Author Topic: Doctor's Orders..  (Read 1272 times)

Offline O Malley

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Doctor's Orders..
« on: November 12, 2011, 07:56:49 PM »
 Sunday November 6th, 20ll..after Climax Control: High Stakes

Following Climax Control: High Stakes, new Bombshell Champion, Misty, is in the Bombshell’s locker room, packing up her duffel bag, getting ready to head home.  There is a knock on the door as she puts the last of her things into her bag and zips it up, then grabs her Bombshell Championship belt.  She walks over to the door and opens it to find her fiancée Spike standing there waiting for her.

“We gotta get going.  Dixie just called and said Eden keeps asking where we are.  You ready to go?” He says, leaning against the doorframe.

Misty hands her duffel bag to Spike. “Let me meet you at the car okay?  I just found out my match for the main event next week and there is someone I need to talk to first.”

“What’s your match?” He asks curiously.

“I’m teaming with JT Underwood to face Kittie and Gabriel.  I’ll only have to fight Kittie, though.  And by the way, Kittie is the number one contender for my title now.” Misty replies, though she doesn’t seem worried.

“I don’t think Kittie is still here, if that is who you need to talk to.” Spike replies, looking inside the locker room, and not seeing any sign of Kittie.

Misty shakes her head. “I don’t think talking to her is a good idea right now.  I actually wanted to find JT and talk to him for a few minutes.”

Spike’s nostrils flare, but he remains calm. “I’ll go with you then.”

Misty laughs and shakes her head. “Relax, babe.  I’ll be fine.  I’ll only be a few minutes.  Just go to the car and I’ll meet you there in a few minutes. Here, take this with you, too.” She hands him the Bombshell title.

Spike tries to object, but Misty leans in and gives him a kiss then walks off past him without another word.  He watches her walk away, takes a deep breath and shakes his head.  Faced with no other option, he walks off toward the parking lot, not looking very thrilled.  When he gets out to their car, he gets in the driver’s side, starts the engine, then waits patiently for Misty to return.  

After a couple minutes, he spots JT Underwood storm out of the building and over to his motorcycle, not looking in a good mood.  Shortly after, Misty walks over to JT’s motorcycle, and Spike watches them closely.  He can’t hear their conversation, but he keeps a close eye, should he need to intervene at all.  When JT throws his helmet against the wall and shatters it, Spike is just seconds away from going to get her, but doesn’t as she seems fine for the moment.  

He honks the horn to get Misty’s attention.  She turns around, signals for him to wait, and he growls under his breath.  Spike notices JT look over in his direction, and when JT hands Misty a piece of paper, he honks again.  Misty finally ends her conversation with JT and heads to the car.  She gets into the passenger’s seat, then looks over to Spike, almost annoyed.

“Overly impatient, aren’t we?” She says, fastening her seat belt.  As soon as she has her seat belt on, Spike drives off out of the parking lot.

“Why the hell did he break his helmet like that?  He’s lucky I didn’t—“ Misty cuts him off before he can finish his sentence.

“He just lost the Gauntlet Match for the Heavyweight Title, Spike.  He’s a little pissed off.  I’m sure Kittie is feeling the same way at the moment, you know.”  Misty replies.

Spike shakes his head and growls again.  “I don’t care what you say, I’ll be at ringside during that match in two weeks.”

Misty laughs and shakes her head. “I’ll be fine, Spike.  Gabriel can’t touch me.  I can only fight Kittie.”

“That’s not my point.”

Misty looks at Spike, sees the look on his face, then smiles.  “You’re really sexy when you’re jealous for no reason and over protective too.  But, you really need to relax.”

Spike then pulls into their driveway.  A tiny grin appears at the edge of his mouth.  Misty grabs her things from the backseat, draping her Bombshell Title belt over her shoulder.  She expects to see Eden through the front window, and then come running out the front door, but nothing.  Even when she and Spike walk through the front door, the only person they are greeted by is Misty’s sister, and babysitter for the evening, Dixie.

“Congrats, champ!” Dixie says as she walks up to Misty and gives her a hug.  Misty sets her duffel bag down, and looks around for Eden.

“Where’s Eden?  I thought she was waiting for us?” Misty asks, as Spike walks past her and into their living room.

“She just fell asleep a few minutes ago.  She fought to stay awake, but she’s passed out on the sofa now.” Dixie replies with a smile.

Misty is about to head into the living room, when Spike comes back into view with Eden in his arms, her head resting on his shoulder.  She is still asleep.  Misty kisses Eden’s forehead, and runs her hand through her raven colored hair.

“I’ll go put her to bed.”  Spike says.  Misty nods her head, and Spike walks past, heading to Eden’s room.

Misty walks into the living room, carefully sets her Bombshell title on the coffee table and looks at the TV.  A still frame of her holding the belt up is seen, and she can’t help but smile.

“I did it Dixie.  I actually DID IT.  I’m the first ever SCW Bombshell Champion.”  She says as she stares at the TV screen.  Dixie sits next to her and looks at the Bombshell title belt and smiles.

“We all knew you would, sis.  You’ve been a champion before, so what makes now any different?  You did great in that match.  Eden was so excited when you won.”  Dixie says, as Misty grabs her Bombshell Championship and places it in her lap. She stares at it, making sure its real.

“There was a second there where I thought Kittie had me beat, though.  I don’t know how I managed to get my shoulder up right at the last minute.  Even before that, I thought for sure Raynin was going to eliminate me all together.  I’m just still in awe right now.  I’m making sure this isn’t a dream.”

Dixie shakes her head. “But you fought your way through it.  You gave it your all and you walked out of there as the champion, just like you said you were going to do.  It’s not a dream, sis.”  Dixie then pinches Misty’s arm.

“Hey!”  Misty yanks her arm away.  “What was that for?”

“Proof that this isn’t a dream.”  Dixie smirks.

“Ok, point proven.”  Misty says.  “Anyway, I’m pretty exhausted right now.  I think I’m going to go take a shower, then get some sleep.  My back is starting to hurt a little bit right now.”

Dixie nods. “Alright then.  I guess that’s my cue to get heading home.  I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”

“You’re more than welcome to crash here, Dixie.  You know that.”  Misty offers as she stands up from the sofa, along with Dixie.

Dixie laughs. “Right.  And sleep in the guest bedroom that is right next to yours and Spike’s?  I’ll pass.”

Misty can’t help but laugh.  “Fair enough.  I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Dixie then grabs her car keys, and her purse, and heads to the front door. “Later, Misty.  Congrats again.”

Dixie then walks out the front door and heads home.  Misty walks upstairs to hers and Spike’s bedroom, where she places the Bombshell Championship on her nightstand, goes into her dresser and grabs a pair of pajamas.  Spike appears at the doorway and looks at her.

“She didn’t even wake up, and I’m pretty sure Timmy is asleep in his room.”  He says with a wink.

Misty smiles and walks up to him. “I was just getting ready to go take a shower.”  She walks past him, and he turns around, watching as she walks to the bathroom.

“You going to join me or not?”  She says just before she walks into the bathroom.  Spike doesn’t need to be told twice, as he grins and the two disappear into the bathroom, closing the door behind them.


The scene opens up in Spike and Misty’s bedroom.  The camera focuses on Misty as she is laying in bed, half sitting up, and looking, well, exhausted.  She slowly turns and looks right into the camera.

”I have asked a cameraman to come to my home today, or one reason and one reason only.  If I was currently able to get out of this damn bed, I would be out doing my promotional duties as the Bombshell champion, rather than speaking into the camera, explaining why you all have to see me like this in the first place.  Trust me when I tell you, I’m not happy about it, and I’m not happy having to do what I’m about to do.”

Misty again adjusts her position and winces.

”Last Sunday, I did exactly what I told everyone I was going to do.  I did what I promised my family…my little girl...what I would do.  I walked into that Gauntlet Match with nothing, and walked out as the first ever SCW Bombshell Champion.  I may have held an advantage being the last one to enter the ring, but had I been the first entrant, much like Gabriel was in his, the outcome would have been the same.  Oh, and I’ll get on the subject of Gabriel shortly.

Misty reaches for her bottle of water, sitting on the nightstand next to her, and takes a sip before returning it to where it was.

”I fought like hell in that match, and ultimately, I paid a price for that battle.  I took a beating first from Raynin, and then from Kittie, and I’m hurting like hell right now.  Aside from getting up out of this bed to use the bathroom and take a shower, I’ve been layed up in this bed for the majority of the week.  I had to put off any celebrating I wanted to do because of this damn back injury I suffered in that match, and you know what?  It really SUCKS.

Sitting next to Misty on the bed is a laptop.

”I hate that I have to admit this, considering I KNOW that Kittie will watch this, and honestly, I don’t know how she will react.  The day after High Stakes, I went to the doctors with a horrible pain in my lower back.  It hurt so bad, I could barely walk at times.  Spike didn’t want me to take any chances, so I called the doctor and made an appointment that day.  Thankfully, it’s nothing serious.  Doc says it’s just a lower back strain and that I need to stay off my feet for few days, and rest up as much as possible.  He prescribed me some pain killers and muscle relaxers and sent me on my way, and here I am now.  Feeling absolutely useless.

Misty then places the laptop in her lap, but doesn’t open it just yet.  She looks like she is about to cry, but she holds back any tears she may have.

”I’m thankful that I have my own personal ‘doctors’ here at home to help take care of me, otherwise, I might just be losing my mind.  All week I’ve been wanting to get out of the house and do something…ANYTHING.  I mean, how pathetic is it that I have to spend my first week as Bombshell Champion practically bed ridden?  For those of you watching this, don’t take this as an injury that will force me out of action for a certain length of time, because I’m not going to allow that to happen.  I have a championship to defend, and I don’t care if I have to risk breaking my damn back, I’m going to defend and RETAIN it.  But first, I’m teamed up with JT Underwood to face Kittie and Gabriel.”

Misty then opens the laptop, and goes to the SCW website.  She pulls up Gabriel’s promo video, and smirks.

”Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel.  I guess I should start by congratulating you on your win and becoming the first Heavyweight Champion.  Job well done.  You managed to fight your way through every single entrant in that Gauntlet Match, with the exception of Despayre, and walked out as the champion.  Impressive.  But, I listened to what you had to say about me, and quite frankly, I had to laugh.  You brought up something that I’m fairly sure most people who know Spike are probably thinking.  You brought up whether or not Spike needs to be worried about me being teamed up with JT.  The answer?  Not one bit.

Misty turns her attention back to the camera, looking directly into it, as if looking right at Gabriel.

”Gabriel, would you be thinking the same thing had I been paired with you instead?  Would you think that you and I perhaps would, and I quote ‘make a cute couple’ if it weren’t for Spike?  I’d like to hear your response to that, because if you think that, you’d be very mistaken.  Being teamed with JT is strictly business, and I’m not ignoring Spike at all.  I’m not creating chemistry with JT, because for all I know, this is the only time I will need to work with him.  I’m committed to Spike, and have no plans on jeopardizing the family we have together.  Plain and simple.  So, think what you want, but you’re wrong.”

Misty then tries to pull up Kittie’s promotional video, but it appears to have been removed.

”And that brings me to Kittie…the only person I really need to worry about in this upcoming match.  I know Kittie will see this, and I have a few things that I want to make very clear.  I may have walked away as the champion, but it wasn’t easy.  I know you probably took it personally, Kittie, and hell, I probably would have too, but I would have been proud to lose to you.  I was afraid I might!  I saw what you did to the mirror in the locker room after the match.  Hell, I was the one who cleaned it up, because I felt responsible.  I can only imagine what is going through your head, because had the tables been turned, I’d probably be feeling close to the same way.  I hope our friendship can withstand this, but just realize one thing…I plan on holding this belt for a while.  I have no intention of being the shortest reigning Bombshell Champion.  I don’t care if I get crippled in the process.”

Misty closes the laptop, then places it next to her once again.  She adjusts her position and winces again.

”I don’t expect you to take it easy on me next week at Climax Control, so don’t think that me admitting that I’m hurt right now is me asking for pity, because it’s not.  I felt it necessary to explain why nothing has been seen from me all week, as I hate waiting until the last minute to do anything.  I’m the Bombshell Champion, but right now, I’m feeling like complete sh*t.  I’m worried that I won’t be able to walk into Climax Control at one hundred percent and give SCW and its fans a main event performance.  I’m worried about letting everyone down, including my partner this week, JT Underwood.”

Misty fluffs her pillow, attempting to get more comfortable, but it just doesn’t seem to be working.

”JT, injury or not, I’m going to go into this match and give it my all.  I’ll go down fighting if I have to, but I won’t let my back injury get in the way.  I’m not going to give up and I’ll do everything in my power to get through Kittie and get us the win.  It’s not in my nature to cry and whine like a little bitch when I’m hurt.  I’ll fight through the pain.  I won’t let you down, and I’ll show everyone just why I am the Bombshell Champion.  I’ll show everyone just how dedicated I am.  Feeling one hundred percent or not…I’ll be at Climax Control ready to fight.  That’s a promise.”

Scene fades…to black.