet.

Magni: No, I not. NWA has fed in Germany now?

Ross: Switzerland actually. I’m told it’s right on the border. They’re brand new, and have kept a low profile so far, but they’ve already got Angel the Malignant, Canadian Crippler, DJ and Chris Xtreme, plus the other run of the mill guys we don’t know much about yet.

Magni doesn’t respond right away, letting the news sink in. He lowers the screen on the laptop and thinks about the prospect of wrestling in Europe again. It’s been eight months since Magni was home. He didn’t even get home for Christmas after leaving Estonia last summer and coming to ACW. Sure, he keeps in touch with the family and Skypes regularly with friends and family back home, but it’s just not the same as being there. He’s been able to suppress feelings of home sickness quite well while in Canada, but something like this sends them racing back.

Ross: Hello? Magni? You there?

Magni: Huh… Yes! I here.

Ross: I know that’s got to be a lot to process right now. Want me to call up ACW and tell them you’re shipping out?

Magni: What? No no no! At least… … … not now. I be honest, I have to think about it. Switzerland isn’t Estonia, but… at least I wouldn’t have to cross an ocean to get home from there. I love Canada, and it’s brought me so much. I wouldn’t want to turn my back on ACW, but… I will have to think this.

Ross: I understand, Magni. We’ll talk more about it soon. We have much to discuss this month… like what to do in this re-match against Vixen for one.

Magni: I no can believe I have to defend against Vixen again. I just finished with her at Wrestle Classic.

Ross: Yeah… by the skin of your teeth!

Magni: Teeth no have skin.

There’s a momentary pause as Ross’ brain stutters over Magni’s statement of the obvious.

Ross: I know that!

Magni: Then why you say that?

Ross: … Nevermind! Focus, kid! I mean you got the win at Wrestle Classic, but it was an ugly one. That girl beat you all around that ring and controlled the majority of the match. Yes, you got it done in the end, but that’s hardly the results I wanna see. We’re not trying to get Magni the Human Punching Bag over! We want Magni, the best cruiserweight in the world. And you didn’t do that in San Juan.

Magni: Must have been the heat.

Ross: This is no time for jokes! Vixen is serious business! She’s got to be the toughest chick in wrestling today. Thanks to Uncle Sam, she can take a beating and will always come back for more. She knows how to stretch people, and how to smash skulls. And she’s already shown she can hang with you, and dominate you. So not only are you going up against someone who’s extra hungry because they came so close and don’t want to miss out on another opportunity, but you’re facing someone who’s going in with more confidence because she KNOWS she can beat you! It didn’t happen at Wrestle Classic, but Vixen came about as close as she can come without going home with the gold. Blame it on the Puerto Rican crowd, blame it on the humidity, blame it on the rain! I don’t care! But the fact remains that if you give the same effort this time around… we’ll have a new champion. Having the match in Bogota might be a blessing for you since it means Vixen won’t have home field advantage. If this was in Vegas, New York or Ottawa, you’d be in even bigger trouble.

Magni: I won’t let you down. I know I can beat Vixen again.

Ross: I believe in you, Magni. I always have, and I always will. I know you’re a better wrestler than she is. Few people in the world fully realize just how good you are yet. But you’ll get this done. Learn from your mistakes, and you’ll be fine. For now, just go through your training with Andrew, and we’ll talk soon. And think about the deal with Rhine Valley.

Magni: I will. Talk soon.

Ross: Bye.


The phone call ends, and Magni goes on about his business. Ross, on the other hand, is smiling ear to ear as he hangs up the phone on his end in Truro.

Ross: We’ll worry about Vixen when the time comes. For now, Magni… we get you a better deal. Tomorrow’s my meeting with Dixon, and the start of a brighter future for you… ACW… and me!

Offline Vixen

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Magni vs. Vixen
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2013, 12:00:42 AM »
 “Forgive me Father for I have sinned...”

Even whispered, those words seem to break the silence like a hammer.  Sitting in the confessional facing the lattice work window, Vixen bows her head over her laced fingers.  Although she isn’t a devote catholic, she sometimes feels a need divine intervention which finds her now here...on her knees.

On the opposite side of the lattice, an elderly priest sits listening, his hands folded over his chest.  “And how long has it been since your last confession my child?” he asks softly as his eyes narrow trying to see in the shadows of the other side of the confessional.

Vixen smiles to herself as she mentally calculates just how long it had been, “Two years,” she comments.

”I see,” murmurs the priest before coughing slightly and motioning with his hand for Vixen to continue.  Silence continues as the priest realizes that Vixen didn’t see his movement.  “Tell me how you sinned, my child.”

Vixen looks at the priest as she begins her recitation.  “I have taken the Lord’s name in vain,” she begins.  A soft tsk comes from the priest before she continues.  “I have also been having sex outside of marriage.  I have fought with a man both verbally and physically.”

“All of these sins are minor will say ten Our Fathers and 5 Hail Marys for penance,” offers the priest as he motions a blessing on Vixen.

Crossing herself, she gets to her feet, thanking the priest and leaving the confessional.  Moving to the votives that are sending small gleams of ruby coloured light along the wall, she lights her own candle and then heads towards a pew.  Sliding into it, she kneels and begins her penance.

A pair of young men come into the church and head towards the confessional.  One young man notices Vixen and stops his friend.  The two approach Vixen and slide into the pew beside her.  “Hey, ain’t you Vixen?” one asks which makes Vixen open one eye and look at him.  

“Yes,” is all she says as her eyes close again and she goes back to praying.  

“Dude I told you it was her,” his buddy comments as the first young man leans closer to the woman.  “I am like the biggest fan of your boyfriend,” he says as he nudges Vixen who rolls her eyes.

“Glad to hear that,” she comments before crossing herself, realizing that she isn’t going to be given any time for herself with the fan boys joining her.  “I’ll let Spike know he’s got some fans here.”  Getting to her feet, she gives the guy a look as he blocks her from leaving.

“I’m also a fan of yours too Vixen but seriously, I gotta tell you that you really need to get the lead out  of your hiney and start winning again.  Man, if I was Spike I would like so put your ass to the curb,” he vows as he wipes at this lips that are sneering slightly.  His buddy can be heard to say “Oh snap.”  

Vixen nods slowly as she takes in what was said.  With a smile, she shrugs as she moves past the young man.  “Maybe you are right,” she offers.  “But then again, maybe what you need to do is leave Spike out of this.  It is bad enough I have people doubting me and my abilities but it is another thing to think that Spike and I are involved because of my wrestling skill.  Sure, that is what got me into NXT originally.  But that isn’t what brought me closer to Spike...”

“Yeah boy, it was seeing him naked that time right?” asks the second young man.  “I read that wrestling mag online that said you and he have this see em nude sorta courtship or something.”

“Dude, that is just nasty,” his buddy says.  “Listen Vixen, I get that you and him are bumping uglies and all that but seriously, you gotta start pullin’ out some wins.  Take for instance that match you had for the cruiserweight title.  You had that man beat,” he adds with another sneer before continuing, “before you choked.”

Vixen’s smile fades slightly as she turns on the two men and leans towards them.  “If you seemed to remember that, you would remember the fact I was dominating that match until Magni pulled out the cheap win.  Now I get a chance to rectify that little mistake in Colombia.”

“How you doin’ that huh?” asks the young man.  “Getting another shot at the gold are you?”

“As a matter of fact, I am and this time I am not going to underestimate my opponent.  I am going to Bogota and I am going to win the title from Magni and...” she says as she holds one finger into the chest of the young man.  Behind her, Spike can be seen entering the church which makes the two guys start to jostle each other and point.  Vixen doesn’t see Spike and takes it as teasing which only makes her angrier.  “THAT’S IT!” she exclaims as she lunges at the pair only to be caught by Spike and held back.

“You guys better just leave NOW,” Spike offers.  Not needing to tell the two twice, Spike pulls Vixen to a pew to sit down and relax.  “Babe, this isn’t like you.  You have to relax and we have to get to the hotel so we get a good night’s sleep for training tomorrow.  You get to practice on Jamie,” teases Spike.  

Vixen’s eyes are still stormy but she smiles and replies, “Poor Jamie.”  Getting to her feet, she and Spike leave as Spike can be heard to say, “That’s my girl.”

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Magni vs. Vixen
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2013, 10:28:11 PM »
 March 20 marks the first day of spring… although you’d never know it in Eastern Canada!

The snow has been falling for about twelve hours now… tumbling down overnight and into the morning, once again covering Nova Scotia in a blanket of white. Just when it looked like winter was finally over and things had melted away… BAM! One last smack of winter. Or at least everyone was hoping it was winter’s final strike. Of course, snow isn’t all bad. It depends on the audience. And if that audience is a seven year old boy who gets a Wednesday off school… snow is a wonderful thing!

NWA World Crusierweight Champion Magni was spending his snow day in Wolfville at the home of his new friends, Sue and Carson. Sue is a single mom, and Carson is her son, who is enjoying his day at home to play. Sue initially hired Mangi looking for a babysitter for a night a few months ago, and Carson took to him so well and so fast that it led to more phone calls. After all, it’s not the norm that a kid begs his parents for the babysitter to come over. Then again, the babysitter isn’t usually a World Champion pro wrestler, and when you’re as big a wrestling fan as little Carson is… having Magni come over to play is like having all your dreams come true.

As the snow swirls around the windows, we see Sue sitting by herself on a red fabric couch. There’s a laptop computer sitting on the arm of the couch, and she’s slowly browsing her Facebook news feed. Her blonde hair is tied back in a pony tail, and her top half is covered by a pink sweater. Her bottom half is wrapped up in a blanket as she does her best to get cozy and ignore the snow and wind. A bedroom door opens down a short hallway, and we see Magni step out. The door closes behind him, and a chuckling Magni walks into the living room, picking up a tablet computer before taking a seat at the other end of the couch.

Sue: What’s this? I didn’t think he was ever going to let you out of that room.

Magni: He setting up a special game to play, and it has to be surprise. He tell me to go away until it all ready.

Sue: I see. Thanks again for coming over, Magni. Kids get so excited when there’s no school… then realize they’re bored after about forty-five minutes! And he loves playing with you so much. It really makes him feel like a big guy to be spending time with one of his heroes.

The Estonian blushes a little at that last comment.

Magni: Awww… it okay. I like playing with Carson too. He a good kid. Besides, my trainer, Andrew, would have been after me to go for run today. I know training important, but… no thanks! Not in this weather.

Sue just watches him silently for a moment as Magni’s gaze goes into the tablet, intently following whatever it is that he’s watching.

Sue: What’s that, Magni?

Magni: Oh! Sorry… I just watching promo from one of my opponents this month. We’re always obsessed with this kind of thing.

Sue: Oh… is that where all you big tough wrestlers threaten to kick the other guy’s ass?

Magni: Yes, but it not that simple. Anybody make threats, but this one really hurt.

Sue: What? What do you mean? What did they say?

Magni: That the thing… it not even really negative. This was promo from Simon Jones. He a wrestler from England, and he in ACW like me. We’re wrestling in Halifax in two weeks. And he say he wrestle guy from Estonia before. He even wrestle in Tallinn, my hometown.

Sue: So? What’s so bad about that?

Magni: Because I never hear anyone say that before. Being from Estonia is what make me unique wrestling in Canada. Estonia just little tiny country… barely more people than Nova Scotia. I think a lot of people I wrestle not even know where Estonia is. And in ring, I not the biggest, strongest guy… I not the best wrestler with all the great moves… I not even the fastest wrestler or best high flyer… I just the Estonian guy. I loveable little underdog from mysterious little Baltic county. If being from Estonia not make me unique… what I have left? Jones say that just make me feel not so special.

Sue smiles and moves in closer. She puts her arm around Magni’s shoulders and looks him directly in the eyes.

Sue: You’re just a big ol’ softie, aren’t you Magni?

Magni: I not supposed to be. I big tough wrestler, right?

Sue: Yeah… you’re the big tough wrestler fighting back tears on my couch and nobody even called you any names.

Magni: Hey! I not crying.

She gives Magni a playful shove, which does a little to restore a smile to the Estonian’s face.

Sue: You are special, Magni. You’ve very special.

Magni: Oh yeah? How I special?


The bedroom door down the hall opens, and Carson comes out, tearing down the hall at full speed and volume. He’s still dressed in his red and blue Spiderman pyjamas, and just vibrating with excitement as he grabs Magni by the hand trying to pull him up off the couch.

Carson: The game’s all ready, Magni! Come and see! Come and see!

Magni gets up and follows Carson down the hall, who’s still pulling his arm. He’s just leaving the living room as he looks back to Sue. She smiles and taps her chest then mouths a single word just as Carson pulls him away.



They say the waiting is the hardest part, and that couldn’t be more true for Patrick Ross. The former NWA Atlantic Canadian promoter with Acadian Wrestling, has officially been Magni’s manager since November, and over that time he’s done wonderful things for the Estonian. First of all, Magni broke his losing skid under the guidance of Ross when he defeated Angelo Vialletti in ACW. And things got even better when Ross secured him a chance at the NWA World Cruiserweight Championship, which Magni claimed from Limp. Now, one could easily argue that Patrick Ross had little to do with either of those things happening… Magni is a talented athlete, and was bound to finally win a match at some point. And it was WCCW that forfeited the World Cruiserweight Championship title shot to ACW, and a winning Magni was a fairly obvious choice as a challenger. But the fact is that those things did happen under Ross’ leadership, and it was hard to dispute the facts. Plus, Ross would tell anyone that Ben Jordan would have received the title match against Limp, not Magni, had Ross not been there to pull strings behind the scenes… and that may or may not be true. The only person that knows that for sure is ACW Boss J.J. Dixon… and he was in Ross’ crosshairs today.

Ross had been trying to secure a meeting with Dixon for weeks now, but the ACW boss kept ducking him. That was partially because he just didn’t want to deal with an over enthusiastic Ross who seemed up to something, and it was partially because he was truly busy. When you’re running a pro wrestling company in Eastern Canada with small gates, you aren’t making much money, so even Dixon had a day job. Just about everyone involved with the company does. But finally, Dixon had agreed to meet with Ross on his lunch break… and that’s where we find the pair now... sitting at a small table in the corner of a crowded Subway restaurant in downtown Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Dixon: Okay Ross, so what’s this all about? What’s so important we couldn’t just talk things over at ACW Live at the Forum in a few weeks?

Both men are wearing suits, doing their best not to let the little pieces of lettuce fall from their subs and mess up their attire.

Ross: It’s about Magni.

Dixon: Well obviously. But what about Magni? Is there a problem with the booking for this month?

Ross: No, not at all. I can’t wait to see Magni versus Simon Jones.

Dixon: I feel the same way. Should be a great match. So if you’re not upset with the booking, what’s the big problem here, Ross? Just come out with it already.

Ross: Well… it’s about Magni’s contract.

J.J. rolls his eyes and takes a big bite of his sub.

Dixon: Of course it is. I’ve just been waiting for you to finally come out and say it.

Ross: Well there it is. And…

Dixon: No no no… just stop right there. I mean, c’mon… do you not see the irony here Pat?

Ross: No, I don’t. I’m just trying to talk some business.

Another bite of the sandwich from Dixon, only this time the eye roll is joined by a totally disgusted look on his face.

Dixon: C’mon Pat; be serious. I mean, of all people… of all people in the NWA… of all people in the business… of all people on the planet… you’ve got to understand better than anyone the economics of trying to operate out East! You were the boss here for how long? It was years! You started this baby rolling. Acadian Wrestling, your baby, is the reason ACW is here today. So you’ve been down all these roads before. You know nobody’s going to get rich wrestling here. It’s just not going to happen. It can’t happen… not with crowds of a few hundred some nights! We pay the boys as much as we can, and sure, I’d like to do better. I’d like to do a lot better in some cases to reward people for their efforts, and what they bring to ACW. But we have to live within our means and make sure we continue to exist long term. The boys get as much as we can give them, but that’s just how it is. And for the record, because he’s here from Europe, and he’s the NWA World Cruiserweight Champion, Magni is already pulling in more cash per show than almost anyone on the roster! You can look at the books yourself; that’s a fact!

Ross: As well he should be one of the highest paid boys in ACW. You said it yourself, Magni is the NWA World Cruiserweight Champion! That brings a lot of attention your way. He’s your biggest star by far. By Far!

Dixon: Ha! It’s funny that you really believe that. Magni is NOT, I repeat, NOT, the biggest star in ACW! He is a great draw and has all the talent in the world. I’m very lucky to have him in ACW, but he’s not the face of the company. People don’t but their tickets just based around Magni. They want to see someone try to stop Duke Ata. They want to see Canadian Crippler and Ben Jordan and Angelo Vialetti. They want to see Magni too, but again, he’s not the face of ACW, and he probably never will be. That might not be fair, but that’s the way it is. People are always going to be more interested in the heavyweights.

Ross: So you’re telling me that people are always going to be more interested in some overgrown rugby reject than in a quality performer like Magni… someone who has the gold to prove he’s one of the best in the NWA today? You think ACW would roll along fine without him, do you? Well… maybe we should just try that and see how it goes. After all, Magni’s headed to Oklahoma for a show in World Class this month… taking on “Canadian Perfect” and former World Tag Team Champion Chris Wrestling. And I have to tell you that Magni has expressed an interest in being closer to home and perhaps taking his talents to Rhine Valley Wrestling.

Dixon: So you’re just threatening me now, Ross? It’s not going to work. You are not going to push me around. I run ACW… not you! Got it? So just cut to the chase already… how much? What are you looking for in this contract?

Ross: You know, right from the start you assume I’m just looking for money, and you just assume I’m the bad guy here.

Dixon: Aren’t you?

Ross: No, as a matter of fact. I’m here to help… to help Magni, to help you, to help ACW.

Dixon: Really? And how is you extorting money from this company going to do that?

Ross: Again, you assume I’m only after cash. C’mon Dixon… you were right… I do understand the economics of running a wrestling company on the east coast, and I know there’s no extra money. What I’m looking for, to keep Magni here long term, is equity.

Dixon: Equity?

Ross: Yes… creative control… fifty-one percent.

Dixon: You’re insane! You honestly expect me to give you fifty-one percent of ACW?

Ross: Only if you’re truly a smart businessman. Face it Dixon, you’re not a promoter; you never were. You were hired as a broadcaster, and the only reason you have ACW working now is because it’s sitting on the foundation I built! There was nothing for me when I started Acadian Wrestling. I didn’t even have the NWA until AW was three months along already! I set up this region from nothing and with nobody, but I worked my ass off and made it work! I brought in talent, as well as sponsors and money! You’ve been bringing in talent, but ACW has been a revolving door for months now. Besides guys like Magni, Jordan and Crippler, people seem to come and go every show. The Cages walked… Trent Shanahan walked… some of the biggest fish of all time, and you let them go because you couldn’t keep them interested. Guys like that will never be here for the paycheque, but for what you can offer in terms of opportunity and competition! I have the experience with the booking, and can create shows that the fans want to see, and that the athletes actually want to be part of. Yes, I’m asking for half the company, but I want to see a return on my personal investment. And with me directing this ship, you’ll have some direction finally… you’ll see growth… and ACW will be a much stronger brand into the future! Even as a half partner, you’ll be pulling in more money and clout within the alliance! And that’s what I’m seeing here… a partnership. I still want you on board, but I want fifty-one percent so I have the ultimate say and can guide ACW into a bright future! And back into the flagship of the NWA!

Dixon: Why you mother fucking snake oil salesman! Listen to you, carnival-barking your wares. And it almost sounds good Ross… it almost sounds perfect! Help with the booking, sponsors, more money… it’s just win-win all around. But there’s one little problem with the whole thing… didn’t a LITTLE GIRL take your company away from you?!?!

Ouch! Dixon scores a big shot that Ross wasn’t expecting. He’s so mad you can almost see the steam coming out of his ears, and it’s not from the hot peppers on his sub. Ross doesn’t respond, doesn’t move a muscle… just waits for Dixon to continue, and tries to restrain himself from flipping the table.

Dixon: Yeah! Leah Trudeau, a girl you hired as a teenager to be the ring announcer, swindled Acadian Wrestling out from under you and forced you out! And you’ve been just itching to get back in ever since. Well Ross, even if I bought your sales pitch, even if I went along with all of it… I just can’t get past your own track record of incompetence! You should not be in any sort of position around creative control as far as I’m concerned, and my answer is… NO!

Patrick is still steaming mad. He just about flips the table as he gets up suddenly, smashing the chair back into the wall, and drawing the eye of all the other patrons in the sandwich shop.

Ross: Fine! FINE! That’s your decision… that’s great! You don’t want my help? You don’t want ACW to be at the forefront of the NWA? That’s your decision, Dixon! Just remember, I can’t guarantee that Magni will want to stay on your sinking ship as he watches all the other big stars fly the coop! And if Magni decides to stay in WCCW, or RVW… what’s keeping your guys like Canadian Crippler, Simon Jones and Ben Jordan, eh? Crippler already wrestles all over the world, and will someone of Jordan’s calibre stay with no opponents on his level? I just want you to remember this day when you’re left with nothing but a name and an empty ring. You had the chance to change it, and you blew it!

And with one final slam Ross kicks the chair out of his way and storms out of the restaurant. Dixon is sneering at him the whole way as Magni’s manager storms out.


Away from the raging Patrick Ross and J.J. Dixon, we once again find Magni, but now its promo time! The Estonian is alone, and looks to be gearing up to record the promo “Rick Mercer style” (reference for Canadians only) as he’s in an alleyway in downtown Wolfville walking directly towards the reversing camera. With the temperature hovering right around the freezing mark and patches of snow still covering the alley, Magni’s clad in a white touque with a small black Adidas logo on the front, jeans and a plain black and grey jacket.

Magni: So here it is… Magni against Vixen… round two!

Perhaps Simon Jones was right as Magni still seems to be focusing on Vixen, despite his other matches coming up this month.

Magni: A lot of people might be not happy with this rematch. If they were in my boots, they say, “I already beat Vixen. Why have match again?” Well I not say that. I very happy with another match against Vixen for the World Cruiserweight Title. Our first match was not the best ever, and this the chance to do better, and tear the house down! Besides, after the match at Wrestle Classic, I now know what Vixen can do. I have seen Vixen inside the ring, and I is ready for what she about to throw at me. But Vixen not be ready for what I can do.

The Estonian smiles a bit of a smug smile as he continues down the alley, dodging a large green compost bin standing by the brick wall.

Magni: I not kidding myself… Vixen controlled our match at Wrestle Classic. But getting my bum kicked might be a good thing, or at least I looking at it that way. I not get the chance to use all my tricks in first match with Vixen. I still have surprises to come. Maybe Vixen still have surprises too, but I know I have more. Vixen will have to be ready for different moves than she saw the first time around. And yes, Vixen already know my whole move set, I’m sure. Anyone can pull up video on Youtube and watch and take notes. But watching video clips is different than actually being inside a ring… in the moment. How will you really react when there is only split second to make decision and react to what’s coming? Even if you watch video one thousand times and know I like to do move… will you have plan to avoid it, or counter, or will you hesitate for split second, and go down for three count? No matter how much you prep, question no can be answered until it happen for real in Bogota.

Magni: I ask question because I no can stand here and trash talk Vixen. She strong, she tough, she fierce. I know this… she already pound me once. Vixen has all skills, and it great competitor. I also think she have good attitude. Vixen have great friends, but I think she too proud to have them cheat to help her win. This no gang fight match with Spike Staggs coming to hit me from behind. This should be clean, fair match with just me and Vixen… best person that night goes home with the belt. Simple as that. And pro wrestling not usually so simple. Most matches have clear good guy and bad guy, but this match two good guys, er, girls… wait, that wrong too… you know what I mean! Match between two “baby faces” as they say. And I look forward to that. It two heroes, with mutual respect for one another, that will have best match. Back and forth, real wrestling… not someone looking to take a shortcut with help from their friends. This will be pure competition, just like the way wrestling became a sport hundreds of years ago in Ancient Greece. Only… I no think ancient Greeks jumped off the top rope too much. Either way, this shaping up to be great match. Fans in Bogota will be winners for sure… even for a match between an Estonian and a Canadian who have no ties to Columbia. Vixen, I wish you best of luck because I make this one promise… this time… I bring my best to ring… and I leave still champion!

Magni points into the camera as he delivers the last line, then walks past it, and out of the frame as we fade out.

Offline Vixen

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Magni vs. Vixen
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2013, 12:07:52 AM »
 Saturday March 16th

“On behalf of the rest of the crew, I would like to welcome you to Bogota Colombia.  We are approaching El Dorado airport and will be landing in the next few minutes.  We wish you an enjoyable stay and thank you for flying…”

Vixen tuned out the captain’s voice as she peered out the small window of the airplane.  Rolling her neck, she straightens up in the seat and returns it to its upright position.  Stowing her tray in its place, she picks up the seatbelt and clinches it over her lap and then lets her hands move to the seat arms.  Even though she flies everywhere, Vixen still couldn’t cope with the landings.

“We are making the approach to el Dorado airport.  Please fasten your seatbelts,” says the voice of one of the stewards.  At the warning, Vixen’s eyes slowly close tightly as her hands clutch at the seat arm knuckles whitening.  Vixen murmurs with her fear as she feels the descent of the plane.  With one final gasp, she holds her breath as the squeal of the wheels on the tarmac can be heard.  Once the squeal fades, Vixen takes a gulping breath and pries her fingers from the seat arm as the lady across the aisle looks at her and chuckles.

“First time you are flying miss?” the elderly lady asks as she pats Vixen’s hand.  “I am an old hand at this and you have nothing to worry about.”

Vixen shakes her head as she smiles at the lady.  “Nope, not first time flying, just hate the landings,” she comments with her own shaky laugh.  Looking out the window, Vixen can see bunkers along the runway, seeing every third one having someone on its roof, a weapon in their hands as they watch the plane taxi towards the airport.  Counting along the thirteen mile runway, Vixen noted about twenty soldiers watching the plane taxi in.

The plane finally stops at the terminal and the passengers disembark from the plane.   As one of the last passengers, Vixen grabs her overnight bag from the overhead storage and then wheels it towards the door where the smiling stewardess is standing.  “Hope you have a great stay here,” she says as Vixen passes her, waving as she does.  

Stepping out onto the tarmac, Vixen takes a deep breath, the thinness of the air not feeling like she took as deep a breath at all.  She heads inside the terminal noting as she does that her breathing is shallower and it was harder to breathe and walk faster.  Finally, she arrives at the luggage rack and grabs her matching bag and goes to the entrance of the airport.  Looking through the crowd of drivers with signs, she spies a cab and makes her way towards it.  The driver gets out of the car and helps her put the luggage into the back and then climbs back into the car.  “Where you go?” asks the cabbie.

Vixen reaches into her bag and pulls out a piece of paper.  “I want to go to the Hacienda Royale,” Vixen says.  Leaning back in the car she tries to relax.  As she does, the cab driver can be heard talking to himself it seems.  Vixen closes her eyes, cracking them open for only a few seconds to see him with an earpiece for a cell phone in his ear.

“Si, Senorita Vixen in my cab,” he gleefully says.  “SI, she is muy caliente.”

Vixen chuckles and again closes her eyes.  Breathing in and out slowly, she gets comfortable in the vehicle.  Only moments later, the cab pulls up in front of the hotel.  Vixen gets out of the car as the driver rushes to grab her bags.  He puts them in front of her and then dives into the car and grabs the picture from the paper.  “Can you sign dis?” he asks.  Vixen nods and reaches for the page and then gives the driver a look.  He sheepishly holds out a pen and she takes it and signs before handing back the page.  He grasps her hand that is handing back the page and shakes it violently.  “Gracias senorita, gracias!” he exclaims.  He gets back into the cab and leaves the hotel drive with his voice raised as he rants to someone on his cellphone.  

Vixen heads inside and gets checked in.  Lead to the elevator, she heads up to her room with a young Spanish man who doesn’t really talk, being starstruck at being in the elevator with one of the wrestlers.  He finally turns to Vixen and begins to speak.  “You are Vixen si?”

“Yes, I’m Vixen,” she answers.  He grins and then nods.  “You are a luchadora si?  I have tickets to see Sin City Wrestling.  I cheer for you.”  The elevator opens and he walks her bags to her door.  Opening the door, he wheels them in and then waits to talk again, still very excited.  “You have main event and you win title.”

“I hope to,” she comments softly as she reaches into the bag at the foot of her bed.  Grabbing a few pesos, she puts them into the hands of the bellhop.  “But we both know that I am going to be doing my best to beat Magni but he is a tough wrestler and he can take a beating.  I am pretty sure though that he thinks that with the win at WrestleClassic, he knows just how to beat me.  But I may have dominated that match only to lose but this time, I know what I am getting into and I know with the air being so thin here, I need to get prepared for this match in the thin air.  Speaking of getting prepared, is there a gym around the hotel?”

The bellhop thinks for a moment and shrugs.  Since he doesn’t know, Vixen smiles and guides him out of her room, turning after closing the door and trying to draw a deep breath as the scene fades out.


Early morning, Sunday March 17

Getting to the roadway in front of the Hacienda Royale hotel, Vixen pulls her hair up into a ponytail.  Once she finishes, she begins to jog along the street, her breathing laboured almost from the beginning.  Shaking her head she continues to jog but is forced to slow down.  Finally she stops, wiping at her head as she gasps for breath.
“I don’t understand this,” says Vixen who straightens up and looks around.  Heading back to the hotel, she can only walk as the thin air doesn’t allow for a deep breath at all.  Finally she gets back and walks into the hotel.  “I thought I would be ready for this but this thin air is not good for strenuous activity right now.  And I need to be ready to take on Magni in like a week.”

Once she gets back to her room, she hears the phone in her bag ringing and rushes to pick up the phone.  Answering it, breathless, she listens to the voice on the other end.  “Don’t worry Devlin, I know that I have the title defense coming up and I am preparing for it,” she says before listening again.  “Devlin, the air is thin here since we are like in the middle of the Andes.  I want to make sure that I am not going to lose my wind in the middle of the match.”

Reaching into the small fridge in the room, she pulls out a bottle of water, sipping it slowly as she listens again.  Finally, she interrupts her brother who is ranting at something about the title match.  “I know that Magni is going to try to pull the same deal from WrestleClassic and he is probably going to talk about that all the time in preparing for this match but if I know him, he is probably still back in Canada doing what he does best.  Me, I am here in Bogota getting myself acclimated to the atmosphere.  And to do that, I need to get out and working out.  I love you Dev.”

Hanging up the phone, she grabs her bag and decides to do the feminine tourist thing and shop.  And how convenient was it that the Hacienda Santa Barbara mall was attached to the hotel.  Walking through, Vixen looks at the windows of the mall stores.  Working to speed up, she can tell when the air gets to her.  Walking around the mall, Vixen shops and searches through the stores, occasionally stopping to buy one or two things.

Slowing down again, she saunters towards the food court.  Sitting on the third level, Vixen goes to the counter of a restaurant.  Ordering her lunch, she then goes and sits on one of the seats facing the open area.  As she does, she pulls out a book and begins to read.  Suddenly, a child’s face appears in front of her then disappears again.  Surprised, Vixen looks over the railing to see the child’s face appear before her again, a squealing laugh escaping the boy.  Looking at the boy, Vixen is amazed as she sees the child with a pair of bungees attached to his waist.  He is bouncing on a trampoline and being helped to bounce higher.  

“Ostie, that is so dangerous,” she mutters to herself.  The child finally stops with the bungees stopped high up on the pair of poles.  Vixen quickly grabs her camera and takes a picture of the child who is swinging on the bungees.  “No one will believe this back home.”

As she wonders at the boy, her food comes to her on a sizzling platter.  Muttering gracias, she puts her camera back in the bag and begins to eat.


Tuesday March 19
A camera view is seen as Vixen steps into view and smiles.  

“Magni, I hope you know that I have been prepared for this match.  You managed to pull out the win at our last match but I want you to realize something right now.  I know that you will be coming here for the weekend where you will face me in MY home federation for your title.  I came down to Bogota to prepare because there is something that you maybe didn’t think about.  Bogota is eight thousand feet above sea level and the air is pretty thin up here,” she says.

With her smile confident, she continues.  “With the fact that the air is so thin, it takes a bit to get use to the thin air.  And that will mean that when we get into the ring, I might just have a bit of an advantage because I will have been here for a full week and will be more use to the thin air.  So when you lose your breath in the match, just remember, preparation might just make it that much easier for me to beat you in the ring.”

“But Magni, I am not going to put you down because I have seen what you can do in the ring.  I have respect for you but one has to realize that I am not going to underestimate you where you are probably underestimating me.  This title match is in MY home federation and in a place where I have made myself comfortable.  And I still have five days to get more use to this thin air.  So trust me Magni,” Vixen states as she crosses her legs and holds on to her knee, “this time this match is going to have a different ending and that means that I am going to be walking out with the title.”

With that, she moves out of the camera view then the camera goes to black.  But in the background, the sound of a cell phone's dial pad is heard then a voice is heard, "Hi Spike, can I speak to Eden, want to wish her a happy birthday."