Author Topic: CANDY v MERCEDES VARGAS - STRAP MATCH  (Read 2588 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« on: August 22, 2022, 08:02:06 PM »
Post your roleplays here by deadline. Good luck and have fun!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Candy

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« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2022, 10:16:44 PM »
Scene One: “Strap” Match?
Where: Local Bazaar
When: A few days before Violent Conduct, early afternoon.

**The scene opens up to an open air bazaar in India. There were all different booths set up, selling all sorts of wares. Beautiful silk cloth, shiny jewelry, fruits that look as if they were plucked straight out of heaven. People bustled through the streets as one overly bubbly and energetic woman… wearing possibly the brightest and sparkliest pink dress on the planet… sticks out from the crowd. She bounced a little with every step as she skipped her way through the bazaar. She stopped at one stand and picked up the juiciest looking apple you’ve ever seen. She reaches in her pocket and handed the owner a dollar bill before happily skipping off, apple in hand. She takes a bite and smiles as she chews it up. This is when she noticed a stand with some beautiful scarves and belts hanging up. She bounced over**

Candy: This is just what I needed!

**The shopkeep, a middle aged woman with long dark hair, smiled softly at the strange woman in front of her. She then spoke with a thick accent**

Shopkeep: What can I help you with, ma’am?

Candy: I need a very very special “strap”

**She winked overly obviously when she said “strap”, as if it had a special or secret meaning**

Shopkeep: A beautiful belt for a special occasion?

**Candy nodded**

Candy: Yeah! I got a biiiiiig match coming up.

Shopkeep: Ohhhhh I see. A “match”. Is it a special someone?

Candy: No, she’s a big ole meanie head and she hates me.

**The shopkeep tilted her head a little bit, confused. Clearly this wasn’t a “love match” like she thought originally**

Shopkeep: Uhhhh ok. So what kind of belt are you looking for? We have all sorts. There’s silk ones, or there’s leather…

Candy: I dunno.. Probably leather? But I was told I could come here and find… “the good stuff” … if you know what i mean

**Candy bounced her eyebrows quickly, confusing the woman even more**

Candy: Do you have anything… Gucci?

Shopkeep: What is a Gucci?

Candy: It’s the strap I need! Unless that’s not what a strap match is

**She looked deep in thought for a moment**

Candy: I’m very confused now…

**She looked over and saw a beautiful light pink scarf with an intricate sequined pattern on it. She reached for it and gently took it in her hands, looking it over.**

Candy: OH EM GEE Ruby would love this. How much?

Shopkeep: 10,000 rupees. Is good price.

**Candy reaches in her pocket and pulls out her wallet, but she only has American currency. Little does she know that 10,000 rupees is ROUGHLY $125 American.**

Candy: I don’t have any Rubbles. I have… $200? Is that enough? I bet that’s not enough cuz 200 is much less than 10,000.

Shopkeep: I’ll sell it to you for 200 American dollars.

**Candy squealed with delight as she exchanged her cash for the beautiful silk scarf. She then bounced off as quickly as she had appeared, sending the scene to black**

Welcome To Candyland!

HI GUYS! Welcome to my brand new blog! I want you guys to experience EVERYTHING with me, because if it wasn’t for you guys, I wouldn’t be where I am. It’s beautiful here in Indiana! The markets are so fun, but its soooooo hot here! I’m so glad I got the chance to bring Miss Ruby here to experience such a culture rich area. She loves to see the pretty girls with the really pretty outfit dance to that fun upbeat music! I think they call it Hollywood… which doesn’t make sense cuz I’m from near Hollywood and I’ve never seen anything like it!

ANYWAYS! Miss Ruby is nearing her second birthday and she is just the smartest and happiest baby ever! She’s even getting brave enough to try and climb stairs :O OH MY! And she’s getting so good with her words. She’s so curious, always asking “what dat, momma?” or “Why, dada?”. But her favorite thing ever is to videocall he favorite person ever, Keira, or as she calls her “KiKi”. It’s the cutest darn thing when she grabs my phone “momma? Call KiKi?”.

On a different note, I know you guys are concerned about my career and my future in SCW lately. I know it seems like I’m distracted, or not focused. Or just having a not so good luck run right now. But don’t you worry! The rumors that I am retiring soon are soooooo fake! I’m not going anywhere!

I’m hoping things can turn around and look up at Violent Conduct when I face Mercedes again. And no, not the girl on Glee who can sing like a ROCKSTAR! Hehe! No this is Mercedes Vargas and she is a big ole meanie head. I’ve dealt with her before. She tried to bully me and I wouldn’t put up with it and I beat her in a Glitter Bomb match! OH THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN! She got SO MUCH GLITTER on her. I bet she had glitter in her hair for weeks! Which is a good thing, cuz it would distract from her horrible highlights.

BUT that’s a totally different story. I guess she still hates me and wanted a chance to beat me in a situation where I didnt have an advantage. Which is fair I guess. That’s why they made it a strap match. Which… I learned today that “strap” doesn’t mean a pretty belt. But that’s what you call a belt sometimes… a strap. No, it’s not about a pretty belt. :( Marcus explained it to me and it sounds kind of dangerous!

I’m gonna be tied to her with a leather strap… and she can use that strap to beat me! But that means I can use it to beat her too! This is gonna be a very brutal match. She is gonna want to hurt me, so I gotta hurt her before she can hurt me, ya know? I hope you guys don't get mad at me for what I may have to do to her to win. But I better go guys! It’s Miss Ruby’s bath time!

I love you guys for supporting me! See you all soon!

Oh, an Mercedes, I don’t know why you hate me… maybe you just need a little more glitter in your life! ;)


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Offline Mercedes Vargas

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    • Mercedes Vargas
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2022, 10:41:50 PM »
Blog: Almighty Fire
semana del 28 de agosto al 4 de septiembre de 2022

I can't explain it.

Maybe there just isn't an explanation.

How could everything planned so right end up so very wrong?

So after coming up short at Climax Control 340, where does that leave Mercedes Vargas? I was supposed to have my one-on-one title opportunity but that didn’t happen. I was supposed to walk into the main event of Violent Conduct Bombshell Champion but that didn’t happen, and it won’t be happening either.

Did it help change anyone’s opinion that Roxi Johnson’s title reign was under threat? It should as beating me was and still is a pretty big deal. And I get Seleana Zdunich was just happy to be here and trying to milk whatever attention she could get in sharing the spotlight, but did it ever occur to her that no one was actually paying attention? She still lost. She wanted that match, she NEEDED that match, she got that match, but she didn't win that match.



Lucky break?

I said it before and I’ll say it again. Seleana got shoehorned into what should have been my title match at the go-home show. After Climax Control 340, it’s clear that Seleana is never winning another championship in SCW again. She’s never winning the Bombshell Championship again. As a matter of fact, she never should have won it in the first place, and I don’t need to explain why. You can go back through the archives and find out how that fluke win happened.

I've been in Sin City Wrestling for a while. Rumor has it, I’m pretty good here. Just because I lost doesn’t mean it’s over. It won’t take me long to once again be in the title picture. And I don’t have to waste my time proving it. Like it or not, believe it or not, I’ll always be in the title picture. My voice will fade, my scars will heal, and time will move on.

As far as Violent Conduct, I guess continuing my appearance streak at this supercard is some kind of a consolation prize. And now learning that I have broken another SCW record as I’ve wrestled the most PPV matches of anyone in history sounds even better.

That I’m facing Candy at the supercard - the match that was announced even before I realized that I was challenging for the Bombshell Championship at the go-home show - is the best that I can do. I bought this ticket, I’m going for the full ride.

With the history I have at Violent Conduct, you would think I would be very successful. I've competed at the last seven events, I’ve won championships, I’ve competed in a championship match five times. Now I find myself in a non-championship match for the first time in two years. This isn't so much about earning a participation trophy then it is about beating Candy once and for all.

And how can you not be impressed with Candy? She's an inspiration and a role model for little girls everywhere. Is it fair to say that I hate Candy? Well, no. I can't hate Candy, it's almost impossible to hate her and I don't think anyone on the roster really does. Candy and I have a little bit of history in SCW going back two years. It’s been two years since we last met. The Glitter Bomb match at High Stakes last year was a thing. It was her thing, and she won. She also won the other matches between us - she successfully defended the Bombshell Roulette Championship against me inside the confines of a steel cage, won a tag match with Keira Fisher-Johnson against me and Jessie Salco.

Oh, and there was that time we were in that battle royal.

Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times…shame, shame, shame. Candy seemingly has my number and I don’t know why. I mean, look at her. Does she inspire confidence in anyone that she would make it in SCW? We can talk about her victories over talent such as Samantha Marlowe, for example, or her Bombshell Roulette Championship reign or SCW Year-End Awards. And, yes, while impressive, all Candy has amounted to is an underachiever. So much promise, so much potential.

Seriously, does anybody buy tickets to see Candy wrestle? Inquiring minds want to know. It's a pretty safe bet that when she comes down the entrance ramp these days, opponents stand there in the ring shaking their head and thinking to themselves, "Come on, Candy? I deserve better than this."

I can understand how some people are wondering, 'Well, by golly, how in the world did Mercedes get into this match? Surely, Christian Underwood could do better. Surely, he could have chosen someone else, right?

You have to take the good with the bad.

While I’m still breaking records and winning championships in the next two to three years, Candy will be struggling to even make it to catering in the next five. And she’s already been in SCW for what will be three years this November.

I liked Candy better when she was General Manager.

Am I going to lose sleep over Candy because I seemingly can’t beat her? No. She should be terrified of me because I’m going to be her worst living nightmare at Violent Conduct.

A match between Candy and I is too good for Climax Control. No, it needs to happen under the brightest lights and on the biggest stage possible. So I guess we're on a collision course for, aren't we? That's fine. I can't wait. I can't wait until we get to New Delhi, India. And in three days, I can't wait to get everything that's coming to me: the spotlight, the closeup and more importantly....her name on my checklist.

The last thing I want to be is envious of anybody. If there is one thing I know - and I tend to know a lot of things - I wouldn't want to be Candy on Sunday night. All things come to an end at some point and you can only be so lucky for so long. At least one of us will be finally winning a match. It won’t be Candy. She shouldn’t feel bad though. The thing about losing is that they serve as a learning experience, and experience, as they say, is a great teacher. Who knows maybe she will do better next time.



[And so it continues. Another week, another match, another loss for Mercedes Vargas. Though she gave it her all at the go-home show to Violent Conduct at Climax Control 350, the result was no different than her previous matches since her winning streak ended, now two months in. Scene opens on the Hall of Famer here in Deer Park. There’s a large lake in the center of the park and fountains gushing in the evening.

Mercedes is watching the perfect sunset as she sits in the large, spacious windows of one of the many monuments to enjoy the cool wind.]

“So there I was at the go-home show to Violent Conduct, the last Climax Control before the supercard, on the verge of making history. And I couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t do it.”

[Though you would never know Mercedes was concerned about her downward spiral. Her attempts at playing it off obviously not fooling anyone, reflecting back on this loss still hurts, considering this night was her second defeat for the title this year. With another opportunity at becoming Bombshell Champion all for naught, it was safe to say that 2022 was more than just a brutal year for her, it was a colossal failure

Shaking off the last remnants of her tough loss at the last Climax Control show, the Argentine glances at texts messages on her phone before resuming her thoughts.]

M E R C E D E S ♦ V A R G A S
You know, it’s funny that Roxi Johnson said the only reason why I got the title match with her and Seleana was because I didn’t get destroyed by Masque de Lune. And, to her credit, our Paragon of Virtue is right. But you know who DID get destroyed by Masque though? Wait for it.

[Mercedes raises her index finger in a wait-a-minute gesture.]

M E R C E D E S ♦ V A R G A S
Roxi’s wife, Keira. Wow. What do I have to say after that one? Brutal. Savage. Rekt. Absolutely taken down.


[Mercedes raises her hands in air quotes around the word “destroyed”]

M E R C E D E S ♦ V A R G A S
So Keira got herself disqualified because as she tells it, she didn’t really cared about winning that match. I think it’s more that she’s scared of Masque, and she should be. Just as Roxi should be.

[Mercedes brightens just a little. You might even say that she was in a very good mood on this clear day in India.]

M E R C E D E S ♦ V A R G A S
The last singles championship I won was the GRIME Championship last year April. It’s been three-plus years since I held an SCW singles title, almost five years since I held the Bombshell Championship and I think it’s been five years too long.

Truth be told, while I wish I was the one to pull the trigger on her title reign, I'm not unhappy to see Roxi Johnson get beat at Violent Conduct. Because I’m pretty sure Masque de Lune isn’t going to make the same mistake twice.

Mark my words, write it down, get it notorized. Roxi’s reign is done, it’s over. There will be a new Bombshell Champion Sunday in New Delhi.

[Mercedes is resolute in her prediction.]

M E R C E D E S ♦ V A R G A S
Ahead of the last Climax Control, I just learned that I surpassed Jessie Salco for the most career matches of any woman in SCW history. Matter of fact, that’s the most matches ever of any wrestler in the company. I actually wasn’t aware of it until somebody brought it up and I was like “Wow, that’s awesome.”

Jessie got to 200 matches before I did the next week. Then Jessie had Match 201 at Climax Control 338, then I had my match the next show. I didn’t see Jessie on the card for the go-home show. And then I was told I was going to break it.

I was surprised I was going to reach 100 matches three years ago. Reaching 200 matches? In the eyes of many, that was next to impossible, and I joined only Jessie Salco. We are the only two wrestlers and Bombshells in the women’s division who have ever gotten there. It's incredibly rare.

It really reminds me of all the incredible opportunities I’ve gotten in SCW and especially being in so many matches, which is awesome.

[Her tone shifts from friendly and chatty to slightly more serious. Her match at Violent Conduct was just around the corner.]

M E R C E D E S ♦ V A R G A S
A Strap match, against Candy? Do I sound the least bit intimidated by that, let alone her? I'm not. I was stumbling around a cruiseship blindfolded at Summer XXXTreme last year. And because Candy realized that she’s finally going to be on a pay-per-view where someone
finally cares about her isn’t what I would call motivation. Poor Candy. She’s going to be in for a rude awakening.

Long before she knew, and long after she’ll remember.


[Scene opens in black and white. A low angle shot as a woman waltz into a furnished living room. The camera pans up and pull away to frame Mercedes Vargas, dressed in the fashion of vintage Bollywood. Sandals, a sari, with the loose end of the drape worn over the shoulder, baring the midriff, her hair tied in an updo. She waves a pen around to an unfinished crossword. Mercedes speaks in voiceover.]

Success. It's a dirty word in this business. Sometimes you're defined by it; sometimes it defines you. Either way, there's always people talking about you - good, bad, indifferent. Any publicity is good publicity in my book. It was a typical night. Had a long week, wanted to unwind for the weekend. A tough loss here, watching Netflix there. You get used to it after while. Every Bombshell wants a piece of me and, well, I can't blame them. Being this successful, beautiful, and talented isn't easy. Even the twentysomethings have to keep up.

[We see an antique rotary dial phone. It rings twice before Mercedes reaches to pick up the receiver.]

You ever had one of those days where you want to call in sick and not come to work? That wasn't me, but it was just a thought.

[We see her speaking but we can’t hear what is being said.]

It was the boss letting me know someone’s got a hit on me. Gave me a name. Candy. No last name. Lots of people go by their first name nowadays. Gaga. Madonna. Rhiannon. It's becoming a thing, apparently. I did some research of my own on my so called opponent, raised a lot of questions. This girl gets wise with me, she'll be put in that Red Peril, she'll be tapping out and begging for mercy. That, or she gets dropped on her head with the BRO. I'm not too picky.

[Mercedes picks up her passport and plays around with it in her hands. A closeup of the passport reveals that it's from Argentina. The cover is midnight blue, emblazoned in gold lettering, with the country's coat of arms in the center.]

They say it's happening soon. New Delhi, India. September 4 at Violent Conduct.

[A closeup of an opened planner as a pen moves swiftly across the page.]

SCW has no place for Candy and her Pollyanna attitude. I can't lose to her, I won't lose to her. Because my name is Mercedes Vargas. I am a two-time Hall of Famer and the most decorated champion in history.

[She holds up her familiar checklist which until this moment had been sitting beside her. She taps a red-felt tip Sharpie against the checklist.]

And if the division needs some cleaning up, well, I'm your assassin.

[The word CANDY is seen in bold. Again Mercedes taps a her Sharpie against the checklist.]

It's never a good idea to mix business with pleasure. Tomorrow night, I think I'll be doing both....

I'll take care of business and get myself ten points in the Heiress to the Throne...And I'll have the pleasure of adding another name to my checklist.

[The scene fades on Mercedes hanging up the phone before going to black.]

Present Day ♦ N E W D E L H I, I N D I A


[Scene opens on Mercedes Vargas at the Lodhi Art District here in New Delhi. She’s resting against a wall with an interesting cityscape mural, a common theme here. Many of the walls have transformed into murals, graffiti, or quotes, and by a variety of themes such as the afterlife, nature, Indian mythology and various others.]

“The term “legend” is overused in SCW. These days, we come to call dozens of standout newcomers or that impressive talent after a big title win or undefeated streak, “legend.” All it takes is a “blank is SCW!” approval from the SCW Twitter account and you’re halfway there, right?

“I mean, I get it. We all want to be remembered, we all want our name to be in the history books, we want all want to feel special and meaningful. However, when it comes to Mercedes Vargas, we can push those superlatives aside: there are no concerns of hyperbole — I am arguably one of the biggest legends in the history of Sin City Wrestling, and in the pantheon with the greatest talent of all time.”

[Mercedes pauses as she feels the weight of people staring at her now and again while passing by. She simply ignores it, continues getting her message across.]

“I feel that my match Sunday against Candy should be filed under cruel and unusual punishment – and it is – because no one in their right mind would accept something like this. As furious as I already am after the last few weeks, I don’t think Candy wants to step in that ring with me. Because once we’re bonded together with that leather strap, once I have her cornered in that ring, as the fear washes over her face, she will know the difference between fantasy and reality. The reality is Candy is getting her ass beat. The fantasy is she had a choice in the matter. I’m going to beat her like a red headed stepchild and within an inch of her life.”

[Mercedes has a brown leather strap dangling over shoulder.]

“You know, I remember when we rang in the the new year. It was a fresh start for everybody. A year of new beginnings, possibilities, opportunities and resolutions. It’s hard to believe, but this year is almost over. Time flies when you’re having fun. Looking back at the things that happened this year, it hasn’t been fun least for me because things haven’t worked out like I wanted.”

[She’s trying very hard to mask her emotions by smiling, but the lips don't lie. Mercedes is certainly not in a very good state of mind. Raking her hand through her hair, she barely makes eye contact at the camera lens before continuing.]

“The year is almost over, but I’m not. And if anyone thinks for one solitary second that I'm finished in Sin City Wrestling, then they’re sadly mistaken. I get that most people don't like my attitude, let alone my personality. But don't confuse the two. My personality is who I am. My attitude? Well, that depends on who you are.

“Believe me when I tell you that I'm going to be ready for Candy and I hope she’s ready for me. Because I sure would hate to waste my time making the trip and left disappointed.”

[Mercedes takes her right hand and swipes her face and as she does the smile disappears, now replaced with a serious expression.]

“Candy, I just want you to know that while you have been on the fast track to success against me, I'm not a speed bump, I'm a road block. So, if I were you, mamita, I'd be very careful thinking you have this match won this time around.”

[Mercedes crosses her arms in front of her, the returning confidence back in her voice, the fierce determination in her eyes.]

"No tiene pelos en la lengua. Crees que eres el mejor, chica? Tres palabras simples - Demuéstrenmelo."

"I don't mince words. You think you're better, girl? Three simple words - Prove me wrong.

[She moves her whole hand towards herself, a clear invitation and challenge.]

"Estar preparado para lo peor, esperar lo mejor."
"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best."

[Mercedes fluffs and straightens out her hair, lowering her voice just above a whisper.]

"Y que la suerte está siempre en su favor.”
“And may the odds be ever in your favor."


2x SCW Hall of Famer (Class of 2018, Class of 2022)
World Bombshell Champion (x2)
Bombshell Roulette Champion (x4)
Bombshell Internet Champion 
World Bombshell Tag Team Champion (x3; w/Traci Patterson (x2) and Delia Darling (x1)
World Mixed Tag Team Champion (x3; x2 w/Kain, x1 w/Goth)
Third Bombshell SCW Triple Crown Champion (6th SCW Triple Crown Champion overall)
First-ever and only 2x, 3x and 4x Bombshell Triple Crown Champion in SCW history (most ever by a female wrestler)
Second Bombshell Grand Slam Champion (4th SCW Grand Slam Champion overall)
SCW Year-End Award Winner: 2014 Feud of the Year (Mean Girls vs SCW Bombshells roster)
Queen for a Day winner (December 2 Dismember 2015, inaugural)