Author Topic: Awake the Sleeping Giant  (Read 1211 times)

Offline Casey Williams

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    • Casey Williams
Awake the Sleeping Giant
« on: November 12, 2011, 07:24:45 PM »
 Scene One - Frustration Building.

The scene comes into focus as Casey Williams is pulling up to the hotel he is staying at. He brings his Harley to a stop in one of the designated Motorcycle Parking spots and kills the engine as he pushes the kickstand down. Unstrapping his gym bag from the back he places it on the seat as he starts venting to himself.

Casey - "God damn it Ryan."

Casey punches his bag, and looks into the night life of Vegas.

Casey - "Ryan you need to get your head in the game man. All this drinking is screwing up your ability to stay focus in the ring. We had a advantage over Despayre and Gabriel. You might have been physically in that ring at High Stakes, but you were not fucking mentally there."

Casey grabs the bag and punts it away from him.

Casey - "I know you have shit going on, but I NEED you to get your act together. We can't be a dominate team if you are being held at bay outside the ring, and I am getting double teamed numerous times. I know I'm a fucking warrior, but even the best warriors need some help from time to time."

Casey starts walking towards his bag and kicks it again as he gets close enough to do so.

Casey - "Then there was that damn gauntlet. I wanted to eliminate Gabriel so bad, and in doing so would have gotten the revenge I sought. But, everybody felt the need to team up on a big guy and get me out before I could. Bruce Evans felt a bit of what I could do. Now him and Kid Karma are going to both learn what I can do at Climax Control, when they face myself and Ryan.”

Finally Casey grabs his bag and starts walking towards the entrance to the hotel.

Casey - "The bonus for Ryan and I, with Gabriel winning the Heavyweight title, it leaves him and I being the only legitamite tag team in the tag title tournament. The only pair that has experience going into this tournament. It gives us an edge since we know what to expect from each other. At least, I hope we fucking do."

The scene fades to black as Casey walks into the hotel and heads towards the elevator.

Scene 2-Waiting on an Update

The scene comes into focus outside the Emergency Room of the Spring Valley Hospital in Las Vegas, NV with Casey Williams talking on his cell phone.

Casey - "Hey, I'm sorry about having to cancel our date tonight. I'm at the hospital with Ryan. He took a big spill out the bar tonight."

The familar voice of Laura can be heard coming out of the speaker as Casey listens.

Laura - "Is he ok? What happened?"

Casey - "I don't know. He got really drunk tonight, and fell over a table backwards, and slammed his head hard on the concrete floor. If he is fine, then he is going to wish he wasn't. I want to beat his ass for costing us our tag team match at High Stakes."

Laura - "OH MY GOD CASEY!!! He is your best friend don't talk like that."

Casey - "Fucking best friend or not, I still want to kick his ass for not having his head in the game Sunday night."

Casey turns facing the entrance to the emergency room and continues to talk.

Casey - "I understand he was distracted going into that match with the four year mark of him losing his wife and daughter. They were his world, his everything. It was the reason he started drinking, but still, when we step into the ring, he has to be able to put all of that aside during our matches."

Laura - "I can understand your frustrations towards him, but right now it seems like he needs a true friend more then anything. How come you never mentioned him being a family man? He doesn't seem like the kind of guy to care for that kind of thing"

Casey - "He doesn't like reliving it a lot. Ever time he does, he goes to a bad place. Much like tonight, but it has never been this fucking bad."

Both fell silent for a few moments, before Casey started to speak again.

Casey - "I'm really worried about him Laura. I trusted him so much in college and couldn't wait for us to finally team up. But now, with him drinking more and more every week since he came to SCW, I don't know what to do. He is sober for the shows, even though he never has his head fully in the ring with him."

Laura - "I can understand your concern Casey, but the only thing I can say is to talk to him, find out whats going on in his head, and see if there is anything you can help him with. You two use to be best friends in college. Be the best friend he needs, and try to help him get in a better place."

Before Casey can respond to that, he sees a doctor waving him into the building.

Casey - "Laura, I am going to have to call you back... A doctor is waving me in."

Not waiting for her to respond, Casey ends the call, and quickly walks inside where the doctor waiting, introduces himself.

Doc - "Mr. Williams, my name is Dr. Johnson. My nurses told me that you where the one that came in with Mr. King, is that correct?

Casey and the Doc shake hands and Casey responds.

Casey - "Yes, I am his best friend. Is he going to be ok?"

Dr. Johnson - "Yes he will be ok. We are going to keep him here over night for observation and to allow him to sober up. His blood alcohol content was really high. I am surprised he isn't suffering from Alcohol poisoning."

Casey - "So am I. How is he other then that?"

Dr. Johnson looks down at the chart and responds while reading from it.

Dr. Johnson - "Well, he has a minor concusion, which is the other reason we are going to hold him over night. With him having drank so much, we can't administer any kind of pain medication for several more hours, although he probably isn't going to feel anything really until he wakes up."

Casey nods his head.

Casey - "Is it alright if I go grab something to eat and grab some stuff for him and come back in a bit?"

Dr. Johnson - "Yes, that is fine, I will leave a note at the security desk for you, and Mr. King will be moved to a private room shortly."

Casey - "Alright thanks doc, I'll be back soon."

Casey shakes the doctors hand again, and turns to walk out, as he presses the talk button on his cell phone and the scene fades to black.

Scene Three - Proving Himself Worthy

The scene shows Casey sitting in his hotel room preparing to head back to the hospital. He takes a few minutes and starts discussing his upcoming match.

“Bruce, you talk about my eliminating you from the gauntlet. Big Deal, it was every man for himself, and you would have done the exact same thing, if you had your way, but you didn’t. I am not even mad at Wyatt, who eliminated me. You know why. He did what anybody would have done in his shoes, and he was the only one who could do it on his own. Let’s show who is the better man when we get in the ring and it is not an elimination style match. Then when I defeat you cleanly, you best stop your bitching on how you suck and that I am truly better than you.”

Casey walks grabs his bottle of water and takes a drink from it, and turns his attention back to his opponents.

”You know that I have caused you pain before, but that is nothing compared to what is coming your way. I will hit you so f*cking hard, you will feel like you kissed a freight train. When you get inside the ring with me, it is war, and I will always come back for more, even despite a loss."

Casey walks over to the window and gazes out the window, thinking about Ryan King and how he is doing.

"I am like the United States Veterans., some of them gave their all, all of them gave something, and I give my all, and sometimes my all isn’t enough. It took 2 finishers to put me away at High Stakes, first I was hit with Gabriel’s Believe This, then he hit me with Last Wishes while Despayre had me in the sharpshooter. Needless to say, I still have unfinished business with them bastards. I know JT is taking care of Gabriel, but win or lose, I want another shot at that bastard. For now, you and Blaque Hart will feel the brunt of my anger because you guys are in my way to who I need to be facing. ”

Casey then takes another drink of water and continues to speak.

"Kid Karma, a man who I do not know much about, but I know you are dangerous from what I saw in those matches from High Stakes."

Casey stands up and pulls his leather vest on as he continues to talk.

"You faced Wyatt in your encounter with him and you both got counted out prior to the gauntlet match, which means that you are capable of anything that you set your mind to. You will not be able to defeat Ryan King and myself simply because I will not allow myself to lose in 2 shows in a row, let alone 2 tag team matches in a row. My not winning the gauntlet doesn’t mean anything simply because I was in a lot of pain from the tag team match with Sinful Obsession. I will prove that I am better than the showing from High Stakes. ”

Casey grabs his bag, and the scene fades to black as Casey leaves for the gym.


SCW Title's held (and reign)
1x Roulette title reign from 05/20/12 to 8/02/12
1x Tag team title reign (w/ Jordan Williams) from 3/18/12 to 4/29/12
Hall of Famer class of 2020