Author Topic: BULLDOG (c) v GOTH - Roulette title  (Read 3622 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
BULLDOG (c) v GOTH - Roulette title
« on: January 02, 2023, 06:19:33 AM »
Post your roleplays here by deadline. Good luck and have fun!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Andrew

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    • Bill Barnhart
Re: BULLDOG (c) v GOTH - Roulette title
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2023, 12:24:26 PM »

Narrator:  I had a talk with Bill Barnhart before I came on camera to give you lead-in comments concerning Bill’s match against Goth where Bill defends the Roulette Championship against him. When I asked Bill how he feels about this match, and how he feels he’ll fare in the match, he replied like the Bee Gees that he’s Stayin’ Alive. . .specifically he’s stayin’ alive as Sin City Wrestling Roulette Champion. I now turn you over to Bill Barnhart so he can give you the full story.

The scene changes and takes us to the home of Bill and Bea Barnhart in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Bill and Bea are sitting on the couch In their living room while Iris is laid out on the floor in front of the couch. As the camera person is panning around the Barnhart’s living room we begin to hear the song STAYIN’ ALIVE by the Bee Gees begin to play.

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As soon as the music begins to play Bill jumps off the couch and begins strutting around the living room to the music. Bea is bobbing and swaying around and clapping at Bill’s performance to the song STAYIN’ ALIVE by the Bee Gees. Iris, however, seems more upset that the music playing, Bea clapping, and Daddy Bill dancing and strutting around the room, is disturbing her relaxation and sleep time. The music ends and Bill stops dancing and he returns to sitting on the couch next to Bea.

Bill:  Thanks for joining me today. As you know I’m defending MY Roulette Championship against Goth at Inception VI. That event takes place on January 15, 2023, in Stockton, California, at the Stockton Arena. The reason I opened my comments today with the song STAYIN’ ALIVE by the Bee Gees is that I’m staying alive as Sin City Wrestling Roulette Champion. My first reign as Roulette Champion was six months. This current reign has no expiration date and I plan on STAYIN’ ALIVE and successfully defending the Roulette Championship longer than I did the first time.

Bea:  I’ll be in Bill’s corner as his Manager and Senor Vinnie told me he’ll be in the backstage area to be ready to take action if Goth, Melissa, or anyone else associated with him, tries to interfere in the match to help Goth or if they try to attack Bill in an attempt to get Goth a cheap win.

Bill:  I need to add comments concerning the town of Stockton, California. As most of you know, if you have been paying attention, I was born in Oakland, California, and lived there until 2012 when me and Bea moved to Lawrenceville, Georgia which is in the Atlanta, Georgia, area. Even back in the 1980’s and 1990’s Stockton was known to be one of the top three gang and drug dealing areas of California. But now Stockton is the number one gang and drug dealing area in the State of California. Stockton is such a vile and disgusting place today that when people are driving and approach the area where Stockton is located they’ll take an alternative route to drive around Stockton even though that alternative route adds over 50 miles to their drive and more than an hour to the driving time. Even though I’m originally from Oakland, in the San Francisco Bay Area, I’m sure the fans in Stockton won’t give me a nice reception because I talk down their disgusting city. They can do what they want but their actions won’t change the fact that I’ll defeat Goth and retain my Roulette Championship.


Bill:  Everyone saw what happened at Climax Control 350 on Sunday, December 11, 2022. Me and Bea were in a Mixed Tag Team match against Goth and Melissa. It was an interesting rough and tough match when the Roulette Wheel landed on Naughty or Nice and that caused our match to be a No Disqualification match. Bea ended up getting the win with a pinfall over Melissa so we walked away the winners that night and I’ll walk away the winner against Goth at Inception VI.

Bea:  Although comments flying around from the incompetent, ignorant, and idiotic people out there claim the only reason I got the pinfall on Melissa was that Jessie Salco ran in on the match, which was legal under No Disqualification rules, and she knocked Melissa unconscious for me to the get the pinfall victory. Let me make this clear so that even the dumbest of you watching today will be able to understand. Jessie Salco has been attacking me for over a year. Jessie hates me and wants to destroy me. We have a mutual hatred for each other. So, NO!!! I didn’t ask Jessie to run in on our match. She actually has more hatred toward Melissa than she does toward me so her actions were the result of her issues she has with Melissa and had nothing to do with me.

Bill:  The bottom line is we defeated Goth and Melissa at Climax Control 350 and I’ll defeat Goth and retain the Roulette Championship at Inception VI.


Bill:  Although I went over a few of the reasons I want to end Goth’s wrestling career I still have people asking me why I want to end his career. Simply put if you had been abused, both physically and mentally, by someone like Goth you would want revenge also. Oh, yeah, the near electrocution of Goth I perpetrated on him during the end of the year awards ceremony for Most Shocking Incident was fun but I wasn’t allowed to end Goth’s career at that time. They stopped me from totally destroying Goth. Their actions makes me put on my impersonation of Ron Simmons as I state DAMN!!!

Bea:  Bill was tormented mentally by Goth who over-worked Bill and caused him to not perform well in the wrestling ring. Goth forced Bill to work day and night, with Bill barely getting enough time to sleep and train. Bill fell into the grip of Goth who was out of control as owner of that wrestling federation. Bill actually had to see a Doctor and that Doctor referred Bill to a Psychologist for therapy.

Bill:  Due to Goth’s abusing me around the clock I was in a state of depression. I was so tired and mentally abused by Goth, and weak from the lack of sleep, that I started hallucinating. These symptoms got so bad that I was imagining I hired a Manager to be at ringside for my matches. It turned out the so-called Manager I was talking to was a sock puppet. Don’t laugh as this was a serious situation during that time. For the sake of providing you with the information you need to know that Goth was a mean and pathetic asshole I’ll have the Network put up an image of the sock puppet Manager named Bill Sockhart.

The network puts up a graphic of Bill Sockhart for everyone to see.

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The graphic stays on the screen long enough for everyone to take into account what Bill went through while being terrorized by Goth in their other wrestling federation.

Bill:  Go ahead and laugh if you want to! I found nothing amusing about the crap Goth put me through back then.

Bea:  Bill quit working for Goth in the Front Office of that wrestling federation but he remained on the Roster as an active wrestler. After getting out from the mental abuse inflicted by Goth Bill was able to return to being one of the top wrestlers in that federation and he even earned the Grand Slam again.

Bill:  Goth has been using many reasons for his abuse of me that other wrestling federation. Instead of admitting he’s mean and evil and likes to abuse others Goth relied on excuses. One time it was the excuse of having the stress of owning and running a wrestling federation. Another time it was the excuse that something that happened to someone close to him tripped him into near insanity. Another time is the excuse was that he over-indulged in alcoholic beverages. It’s nice to have excuses to try to cover a bad attitude but I feel Goth took it too far and I’m unable to forgive him for what he did to me.


Bill:  There’s an saying that infers that something is easier than shooting fish in a barrel which is another way of saying something is exceptionally easy to accomplish. Let me show you a graphic of fish in a barrel then you put yourself and your friends around that barrel with the fish in it and shoot at them and you could be deaf, blind, and crippled, and still hit the fish with your shooting.

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Bill:  Goth you know I’ve been waiting for this time to come where I’ll finally, and totally, eliminate you from the wrestling world and I have that opportunity at Inception VI.  You can run from me but you can’t hide. You can send your thugs to take me out but remember I’m like the Pale Rider in the movie that every time you and your thugs think you have me taken out you find out I got away and I’m coming after you to take you out.

Bea:  Some of you may not know, as you’re new to Sin City Wrestling, but our Family Physician, Doctor Kim, at AG Family Medicine in Duluth, Georgia, helped Bill to be able to control his inner demon as Bill went through a period of time where, when his inner demon would be angered, it would come out, it would take over Bill, and many opponents got badly hurt. By the time Bill’s inner demon returned to being under control of Bill the damage was done. Fortunately many of Bill’s victims made a full recovery but sadly many had to retire from wrestling due to the damage inflicted upon them.

Bill:  Doctor Kim taught me how to keep that inner demon under my control. Even with that there were still times I wasn’t able to keep the demon inside of me and under my control and opponents got hurt. Goth you can rest assured that although I work hard to keep my inner demon inside of me and under control there are times I cannot control it. It makes it more difficult for me to control my inner demon when I detest you as much as I do. If you provoke me past the limits of my tolerance, and you get hurt by me and my inner demon, don’t cry about it after I win our match. If anything  you should be grateful you’re still alive and able to walk. Yes, Goth, defeating you in this match will be easier than shooting fish in a barrel.


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A graphic comes up on the screen and we see an image of a man with his back to us and he has a target on his back with an arrow stuck into the Bulls-eye. When the graphic comes off the screen we get a shot of Bill staring intently into the camera.

Bill:  I know I have a target on my back and I know others are trying to hit that target and defeat me. Goth I know you’re not surprised that I mentioned the target on my back as a Champion because you’ve held Championships in your wrestling career more than most other wrestlers have been able to do. Goth, now that I have the target on my back as Roulette Champion, you may have your arrows ready to hit the target on my back and defeat me for the Roulette Championship but you’ll fail. The hatred I have for you is ten times the hatred you have for me and I damn sure enjoy that 90 percent advantage over you. Shoot all your arrows Goth. Throw every move, maneuver, and hold you have in your body. Give it all you’ve got Goth. Even everything you’ve got thrown at me won’t be enough.


Click here to view image

Bill:  Wrestling matches are like a Chess game Goth. Let me tell you how our match, our Chess game if you will, is going to go. You and I are playing a Chess game called a wrestling match under Roulette Rules. Both of us don’t know what the Roulette Wheel will land on but for sure the Roulette Wheel won’t disappoint us. It will land on match rules and stipulations both of us must adhere to and abide by. You make many moves during our match and I do so also just like in a Chess game. Then you make a move you feel has this match, or Chess game if you will, won and you state CHECK! then you smile and stare me down as you think you’ve won the game. After your theatrics I make my move and I then yell into your face CHECKMATE!!! and when you look down you realize I have your King, meaning you of course, in a position where you cannot move any of your Chess pieces to get out of the Checkmate.

Bea:  Awwww!!! Poor little Gothy-Wothy lost to Bill Barnhart!


Bill:  Goth your loss to me in this Roulette Championship match is my gain. How is that you ask? I’m gonna tell you. Soundly defeating you, and likely putting you into retirement from the sport of wrestling, is my gain. And, Goth, it really is as simple as one. . .two. . .three. . .as follows. ONE. . .it eliminates you from my life. TWO. . .I get the ultimate revenge on you for the evil things you did to me when I worked as your Vice President in another wrestling federation. THREE. . .I get to continue proving to the world that I’m going to hold the Roulette Championship in Sin City Wrestling longer than I did the first time which was six months.

Bea:  And I get the pleasure of watching Melissa turn her back on Goth, return the engagement ring he gave her, and refuse to marry him. I love it when me and Bill motivate others to do the right thing.

Bill:  Goth this revenge I’ll inflict on you has been a long time coming. Now is my time to do to you what I did to Chris Shipman. Remember that my half-brother promised to the world that he would destroy me and my family and put me to death and piss on my grave for the rest of his life. So where the hell is Chris Shipman now? He vowed to take me out of existence for years and so far he has accomplished nothing but to not be seen again after the last time I took him on and defeated him. Goth do you honestly think you’re the baddest bad ass and the most vicious, vile, and evil, person in the world and that you can take me out? Remember that my half-brother, Chris Shipman, was ten times the bad ass as you think you are and he was one of the most vicious, vile, and evil, persons this world has ever known. But he’s gone and I’m still here! What the hell does that tell you Goth? If I was able to take out Chris Shipman who is ten times the as tough, bad, and evil, as you claim to be then that means you have no chance of taking me, the person who made Chris Shipman disappear off the face of the Earth, out of play! Let that sink in Goth!


Bea:  Bill asked me to start our closing comments. Goth it will be an extreme pleasure to watch Bill destroy you and most likely force you into retirement from wrestling. As for you, Melissa, if you want to try to interfere in this match to try to distract the Referee so he won’t see Goth cheating you damn well better think again! You’ve done numerous items of interference in Goth’s matches but if you do the slightest thing to influence this match I’ll take you out and I assure you my taking you out will be extremely painful for you and it may end your wrestling career. Just stay in Goth’s corner and serve as his Manager instead of doing something that will likely end your wrestling career.

Bill:  My closing comments for you, Goth, is to reveal what else took place in our other wrestling federation. You lost the Electrified Steel Cage Match against Jason Perry. Although you’re likely to claim no memory of that match against Jason the fact remains that you had that match, Jason defeated you, and you were nearly electrocuted by him in that Electrified Steel Cage Match. I was able to defeat Jason Perry numerous times but you were not. Hmmm…that’s very revealing eh Goth? Then at the end of the year Awards Ceremony I presented the award for the Most Shocking Moment for that year and I shocked your ass in an electric chair and nearly sent you off into infinity. Remember that at Inception VI you’re facing the wrestler who was able to defeat Jason Perry and he was the wrestler who defeated you. Think hard on that Goth! You think you can defeat me, the wrestler who defeated Jason Perry when you lost to him? If you think that’s possible then I believe you have reached to the lowest level of intelligence and comprehension. Bring whatever you think you need to bring. Whatever  you decide to bring still won’t bring enough. This is MY Roulette Championship. . .not yours!!!

Bill and Bea both bust out in loud laughter then Bea tells the camera person they are done with their comments for this segment and the camera person cuts their camera feed and the Network returns to regular scheduled programming for this time slot.

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Re: BULLDOG (c) v GOTH - Roulette title
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2023, 07:34:12 PM »
We are outside the big lime lights of Las Vegas, Nevada. Somewhere in the desert there is a big time house with some land surrounding it and a big time wall that surrounds that part of the land. The house is mostly made out of wood in a traditional Victorian way that has a huge porch on the front that watches over the land.

On the porch there is a large wooden bench, the bench is seated in the shade because of the large roof over the porch that allows a figure to be seated there while drinking an ice gold glass of orange juice. The camera’s slowly turn towards the figure as it reveals to be Sin City’s own Goth, dressed in his patented Armani suit, except for his jacket as that is hanging at a coat rack near the bench. Goth is watching the scenery in front of him as we see Melissa walk in on him, dressed in a casual dress that clings nicely around her muscular body.

“This was a great buy from the boys.”

Goth nods his head while keeping his focus upon the ground before him, noticing that it is still more desert than anything else. Staring at the groundsmen that are working on the process of creating what the Saviors had envisioned before moving over here for their foundation. Goth turns his attention away for a moment when he grabs the bottle of orange juice to refill his glass before turning his attention back to the workers.

“It is the best thing that we have decided, we need to rebuilt the mindset to dominate 2023. And even though I have been recognized as one of the very best, I have done zip to back that up for the past year. And losing to the fucking Barnharts???”

Goth gently squeezes the glass of orange juice just enough that it wouldn’t break, the movement of his arm towards his face is one that is being forced as he takes another sip. His face is filled with contained rage that he has been feeling since the final Climax Control, feeling that he and Melissa had dropped the ball to a more inferior team compared to the two of them. But he had never blamed Melissa as he had expected so much more from himself

He sighs as he takes another sip before closing his eyes as he remembers the conversation with the two other Alpha males of the Saviors about a change, he had admitted that he was the weakest link of the team and had to change, even though it was an opinion that the others didn’t share with him. But Goth knew that his antics has ran his course if he wants to achieve his end goal… Becoming World Champion a final time before retiring.  He snaps out of his thoughts before turning his attention to Melissa, causing him to smile as he is so much in love with the woman that in his mind has had an impressive debut since joining Sin City Wrestling, merely missing out on that extra killer instinct to make another step into greatness.

“I wanted to move away from the big spotlights when we aren’t on the road, because I have felt it started to squeeze my throat tight. I had to leave Las Vegas, I had to leave the damn hotel where we stayed every single time when competing here.”

Melissa nods her head in understanding as she had heard him talk about this in the last few months, telling her that he needed to get out of his comfort zone and start all over again or else retire. She turns her head away from him, staring at the spot that he had wanted to have his outside gym to be built. She and him have been work out rats since the time they had decided to work out together.

“I already pity Bill Barnhart in a couple of weeks.”

The name of his opponent had caused Goth to think back to his past, over 15 years ago he had started a company alongside with Crazy J… After several changes one of his most devoted help had been the current SCW Roulette champion. A man that he had considered a friend, a man that he saw as a confidant. A right hand man that would have done anything for him… and had….

“Yeah…, Bill….,”

He says with a soft whisper, clearly not confident in his assumption of taking down the Roulette champion. A memory flashes before his eyes as he takes a long sip from the glass of orange juice, trying to withhold the tears that he was feeling that were coming. He slowly gets off the bench and tells Melissa he is going for a walk. He feels the dirt underneath his shoes while unbuttoning the sleeves of his buttoned down shirt, rolling them up before placing his hands inside the pockets of his pants. He keeps walking for ten more minutes, stopping halfway only to kneel down and reaches out for some sand and dirt. Letting it slip through his fingers before slapping his hands against each other to clean them from the dirt and sand that remained upon them.

“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust….”

His face remains ice cold, usually a saying like that would create his patented smirk that would showcase his confidence when facing whomever that he is going to face. But this time everything is different, because the man that he will be facing has a mental blueprint of what Goth is truly all about. He slowly stands up, places his hands upon his side while staring into the far distance as far his eyes allow him to see. Slowly rising his right hand above his eyes to block the sun, giving him a better view of what is ahead of him.

“They say that you cannot create life from death, yet we all know that in the beginning there was nothing…. And then there was life….”

Goth lowers his head as he stares down towards his feet as he notices cracks underneath him as the ground underneath him is so immense dry. He knows that in due time water will be sprayed across the ground for a certain amount of time to create the possibility of life to grow once more. He wipes off the sweat from his brow as the heat is clearly taking control over him.

“Its so wonderful to be upon this place, far from the spotlights. The lights of the big cities the immense cars and the fake people that always want something from you. Choking you with their own needs, needs to be relevant.”

He places his hands upon each other as he starts to whisper something, saying a small prayer towards those who he had been referring to a few moments ago.

“I have been a man that has been pressured to carry the weight of entire companies upon my own two shoulders for more than a decade. Pressure that only a few can carry… but I have to admit that the past year I have felt my shoulders buckle at times, I guess the test of time has come knocking upon my door.”

“But sadly for Death… I was on a holiday.”

A small crack upon his lips emerge, showing off something that reveals that he refuses to give in to the difficulties that age brings to a wrestling career.

“But all seriousness, I once thought that I would have the eternal life in the wrestling heavens that is this company…. And I realize now that I have to pick my spots to shine, to be able to compete and to remain relevant….. that’s why I urged the Saviors to return to basic…. Because I felt that I was crumbling under something… Pressure?? Expectations??? Or merely a bad back??”

He places his hands upon his hips, pushes his stomach forward a little as he shows a grimace upon it as he pushes his stomach forward to relieve his back. He sighs, shaking his head before tying up his hair in a pony tail as he walks towards a stone wall that has been built already as he rests his arms across the warm stones while gazing at the single dead tree that can be seen in many miles around it. He sighs at the sight of that tree before starting to talk again.

“See that tree?? Eventually that is what my career is going to be, over and done with. I remember when I retired the first time…, I knew that after a few months that it was the wrong decision that I could have ever made. But when I promise something, I tend to follow that promise…”

“So Goth? Why in the hell did you return to pro wrestling??”

He remains staring towards the dead tree, we see some vultures sitting on top of the highest branch, looking around for a possible prey that is about to breathe out it’s final breath.

“there have been days that I woke up in bed, sitting upwards while being soaked in my own sweat from another nightmare that would keep me up all night. And the worst part of it all? To this very day I still don’t know what these nightmares are all about.”

He lets out a sigh, scratches the back of his neck as he feels his very own sweat pouring down towards the buttoned down shirt that he is wearing. He takes a final look towards the tree before turning around and heads back to the home. We see that Melissa had re entered the house as she is no longer to be seen on the porch. Goth extends his arms and groans for a moment or two before sitting down on the bench once more on the porch. He feels the coolness of the shade coming in contact with his sweaty skin as he sighs. There he places his hands in front of his eyes and sighs.

“Want to hear an old story about me and Bill??”

He chuckles as he slowly starts to talk as the shot fades

Back in Memory Lane

It’s 2012, Goth has gone through some rough first few years as owner of Asylum Wrestling alliance as he has hired Bill Barnhart to be his right hand man. Goth can be seated in his office, it has a Godfather theme to it as it is very dark, curtains closed as Goth is seated behind his desk while caressing his cat. Suddenly the door opens as we see Bill Barnhart walk into view. Bill is dressed in an all pink three piece suit, completed with his patented custom made sneakers. Goth hated Bill’s custom made sneakers as they always squeaked on the expensive carpets that he had all around the office. Goth was doing some paper work as Bill throws some more paperwork upon Goth’s desk.

“What’s this Bill??”

Goth annoyingly asks Bill Barnhart, who was about to turn around towards the door of Goth’s office to leave. He looks over his shoulder with a puzzled look on his face.

“It’s the contracts that you had asked me to bring for the new recruits??”

Goth groans, he had clearly forgotten that he had asked Bill to deliver them to his office. He looks at the papers and sighs before putting his signature on the dotted line to make the contract official.

“Thank you Bill, I appreciate your hard work. Apologies for my reaction, I….”

But Bill already waves it off with his hand as he had noticed Iris his English Bulldog standing in the doorway of Goth’s office.

“That’s a good girl Iris, come here!!!”

This causes the dog ro react in a very enthusiastic fashion as it runs towards Bill, about to jump in his arms as Bill has opened up his arms and knelt down before the Bullodg.

“Good God, not that damn stinking mut again!!!!”

Goth has had a love hate relationship with the Bulldog from Bill Barnhart, as it has pooped on many occasions on his expensive carpets. The reaction from the man that he has referred to as the Gothfather has caused to make the poor dog yep in fear and starts to pee all over the Persian Carpet.


“No!! not again!!!”

Bill quickly grabs Iris as she jumps into his arms and starts to lick his face nervously while Shivering from fear for the bad man Gothfather. Who comes running around his office desk in sheer worry for whether his carpet has been pooped on again.

“What?? Where is it?? Where did she do her dog poo Bill??”

He asks very upset, but unable to find anything that would resemble anything near the dog poo of Iris. Causing Bill to smirk and shake his head

“Nothing Goth, she just slipped that’s all…. I will let you to your contracts.”

Bill walks off as Goth is frustrated while looking around, not convinced over what Bill had said before heading back towards his desk and finish his paper work.

Present day.

“Now that was actually one of the better days between me and Bill.”

Goth can’t help but chuckle over the story that he had just shared with everyone, but ultimately his smile turns back into a sad frow.

“I have wished upon certain things in my life that I could have turned it around, that I would have done things differently. Sometimes you just wish to pick up the phone, talk things out and bury the hatchet. And sometimes?? Well let’s just say that sometimes you need to beat some living shit into each other. Because I am at a point in my career that I have been wanted to bury the hatchet between me and Bill, I have been avoiding wrestling him because out of respect. And all of the sudden you just had to walk into my spot huh Bill? You just had to acknowledge the fact that neither of us have faced each other in such a long time… maybe even ever… and you had to pick a fight with me huh??”

Goth starts to chew on his lower lip as he starts to turn his hands into fists for a few seconds before calming down again. Realizing that he has let his emotions take control over him and that’s the last thing he ever wanted to do.

“You see Bill, I respect you still. Even if our friendship somehow has gone down the drain due to my own stupidity, doesn’t mean that you can just walk up to me and laugh me down in my face Bill. Insulting me as if I do not even belong, as if I am not on your level. Do you even remember who I have been and whom I have become? Do you know what is ahead of you?? You proclaim that you are going to walk out with your stinking Roulette championship belt?? Is that all that you care about??”

“Of course you do, it’s all that you have been caring about hasn’t it you short sighted son…. ”

Goth once again bites on his lower lip, trying to fight the urges to call his opponent and long lost friend some unpersonal remarks and curse him out.

“It’s quite simple Bill, I am giving you an opportunity to undersftand how much this will be a moment for me to really put you in your place and acknowledge the fact that if it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t even had a fucking career in this company to begin with. I could have left you rotting somewhere in a crappy place that was ran by third rate lowlifes just because you weren’t sure whether you could hang with the elite of Sin City Wrestling. Playing triangle for a Mexican wannabe, whose head has got more grease shoved up in the back of his head than entire Mexico combined!! And you dare to even walk up to me after all that I have done for you?? You see Bill, you have made the single worst mistake of your stinking career and trust me, you have made more than I could care to remember. But that will all come to an end next week. Where I will unleash the new ME, oh yeah. I am goingto recreate something that You have been thanking GOD on your stinking knees every single day of your carer… and bring him back Bill…, too bad that it will be too late for you to regret… ”

With that Goth cuts off the signal as the shot fades to black

<span style="color:limegreen">First Ever Triple Crown and Grand Slam Winner and 2nd ever Grand Slam Winner</span>

Offline Andrew

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    • Bill Barnhart
Re: BULLDOG (c) v GOTH - Roulette title
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2023, 11:12:55 AM »

Narrator:  Bill called me and we went over things he mentioned in his first round of comments for his Roulette Championship defense against Goth at Inception VI on January 15, 2023. It appears that not only Goth was furious over the comments Bill made, even though everything Bill said was the truth, it appears there are lot of people, both inside and outside the sport of wrestling, who feel Bill stepped over the line and that he should apologize to Goth. With that comment I turn you over to Bill and Bea Barnhart, and their English Bulldog Iris, at the Stockton Arena in Stockton, California where Sin City Wrestling will be holding Inception VI.

Before the scene switches over to Bill and Bea Barnhart we see a clip from the classic movie THE WIZARD OF OZ. In this scene The Wicked Witch of the West has abducted Dorothy and locked her in her castle. Before the Wicked Witch of the West took off to chase after sole possession of the Ruby Slippers she places a large hourglass on the table then she informs Dorothy if she doesn’t give her the Ruby Slippers before the sand in the hourglass has all gone to the bottom of the hourglass then she will kill Dorothy and Toto and the three characters who are helping Dorothy. As Dorothy watches the sand trickling to the bottom of the hourglass she panics. In a move of desperation Dorothy turns the hourglass over to try to make it look like the sand has not totally run down to the bottom section of the hourglass. Dorothy didn’t realize that the Wicked Witch of the West sees everything and she confronted Dorothy for her actions and threatens to kill Dorothy.

We hear Bill Barnhart’s voice but we don’t see him at this time.

Bill:  Just as the Wicked Witch of the West has Dorothy Gale trapped and in her control so I have you, Goth, trapped and in my control. I’ve set the hourglass down on the table for all, and for you, to see the sands dropping into the bottom of the hourglass. When the last grain of sand has dropped you’re done and your wrestling career will be over. If you try to pull the same move Dorothy Gale tried, by turning the hourglass over to make it look like there was still sand in the top portion, then you’ll end up with me dishing out double the damage on you during our match than I initially planned on doing.


The scene changes and we see the camera is focused on Bill and Bea Barnhart, and their English Bulldog Iris, at the Stockton Arena in Stockton, California, which is the location for Sin City Wrestling’s event Inception VI. Bill and Bea are sitting at the announcing table at ringside where Jason Adams and Belinda Simone provide commentary on the wrestling matches. Both Bill and Bea are casually dressed and Iris is sniffing around the ringside area but we’re not sure what she might be looking for. Maybe Iris is smelling a Rat especially if Goth has been around the ringside area recently and his scent still remains. The camera person informs Bill and Bea they’re now live broadcasting so the two look into the camera and start their comments for Bill’s upcoming match where he defends the Sin City Wrestling Roulette Championship against Goth.

Bill:  So the current rumor flying around is that Goth, and a bunch of other non-significant people, including those who are not involved in the sport of wrestling, are upset at my aggressive comments against Goth. They seem to be upset that a revealed the truth about what Goth did to me over the years I worked with him in another wrestling federation. They’re demanding I issue an apology to Goth for my comments and threats. Screw you all if you think I’ll ever apologize to Goth for my comments after I suffered abuse at his hands in another wrestling federation! Goth never apologized to me for the years of abuse he perpetrated on me so to Hell with him!

Bea:  I know you’re not a person who issues apologies, except under amazingly strict conditions, but you could give it a try.

Bill:  rolling his eyes Here’s my best possible apology to Goth and those who support him. *Ahem* Goth I’m sorry you’re an asshole! Goth I’m sorry you’re a jerk! Goth I’m sorry that you abused me in our other wrestling federation! Goth I’m sorry that you’re jealous that I’m a better wrestler than you. Goth I’m sorry that the fans like me more than they like you. Goth I’m sorry that you’re upset that I brought more fans to our other wrestling federation than you did! Goth I’m sorry I’m going to damage you so much in our upcoming match that you’ll probably retire from wrestling! Bill looks over at Bea How was that Bea?

Bea:  Uh. . .well. . .you did apologize. . .in your own way. . .so I’d say it was pretty good if you ask me. . .hard for anyone. . .even Goth. . .to argue with truthful statements like you just made.

Bill:  Good! I’m tired of trying to accommodate idiots like Goth and his fans! What these fools need is a sound education in what is right and what is wrong. I want to take some time to educate Goth, and everyone else, on the truth. Would the Network please put up on the screen the first graphic I sent you? Thanks.

Click here to view image

A graphic of a school classroom comes up on the screen. After the graphic is left on the screen for a long enough time for viewers to see it the Network removes the graphic and we return to Bill and Bea Barnhart.

Bill:  Welcome to my classroom Goth! Sit your ass down and pay attention to my lesson for today! You’re about to have a lesson in Bill Barnhart’s SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS. I’m Professor Bill Barnhart and I’m the person who dishes out the hard knocks. Uh, Goth, why are you still standing when I told you to sit your ass down in one of the seats in the classroom? Thanks! Now pay attention as I’m only going to review the information once. If you don’t pay attention and fail the class that’s your fault not mine.

Bea:  Do you think you’re being a bit too hard on the student Goth?

Bill:  Hell no! I’m not being too hard on Goth! He’s in this class to learn from his past mistakes! If he doesn’t pay attention and fails the course he can’t come back to me and blame me for his failures! I can’t believe you even asked me that question!

Bill and Bea turn and look each other. After holding that pose for a bit of time both can no longer hold back their laughter and both burst out in uncontrollable laughter.

Bea:  HA HA HA HA HA!!!


After Bill and Bea stop laughing and recover their breath they continue with comments on Bill’s upcoming match.


Bill:  Well, Goth, I’m glad that you were able to withstand my class today otherwise I would have had to discipline you for being a disruptive student. For damn sure you wouldn’t have wanted me to discipline you. I would have had to pound the daylights out of you with my first. Take a look at this, Goth, as my fist is ONE SIZE FITS ALL!

Bill shows his fist into the camera and the image shows up on the screen.

Click here to view image

Bill:  Goth you need to become familiar with my fist as this fist will be beating you to a pulp from the start of our match until the end. When I get done beating you with my fist and win our match you’ll have nightmares of my fist for months.

Bea:  Tell them about the reference comparing you to levels of storms.


Click here to view image

Bill:   Goth take a look at this Storm Chart. Take notice that storms run a range from a Category of Tropical Depression (TP), Tropical Storm (TS), then it goes from Category of storms from Category 1 to Category 5 with the Category 5 storms having sustained winds of around 150 to 160 miles per hour with gusts higher than that. Goth I’m Hurricane Bill and I have sustained destruction power that goes beyond that of a Category 5 hurricane. You saw recently what a Hurricane can do to the State of Florida. I’m here to tell you that the amount of destruction and devastation I’ll inflict upon you will be double what Florida received from that hurricane. I hope you’re prepared for that level of storm because Hurricane Bill is ready to unleash the gates of Hell upon you this Sunday evening!


Click here to view image

We see an image of a trash dumpster on our screen and after a short time they Network removes the graphic.

Bill:  Goth you’re the trash that needs to be taken out and I’m the trash company that takes you, the trash, and throws it in the dumpster. Then I attach the dumpster to the trash truck and haul it out to the city dump where I dump you out and bury you with the other trash.

As Bill is talking his cell phone rings. He looks at the Caller ID and sees the call is from his neighbor, Andrew, in Lawrenceville, Georgia, so Bill decides to take the call and puts it on speaker so we are able to hear the conversation.

Bill:  Hi Andrew. I took your call because I figured if you’re calling me it must be something important.

Andrew:  Thanks Bill. I called you because I wanted to share something with you that has something I feel works into your match against Goth.

Bill:  I need to let you know me and Bea are live broadcasting our comments concerning my match against Goth so if you don’t mind I placed your call on speaker so everyone viewing our presentation will be able to hear you. Is that okay?

Andrew:  Sure. Let me know when I can give you my comments.

Bill:  Let us have your comments.

Andrew  This happened when I was in my early 20’s. My father got remarried after my mother passed away and he met a woman named Nell. They ended up getting married which was fine with me. One day I was over their house for a visit and Nell’s granddaughter was staying at their house for a visit. Me and Nell’s daughter hit it off well. After Nell’s granddaughter left to return to her home Nell let me know something  about her granddaughter.

Bill:  This sounds interesting. Please please continue.

Andrew:  Nell told me her daughter and son-in-law hate the asshole her granddaughter was dating. They told Nell he was into drugs and he was in a gang and they wanted Nell to help convince her to dump that guy and date me instead. She was brainwashed  and bullied by this punk boyfriend and ended up marrying him. A year later she was pregnant with their daughter. After the baby was born, maybe when the baby was a few months old, her punk ass boyfriend, who was now her husband, took the baby at night then set their apartment on fire and Nell’s granddaughter died in the fire. Then the punk who murdered her refused to return the baby to the parents of Nell’s granddaughter, so her her parents initiated and a lawsuit to get custody of the baby. I never heard the outcome of that lawsuit. I had to tell someone this incident to get it off my chest and out of my mind.

Bill:  Wow! How come you never told me that before?

Andrew:  Hard to talk about it before. But now I wanted to let you and Bea know so I can clear it out of my memory.

Bill:  You mentioned  that this incident that happened to Nell’s granddaughter has information that might relate to my match against Goth. Can you explain what you meant by that?

Andrew:  I felt the granddaughter of Nell knew she was in a bad situation but she refused to listen to her parents, or to her grandmother Nell, to get out of the abusive relationship. Her stubborn attitude lead her to remain with the punk boyfriend and it ended in her demise. I’m a firm believer had she married me she would still be alive to this day.

Bill:  I’m still not understanding how that incident relates to my match with Goth.

Andrew:  Goth is also very stubborn as was Nell’s granddaughter. Her stubborn attitude caused her to deny the truth and remain with a drug dealer gang punk who ended up murdering her. I went through that incident with Nell’s granddaughter and I see similarities between her granddaughter and with Goth. As with Nell’s granddaughter denying the truth so it is with Goth that he refuses to acknowledge the truth and the warning signs. I feel him demanding this match with you will lead to his early retirement from the sport of wrestling. Then again, as it was with Nell’s granddaughter, we could only sit back and comment that she made the decision to do what she did so she ended up with something she didn’t want. So Goth kept demanding matches with you, now he has it, and he will end up with something he didn’t want.

Bill:  You know want Andrew? I’m a deep thinker, and I often see things others don’t see, but your comments on Nell’s granddaughter and her situation makes sense with how Goth will suffer a loss to me that is so devastating and humiliating that he’ll most likely retire from the sport of wrestling. It also shows that I did the right thing by turning my back on Goth in that other wrestling federation and taking back control of my life. Thanks for sharing that with us and I’m sorry for what you went through.

Andrew:  Thanks for listening. Letting that off my chest was good for me. I have to get off to other things now. Bye.

Andrew ends the call with Bill and we see Bill and Bea looking at each other over what Andrew told them about his relationship with Nell’s granddaughter.

Bill:  Wow! After those comments by our friend Andrew I can only tell Goth that he made a mistake demanding this match against me. Sorry, Goth, that I’ll be the one to end your wrestling career and send you into retirement like I did with my half-brother Chris Shipman. Since that is your destiny it might as well be me to send you packing to the retirement home to end our long feud. To use a Star Wars comparison, to tell you what you mean to m, and that I own you and your soul, you need to know that I am at the Darth Vader level and you’re at the Jar Jar Binks level. Let that image settle into your brain. Using one final Star Wars comparison remember when Darth Vader told Luke Skywalker that he’s his father? Using that concept I now state GOTH. . .I AM THE SIN CITY WRESTLING ROULETTE CHAMPION AND THERE’S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO CHANGE THAT!


Bill:  *sigh* The crap I have to put up with in the sport of wrestling with opponents always trying to make their lies look like the truth. Bea has the same problem with her opponents. Although Goth made some interesting comments his comments were constructed of 90 percent lies and 10 percent truth. That tells you all you need to know. Well, Goth, since your comments were mostly lies, and you told so many lies that I won’t address them all as I don’t have hours of air time available right now. I’ll just highlight a few of the comments you made, that were not true, and leave it to the fans to decide which of us is telling the truth and which of us is lying. Well, shit, we already know you’re the liar. Are you ready for me to expose you Goth? Whether you are ready or not let the exposure begin!

Bill holds one finger into the camera to indicate his first comments on exposing the lies of Goth.

Bill:  Goth I love it when opponents get in front of the camera to present their comments leading up to their match with me and what they do is make comments that proves what I said about them is the truth. I won’t go into specifics on everything you mentioned that wasn’t fully the truth as I don’t have several days worth of time to list every item you were trying to debunk against me. However I will go over a few of the items to prove I was telling the truth and you aren’t able to accept the truth. The first example is when I said you were not slacking and incompetent as owner of our previous wrestling federation then you get in front of the camera and admit you were slacking and incompetent as the owner of that wrestling federation and that you were falling behind on running the federation. You even presented a clip where I brought you the documents and signed contracts you asked for and you bitched me out and demanded to know what the hell I doing. When I reminded you that you asked me to bring you the documents and signed contracts of new wrestlers to that federation what did you do? You remembered that you did, in fact, ask me to bring those documents to you then you went OHHHHHH and then suddenly you remembered that I was doing what you asked me to do.

Bill holds two fingers into the camera to indicate his second example on exposing the lies of Goth.

Bill:  You stated you hated me because I dressed nicely, including my sneakers, even though the sound of the sneakers came across as a squeak. You berated me many times over my attire and shoes without ever giving me credit for my fashion sense and the fantastic work I did for you and our federation both as a wrestler and as your Assistant.

Bill holds three fingers into the camera to indicate his third example on exposing the lies of Goth.

Bill:  You always tried to come across that you liked my English Bulldog Iris. However you always treated Iris like she was the worst thing to happen to you since diarrhea and yet all Iris wanted to do was be friends with you and get petting from you. But, no, you had to insult and berate and insult Iris as every opportunity.

Bill holds four fingers into the camera to indicate his forth example on exposing the lies of Goth.

Bill:  The last item I’ll comment on is when you stated that you have been asking me to forgive you for all the abuse, threats, and insults, you place upon me. You keep asking why I don’t want to accept your apologies and forgive you for the horrible and constant abuse you subjected me to. What the f*ck??? Why would someone who was being deliberately abused by someone else forgive their abuser only to have them abuse them again? I did the right thing when I turned and walked away from you and resigned my position as Vice President of that wrestling federation. Maybe you feel guilty for all the abuse you sent my way but I’m not feeling guilty for quitting my position as your Vice President and returning to the ring as a full-time wrestler. You can try to put the guilt trip on me by using every dirty sneaky tactic you want but I resigned as your Vice President and walked away from your abuse with a clear conscience.


Bill:  So, Goth, you asked why I asked for a match against you. The answer is just so damn simple that you cannot grasp the concept. In your twisted world you believe abusing others then demanding they apologize to you is the correct and right thing to do. In my world I don’t tolerate those who abuse others then demand apologies from those they abused. I will tell you something. After this grudge match you will not have to endure me asking for more grudge matches against me. You will not have to endure me telling the truth about what you did to me in our previous wrestling federation. Even if you came to me, dropped on your knees, and begged me to forgive you and maybe the two of us could work together to take on the others in Sin City Wrestling I will not fall for that as I cannot believe you are being sincere.

Bill sneers into the camera.

Bill: I want to comment that from the time our match for Inception VI was announced half the wrestlers in Sin City Wrestling who hate me and wish I would go into retirement are now standing behind me and against you. Sorry that it has to end this way Goth.

Bill snarls into the camera.

Bill:  Now we come upon Inception VI and whoever wins our match will have earned it. I don’t expect you to back down and run away from our match but I wouldn’t be shocked if you did. For damn sure you know I won’t back down from any match against any wrestler. Always remember I defeated Chris Shipman and Satan and you’re nowhere near their level of hatred and violence. But I do want to tell that that if you win. . .IF. . .then you can expect me to shake your hand and congratulate you on the win as that’s the type of wrestler I am. And if you win I’ll willingly hand you the Roulette Championship and thank you for a great match. What will be. . .will be. What it is. . .it is. No matter the results of our match I remain Bill Barnhart the issuer of truth.

Bill flashes a smile.

Bill:  I should feel sorry for you that I’m going to destroy you and send you into retirement but I don’t feel sorry for you at all. It will be my pleasure to take you out of wrestling permanently. It will be like our Military. They have missiles and drones that lock onto a target then they  dive into their target, the enemy, and destroy them. That’s me Goth. You are the target that needs to be destroyed and I’m the missile or drone that locks in on you and destroys you. My win over you will be the most decisive victory for me and the most horrifying loss to you. It will be like the College Football National Championship game between the University of Georgia Bulldogs and the Texas Christian University Horned Frogs that took place on Monday, January 9, 2023. The Georgia Bulldogs won 65 to 7 over the Horned Frogs. They set records that are not likely to be broken for a long time. This was the Bulldog’s second National Championship in a row. Yeah, Goth, that’s how badly I’m going to defeat you at Inception VI.

Bea:  Goth while your match is in progress and Bill is locked in on you as his target during the match I’m in Bill’s corner locked in on Melissa who serves as your Manager. At the first sign of Melissa trying to cheat and interfere in the match to help you get a cheap win I’ll be on her quicker than a heat-sinking missile and take her out of action. I’m not going to allow Melissa to attempt to cheat Bill out of his win. Of course, Melissa, if that happens then when you have your Grudge Match against Jessie Salco you’ll try to blame me for your loss to her. Trust me that any damage inflicted upon you during Goth’s match with Bill will be your fault if you violate the rules so there’s no room for you to accuse us of trying to sabotage your match with Jessie Salco.

Bill:  So, Goth, although I know you’re not the sharpest knife in the drawer I’m sure you have at least one ounce of common sense that is telling you to back out of this match or you’ll be severely hurt and consider permanent retirement from the sport of wrestling. If you decide not to listen to your conscience then don’t even try to whine about your loss to me. See you at Inception VI if you still have the courage to show up for our match.

Bea gives the CUT sign to the camera person who cuts his camera feed. Initially our screen goes dark but after a short delay the Network returns to regularly scheduled programming for this time slot.

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    • Gerrit
Re: BULLDOG (c) v GOTH - Roulette title
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2023, 12:13:55 PM »
The shot opens at the same house that we have been at last week where Goth had been seated on a bench at the porch up front, there we notice the former multi champion once more while seated with a bottle of whiskey in his hands, he is staring at the built of the swimming pool in the middle of the many acres that is ahead of him. A swimming pool that he has been wanting ever since the talks had been made about moving out of the busy life of Las Vegas and heading into the desert. Goth takes a sip from the bottle of Whiskey and shows a look on his face that reveals that the taste clearly had hit a bad spot.

“Its been so long since I have drank from this, I nearly have forgotten how it tastes.”

He lets out a few coughs, placing the bottle upon the floor next to his right shoe. He turns towards the men that are working on the swimming pool as it made him nod in approval. Yesterday the foreman had told him that it would be a matter of days before they had completely built the swimming pool to the wishes of the former world champion. Making sure that there is enough space for him to swim laps, as well as the capability of holding swim parties as well as enjoying a BBQ while enjoying the coolness of the water. He had always been a fan of the water, it helped him to maintain his flexibility throughout the majority of his career. But now he knew that it wouldn’t last forever as he slowly gets up and walks inside the house.

There we see Goth enter the living room, a large area where we see a large sofa in the corner that he falls onto. Placing the bottle of Whiskey on the table next to him and looks around, we see Melissa on the phone on the other end of the room as she is talking to Kat Jones in trying to get her to join them. Goth sighs as he closes his eyes for a few moments before suddenly getting awoken by the sound of his cell phone as he has received a text message.

“This better be good.”

Goth grabs the phone and checks the message, causing him to slowly sport a grin on his face before putting the cell phone back into his pants. He looks back at Melissa, who just ended her phone call and is walking towards him before kissing him on the forehead.

“Kat says hello, she is looking forward to visit us soon.”

This causes Goth to smile, he had not spoken to Kat in a very long time since her rehab afte the injury. She had been a instrumental piece to the group as well as a big sister to Melissa, assisting her into the start of her career. Teaching the way inside the six sided ring and had stretched her several times, that thought had caused Goth to chuckle.

“What’s so funny??”

Goth looks up, noticing that Melissa had walked over to her own spot where she had been sitting a few moments ago. Causing him to showcase the patented smile that had been synonymous throughout his career.

“I just thought back to the first time that Kat stretched you.”

Melissa rolls her eyes before scowling back at Goth, she did not enjoy to be reminded of these situations. Even though she realizes that it had only helped her to become the wrestler that she is right now, she had to admit that she had been missing those moments with her friend.

“I should have known that you are just this predictable Gerrit, I guess you are entitled to your little moment of fun.”

Goth nods his head, he grabs his cell phone once more as he looks at the text message that he had received a few moments ago.

“Anything new??”

Goth’s smirk widens as he nods his head before sending a message back to the recipient that had texted him earlier before putting it on the sofa next to him.

“You could say that, my special item that I had asked to be made to surprise Bill Barnhart will be delivered tomorrow right on schedule.”

He says with a huge smile upon his face, he had been hinting something towards Bill Barnhart the other day about him going into another transformation for his match against his former best friend. The words best friend remain stuck in his head as the smile slowly turn into a look of distain towards the Roulette champion Bill Barnhart.

“I don’t know whether I want to know about that special item Gerrit, but that look on your face tells me that it is not going to be fun.”

“Depends on whether you are the recipient of the special treatment that I got planned, or whether you are the one that will deliver the final blow.”

Melissa sighs as she gets up from her seat and walks over towards Goth, planting a soft kiss on his lips and winks at him before leaving the room.

“Just make sure that you don’t forget about me sweetie.”

She wiggles her hips in a teasing way before walking out of the room giggling, causing Goth to smile as he loves to be teased. He thinks about what she had said for a few moments before shrugging his shoulders and leans back against the sofa. He closes his eyes and enjoys the cold air from the wall ventilator above him. The coolness causes him to slowly fall asleep

We are many years back, where Goth is getting up from his leather desk chair and leans his hands on his office desk while looking angrily towards the other individual that is in the room with him in Bill Barnhart.

“I will take care of it Gerrit, you won’t even notice the smell from Iris.”

Bill immediately grabs some paper napkins from the box that is on the corner of Goth’s office desk, carefully enveloping the rather large droppings from his English Bulldog, who is running around very exited as she has been freed from the rather large poo that had been troubling her. Running around the office, almost tripping the owner of the AWA as he is about to step around his office desk. This causes him to fall back into his office chair, that rolls towards the water boiler with Goth. The impact of the chair hitting the button to allow water to run down to your cup or bottle, dripping down the chair as this forces Goth to jump up from the chair.

“What the f***!!! Oh great!!! Now that dog caused me to have a wet chair!! Damnit Bill!! Why can’t you keep that dog at home??!!!!”

Bill quickly grabs Iris after she had jumped in his arms as she had gotten scared by another tirade from Goth. She nervously starts to lick away at the face of Bill, as he starts to reason with Goth.

“It was my own fault Gerrit, I had forgotten to take her outside. I’m sorry, I….”

Bill has wrapped his arms around his English Bulldog, trying to protect Iris from the “Evil” owner that is Goth. Who Bill knew, actually was very fond of Iris. He just hated it when the dog went to poo in his office every time that the poor animal took a dump on his expensive carpets. Goth had grabbed the handkerchiefs that Bill had used a few moments ago before catching Iris.

“Oh…. God…. No...., what hae I done???”

Goth stands silent for a few moments as his fingers had wrapped around the napkins and his hand had automatically squeezed it. This causes some of the poo to come out of the napkins and besmirches his entire hand as the smell of Iris her dogpoo fills the room rather quickly.

“I’m about to…”

Goth quickly runs towards his office bathroom, throwing the napkins away inside the nearest toilet that he could find before flushing the entire substance. He then quickly turns towards the water basin and is about to turn on the water, but the smell gotten to him too quickly as he starts to throw up in the water basin. We can see Bill stand in the door entrance of the office bathroom while holding on to Iris, who is breathing heavily but seemingly happy as she is wiggling her tail rather fast.

“You are right Iris, I think it is best that we leave him alone and clean up the mess before we get accused of so much more.”

Bill turns around as he and his dog are walking out of the office as Goth is still vomiting inside his office bathroom

“Oh fuck, these dreams need to stop.”

Says Goth as he just reopened his eyes and notices that several hours have pst since the moment that he had closed his eyes. Instinctively he smells his hand, letting out a sigh of relief that it didn’t smelled anything remotely to the dog poo in his dream.

“I need to get rid of Bill Barnhart.”

Goth says with a sigh before walking off as the shot slowly fades.

The following day.

We see Goth seated upon the bench upon the porch of the house that the Saviors had bought, overlooking the development of the land as well as everything else that is being built. He is holding a package across his lap as he is smiling from ear to ear. We see Goth to be shirtless for the very first time since recording from this area, seated just underneath the shade to hide him from being burned.

“Welcome you all, welcome to a very special moment in the year of YOUR Lord 2023. A year where we all make resolutions of how we want to change our lives, yet after a few failed attempts just simply forget.”

Goth taps on the box that he has on top of his lap, it is a brown box with a seemingly royal stamp attached to it on the top lid. His fingers are caressing the soft fabric while remain focused upon the camera.

“But thankfully for yours truly and not so much for my old friend Bill Barnhart. I am planning to keep my promises, starting with the first show in 2023 for Sin City Wrestling. And I can all hear you ask me, what could that possibly be that we have not yet heard before Goth?? Now you must understand that I do not have any control over the decision making of the remainder of the entire Sin City Wrestling roster, except that of my dear beloved fiancé of course. But I do have the ability to alter that of mine and in perhaps a lesser degree of those who I will be facing this year.”

“You see, I have vowed to marry my fiancé this year, therefore when that moment comes I will retire as soon as I have accomplished all of my goals before I push that wedding ring on her finger… and become the most dark and dastardly manager for that I could have ever been, but before that happens… I need to educate the world exactly WHAT they will be missing when I truly set my sights on sitting on the wayside of that six sided ring.”

He takes a moment to let his words sink in while smiling a dark and sickening smile.

“First of all, we all have already seen what I have been capable of reviving the “good side” of me, but like everything else in life… sometimes a change is good to keep you all on the tips of your toes, so I decided to revive an old friend….”

Goth taps his fingers upon the brown box in front of him on his lap before closing his eyes for a few moments.

“And before you are all considering me hiring a goon to do my bidding, you must understand that I have no desired plans to go soft and weak upon you… Like my physique would tell you otherwise, because then all of you are not only fools, but blinded with your own stupidity as well. No, I am referring to a symbol of sorts, a symbol of elegqance, danger and most importantly… Sheer and Utter power, a symbol that has not failed me on so many different occasions of my choosing…. That I have wished to bestow upon you all an educational life lesson hat YOU must never forget. Something that I am sure will make Bill shake down to his pink white boots at the mere sight of it all…. But please William, a name I know that you do not wish to be referred to isn’t it Bill?? But perhaps you should seek refuge in knowing that this decision would have been made no matter what you would have said or done William… but be rejoiced to know that you are the first in line of many others that will…. And shall…. Bow down to me. And not out of RESPECT for the King, the King of Kings… But out of fear of the…..”

Goth suddenly stops, places a finger upon his mouth as he shakes his head no, not wanting to reveal the secret that he has in mind.

“That was a close call, my mom always told me that if you want to reveal a secret then try to stretch it out as far as possible. I almost tend to ignore a life lesson that has treated me well over the span of 20 years in the business Bill. A career that YOU have been capable of witness first hand of what I could do inside that four or six sided ring, to whomever it was and whenever I felt like it.”

“Now I have to admit that sometimes you make valid points Bill, yes, I am willing to give you your props my old friend. It’s no use for me to be as blind as rookie, that has not tasted canvas in the ways as I have and in the amount of times that I had to get up from that seemingly impossible situation. And all you can refer is to one simple coincidental example???”

Goth shakes his head as his face is showing a disappointed look

“To be honest Bill, I do not know whether I should just feed you to the maggots or watch your carcass being hit by several cars in order to let you end up as a forgotten animal on the side of the road in the desert towards Las Vegas, Nevada. Because you think you are a house hold name once more since joining Sin City Wrestling?? How much gratitude and pride did you swallow to take on low card bookings on companies who didn’t cared about you?? Huh?? Tell me Bill, did Vinnie ever grant you a royal welcome at Madison Square Garden?? No Bill, you tried to hide in obscurity. And not because you were too proud to beg, but you were just too scared to face me inside that same ring. A ring that I have allowed you to be in at the same time since we both agreed to contractual stipulations that benefit us both, yet you never asked yourself why I never challenged you Bill?? Huh??”

Goth slowly pulls on a red ribbon on the box and unties it, the ribbon falls across his legs as he slowly pulls down the lid and looks inside sporting a smile

“Perfect, this replica looks even better than the original.”

Goth quickly extends a hand in order to stop the camera from looking inside the box.

“Now, we cannot have some lowlife fools ruin the surprise for Bill now can we?? Please show some restrain some patience and who knows... I may allow you to even touch it after the camera’s has stopped rolling… But back to you William. I hae understand your ego has become so bloated over the past few years since joining the company, I have to admit that your runs as Roulette champion has been nothing more than spectacular. But is that all you want to be remembered by Bill? An afterthought?? A prop to be ridiculed at by some talentless hacks?? I mean, you even caused some of the younger stars to dislike you in Milo and Carter?? Such a shame William. I mean seriously, look at someone like Finn Whelan, how long wasn’t it that you and him fought over this same belt?? The guy is a former world champion by now… and you?? Well I guess that’s what dumplings and Scooby snacks does to the brain kids… you end up to be a full blown Bill Barnhart. God forbid that I have to have a full blown day job nursing little kids to maturity after watching YOU Bill. Such a shame to a potential that I saw back in AWA… but I guess I was too harsh upon you huh Bill? I guess I ruined our friendship with my alcohol abuse, I guess I am the one that has done all that was wrong… and you know what Bill?? You are right..”

The revelation from Goth causes him to suddenly stare into the camera with a serious look on his face.

“And it has been a burden that I accepted to live with ever since Bill, that’s why I allowed you to walk around… that’s why I never challenged you, because I respected YOU too much. I have had tearful nights, begging to being able to change it all… knowing you wouldn’t accept my apology… and to understand the reasoning why… but you see Bill, that all is going to end this Sunday.”

Goth reaches down inside the box and pulls out a walking cane, a dark brown wooden stick with a golden skull on top and an iron point at the end of it. His eyes are glued to the skull as he sports a sickening smile as if he is in a certain trance.

“You wanted to talk about our history together Bill?? Does this ring a bell? Does this remind you of the sinister deeds that I have done to people like my own brother Fang, to people like the Gravediggers, people like Despayre and his little teddy bear Angel… I know, something that cost me a lot of popularity points… but it still made people WATCH!! And you Bill? You were being groomed to be just like me, to one day take over as I could sit back and realize that everything was in good hands Bill. I made you a grand slam champion how many times over again?? Did you actually achieve that goal anywhere else I ask myself?? Tell me Bill, enlighten me?? Wow me with your rambling mouth in the speed that your dogs farts cannot keep up with you. Tell me Bill TELL ME!!!!”

“And that’s the whole issue isn’t it Bill?? There is nothing to be told, there is nothing that can be said that would make things look oh so much better. Because you have got absolutely NOTHING without me!!! Those title reigns you have had, the record you once could have broken… all because I valued other things more important than challenging you Bill. Just realize that before you go out and spew lies about me mixed up with reality. That my friend is a deadly dose of being incapable of acknowledging the threat that is staring you straight into your eyes. The threat of the Gothfather, the threat of the man that will whack some sense into you… or pop a hole right above your watchful eyes. Whatever it will take Bill, I will silence you, I will for once and for all allow you to show gratitude for me to set the record straight, finally putting YOU in YOUR place for the benefit of all that is good and all that is sacred in this world”

Goth takes a moment to reconsider his thoughts before pushing some of his hair back out of his face, he stares at the cane that he had ordered a while ago and remembers all the things that he had done to so many wrestlers as the Gothfather.

“This year is going to be my final year in wrestling Bill, just imagine the emptiness that I will leave behind when I close the doors of an arena for the final time. That I have hung up my wrestling boots for the final time and take pride in managing Melissa to heights that only a few can reach Bill. Just imagine the thought that this is the very first and probably last time that you got a chance to go one on one with me… and beat me. And I can tell the world the very obvious, the words that everyone else in the wrestling industry have grown up with since birth… The words that you will never beat me, they often use some witty remarks that makes the crowd cheer or boo. But when I tell you Bill, when I look you straight in the eyes as I tell you that I will beat you then what will go through your mind”

“I will tell you exactly what will go through your mind Bill, reality that I am one of a million. I have held more championship belts across the world than you have wins and losses combined throughout your stinking career. And even if you succeeded to surpass that statement Bill, where does that bring you?? Still at the bottom of the food chain Bill. Because you are still living in the past when you had a shred of anything remotely being releant. RELEVANT BILL!!! Do you sometimes wake up in the morning and look at yourself in the mirror?? Wondering why in the hell you are still dressed up like a fucking Popsicle?? You are so sweet that it will only hurt my teeth merely looking at you!!1 Do you know what the secret of a long and great career is like mine??”

“Adaptation Bill, evolution of your character. Take what works and add things that nobody expects of you. Hell, I could have stayed the Bringer of Chaos if I wanted to, slap on some more face paint and have a skull on the front of my face for another ten fucking years. I could have stayed the King of Kings and recite Biblical verses and get credit of having people go back to church.”

Goth wipes some sweat from his upper lip with the back of his hand before continuing his rant towards the Roulette champion.

“But no Bill, I choose to move on. I have adapted more times oer the past twenty years that makes me the biggest secret to the modern day era of why I am still competing at such a high level. The only reason why I am going back through some old characteristics of my past life… is because it has been an important part of my life… Just as important of me having held that championship belt that you have been desecrating every single time that you wore it… And you think I should just allow you to continue?? Oh no Bill, you could have been better off just going after the simpletons of the undercard… but you had to pick a fight with ME… the man that made that Roulette title mean something… I was the standard bearer for those who came after me… men like Kris Ryans…May he rest in peace and know that the disgrace of your reign is going to end in just a few days… All because YOU had to find out whether you belonged or not huh?? Well, it will all come to an end Bill…, it will all come to an end…”

Goth closes his eyes and breathes slowly, allowing his rage to subside after a few moments. He lets his fingers softly touch the cold lifeless fabric of the walking cane and reopens his eyes with a sickening smile.

“2023 will be a year that I will never going to forget Bill, because I will marry the woman that I love. I will headline super shows and have a farewell tour that will be remembered throughout the annals of time. While you?? You will just be “The Bulldog” Bill Barnhart. The man with so much potential, the man that I could have seen have a career everywhere else like you did in my company Bill. But you cannot live on just potential can you Bill? So I am saddened to put you out of your misery, mostly because of what you have meant to me…. Because of the mistakes that I have made that had ended our friendship in a fashion that I am not proud off. But at least I will rid the world of a man that I have allowed to exist in my shadow, I will allow the world to listen to your Har Har Har laughters one more time… Perhaps they will even make a special remembrance award at the End Of The Year awards. Where people get celebrated for their accomplishments, where people get a few more minutes to speak out to the world of how grateful they are for being recognized by their pears… and then to have the award for being the biggest missed opportunity in wrestling… And I hope that somehow you are going to be able to change your life upside down Bill, because after Sunday, January 15th, 2023… the end of your reign as Roulette champion is upon us… And the reign of terror that only ONE MAN can deliver will begin. And they all have got YOU to thank for Bill…. Thank you for being such a gullible man…. Thank you for being the one that will be sleeping with the fishes tonight….”

With that Goth walks off and leaves the camera stare at him from behind before the shot slowly fades.

<span style="color:limegreen">First Ever Triple Crown and Grand Slam Winner and 2nd ever Grand Slam Winner</span>