Author Topic: Runner up is a nice way of saying LOSER!  (Read 625 times)

Offline The Troll

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Runner up is a nice way of saying LOSER!
« on: April 09, 2021, 09:27:53 PM »
Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

“One of the biggest events of the year, Blaze of Glory IX, and your boy, the Troll, did EXACTLY what I said I was going to do! I took that loud mouthed, fascinated by my own ass MISTER Ass, and wiped the mat with that pretty ass of his!”

“Wait, I need to edit that last comment out. Be just a sec-damn! This is live, isn’t it? Okay, starting over. Starting over….!”

Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

“One of the biggest events of the year, Blaze of Glory IX, and your boy, the Troll, did EXACTLY what I said I was going to do! I took that loud mouthed, fascinated by my own ass MISTER Ass, and wiped the mat with his ass! Impressed? I know, I was too. And a little disappointed because I thought for sure with all the hype and as much as everyone seems to love that idiot, there’d have been more behind him - but what he has behind him? Not as impressive as he’d have you believe. All style, no substance.”

“Plus, having been in the ring with him, I can attest to the fact that the junk Miles “Milo” Kasey has in his trunk is nothing but padding.”

There is that familiar thud on the floor of the house, thus the basement ‘roof’ over the Troll’s head.

Troll’s Mom: “GABRIEL THOMAS WANK! I want to talk to you!”

The Troll: “Mom! Not right now! I’m busy!”

Troll’s Mom: “Well EXCUSE ME Mister Big Shot Professional Wrestler! I suppose now that you hit the big time you don’t have any time for your poor mother!”

The Troll: “Mom…!”

Troll’s Mom: “I work and I slave for my baby boy and he doesn’t have time to pry himself away from his little playmates on the computer that I PAID FOR to talk to his own mother! I might as well go sit in the corner BY MYSELF and smoke wet cigarette butts!”

The Troll: “Mom, you told me you quit...!”

Troll’s Mom: “Then when the paramedics find me wedged in the tub and no longer on this earth, you won’t have to worry about spending FIVE MINUTES talking to your loving mother!”

The Troll looks forlornly at the camera on his laptop and sighs in exasperation before he reaches forward…

Under the Bridge
Wisdom of the Troll

“Okay, I’m back to business! And speaking of business, how about the REAL Troll of SCW - namely Bobbie Dahl, mind her own? I find it absolutely riveting that this chick is still hanging around SCW, with absolutely no responsibilities and nothing to do except walk out at the end of SOMEONE ELSE’S MATCH and steal their spotlight. Oh sure, she put on the pretense of ‘saving’ Bella Madison and Courtney Pierce from that so-called amazon chick, Tempest, but we all know what that was really about. ‘Boobie’ Dahl just loves to be in the spotlight without having to work for it. That’s pretty much been the calling card of her career, ever since she first started wrestling. (If you can call what she does ‘wrestling.’)”

“She shows up. Wrestles for a few weeks/months and then vanishes from the ring. Then she spends her time mouthing off on social media and doing spot checks on Climax Control. She returns, then it’s all a matter of wash, rinse, repeat. NOBODY CARES BOOBIE! You’re just one of those people who thinks they know everything and has the right to spew random and so-called facts every chance they get.”

“I HATE people like that!”

“You know what else I hate? People who claim to be something that they’re not, just because it’s cool or the in thing. I’m talking about all the lesbians in this sport. I mean, SERIOUSLY! Oh sure, there are gay men in the sport too (and as long as they don’t flirt with me, then I’m cool with it!), but there are more gay women than there are straight women, straight men, and gay men COMBINED! Or at least, there are more women CLAIMING to be gay when they are actually straight.”

“I have it on good authority, and my sources are never wrong, that two of the most popular lesbian couples in SCW, namely Team Hero and Christina Rose and Seleana Zdunich, are actually totally and completely straight. I can’t speak for Roxi and Keira, but I hear the reason Christina does it is because it’s about the only way she can join the ‘cool kids’ table. More on this NEXT TIME…!”

“But we’ve been talking about business, and the real business this week is the next Superstar on the Troll’s List, and that’s Mac Bane. Mac… Bane.”

Snickers and shakes head.

“Mac, let’s just be honest about what you are…”

Thud on the ceiling…


The Troll: “On the George Foreman Grill!?”

Troll’s Mom: “No Angel Tuckus! The Grill’s in the shop!”

The Troll: (mumbling) “Grill’s been in the shop since February… (out loud) That sounds GREAT Mom! Thanks!”

Troll’s Mom: “Anything for Mommy’s Little Man!”

“Now, where was I? Oh yes, the TRUTH about Mac Bane and who and what he is. True, he lucked out and became the Roulette Champion, but anyone who wins that title is just a bottom feeder champion because seriously? Who cares? It’s the bottom rung of the championship ladder. It’s not the World, or the Internet. Hell! It’s not even the Mixed Tag! And it isn’t like Mac actually accomplished anything as the champion. The LOSER left SCW a week after winning the title! Who DOES that!?”

“I’ll tell you who - Mac ‘I’m Too Scared To Be A Defending Champion’ Bane, that’s who! Everyone knows, and I am going to confirm here and now, that Mac left SCW because he knew - he KNEW - that he’d be a one hit wonder and lose the title on his first defense, so he up and left. That way, in his feeble mind at least, he’d stay champion FOREVER. Sad, huh?”

“Almost as sad as being runner up in the Blast From the Past. Sure, he got to the finals, but that was just because of the OLD CHICK that was his partner. Myra Rivers carried him through the entire tournament and I think - no, I KNOW - that if you have to reply on an old woman to carry you through life, then that just makes you all the more pathetic.”

“You’re not a man, Mac. That little pipsqueak Despayre ran circles around you when you two were in the ring against each other! You talked about being big and bad but a nut half your size had you beat. We all saw it. EVERYONE out there knows it! Had you not ran like a coward and tagged out, Despayre would have beaten you. You never would have made it to the finals. And now, what? They put you against me? Poor you, that’s all I have to say. You would have been better off had Christian followed through and booked you against that hairbag Fenris. (Whose hair is fake, btw. It’s a WIG, people!) With him, he would have been an easy fight for you. He would have gone easy on you.”

Me? Not so much.”

So-called armchair expert on absolutely anything that means absolutely nothing.