Author Topic: Absorbing...  (Read 860 times)

Offline KojiVerse

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    • Aleksei Koji
« on: June 15, 2012, 11:14:24 AM »
 (This promo is only half done but today has kind of blown up on me. Better to be half done then have nothing at all.)

Before we see anything we hear knocking at a door. The knocking is heavy, but has a lazy rythem and the door that is getting pounded on sounds like it is made of thick metal. The pounding seems to go on forever as we slowly fade into a large warehouse dimly lit. As the knocking continues more details of the space can be seen. There is a large square mat set up in the middle of the space and some very simple training equipment is nearby. It is nothing too fancy: bench press, punching bags and various other cheap pieces of equipment. The training area looks strange in the center of all that space.

The knocking continues. In a far corner there is light coming from a dozen monitors all playing videos of some sort. They’re too far away to see but someone is sitting, watching them and ignoring whoever is knocking on the door.

A familiar Romanian voice can be heard muffled by the thick metal. “Karina, I know you are in there. Let me in....let me in.” His tone is playful yet frustrated. After a long pause the electric beep of the front door can be heard and the door swings open. The light of midday floods the massive space. Aleksei Koji walks in looking around with an amused smile on his face.

“You always did have a flair for dramatics little sister. With digs like this I can see why you couldn’t visit my camper.” he says sarcastically as he strolls over to the monitors. He is ignored by his sister who has not moved since he arrived. Moving with him through the space we can see a small living area set up along the back wall. It is mostly just a small mattress, suitcases and a hot plate.

As we approach the monitors we see that each screen is showing wrestling matches. Almost all of them involving a certain group of nine bombshells. These matches not only show matches from their SCW career but for those who have a past history like Trish and Kittie we see matches from all sorts of different promotions.

“What are you doing?” Aleksei asked. His sister sat in a large office chair sipping at a massive gas station soda cup. The desk is littered with potato chip bags and various types of sugary snack. Karina Koji has her eyes glued to the monitors. Her focus rapidly shifts from one screen to the next.

“I am absorbing.” she said after taking a big sip from her soda.
Aleksei looks at the monitors and motions towards them. “I don’t know how you do this whole thing. It creeps me out.” he says

Karina shrugs. “My brain works differently. Thank the gods. I would hate to have your brain.”

“I am so glad we will be working in the same town, I missed these pep talks.” Aleksei says making rude gestures to her back, but Karina does not take her eyes off the different screens. One monitor nearest to her plays a video track that appears to be clips of submission moves. She does not respond to her brother leaving an awkward pause.

Aleksei speaks again. “You really are getting into you think the other girls have any idea?”

Karina pauses briefly to look over at him. “Idea of what?”

“How dangerous you are. How good at all this you can be.”

“Mostly they have just been having lady rants.” she says going back to the videos. “they call me a bitch or they say that I am crazy. Nobody has said anything of real value except maybe Kittie.”

Aleksei chuckles upon hearing that. “I would hate to be them. I would much rather have my match with Sinful Obsession. You might have heard...I am training. I mean not like you do, but still its like I am a whole new Aleksei! I might have a chance at winning this thing.”

Karina just simply shakes her head but does grin ever so slightly.

Aleksei smiles as well. “You know it will never be this easy. After Sunday they are all going to know. You will be on the radar, no more hiding out. You going to be okay?”

“I thought we had an agreement about being nice to eachother.” was her only reply.

Aleksei nods, the smile on his face getting bigger. “Well as fun as this is....I must go get beat up in the desert. I wanted to let you know I am at the Hitching Post....come party with us if you want. Oh and ma’ wants you to call her.”

“Well you can just tell her to fuck right off.” was the only thing she said though he tone stays quiet.

“I will pass that message along.” Aleksei says as he turns to leave. He starts to hum a song to himself as Karina continues to absorb as much information as possible. The door closes but Karina does not seem to notice. All that is on her mind is learning as much as possible.

From an early age I knew I was different and so did everyone else. I saw things that others did not. My senses were all wrong and my mind worked in strange ways. I seemed cold and unfeeling at times and other times filled with so much emotion it would seem I might burst.
If I had been born a hundred years earlier people might have thought I was a witch or touched by the fae. They would have feared me, and if I didn’t stay hidden enough they might have destroyed me. If I had been born in America they might had labeled me autistic and put me in a home. But I was not born in either of those places, instead I was born in Romania. Some thought I was crazy and some thought I was blessed by old magic, but all agreed I was dangerous.

I am not sure what the truth is. I have not been given a clear reasoning of why I am the way I am. But I do know they are right. I am dangerous. I am a well trained harbinger of pain. I am a calculating force for chaos, and the SCW may not know what to expect from me...but on Sunday everything will change.
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