Author Topic: "No Girls Allowed"  (Read 4274 times)

Cordelia Clark

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"No Girls Allowed"
« on: September 28, 2021, 02:31:50 PM »
A pre-recorded scene takes place in the vicinity of the No Girls Allowed SCU event. Morgan and Cordelia Clark both appear in the shot and they are not happy. Someone else is holding the camera, although they don’t appear to be doing a very good job at this.

Morgan: Hold the camera still, Dad! God!

Their father is able to stabilize the camera shot.

Cordelia: There we go! That’s better.

Mr. Clark: Now ladies, you know I love both of you and I certainly appreciate the stand you’re about to take here. I’m not for this ‘no girls allowed’ thing either, but I don’t want this costing you two your jobs you know…

Cordelia: Dad, just hold the camera and film what happens. We appreciate your concern, but at the same time, Morgan and I have to do this. They can NOT exclude the best women’s wrestler in SCU from ANY event.

Morgan side eyes Cordelia as soon as she makes the comment, but only the camera picks that up.

Cordelia: As the SCU Underground Champion, I am ENTITLED to be on this show.

Morgan: I’m just coming off of a big win myself and they want to exclude me from the show too? To hell with that! Anyway, let’s invade this show and let’s give them a piece of our minds. This SEXIST nonsense is not going to stand!

Mr. Clark: Such is life being a father of two high maintenance girls…

Morgan just scoffs at this remark as they make their way toward the building. Their father follows them with the camera and they are starting to see an increased number of fans the closer they get to the building. They also notice that security is starting to come into their view.

Morgan: Hmm… they are going to recognize us.

Cordelia: There is no way we can sneak in through the regular entrance way.

Morgan: That’s why we are sneaking in as fans.

Cordelia: Oh?

Morgan: We walk up to the ticket counter, buy the tickets and crash this nonsense from the crowd.

Cordelia: I love it. There’s just one problem. We’re dressed far superior to the little people. They’ll recognize us immediately.

Morgan: Why do you think I went to Goodwill and got some regular people clothing huh?

Cordelia: EW, you went to GOODWILL? Only poor people shop there.

Morgan: PLEASE! We’re only wearing poor people’s clothing this one time. We just wear it, sneak in, do what we do, and then just… burn the clothing. Anyway…

Morgan opens up a backpack she brought with her and pulls out a pair of tennis shoes and socks, a pair of red booty shorts, a tank top and a visor, handing it all to Cordelia.

Cordelia: EW… EW EW EW! GROSS! I’m NOT wearing that! I’ll look like one of those floozies you see at a frat party! UGH!

Morgan: Do you want to get in or not?

Morgan pulls out a pair of ripped jeans, a pair of ballet flats and a New York Mets softball style t-shirt for herself.

Cordelia: I am NOT going to dress like a regular person…


Morgan and Cordelia are in their “disguises”.

Cordelia: I can NOT believe I look like a REGULAR PERSON!

Morgan: It’s for the greater good!

Cordelia: You really had to wear something Mets related? You know they suck!

Mr. Clark: HEY! Don’t be hating on my Mets.

Morgan: Shut up, Dad…

They all approach the ticket counter, blending in with the ‘regular people’ along the way.

Morgan: Yes, three tickets to tonight’s sexist show please.

The ticket counter person shrugs and processes three tickets. Cordelia slides in her credit card.

Counter Person: Can I see some ID please? For security purposes?

Cordelia slides in her ID without thinking about it.

Counter Person: Cordelia Clark? THE Cordelia Clark?

Cordelia Clark: Um… it’s just a coincidence…

Counter Person: You look just like her…

Security Guard: You two think you’re smart, huh?

An SCU security guard comes into the view and takes Cordelia’s ID and credit card.

Security Guard: No girls allowed means no girls allowed! You’re not allowed in.

Cordelia: But I’m Cordelia Clark, damn it!

Security Guard: And?

Morgan: What my sister is trying to say is…. THIS EVENT IS SEXIST! It’s one thing to have just the men wrestle, but to bar the women from even BEING HERE? NO! This is WRONG! This is SEXIST! Cordy and I are taking a STAND!

Cordelia: YEAH! A STAND! We will not tolerate sexist nonsense! As the woman the SCU brand revolves around, I am ENTITLED to be in the building. Comprehend that?

Security Guard: I don’t know about all of that, but you two need to leave.

Morgan: We are not leaving!

The guard pulls out a taser.

Morgan: Whoa… um… take it easy there.

Mr. Clark: Now hold on just a second, you don’t pull out a taser on my girls!

Security Guard: Aren’t you too old to be dating girls their age?

Cordelia: WHAT? That’s our FATHER you twit!

Mr. Clark: Easy easy… I’m sure we can all figure this out like adults.

Morgan: Of course! Dad, there’s something you can do right? Give him a few thousand dollars so he can let us in… or something…

Cordelia: Yeah, daddy! You’d be doing us a HUGE favor! PLEASE?!?! We love you…

Security Guard: You need to leave.

Cordelia: I just paid for three tickets. If we have to leave, I want a refund. Yeah, those three tickets are useless.

Mr. Clark: Now hold on just a second… I’m a guy… and I’m not on the SCU roster… so TECHNICALLY, that means I’m allowed in right?

Security Guard: ...I suppose so. Cordelia did pay for the tickets.

Mr. Clark: So… couldn’t I bring my daughters in as fans too?

Security Guard: Nope. SCU rules.

Mr. Clark: Crap. So what are we going to do with the other two tickets then?

Right on cue, two older women, familiar to all three of the group, walk in.

Morgan: MOM?

Cordelia: Aunt Janine?

Mrs. Clark: Oh hi girls! How’s the protest?

Mr. Clark: They can’t get in. Cordy paid for three tickets too.

Aunt Janine: ...can we have the other two?

Mr. Clark: SURE!

Morgan and Cordelia: DAD!!!!

Security Guard: Alright. All three of you in.

Morgan: Mom, I thought you supported this.

Mrs. Clark: Hey, free tickets are free tickets.

Aunt Janine: Valentina would be laughing at you two right now…


Mr. Clark: ...let’s just go inside…

The three older adults begin to walk in.

Security Guard: SIR! No cameras allowed inside.

Mr. Clark: Oh that’s right… here you go ladies.

He hands Morgan the camera as they both embarrassingly watch their parents and their aunt walk into the event.

Mrs. Clark: It’s going to be so nice to get away from the girls for a while…

Mr. Clark: Right?

Morgan and Cordelia are left dumbfounded.

Morgan: Let’s get out of here, Cordy.

Cordelia: But…

Morgan: Or we can get tasered.

Cordelia: FINE!

Cordelia sighs as she and Morgan both begin to walk away from the ticket counter. Afterwards, Morgan shuts the camera off.