Author Topic: ALEXANDER RAVEN (c) v MILES KASEY - ROULETTE TITLE  (Read 3605 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« on: August 22, 2022, 07:58:53 PM »
Post your roleplays here by deadline. Good luck and have fun!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Alexander Raven

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« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2022, 01:09:14 AM »

“Dear, sweet Miles. How unfortunate for you to cross paths with Alexander Raven, once more. Dear, sweet Miles. How unfortunate for you to be so tied up in personal affairs, that the words of wisdom failed to pierce your mind. Dear, sweet Miles. Why do you still lack focus?

”Dear, sweet Miles.”

A small, desolate room. Wooden walls, floors and ceilings. Sparse of life bar the single person sitting cross legged in the centre of the room. A dull halogen globe swings above head, hanging loosely by a strand of cable. It sways in an invisible, non-existent breeze. Placed neatly in front of the person’s legs, the Roulette Championship; the faceplate reflecting what little light illuminates the space.

“A few weeks ago, I lost my focus. I became enamoured with the past and lost in memories of the past. Instead of directing my eyes forward, to create the future in which forgiveness would be given. I gazed upon the past, and lost myself to the sorrow that it brings. I faltered and lost focus. In that loss of focus, I failed to silence Jack Washington. Not a mistake I’ll make again, I assure you. Yet, it’s a clear indicator of the words I passed on to you on that ship Miles. Lost focus is what cost you on that ship. Too fixated on assisting your friend, too fixated on a family member across the sea. Focus eludes you, because the world around you becomes far more important than that which lies before you Miles. What lies before you now is a chance at redemption. A chance at ‘rediscovery’ as you’ve coined it recently. Something of worth must have existed in the first place, for a ‘rediscovery’ to happen. I’ve yet to see anything but expletive riddled bluster. Not something worth discovery in the first place, I assure you.”

“It’s amusing, Miles. Everyone is so quick to go on at lengths about Alexander Raven. A constant thought in the minds of those who constantly deny the existence of the thought. Nobody is listening if words are to be believed, yet we all know. We all know that words are full of nothing but the lies I seek to extinguish. Distortions of reality to fit the narratives that allow for acceptance of their own deceptions. You are no better, Miles. Just like Finn, just like Bulldog, just like Jack. You are full of lies and distortions of truth to fit the narrative you paint in your mind. Others purport purity in the actions of foul misdeeds and unforgivable perversions of love. You, prance for the world to see, and wonder why your happiness is elusive. The grass is always greener, until the rains cease to come and the land turns desolate. You, Miles. You may be one of the few who speaks truth in not listening to me. It’s unfortunate that you do not listen. I always ask that people listen, understand and follow. You do not listen, so you will not understand. You do not focus, so you cannot follow. It’s an unfortunate reality, and whilst you live in the perverted and twisted delusion you create for yourself, perhaps your stained glass sky is the easiest to shatter.”

The person sitting on the floor grips the championship either side of the face plate and unfurls their legs, slowly moving to stand. They turn their face upwards, the hood that covers their head slowly falling back. To no one's surprise, Alexander Raven stands beneath the slowly swinging globe, allowing the championship belt to hang at his left side, holding the strap only.

“I once spoke at length, about love being a powerful motivator. Perhaps the strongest motivator that exists. It is love that allowed me to refocus. To change how I viewed myself and in turn how I would push through this cesspool of derision and manipulation, of lies and deceptions. Love is what pushes me to find forgiveness from her in the actions I make. It is love that encourages my desire to throw the stones that will shatter the stained glass sky of deception that plagues this Sin City. Love is my greatest motivator, Miles. Yet once again love leads back to focus. Love gives me focus. Love gives the focus to find her forgiveness for the actions I make. Love gives the focus I need to find the strength to shatter the foundations of this incestuous and perverted company we find ourselves in. Chance has become my playground, and in doing so, I have become the master of games. The game of love fixes the odds, and the house will always win. Do you understand Miles? How could you understand; you don’t listen.”

“Everyone can see the perversions of your choices. Too weak a child to make the decision to end a situation that makes you unhappy. Instead teasing and tempting the immoral chances of infidelity. Pathetic are the actions of the immature children. Love is causing you to lose focus, and in doing so it becomes your greatest vulnerability. So quick to rush to the defense of the one who owns your heart, but not your mind. So quick to run across the globe and leave behind your supposed lover, for the temptations of the leather clad succubus. Ignorant to the time old traditions. Behaviour and actions dictate future behaviour and action. What happens when the new toy becomes as infuriating as the old one? Do you go on a new tour of rediscovery? Do you blame the leather clad succubus for your short-comings, rather than understanding that your failure to act upon your own volition is your problem. The petulant child can be as young as a seven year old, or just like yourself at twenty eight. Child of mind and thought, and without the focus to allow yourself the success to break the trend. I ask of you Miles, why do you not listen?”

A guttural roar of frustration comes from Alex as he swings the championship up above his head and smashes the light. An explosion of light, before the world is cast into darkness. Murmurs and whispers fill the space, undistinguishable conversation. ‘Failure’, ‘immoral’, ‘pathetic’, ‘weak’ echo throughout the boundless emptiness in a variety of voices and accents.

“Violent Conduct, Miles. It is something that I am quite acquainted with. Violence has always been an acceptable course of action for me. Love and violence are intrinsically linked, yet it is the hand that plays them that differentiates. She who I seek the forgiveness of, the guiding hand. The cycle of violence was broken when she passed. No more would she suffer at the hands of the violence inflicted on others. Clarification, if you will. I was the incarnate of violence, and in doing so I suffered the violence. Violence inflicted upon me, hurt her soul. This world would continue to break her down and push her further into a cycle of pain and hurt. I seek forgiveness for leaving her with my wounds to tend. With the blood to clean, and the bones to mend. She took the pain in my life, and cleansed it. She wore that pain, and I will never forget that. Do you believe that those you love will cleanse your soul of the violence you must be willing to expend? I’ve shown the world that it matters not the nature of the pain that must be inflicted. A gimmick match champion is what I’ve become and I relish in it. Born in flame was the Broken Messiah. Baptised in blood was the One True King. Skull fractured, body set aflame. It matters not the hand that dealt it, for the violence was the payment of the infractions I had made.”

“I ignored the voices that spoke the truth. I refused to listen, I refused to follow. Understanding the guidance being offered and focusing. I refused it, because I thought I was beyond it. It was in violent conduct that I had my eyes opened. The reality was shaped and the delusions were wiped clean. Truth became the world that I was enveloped in. I could see the lies that people told themselves. I could see the falsehoods that led to more delusions. Truth became my reality Miles, and I understood why. In the infliction of violence, I was cleansed. I did not heed that in my cleansing, I was destroying the one I loved. Promises made, and broken. Forgiveness forever sought from that point onwards. I will endeavor for forgiveness forever more. I will destroy anything that attempts to taint my mind again. I will speak the truth and I will throw the stones that bring the realisation with them. I will hurt whoever needs to be hurt, because the violence I inflict will clear the eyes of those who need to focus. I offer you words, but I will act with violence. Focus, Miles. You will need all of your focus, for a split second can change everything. Fears and worries for others, thoughts of others. It will be your undoing. Focus, Miles. Are you listening now? I need you to finally listen to me.”

A single candle flame ignites in the darkness. It sits on a wooden chair, a simple dining chair. The voices, whispers and murmurs begin to slowly fade away, silence filling the space. Fingers wrap over the back of the chair, gripping it tightly. The dirtied and bloodied knuckles illuminated by the single flame. Nails painted in alternating blue and black.

“Beaten black and blue, I laid in that bed. Wounds dotted my body, burns threatened to blister and burst. I know violence well, Miles. There is no match that can surprise the martyr of The Conspiracy. The carrion that I leave in my wake will be understood, and you will listen. You will finally listen and the mockery will end. No more will you, or any of the bickering lyrebirds and stunted wolves lie through your teeth. I will turn you into the martyr I need, Miles. I will hurt you, I will blood you, I will end you. And then, I will cleanse you. Baptised and returned to the world, now with clarity. An understanding of the truth and in that. Love will guide you. Confidence and understanding of the truth. No more will you hide behind the immorality of your behaviours and actions. No more will you pretend to be on some journey of rediscovery. All that will be left is the husk and the soul. Truth and reality. Focused, Miles. I am more focused than I have ever been. I have had my sorrow. I have had my joy. Now I shall have my forgiveness. For in your destruction the beginnings of the change. The change that brings truth to all of Sin City. No more games, no more gambles. We play a game of Russian Roulette, yet I know which gun holds the bullet of truth. Are you ready to follow me, Miles?”

The chair is tipped and the candle clatters to the floor. The flame ignites a liquid and quite quickly a trail of flame snakes away into the distance. A trough of flames ignites and casts an illuminating light across the room. A painting of Alexander Raven in the image of Kali is illuminated. Miles’ head hanging from one of the two hands on the right hand size. Bulldog Bill Barnhart’s body under foot on the same side, a snake with the head of Finn Whelan wrapped around Bulldog’s arm, with what appears to be a version of Miles’ body off to the far left.

“An image of violence, Miles. Kali, the Goddess of Ultimate Power. Symbolism, Miles. Do you understand? I hope you’ve been listening. Love, focus, violence. Violence, focus, love. What is your motivator, and why do you not listen?”

Alexander Raven steps into frame, just in front of the flickering flames. The Roulette Championship folded neatly and held across his forearms against his chest. A smile stretching ear to ear, the trail of fire on the ground illuminating his eyes.

“Here, in the land where the cycle of pain and violence is escapable. In the land of many gods, who dwarf the image of peace. Here, where the world dictates change forevermore, I offer you an opportunity, Miles. Submit, and be freed. Fight, and be cleansed. Do you like the smell of blood, Miles? Do you like the taste of copper and iron in your mouth as your body rejects the beatings? Do you enjoy it? For this is the truth. This is the reality as it stands. Violent Conduct in New Delhi. Your tour of rediscovery ends before it even has a chance to begin. I will put you down like the stunted wolves and the neutered pups I had to hurt to get here. An iron grasp on this championship is the reality that I know. The truth is this, that as long as I stand as the Roulette Champion, there will never be an accolade next to your name. Speak, Miles. And this time, listen. Think and understand. Calm your mind, calm your soul. Your screaming and shouting taints the future. Come, Miles. And be baptised in violence.”

Raven allows the smile to slip from his face, his eyes focused off into the distance. Hair pulled back in a tight bun, tired lines dotting his face. Anger ever present in his eyes, refusing to be doused. A click of fingers from elsewhere, and everything is plunged into the dark once more.




Offline MiloKasey

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« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2022, 11:41:12 PM »
Let’s Clear The Air
Following CC340

Oohhhhh YEAH!” a boisterous voice blasted through the halls of Rock Garden Outdoor Amphitheater, the show is still ongoing but Miles Kasey is riding high from his victory tonight. “Todd Williams, thank you for proving my exact point. You are too much of a bitch to do your own dirty work. And now your wife is currently lying in the trainer's room because her mouth wrote a big ole check that her tiny arse couldn’t cash, thanks to my girl here Zoey Lukas.

Miles motions to the side as we see Zoey standing there giving him a look, “I did nothing but stop her from interfering, you did all the heavy work.

Well I mean we all know Todd’s ego weighs a good thousand pounds. he says with a wink towards her, “But she’s just being generous right now but she saved my ass tonight in a big way and I thank her and owe her one.

Zoey just shakes her head and gives him a swat on his backside which makes Miles jump a bit but not without bringing a smile to his face, “Don’t worry about it!

Well it’s there just in case, but now that Williams has been disposed of to the back of the line, we get to focus on the ONE MAN and the ONE EVENT that brings our time in India to an end.” Miles swipes at his curly locks for a moment, sending some sweat flying for a moment. You can tell he’s in deep thought, “Alexander Raven, knew for a couple of weeks now, since I got my win over HB Carter, that you and I have been destined to meet! But imagine my surprise that you have been completely silent since then. What’s the matter, mate? You realizing that you’ve been on borrowed time since you took that Roulette Title back aboard the Sun Princess?

Miles smirks for a moment, taking a large swig of water, “Nah, if I have learned anything about you, you are sitting back and probably licking your wounds from getting your arse handed to you by Jack Washington 2 weeks ago. I guess you consider yourself blessed that it was a non-title match... HELL...I consider myself blessed because you are now wounded, Raven. Maybe not physically but I can smell it, I can FEEL IT in my bones.

He inhales deeply, closing his eyes for a moment. His blue-green eyes shoot open and in a low tone he continues on, “And come 2 weeks from tonight when we enter into Indira Gandhi Arena for Violent Conduct 8, I don’t give a FUCK what that wheel lands on, you’re going to meet someone very different from who you met before. I can promise you that, mate.

He holds his arm out to Zoey, she just gives him a look, “Now what?

He just motions to take his arm and he leans in with a smirk, “Who knows? But I can tell ya what, we’re gonna have a lot of fun doing it.

Do You Even Know?
Friday Night

He did it. Surprisingly, it went amazingly well since they hadn’t spoken before the 21st of July. It was a glorious couple of weeks until the day following his birthday, but since then Miles felt 10 feet tall and about 160 pounds lighter. But he wasn’t going to make it known, she did that work for him.

And he was relieved.

In his mind, he kept going back to the cruise. People had him picked as the choice to take that damn over the pool match and instead he let her get into his head. He had let the drama pull him away from the one thing he had a dead-eye focus on and it turned him into a mess.

Not that it didn’t make for some interesting chatter around catering. He liked this feeling, not the one of pity that he got back in the beginning of July, but the one where they knew he was a little freer.

No one really got why he decided to stay in India for this whole time.

Hell, at first he thought it was just a way to get away from everything. But as time went on, as he traveled with the group that stayed behind, they got to know him and he got to understand them a little bit more. It had been the first time since the pandemic when they all stayed in the hotel, but they weren’t allowed to really hang out with one another. Even being confined to one place, precautions were still taken.

But this tour was something different for him. Miles Anthony Kasey felt himself turning into something more.

He had grown as a wrestler through Wolfslair.

He had grown as a India.

You know something, a few short weeks ago, honestly I wasn't sure what this trip was going to bring,” Miles said as he found himself staying at the Rock Garden in Chandigarh, he found it peaceful to the point where since they had arrived days beforehand, he visited it multiple times, “A few times I have called this trip my own personal discovery. Milo’s own version of Eat, Pray, Love...minus Julia Roberts.

What I have found though, is a personal sense of worth. Through this whole tour I have laughed, cried, given myself an ulcer on some amazing curry to the point where I didn’t taste much of anything for a week,” he said with a simple smile that brought back a fun memory, “There was a moment when I came across my 28th birthday that suddenly I realized that through all the swagger, through the gym selfies and the goofy way that I conduct myself that I am perhaps more than just all of that.

He looks up at the night sky, “Sometimes all it takes is a different area to give you a different point of view to bring it all together. I’m not afraid of it anymore. ‘It’ being my own shadow. I have spent the whole damn time trying to figure out what the hell it was that was keeping me from finally getting that elusive first title here in SCW and apparently the idea of success was sitting like a brick in my stomach.

“Why? Because I had been there. A United Champ and a Tag Champ in a different place and a couple of failed relationships will screw with one’s psyche. Sure, I still do the goofy shit, I still do the gym selfies but now I will gladly sit here and tell you that I have zero issue with all these shortcomings.

I don’t need to make myself feel important. But Alexander there is someone who will sit there and try and break down one individual. Try and make them feel small for the benefit of a belly laugh. I’ve seen how you talk down to people, Raven. That’s all you fucking have. I watched you on twitter talking down to me and to Zoey. I saw the shit you said to Fenris. All this time you had been quiet since your loss to Jack and now all you got is your smoke and mirrors gag.” he stands up and glares, “You spent a whole night trying to get under my skin, failed, miserably. I knew what you were playing at. Trying to feed off the fears of my failures, when this whole damn trip was about me coming to grips with that. Your messiah complex, where you even admit that you’re flawed, still has you believing that you are better than anyone that steps in your path.

But you're not, are you? You know you’re not because you are trying so fucking hard to try and convince everyone otherwise. Mate, you’re no fucking messiah. You’re a pretentious pompous snake oil salesman with the verbiage of a psychology 101 professor.” Miles shoves his hands in his pockets and shrugs, “And you are a fucking prick to boot. So let me tell you flat out, Raven, when we get to New Delhi and we get to Violent Conduct 8, I’m going to do more than take that Roulette Championship off of ya, I’m going to mess with your mind.

Why? Because you have NO fucking clue what I have been through to get here. You’ve only caught the latest chapters in the fucked up world that is Miles Kasey,” he crooks his finger ever so slightly, “You’re going to look dead into these eyes, you are going to BEG for mercy. Wheel of Fate is no longer on your side.

Miles glances around one last time, as if he’s trying to embed it into his memory banks, “Smoke and mirrors versus the real world. Come at me, snake charmer...and I WILL cut your damn head off.

Miles walks off into the dark, “It’s a dangerous thing, Alexander, when a man no longer fears that shadow he will only take one broad step into the light. When they have no issues facing Gods and Saviors alike.” he turns and we can barely see him in the dark, “And no one here wants or needs to be saved by the likes of you.”

Offline Alexander Raven

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« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2022, 10:00:08 AM »

“The word of the week, pretentious. In a world full of actions, behaviours and languages, every person falls back to the same. Pretentious. Arty, gaudy, elaborate, grandiose, pompous, extravagant. Take your pick, they act as nothing but examples of the same. Vainglorious attitude. To spit upon the man who begs naught but deeper thought than the surface, is to mock the beggar who wishes for nothing more than an education. La-di-da so say the weak. Look at that tasteless overblown poncy fancy pants. And yet, none of it expands upon their inability to comprehend their own insecurity. To lash out and break down, to pull together the dregs of their own pack. A pack of wolves they are. For when the pup cries, they all come running.”

“Miles Kasey.”

The lowlight of the late evening sun reflects of the glittering water surface. Bhardwaj Lake, a couple hours out of New Delhi. Alexander Raven sits on the edge of the sand, near the lake water. Fluttering about in the lowlight colourful arrays of butterflies. Rabbits make their scratching and noises in the distance, the low chatter of wild creatures dancing lightly upon the wind. Raven’s eyes are fixated on the water surface a few metres in front of him, transfixed. His eyes seemingly distant, his mind far away from his body. Slow, steady breathing brings his chest up and down. The heavy breathing in through his nose whistling slightly.

“Do you know what they call this lake, Miles? Death Valley, some call it. The locals, they call it Khooni Jheel. It means bloody lake. There’s even some that consider this lake a curse. That three human sacrifices are required every year. It’s interesting that here in New Delhi, we come across a location steeped in myth, blood and violent mythology. Perhaps even more interesting is the suggestions about those who would make the journey here. Do not swim, do not go alone. Do not take valuables, and be aware that you are unwelcome. Perhaps one of the more hostile places on this tour. I wonder, Miles. Do you feel confident stepping outside your boundaries? Are you pretentious enough, to think yourself above the suggestions of safety? Here, in New Delhi we make a choice. A choice to completely throw caution to the wind. We have been given the platform to set the tone for all of Violent Conduct Eight. We are expected to do something that would make those who fear Death Valley, see it as nothing but a fairy tale in comparison to the brutality of that which we will inflict upon each other. Do you understand, Miles? Violence is the language expected of us, and whilst I dig and belittle. Whilst I sit upon my high horse and look down upon you and all your little wolf friends I do so for good reason. I need you riled up, Miles. I need you angry, I need you with a focus. Defending Zoey’s honour. Defending the honour of your wolves. Standing up for yourself. Something. I need you to have passion, I need you to have a god damn focus.”

“If you would just listen. If everybody would just listen for once, they’d hear what I’m saying. Nothing I say is cryptic. Nothing I say is to analyse or extrapolate upon someone. If what I say seems pretentious, than so be it. I will accept my pretentious nature if it means that somebody will give me something. If it means that you’ll give me the challenge I so desire. Here, in New Delhi. Just a few hours from this place of blood, death and misery. Of violence, robbery and danger. This Bloody Lake should mirror the rivers of blood that will flow from your very flesh and bone. Are you listening to me Miles? Do you understand?”

“They never understand!”

The last words roar from deep in Raven’s chest. Agitation causes his brow to crease. His hands balling into fists as he rises to his feet. His eyes staring off into the distance still. The once peaceful butterflies now a distant memory as they flutter away. The sounds of creature and critter now falling silent. Just the gentle breeze, the soft lap of water and the orange tinged surface of the setting sun. Bawling his fists tighter still the flesh turning white as the blood is forcefully drained into the extremities. He presses the fists to either side of his head, pushing inwards, shaking his head slowly.

“Violence, Miles. You do not understand it. I know you don’t. You think you’re simply entering into another match. Entering into a place where you get to finally get your hands on me. I need you to understand, that the raking of my words across your flesh, has reason. I need you angry, I need you emotional. Because I need you to want to hurt me, Miles. I need you violent. I need you to be ready to bleed out in the centre of that damn ring, should the gods and heavens wish it. I need you to be this way because if you aren’t. If you aren’t ready to end my career Miles, I will hurt you beyond anything you’ve ever felt. Focus, I have found. You mention that I was silent following my loss. You’re right, I was silent. Not because I was lapping my wounds. Not because I was sorry for myself, or hiding. Jack was the better man on the night, and that’s fine. Sometimes you just don’t step up, and that’s okay. What you need to understand Miles. What you need to understand is that I wasn’t hurting. I was exploring this land. I was visiting places in search of her light. In search of hand, and her forgiveness. A sign from her to guide me, to give me the knowledge I need. My silence was my journey of discovery. For someone who is so focused on identification of their own soul, you seem to lack the ability to comprehend the journeys that other may be on.”

“In the place of death, I spread her ashes. In this lake of blood, I will spread hers. At Violent Conduct, I will bleed, as she bled. For I have discovered my purpose, my focus, my understanding. I am flawed, this is the truth. Delusional, lost and unfocused I have been. Delusional I will be, and flawed I will remain. Imperfections are what makes the world beautiful. Unlike diamonds we will not last forever. Unlike diamonds we will one day fade from this earth. Unlike diamonds, we are flawed. But I have discovered. As I searched this land in search of myself. In search of her guidance an understanding. That emotions shouldn’t be suppressed. That the broken, needing guidance in all things. That the broken will continue flock to their Messiah, whether willingly or unknowingly. Those seeking baptism in blood will find the One True King, and in his False Prophecies they will find the truth. The understanding that this is the ultimate truth.”

Raven has a smile creep across his face, laughter rumbling out of him. A deep, heaving and authentic laugh. Happy, yet also pained. His eyes remain open, his body bending at the mid section as he heaves over laughing.

“Words, Miles. That’s all it is. Words. The reality is this. The more I speak, the more people will deny listening. The more I speak, the more opinions they will form. Accuse me of being poetic, when no poetry have I ever recited. Accuse me of being pretentious, when I’ve never done anything but point out their own hypocrisy. The ultimate truth is this. The more they deny it. The more you deny it, Miles. The more denial the truer it becomes. Every step of the way, the more they deny caring the more they do. On the drop of a hat, reaction. I say something, and everyone suddenly has an opinion. Fenris, Zoey, Finn, whoever that Dick is. Even the returning chaser of golden glory himself Lachlan Kane. Everyone reacts. A wolf pack? Hardly. Juveniles and children react the same. Violent reaction to those who poke and prod. The ultimate truth? You, and every damn one of you Wolves are exactly the filth I intend to purge.”

“The incestuous mixing of this city of sin. I’ve spoken at length of it for months now. I’ve spoken of my desire to shake the foundations, to shatter the stained glass sky of lies and bring the reality to all that inhabit this sinful city. I’ve found my purpose, and it comes at the beheading of all mangy mutts. I’ve put Finn down, and he flounders to have any level of acceptable relevance now. Thinking the world owes him anything, but completely lost in his own enforced insecurity. Fenris got one up on me. I won’t deny it. That man is one of the best I’ve stepped in the ring with. Yet I’m still here, and he lulls in the sidelines. Coming to the defense of his alcoholic little puppy. Zoey screams for my attention, and resorts to juvenile antics when I refuse to give her the attention she demands. Careful Miles, for she had no qualms in being immoral in acquiring you. How long before those screams for attention, become screams of affection? You, Miles. I will break. I will hurt. I will bleed. If I so need to, I will bend, break and flay. I know what I must do. In my hands I hold the gold. In my hands, I hold the wheel of fate itself. In my hands, ultimate bloody violence.”

His jaw clenched tightly, screaming out at the sky above. Birds in the distance flying away in a screech. He thumps his fists into side of his head, doing so over and over. Not hard enough to knock himself silly, but enough to start to cause blood to well to the temples in red splotches. He does this a few more times before slamming his fists together and falling to his knees, staring up into the sky once more.

“The purge of the filth that infests this place, begins with you, Miles. Continues with your demise, and ends with the eradication of your filthy, grotesque and manipulative little lair of wolves. Jumping at any sound, snarling at any threat, and strangle-holding anything that you can get your hands on. If there is anything I respect, it is the power of those outside of your little pack of mongrels. Those who continue to rattle and shake the foundations, and throw the stones to reveal the reality beyond the stained glass lies. But the truth, the reality must remain thus. Violence becomes us, and violence ends us. By my hand alone, you will be blooded. By my hand alone, you will be ended. I want you angry Miles. So that in the moment of defeat. As you fade from consciousness, you are innately aware of this one truth. The truth that the Broken Messiah, the False Prophet and the One True King never once lied. That the reality I painted and handed to you, was the truth that I spoke it to be.”

His hands slowly fall from his head, palms falling open. His eyes held to the sky above him. His eyes suddenly very hollow, empty. His face slackens and the creased agitation now gone. Slowly he raises his left hand, palm upturned and reaches out in front him, seemingly reaching for someone. Softness covers his eyes, his mind once again far away.

“She will forgive me. For she has shown me what I need to do. She hands me the stones, and guides their arc. In her, my anger is justified. In her, my anger is guided. No longer suppressed but put upon the path of focus and destination. Understanding, acceptance and forgiveness. She will forgive me for the atrocities I will inflict in my journey to cleanse the filth that breaks my Conspiracy. My Conspiracy will feed upon the carcasses of dead mutts, and in my offering of sustenance. In my offering of a truth and future. In my guidance to my kingdom, my Conspiracy grows. All those that flock, will be gifted with the sight of truth. No more lies, no more delusions of the Stained Glass Sky. This Sin City will no longer be marred with the filth that the wolves spread upon it. No more. In her light, in her forgiveness, the truth. Blood for blood, and no longer will she shun me for it. I understand now, the truth she always bestowed. That the blood was not the issue, but the disappointment of my own failures. The disappointment was the tears that were cried, not the pain I received because of it. The promises were not broken in bleeding again.”

A deep inhale, and a slow exhale. Slowly he stands, pulling a small necklace from under his shirt, a small red bottle attached it it. He slowly uncorks it and dabs a finger into it. The tip of it now red. He runs the finger down his forehead and onto his nose, leaving a small streak of red. Recorked and returned under his shirt, he snaps his fingers.


The flick of a switch, the sound of a globe clicking to life. The Roulette Championship sitting upon a small wooden end table. Alexander Raven stands behind it, hands holding either side of the table. A single halogen bulb above head, buzzing in the desolate space, acting like a spotlight. Raven has a downward pointing white triangle painted over his mouth, the streak of red from forehead to the tip of his nose.

“Violent Conduct Eight, New Delhi. The Raven and Wolf pup meet once more. This time, the stakes are for the wheel of fate and chance itself. A game of chance, curated with blood. Miles, have you been listening? Do you finally understand? Have you been following me, Miles? If not, you will. Baptised in blood, and cleansed in fire. I will show you my reality. My truth. My understanding. Pretentious, Miles? Yes, I am pretentious in your eyes. I am vainglorious in the eyes of many. The truth, broken, flawed and false. As king I stand true. Cleansed will this city of sin be, and your blood with mark the shattering of the distortions cast by the stained glass sky over this city. The foundations will shatter, and be rebuilt with your flesh and bone. Truth, Miles.”

“For at the end, none can protect you from Alexander Raven. When that bell rings, you and I go to war. When the bell sounds again, I will stand tall. For above your waning body I stand, and you will acknowledge that I am the man. Truth, Miles. You are your namesake away from it. The beginning of my journey of understand, marks your end. You walk into Violent Conduct in New Delhi, but I can guarantee, your succubus will have to carry you out. Snarl and snicker, but know this. Beneath my boot you will fall. Her forgiveness rights me of any wrongs. Can you say the same of your wrongs? Deceptions of the heart, and immorality of behaviour. Juvenile antics and childish actions. Weak willed, and scared of being truthful. Weak, Miles. Will you walk through the Valley of Death? Can you face the truth, and truly accept your emotions? Denial betrays you, and in the end. You will follow. You will listen, and you will finally understand.”

Alex releases the table and wraps the fingers of both hands over the top of the championship belt. He grips it tightly and yanks it backwards as he steps into the darkness beyond the dim light.

“Have you understood me, Miles?”

The flick of a switch once more, and the light goes off.



Offline MiloKasey

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« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2022, 11:59:55 PM »
Have you ever been told that you will never be good enough? Or better yet, that you have no choice but to settle for the shit life has handed you?


You’re lucky. Either that or completely full of shit and I’m willing to bet it’s the latter.

Alexander Raven has the set to sit there and try to even begin to understand what the fuck I’ve been through.

No, Alex, I’m not that simple. I’m an idiot, but it has NEVER been that simple.

See, the problem is, you think that people care about anything that you have to say. You are full of hot air and have pretty much nothing of volume to offer.

I don’t know, maybe it’s just my ADHD kicking in.

But then you caught my attention with something. And I thought...

Maybe we’re not so different after all...

You Feel Oddly Familiar
Eons Ago

He’s completely pathetic, Mora!”

Not so loud, Lyle. I just got them down for the night.

The familiar tones of the nightly arguments between his parents had drawn a young Miles from his bed in the rundown apartment that housed the Kasey family. His mother would do her best to raise her children because he wouldn’t let her hold a job for longer than a few weeks. Mostly because he would disappear for days, sometimes weeks on end.

How the hell am I supposed to accept that my own son can’t even hold his own in a school yard fight?

Lyle, he was jumped from behind by those kids. They’ve been harassing him all year because they know all about you.

What did you say?

The young child cringed. The shiner he sported below the young blue-green eyes along with the scratches up and down his arm were a reminder enough but to hear them actually argue about it?

It was bad enough his father’s reputation haunted him at primary, but this....

Where the fuck is the whiskey I had in here?

I dumped it after you got fired from your last job, not that you were making anything anyway to keep this roof over our heads.

He slammed the cupboard door shut and simply barked, “I’m working on that.

Right, you sleep the whole day away...” he could hear the clanging coming as his father ripped through their almost bare cupboards, “ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?



Miles dared to peer around the corner just long enough to see his mother bent over backwards and him on top of her like he was ready to lay in a punch. He was ready to jump in and do what he could, his scars from his fight be damned. That’s when he heard the horn from a car outside and someone call out for his father.

Lyle would back away and smile the most sinister of smiles, “That’s it... He told me that you and those fucking brats would be a liability and he was right. Good luck keeping afloat, bitch.

His father’s eyes glanced towards the young form peering around the corner and Miles quickly ducked back but he was certain that his father saw him. But instead of the beating that he expected to come, he heard the backdoor open and slam shut, breaking the already broken glass from the backdoor a little bit more. He heard his mother immediately burst into tears and that was enough for Miles to burst through the front door, and run as fast as he could.

He may be a skinny nothing but no one was going to treat her like that but he would only be gripped up by the back of his shirt and thrown to the ground. Standing above him was a man at least three times his small size, it was too dark to see much of his features when Miles recovered long enough to glare at him.

You my boy, don’t want to be doing that. Let him go.” the words flowed almost like slime through the sewers that brought the most rancid of scents outside the home. The accent was forgein, like stateside but mixed with something he couldn’t quite put his finger on.

But before he could place it, the figure just vanished.

It was only 2 weeks later that they got word that his father was dead.

Years later, that very figure would appear again in his life, the snake known as Syn would convince him and his mates to run the streets and raise hell. For pennies on the pounds that they would steal or destroy, he did what he had to do to make sure his family survived. Fights that would go noticed but as long as his mother and sister could eat, he didn’t fucking care.

Then one night he came home to his mother sitting up in the living room, going through a photo album. Miles planted himself at the entrance between the entryway between the kitchen of their home that she had upgraded them too through all her hard work.

Mum?” Miles said slowly.

She didn’t look up at him, just flipping to another page that held the picture of her and his father on their wedding day, “You know, he wasn’t always as horrible as you remember.

You should be sleeping. You have to work the early shift, dontcha?” he couldn’t will himself to move. If she had seen the state that his face way in, complete with a broken nose that Mack had reset himself....who knows how she’d react.

Instead he could see the smile form on the side of her beautiful face, “I worked tonight so Marie could have the night off and she took my shift in exchange.” she would flip another page where we see the side by side picture of a baby in blue and a baby in pink. “I swore to God when you two were born that I would never let you two know badly did I mess that up.

Miles just sighed and reached out and touched her shoulder. He may have been beaten badly but he wasn’t going to not comfort her, “You didn’t do shit, mum.

Her head snapped back and glared toward him, “Watch your language.

Yes ma’am.” Miles said, bowing his head and dropping his hand.

His mom looked up and got the first real look at her son and just shook her head, “You know, I know what you do. I know why you do it.

Miles just sighs, “Mum

I’m speaking.” she said as Miles' tall frame stood still, he knew it was a cue for him to just shut up, “I lost your father to this and I really don’t want to lose you.

This? Actually this is from yardin’ with Mack and the crew,” Miles smirked as he pulled out his wallet and holds about 250 bucks in his hand, “It’s enough to pay off his debts and be done with him once and for all. After this, I don’t know but tonight I was talking to a few people, they think that I may have something here.

Something, as in fighting?” Mora just looked at him with worry in his eyes.

Something as in getting the hell out of here and making something of myself. Getting away from any one of his cronies that convinces me that following my dad’s dark path is the only way for me to go. Mum, I promise you I will never give myself over to that darkness and I’m going to strive to be the best no matter what, by any means necessary. I love you and Brianna too much to want for less.

Mora just stands there looking at the money for a moment before looking at her battered son, “You know, Marie is gonna eat shit for what she said earlier.

Miles smirks at her, “Oh yeah? What did that gossipmonger say about me?

Teenage Dirtbag Baby
Present Day

We open up inside the Indira Gandhi Arena, that the SCW crew has been setting up now for the last week for Violent Conduct 8. The grand finale to their tour here in India and sitting rows, upon rows back is Miles Kasey. His blonde curly locks looking extra poofy in the humidity but he’s come to accept that, the t-shirt clinging to him just right. Those torn jeans that he could never quite bring himself to throw away hugging him just right that if Carter and Bobbie were around, pictures would be snapped. And he’s just lounging on the folded chairs, his feet kicked up and arms outstretched and a smile brightly painted on his face.

You know what’s absolutely amazing? You kept this monologue up about how I ‘ran away’ to India and about who I was currently fucking. It doesn’t matter if Zoey Lukas wants to climb me like a tree, it doesn’t matter who the fuck is currently on my dick because YOU have NO fucking clue about me.

The hand comes up and forms a big ole fat O before slapping back down on the chair and him shaking his head and rubbing his eyes with his other hand.

Alexander Raven sat and growled and grunted into a camera for a good 15 minutes barking and bitching about how just unfocused I really was because for some reason, like a fucking human god damn being, I let what happens around me have an effect on me. And you know what, you’re right Alex, I do.” he points to himself and jams his finger into his chest, “I cannot help but let real world things pull my focus because I am not some autonomous robot that sits in the dark until he’s beckoned to do the one thing that he’s actually good at. I did that, I did that for years because I had no fucking choice.

I refuse to go back. So when you are sitting there and are like ‘Well if he would just listen to me’...BRUV all that is going to get you is a middle finger before I punch you square in that fat fucking face of yours.

His blue-green eyes grow cold and his feet come down and he leans forward and let’s out with his whole chest, “LOOK THE FUCK AROUND! LOOK AROUND AND TELL ME IN THE LAST MONTH AND A HALF AND TELL ME EXACTLY WHAT I HAVE BEEN DOING! I have had it up to my scratch that, I was over my head when it came to what I had to deal with. I damn near drowned the last time you and I faced off. But look who has found himself falling apart now.

He leans even more forward and with a whisper he says, “Here’s a clue mate. It’s not me.

Alexander Raven, with the Roulette Championship reign that makes Bill Barnhart look like the greatest one of all time. ....sorry Finn, nothing against ya, mate but.... Ah fuck it, I’ll pay for it later in the ring probably, but that’s how I really feel! You, as the Roulette Champion, has been purely pathetic, mate. And you sit there and have the fucking balls to tell me that I need to just listen to you? For what? Eating tips? How to be the loneliest loner known to man? Nah, no thanks, I’m good.” he holds his hand up and is pushing back against nothing.

I’m so good, in fact, that I saw how you tried to bait me into a low hanging fruit bitch fight. I saw all the little barbs you took a shot at, about my love life or in this case lack of... I saw how you were tried to picture who or what I would blame when you would ‘Beat me’.” Miles snorts with laughter, “Look, I know you got this one on one match up on me, I know you have that match from the cruise on me but things are very different now. Now I don’t have anything to lose, now I am at peace with my life. My sister and nephew are doing wonderfully and I no longer am worried about the other thing. No, you dragging her up is not effective and you were pathetic to try.

He shrugs, “As for the match itself, as for the Roulette Championship, mate...I’m going to bleed you dry. No matter where that wheel lands. Why? Because I, like many others in SCW are simply sick and tired of your nonsensical bullshit. You are a pompous, pretentious prick. This is going to sound familiar and I don’t give a fuck if you don’t like it. You are the personification of a prickle prick who likes to pontificate your prolific principles or pomposity. Credit to Zoey Lukas on that one. Nice to know that most of the wolves have my back.

Miles stands up and gives a big stretch where we can hear the bones crack from sternum to neck, he shakes out all the cobwebs.

I don’t view myself as an alpha but I view myself stronger and better because I have come here and built myself something special and I’m going to end it with beating the piss out of you mate.

He gives a little wink “As for that F word....

Just look up

And from above in big bold letters on a plane flying above we see it simply say “Fuck You, Raven. RAISE THE W!”