Author Topic: What happens when you can't sleep...  (Read 452 times)

Offline Vixen

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    • Vixen
What happens when you can't sleep...
« on: August 24, 2012, 11:49:13 PM »
 Laying on the bed in the hotel room after the NXT night out, Vixen couldn’t help but groan as she tried to get comfortable.  With her body still trying to get accustomed to the jet lag she had been subjected to because she had been travelling nonstop, she wasn’t able to sleep.  Finally, she gave up even trying and got up to move towards her laptop bag.

“Guess if I am not going to get any sleep I might as well do something about my match this week here in Bangkok,” mutters the woman as she pulls out the small laptop and plugs it in.  Straightening the webcam to focus on her face, Vixen brushes back her hair and then presses play on the camera.

“Hey all, it’s me, your Foxy favourite, once again hitting the world wide web to talk about the one and only NXT and yours truly…ME.”

Vixen smirks as she leans back a bit before continuing.  “As most of you know, I am sitting pretty with a match coming up against Ms Evangelista and Azure in my sights as well which means that this little fox is racking up the airmiles and jet lagging like it is going out of style.  Week after week I am flying from New York to the Far East and enjoying every minute of it.  Because this is what I love to do, get in the ring and perform for you the fans.”

Vixen can be seen leaning forward and beginning to type something into the laptop.  “You know, I have sat here and talked to you about matches and gave you the 411 about what is going on with me and my journey in this crazy world known as wrestling but tonight, I thought I might do something different.  So I am going to my email and I am going to answer some of your questions,” she says as she clicks one finger onto the keyboard.  “We have this question from a fan called FoxyLove#1 who asks the following…’Vixen, you have a match against Miss Evangelista, what is your plan for the match and do you think she will be someone that could be a threat?’”

Vixen looks thoughtful for a second, taking a moment to gather her thoughts.  “Well you could say that Miss Evangelista could be a threat because any given day, there is the opportunity that she could pull out the win.  I mean people do get lucky sometimes.  But one night in Bangkok is not going to be her lucky night because I am coming to fight in that match and pin her one two three to the mat for the win.  I mean yeah sure, I have been nonstop flying and spreading myself thin or so people might think.  But I thrive on pressure and live for beating the odds.”  

She stabs at the mousepad for the next question which she reads out.  “Next question… ‘Are you really ready to go after the bombshell title if your stable mate is wearing it?’  The short answer is whoever is wearing the title has a big target on their back and of course I am going to be aiming for the belts in this federation and if that means that I will have to face Odette then so be it.  But first I have a chance to be the bombshell roulette champion after winning the match on the ship.  And when I get that shot, you can better believe I am going to make the most of it.  But for now, the focus is on my match of the week.”

Finally she looks down then rolls her eyes as she reads the final question.  “Oh my god, you saw Spike naked…” Vixen scoffs and coughs slightly with a nod, “yes, yes I did see him naked and saw more than I needed to.  But to get back to the question, ‘is there something going on with you and him or would I have a shot.’  This is from SpikeStaggs#1Fan and I have to say that Spike looks good in a belt and is a great champion.  Currently there is nothing between us unless you count being stable mates.  And before you go wondering if there ever will be, he has to be able to differentiate between flirting and motivating… ” she continues with a shrug then a laugh feeling a little uncomfortable still with the question.  “Seriously though, I want to thank the fans and leave you with one little comment.”

Vixen leans closer to the camera with a smile.  “This one night in Bangkok is not going to be a good night for Miss Evangelista.”

The feed is cut off as Vixen presses stop on the web cam.  As she does, finally she yawns ready for bed.  Not even putting away the laptop, Vixen yawns again before letting her eyes close as she falls asleep.