Author Topic: - Saving Grace  (Read 1162 times)

Offline Melody Grace

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    • Melody Grace
- Saving Grace
« on: January 11, 2013, 02:59:08 AM »
 It had happened again she had lost a sister but not to the reaper but due to her own stupidity. How could she leave Melody Grace alone knowing fully what the backstage areas were like? Sometimes even your closest of friends could turn into a bitter enemy. Odette had let herself down, she had under estimated the sickness that ran through the original bombshell’s veins but worst of all she had lead her best friend into the realm of the so called ‘Queen of the Damned’. Since that dreaded Climax Control before Christmas, nothing would be the same for Miss Odette Nicole Ryder. One person had picked up her entire life and shaken it upside down to watch everything in the Australian’s perfect life come crashing down. That one person is a bombshell that the entire SCW knows and knows well as the most dominate force in the Bombshell division. She is the mistress of mind games and one of the most brutal females in the world of women’s wrestling you call her Misty but Odette has labelled her in her mind a living dead girl. Even the sweetest of girls can be lead to a slaughter it’s just this time round Misty won’t be leading Odette to her death she will be just unleashing the hate that has grown inside.

Never in a million years did Gabriel think that he would go a whole three weeks without seeing a real smile plastered on his girlfriend’s face. Nor did he want to believe that their first Christmas together would be tarnished by such a cruel action from Misty’s behalf, but it had. There was nothing he could do to fix this, nothing he could do to mend the silent shattered heart of his one day wife. You could imagine what their life was like right? Gabriel had basically pleaded with Odette to speak her mind; open up to her fans to open up to him about what had happened and how she felt but her lips did not part. He had begged her to be a part of his latest promotional to show the world that yes she is still alive and well at the very least. Deep down he knew that it was a lie he knew that it was all for show, deep down there was a spark of anger so bright that even the thought of Misty could cause spontaneous combustion.

An anger that had started to debilitate her instead of firing her up, the ability to sense anything had been forgotten. The will to fight was a thought galaxies away in her mind. She didn’t want to beat Misty at New Year Rising, Oh No! Odette wanted something more profound; she wanted the shepherd’s blood on her hands. She wanted to hear the Queen’s last breath exhale from her cold black lungs; she wanted to feel the pulses from her beating heart as it started to crawl to a stop. There are currently no words to describe the normally placid Aussie right now, nothing would give the pain, the hate, the disappointment she felt justice. She knew that at New Year Rising she was just going to have to show it and prove to the world that she does have a slight “darker” side.

Misty might like to think that she has this in the bag, that she has already won because Odette will bust out to the ring with all guns a blazing but the ‘Original’ Bombshell is wrong, oh so very wrong. There has always been a line that Odette has told many people – She would do anything to protect her family and right now her sister is in great danger. Misty might think she is releasing the darkness within Odette but really she is just lighting the fuse to make the light in Odette shine brighter. Miss Ryder is going to come out swinging but not because you have pissed her off, not because you have tried to play mind games with her but because she has to. There is no other cure for the illness that has ridden the halls of Sin City Wrestling but luckily for the rest of the Bombshell’s Odette has the antidote to cure the infectious Venom that Misty’s leaks over the division. Like most toxic infections the best treatment is a healthy dose of Sunshine.

Think about it Misty, you said it yourself… you’re the darkness that shadows the current Sin City Wrestling Bombshell division while Odette is the beaming bright light. You wanted a fight of Good versus Evil, Darkness versus the light well be careful what you wish for Misty because you just brought it straight to your doorstep. Let’s take a walk down the halls of Good versus Evil shall we? Darth Vader versus Luke Skywalker, He who shall not be named versus Harry Potter, the Supernatural versus The Winchester boys, Megatron versus Optimus Prime hell even the evil stepmother versus Cinderella or if you really want to get into it Satan versus God. Let’s list the winners shall we? Luke, Harry, Winchester Boys, Optimus, Cinderella and God and what do they all have in common? Their branded as the good side, they’re known as the light in their battles. Without even knowing it Misty you have already admitted defeat, you have already placed yourself in a losing battle. You might be the older, wiser, more experienced Bombshell but like in every Good versus Evil battle the Bad guys always get the ‘cooler’ shit but the Good guys make do with what they have and still manage to come out on top.

Right now Misty you might have the experience, you might have the wisdom, the ring sense the moves, the mind tools and more importantly Melody Grace to go up against Odette Ryder. But all Odette needs is her bare hands and with these bare hands she intends to bring the Queen of Sin City Wrestling down to her worn out knees. You wanted to pluck the feathers from the wings of Sin City Wrestling’s Angel and watch her fall? When all you did was ruffle a few feathers, Melody Grace will be returned to Odette’s side and you will indeed pay for your actions.


If nothing can be completely innocent then what’s my hidden agenda here?

We open up at the SCW heavyweight champion’s house, Spike had called all of the New XTremes members for a day of planning, bonding and just basic catching up. The Silly season had taken its toll on everyone, for some it was a lot harsher than expected. It was getting late as the sun had completely vacated the sky letting the moon and stars take over to shimmer the perfectly clear sky. Casey had already left for the day, while Aleksei and Giani were stumbling out the doorway walking off in a direction of a nightclub or a bar. Jamie was offering Jessie a ride home which Spike insisted that Jessie just call a cab but the young bombshell had already agreed to put her life in Jamie’s hands. Speaking of Spike he had his right hand draped over the bare shoulders of Vixen as they waved their guests off, the two turned to the right as they were interrupted by a chorus of laughter. Over towards the fireplace that was keeping Spike’s house warm Odette Ryder was sitting on a large rug playing Snakes and Ladders with Spike’s children Timmy and Eden. Eden was squealing with delight as Timmy once again had to slide down the longest snake on the board game, huffing and puffing while doing so.

Eden: Timmy you’re funny!

Timmy: This game sucks… I hate that flipping snake.

Odette took the bright red die in her hand and made her roll; praying that she didn’t roll a number four or she would suffer the same fate as Timmy. As the die was released from her hand all three of them watched on in suspense as the die rolled and then rocked forward it landed on the number three saving her from the dangers of the fourth square. Spike and Vixen had made their way over to watch closely as Eden was now taking her turn. Getting up off the floor Odette made her way over towards her team mates before she made it over towards Spike she turned as Eden let out an almighty scream of happiness. Now on her feet the four year old was dancing up and down as she had avoided a snake and her board game figurine had climbed up a ladder.

Eden: Aunty Odette LOOK!!! LOOK!!! One more row to go… and I win!!!

Timmy: This game is fixed…

Timmy huffed and took his turn as Odette looked back towards Vixen and Spike, licking her lips before speaking.

Odette: You two look as if you would like some alone time am I right?

Neither of her fellow NXT members said anything Spike just squeezed Vixen in closer to his chest while Vixen shot Odette that womanly glare that said “YES PLEASE”.

Odette: How about you two go out, catch up with Giani and Koji or hell… go get yourselves a hot chocolate and go do some ice skating.

Vixen shot Odette a glare as she knew what she was implying

Odette: what that’s what Canadian’s do in the winter right?

There it was the friendly Canadian – Australian ribbing, Spike let out a bit of a chuckle but stopped when Vixen glared at him.

Timmy: Odette it’s your turn to make a move…

Odette turned to look down towards the two kids that were busting to finish this game of Snakes and Ladders.

Odette: be there in a second Timmy!

Turning back towards Spike and Vixen Odette gave them half a smile, she was enjoying her time with Timmy and Eden but the thought of Melody was still burning in the back of her mind constantly.

Odette: Look you two go out and do something and I’ll watch the kids til you get back.

Spike: Odette I couldn’t ask you to watch my children for the sake of some alone time with Vixen that wouldn’t be right of me.

Slapping his right shoulder with her open palm Odette smirked.

Odette: Correction Spike you didn’t ask me anything… I’m telling you… now you and Vixen need to scram because things are about to get ugly with Snakes and Ladders and I don’t think you two want to witness it!

Walking away from Spike and Vixen, Odette took her spot back on the rug next to Eden and Timmy and took her turn. As Spike and Vixen mumbled away in the background Timmy broke up their conversation.

Timmy: will you two just go out already… Eden and I will be fine with Aunty Odette!

Looking up from the rug Odette just smiled up towards the NXT members and shrugged her shoulders in agreement.

Spike: Okay fine… but no playing up for Aunty Odette and Timmy make sure you and Eden are in bed by nine.

Eden: Make it eleven and you got yourself a deal

Eden looked up at her father with big puppy dog eyes trying to get him to melt faster than an ice cube. Vixen and Odette shared a laugh as Spike didn’t seem all that amused.

Timmy: Yeah make it eleven… we barely get to hang out with Aunty Odette anymore…

Eden was now jumping up in front of her father pulling on the bottom of his shirt

Eden: Please, Please, Please…

Spike bent down and hugged his pleading daughter

Spike: How about we meet half way and agree on ten pm?

Timmy: how about ten thirty?

The glare from a father can instil many feelings and the one that Spike was giving Timmy was glare of pure ‘You’re pushing it’

Timmy: Okay ten pm it is

Eden: YAY!!!

Leaving Spike’s side Eden ran towards Odette jumping on top of her for a giant hug, Timmy joined into crashing Odette down to the rug sending the snakes and ladders board game flying into the air. Spike and Vixen just laughed before saying their goodbyes to Odette, Eden and Timmy. Spike was sure to give both of his children a goodnight kiss before hesitantly leaving the house. Before Vixen left the room she turned to Odette flashing a bright smile while mouthing “Thank you”. Winking back towards Vixen Odette waved her off as Eden started to jump up and down in front of Odette excitedly.


Odette: We can’t play Barbies Timmy won’t want to play Barbies Eden

Eden: no fair!!!

She had those lips pouted and ready for action as Timmy quickly made the save

Timmy: you two play Barbies... I have some serious gaming to catch up on, plus I think Uncle Jamie ruined my high score in Halo!

Before Odette could say or do anything Eden was off and racing towards her bedroom ready to break out the Barbies and Timmy had run off to the television to play Halo. Halo is the cool game right? That everyone plays? If not I’m sorry!!!


Let’s leave the trio there for a second while we discuss Misty some more. Some say Odette is the one to blame and that she brought this on herself when she playfully enticed Misty out of hiding. “Odette never should have poked the bear” “Odette never should have said she wanted Misty to come back” Correction Odette needed Misty to come back to prove to the Sin City Wrestling world that she could in fact play with the ‘big girls’ Odette needed Misty to come back so she could one day topple the ‘Queen’. Little did she know that Misty had her own plans at the start it was harmless it was just a typical game of verbal dribble. That turned ugly the moment Misty said her eyes were set on Odette and that she would stop at nothing to get to her physical and mentally. So what was Misty to do first? Oh that’s right waged a war of words against The New XTremes and claimed that she wouldn’t stop until she made her point crystal clear to Odette. Her point was that she could out smart, out power and out play Odette in every way shape and form. But had she? Misty didn’t think so that’s why she continued with her onslaught, her mission was to go through each female in NXT until she had Odette’s attention. The first victim was Jessie Salco.

To my dearest Jessie

Sometimes things go by with words that are never spoken; I never got the chance to say how sorry I am that I let you down. I let you walk out to your match with Misty without me. How could I be so selfish? How could I be so laid back about a crazed Misty who wanted to terrorize us? To be honest I thought she was just bluffing, you know what she is like right? She speaks so highly of herself that’s she gets all confused and believes that she is royalty. Regardless of what happened that night Jessie I never got to thank you for defending me, for jumping straight on Misty’s challenge. For some reason you’re so loyal towards me, you’re willing to have my back regardless of what you might be running into. It broke my heart watching you being torn apart by Misty and Ruby after the match was over, our NXT family and your brother Jake had their hands full with the disciples.

You have to believe me I tried to make a save but one of the goons got in the way, if we could do it all again I wouldn’t let you walk into that match. I would have just faced Misty right then and there; I guess you could say I underestimated her ability of being such a nut case. I can say everything I want to but in the end they are only words but Jessie believe me when I say that this Sunday the amount of hurt that Misty and Ruby inflicted on you I will triple it, I will make the ‘Queen’ pay for using you as a pawn in her game to get at me. I promise you that I will bring the bitch to her knees and end the reign she thinks she holds over the rest of us Bombshells. Misty did a bad thing by including you into our rivalry; she woke up a part of me that has been hidden in me for a while.

She has awoken the protector in me I have said time and time again I will do anything for my family and if anything was to ever happen to my family I would defend them until the end of time. The moment she tried to break you, the moment she put her hands on one of my closest friends was the moment the ‘Queen’ had lead herself astray. To me my friends are my family, my fans are my family and the moment she treated you all like a ball that she playfully kicked around was the moment she signed her fate. I will do everything in my power to bring the ‘Queen’ down to her knees; I will use everything that I have to end this dark lingering cloud over SCW and I will do it with a smile on my face.

Misty wanted to break you Jessie, physically she came close but mentally you’re still standing, you’re still fighting… to me that’s a sign that the ‘Queen’ is just like everyone else… she is able to be dethroned. I’m not saying I will dethrone her at New Years Rising for sure but all I’m saying that that she will get what she deserves and I’ll be sure that it will come by the force of my hands. Jessie I would like to thank you for standing beside me you’re a true sister to me and once I’m done with Misty I assure you that we will become that ultimate tag-team that we have spoken about for months. For right now my focus needs to be on ending the enigma that is Misty, by ending her I don’t mean removing her from Sin City Wrestling. I mean removing her from her position on the top perch she glorifies herself on.

I can’t do this without the burden of her violent attack on you burning in the back of my mind it will motivate me drive me if I find myself down and out in our match at New Years Rising. I will picture the pain, the emotional, physical pain that she made you endure and I will use it to capitalize on it. Every scream that left your lips, every bruise that was left on your body has been inscribed in my mind; every time I blink at New Years Rising I will be reminded of what you endured. Ultimately Misty might have been the hand that dealt the harm but I’m the reason it was caused and for that I am repentant. Your sacrifice didn’t go unnoticed Jessie and nor will it go unpaid for.

Love Odette Nicole xoxo


Maybe I’m just as sick as you? Maybe I could dip my toes into the waters of crime and in fact get away with it…

Opening back up in Spike’s house Timmy is smashing away on the Xbox controller shouting at the television screen while Odette and Eden plays with her large Barbie doll collection. Barbies were spread across the room and Eden was running through each and every doll with Odette telling her their names and their status in the group they were in. who knew that a four years old had such a great concept on life and the groups of people that inhabit this earth. Eden placed her dolls in their school groups of popular, jocks, nerds and emos as she sat beside Odette. Odette just listened intently running her right hand through Eden’s jet black hair, she looked exactly like Misty. How could someone so beautiful come from such a corpse?

Eden: Aunty Odette you’re never going to believe what Ken said to Barbie last week.

Odette: What did Ken say?

Eden: Ken told Barbie that she has to least lose ten pounds before he even thinks about inviting her to the senior prom

Odette gasped and picked up this so called Ken fella and waved it in front of Eden’s face.

Odette: This guy? This Ken said that?

Eden just nodded thankfully Eden’s young personality was nothing like her mothers, lucky she was just a sweet innocent child whose only concern was what Ken had said to Barbie last week and that they were still fighting about it.  

Odette: Well bad news for Ken… Coach McGill just told me that Ken has been kicked off the school football team.

Picking up the older Ken doll that was dressed in coach gear Odette waved him in front of Eden who was giggling her head off.  

Eden: NO WAY!! Just wait til Barbie hears this… she is going to be like C-Ya Later Ken.

Odette: Hey Eden whatever happened to your NXT dolls?

The little girls’ eyes dropped to the floor as she snuggled into towards Odette hugging into her.

Eden: Promise not to tell daddy?

Odette: I promise

Eden: promise you won’t get mad?

Odette: Pinkie promise

Looking down at the shy little girl Eden ducked her blushing face away as she mumbled in towards the fabric of Odette’s shirt.

Eden: my Odette doll went missing.

Her little eyes filled with tears, tears that Odette didn’t want to see fall from her eyes.

Eden: I’m sorry Aunty Odette…

Snuggling in closer to her ‘Aunty’ Eden was trying to hide her face, Odette wrapped her right arm around the little girl and pulled her in closer for a hug

Odette: Hey no tears okay?

Using her left index finger Odette lifted Eden’s face so she could see her eyes that were still filled with tears.

Odette: and no need to be sorry… in fact… you don’t need a doll called Odette… when you can come over to my house any time you want and spend time with me.

Eden: Really?

Odette nodded

Odette: Who needs a doll when you can have the real Odette?

Jumping up off the floor Eden crash tackled Odette with a hug, as Timmy had finally switched off the television and headed over towards the others. Looking up at the clock on the wall Odette gasped at the time

Odette: Your father is going to be home in forty-five minutes and the living room is trashed… plus you haven’t brushed your teeth

Timmy: but I don’t want to go to bed yet

Eden: me either

As the two children stared down Odette, she popped up to her feet smiling wildly.

Odette: how about we clean the living room and you two brush your teeth and then I’ll organise a surprise for you both

Eden: are we getting ice cream?

Miss Ryder didn’t say anything she just started to pack up the dolls on the floor and started to straighten up the living room furniture. While Timmy nudged Eden lightly with a massive smirk on his face

Timmy: Aunty Odette is totally taking us out for late night ice cream!

Timmy joined in with Odette and started to pack up his sister’s toys before rocketing off towards the bathroom to clean his teeth. Eden on the other hand was running up and down the hallway back and forth to her bedroom screaming


Waving her hands up in the air excitedly before running towards the bathroom to brush her teeth, Odette just laughed too bad they weren’t getting ice cream. Walking out of the living room Odette checked that the front door was locked before switching off the lights before heading down the hallway following Spike’s son and daughter.  


Leaving the house once again we’re left to wonder what on earth could be the surprise that Odette has in store for Timmy but more importantly for Eden? But for now let’s continue with the Good versus Evil saga. With Misty’s attack on Jessie over she couldn’t help herself with setting her sights on the next bombshell in NXT… Vixen sure your attack wasn’t as brutal but it was just as devastating. Misty cost Vixen and Jessie the Sin City Wrestling Bombshell Tag Team Titles and for what? So she could stand back, watch on pointing and laughing? So Misty could cause more pain to the females of The New XTremes? So she could even send a blow to Spike? How did that work out for you Misty? Matter of fact we don’t want to know… let’s just focus on victim number two… Vixen!

To my dearest Vixen

We haven’t always seen eye to eye but believe me when I say that regardless of the nature of our friendship the fact that Misty brought you into this is unforgivable. It was unforgivable because of Misty’s terrible childish behaviour and it was unforgivable on my behalf due to my inactivity. Where was I? Maybe I could have stopped the Queen of the Damned from ruining your chance of becoming one half of the Sin City Wrestling Bombshell champions. Not only did I stem the reason why you’re not holding gold right now but I also did nothing about it. Once again I let the threats of Misty fall on deaf ears.

I honestly thought that she was done playing games the moment I extended an invitation to face me at the Super Card in the New Year. I thought that the invitation would have stopped Misty’s quest against the NXT girls. Maybe I should have come to you for advice I mean you have wrestled the fearless Misty before you know what she is like. Hell maybe I should have even spoken to Spike he knows what she is like more than anyone. Maybe he could have seen this coming? Now heading into this match I hold the weight of the punishment Jessie received at the hands of Misty and the disappointment that you must feel for not becoming a tag team champion.

Please know that when it comes to this Sunday as well as seeing Jessie’s attack I will be seeing the long winded ten count that Misty put you through. I will see the moment that the championship belts were ripped away from you and Jessie. Not only am I responsible for Jessie’s suffering, I’m also responsible for yours. What a great poster child I have become for NXT? At the beginning I wanted to be the top Bombshell that NXT had to offer but now I have discovered that there is a lot to learn about this business, there is a lot to learn about this company and there is a lot to learn about my responsibilities.

Recently I have failed at all three, but come this Sunday I won’t fail I can’t fail I won’t let myself fail. I won’t let Misty get away with the horrible things she has done to you and Jessie. If I win this Sunday it won’t just be for me, it will be for you together with Jessie we will rid this abscess in the Bombshell division that calls herself Misty. Your mateship is appreciated and your loss didn’t go unnoticed nor will it go unpaid for!

Love Odette Nicole xoxo


It would be so easy to just take something so fragile something so pure something that doesn’t belong to me it would be so rewarding to see the glimmer of satisfaction in my eyes.

Opening up we find Timmy, Eden and Odette sitting in the middle of a pillow fort that was covered in bed sheets and other random material objects Odette could get her hands on. Timmy had brought with him a torch that was standing up right lighting up the ceiling while Eden had brought a bundle of story books. Since brushing their teeth the two children had changed into their PJays and were now whispering away.

Timmy: I can’t believe you made us a pillow fort… I feel like I’m in the forces and this is my dug out!

Eden: I feel like I’m a princess and this is my fancy pillow castle in the sky

Eden was playing with Odette’s long brunette hair twirling it around a set of Velcro curlers, while Timmy was curled up underneath the sheets and was getting ready for bed.

Timmy: Hey Odette do you know what would make this fort cooler?

Odette: What’s that Timmy?

Timmy: Ice cream!

She had walked straight into that one hadn’t she? While Timmy rolled around laughing at his joke Odette couldn’t help but smirk. Picking up one of the books that Eden had brought with her she opened it to the first page.

Odette: HA HA Timmy but you and I both know your dad would kill me!!

Timmy: he doesn’t have to know

Eden: Daddy knows everything that’s why he is the bestest daddy ever!!!

Spike’s daughter continues to style Odette’s hair while Timmy rolls over to face them both with a massive smile on his face.

Eden: Daddy says that you don’t like my Mummy Aunty Odette, why don’t you like my Mummy?

Odette was taken by the question for a few moments before she forcefully answered through slightly gritted teeth. She wasn’t angry at Eden she was angry of the thought of Melody being taken away from her.

Odette: It’s not that I don’t like your Mummy, It’s just your Mummy did a terrible thing to get to me.

Eden: What did she do?

Timmy: She kidnapped Aunty Melody Eden…

Eden gasped in horror the look of horror on four year olds face was one of complete terror.  Eden finishes up ‘styling’ Odette’s hair and crawls into the makeshift bed while cuddling into Odette.

Eden: why do I have such a mean Mummy? Why can’t my Mummy be more like you or Vixen or Jessie and be nice?

Odette: I don’t know sweetie…

Brushing the hair out of Eden’s eyes Odette swipes away a single tear that had escaped.

Odette: Hey don’t cry… Aunty Melody will be fine… I’ll get her back I promise.

Eden continued to snuffle away as Timmy reached over and patted her shoulder to comfort her while Odette continued to play with her hair.

Eden: I’m sorry my Mummy hurt you Aunty Odette…

Odette: Hey let’s not talk about it, let’s not spoil story time

Putting on a small smile Odette watched as Eden just nodded while Timmy rolled his eyes at the book that was in Odette’s left hand.

Timmy: The Ugly Ducking? Come on…

Eden gave him a look that only younger sisters can harvest

Timmy: FINE!!!

Odette starts to read a bed time story that was mainly for Eden’s benefit because let’s face it Timmy didn’t want to know about the ugly duckling. Soon enough Eden the sleepiest child was fast asleep leaving Timmy and Odette awake. Timmy was just barely keeping his eyes open

Timmy: Aunty Odette… can you promise me you’ll kick Misty’s ass this weekend

Odette: that’s the plan but I can only try…

Talking in just above a whisper so they wouldn’t wake Eden they both fought back yawns

Timmy: I want her to pay for all the evil things she has done to Dad and Eden… I’m counting on you to bring her down.

Odette: so no pressure right?

But Odette’s comment had fallen on deaf ears as Timmy had faded off to sleep as well leaving Odette alone. Leaning her back up against the wall she watched Timmy and Eden as they slept with their heads both placed on her lap.


Let’s talk about Odette’s mental state since Melody Grace’s kidnapping shall we? Let’s talk about the hidden pain that Odette is now carrying. Better yet let’s not? Odette hasn’t even opened up to Gabriel about her feelings why do you think she would open up now? Misty wanted to build a shadow to build darkness over Odette well to bad so sad Misty your plan has back fired. Sure the young Aussie isn’t wearing her trademark smile, sure she is barely saying any words but that’s what happens when you are preparing for match of your career. Odette’s life was turned upside down when you took Melody Grace but Odette is a firm believer in an eye for an eye. When something is stolen the old price was your right hand but when someone is kidnapped maybe someone that means the world to you should be compromised? But surely Odette wouldn’t play to your level? Surely Odette wouldn’t play the joker card now? Your third and final target was Melody Grace and what a victim she was.

To my dearest Melody Grace

How could I be so stupid to leave you alone backstage? How could I not think about making sure you got to the Sin’s locker room safely? For weeks we have watched the pain and misfortune that Misty had caused to my fellow friends, why did I think for a spilt second that you would be safe? I should have known you would be the last card that Misty would try and deal. I should have known that she would go after you. It’s all making sense now Rage warned us weeks ago that he had seen someone following you. That someone was Ruby spiteful bitch on a leash Ruby. No amount of words or actions will ever make up for the fact that you were taken away from me. I have thought about how I could save you, how I could get you back but since Misty’s location is off the radar not even the local police can find you.

Three weeks Melody three whole weeks you have been away from me, it’s like my right side has been torn from my left and I’m a walking puzzle light-years away from completion. All I can pray for is that she is looking after you, that she hasn’t hurt you. That Ruby hasn’t hurt you and God forbid that the group of goons haven’t laid a single finger on you. Sweet innocent Melody all you have ever done since I have met you is be there for me. Hell I hate it when people call you my biggest fan now because you have turned into so much more. You’re my best friend and I let this happen to you? Pretty shitty friend right pretty shitty friend indeed. How can I ever make this up to you? How will you ever forgive me? I wouldn’t blame you if you walked away from our friendship after this, I wouldn’t blame you if you walked out of the wrestling world in general. Nothing is worth this much hardship; nothing is worth this much stress.

As soon as the doors open to that arena this Sunday I will be hunting down Misty, I will search the arena high and low until I find you and when I find you I will stop at nothing to get you back. No one believes that I will do it; no one believes that I have what it takes to get you back. But I would walk through hell to get to you; I can’t let her beat us like this. I can’t let you be Misty’s chew toy. Her beef was with me I don’t see why she felt the need to drag you all into this, not Jessie, not Vixen and definitely not you.

Mark my words Melody this Sunday whatever harm that she has inflicted on you I will make sure Misty feels the same. Every tear you have wept I will make her sweat out in our match, every scream for help and plea for freedom you have called out for I will make sure she begs from me. People say I should fear the Bombshell known as Misty but after what she has done to you the only feeling of fear I will become accustomed to the fear of not knowing when to stop. I will not stop until I know her sins have been paid for; I will not stop until she feels what I have felt the last few weeks… hell.

Going into New Years Rising I will make sure that Misty pays for taking you every time I strike Misty it will be an assisted strike from you. Misty might think that’s a weakness but I know how feisty you can be and together we will beat Misty and her disciples. Just know that I miss you, Gabriel misses you, Despayre misses you, Angel misses you and hell I’m sure that even Synn misses you as well. It has been a long three weeks but soon you’ll be free. Your admiration towards me has been a God send while your abduction hasn’t gone unnoticed and the loneliness you have felt will not go unpaid for.

Lots of Love Odette Nicole Ryder xoxo


Do you know how easy it would before for me right now… to shatter your life completely? Do you know how sweet that revenge would taste? I’ve always wanted a daughter… but yours would do just nicely…

Standing at the front door Vixen and Spike were getting in their last little bits of alone time snuggling, cuddling and kissing. Pulling away from Vixen slowly Spike looked up at his darkened house, not a single light was left on. His cold eyes fell to Vixen’s as she searched for answers

Vixen: what’s wrong Spike?

Spike: It’s just odd that not a single light is on in my house… Eden normally can’t sleep without the hallway light being left on.

Vixen: Maybe Aunty Odette has cured her case of the late night scares?

Rubbing his chin Spike narrowed his eyes before lowering his head back down to Vixen’s height leaving a kiss on her plump lips. Pulling back swiftly Vixen could still sense that Spike didn’t have a good feeling about this.

Vixen: would you stop worrying for a second… we will go indoors soon and everything will be fine.

Spike: I guess it’s just weird that’s all…

Vixen reached up on her tippy toes to leave a soft kiss on Spike’s lips before backing down to talk. This right here is why I love being a woman, because we can fuck with males by saying just a few simple words. Sometimes females don’t mean to sometimes they just come out like the words that were spilling from Vixen’s lips now.

Vixen: it’s not like Odette would kidnap Eden to get back at Misty or anything… so just calm down.

Or would she? The seed had now been planted in Spike’s mind. Spike let out a nervous laugh through his nostrils before shaking it off, because Odette is too innocent to do such a horrible thing isn’t she? Vixen wrapped her arms around the back of Spike’s neck and the two embraced. The seed that was in the back of Spike’s mind must have been throbbing by now. No matter how much you trust someone, when it comes to your children anyone or anything could be a danger. Let’s see how long it takes before the bomb goes off in Spike’s mind shall we? As the two continued to kiss Vixen had her eyes closed taking it all in, so did Spike until… Tick… ripping his eyes opening in mid kiss Spike looked towards his front door, but he must have blocked out the thoughts for a spilt second and focused back on Vixen. Running his hands down to her lower back Spike was doing well at this point… Tick… Tick… his eyes snapped back open as he once again looked towards his house. The words that Vixen had said earlier playing over and over in his mind. Blocking it once more they continued their display of young love. Tick… Tick… Tick… BOOM! Opening his eyes for the third time Spike backed away from Vixen and fumbled around in his coat pocket for his keys.

Vixen: Spike what’s going on?

Spike didn’t say anything he just unlocked his front door and tore into his house like a bat out of hell. Flicking on the closest light switch the search for his kids was on. Vixen followed quickly as Spike darted into the living room. Turning the lights on he found that it was clean but no Timmy or Eden in sight. Ducking off to Timmy’s bedroom he found an empty unslept in bed. Maintaining his composure Spike hurried to Eden’s room to find that it was the same, while Spike checked the bedrooms Vixen looked at all the living arenas both coming back to the living room empty handed.

Vixen: They have to be here somewhere… Odette wouldn’t kidnap your children…

Spike didn’t say a word as he retraced his steps while Vixen charged off towards one of the rooms she had forgotten to check. Reaching the study she opened the door quickly but quietly her heart stopping once her eyes fell on what was in front of her.

Vixen: SPIKE…

Yelling out to him but in a whisper Spike ran down the hallway and scootered into the room. Flicking the lights on they both let out a sigh of relief as their eyes fell on the pillow fort that Odette had made for Timmy and Eden. Tip toeing their way over towards the mess of pillows and sheets on the floor they found Timmy sound a sleep with his back now facing Odette but he was still close enough for her to know if he moved or not. Odette was asleep with her back up against the wall and a bunch of Velcro curlers in her hair, while Eden was sleeping with her head in Odette’s lap.

Vixen: This is way too cute… where’s my phone? Gabriel is going to die when he sees this.

Spike just laughed and pulled Vixen in as they watched his children sleeping peacefully.

Spike: Poor Odette is going to have a sore neck in the morning.

Vixen finished taking a photo of the trio but before she sent it Spike took the phone out of hands and dialled a number.

Spike: Gabriel… yeah Odette is still here… you might want to come get her tho… funny story Vixen will send you a photo… better yet… we’ll show you when you get here.

Without anything else said Spike terminated the call and turned to Vixen returning her phone in the process.

Vixen: I bet you feel bad… you though Odette had kidnapped your children for a moment there admit it.

Spike: HEY you said it first!

Vixen: I didn’t mean it… I mean come on its Odette… she wouldn’t hurt a fly.

The two continued to stand in the doorway of Spike’s study until they heard the shutting of a car door, Vixen left Spike’s side to answer the door while he just watched Eden snuggle closer in to Odette and listened to Timmy sleep talking about late night ice cream. Picking them all up and taking them to their beds was going to be a nice little challenge for Vixen, Spike and Gabriel, have fun with that.


Let’s leave it there for the night, what a happy little ending that was for you wasn’t it Misty? Just imagine if Odette sunk to your level and took Eden away from you? The shoe wouldn’t feel so good being on the other foot then would it? But no taking Eden would be too easy it would be too predictable, Odette has another form of revenge for you and it all starts this Sunday. You wanted to terrorise Odette, well let’s see how you like it when you’re holding the shit hand of cards at the round table. Why so many card references? Maybe because this is a game to you Misty, maybe because you have proved that this is your type of tick tack toe… or maybe it’s because Odette has been hanging around her Magician boyfriend for so long that she had adopted some of his tricks. Regardless of the reasoning the games you have been playing have brought a new side of Odette to light, sure it’s always been there but now she gets to display it. So thank you my ‘Queen’ thank you for doing what you do best, bringing out the truth in each and every-one.

During your game playing I bet you knew who the fourth victim would be didn’t you? Even though you never had one of your goons lay a hand on him you knew that there was one person that would have to deal with the repercussions of your actions. That’s right you had this in your mind the whole time didn’t you? First take out Jessie, then Vixen, then Melody because all that stress all the anger would affect the person that means the most to Odette… you knew that she would carry this burden home with her. You knew that this would ruin their first Christmas together; you knew it would tarnish their happy New Year. Hell you just knew that everyday living for him would be like walking on ultra-thin ice. One false move or if he said the wrong thing she could snap, ah the thrill of a relationship domestic was playing in the back of your mind.

It wasn’t enough to make Odette sad was it? You had to push for that one step further to make her less Odette like, less bubbly; less happy go free kind of girl had been turned into a ticking time bomb. I should have given you more credit Misty you’re a real piece of work you fourth victim would be one half of Sinful Obsession Odette’s boyfriend Gabriel. Poor Gabriel the man must have shoulders the size of the equator for all the problems you have just created for him. Odette will give you points for that Misty you really out did yourself so much so it might put your ancient arse into retirement when it’s all said and done.

To my life Gabriel

What a wild ride the last few weeks have been for us. I can’t believe that our wonderful trip to Lapland was so quickly followed up by a devastating blow delivered by Misty. I shouldn’t be so surprised I mean she wanted this from the start, didn’t she? And I just let her get away with it. Now you have to deal with the consequences. This Christmas should have been our best one yet it was our first one together yet you spent the day tip toeing around me making sure that I was happy and that nothing made me sad or set me off. The same was done at New Year’s, our original plan was to have a massive party at our house but Misty stuffed that up for us as well didn’t she?

I guess I shouldn’t blame her for everything I mean I’m as much to blame as she is. I should have just taken the ‘Queen’ seriously from the start and none of this would be happening. It breaks my heart to watch you have to be so quiet around me, I’m not the same, you’re not the same hell even we together aren’t the same at the moment. The moment you make me smile I feel guilty, I shouldn’t be enjoying myself while Melody is out there alone, scared and being looked after by Misty and the funky bunch. Although I shouldn’t be taking this out on you either, this isn’t even your fault. Lord knows that you have been walking on egg shells the past three weeks, you deserve a break.

There is something about you Gabriel that soothes me tho, something that keeps me calm. You keep me strong, when all I wanted to do is shut the rest of the world out and cry you brought the world to me. You have picked me up when I have fallen and dusted me off. Without you these past three weeks would have been a living nightmare, well more than what they were already. There are not enough words in the human language that can describe how thankful I am to have you in my life, without you I would be nothing. When this is all over I promise I will make it up to you, I promise that I will take you anywhere you want to go. We can do whatever you want to do I just want to be there for you like you have been here for me.

I appreciate everything that you do for me and I want you to know that I have been grateful for everything you have ever done. I’m sorry that I let you become her victim I’m sorry that I let her get to us and destroy our perfect lives. Even though she has only taken a few weeks I will never forgive myself for the damage it has inflicted on us, how much it has strained you. If anything I should be thanking her a little at least we know what we can get through together as a team, I never thought kidnapping would be on our list of things to deal with but at least now we know we can handle it.

Basically I just want to thank you for holding my hand through this whole ordeal and making sure that you cut the blue wire when everything seemed like it was going to detonate. Just know that I am here to love you, to hold you in my arms. I am here to learn from you and these past weeks I have learnt a lot. I am here for the same reason you are because there is no other place id’ rather be. Thank you for taking your time with me, thank you for walking on thin ice with a smile on your face and thank you for just being you.

If anything over the past weeks I have learnt that true love does not only exist but that I am lucky enough to be in it. I have also learnt that every female in this world deserves a gentleman like you. Unfortunately for them there is only one of you and lucky for me that you are all mine. Your one of a kind Gabriel, truly one in a million and the way you have treated me since we have met makes me believe that maybe there is some sense or some hope left for the constitution of marriage. Your dedication, your loyalty, your faith and your respect for my privacy and my needs over these few days has been outstanding and highly valued. It must have been hard for you to be so helpless at times but you didn’t have to do anything all you needed to do was be there. Your patience Gabriel hasn’t gone by unnoticed and your continuous head ache will definitely not go unpaid for.  

Love forever and for always Odette Nicole Ryder xoxo


Ah the poison that burns my veins as it slowly pumps towards my heart, she wanted to get under my skin… well done… well done!

It was the morning after Gabriel had picked up Odette from Spike’s house the sun was shining brightly through their home as they both sat on their couch each with a cat in hand. Odette of course had Carrot he was most loyal towards her while Princeton had taking a strong liking to Gabriel. While scratching the top of Carrot’s head she felt Gabriel’s cold nose brush up against her left cheek. Princeton leapt out of Gabriel’s lap and darted off out of the room while Odette kept her emerald eyes on the ginger kitten in her lap. The feeling of Gabriel’s cold nose was soon replaced by the soft touch of his lips as he started to kiss a trail up towards her ear lobe. Carrot must have read fifty shade of grey because as soon as Gabriel tilted Odette’s face towards his, the kitten leapt off of the couch and darted out of the room as well. Forcing her gaze to meet his Gabriel knew that something wasn’t right something wasn’t the same about his girlfriend.

Gabriel: Talk to me

Pleading with her to open up to him he looked deep into her tearless but still sad eyes.

Odette: there is nothing to say…

Blinking furiously she was fighting back tears that she had held onto for weeks.

Gabriel: You don’t have to go through this alone you know?

Odette: I have to

The coldness from her words was like frost on a cold winter’s morning, causing Gabriel to pull back a little from his position.

Gabriel: you’re not the only one that misses Melody you know Odette… we’re all struggling with this… I miss having her around, Despayre and Synn miss her popping over as well…

Oh look I just found the straw that broke the camel’s back. Ripping up from the couch Odette started to walk towards their glass fire place.

Odette: You’re kidding me right? Despy and Synn miss Melody? What is this comedy hour to you Gabriel? Do you enjoy making me laugh on the inside? Give me a break… Synn is most likely rejoicing that his son hasn’t been in contact with the threat known as Melody. I bet he is relishing in the thought of her maybe possibly never wanting to come back and hang around us again after all of this blows over. Hell…. I bet Synn is even excited that Joshua now no longer asks to have Melody over for play time or whatever it is that he does... hell for all I know maybe Synn decided to help Misty with all of this…

She had tried so hard to bite her tongue, but the build-up of stress had caused her to snap. Odette was now saying things that didn’t even make sense to her or she didn’t even mean.

Gabriel: Odette

Odette: Don’t Odette me… you wanted me to talk well here I am talking… are you happy now?

He didn’t say a word her just got up off the couch and walked towards her.

Odette: Don’t you dare take one more step… I’m not going to have you try and comfort me after making this into one big joke…

Gabriel: that’s not what I was trying to do Odette you have to believe me…

She didn’t have a comeback for that she just threw her hands up in the air as if to say whatever.

Odette: you know what makes me laugh? How you can basically be like poor little Despy… when what has Despy done to show Melody she is wanted? Oh wow a kiss on the cheek ON television… for weeks now she has been showering him in gifts and calling in to see him, helping him, following him around like a lost puppy dog and for what? To be ignored, to have her heart ripped out and stood on repeatedly.

Gabriel took another step forward while Odette turned around to face the fire place once more, up on the mantel piece was the picture that Rage had given her for Christmas causing a smirk to dance on her face.

Odette: Let me guess Rage misses her too right? And that I’m supposed to believe that Rage gave me this picture not to make me cry but to give me drive? To give me motivation for kicking Misty’s arse? How fucking dumb does he think I am? He hates Melody every time those two get on twitter they’re down each other’s throats… I bet the hair on his bald head is growing back because he is so happy that she is gone.

Gabriel: Would you like to trash anymore of my friends?

Stopping to think about it for a second Odette turned on her heels to face her boyfriend, her hands immediately coming up to cover her face. The realisation of what she had just said that she DID NOT mean had washed over her, walking towards Gabriel he held his arms open as she pushed herself into his chest. Wrapping his arms around her tightly he comforted her as she spoke, her words muffled by being so close to his shirt.

Odette: I’m so sorry… I – I – I didn’t

Gabriel silenced Odette by shhing her, he started to run his right hand through her hair as she continued to apologise over and over again. Resting his chin on the top of her head he didn’t know what else to do he just wanted to be there for her. For weeks Odette had carried this and held back her tears because she didn’t want Misty catching any sign of weakness. Wrapping her hands around his back Odette just sighed wanting this to just be over already.

Odette: I didn’t mean it, you know I love your friends Synn, Despayre and RageFace it’s just… it’s just hard… I’m over feeling this empty Gabe I need Melody back!!!

Squeezing tightly into his girlfriend Gabriel didn’t say a word he just listened but soon enough her words stopped and he felt her body start to quiver just slightly. Looking down to her face he quickly caught one single tear that escaped her right eye, wiping it on his on shirt. Cupping the bottom of her jaw he brought her attention to his face.

Gabriel: Hey don’t worry about it okay? Everything is going to work out fine. We’ll get Melody back and you will get your revenge on Misty. Now stop crying and get that gorgeous smile back on your face, it suits you.

Planting a kiss on her forehead to show that he cares Gabriel pulled her in closer for another tight hug. Looking up to the clock on the wall Gabriel whispered into Odette’s ear

Gabriel: You know we don’t have to leave for the press conference for another half an hour

Offline Melody Grace

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« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2013, 03:01:54 AM »
 A slight chuckle left his lips as Odette instantly pulled away screwing her nose up.

Odette: Don’t even think about it, I’m still angry with you!

Gabriel: Me? What did I do?

Pulling completely away from Gabriel Odette headed towards the door leaving the poor man to think why on earth she was still mad at him. Ah the joys of being female and the joys of living with an emotional one at that, calling out to Odette Gabriel couldn’t help himself.

Gabriel: but angry sex is great sex…

Looking down to the ground to find Princeton at his feet Gabriel just smiled before scooping him up into his hands.

Gabriel: we’re always in trouble aren’t we? It’s just the depth that varies…

Walking off following Odette, Gabriel reached the bedroom finding her sitting on the edge of their king sized bed. Leaning forward she was clipping up her riding boots, stopping in the doorway Gabriel leant up against the door frame. Feeling that she was being watched Odette’s eyes darted up towards the door and half smiled towards her boyfriend.

Gabriel: What are you doing?

Looking back down to her boots she slipped the left one on and repeated the process of zipping it up and clicking the buttons shut.

Odette: I’m going to ride to the press conference I need to clear my mind.

Gabriel seemed a little concerned with her idea of riding her road bike to the press conference but decided the lighter option

Gabriel: But I just had the Bugatti washed and waxed for the occasion so we could arrive together in style.

Odette didn’t say anything she just glared up at him in disbelief, getting up off the bed she picked up her jacket and helmet that was sitting on the floor beside her feet. While walking towards Gabriel she tossed her jacket on, zipping it up half way. Keeping her helmet in her right hand as she walked past Gabriel she quickly put her hand on his chest.

Odette: well then I guess the race is on isn’t it?

Patting Princeton on top of his head on her way out Gabriel had a wild smirk on his face.

Gabriel: I guess it is then… lucky I’m allowing you to have a head start…

Turning back to look at Gabriel over her shoulder Odette couldn’t help herself.

Odette: Ooo baby I’m shaking…

Gabriel: you should be…

Licking her lips playfully she turned on the heels of her boots and clicked across the wooden floor boards back up to her boyfriend. Leaning up she was about to leave a kiss on his lips before pulling away slightly.

Odette: I’ll even take the younger man… and I’ll still beat you

Gabriel: The younger man?

Looking down towards his Australian girlfriend confused Gabriel was interested what her response would be while Odette just giggled.

Odette: yeah the younger man… you think you’re the only one that has another love? See you might have your other decorated girlfriend that you pamper and polish… what’s her name again? Oh that’s right Bugatti… such a strange name what is she like captain of the weight lifting team or something?

Gabriel: Hey don’t you be talking about my car like that miss; my “girlfriend” would smoke your “younger man” any day…

Odette: Really Gabriel? You see your precious Bugatti is white and my younger man is red so it’s science that mine just goes faster…

Gabriel didn’t say anything in reply because Odette wouldn’t let him, playfully licking her lips she eyed him up and down before saying her next words.

Odette: Good luck baby, you’re going to need it!

Leaning up Odette just planted a kiss on his lips before turning and leaving the hallway. Gabriel made his way over towards the window and watched for a few moments. Odette was now in his sights standing on the driveway. Disappearing into their garage he heard the distant rumble of an engine before a high pitched rev, rolling out of their garage Odette was seen on a new red Honda CBR 1000 cc fire blade. While she waited for the engine to heat up some more before jetting off Odette place her helmet on her head and did up the clasps. Snapping her visor down in front of her eyes she didn’t look back she just kicked up the stand and wheelied it down the driveway. Leaving Gabriel behind looking down towards Princeton

Gabriel: when did your mother buy that?

The cat didn’t say anything – well of course it didn’t because cats don’t talk

Gabriel: I really need to start taking notice of what’s new in this place.


Let’s leave poor Gabriel there shall we? Let’s dive a little bit more into Odette’s mind. You see Misty you wanted to light a fire under Odette’s arse you wanted to gain her attention that’s fair game and now you have it one hundred per cent of it. Just know that you didn’t break her, you might have just given her a slight crack. You know why concrete cracks Misty? To show everyone that no matter how strong you are there are factors that in our lives that will leave us a little bit shattered. It’s the way that people handle themselves that makes all the difference.

How is Odette handling this you ask? The best way the Australian knows how with her head held high and with a smile on her face even if that smile is just to stop the hidden tears falling from her emerald eyes. There is one thing you need to know about a struggling Australian, no matter how tough times are or how bad things get they will never ever ask for help. They will never ever expect anything else other than hardship and pain. You think because Odette is so bubbly that nothing bad as ever happened to her?

Not matter what Odette is feeling on the inside it will not affect her work, it will not get in her way and this Sunday she will prove it to you. You’ve stuck the key in the ignition Misty and the outcome is going to be one feisty Odette Nicole Ryder at New Years Rising. The thunder from down under will be on a triumphant roll and it all starts with dethroning you. What a way to start off the new year a little bit of revenge regardless of whose shoulders get pinned on the ring canvas it won’t matter to Odette because right now she just wants to see the ‘Queen’ stumble. Just know whatever you think you know about Odette’s wrestling style has been thrown out the window, it’s going to be hard playing this one by the rules, but when have you ever played by the rules Misty?

It’s safe to say that this match at New Years Rising will be a midway delight for the Sin City Wrestling fans. The fans are going to expect a show and one hell of a show Odette is going to give them, hopefully you can put aside your feelings for the fans and give them what they deserve.


Opening up at the Sin City Wrestling press conference every single SCW on screen personality is in their designated seats (picture about four or five rows like they do at comic con sometimes). In true Mark Ward fashion he has spilt everyone up from their stables to create extra drama before the up and coming super card. Sitting in between Nick Jones and Jordan Williams, Odette just sat back in her chair looking down at the program that was laid down in front of her. The next two hours of her life was going to be hell, looking down the table she watched as Gabriel was laughing and smiling while talking to Narly and Christian Underwood. Her eyes left him and continued to scroll down the table she was sitting at until they fell onto Misty. Her blood instantly started to boil underneath her skin but she knew that this wasn’t the time or the place to start a war especially with the whole roster around to break them up. Looking back down at the place card with her name on it she swept a long lock of hair out of her face.

Odette: How on earth did I get stuck sitting between these two?

She said that in her mind right?

Jordan: I know it must be your lucky day or something.

Nope she said it out loud; Jordan and Nick were now looking at Odette sizing up the petite Australian.

Nick: Cheer up baby cakes… sit back relax let Jordan and I take care of ya… while lover boy is down the other end of the table…

Odette: You repulse me…

Jordan stretched his arm out and rested it on the back of Odette’s chair, leaning in as close as he could get to her comfort zone.

Jordan: So tell us baby doll what’s it like knowing that you’re the reason why Misty has your best friend held hostage?

Choosing to ignore him Odette shuffled over away from him forgetting for a moment that Nick was on the other side of her.

Nick: Sorry Jordan but she obviously wants a little bit of this… over what you’re offering.

Grimacing at Nick’s words Odette shuffled back to the centre of her chair cringing at the sound of Nick’s loud laugh. Jordan looked down the table and saw that now Gabriel was looking their way, tapping Nick on the shoulder both of them nodded before Jordan’s loud voice was heard.

Jordan: that’s funny Odette, tell us another reason why The Sins and NXT suck?

Nick: Other than what you just said about Spike being a loser.

Odette didn’t know where Spike was in relation to her she just prayed to God he was just laughing this off right now. Ignoring the two gentlemen beside her, Odette sighed while looking out into the sea of wrestling fans. It took a while but finally the press conference got under way, at the beginning Odette was listening intensely to the questions from the fans and the media and was agreeing or blowing up with the fans when a heel or a face said their responses. But after twenty or so minutes Odette switched off not because she wanted to but because the thought of Melody Grace had crawled back into her mind. Her thoughts a interrupted by Jordan who is nudging her with his elbow

Jordan: You gonna answer the fans question or did Misty kidnap your tongue when she took your best friend?


Jordan and Nick high fived as Odette rocked forward in her chair. She could tell that Gabriel was watching her, she could always sense when he was.

Odette: Could you please repeat the question?

Fan: I was wondering why you have removed the make out from your list of moves off the Sin City Wrestling website?

Odette’s just arched her eyebrow

Odette: Really? That’s what you want to know? Ah okay… It’s been removed because since I’ve found Gabriel the only lips these lips will be touching from now until forever will be his.

The females in the crowd all ‘awwed’ as Gabriel looked at his girlfriend at the other end of the table and smiled. As soon as she finished answering that question Odette fell back into her day dream. Another twenty minutes or so passed before she heard Nick’s annoying voice in her ear.

Nick: Would you like me to answer the question for you?

Looking at Nick with confused for a few seconds before remembering she was at a press conference Odette turned her attention the microphone in front of her.

Fan: I wanted to know what your thoughts are on Amanda bringing up your name in her promos?

Licking her lips Odette ran her fingers through her hair before staring down the microphone in front of her.

Odette: I think Amanda needs to keep my name out of her lips… she has other things to worry about… like the one Vixen that can’t be out foxed…

Fan: but she is rubbing it in that she has beaten you twice.

Odette: Correction… she was in a team with Necra in a grave yard ‘match’ and the other match she won by pinning another Bombshell… Until the day Amanda pins my shoulders on the ring canvas and gets the one two three, or until she makes me submit she doesn’t have claim to any type of victory over me… and that’s the way it’s going to stay…

Nick: Nice excuse where did you learn that from?

Odette: From the biggest excuse maker in Sin City Wrestling…

Nick: Really who?

Odette: I’m looking at him…

Odette let a small laugh escape her lips before she back into her chair, Nick was ranting into his microphone about something that Odette just palmed off. It wasn’t long before Jordan and Nick had grown bored of this, they clearly felt that this press conference was a waste of their time as Jordan’s booming voice could be heard over every ones as he cut off James who was finishing answering a question from a ‘fan’ in the audience that looked exactly like Simpson.

Jordan: James that’s a cool story and all and I’ma let you finish… but I have to get something straightened out right here right now.

Turning to look at Odette with a wild smirk on his face Jordan started to talk into the microphone again.

Jordan: No Odette I will not make out with you…

As the words left his lips Odette looked instantly down the line to Gabriel shaking her head, Gabriel just nodded sending Odette a sign that he believed her. Turning back to look at Jordan Williams Odette went to say something but was cut off by Nick Jones.

Nick: Gabriel you need to watch your girl she has been eyeing me all afternoon like crazy…

Turning her attention now to Nick, Odette looked him up and down in repulsion

Jordan: yeah bro she wants the Williams and Jones special…

Jordan and Nick were looking down the table in Gabriel’s direction, Gabriel went to stand up but Odette’s voice was heard over the personal address system in the convention centre.

Odette: is that code for when you two play sword fights in the urinal and you think no one is watching?

A chorus of laughs echoed throughout the building as Odette slid back into her chair satisfied with what she had said. Before Jordan and Nick could reply a familiar voice in Scott Stoner Oliver was heard

Stoner: I made out with Odette once

Nick and Jordan looked back at each other before jumping on the defensive

Jordan: Nick and I do NOT have sword fights

Fan: Sure you don’t

Jordan and Nick were looking around for the fan who had screamed that out in sarcastic manner.
Narly: Cool story Stoner bro tell us another

Stoner went to speak but Nick cut him off instantly

Nick: Whatever Odette just said is a lie… there is no evidence of this ever happening.

Nick gave up looking for the fan and turned towards Odette fuming

Jessie: Just because there is no hard evidence doesn’t make it a lie… Jonas

Blade: Pun intended?

Nick: Jonas… did she just call me Jonas?

Odette laughed as she watched Nick start to fidget in his seat.

Jamie: I don’t git it… whatz tha pun?

Erik: Seriously Jamie? We’re talking about Jordan and Nick playing sword fights and Jessie says the word hard and you don’t get it?

Jamie was shrugging his shoulders while Erik was palming his face shaking his head at his family member

Mark: well this is getting way out of hand

Thatcher: Was that another pun?

Thatcher who was sitting next to the new girl Roxi started laughing as the fans joined in.

Nick: I want a lawyer! I’m suing Odette for defamation of character

Odette: Oh please…

Jordan: Yeah me too

her eyes Odette just rocked back into her chair looking at Gabriel with a little smile on her face.

James: Hey Odette I’ll make out with you…

Really Hawkes? You’re like eleven years old go hit on Selena Gomez.

Gabriel: Okay…Okay…Okay… that’s enough that stopped being funny like five jokes ago.

Gabriel was getting a little irritated that everyone was talking about his girlfriend

Goth: What did the sword fighting jokes or the making out with your girl jokes?

Sending a glare Gabriel’s way Goth was attempting to get under his skin

Tom: I’d like to keep talking about making out with Odette if we may

A smile graced the face of Tom Dudely as he too gave Gabriel a look before looking at Odette

Christian: Alright… Would the next audience member like to ask their question?

Finally Christian has stepped in and taken control of the situation that was turning into a royal rumble of sorts with the whole Sin City Wrestling roster. A guy in the front row put his hand up and screamed out his question the voice was easy to recognise it belong to Marty, Matthew Kennedy’s manager.

Marty: This one is for Gabriel and Spike… Knock Knock

Gabriel turned and looked to Spike before turning around and answering

Gabriel: ah whose there?

Marty: Smurf

Spike: Smurf who?

Marty: Smurfing as I’ll be smurfing your girls later Yeaoooowww!!!

Gabriel and Spike: Seriously?

Spike looked at Vixen while Gabriel looked towards Odette both ladies looked as if they were going to be sick.

Hope: oh that’s witty… I like that…

Vixen: I think I just threw up


The fans in attendance all made an ‘oooooooo’ noise at the rumour Trish has just started.

Amanda: that means she forfeits her match right?

Tapping her championship belt that was in front of her Amanda looked pleased

Lauren: Yeah baby…

Necra: this sounds all too familiar…

Odette almost spat out the water she had just drank after Necra’s remark

Matthew: Wait… I thought Hope was into guys?

Rocky: I like guys

Argento: We know!!

Derek: Hey Rocky after this call me

The Swedish accent of Derek brought cheers from the female fans, rubbing his three day old growth on his chin he rocked back into his chair eyeing off potential night wives.

Casey: Seriously?

Daniel: Hey he can’t help that he is feeling a little out doorsie

Rage: Oh look a mountain joke…

Rage rolled his eyes, you know just being same old Rage

Despayre: Angel says that Rocky has three mountains… ones just shaped more like an upside down volcano…

About half of the table almost choked on their drinks as Despy looked around as if nothing had happened.

Alexis: I bet if she shakes hard enough lava would come out…

Alexis laughed as the male fans in attendance hooted and hollered starting a ‘Rocky’ chant

Despayre: I don’t get it? Lava comes out of her?

Kain: Pussy

Pussy: Yes?

She leaned forward awaiting her question

D Block: Not you he was educating the kid with the bear

Sinking back into her chair because she wasn’t wanted Pussy returned to filing her nails.

Synn: Watch your tongue when you speak about my son

Despayre: why does Rocky’s pet pus…

Before Despayre could finish what he was about to ask a voice rang out that caught Odette’s attention.

Misty: ENOUGH!!

Aleksei: Wow such a party pooper

Everyone turned to Misty and glared before the press conference returned back to ‘normal’


Leaving the press conference there for a second, let’s start to wrap this one up shall we? For weeks Odette has suffered in silence and now at her chance to say something she seems awfully quiet. A little bit too quiet, I bet Misty is thinking it’s because she has beaten her already with her mind games. I bet the Queen thinks that she has eaten away at the bubbly bombshell to the point that she is too afraid to speak her mind about this weekend’s match. Sadly Misty that’s not the case, earlier this week on twitter you posted a tweet that said “That, my friends is proof that *I* should be main eventing at News Years Rising” well sit back and relax Misty because it’s about time you witness why Odette should become a main event Bombshell also.  You wanted to know how much of a fire you lit under Odette’s arse?

Oh you lit a fire… you just won’t be prepared for how big!


Media: This is for Miss Ryder… what are your feelings towards Misty? You once said that you looked up to both Misty and Roxanne for all their hard work they do in the Bombshell division, has that view changed? And what are your feelings on this coming Sunday do you think you have what it takes to bring down the icon known as Misty?

Before Jordan or Nick could say something to Odette to get her to talk, the young Aussie rocked forward in her chair. Resting her hands up on the table in front of her the sound of her bangles clunked against the wooden surface. She was thinking of her answers and was thinking of them well

Misty: Please Odette answer her questions we are dying to hear your answers.

Odette didn’t even bother to look Misty’s way she just looked forward into the crowd, licking her lips she bowed down towards the microphone.

Odette: My feelings towards Misty? I have no feelings towards Misty. As far as me saying that I looked up to Misty in a wrestling sense I still do… but I guess every federation or organisation needs a Molly Holly right? Just like Molly… Misty has paved the way for many women wanting to get into the sport we call professional wrestling… but just like Molly… Misty is a well lack for a better word a mole. Misty and Roxanne have done a lot to shape the Sin City Wrestling Bombshell division making it what it is today. Just thankfully now there is other Bombshell’s that have stepped up to the plate and can be seen a role models for young girls trying to get into this sport. As for this Sunday… do I have what it takes to beat the one “true” bombshell Misty? I’ll let you guys decided on that…

Pointing out into the sea of wrestling fans Odette smiled as they started a ‘Ryder’ chant. Odette adjusts her bright yellow midway over coat and wiggles forward in her chair some more.

Odette: You see if the fans believe in me that’s all I need… so there’s your answer…

A fan is seen jumping up and down in their spot with their arm raised, Odette points to the gentleman as if to give him permission to ask his question.

Odette: Shoot

Fan: Odette as a loyal fan I just want to say first up DAMN Gabriel you are one lucky son of a bitch, you are dating the owner of one of the fittest asses on this earth.

Blushing Miss Ryder just turned to look at Gabriel who was smiling from ear to ear.

Odette: I’d think that Vixen’s following would disagree with you there but thank you…

Fan: You’re welcome… now to my serious question. You’re Promo? What’s happening with it? Why haven’t we heard anything from you yet? Are you even going to record anything?

Christian, Mark and Erik all glared towards Odette they too wanted to know why Odette hadn’t released anything yet. Ruffling her brown hair Odette looked in the direction of her three bosses.

Odette: Whoa, whoa, whoa… don’t be giving me those eyes… you three need to chill out.

Turning back out towards the fan Odette smiled

Odette: You want to see my promo?

A chorus of cheers erupted from the fans as her bosses nodded their heads in agreement

Fan: ah well yeah?

Standing up from her seat Odette took the Microphone out of its holder turning she walked past Nick giving his chair a playful nudge on the way through. Nick threw his hands up and was about to say something but Odette’s Australian accent took over.

Odette: Save it for the court room Nico… now my promo where to begin, where should I start? Let’s start by getting the predictable bombshell promo bullshit out of the way… bitch, bitch, bitch, I’m the fucking queen, I own the other bombshells, bitch, bitch, bitch, you messed with the wrong girl… blah blah blah… alright I think I’m done…

Odette started to walk around the stage arena with the microphone in her hand, looking down in front of her making sure she didn’t trip over anything.

Odette: Let’s talk about the Queen shall we? Let’s talk about the brutal Queen of the damned… who all our souls belong to… first up all I can say about Misty is that as soon as she returned she had her panties in a twist about something and now she seems to be taking it all out on me… she’s has been proper going off like a frog in a sock just to get my attention. Talking trash, saying how I’ve let her down, going after Jessie, Vixen and oh wait kidnapping my best friend Melody Grace. Back home we have an expression that some up people like Misty, for people like her who suffer from a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock.

Turning to look towards Misty, Odette pointed towards her getting the fans to boo towards the dark side.

Odette: Oh yes Misty be proud of what you have accomplished… take a bow… smirk all you want do you honestly think that your smug look on your face is getting to me Misty? Let’s face it you might be the veteran Bombshell but trust me at New Years Rising you’re going to be my disciple. I’m going to treat you like game of blocks… I’ve let you build yourself right up high just so I can come on in and knock you back down and while you fumbling around picking up the pieces. You can watch me this Sunday from the canvas taking control… the best thing about it I’m going to have a bird’s eye view of the Queen of the Damned herself pleading on her knees like a commoner.

Misty just rolled her eyes as Odette continued to walk up the row towards her, slowly taking her time

Odette: Don’t believe me? Honey can you back me up here? She better…

Odette dropped the microphone to her side

Gabriel: Believe that!

Winking towards her boyfriend Odette brought the microphone back to her glossed lips.

Odette: Thanks baby. Now before everyone’s starts with the oh this is so unlike you Odette, this is so not your style… has Misty gotten under your skin has Misty lead you somewhere you said you would never go? Are you turning to the dark side? Let’s get one thing Swarovski crystal clear… I’m like a hornet I only sting when I’m cornered and right now… yes Misty has my back up against the wall, she has my full attention… but read these lips… this Sunday… the gun is cocked and loaded… I’ve got a very special bullet with her name and I’m sending it her way.

Aleksei who was sitting beside Misty quickly leant over towards her

Aleksei: BANG BANG!!!

Misty ever so slightly jumped out of her skin before glaring down the crazy drunk Romanian. Odette continued to make her way slowly across the stage to get to Misty but she was delaying it so she could have as much fun as possible.

Odette: Not only do I have to worry about Misty this Sunday I have to worry about the Goons an what’s her name again? Oh that’s right and then there is Ruby… even her name is fitting a semi-precious gem stone with a semi-precious job. I bet her mother is real proud of her… I mean she walks around all day and night taking orders from a whiter than white girl with her nose so damn far up her arse then when Misty farts she’s obliged to enjoy it… remember the rule though Ruby two sniffs don’t be greedy I mean the other disciples have got to eat too am I right?

Smirking towards Misty, Odette frowned a little as she saw that Misty wasn’t amused.

Odette: Sorry you’re royal highness I should be taking this seriously… it’s just that when you Misty kidnapped Melody it just proved to me that if brains were dynamite you wouldn’t have enough to blow your fucking ears off.

Stopping in front of Spike, Odette gave him a quick high five before continuing between the rows of tables and chairs, mazing her way through them to destination Misty.

Odette: Sorry please forgive me I should be focusing on our match, I should get my head screwed on right… your right I know… I should make taking this more serious…but then why should I? I mean you’re clearly not… for someone that is meant to be so focused on our match you sure as hell seem to get yourself in a lot of unneeded drama. Yet you ask me week in and week out if I’m ready? Is this even about me Misty or is this about you still touching yourself at night over the thought of Spike? So much built up frustration and what for? So you can go through the bombshells in NXT? Why? Why are you so enticed by your past Misty? Why can’t you just stop beating the dead horse? From what I’ve been told you walked away from Spike and yet now you are trying to send him messages through Jessie, Vixen and I? Now you’re acting like Cheryl Lloyd or something

Now I have that song stuck in my head thanks Odette

Odette: Your actions are screaming desperately that you want him back but your words are saying the opposite… so instead of trying to mind fuck me Misty how about you get your own shit sorted?
Odette was five people away from reaching Misty, stopping dead in her tracks

Odette: The way I see it this Sunday the first count will be for Jessie and Vixen, The second will be for Melody Grace, Gabriel and Spike… the third and final count will be for me and my Rydernites… and if your little girlfriend Ruby tries to jump in… Giani bro help me out here she needs to

Dropping the microphone done to her side once more a wild smirk beamed on her face as across the stage Giani’s voice was heard

Giani: Fuhgeddaboudit!!!!

Odette: Damn straight!!!

The fans had now started an NXT chant that the members of NXT had joined in on as well, taking a few final steps to now stand directly in front of Misty. Odette stopped and glared down at the veteran bombshell with a certain fire in her emerald eyes.

Odette: it seems that some people in Sin City Wrestling have their abilities and their capabilities mixed up so listen up Misty… oh yes and you too Amanda… the chances of you beating me are buckley’s or none… take your pick but chances are regardless of what you choose you’ll be up shit creek without a paddle…

her lips Odette now leant on the table in front of Misty, leaning in nice and close.

Odette: you want to know if you have lit a fire underneath me Misty? You want to know how mad you have made me? You messing with Vixen, Jessie and Melody has made me madder than a cut snake... you should be impressed with yourself… hell take a round of applause

Odette started a slow clap that the audience joined in on, turning on her heels Odette walked around the back of the table that Misty was sitting at. Crouching down Odette brought the microphone up to her lips once again and started to talk directly into Misty’s right ear.

Odette: This Sunday… I’ll show you just how rough as guts I can be… so much so you’re going to regret ever coming after NXT, Melody Grace and myself in the first place…

Switching ears Odette now spoke into Misty’s left ear

Odette: Misty you lost the second you decided to make me the enemy…

Walking back around the desk Odette rested her elbows on the table bending over she her face was just inches away from Misty’s.

Odette: for all the Rydernites out there, for all the girls around the world that have been pushed around by a bitch like Misty… join me in facing your fears, join me in beating the seemingly unbeatable…

Wiggling forward so now her face and Misty’s were only separated by the microphone

Odette: Come this Sunday Misty… Let’s Ride….

Dropping the microphone on the table forcefully so it made a loud thud noise, Odette blew Misty a kiss before the two starred each other down. A loud Ryder chant was hear with a mixture of NXT ones, backing away from her opponent Odette walked off the stage and exited through the audience abandoning the end of the press conference
« Last Edit: January 11, 2013, 03:02:32 AM by Odette Ryder »