Author Topic: Super Excited! (Candy rp v Andrea Hernandez)  (Read 448 times)

Offline Candy

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Super Excited! (Candy rp v Andrea Hernandez)
« on: August 14, 2020, 09:51:24 PM »
OOC: Sorry for poor quality, deadline snuck up on me and I remembered AFTER i took a benedryl for an allergy attack so this was written in a benedryl induced state LOL

Scene One: “I’m so excited!”

When: Friday afternoon, 8/14, about 3PM
Where: Candy and Marcus’s home.

**The scene opens up to show Candy through a webcam, as she sits on the couch in her living room. She had Fluffy on her lap as she held up her phone, recording a video.**

Candy: HI EVERYONE! It’s me! Candy! And Fluffy! We just wanted to pop in and say we are SO SO SO excited to be able to see our fans back in the arenas for the shows. Tickets go on sale soon! Can’t wait to see you there!!

**Fluffy barks in agreement and wags her tail.**

Candy: Fluffy said she hopes you all get your tickets for this week's show, and get your merchandise to support your favorite wrestlers! Whether it be the newest “Sweeter Than Candy” t-shirt, or the super snazzy “Team Hero” tank top… or even the SCW official ball cap… represent your favorites and enjoy the shows! We miss you guys! And always remember to be safe, wear your masks, and follow the rules so we can all have some safe fun!

**Fluffy barked in agreement and stuck her tongue out, panting**

Candy: Exactly! Everyone needs to be safe! Especially if they want to see the awesome shows that SCW puts on every week! Just look at this week! There’s 2 title matches! And you get to see me face the former Bombshell World Champion, Andrea Hernandez! I’m soooooo excited!!! Wanna know why?

**She smiled big**

Candy: Because the talent in SCW is AMAZING!!! I have had so many really really tough matches, more than any other place I have ever wrestled! And it really challenges me. Sometimes I win, sometimes I don’t. But it’s ok! Because everytime I lose, I get a little bit better! I climb a little bit higher! And that makes me super super happy!!! Like Marcus says… “You learn more with every loss than you do every victory”. And it’s super true!!!

**She brushed a stray hair out of her face**

Candy: So this weekend, when I face Andrea, I am going to try my super bestest to win. I’m gonna put up one heck of a fight! And maybe, if I win, management will want to give me another title shot! Wouldn’t that be cool, Fluffy?

**Fluffy barked in agreement.**

Candy: So I wanna with Andrea good luck! I can’t wait to meet you out there, in front of FANS!!!

**Candy smiled and blew a kiss before turning off the camera, sending it to black**
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