Author Topic: Bombshell Roulette Title Match-Scared yet Alexis?  (Read 447 times)

Offline Vixen

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Bombshell Roulette Title Match-Scared yet Alexis?
« on: October 26, 2012, 11:54:16 PM »
 Eerie music can be heard in a room that is lit with only flickering candles.  A large, dark velvet wingback chair is seen, empty except for what looks like a dusty old tome sitting on the seat.  In the darkness, the sharp staccato clicking of heels on the unseen hardwood floor is loud in the murky silence of the room.  

Suddenly, Vixen appears wearing a red and brown striped sweater dress that appears ripped by some kind of slashing instrument.  On her head is a beaten down hat that has its brim turned up slightly in the front.  With a smile, she turns to look into the camera and motions for the camera to come closer.

She reaches for the book and sits down on the wingback chair.  Taking a deep breath, she blows the dust from the book, coughing slightly as the cloud is slightly blown back into her face.  The music fades slightly as she begins to speak.

“Good evening,” she begins, putting a spooky intonation into her voice.  “Tonight we are here for a spooky tale of suspense…some might say of unpredictable horror.”  Raising one slim eyebrow, Vixen offers the camera a grim smile.  “Others would say that it was a premonition of things to come.”

Taking a slow breath, Vixen opens the book and looking down begins to read.

Once upon a time in Sin City Wrestling, there was an anti bombshell who we will call Alexis.  Now Alexis was not your average bombshell…no, she happened to like being the opposite of what one would expect a bombshell to be.  And she had begun getting noticed by people in Sin City Wrestling, noticed so much that she was given an interesting gift of a title shot against the Bombshell Roulette champion.

Alexis made her way into the arena the night of the title match.  All her confidence was ready to project out to her opponent.  She was ready and she was going to make history that night by winning the Bombshell Roulette championship.  In the arena, she could hear fans chanting and screaming, the level barely registering with her as she climbed into the ring that was the only part of the arena lit up.  Watching the darkness, Alexis prepared for the match, stretching out tentatively, alert for anything.

Suddenly, in the darkness of the arena, a voice can be heard.  “Are you ready Alexis?”

Trying to see into the darkness, Alexis calls out that she is prepared as a smile flits across her face.  A chuckle in the darkness makes her turn, trying to trace where the sound is coming from.  “I don’t think you are ready Alexis,” says the voice, laughter still colouring the voice.  

“Are you scared yet?” Vixen asks the camera as she turns the page slowly.  “I wonder just what is going to happen to Alexis in her title match.  Let’s read on shall we?”

Into the light of the ring stepped a young woman, her two toned hair pulled back and dressed in a pair of dark chaps over black hotpants and a half tee.  Around her waist was a title belt, the lettering on it spelling out ‘Bombshell Roulette Champion’.  

“Vixen,” whispered Alexis to herself as she watched the woman slowly reach behind her back and pull the belt off her waist and hold it up in front of Alexis.  Vixen’s eyes glittered in the shadows of her hair that fell over her forehead.  “You don’t scare me,” avows Alexis as her eyes focus on the belt swinging in Vixen’s hand.

A chuckle escapes Vixen as she moves even closer to Alexis.  Looking over the challenger, Vixen can’t help but shake her head before tilting it quizzically.  “Are you sure Alexis,” asks Vixen.  “If it was me, I would be very afraid if I were you.”

Alexis steps up bravely only to be put down on her back with a hard chop from the champion.  “You see Alexis I can put you on your back just like that.  Do you really think that I am going to let someone like you take this title from me and NXT?”

“That is the truth young listeners,” intones Vixen, a hint of spookiness again creeping into her voice.  “There isn’t anything that anyone can do to take this title from me, not when I am prepared to completely destroy my competition in the ring.

Vixen stalks around Alexis who is now sitting on the canvas looking up at the champion.  “This match is not only out of your league but it could be anything.  The Bombshell Roulette title is defended in specialty matches.  I have fought in many different kinds of matches…against many different opponents and believe me, you are nothing special.”

Alexis’s eye widen as Vixen stalks closer, this time a spinner in her hand instead of the title.  On the spinner are various match types.  Vixen spins the arrow watching it as it lands on a table ladders and chairs match.  Spinning it again, she watches it land on a barbwire match.  Spinning again and again, the matches become more barbaric as finally the arrow is spun and stops on a deathmatch.

“Are you ready to die for the title Alexis?” asks Vixen.  “Because I am…”

With that, Vixen slams the book closed, a cloud of dust rising from it once again.  Getting to her feet, Vixen puts the book on the chair once more as the music gets louder.  Walking away into the darkness, Vixen disappears as the camera focuses on the empty chair.


“Spin the wheel, make a deal,” says a voice in a singsong manner as the fwap of a skipping rope matches the song.  Vixen can be seen in a gym, watching herself in the mirror as she skips rope to prepare for her workout.  Dressed in a pair of black shorts and a tee that is knotted in the back, Vixen slows then stops skipping.  Tossing the rope around her neck, she moves towards a bottle of water that is resting on the side of a wrestling ring.  Sipping the water, she nods slowly.  “I think I am prepared,” Vixen claims.

“Prepared are you?” asks a voice from behind her.  Vixen turns to find Spike there, a smirk on his face as he crosses his arms.  “Care to prove that in this ring Vixen?”

Looking at Spike then into the ring, Vixen slowly nods once more.  “Yeah, I think a practice match might just get me focused enough for this title defense.”  Watching Spike climb the ringsteps Vixen jumps on the apron and slides into the ring.  “I promise Spike, I will go easy on you.”

Vixen’s teasing only makes Spike smirk more as he slides through the ropes.  “You know with it being Halloween, you might want to think about what kind of match you might be in,” he offers as he stands in front of Vixen.  “After all, you know that Hot Stuff’s got it in for NXT.  So don’t count on any easy matches.”

That comment brings Vixen to a complete stop.  A sudden look of almost fear crosses her face as she bites at her bottom lip.  Spike sees it and puts a hand on Vixen’s shoulder.  “You all right?” he asks, concern on his face.  “You got this Vixen, don’t let me get to you.  Come on…take your best shot,” he challenges.

Vixen takes a slow breath then begins to circle Spike.  “I’ve been thinking that maybe I got my work cut out for me.  After all, I have only just won this title and believe me, I am going to be defending it tooth and nail if I have to.”  

The pair lock up with Spike turning Vixen into a headlock that she fights out of.  “I think that this is going to be the bloodiest match of the night,” she says as she whips Spike into the ropes.  “I mean look at what is at stake and the fact that this is a specialty match for this title.”  

Vixen ducks a clothesline from Spike who stops in his tracks and then spins Vixen around with a short armed lariat to take her to the mat.  Slapping the canvas, Vixen gets to her feet with a hand from Spike.  “Vixen, you are letting her get to you.  You got this.”

“Do I Spike?” demands Vixen, shaken somewhat.  Moving to the ropes, she leans against them, looking at the mirror once more.  She sees him come up behind her, watches him as he leans on the ropes beside her, nudging her elbow with his.

“Hey, what did you do with Vixen and when will she be back, she has a match coming up for her title,” he teases.  Vixen gets a half grin at the taunt which Spike pounces on as he again nudges her.  “Come on, tell me where you have her.”

“Thanks Spike,” Vixen says.  “Trust it to be you that gets me confident by teasing.”  She turns and motions back to the middle of the ring, one hand punching into the other as she shows more conficence.  “Shall we?” she offers only to see Spike shake his head no.  Quizzically she looks at him.

“You are done practicing Vixen,” he says as he sits on the middle rope and motions for Vixen to leave the ring.  “We are going to take your mind off the match and get you in shape with some serious work on the heavybag, because I don’t feel like being a punching bag for a confident champion.  And I have seen your kicks and trust me, I don’t want to feel them.”

Vixen only laughs.  “I did promise not to hurt you though.”

“Doesn’t matter,” replies Spike.  “Working out on the heavybag will get you ready, allow you to work out your frustrations and worries and leave me bruise free.”  

The pair move towards the heavybag  speaking softly as the scene fades.


Inside of the ring that has been set up for Climax Control, Vixen can be seen talking to one of the techs who hands her the microphone.  “Thanks for helping me test out the sound levels,” he says as she moves to the middle of the ring.  “Testing one two three…”  Vixen looks at the tech who motions for her to begin to speak.  “Hey, why don’t you do one of those promo things to test it.”

Vixen coughs slightly as she rolls her neck.  “Okay, I suppose I could.”

A cameraman sitting nearby shoulders his camera and focuses on Vixen who is standing in the ring.  She brings the microphone up to her lips and begins to speak.

“Alexis Morrison, my challenger for the Bombshell Roulette title.  The only singles title held at the moment.  Guess that puts me at the top of the Bombshell ranks doesn’t it?”  says Vixen.  “This week you are going to be stepping into the ring with me at Climax Control and you are going to face me for the title.”

Vixen warms to the subject, beginning to pace as she speaks.  “I know you think that this might be an easy win, I am sure you are already counting the one two three in your mind that you think you will get when you have me pinned in the middle of the ring.  Thing is though…I am not that easy to pin.  As a matter of fact, I am going to be your toughest challenge to date.  Considering that I have already beaten you once and that wasn’t even in a specialty match.  The match for the Bombshell Roulette title is that much more difficult because you don’t know what the stipulation is going to be and just how dangerous that could be for you.”

Head down for a moment, Vixen thinks of what she might say next.  The techie lets her continue as the cameraman continues to focus on her.

“Alexis I don’t really think you know what it is to face me in a match for a title.  You see, I am a different wrestler when there is a title involved.  You have got to know that wearing this title means a lot to me, wearing this title means that I am going to be fighting tooth and nail to keep it.  This title is NOT going to be leaving NXT or me at Climax Control.”

“I am not defined by my title but I want you to know that this title defines me.  There is an unpredictability to this title based on the fact that we don’t know what kind of match this is going to be until just before we lock up.  Just like there is an unpredictability in me based on the fact that I have been trained in unarmed combat and that I can kill with my bare hands if need be,” offers Vixen in a deadpanned voice which only adds to the seriousness of the woman.

“I want you to know Alexis that you will be facing a very dangerous woman in this match and I want to let you know a bit of what you might expect.  I am the wrestler that put a man out of action for over a year.  I am a wrestler that will not quit.  I am THE BOMBSHELL ROULETTE title holder and that means that I am going to end your dreams of holding that title here in Sin City Wrestling,” threatens Vixen.  “The closest you are going to come to that title is being offered a glimpse of it by the referee just before I beat you from ringpost to turnbuckle.”

“Great Vixen, I think we got it,” calls out the technician.  “Thanks for your help.  Bet you want to go get ready for the show..

After he stopped her in mid rant, Vixen only looks at the technician before nodding and dropping the microphone to the canvas gently.  Getting out of the ring, she moves off down the aisle towards the locker room area.

“Good luck tonight Vixen,” he calls after her as the cameraman stops filming and Vixen disappears into the concourse.


Sitting on the bench in her locker room, Vixen has her unlaced wrestling boots on with her tights and lace up halter that is hanging open slightly.  On the bench in front of her is her cell phone, vibrating as the custom ringtone plays.  Looking at the number, she picks it up and answers.

“Hi big brother, what’s up,” she says into the receiver.  Listening to the voice on the other end, she smiles.  “Of course I am going to be winning.  How can you doubt it?” she asks a little too brightly.  

Her brother’s mumbling can be heard, teasing his little sister into getting serious.  

“I know Dev, and trust me, I know that this is going to be a hell of a fight but you know me, nothing and no one can stand in my way when I get like this,” she says.  “Besides, just wish me luck and tell me you love me and everything will turn out right.”

Vixen smiles as her brother repeats what she had said.  “I love you too Dev,” she answers before pressing off on the cell and placing it on the bench once more before beginning her last minute preparation for the show.  Pulling one foot onto the bench as she puts in a pair of earbuds, she begins to tighten the laces as she hums along with the song on her mp3 player.