Author Topic: Rising up against adversity  (Read 1000 times)

Offline Casey Williams

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    • Casey Williams
Rising up against adversity
« on: April 21, 2012, 08:49:16 PM »
 Scene 1- Finally arriving in London

The scene shows Casey Williams getting ready to fly from Berlin to London for the London Brawling show.  Casey has already boarded the plane, and due to his large frame, has to sit, yet again, in the handicap seats by the wing, where it is the only seat that Casey can be comfortable and not take up more room than necessary.  As soon as the rest of the passengers get on board, the plane takes off.  Fortunately, there was little turbulence and the flight to London went smoothly.  The plane lands in London at the London Heathrow Airport and the passengers vacate the plane and onto Terminal 5.  Just as he saw in Berlin, Casey sees a sign that reads “Mr Casey Williams”.  Casey walks over to the driver, who introduces himself as Adolph.  Casey loads the Hummer Limo that Adolph is driving, and then gets comfortable inside.  He calls Jim from the limo to see if he can come to London to help Casey train a little bit.

Casey-“Hey Jim, it is Casey. How are you man?”

Jim-“Good, Casey.  What’s going on, it is 6 AM here.”

Casey-“I am sure you have seen my 2 matches since SCW has gone on tour in Europe.  I haven’t felt myself, and am on a losing streak.  I need your guidance in training, seeing that training with Spike and Jordan hasn’t been enough for me.  You know more than they do on what I need where we have been training for like ever.”

Jim-“Sure, I can help you.  I am on vacation starting tomorrow anyways.  So I will be there as soon as I possibly can to help you out man.

Casey-“Thanks man, you are a lifesaver.  I definitely need to get my head back in the game.”

As soon as Casey says this, Casey arrives at the hotel he is staying at, and pays Adolph for the ride, then checks into the hotel.  As soon as he gets to his room, he turns the TV on and hears that Dick Clark has passed away due to a heart attack at the age of 82, looking shocked at the news that he just heard.

Casey-“Dude, did you hear about Dick Clark?”

Jim-“Yeah, I just heard.  I guess it was his time to go.  He is in a better place.  It will just be weird watching the New Year’s Ball Drop without him now. Look, I will call you when I land in London.”

Casey-“Sounds good.  I will tell you where I am staying when you call me. Talk to you later man.”

Casey then goes into the shower. He is getting ready for his long day of sightseeing ahead of him when the phone rings as soon as Casey emerges from the bathroom, fully dressed.

Spike-“Hey Casey, how are you doing?”

Casey-“I am alright.  How was the flight for you man?”

Spike-“It was okay. I hope that when we were in Berlin, and you went into Swarovski before our training session, that you didn’t get what I think you did.  You know what happened between Misty and me when we were about to be married. You also know the pain of that situation caused me.”

Casey-“I appreciate your advice. Each relationship is different, and the people involved do not always do the same things. Look, I am going sightseeing, care to join me?”

Spike-“Sure, I will meet you in the lobby in 5 minutes.”

The scene fades to black as Casey and Spike head to go view different sites in London that they have heard about, or they happen to pass on the way to those sites.

Scene 2- Enjoying oneself

The scene opens with Casey Williams in the South Eastern neighborhood of London known as South Bermondsey, getting ready to go watch Millwall play some football, or soccer as the Americans know it as against Manchester United.  Casey is trying to get his mind off of his losing streak since Jordan and he won the SCW Tag Team Titles, which will be on the line at London Brawling against the teams of The Aristrocrats and Sinful Obsession.  Before Casey arrives at the arena, Casey decides to call out "Big" Steve Scanlon first.

Casey-"Hey Steve,  don’t think for a second I haven’t forgotten about you and the fact you like to run your mouth.  Do you remember Aesop's Fable called THE FOX AND THE GRAPES.  If not, let me refresh your memory, as it goes a little like this:

One hot summer's day a Fox was strolling through an orchard till he came to a bunch of Grapes just ripening on a vine which had been trained over a lofty branch. "Just the thing to quench my thirst," quoth he. Drawing back a few paces, he took a run and a jump, and just missed the bunch. Turning round again with a One, Two, Three, he jumped up, but with no greater success. Again and again he tried after the tempting morsel, but at last had to give it up, and walked away with his nose in the air, saying: "I am sure they are sour."
Moral of Aesops Fable: It is easy to despise what you cannot get

So what I am taking from this is the following...just because you couldn't have the victory and the tag team want to claim it doesn't matter? You know damn well that us kicking your ass and humiliating you DOES matter!  I will show the world that when you get a chance to fight for the gold, you choke. I know that since winning the tag titles, I have not been as successful as I would like, but I have gone out for every match and competed, and put what the results were in my last match in the back of my head to focus on the task ahead of me.  I am not the type of man that loses and says that I am undefeated in matches that matter, because every match matters.“

Casey then stops, takes a deep breath to calm himself down after getting all worked up, and focuses on Big Steve Scanlon’s tag team partner, Chett “Hangman” Hawkins, whom seems the more level headed member of the tag team.

"Hey Hangman, why are you so serious?  Since our encounter on March 18th, you have been quiet about the loss, which I don’t know whether that is a good thing or not.  At least you are not running your mouth about how you are “undefeated in matches that matter”.  You seem the type that would admit defeat and continue to fight, regardless of what the situation may be. This is my time to shine
I've got the scars to prove it. I am what you fear most, and that is the MOST dangerous man in SCW. When I get done with you, somebody better call your momma, because you will be hurtin’ for certain. At our match at London Brawling, I will tie the longest title reign of my career at 40 days in length, which happened to be the PrYde Unity Tag Team Titles, and I never truly lost those titles.  I prefer to win and prolong the title reign as long as possible, striving to be the longest tenured tag team champions in SCW history.  Should Jordan and I lose, we will have a good reign as champions, willing to face whomever Christian Underwood and Hot Stuff Mark Ward decided to throw our way.”

Casey then focuses on one half of Sinful Obsession, Gabriel, after Casey walks toward the arena with a frustrated look on his face.

Casey-“Gabriel, I got one question for you.  What makes you think that Sinful Obsession has a right to be in this title match?  Don’t get me wrong, I know how good you guys are in the ring, but you guys wrestle so sporadically, you haven’t earned the shot.  At least the Aristrocrats earned their title shot.  They show up every show, ready to compete.  When is the last time you and Despayre actually wrestled together? Ever since you lost the Heavyweight Championship, it seems that your run here in SCW has been less than memorable, whereas I have made a name for myself here. It seems as me, you and Despayre have gone to hell and back every time we have faced each other, and this time will be no different. Thus far, I would say that Jordan and I are the team to beat, seeing we are the current champs, which makes me better than you despite you having beaten me in the past. I will show you who the best in the tag team division is, for once and for all.“

Shortly thereafter, Casey , glaring intensely into the far distance in which the hotel seems from the arena, focuses on Gabriel’s tag team partner, Despayre as Casey stops to buy a ticket to the game.

Casey-“Despayre, so it seems like you have been the busier of the Sinful Obsession tag team as of late; with Angel showing up and beating James Huntington Hawkins III for James’s Universal Title.  I am not saying that Gabriel hasn’t been busy, it is just what you have done is more memorable as of late. I am not trying to be selfish, because as much as this is a tag team match, I am going to beat Sinful Obsession for me when it matters most, with the SCW Tag Team Titles on the line. I will show you and Gabriel that I am more dominant now than you have EVER SEEN.  You two have seen my transformation more than anybody, and know that I am a man of my word, even though I haven’t been 100% successful, you know I do not go down without a fight, just like I have since SCW opened its doors back in September.  I have gone 6-7 thus far; I have been around since the beginning, willing to go out every week to perform for either myself or for the fans.  Sometimes, I get denied and told to take a week or two off to get my mind back in the game, and I am not going to argue with those who tell me to do so, so I do what I must do. You talk about how when we first faced, how I dominated you, got disqualified for it and how you forgive me for it, big mistake on your part.  I will go out and dominate you once again, only difference is that I will keep my cool, and get the victory opposed to the loss.“

Casey then enters the arena and enjoys the game, with a great big shit grin on his face, as the scene fades to black.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 08:50:48 PM by Casey Williams »


SCW Title's held (and reign)
1x Roulette title reign from 05/20/12 to 8/02/12
1x Tag team title reign (w/ Jordan Williams) from 3/18/12 to 4/29/12
Hall of Famer class of 2020