Author Topic: Your'll never Hear Surf Music Again  (Read 1620 times)

Offline Casey Williams

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    • Casey Williams
Your'll never Hear Surf Music Again
« on: December 01, 2011, 08:39:44 PM »
 The scene opens with Casey in his locker room doing some stretches and stops when he suddenly notices the camera crew entering.  He stops stretching and picks up his bottle of water and starts to speak, looking directly into the camera.

“ Hey Blade, you question on what I can provide you with in this tag team.  Like Mercedez said, I can help eliminate Rage for you.  Not only can I do that, I will eliminate anyone who gets in your way of getting to Christian Underwood.  One thing that Mercedez said that has been eating at me is that she claims the only thing I care about is getting the gold.  Yeah, that is important and everything, but I care more about being able to kick some ass than any silly title.”

Turning his attention away from the camera for a moment Casey brings the bottle of water to his lips and drinks from it, before continuing to direct his attention to Blade.

”You say that you are a threat.  I am not going to disagree with you, but at the same time, I haven’t really seen that side of you yet.  You know how when I defeated Saint Patty, granted it was with the help of Wyatt Peterson kicking him at the end.  Have we seen him since that match? I don’t think so.  I am notorious for causing people to either not show up for a long time or retire because of the ass beating I gave them. We will show why we are as good as we say we are because we are competitors who are threats to anyone we face.”

Stopping again, Casey walks out of the camera's angle and comes back carrying a bag.  Reaching into the bag, Casey pulls out a pair of championship belts.  The camera zooms in on them and the words PrYde Unity Tag Team can be seen as he resumes talking.

”You see these bad boys?  I was a co-holder of these titles at the beginning of the year.  My tag team partner had a shot at the World Title, which he felt was more important than being a tag team champion.  He decided to drop his tag title and go for that title.  Naturally, I was angry that he turned his back on me, so when he least expected it, I kicked his ass.  You want to know when I did it.  I attacked him right before he won the World title. The beating was so bad, he had to drop the World Title and never showed his face around PrYde again, and the heads of PrYde allowed me to keep the tag titles seeing nobody technically beat me for them. These are my little reminder of how dominant I can really be when I set my mind to it.”

Placing the championship belts back into the bag and placing it at his feet, Casey lets out a sinister laugh before resuming talking again.

”Hey Surf Boys, you guys think that Blade and I are gonna go easy on you because you are “Narly and Radical”? I don’t think so.  With names like that, it makes me want to kick your asses even more.  You guys will end up like Saint Patty, no longer around in SCW.  You 2 are the biggest jokes I have ever seen in wrestling.  Hell, I take Doink the Clown more seriously than I do you two.“

Casey lets out a second sinister laugh and steps closer to the camera, the intensity showing in his eyes as he starts to speak again after his brief pause.

”I will show you guys no mercy.  I would imagine that Blade will do the same.  We will do whatever it takes to get ahead in this company and to make a statement to Christian Underwood. Don’t get too accustomed to wrestling.  When I get done with you, you guys will be going home and being laid up in bed because you guys will feel pain in places you didn’t think would hurt.“

Taking a step back, Casey takes a drink of his water before stepping up close to the camera again, his attention directed towards the Surf Boys still.

Casey-“Christmas is right around the corner and I will make sure you get a one way trip back home for the holiday. There is nothing you can do to stop my destruction.  There is nothing anybody can do to stop it, not you guys, not Blade Alexander, not Christian Underwood and Hot Stuff Mark Ward, nobody. I will show to the world what happens when you awaken the sleeping giant.”

Casey shoves the camera away from him as he storms out of the locker room and the scene fades out..


SCW Title's held (and reign)
1x Roulette title reign from 05/20/12 to 8/02/12
1x Tag team title reign (w/ Jordan Williams) from 3/18/12 to 4/29/12
Hall of Famer class of 2020