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    • Bill Barnhart
« on: May 24, 2024, 08:45:44 AM »

Narrator:  Bill Barnhart has an amazing opportunity to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship in an Over-The-Top Battle Royal. I know Bill is approaching this match in an interesting way so I will turn you over to Bill to get his comments directly from him.


The scene shifts and we get a shot of Bill and Bea Barnhart inside the Musselman Stadium in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Both are standing between the wrestling ring and the announcers table where Jason Adams and Belinda Simone present commentary on the matches. Both Bill and Bea are casually dressed and in blue jeans, pullover shirt, and white sneakers. When the camera person informs the two that they are live broadcasting Bill and Bea take their seats at the announcers table.

Bill:  Bea before I launch into my comments for my Over-The-Top Battle Royal to determine who gets a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship is there anything you wish to comment on?

Bea:  I would like to start by stating I feel bad that me and Bill did not get as far in the Blast From The Past Tournament as we wanted to but that is how that type of Tournament works.

Bill:  That is all you have to say at this time?

Bea:  Of course not. I want to comment to Nakita Niles. Nakita we will have a Grudge Match at Into The Void XII. Although the only information we have been given is that our match is a Grudge Match I am hoping that they will make it a Hardcore Rules match so that we can put our feud behind us. I want a match where there are no limits so that when I defeat you then you will stop hurling insults and accusations my way. And, NO, Nakita, I am not going to be at ringside for your match against Victory Lyons. I will watch your match from the dressing room. That way, when you lose to Victoria, you cannot try to accuse me by claiming I distracted you and interfered in your match.

Bill:  Are you done Bea?

Bea:  Yep! The camera time is all yours.


Bill:  I am in the Main Event which is an Over-The-Top Battle Royal with the winner getting a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship. Currently. . .and I say currently as things could change and substitutions of wrestlers may take place, the participants in this Over-The-Top Battle Royal include ME, Caleb Storms, Jamie Dean, Justin Smith, Lyle Kasey Jr., Rodrigo Afonso, and Teddy Warren.

Bill gives a wide-eyed stare into the camera.

Bill:  What the. . . My six opponents combined so not add up to one Bill Barnhart so this will be an extremely easy match for me to win. I could go over all the matches I have had against these guys but there is no need for me to do that. The only thing that matters is who the last wrestler in the the when the match is over. And, of course, that last remaining wrestler will be me and I will go on to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Bea:  Bill? Do you know if the elimination portion of your match requires that a wrestler gets thrown over the ring ropes and that they must land on the arena floor to be disqualified or if just throwing them over the ropes to the ring apron is enough for the disqualification?

Bill:  Most matches like this require that the person thrown over the ropes must land on the arena floor to be disqualified from the match. That is how I am approaching my match. This match will be an easy win for me.

Bea:  Please allow me to make something clear so that nobody in Sin City Wrestling will be confused. I will be at ringside for Bill’s match as I am legally and officially Bill’s Manager for his matches. I am not at ringside to interfere in the match. I am at ringside to ensure that, if by miracle or warp in time, someone manages to toss Bill over the ropes that the Referee does not automatically disqualify Bill from the match when he has not yet landed on the arena floor. I will not tolerate an on-the-take corrupt Referee cheating Bill out of a win.

Bill:  Thank you Bea. When there are seven wrestlers in the ring at the same time and there is always a chance the Referee might make a mistake. If they do make a mistake then you, as my Manager, have the right to challenge the Referee. At that point the Referee needs to stop the match for a short time to review the video of the action of the match. Replays on close or controversial calls is common in other sports so it should also be a common thing in the sport of Wrestling.

Bea:  Well, Bill, from what we have seen in the past we already know that several of the Referees have a bias against certain wrestlers so they tend to not see things that are so clear that a blind person can see them. I will ensure that whichever Referee is assigned to your match that they will call the match fairly and equally for all the participants.

Bill:  Thank you Bea.


Bill looks sternly into the camera.

Bill:  I will now tell you what is will take to win this Battle Royal. Does it take being the largest wrestler in the match? Nope! Does it take being the quickest wreslter in the match? Nope! Does it take being the most intelligent wrestler in the match? Nope! Does it take being the most cowardly wrestler in the match so they can hide from the assaults from the other wrestlers? Nope!

Bea:  So, Bill, if all those items you mentioned are not determining factors on who will win the Battle Royal then what is the item, or items, that define who the winner will be?

Bill:  It is simple Bea. I had Satan come after me to obtain my soul for a long time. I finally got him to commit to a face-off I knew I would win and he would lose and the dipshit took the bait, agreed to the face-off, and he lost to me. Since the stipulation was if I won against him again that he would never be able to challenge me for my soul again for eternity. My half-brother, Chris Shipman, vowed to kill me and he tried dozens of times to accomplish that. But look at the current situation. I am still here. I am still alive. I am still active in the sport of wrestling. But where is Chris Shipman? Nowhere to be found. I have no clue if he is still along or long deceased and to be honest I do not care. I’ve also had incidents where biker gangs, gang members, drug dealers, and other criminals, tried to take me out and my intelligence and agility took them all out of action.

Bea:  How do those incidents relate to your upcoming match?

Bill:  Simple. The wrestler who will win this Battle Royal will be the wrestler who is able to easily fend off attacks while at the same time aggressively attack the others. It will be the wrestler who can take the blows and hits and give the other wrestlers ten times more hits and blows than what they did to him. It will be the wreslter who does not allow distractions to take his attention away from the match. The bottom line, Bea, is that I will win this Battle Royal and I will face the World Heavyweight Champion and and I will defeat him and become the next Sin City Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion.

Bea:  Glad I will be at ringside to witness your win first hand.


Bill:  For my opponents let me enlighten you. Caleb Storms? Yesterday’s trash. Jamie Dean? Tomorrow’s trash. Justin Smith? A moment in time that turned out to be a failure. Lyle Kasey Junior? A joke of a wrestler. Rodrigo Afonso? The man with the special briefcase but he does not know how or when to use it. And, finally, Teddy Warren. The wrestler who is probably the most unliked wrestler in the sport of wrestling.

Bill flashes a huge grin into the camera.

Bill:  I enter this Battle Royal as one of seven participants but I will leave this Battle Royal as the winner to face the World Heavyweight Champion for the Championship. It does not get easyer to understand than that.

Bill informs the camera person that he is done with his comments for his match at Climax Control 395, The camera person cuts their camera feed and our screen goes dark.