Author Topic: Supernova 3 (Results)  (Read 6005 times)

Offline Tad Ezra

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Supernova 3 (Results)
« on: August 01, 2020, 11:25:41 PM »
 OOC Note: We are doing this set of results differently. We will be posting the matches one at a time.


Supernova 3
Saturday August 1st, 2020
Locale: Los Angeles, California - Sun Princess

The cameras are warming up. Mercedes Vargas can be seen descending down the steps of a stairwell. Wearing a vintage Mean Girls t-shirt, the SCW Hall of Famer stops halfway, tossing her hair back as she begins.

Mercedes: The day is here, the time has come. The Mayhem Survival is back once again and guess who's coming to dinner?

Mercedes points at herself.

Mercedes: That's right, yours truly. Did you seriously think the fourth Mayhem Survival match wouldn't include the first ever winner in history?

Mercedes pauses, raising an eyebrow then shakes her head in mock pity

Mercedes: Championships, I've won those, many times. Tournaments, won those too. Mayhem Survival, been there, done that, and got the ring to prove it.

Mercedes shows off her Mayhem Survival commemorative ring from the first event three years ago.

Mercedes:Yo soy mejor de todos los tiempos y ninguno de vosotros puede decir otra cosa. Soy el récord-rompe, rompe-suelos, historia-hacer, sendero-candente, toma de nombre, derrota de leyenda, la mayoría de los ganadores #CampeóndeCampeones.
I am the greatest of all time and none of you can say any different. I'm the record-breaking, ground-breaking, history-making, trail-blazing, name-taking, legend-beating, most winning #ChampionofChampions.

Mercedes' smile faded as she briefly places her arms akimbo, a look of wishful thought in her gaze.

Mercedes: The gloves are off, the war paint is on, and the checklist is always at hand. Wether you like it or not, I'm walking into Supernova on a mission and I plan on walking out Mayhem Survivor again.

Mucho antes de que lo supieras, y mucho después recordarás.
Long before you knew, and long after you'll remember.

Mercedes smiles, running her fingers through her hair.

Mercedes: Estar preparado para lo peor, esperar lo mejor.

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

She pauses for effect, lowering her voice just above a whisper.

Mercedes: Y que la suerte está siempre en su favor.
And may the odds be ever in your favor.


Hardcore Tag Team Championship
Battle Royal

Dax and Mickey vs Fox Brothers vs theFAME vs Gerald and Virginia vs Damian Dark and Grimaldi vs Kelli Torres and Mz Holly Wood vs Alex Rush and Tatsu Ikeda

Darlyn:  Ladies and gentlemen!  The opening contest for Supernova 3 is a Tag Team Battle Royal for the Hardcore Tag Team Championships!  In order for a team to be eliminated, only one member of the team must go over the top rope with both feet touching the floor!

The opening of "Amazing Grace" by Dropkick Murphys plays as Mickey pushes through the curtains with Dax following behind him. Mickey pulls the cigarette out of his mouth and drops it on the ground, quickly putting it out as he marches back and forth across the stage.  Dax throws his hands up and down to get the crowd riled up.  He and Mickey cross each other as they go opposite directions across the stage.

Liam: Coming to the ring, they are the team of Dax Beckett and Mickey Carroll and they represent Over the Edge!!!

They look from side to side, nodding their heads at the cheers before pointing out into the audience, starting a powerful "Oi! Oi! Oi!" chant that really gets the crowd pumped. They look to one another before they dash straight down the ramp where he leaps up and onto the ring apron. Mickey paces back and forth, stomping along to the beat of the music before climbing inside.  Dax throws his arms up to get the crowd even more pumped. Mickey looks up at the ceiling and then signals the trinity, kissing his fingers and then pointing up as he and Dax wait for their opponents.

“What Does The Fox Say?” by Ylvis starts to play. The crowd looks up the ramp as they try to see who is coming out. The crowd immediately cheers as Mason and Jason step out onto the ramp, yipping as they cross the stage. They are soon followed by Martha Fox, and the crowd gets even louder.

Darlyn: On the way to the ring, the Double Down Champions... the team of Jason and Mason Fox, the Fox Brothers!!!

Jason and Mason find their way to the rampway. The fans cheer as they slap hands on the way down. They slide inside of the ring as Martha settles into the corner, all smiles Jason and Mason get in the ring as they walk around the ring, dancing along to the music before settling into their corner.

Darlyn:  And next, being accompanied to the ring by Delta Rayne, they are the team of Bentley Black and Donovan Rayne, they are… theFAME!!!

The lights in the arena dim, as the crowd grows silent with anticipation. Suddenly, the  synth heavy sounds of “Viol” by Gesaffelstein fill the arena, the crowds silence quickly turns into jeers. Suddenly, a single, large spotlight shines onto the entrance way. With the crowd still heavily booing,  “The Stand Out” Donovan Rayne and “The 1NFAMOUS” Bentley Black emerge onto the entrance way.

Both men, dawning matching leather jackets stand with smirks on their faces. With the crowd steadily raining down jeers on the men, they make an about face, turning their backs to the crowd. Then, the third and final member of the FAME, “the Provocateur” Delta Rayne steps out from behind the curtain. Delta, who finds herself standing in between her the two men, places her hands onto her vivacious hips. After a moment, the spotlight fades out to more vibrant strobe lighting. The lighting, reminiscent of what you’d see at a fashion show, begins to fill the arena. Then, as flashbulbs begin to fill the space, Donovan and Bentley both turn back to face the fans. As they both throw their arms into the air, the crowd’s intensity picks up.

After a moment of mouthing insults towards the fans, the men both throw their arms back down. Then, linked arm and arm with Delta, the three members  of the FAME make their way down to the ringside area. Largely ignoring the fans on their way down, the three individuals walk with purpose, not losing focus on the ring. Reaching the ringside area, the three stop walking. Delta then lets go of her brother and best-friend’s arms, as they walk in front of her. The two men then ascend onto the ring apron. Both men face with their backs towards the ring, as Delta approaches the ring apron. Looking up at her two clients, she smiles before backing away slightly. Donovan and Bentley then quickly enter the ring.

Walking over to the stairs, “The Provocateur” walks up them, and quickly walks to the center of the ring apron. Turning her back towards the ring, she places her arms onto the top rope. Placing her foot onto the bottom rope, she pushes backwards, flipping herself over the top rope, landing into the ring.  Facing the hard-camera side of the arena, Donovan and Bentley climb onto the middle turnbuckle on opposite sides of the ring. Standing in the center, Delta points to both of her clients, who then remove their leather jackets and jump down from the turnbuckle after taunting towards the crowd for a moment. As the two men walk towards the center of the ring, they hand their jackets over to Delta. Then, once again turning their backs to the camera, both men pose with their backs towards the camera. Suddenly, the camera does a panning zoom of both mens trunks to read “The Stand Out” and “1NFAMOUS” respectively.

A white light flashes over the crowd that is almost blinding. It returns to a more tolerable brightness as "Spirit In the Sky" by Norman Greenbaum begins to play through the arena. The crowd boos and gets louder when the announcer speaks up.

Darlyn: On their way to the ring from Tulsa, Oklahoma... Representing The Church of The Good Shepherds they are… Virginia Mae Putnam and Father Gerald Shepherd!!!

And the boos become louder. Gerald runs out onto the stage, throwing his hands in the air, looking up. He nods his head and smiles when he goes back and forth across the stage. Ginny shouts out for everyone to listen to Gerald, pointing at him. He holds His Holy Word in his hand as he shouts out a verse. They walk down the ramp as he continues to read. He sits it on the ring steps and runs up them. Ginny comes up next and he holds the ropes open for her to enter. He walks across the apron as he seeks His praise. He gets inside of the ring and slowly spins around before settling in a corner and waits for the match to start.

The lights in the arena slowly dim and flicker before finally going out. “Game of Survival” begins to play out of the PA system and the spotlight shines on the stage, where Darhk stands with a sly smile on his face and his arms outstretched, he then steps aside and Grimaldi steps forward into the spotlight.

Darlyn:  And next, he is accompanied to the ring by Darhk, he is… Grimaldi!!!

Laughing manically as the lights come back on within the arena and Grimaldi methodically walks along the aisle, head tilted at the fans nearby, Darhk follows behind telling Grimaldi to ignore them and focus. Grimaldi steps up the ring steps and along the ring curtain, Darhk follows him up and climbs into the ring and sits on the middle rope and pushes the top rope up, Grimaldi laughs and steps through the rope assisted ropes and wonders carelessly around the ring. The referee and ring announcer look confused and move out of his way if he wonders towards them. Darhk stands in his assigned corner and ushers Grimaldi over and takes off his purple coat and gives Grimaldi a last few minute words before stepping out onto the ring apron and jumping down. The music fades away leaving Grimaldi resting his shoulders against the top turnbuckle pad, grabbing the top rope and laughing, glancing over each shoulder at the audience and towards the referee before stopping abruptly and glaring at his partner.

Darlyn:  And his partner, he is… Damian Dark!!!

The lights go off and you hear let me in the devil's here and out comes Damian Dark in a casket, wheeled down to the ring with red liquid on top of it.  He steps out and slides inside of the ring.

Darlyn: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Pride Tag Team Championships!!! On their way to the ring, they are the team of...Kelli Torrrrrrrrrrrrrres and Mz Holly Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!!

"Hollywood" by Collective blasts over the sound system as a pink shadow box appears through the curtains. The silhouette of two lovely ladies dancing is seen from the inside, seducing the crowd with their feminine wiles. It comes to rest at the edge of the stage, and after a moment, the ladies inside kick their way through the thin paper to reveal... Kelli Torres and Holly Wood! Mz. Wood if you nasty. She flips her blonde hair over her shoulder as she raises her arms in the air, loosening her hips before sashaying down the ramp. Kelli takes a more serious approach, slapping a few hands on her way down the ramp They climb onto the apron, Holly swaying her hips back and forth as she lowers herself down into a split position. She crawls under the ropes and does a sexy pose on the mat before leaping up , dancing around the ring to the music. Kelli steps inside and walks around, getting the crowd pumped up as they wait for their opponents.

Gold stars start to flash around the stage entrance as the arena lights start to drop out and a voice is heard saying "Do you wanna get rocked?" The name Alex Rush appears on the screen and the fans instantly burst in to cheers as Def Leppards "Let's Get Rocked" blasts through the speakers.

Darlyn: From Westminister, London, England, weighing in at two hundred and ten pounds, he is Alex Rush!

Smoke appears at the top of the ramp as a spotlight hits the entrance way to see the back of a long haired man with one hand in the air holding up the devil horns sign, and a smaller woman doing the same. They turn around to more cheers as the spotlight shines on the face of Alex Rush and Tatsu Ikeda! A line of security is seen either side of them as the lights brighten to show fans "held back" by security at the top of the ramp. Alex and Tatsu are wearing black leather pants with a red stripe down either side, a white shirt with the devill horns hand sign on in a faded gray colour. Around their wrists, a multi coloured scarf is tied. Alex looks to the held back fans and waves a hand at them in a presidential fashion before making his way down to the ringside area, only for Tatsu to continue to wave just as gracefully. Alex steps up the steps and through the middle and top rope and in to the center of the ring, his arms in the air with his Hardcore Tag Team belt over his shoulder, with the devil horns sign as gold sparks fall from the roof.  Tatsu joins in with this as the crowd laughs and cheers. Alex and Tatsu reach down, removing their shirts and throwing them to the crowd.  Tatsu is wearing a top that matches the pants. They wait for the bell to ring as they hand off the Hardcore Tag Team Championships.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad:  Fourteen… FOURTEEN… wrestlers start it out in the ring.  Punches fly fast, and kicks are aplenty.  Tatsu and Alex rush to the middle of the brawl, swinging at anything that moves.

Gena:  Damian Dark picks Mason Fox up and throws him over the ropes, but he lands on the top rope.  Mason slaps him across the back as he turns away.

Chad:  Gerald Shepherd comes up and begins attacking Mason, causing Jason to try to help Mason to keep their team in the match.  Donovan ducks a clothesline from Grimaldi!

Gena:  Grimaldi flops to the outside, but holds onto the top rope to keep in the ring.  Donovan and Bentley peel his fingers off, but he continues to grab the ropes.

Chad:  Damian Dark shoves his way forcefully through the other competitors to save Grimaldi, but Bentley kicks Grimaldi’s hand as he tries to reach for the ropes again, and he’s out!

Darlyn:  Grimaldi and Damian Dark have been eliminated!

Gena:  Damian isn’t happy as he goes to throw Donovan out of the ring, but Bentley pulls Donovan away, tripping him up so Damian trips through the ropes.

Chad:  They disappear into the fray as Damian sees Grimaldi laughing on the ground.  He roars and then picks Grimaldi up and throws him into the barricade with relative ease!

Gena:  Damian grabs the ring steps and throws them on top of Grimaldi, stomping on the steps until Gianni comes rushing out to break it up.  Damian shoves Gianni and storms off in a huff.

Chad:  Meanwhile, Kelli and Ginny are trading hits in the center of the ring.  Kelli grabs hold of Ginny and throws her into the corner, attempting to lift her up and over, but Ginny fights it.

Gena:  Gerald and Jason are fighting it out still.  Gerald sees Holly and makes a snide comment, causing Holly to come to Jason’s aid.  Mason continues to fight to stay in the match.

Chad:  Alex and Tatsu team up on Mason on the apron, as he yips with each hit. Dax and Mickey have taken it to theFAME, as they trade punches, kicks, and Haymakers.

Gena:  Holly throws Father Gerald onto the apron as she and Jason nod to one another.  They go for stereo Superkicks, but Gerald ducks and kicks Mason’s knee out from under him.

Chad:  Mason falls to one knee, and Gerald kicks him in the side as he avoids Holly and Jason.  He grabs onto Mason’s head and bounces it off the ropes, causing him to fall to the outside!

Darlyn:  The Fox Brothers have been eliminated!

Gena:  Jason doesn’t look happy about this as he exits the ring.  Gerald waves to them, laughing as he steps back inside of the ring.  Holly is right there to club him a few times before he can get back inside.

Chad:  Holly and Kelli look to one another as they Irish Whip Gerald and Ginny into each other and Ginny crumbles with Gerald tripping over her.

Gena:  Holly stands over Gerald, swinging her hips around as Kelli rolls her eyes.  She locks on a Side Headlock to Ginny as Holly gets Gerald in a Camel Clutch.

Chad:  Gerald stands up and stumbles back into the ringpost.  Dax takes a page from Gerald’s book and Irish Whips Donovan into Gerald, and Mickey does the same with Bentley!

Gena:  A four star pileup in the corner!  Mickey rushes over with a Dropkick to Bentley, and then Dax runs at them.  Bentley ducks, and Dax catches Donovan in the face with a knee.

Chad:  However, Gerald lifts Dax over the ropes, and he lands on the ring step base left over from Damian’s attack on Grimaldi.  He clutches his back, but keeps his feet in the air.

Gena:  Mickey gets picked up by Donovan and tossed on top of Dax, furthering the painful position.  Something tells me, those two have been in crazier positions.

Chad:  Mickey tries to steady himself on Dax, who shouts out in pain.  Meanwhile, Gerald lifts Bentley up and over, and Holly kicks Bentley in the gut.

Gena:  Bentley holds on, and Donovan goes as far as to grab onto his hands to stop him from going over.  However, Alex and Tatsu rush over to assist in kicking at them.

Chad:  Mickey reaches over and pulls Bentley’s legs out from under him, and he falls off, pulling Donovan with him!

Darlyn:  theFAME have been eliminated!

Gena:  Bentley stomps around angrily, shouting at everyone left inside of the ring.  Mickey shrugs his shoulders and offers an apology, to which Bentley shoves him off of Dax and the steps and onto the floor!

Darlyn:  Over the Edge has been eliminated!

Chad:  Ohhhhhhhh, we’ve got some pissed off people now.  These two teams already have beef, but now it’s boiled over as they begin brawling across the deck of the boat!

Gena:  Gianni really needs a team to help him deal with this.  Donovan and Dax go at it as Bentley and Mickey brawl up the ramp and through the curtains.

Chad:  And then there were six!  Kelli is working on trying to lift Ginny up and over the ropes, but she’s fighting to keep herself in the match to regain the titles for The Good Shepherds.

Gena:  Gerald finds himself getting double teamed by Alex and Holly as Tatsu rushes over to help Kelli with Ginny.  Despite the double teaming, both Shepherds hold onto the ropes with all their might.

Chad:  Tatsu and Kelli hammer away at Ginny’s midsection, and for a second, it looks like she might just break.  Gerald, however, kicks Holly in the head.

Gena:  Alex takes advantage of the ease of Gerald’s hold and he kicks him in the stomach and gives the ropes a hard and fast shake, and Gerald falls off, hitting the apron and falling to the floor!

Darlyn:  The Good Shepherds have been eliminated!

Chad:  Kelli instantly stops messing with Ginny, and she tosses Tatsu onto the apron.  She goes for a kick, but Tatsu ducks.  Ginny, however, slaps Tatsu before dropping to the ground.

Gena:  Kelli hits Tatsu in the head, causing her to teeter.  Tatsu fights back with a punch, but Kelli comes back with another that nearly causes Tatsu to fall to the outside.

Chad:  She drops down to her knees as Kelli begins punching rapidly.  In a last ditch effort to save herself, Tatsu hits a Shoulderbutt to Kelli and then does a Sunset Flip.

Gena:  Instead of pinning, which does nothing in a match like this, Tatsu grabs onto Kelli’s legs, attempting a Sharpshooter.  Kelli uses her upper body strength to stop from turning over.

Chad:  Meanwhile, Alex gets Holly off of her feet with a Leg Sweep.  He waits for Holly to get up, but Holly rolls to the corner instead.  Alex waves Holly up to her feet.

Gena:  As Holly rises, Alex goes for a Battering Ram to her stomach, but Holly sidesteps it, and Alex goes right into the ring post!  Tatsu finds herself off balance due to Kelli’s fight.

Chad:  She winds up on the ground, and Kelli drops a knee to Tatsu’s head.  She picks Tatsu up and drags her over to the ropes.  She works on lifting her up and over.

Gena:  Holly picks Alex up and tries to put him on the ropes, but Alex jumps onto the middle rope and uses it to hit a Tornado DDT on Holly!  That’s a first for Alex!

Chad:  Alex capitalizes on it with a Running Earthquake Sitdown Splash.  He then stands up and drops an elbow, holding it to Holly’s chest for added effect.

Gena:  Tatsu holds onto the ropes, curling up on it as Kelli tries to kick at her to eliminate her.  Tatsu shakes her head until Kelli begins punching her in it.  

Chad:  Alex lifts Holly up and sends her over the ropes and onto the apron.  Tatsu also falls onto the apron across the ring from the men.  Alex hits a Headbutt that causes his eyes to cross Kristen Stewart style!

Gena:  Holly holds onto her head with one hand and balances herself by holding onto the ropes with the other.  Alex begins biting at her fingers as she shouts out.

Chad:  Kelli hits a high kick to Tatsu’s head, causing her to let go and teeter for a second.  However, Holly lets go of the ropes and Alex begins tickling her until she trips up and falls off, just as Kelli shoves Tatsu!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:  What’s going on?  Who won?  The referees are talking it over to the point that they bring the cameras over to them.  Watching it from different angles, they come with a decision and let Darlyn know… but it’s taking too long!  Come on!

Darlyn:  After reviewing the footage, the referees have come to a decision… Your winners and… STILL Hardcore Tag Team Champions… Alex Rush and Tatsu Ikeda, representing the Kawaii Dragons and Lucha Party!!!

The crowd cheers as Alex grabs up the titles and rushes over to Tatsu.  She jumps into his arms, raising one of the belts up high in the air.  Holly walks over to Kelli, apologizing up and down as the speakers blare “Let’s Get Rocked” by Def Leppard.  Kelli nods her head, breathing heavily as they make their exit, allowing Tatsu and Alex to be joined by Winter and Edwin-Robert to celebrate as a team.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2020, 03:50:52 AM by Tad Ezra »

Offline Tad Ezra

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Supernova 3 (Results)
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2020, 01:03:53 AM »

Leaning against the railing of the Sun Princess, the backdrop of Los Angeles behind them, we focus in on Tim and Alexis Staggs.  They look right at the camera, before looking to one another for a brief moment, and then back to the cameras, adjusting their hoodies.

Tim:  Mayhem Survival, the battle between SCU and GRIME takes place on a large scale, at SCU’s one and only Pay-Per-View of the year no less.  The stakes are high, but SCU has the chance to make this the final battle.  The last stand.  Javier Gonzalez, Angel of Filth, Gold, Yellow…

Alexis pushes off of the railing of the boat and steps forward to speak.

Alexis:  Kittie, Ruby, Masked Ruby, which is just… another mindfuck altogether… Jade… Delia freaking Darling…

Alexis acts as if she’s gagging herself, making a vomiting noise.  Tim shakes his head as the two begin slowly walking, the camera keeping a distance as they endlessly approach.

Tim:  Hitamashii, Samuel McPherson, The Jeckels, and Omasa Tazu… I hope you guys came ready to fight, because SCU has been ready.  Your journey ends here.

Alexis:  It was nice knowing you.  Then, Tim or myself will go on to handle SCU and bring home the whole thing.  To quote a disgusting living Barbie Doll, “Sorry bout it”.  But not really.  Mayhem Survival belongs to the Staggs…

Tim and Alexis lean into one another as the camera stops and they walk past it.


We come into the darkness where the only thing we see are yellow X’s, and a glowing mouth from masked member Yellow.  We hear the sound of a bow driving against a violin in a dramatic manner.

Yellow:  Hallo, wie gehts. Es ist ein wunderschöner Tag für die Beerdigung der SCU. It is a beautiful day for the funeral of SCU, courtesy of GRIME, mein kinder.

The light above his head suddenly turns on, just enough to see he is looking up, the bow pointing at the light, and he is leaning awkwardly on the violin.

Yellow:  Mayhem Survival belongs to mein family, and to think otherwise is simply fools work.  Delusion is comforting, much like the shadows, lurking in the dark.  They fill the darkest recesses of our minds, making us believe we are much more than future maggot meals.  This is where GRIME lives.  Only in our distorted reality, Gewinnen ist die einzige Realität.  Failure is not an option, and so we mustn’t fail. There is no other choice.

And with that, the light goes off, and we are left with only another stroke of the bow on the violin.


Just behind the curtains, we find former SCW Bombshell Champion, Kittie, sitting on the ground.  She is muttering under her breath in an inaudible tone.  She then gets up and walks to the curtain, looking out at the empty ring, and the audience cheering.

Kittie:  Hiding behind a mask is comforting.  It makes you feel as if you can make as many mistakes inside of that ring as you want.  You aren’t responsible for anything.

Kittie sneers as she looks down at the grey mask in her hands.  She shakes her head as she drops it on the ground, giving it one good stomp.

Kittie:  Summer XXXTreme is tomorrow, and I have a chance to win the GRIME World Nightmare Championship.  That should be my main focus.  But how can I focus on the biggest match I’ve had in the last seven years when it could all be for fucking nothing?

Kittie kicks the debris of the broken mask as it skids through the hallway of the makeshift staging area.

Kittie:  Tonight, me and 14 other GRIME representatives will go out there and fight like our careers depend on it, because, well?  They do.  Our GRIME World Nightmare Champions get to sit pretty and watch while we go out there to make sure their titles are worth their weight.  Don’t worry, I’ve made a career out of carrying divisions, so why the fuck should I stop now?

Kittie taps her chin, a depressing thought somehow makes her smile.

Kittie:  Without Grey covering my face anymore, and my identity known, I can’t screw up anymore.  Instead of Misty and Odette and Brooklyn and Brandi, I get to carry Vixen, Esther, Angel of Filth, and Helena Jeckel.  I will fight for Max Burke, and all of the masked wrestlers who have yet to see the light.  I… will fight for GRIME…


Inside of the chapel, Mother Mavis and Brother David are in prayer with Father Gerald and Sister Virginia.  After a second, there is an “Amen” shared, and Gerald steps up to the forefront of the chapel podium.

Gerald:  Brothers and Sisters, united soldiers of Christ.  We are gathered here tonight, in the midst of war.  It is not our war.  It is their war, and it plagues us and our morals.  GRIME is nothing more than a collective of Heathens, jezebels, ingrates, and derelicts. SCU?  They aren’t much different, hiding under their own masks.

Gerald shrugs his shoulders and slaps the top of the podium.

Gerald:  Those heathens, however, stopped half of my congregation from entering the Mayhem Survival.  But they did not stop all of us.  The matriarch of the family, and the fortunate son, will represent The Church of the Good Shepherds.  We are in this fight.

David cracks his knuckles and steps toward the podium, but Gerald refuses to give up his spot.

Gerald:  It is not our fight, SCU versus GRIME.  That was made abundantly clear.  But, the money and the car will be used to do His work, and will help The Good Shepherds to forage further into the woods of darkness to bring about His divine light!  We don’t fight for SCU.  We don’t fight for GRIME.  We fight for the Lord!

Shepherds:  Amen!


“Cute.  Really fucking cute.”

We come in to see Angel of Filth standing in a dark corner of the boat, in the production area, with her phone in her hand, live streaming the event.  She lets out a snort of laughter.

Filth:  “This is war.”  “We’re going to win.” “GRIME is going down.”  Give me a fucking break.  This ship will go down before GRIME does, unless you count Sister Esther, because…

Filth tilts her head to the side as she recalls what she seems to have seen, and she enjoys it for a second with a sick smile.

Filth:  Tonight won’t be a war.  It won’t be a battle.  It’s going to be an actual fucking slaughter, courtesy of your’s truly, and the well trained and clearly underestimated soldiers I’ve put together myself.  My vision comes true tonight, even if I have to do it my fucking self.  Do you filthies hear me?

Filth listens up and the fans boo loudly, bringing a sick smile over her face once more.

The scene opens by the pool at Supernova where Krystal Wolfe is walking around, the Australian wrestler isn’t on the card tonight, but she is still on the ship.

Ariana: Hey Krys!

Krys looks up and sees her fellow Go Gym Graduates Ariana Angelos and HB Carter, AKA The Pride Tag Team Champions Team Go and grins before walking up to them.

Krystal: Hey guys, ready to kick some ass tonight?

Ariana: About as ready as I am to cook again.

HBCarter: Remind me to try to persuade the bus driver to drive us as slowly as possible back to the hotel.

Ariana: Ha, ha, very funny.

Krystal: It just sucks that Veronica cost me my shot at the Mayhem Survival Match, but it’ll be worth it to watch GRIME get decimated!

Ariana: Heck yeah!

HBCarter: I’ll drink……. Too…………

Just as Carter says that Austin James Mercer walks by in his swimsuit, he waves hi at Krystal whilst both members of Team Go are distracted.

HBCarter: I saw him first!

Ariana: No, I saw him first!

HBCarter: No, I did!

Ariana: No, I did times infinity!

HBCarter: Times infinity plus one!

Krystal can barely contain her laughter at the antics of the younger Go Gym Graduates.

Krystal: You guys realise that Austin’s wife saw him first, right?

HBCarter: Who asked wrestling’s Sonic the Hedgehog?

Krystal lets out a hearty laugh as the scene fades.


Krystal Wolfe and Jenifer LaCroix vs Esther and Queen

Liam:  The following contest is a tag team match under GRIME Rules!!!

The guitar intro to “When Destinies Align” by Lovebites hits the speakers and Krystal makes her way onto the entrance ramp wearing a black t-shirt with the words “Critical Hit” companied with a D20 that has landed on a Natural Twenty over her ring gear.

Liam: Introducing first, from Adelaide, Australia, Krystal Wolfe!

Krystal makes her way down the ramp whilst occasionally slapping hands with the fans before she rolls into the ring and poses for the fans, as her music fades she removes her shirt and hands it to a ring attendant as she waits for her partner.

"J'ai un grand projet pour l'avenir
Pour lui plaire je vais devenir "

Jenny from from the curtain to cheers ad whistling from the men in the arena. Jenny waves at the crowd as she gets introduced.

Liam: On the way to the ring, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada!!! Jenifer Lacroix!!!

Jenny rocks out on the way to the ring jumping to the eat of the song as the lyrics play.

"La Stone Family
I am Marvin Gaye
Donny Hathaway
Oh Yeah , Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah
Je changerais”

Jenny slides in the ring and continues to jump around to the beat, getting the crowd hyped up for the match.

“Tu sais, tu sais, tu sais
Je changerais
Demain ou peut-être jamais"

Jenny climbs to the middle turnbuckle as the music fades out raising her hand i the air getting a last minute pop from the crowd.

Liam:  Aaaaaand their opponents…

The lights dim down as the opening beat of "Tear You Apart" begins playing. Once the words begin, a shadow emerges from the back as a slow strobe of white light shows off her curves. As the music picks up, the lights come on to see Apathy standing at the top of the ramp, her hands on her hips, and an expressionless face glowing in the light.

Liam: Making her way to the ring by way of Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 125lb and standing at 5'10" she is... Queen of Apathy…

As she is announced, she struts down to the ring, hearing the fans trying to goad emotion from her. She doesn't give in as she slides under the bottom rope. She turns over on her back and worms her way across the ring before pulling herself part way up in the corner as she waits.

The crowd is cheering for the upcoming action when “Problem” by Natalia Kills begins to play over the speakers. Red and white lights flash and alternate across the dim lighted ringside area. The cheering turns to boos when Sister Ester walks out onto the stage with Red by her side. She has on a denim jacket over a black bustier and matching bottoms along with black boots and knee pads. She wraps Red’s arms around her before playing with the long strand of beads around her neck.

Liam: On her way to the ring from Tulsa, Oklahoma. She is 5’3” and weighed in today at 113lb. She represents G.R.I.M.E. she is Sister Esther!!!

She grims as she leans up and tilts Red’s mask up just enough to kiss his lips. She looks devious when she brings his hands down to her thighs. She then begins laughing and she skips down the ramp while teasing the crowd and sticking her tongue out at them. She prances to the naughty music until she gets to the steps. She runs up them as Red climbs to the apron. He holds them open for her and she enters. She prances around to the beat before coming to a corner to get one last kiss from Red. She waits for the match to start.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Erik:  We’d hoped to keep this GRIME only, but two stars decided they didn’t like our color scheme.  So here we are, Jenifer and Krystal, who are in over their heads.

Gena:  Oh, put a sock in it.  Krystal and Apathy tie up in the center of the ring to start things off.  Apathy hits a knee to the gut.  She then hits a harsh club to the back.

Erik:  Apathy goes to the ropes, coming back and looking for a DDT.  However, Krystal pushes Apathy away and hits a kick to the stomach, followed up by a Belly to Belly Suplex.

Gena:  She stands up and gives Apathy a few stomps before dropping an elbow to her chest.  Esther, however, steps inside and pulls Krystal back by the hair and to the mat.

Erik:  Esther stomps her until Jenifer comes in and crashes into the side of her.  She stumbles into the ropes, and Jenifer pounds on her relentlessly.

Gena:  Esther turns around and begins blocking the hits as much as she can, but Jenifer still lands about half of them.  She doesn’t let up until Esther goes to kick her.

Erik:  Jenifer grabs her leg and hits an Exploder Suplex to Esther.  Apathy grabs Jenifer by the hair and flings her to the outside.  Krystal hops back up and jumps onto Apathy’s back.

Gena:  Apathy tries to go back to the corner, but Krystal uses it instead to hit a Bulldog on Apathy.  She rolls Apathy over onto her back and hooks the leg.


Erik:  With plenty of time, Apathy gets a leg up.  With Esther’s help, of course.  Jenifer pulls Krystal out of the ring as Apathy and Esther start to stomp on her back.

Gena:  Smart move.  They taunt Esther and Apathy, causing them to run and slide out of the ring.  A brawl ensues, as Jenifer and Apathy go in one direction, Krystal and Esther in the other.

Erik:  For the few hardcore SCU fans, they might remember when Queen of Apathy was part of Le Coven.  There’s some hard feelings there, and the way they are brawling, you can tell it’s personal.

Gena:  Especially for Jenifer, who is taking it very “personal” with that ass whooping she’s dishing out.  She bashes Apathy’s head into the barricade a couple solid times.

Erik:  Krystal ducks a Clothesline from Esther and turns to kick her knee out from under her.  She goes to grab Esther, but Esther trips her up into the steel stairs.

Gena:  How is this a wrestling match?  Seriously.  We haven’t even seen a tag, and it’s just four people beating the shit out of each other.

Erik:  All four, double the action, double the fun.  It’s what the people want… Except Apathy.  Oof, she’s going to feel that DDT in the morning.

Gena:  Jenifer motions for her to get up, and then grabs onto her leg as Apathy tries to crawl.  She gets under the ring and pulls out a Singapore Cane, smacking Jen in the face!

Erik:  Yeah!  She begins whacking Jen with the cane like she was a Kawaii Dragon or something.  She wraps the cane around Jen’s throat as Esther quickly rushes over, kicking at her several times.

Gena:  Classic GRIME tactics.  Krystal wipes the blood from her mouth and then pushes herself up, nailing a dropkick to Esther’s back, knocking her into Apathy to free Jenifer.

Erik:  NO!  Jenifer punches Esther in the stomach and they brawl away.  Meanwhile, Apathy rolls Krystal inside of the ring.  She slides in, trying to nail a kick.

Gena:  Apathy misses it as Krystal rolls to her feet.  She grabs something from her side and shakes it up.  She blasts Apathy in the face, and it appears to be soda?

Erik:  With Apathy holding onto her face, Krystal sets her up for the Down Under Thunderbomb (Running Powerbomb)!  She goes for the cover, using the ropes for leverage!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here are your winners via pinfall… Krystal Wolfe and Jenifer LaCroix!!!

Erik:  I’m… I’m… so proud of Krystal. She used the rules to her advantage and secured the win.

Esther stomps around angrily as Jenifer grins.  She backs up, but welcomes Esther to do something about it.  She stays put, pouting in the process.  Krystal kicks Apathy out of the ring as Jenifer joins her.  “When Destinies Align” by Lovebites plays over the speakers as they celebrate.

Offline Tad Ezra

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Supernova 3 (Results)
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2020, 02:23:45 AM »

O’Malley and Darcy are seen in the back in the dressing areas of the Sun Princess Cruise liner. O’Malley is leaning against the wall with the Underground Championship draped over his right shoulder. Darcy has her right hand on his left shoulder with her other hand on the Underground Championship. Both look happier than they’ve been in quite some time.

Darcy: As fun as it’s been on this ship, I can’t wait until we can leave. Do you think we’ll have to go back to the hotel, though? Or...will we actually be allowed to go home.

O’Malley shrugs.

O'Malley: Not sure, love. The virus cases are on the rise again so I wouldn’t count on being given the all clear yet. I’m gettin’ used to the hotel, though.

Darcy frowns.

Darcy: Yes, and that is what concerns me. I’d love to actually be able to celebrate in private with you, my love. The hotel isn’t exactly private when there are people on the same floor.

O’Malley smirks and reaches his arm around him, placing his hand on her lower back.

O'Malley: You didn’t seem to have a problem celebrating our anniversary in our mini-suite with Ben and Evie next door. If anything, that fact seemed to—

Darcy places her finger on his mouth, shushing him.

Darcy: O’Malley, don’t you dare! That was a little different. That was more payback for Ben and his antics with Max. Besides, aren’t you getting the least bit stir crazy in the hotel?

O’Malley shrugs.

O'Malley: Not really. We’ll figure it out as we need to though, love. As long as we’re together, that’s all that matters.

Darcy: Very true. But first we need to focus on your match against Mark Cross tonight, and then the Roulette Championship tomorrow night. Championship gold really does suit you.

O'Malley: That it does, love. It’d look just as good on ye, too. Just sayin’.

Darcy laughs and shakes her head.

Darcy: I’d have no problem modeling your titles for you. But if you’re trying to persuade me to give wrestling a shot...We already discussed it.

O'Malley: Fair enough. But ye can’t blame me fer tryin’.

Darcy: No, I suppose I can’t.

O’Malley gets an idea and grins.

O'Malley: Think we have time to head back to our mini-suite and have ye model this title before me match? I can’t stop picturin’ it in me brain…

Darcy laughs and smacks O’Malley’s arm.

Darcy: There will be plenty of time for that later, my love. No need to risk being late to the match. I’m sure Mark Cross would just loooove to use that against you.

O'Malley: Eh, I don’t give a shite what Cross thinks. This title is still stayin’ with me, but I suppose yer right. We can save that fer tonight. And tomorrow before Summer XXXtreme. And when we get back to the hotel. And—

Darcy throws her head back and laughs.

Darcy: I get it! I get it! But FOCUS on your matches, my love. I don’t want to be a distraction when this is the biggest weekend of your career so far. I’ll stay away from ringside if I have to.

O'Malley: Alright! Alright! I’ll behave. Excuse me fer expressin’ how sexy me wife is.

O’Malley pulls her in close and kisses her softly before moving and whispering something into her ear. She grin wickedly and laughs as the scene fades.

Marissa has joined The three way on the observation deck, Earl and Sarah step aside for the moment.

Marissa: Hello SCU/GRIME fans watching everywhere, please welcome my guest, Dahlia Rotten, people are still rocking from the fact you ended Celeste North long undefeated streak, now here tonight you’ll be pulling double duty, the question I have to ask is how focused you to hand Celeste a second loss in a row, and capture the underground title.

Dahlia: By know you should Marissa, I’m always focused on the task at hand and Celeste is a hell of a competitor, one of the very best I’ve faced in my career, and as motivated as Iam to win the title, she is just as motivated to keep it, and that’s a recipe for a show stealing match, and whether I win or lose to Celeste tonight, she has earned my undying respect.


Underground Championship
Mark Cross vs O’Malley

Darlyn: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is for the SCU Underground Championship!  Introducing first, from Canterbury, England, standing at 6’1” and weighing in at 225lb, he is… Mark “The Dragon” Crrrrrrrrrosssssss!!!

The arena lights dim as the bassline to "Never Again" begins to rumble around the arena. As the guitar riff hits, so do the lights, revealing Mark "The Dragon" Cross standing, one fist aloft, at the top of the aisle. Receiving recognition from the crowd, he strides purposefully to ringside, taking a moment to survey the scene as he reaches the apron.

The lights in the arena die down as the opening riffs of Gothic Celtic Music Shadow Wisps starts to play. The lights stay out for several seconds before dark green and white strobe lights start shining all around, and fog fills the entrance and along the ramp. Moments later , O’Malley steps through the curtain wearing a long black leather trenchoat. He is joined by lady companion, Darcy Donohue. They stand at the entrance for several moments before O’Malley takes the first step on their way to the ring, and Darcy follows closely behind.

Darlyn: Making his way to the ring being accompanied by Darcy Donohue! From Dublin, Ireland...Weighing in at one hundred ninety-five pounds...Please welcome your SCU Underground Champion...O’MALLEY!!

Once he makes it to the ring, he lets Darcy walk up the steps and follows behind her. He holds the ropes open for her, and she steps through, and he enters after her. They stand in the center of the ring where Darcy removes O’Malley’s coat, then leans in and gives him a kiss on the cheek before making her way to the outside, as his music dies down. He stares across the ring at Mark Cross, intensely.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad:  This match has been a long time coming.  Cross wastes no time in running across the ring at O’Malley, who slides out of the ring.  He looks up at Cross, laughing at him.

Gena:  Cross stomps the ground, tugging on the top rope to taunt O’Malley.  O’Malley waves him back, getting into his head a little.  He paces outside for a second as Cross moves back.

Chad:  O’Malley starts to get inside of the ring, but Cross charges, and O’Malley backs up again.  He speaks to Darcy, who also shouts at Cross.  Darcy points at him and gets onto the apron.

Gena:  Cross mouths trash talk to her, which gets her even more.  O’Malley comes sliding in behind Cross and rushes him to the mat.  He wails on the challenger.

Chad:  Cross, however, turns it around, rolling on top of O’Malley.  He gets in several good shots before the referee comes to enforce the rules.

Gena:  Cross steps back to his corner as O’Malley goes to his.  The referee motions for no closed fists, and to keep it clean while they cool down a bit.

Chad:  The referee resumes the match, and both men charge at one another, tying up in the center of the ring.  Cross tries to get behind O’Malley for a German Suplex.

Gena:  O’Malley hits an elbow back at him and then hits a Snapmare, locking on a Rear Chin Lock.  He grounds Cross for a minute, showing dominance.

Chad:  Cross moves around a bit, grabbing onto O’Malley’s face.  He then punches his face, getting a bit of slack.  He grabs O’Malley’s arm and gets up, applying a Hammerlock.

Gena:  O’Malley twists out of it, reversing the lock on Cross.  He uses excessive force to make his point.  He pushes Cross into the corner and then slaps the back of his head.

Chad:  He spins Cross around and then goes to punch him in the face.  Cross ducks out of it, and hits a few shots to the kidneys of O’Malley.  He hits a few hard knees, doubling O’Malley over.

Gena:  He grabs O’Malley’s head and tucks it between his legs to go for a Powerbomb.  O’Malley does a Back Body Drop, but Cross lands on the apron on his feet.

Chad:  He grabs onto O’Malley’s head and pulls him down to the mat.  He climbs onto the turnbuckle from the outside, lowering to the second rope. He does a Leg Drop and covers.


Gena:  Cross goes to push O’Malley back to the mat, but he kicks out before the cover is even complete.  O’Malley gets to the outside of the ring.  He stomps a few times as Darcy checks on him.

Chad:  Cross catches O’Malley with a Baseball Slide that puts him down on the ground.  Darcy goes to slap Cross, but he catches her hand and holds it still, telling her to step back.

Gena:  She continues to mouth off, but Cross lets go of the hand anyway.  He turns around just in time for O’Malley to catch him with a Superkick to the face.

Chad:  He then grabs hold of Cross’s head and bounces it off of the steel steps.  The referee starts his delayed count.


Gena:  He then flings him into the barricade, where the SCW and SCU stars boo him for his tactics.  He grabs Cross and flings him into the apron, rushing at him and jumping.


Chad:  Cross moves out of the way and O’Malley collides with the apron.  Cross hits a few solid punches as the referee continued to count.


Gena:  Both men slide inside of the ring to break the count.  Both men struggle to their feet, taking a moment from the damage they’ve taken so far.

Chad:  Cross ducks out of a tie up from O’Malley and twists around.  He kicks O’Malley in the gut and goes for the Ketteiteki Desaki(Tiger Driver '91)!  But O’Malley slips out of it!

Gena:  He nails a Low Blow, unbeknownst to the referee.  He rushes Cross near the ropes and then flings him over into an Arm Drag.  Cross tries to lock on his Celtic Crush (Reverse Cloverleaf)!

Chad:  Cross kicks at O’Malley as Darcy gets on the ropes.  She begins arguing with the referee as O’Malley nails a couple closed fisted punches, followed by a knee to the groin.

Gena:  O’Malley locks on the Celtic Crush and drags Cross to the center of the ring.  Darcy steps down from the apron and begins clapping and cheering for O’Malley.

Chad:  Cross tries to pull himself to the ropes, but there’s next to no progress.  He continues to try, shouting out from the pain.  He gets a few feet from the ropes, but O’Malley drags him back to the center!

Gena:  Cross does everything he can, getting only a few inches before arching his back.  He raises his arm to grab out for the ropes, but has no choice but to tap!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn:  Here is your winner and STILL SCU Underground Champion… O’Malley!!!

O’Malley’s theme song starts playing, but O’Malley refuses to let go of the hold.  The referee calls for the bell again, and it rings repetitively.  Finally, O’Malley lets it go.  He takes his belt as Darcy rolls inside of the ring.  She stands over Cross as does O’Malley.  He holds the belt up with one arm, and hugs Darcy close.  She leans back and kisses him, laughing as they step over Cross, who is holding onto his back.  They leave Cross, both waving to him as he slaps the mat in frustration.

Offline Tad Ezra

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Supernova 3 (Results)
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2020, 03:23:05 AM »

Kingingiseisha “Hitamashii” Shirasu is seen with his GRIME friends Andrew Garcia and Ivan Darrell, as well as managers Johan Svensson and Giovanni Teixeira to discuss the Mayhem Survival match, Hitamashii’s shot at the GRIME World title, and Dying Breed’s return to action at Supernova.

Hitamashii-I look forward to kicking a bunch of people’s ass in the Mayhem Survival match at Supernova, and then the next night at Summer XXXtreme, taking the GRIME World championship off of Max Burke’s hand. There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, that will slow me down, not even Omasa Tazu, whom I’ve known for many years. She knows that it isn’t anything personal, just business, and she knows I handle my business.

Andrew-Just like Ivan and I against Cyan and Saddie Brown. Ivan and I know what it is like to be under the masks that Cyan and Saddie Brown are wearing, and how hard it is to compete with them on, so we have the advantage now that we have shown our true identities. We don’t feel bad for abandoning Casey Williams as Ivan and I saw a chance to do something better with our time, so we took that opportunity that Hitamashii and GRIME has provided us.

Hitamashii-Let’s go out there and show the world what GRIME is made of, especially those of us who stick together.

Hitamashii cackles and he, with his friends in tow, decide to go into the locker room to get ready for their matches as the scene fades to black.

Earl, Dahlia, and Sarah are standing on the observation deck.

Earl: Survival Mayhem SCU’s Signature match, 30 of the best wrestlers SCU and GRIME have to offer battling for one goal to be the last man or woman standing.

Dahlia: And tonight the Mayhem Survivor, will be one of us.


Cameras flash wildly as we focus in on Delia Darling, sporting her fashionably GRIME look, pink hair that is wet and matted looking, spiked knee high boots, and a pink one piece bathing suit.  She winks and then turns to look directly at the camera.

Delia:  My darlings!  Yes, it is I, z’e representative of GRIME Wrestling for one night only, Delia F’N Darling, z’e greatest World Bombshells Champion in z’e history of ever.  Sorry bout it.  I have been world famous for a long time, but nos’ing would be better z’an watching me as z’e last woman standing at z’e end of z’e Mayhem Survival, no?  

Delia chuckles and then pushes her hair out of her face a bit.

Delia:  I didn’t s’ink so. I hear GRIME is running an illegal gambling ring in z’e bowels of z’e boat, so place your bets on MOI!

Delia blows a kiss to the cameras and then turns back to the photographers.


Inside the boiler room, the dim light shines on the Jeckels sitting facing the wall.

Jake: Mayhem Survivor, two fitting words.

Jack: We will bring Mayhem.

Helena: We will be the survivors.


We focus on the wondrous backside of a young female, bent over stretching.  We can hear her hum for a moment until she whips her hair back and we see the signature Valentina ponytail.  She turns over her shoulder and puts a finger to her lips.

Valentina:  I have a secret to tell you.  But you have to come close to hear it.

We move in a bit closer as Val lures us with her finger, wagging it at us.

Valentina:  Tonight is SCU’s biggest night of the year.  Supernova 3 promises to be 2020’s only saving grace.  Tonight is when we hit the reset button, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit on the back burner any longer.  No, I plan to win the Mayhem Survival, collect my $25,000, wear that ring, and dominate well into 2021.  Plus, a 2021 Chevy Malibu isn’t too bad either.

Val turns around fully, showing off her confident stance.

Valentina:  Don’t sleep on this chickie, honey.

Val snaps her fingers and then wags her index finger as she whips around to continue stretching.


Halo: Mayhem Survival, 30 wrestlers, 3 companies, 1 winner.

She shakes her head in disgust.

Halo: This ain’t just about winnin’ a match or a car or anything else that usually comes with winnin’ the Mayhem Survival match and gettin’ to put your name on that short list in history.

She points harshly to the floor.

Halo: This… is about not letting G.R.I.M.E. run wild on us no more! We need to band together and stop this shit before it gets too far and if winnin’ this match is how we do it, then brothers and sisters, step the fuck up and let’s kick this fuckin’ pig!


A second or two passes before the picture comes to life. The Sin City Underground Combat Champion, Merlot Ayano, is standing front and center. She gives the camera a small nod before she begins speaking.

Merlot Ayano: Mayhem Survival is one of most perilous matches here in SCU. That peril? Come from that fact that much is unknown. No know when you are coming out. No know who else might be coming out. Is a difficult bout to prepare for, hai hai. But that danger? Is crucial. Because in midst of that danger, get to find out what type of warrior you truly are. Hai.

She nods her head.  

Merlot Ayano: Merlot won Mayhem Survival last year. Was one of best moments in Merlot’s career, so should tell you a lot. And this year, am looking to become first two-time winner. Merlot know, seems impossible, hai? Maybe is. But, Merlot has done many near impossible things in SCU before. Will try to do so again.

The camera rests on her for a moment before it fades out.


Ivan Darrell and Andrew Garcia vs Cyan and Saddie Brown

Liam: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and will be contested under G.R.I.M.E. rules! Already in the ring… representing the masked members of GRIME… Cyan and Saddie Brown!!!

Both masked members stare out into the crowd as they get booed.

Liam: And their opponents, they are the former Sin City Wrestling Tag Team Champions... Andrew Garcia... Ivan Darrell... they are The Dying Breed!!

The opening beat to Sully Erna’s “Your Own Drum" starts to blast through the speakers, as red and gold lights flash, synchronized to the beat of the drums. The fans look confused as the lyrics kick in. Andrew lets out a roar, his arms out wide before he looks around the crowd, focused. The Orange Hulk and Ivan start to walk towards the ring slowly, stopping halfway down the ramp and turning their heads to look at the booing crowd, their thumbs pointing down. Andrew and Ivan shake their heads slowly and turn back to face the ring, walking down towards the apron. Andrew puts his hand on the rope, and pulls himself up onto the ring apron and steps between the middle and top rope, Ivan climbs into the ring as the duo stare around at the booing fans as Andrew and Ivan raise their arms.

Erik: AND WE’RE OFF! Where the hell did Saddie get a paddle?

Liam: Really? We’re on a ship. Annnnyways... Saddie took a homerun swing at Garcia, but missed thanks to Ivan giving his partner a shove out of the way.

Erik: Saddie slammed the paddle hard into the turnbuckle pad, and almost took himself out on the rebound. The Dying Breed are firing back with home run swings of their own, but it’s all fists and clotheslines coming at Cyan and Saddie.

Liam: When it comes to G.R.I.M.E. Rules, this isn’t going to be a technical classic. It’s pretty obvious who we have to give the advantage to though. The Dying Breed’s team experience is the key. They have years on Cyan and Saddie.

Erik: Well, we assume they do. But do they? JESUS! Saddie just splintered the paddle over the back of Ivan Darrell.

Liam: And he didn’t like that one bit! Here comes Garcia! He is cleaning house! Andrew just tossed Saddie through the ropes to the floor, and Cyan over the top to the floor! Andrew slipped out on the opposite side. He’s looking for plunder folks!

Erik: And he just found it in the form of some of that thick ass ship rope. Not sure what he’s got planned, but he’s got that all too familiar look in his eyes.

Liam: As they used to say back in the day... BY GAWD HE’S WHIPPING HIM LIKE A GOVERNMENT MULE!

Erik: That’s going to leave a mark. Andrew is assaulting Cyan with the rope. Saddie cuts it off; shoving Garcia hard into the ringpost. Here comes Ivan... and he’s got a chair!


Liam: One down!


Erik: And that’s two. Ivan has just slammed the favor of this contest in The Dying Breed’s favor! He’s unloading on Cyan and Saddie.

Liam: Look at the state of that chair! He’s folded it in half!

Erik: Garcia’s back to his feet, and look what he’s got! Ivan’s got Cyan back in the ring, and Andrew’s got a barbed wire bat! Cyan’s slow to his feet, and he’s still feeling the effects of those vicious chair shots. He has no clue that Andrew is stalking him like prey.

Liam: Garcia connects to the chest of Cyan, and sends him into the waiting arms of Ivan.

Erik: Light At The End Of The Tunnel! Andrew used the bat between his knees and the face of Cyan! The double knees are devastating enough without a barbed wire bat!


Liam: Your winners... The Dying Breed!

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Supernova 3 (Results)
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2020, 04:21:38 AM »

Inside the gym, Stewart and Gail are working the heavy bag hard, as Gemma shouts encouragement.

Gemma:  Pretend it’s Shooter’s stupid looking face.

Gail nails a wheelhouse kick to the heavy bag, Stewart smirks then unloads several quick-handed strikes with his hands and feet.

Gemma:  Yeah just like that.

Stewart begins to unwrap his hands and Gail takes a drink of water.

Gail: Shooter, we gave you ample time to apologize for striking me at Into The Void, but instead you ran and hid, later tonight you won’t be able to hide.

Stewart: Shooter, tonight you will find out why I’ve held the Combat Title for as long as I have I've kept by beating the hell out of people better, than a useless piece of crap like you. It didn’t have to come to this Shooter, but you dug your grave, and now it is time for you to die in it. Tonight Last Man Standing I promised my better half I would beat an apology out of you, and that Shooter is exactly what I’m going to do it with extreme prejudice. Tonight Shooter, your career is Sin City Underground is over, you probably should have apologized when you had the chance.

Gail: You see Shooter, I haven’t seen Stewart this motivated to beat someone up in a long time, and when my man is motivated, he’s a killing machine, I don’t feel any remorse for what is going to happen to you tonight Shooter, the beating you're going to receive, you brought it on yourself.

Stewart tosses his hand wraps in his gym bag.

Stewart: I’m going to take a shower, care to join me, ladies.

Gemma:  Lead away.


Underground Championship
Dahlia Rotten vs Celeste North

Darlyn:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the SCU Underground Championship! Coming to the ring from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, standing at 5’5” and weighing in at 285lb, she is… Dahlia Rotten!!!

Earl steps on the stage accompanied by Dahlia and Sarah, they walk to the ring and enter, a spotlight shine on the rings, Dahlia and Sarah wrap their arms around Earl's neck and he gives the crowd an arrogant smile.

The lights in the arena drop down and "Sex Metal Barbie" by In This Moment begins playing. The ring crew brings out a wooden plank, meant to resemble the Mean Girls Runway of yester-year, fastening it tightly to the ring, as it looks like it will fall apart at any minute. Before they can even disperse, the curtains open, and Celeste is wheeled out onto the ramp in front of a podium. A spotlight appears on her as a man dressed in a potato sack walks out behind her, helping her down onto the stage. She is dressed in a pair of red hot pants and a Mean Girls tank top tied just above the navel, and an opened hooded jacket. She has red streaks in her hair as she slightly pulls back her hood to show off her face and the obnoxiously sparkling tiara on her head, taking a drag from the cigar in her right hand.

Darlyn: Making her way to the ring, hailing from Beverly Hills, California, standing at 5 feet 6 inches, and weighing in at 132 pounds she is your SCU Underground Champion... "Queen C"... Celeste North!!!

She struts along the "runway" slowly, showing off everything she's got, a cigar in her hands. She takes a puff of it and winks as she exhales slowly. She then flips her hair from side to side seductively as men wearing dress suits and potato sacks over their heads line the runway, taking photos of her. Celeste takes a puff from the cigar before dropping it to the arena floor. The first hooded man holds the ropes open for her as she enters the ring. She struts around to the music for a moment, shedding her black hooded jacket. She puckers up her lips as she blows a kiss to the crowd.  She hands off the belt and settles into her corner.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad:  Celeste is a little hesitant to start after taking her first loss to Dahlia a couple weeks back.  She slowly goes to the center of the ring and extends a hand to Dahlia.

Gena:  Dahlia accepts the handshake, but Celeste yanks Dahlia into a tie up and hits a Belly-to-Belly Suplex on Dahlia.  She tries to go for the cover.

Chad:  Dahlia kicks out just before the count of one.  Celeste picks up Dahlia, but Dahlia rushes Celeste into the corner, hitting multiple Shoulderbutts on Celeste.

Gena:  Celeste drops down in the corner as Dahlia backs up.  She holds her gut as Dahlia rushes forward, looking for a Hip Attack.

Chad:  Celeste rolls out of the way at the last second.  Dahlia collides with the corner.  Celeste pummels Dahlia, getting several good hits.  She Irish Whips Dahlia toward the opposite corner.

Gena:  Dahlia reverses it and sends Celeste over to the corner and she follows closely behind.  Celeste jumps onto the second turnbuckle and dives back with an elbow.

Chad:  Both ladies go down to the mat, rolling around for a moment before getting back to their feet.  Both ladies trade punches as former Combat Champion Dahlia gives brawler Celeste a run for her money.

Gena:  Celeste hits a right cross and a left jab, as Dahlia nails an overhead punch and a right hook.  Both ladies get a little distance, taking a breath before tying up.

Chad:  They struggle for the advantage, each pushing the other a step or two backward before evening it out again.  Celeste hits a knee to Dahlia’s gut and then hits an elbow to the back of her head.

Gena:  Dahlia hammers Celeste with two elbows to the side of the head and then a knee to the gut.  She hits a Powerbomb on the champ. She latches on for the pin.


Chad:  Celeste gets a shoulder up and rolls out from under Dahlia.  She bounces off of the ropes and hits a knee to the side of the head.  She then does a knee drop to the back of the head.

Gena:  Dahlia holds onto the back of her head as Celeste climbs onto her back with a Camel Clutch.  Dahlia waves her arms around, surprising the champ by pulling herself to the ropes for the break.

Chad:  Dahlia holds on tightly until Celeste lets go of the hold.  She stands up and stomps on Dahlia’s back a few times.  She drops an elbow across her back.  She grabs Dahlia’s legs and pulls her to the center of the ring.

Gena:  She drops back into an Inverted STF.  Dahlia shouts out, trying to move her arms to get free.  She tries to pull herself closer to the ropes, and Celeste grounds their weight as best as she can.

Chad:  Dahlia looks as if she’s about to tap out, but then Dahlia is able to push up and drag herself to the ropes to break the hold.

Gena:  Celeste gets frustrated and she picks Dahlia up.  She whips her into the ropes and goes for Le Coven Bomb (Arn Anderson Spinebuster) but she can’t quite get Dahlia up!

Chad:  Dahlia wraps her arms around Celeste and whips her around in a Bear Hug.  Celeste is like a ragdoll in Dahlia’s arms!

Gena:  Dahlia doesn’t hold on for too long as Celeste punches at Dahlia’s head.  She breaks the hold by flinging Celeste to the mat.

Chad:  Celeste skids to the corner where Dahlia finally is able to nail that Hip Attack she was looking for earlier!  She… wait, what is Dahlia doing here?

Gena:  Dahlia climbs onto the bottom turnbuckle.  She sizes Celeste up, and then climbs up one more.  She bounces a couple of times.  However, Celeste starts to stir and Dahlia does a Knee Drop to Celeste.

Chad:  Celeste holds onto her midsection, partly on her side.  Dahlia goes back to the second turnbuckle.  She gives a couple bounces, but then climbs to the top rope.  We never see Dahlia go up top!

Gena:  Celeste’s eyes are clenched closed as she holds her stomach.  Dahlia comes off the top ropes with a Bonsai Drop! HOLY FUCK!


Chad:  Dahlia rolls Celeste over onto her back and she hooks the leg…


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn:  Here is your winner and NEW SCU Underground Champion… Dahlia Rrrrrrrrrrrrrottennnnnnn!!!


“Menage et Trois” plays over the speakers as Dahlia accepts the belt.  She almost seems like she can’t believe it at first.  She stares down at the belt.  However, that only lasts a few seconds before she throws the belt up into air and the crowd continues to chant.  Dahlia soaks it up as Earl and Sarah slide inside of the ring to celebrate with her.  Celeste holds onto her stomach as she sits up in the corner.  She looks like she wants to cry as she just stares at Dahlia holding up the belt. However, that blends into the background as Dahlia’s celebration takes every bit of focus on the entire boat.

Offline Tad Ezra

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Supernova 3 (Results)
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2020, 05:09:23 AM »

The scene opens by the pool on the Sun Princess Cruise Liner where we two of the participants in the Main Event of tonight’s SCU Supernova Show who also happen to be the Pride Tag Team Champions Team Go, Ariana Angelos and HB Carter who are lounging by the pool (and socially distancing) when Dev approaches them.

Dev: Ari, Carter, tonight you defend the Pride Tag Team Titles against Alexis and Tim Staggs, can I get some last minute thoughts?

Ariana: Well, not being able to cook all week sucked……...

HBCarter:  Ari, honey, speak for yourself!

Ari gives her bestie a playful glare before turning to Dev.

Ariana: But as far as the Tag Team Match goes? We couldn’t be more excited! One year ago we were still training under Gabriel and Odette at the Go Gym and not even a year later and we’re defending our titles in the Main Event of our first PPV!

HBCarter:  And with an army of SCU Superstars and Bombshells to keep the 2 Spoopy 4 U Club out of the match we’ll walk out with the Pride Tag Team Championships in our hands because Fortune Favours the Bold.

Ariana: And Team Go will go the distance!

Dev: Any last words?

HBCarter:  Just one!

Carter stands up, takes his shirt off and gets a running start towards the pool.


Ari and Dev have just enough time to shield themselves from the splash as Carter jumps into the pool as the scene fades.


Combat Championship vs SCU Contract
Last Man Standing
Shooter Reed vs Stewart Mason

Darlyn:  The following contest is scheduled as a Last Man Standing Match, and is for Shooter Reed’s career, and the SCU Combat Championship!!!

“The Man” by the Killers begins to play out over the speakers and the crowd begins to boo. After a few moments of music, Shooter Reed walks out from behind the curtain. He steps into the spotlight, closes his eyes, and spreads his arms out wide, drinking in the spotlight. From head to toe his sparkling, glittery sequence robe shines in the light. After a moment he opens his eyes and starts to make his way down to the ring, Ozzie and Ray Ray dance as they follow him down.

Darlyn:  Entering first, from Houston, TX, standing at 6’, weighing in at 190lb, he is accompanied to the ring by Ozzie and Ray Ray, he is… Shooter Reed!!!

As they get to the ring Ray Ray runs up the steps and spreads the ropes for Shooter as he slips through. He glides across the canvas as if he were James Brown and then proceeds to dance to his theme song as he slowly unties his robe and removes it, showing his tattooed and chiseled body. He is wearing black trunks that say ‘SHOOTER’ across the back in glittered text, tall white boots with two white tassels in front that flap as he moves around. He makes sure Ozzie picks up his robe and the remaining two members of the Lords of H-Town move down to ringside as Shooter’s face loses the smirk in anticipation of the bell.

Darlyn: Aaaaaand next, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, standing at 6’ and weighing in at 235lb, he is your SCU Combat Champion...“The Bounty Hunter” Stewart Maaaaaaaaasonnnnnnnnnnn!!!

“The Hunter” by Mastadon begins playing over the speakers. Stewart Steps on the stage, wearing black pants and combat boots, with Black Handwraps, he takes in the reaction of the crowd, and is joined by Gail Weston, together they walk to the ring, Gail climbs the ring steps and steps through the ropes and walks to the center of the ring, Stewart climbs the ropes from outside and points to himself then climbs down from the ropes, and joins Gail in the center of the ring.  

Stewart stares across to Shooter, and is ready to get the match started when Donna Beauchamp comes down to ringside with Gianni and his makeshift security team.  Together, they eject Ozzie and Ray Ray, all while they protest, and Shooter shouts obscenities at Donna.  She smiles and waves to him as she moves up the rampway.  Shooter turns around and looks right at Stewart.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:  Shooter slides out of the ring and looks up at Stewart.  He mouths something to Stewart, and then looks over to Gail, pointing at her with his fist. Stewart doesn’t play around!

Chad:  He vaults over the ropes with a Flying Crossbody that takes Shooter down to the padded deck!  He throws punches, and Shooter throws some of his own, but he isn’t messing around.

Gena:  Shooter tries to block when he realizes how hard Stewart is coming at him.  Stewart just increases the speed of the punches as he goes at it.  The crowd’s cheering grows as he goes.

Chad:  Shooter is able to get his knees up under Stewart.  He kicks the champ off of him and then scurries under the ropes.  Stewart quickly follows after, and we hear a cracking sound.

Gena:  Seconds later, Shooter comes out from under the ring.  He arrogantly shouts at the referee to “count, you stupid fucking bitch”.  Dylan Roberts stares at him, wasting like 4 seconds before he starts.


Chad:  Stewart crawls out from under the ring, kicking a chair off of himself.  He points right at Shooter and mouths something like “I’ll show you who’s a stupid fucking bitch”!

Gena:  Stewart picks up the chair and begins chasing after Shooter, who runs around the ring.  He dodges Gail on the first go around.  He slides inside of the ring, and Stewart follows after.

Chad:  Just as quickly as he entered the ring, he exits.  He rounds the corner and pulls out a trash can.  He grabs the lid and throws the can at Stewart, tripping him up a little.

Gena:  Shooter laughs at Stewart, who has gone down to one knee.  He mocks the right knee of Stewart, previously injured.  However, he doesn’t see Gail coming right up behind him.

Chad:  She shoves Shooter from behind, getting him down to the ground as Stewart catches up with the chair!  He bashes Shooter over the back four times before Gail tells him to back off a little.


Gena:  Shooter gets back up to his feet.  Stewart goes to swing the chair, but Shooter ducks it, jumping the barricade.  He stands amongst the audience of Sin City and the Saxon Hotel staff.

Chad:  He’s bold, and he doesn’t see that he’s standing right in front of Earl Lockyer!  And the new SCU Underground Champion Dahlia Rotten!  They grab him and hold him still as Stewart gets over the barricade!

Gena:  Stewart narrowly misses Shooter, who is able to duck a Big Boot, and he trips over a few chairs as he rushes away.  He waves Stewart at him, like taunting a bull with a red flag.

Chad:  Stewart charges right at him, and Shooter takes off down the deck of the boat, out of the viewing area.  He picks up another trash can and throws it at Stewart, but this one doesn’t stop the champ!

Gena:  Stewart jumps over it and shocks Shooter to the point that he spears him through the door of the nightclub on the boat!  Kelli Torres and Mz Holly Wood are seen having a drink, and they turn around to cheer Stewart on!

Kelli:  Teach that little bitch a lesson!

Holly:  Pound his ass good and hard!  Put him out for the night, daddy!

Chad:  Kelli smacks Holly’s arm as Stewart grabs a pool stick and snaps it in half.  He swings both halves at Shooter, who blocks with a barstool.

Gena:  He goes to swing the stool, but Stewart uses the sticks to grab and yank the stool from his arms.  He then smacks Shooter across the face with one half, cutting Shooter’s face a bit! He goes down!


Chad:  Shooter finds his way back to his feet.  He holds the side of his face as Stewart goes to swing the stick again.  Shooter backs up, bumping right into the dartboard.  Stewart pulls a dark out and stabs it right into Shooter’s right thigh!



Gena:  Stewart nails a headbutt that bounces Shooter’s head off of the dartboard.  He then grabs the back of Shooter’s head and drags him out of the bar area and to the dancefloor.

Chad:  Stewart hits an elbow to the back of Shooter’s head and then slips behind him, locking on the The Payday ( Half-Nelson Choke a.k.a the Tazmission)!

Gena:  Shooter fights with everything in him to get out of the hold, swinging, kicking, choking out screams.  But Stewart is just too much for him, and the more he fights, the quicker he loses oxygen.

Chad:  Stewart shouts at him as Halo is standing behind them, hooping and hollering in support as Shooter’s lights go out.  Stewart gives a few torques of the shoulders after Shooter goes limp.

Gena:  Stewart stands up as the referee checks on Shooter, who is barely breathing.  He begins the count!


Chad:  And Shooter somehow makes it up to his feet, stumbling back.  He blindly rushes toward the door of the bar, and makes his way out.  He is groggy, and has no sense of direction as he moves toward the next set of doors to hide.

Gena:  Damn close for the champ!  Shooter breathes heavily as he looks behind him to see Max Burke, Rory Rockefeller, Hitamashii, Javier Gonzalez, Andrey Azarov, Jacob Johnson, and Eric Weaver.

Shooter:  Oh fuck…

Chad:  He rushes out as the GRIME members make animal sounds in pursuit.  He rushes over to the next door and opens it up, hiding inside as he watches them all go past.  As soon as he sighs in relief…

Stewart:  Did you miss me?

Gena:  Shooter tries to run, but Stewart smashes his face into the door, cracking the glass.  As we pan in further, there is a dining area full of SCU stars taking a break, and they erupt into cheers!

Chad:  Stewart throws Shooter on top of a table.  He picks up a kettle of soup and pours it over Shooter, making him scream out in agony!  Stewart pulls Shooter back from leaving the table.

Stewart:  Soup’s on…

Gena:  He stands up on the table and pulls Shooter up and under his arm.  He looks around as the crowd cheers, and he nails the Paid In Full ( Implant DDT) through the table! The referee counts Shooter out!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn:  Here is your winner and STILL SCU Combat Champion… Stewart Mason!!!

The crowd inside of the restaurant, and at ringside, cheer for Stewart as he flings clam chowder off of himself, and he throws his arms up in the air.  Gianni Di Luca and his makeshift security team show up to make sure there are no issues with the pink slip delivery from Donna herself.  Stewart is also ready, but Shooter hardly moves.  The medics come and treat him on site, and the Combat Championship belt arrives on the scene.  Stewart raises it high in the air as he is joined by Dahlia, Gail, Sarah, Earl, and Gemma to celebrate.  Donna congratulates Stewart with a handshake and a pat on the back.

Offline Tad Ezra

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Supernova 3 (Results)
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2020, 06:11:19 AM »

We are introduced to a relatively dark hallway as the video package comes to life. There isn’t much in the way of furnishings inside that hallway, wherever it is. The one mainstay is the wooden bench at the far end. And seated on that bench is none other than Merlot Ayano.

It isn’t unusual to spot the Sin City Underground Combat Champion dressed in workout gear. Today she’s sporting a black Adidas Trefoil shirt and matching Adidas Marathon shorts. She allows her bare legs and feet to swing from the bench. The Combat Championship rests comfortably on the bench alongside her.

Merlot leans back and rests the back of her head against the wall as she closes her eyes. She also takes in a deep breath and folds her arms across her chest. It’s more than clear that she isn’t in the best of modes. That seems to be becoming the norm as of late.

Merlot Ayano: Many things are running through Merlot’s mind as getting ready for this match with Veronica Taylor. And as thoughts run wild, is one thing that keeps popping up in forefront. Is one thing that keeps making itself known. And Merlot? Merlot see it. Merlot understand it. Hai, hai.

A sigh escapes Merlot. It contains a mighty mixture of anger and frustration.

Merlot Ayano: Have spent much time over past week thinking about Merlot’s early days in SCU. When arrived and won hearts of many fans. When came in like storm and smacked up much competition. And, when Merlot was fucked over and screwed out of SCU Underground Championship. Was another instance in which people interfered in Merlot’s affairs without merit or warrant.

A second or two passes.

Merlot Ayano: Veronica saw fit to do the same a few weeks ago. Is why Merlot lost match. Is why G.R.I.M.E. are allowed to compete in Mayhem Survival. Not only did Veronica fucked Merlot over, also fucked over SCU as whole. Is something that cannot be forgiven.

A few more seconds pass.

Merlot Ayano: Merlot no take to kindly to people who try to fuck her over. No take kindly to people who try to alter Merlot’s career. No take kindly to people who try to disrespect Merlot. And these are no just words; is facts that have been documented in SCU. Winter Elemental? Knocked out and defeated. Alexis Staggs? Humbled and defeated. Dahlia Rotten? Defeated in questo become SCU TV Champion. And think about this for moment. In each of those matches described, had at least a tiny modicum of respect going in. But for Veronica? Merlot have none whatsoever. Therefore, can only imagine how harshly Merlot is going to treat you when that bell rings. Only regret is that we will be competing in boxing match. Why? Because would love nothing more than to take foot and cleave Veronica's head straight off. Hai. However, these punches will do.

There’s a seriousness in Merlot’s tone. And her voice? It doesn’t waiver. After a moment or two, her eyes glance over at the championship that rest beside her.

Merlot Ayano: Veronica? She’s greedy. She wants gold of any form; is very clear. However, Veronica no know what it means to truly be SCU Combat Champion. Being Combat Champion is not about being cute. Bein Combat Champion is not about being seen. Holding championship means are not only one of best wrestlers in company, means are always best pound-for-pound fighter. Hai. Truth of matter is, Veronica can’t hold Combat Championship, not in current form. She lacks the heart. She lacks the Fighting Spirit. And is clear has never been in a real fight before. Merlot? Merlot have all those things in abundance.

She nods her head.

Merlot Ayano: Is harsh to say, but Veronica no fit to hold this championship. Not now. Not while Merlot has it. That fact, coupled with all the other shit Veronica’s done? Well, it no bold well her. Not at all.

Merlot doesn’t speak for a moment. She seems to be reflecting a little.

Merlot Ayano: Next statement goes out to fans, not so much Veronica. This boxing match? Won’t be what you are used to from Merlot. Will be more raw. Will be more savage. The disrespect that Merlot has received from Veronica is not taken lightly. No, no, no. Has to pay for her words; has to pay for her actions. She owes Merlot pound of flesh, and fully intend to take it at Supernova III. Just wanted to give full disclosure and warning ahead of time.

She nods her head in affirmation. Afterwards, a time smile creeps across her face before the camera fades to black.

Ruby, formerly masked GRIME member Black, is seen walking “backstage.” She’s already in her ring gear, and her long blonde hair rests down on her chest, inching closing to her midsection. She has a whip in her right hand and she smacks her left hand gently as she continues walking with a wicked smile on her face. She suddenly comes to a stop when she’s approached by Dev Khatri.

Dev: Ruby! Looking fine, lady. What’s the whip for?

Ruby grins and brings the end of the whip up to Dev’s chin. He jumps slightly, but almost looks as though he’d welcome whatever Ruby would do.

Ruby: What do you think it’s for, idiot? Or, would you like to find out personally?

Dev grins.

Dev: I mean, I’m down for a little kink. Looking for anyone in particular to use that on, though? You seem to be on a mission.

Ruby laughs and slides the edge of the whip down Dev’a chest and then back up, teasing him.

Ruby: Anyone in particular? No, not really. Though I do plan on using it at least once tonight, in some fashion. The sound of it connecting with human flesh? Sends shivers right up my spine. The feeling is even better.

She then takes the whip and smacks the side of her leg. She closes her eyes and takes in a deep breath, having enjoyed the sensation. When she opens her eyes, she’s about to continue talking, but she looks past Dev, spotting a familiar face that she is more interested in.

Ruby: Run along, Dev. There’s someone else I’m more interested in speaking with.

She uses the whip to push him to the side then walks past, not giving him a chance to respond. He watches her walk away and when the camera pans back to see who has drawn Ruby’s attention away, it’s none other than the men’s GRIME World Nightmare Champion, Max Burke.

Ruby: Well look who we have here. I’ve been waiting to finally reunite with you, dear Max. It’s been far too long.

Max: That it has. I should have reached out. Didn't intend to vanish on everyone... especially you.

Ruby smirks and shrugs, as she twirls the whip around in her hand.

Ruby: You weren’t the only one that vanished. I did as well, but I’d like to think I came back better than ever. It certainly seems you have, too.

Max peeks over the top of his Ray Bans with a devilish grin.

Max: Oh, you most definitely did. The blonde suits ya. If you'd like to really catch up without the wandering eyes, I brought a few of your favorite beverages. They hooked me up with quite the suite. Ben and Evie are next door.

Ruby: The perks of being a champion, huh? Congrats on that by the way. As for catching up, I’m down for anything, whenever. I’m in the Mayhem Survival match later, but catching up is definitely on my to-do list. Glad to know you remembered my favorite drinks after all these years.

Ruby smiles and then rests the whip on her shoulder, as if showing it off.

Max: Why thank you. We'll head up afterwards. I'll be watching this one closely of course. Good luck.

Max leans in for a good luck peck on the cheek. Ruby’s eyes just move, looking Max up and down, grinning from ear to ear.

Ruby: Good luck to you as well on your defense tomorrow night. You’ve got this one in the bag. And who knows, maybe after tomorrow night, I’ll have a matching title.

Max: You bet your ass you will. You got this. Got to say this return just keeps getting better and better.

Ruby takes the whip and brushes it against Max as she takes a step forward.

Ruby: Until later, Max…

She then walks away, her hips swaying as she walks.


Combat Championship
Boxing Match
Veronica Taylor vs Merlot Ayano

Darlyn:  Please welcome at this time, our judges for the Boxing Match… Brooke Saxon, Blasted Monk, and Andrey Azarov!!!

The crowd gives off a mixed reaction due to the mentioning of Andrey.  He shakes his head and looks down at the score sheet.  Brooke and Monk take the cheers as they come, looking around and waving to the SCW, SCU, GRIME stars, and hotel staff watching from behind the barricade.

Darlyn:  The following contest is a Boxing Match, scheduled for five 3 minute rounds!  Winner must score the most points amongst all five rounds, or knock out their opponent!

Crowd:  *POP!*

Turn my Swag on by Keri Hilison hits over the pa system as the lights begin to flash all over the arena, as the fans give a loud ovation of booing. As, a makeshift runway appears, and soon a red carpet is rolled on top of it. As, out from the back steps Veronica Taylor with outstretched arms as the fans boo her, before grabbing her mirror and blowing herself a kiss. After a few moments she begins to do a model like strut on the red carpet runway as a few photographers appear to take her photos, as she poses arrogantly. She then takes a look around her grabbing her perfume from Veronica's Secret and sprays it around to get rid of the "stench" in the arena.

Darlyn: Introducing first, the challenger!  From Beverly Hills, CA standing at 5’8” and weighing in at 122lb, she is… “The First Class Mean Girl”... Veronica Tayyyyyyyyyylorrrrrrr!!!

Veronica then stands at the end of the entrance ramp, doing some more poses. Before, raising her arms in the air as the fans fill the air with more boos. Before, she mouths to the camera "So damn first class baby", before blowing a kiss to the camera. She then moves to the ring apron, yelling at the referee to lower the ropes for her, which he does as Veronica enters under the bottom rope. As, she then stands in the center of the ring raising her arms in the air, before lowering them slowly. Then, she grabs out her perfume and sprays it all around killing the stench in the ring. As Veronica then takes off her diamond necklace and hangs it on the corner, as she grabs her compact mirror and makes sure her makeup is done flawlessly. As she fluffs her hair, and blows herself a kiss.

The fans sit and wait as the lights in the arena phase out. Everyone sits in silence until the chaotic rifts of symphonic sounds of exist†trace’s “Futatsu no Roe” begins to pump throughout the air. A couple of lights at the base of the entrance ramp flicker on.

Darlyn: On her way to the ring, from Osaka, Japan, standing at 5’5” and weighing in at 133lb, she is your SCU Combat Champion… Merlot Ayyyyyyyyyanooooooooooo!!!

Merlot Ayano stands with her back turned as the beams illuminate her. She quickly raises her right fist in the air before using both of her hands to blow kisses into the air. She then spins around and lets out a great shout just as the song begins to ramp up. She scans the cheering crowd and stretches out her right arm as she makes her way down to the ring. Merlot heads directly towards the steps upon reaching the end of the entrance ramp. She wipes her boots on the apron before stepping through the ropes. Merlot strolls around the ring as the lights return before heading to one of the corners. She uses the ropes to get loose and stretch out her legs before the bell rings

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad:  Merlot doesn’t even give Veronica the respect of meeting gloves in the middle of the ring. Not like she deserves it anyway.  She goes for a right hook, but Veronica rushes backwards, avoiding the blow.

Gena:  She goes for a jab, but Merlot knocks her glove away.  She picks up the speed, chasing Veronica, who holds one glove behind her back as she rushes around backwards.  I must say, she’s got great ring awareness.

Chad:  It’s no good though, when you’ve got an angry Merlot coming after you.  She’s the perfect mix of strength and speed.  Merlot goes for a left hook, but Veronica ducks it and gets a few good jabs to the stomach.

Gena:  Merlot hits a jab to Veronica’s face and then aims for a right cross.  Veronica blocks the arm, and then hits an Uppercut to Merlot, stunning the champion.  I gotta admit, I’m like Merlot when I say I did not see that coming.

Chad:  Veronica then comes forward with a right hook, left cross, and another uppercut!  Merlot is seeing stars, but she’s still on her feet.  Veronica hits a few more jabs that brings Merlot back to reality.  She throws a discus punch that knocks Veronica right on her ass!


Gena:  Veronica is back on her feet now, but she’s feeling that punch from the strength of Merlot.  Veronica blocks a jab and then ducks under a left hook, only to get surprised with a right hook that sends her spinning.

Chad:  Veronica holds her hands up, avoiding the ropes as Gianni coaches her from the outside.  Merlot comes up behind, and Veronica spins out of the way.  She punches Merlot in the spine a few times.

Gena:  As Merlot turns around, Veronica nails her with a jab right to the nose!  Merlot guards her nose, but Veronica hits a few body shots, putting Merlot down on the mat.  She taunts and celebrates as Gianni jumps up and down.


Chad:  Merlot gets up, smoothing out her gear as she goes on the attack again, but the bell rings to end the round!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:  Both ladies fall back to their corners as the judges deliberate.  It takes a moment, but the microphone goes down to Andrey as he nods to the other judges.

Andrey:  Judges scoring of 10-10 for round one!

Chad:  That’s interesting.  Both ladies were knocked down, but one cancels out the other.  Gianni pampers Veronica, giving her a pep talk as Merlot’s ringside team sprays water in her face to cool her off.  They towel her off and we’re off for round two!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:  Merlot sprints after Veronica, who runs around the ring to keep away.  She orders her back, but Merlot doesn’t seem to mind the chase.  Veronica gets back to her corner, and she freezes as Gianni shouts to her.

Chad:  Merlot corners her and hits relentless jabs, a right hook, a left hook, and then finishes off with a right cross to the face.  Veronica’s mouth guard goes flying.  Gianni requests a time out, replacing her guard with a fresh one.

Gena:  Merlot hits another right cross, trying for a repeat.  However, Veronica trips up and falls to her knees.  She leans up and punches Merlot right in the stomach, bringing her down.  Both ladies throw punches as the referee orders them back!

Chad:  Talk about a heated match!  Both ladies get up and go to their corners until the referee gets the chance to assess the situation.  He then lets them back at it, and they meet in the center.

Gena:  Veronica throws overhand punches, making the judges shake their heads.  Merlot blocks a few of them as a few others land.  She jabs Veronica in the face, knocking her back a few steps.  She gives her a few good knocks until Veronica lands on the ropes.

Chad:  The referee shouts at Veronica to get off the ropes, and she does just in time.  She charges Merlot and surprises her by getting behind her.  As Merlot turns around, Veronica growls as she hits a right hook straight to the temple, taking Merlot down!


Gena:  Merlot is back up, but she’s got to be feeling woozy.  She holds the side of her head until she’s within range of Veronica.  She throws a punch, but Veronica ducks it.  She turns around for another, but Veronica steps to the side.

Chad:  I’m not used to seeing Veronica play mind games quite like this.  I don’t think Merlot expected a clean match with Veronica either.  Merlot goes on the attack again, but Veronica shoves her punches away.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:  The judges deliberate much harder this time.  However, Veronica “trips” and pushes Merlot to the mat.  She looks around in horror, but I see that bitchy little smile creeping through.

Chad:  She apologizes up and down and insists she tripped.  The referee holds Merlot back.  I guess that’s the tactics we were all expecting from Veronica.  Just a few seconds late to the game.

Andrey:  Judges scoring for round two is… 10-9 in favor of challenger Veronica Taylor!


Gena:  Bullshit.  But, a knockdown is a knockdown I guess. Here we go for Round 3!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad:  Merlot charges at Veronica, and this time, there is no running away.  Merlot hits a right hook!  Left cross!  Uppercut!  Jab, jab, jab to the face!  Veronica tries to block, but Merlot lowers her assault to the stomach!

Gena:  Holy fuck, that shove lit a fire under Merlot something fierce!  She doesn’t even seem to know what she’s doing, but it’s working out!  Jab to the mouth!  She fakes out a left hook to get another Uppercut! And then another!

Chad:  Veronica turns to run away, but Merlot hits her right in the middle of her back!  Veronica goes down.  Merlot paces, trying to fight the urge to pummel her into the ground.  Veronica holds her hands up.

Gena:  Merlot is held back now by the referee, who also counts Veronica down.


Chad:  Veronica gets back up to her feet, but Merlot cracks down on the top of her head with a downward punch that puts her right back down!


Gena:  Gianni is shouting frantically at Veronica, and she shouts back at him to quit yelling at her!  Veronica gets back up to her feet, and Merlot is right there with a jab, jab, right hook, left hook, right cross, left hook, and a neatly placed uppercut!  Veronica is down!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad:  That’s the match right there!  The referee passes along the decision to Darlyn!

Darlyn:  Ladies and gentlemen!  As a result of a knockout, your winner and STILL SCU Combat Champion… Merlot Ayanooooooooo!!!

Crowd:  *MEGA POP!*

Merlot steps back as her music plays.  She takes her belt and proudly displays it high up in the air.  She walks back and forth across the ring as Veronica is checked on by Gianni.  He calls for the medical team to come down to assist him, but Veronica insists she’s fine.  She lies down on the mat and blinks up at the lighting fixtures above her, literally seeing stars.  Merlot goes back to her corner as she is dried off and given a drink of water.  She spits out her mouthguard and does another trip around the ring for the fans as the medical team helps Veronica out of the ring.

Offline Donna Beauchamp

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Supernova 3 (Results)
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2020, 10:18:47 AM »


Darlyn: It is now time for the 30 wrestler Mayhem Survival! The rules to the match are as follows. The two wrestlers who drew number one and two will start this match. Every 2 minutes a new wrestler will enter in the order drawn. You are eliminated from the match when you go over the top ropes and your feet hit the floor. This match will continue until all 30 wrestlers have entered and 29 have been eliminated!!! It is now time to see who picked number one!!!

A white light flashes over the crowd that is almost blinding. It returns to a more tolerable brightness as "Feel Invincible" by Skillet begins to play through the arena. The crowd boos and gets louder when the announcer speaks up.

Darlyn: On his way to the ring from Tulsa, Oklahoma he is 6'4" and weighed in this morning at 245lb. Representing The Church of The Good Shepherds he is Brother David Shepherd!

And the boos become louder. David walks out onto the stage, throwing his hands in the air, looking up. He nods his head and smiles when he goes back and forth across the stage. He holds His Holy Word in his hand as he comes to the center of the stage. He walks down the aisle as he continues to read. He sits it on the ring steps and jumps up onto the apron. He walks across the apron as he seeks His praise. He gets inside of the ring and bounces off of the ropes multiple times with high, angry energy as he waits for the match to start.

Darlyn: Now it is time to see who drew number two!!!

"Unbreakable" by Fireflight starts to play in the sound system and a video montage of some of Alexis Edwards memorable moments appears on the screen. Seconds into the music, Alexis appears from behind the curtain, standing at the top of the ramp and throwing her hands in the air as her music plays, and the crowd now cheers her on.

Darlyn: On her way to the ring, from Las Vegas, NV standing at 5'5" and weighing in at 120lb, she is... Alexis Staggs!!!

She looks around the crowd and smiles before she starts making her way to the ring, high fiving and slapping hands along the way. Once to the ring she slides in under the bottom rope and jumps back to her feet. She jumps up to the second turnbuckle, throwing her hands in the air to another round of cheering from the crowd before she jumps back down as her music dies down. She stares back towards the entrance as she waits for her opponent to enter.


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad:- Alexis and Brother David start off the 4th Mayhem Survival. David walks to the middle of the ring and raises his arms as he wants to test strengths with Alexis.

Gena: He would try that, what a man… Alexis looks around as the crowd chants No. Alexis gets her hands up but still looks unsure. Alexis gets closer… looks like she is going to tie up with him.

Chad:- Alexis and David lock up with the left hand. Alexis gets her right hand up… And kicks David in the man parts! David goes to his knees as Alexis knees him in the face. The two break the tie. Alexis goes to the side and locks in a side headlock.

Gena: There's Alexis outsmarting David on that exchange. David holds on to Alexis' hands to break the hold as he also gets to his feet.

Chad:- Alexis has the sleeper in pretty good, not sure David can get the grip to loosen up.

Gena: He does lift her up and walks over to the ropes… Alexis lets go as she pushes David. He hits the ropes as Alexis grabs him and tries to get David to go over.

Chad:- David places one hand on the ropes to hold on as he tries to smack Alexis hands to get Alexis to back away. Alexis doesn’t budge as she works on getting one of David’s legs over.

Gena: David needs to do something as Alexis gets one leg over and now works on the other leg. Alexis uses her shoulder as leverage to get David over. David goes over and lands on the apron, Alexis goes for a punch but David blocks it with one hand while grabbing a handful of hair with the other.


Chad:- Countdown has started, Alexis tries to break free but David tries to drag her over the top ropes by her hair.


Gena: Alexis drops down to her knees forcing David's neck to hit the ropes but he still won’t let go of her hair.



Never Again by Nickelback starts to play. The Dragon Mark Cross comes out and runs towards the ring.


Gena: Mark Cross slides in the ring as Alexis drags David back in the ring from over the ropes as he refuses to let go of her hair. Mark Cross runs over and kicks David’s hand forcing him to let go of Alexis.

Chad:- David’s body makes it back in the ring… No Mark Cross grabs him and places him back on the apron. Alexis hits Mark Cross with a dropkick. Mark Cross bounces off the ropes but not before having his head hit David’s head, causing David to fall off the apron and onto the floor!

Eliminated Brother David (By Mark Cross. 2 minutes 20 seconds)

Gena: Alexis gets to her feet as Mark turns around to face her. Alexis and Mark tie up, Alexis hits Mark with a knee to the gut. Alexis goes for an Irish Whip, but Mark reverses it sending Alexis to the ropes instead.

Chad:- Alexis bounces off the ropes, Mark goes for a Dropkick as Alexis drops down with a Baseball Slide to avoid the hit. Both superstars get to their feet. The two go to tie up. Mark turns to the side a bit to bend over and flips Alexis over with a hip toss.

Gena: Alexis lands in a sit up position. Mark goes down to get a Headlock in but Alexis pushes him off and quickly gets to her feet. The two face off briefly. Mark goes to lock up but Alexis nails him with a European uppercut.

Chad:- Mark stumbles back a bit. Alexis grabs Mark and sends him to the ropes. Mark bounces off. Alexis goes for a clothesline but Mark ducks and keeps running to the opposite ropes. Mark bounces off the ropes and goes for a leaping clothesline but…


Chad:- Alexis jumps and nails him with a dropkick.


Gena: Mark goes down as Alexis drops down nailing an elbow drop on The Dragon.



Boss Bitch by Doja Cat starts to play.

Chad:- Well, another Fire Dragon?


Gena: Looks like it, Valentina wasted no time running to ringside.

Chad:- Valentina slides in and pulls Alexis off of her former Fire Dragon partner Mark Cross. Valentina and Alexis roll around the mat as they each try to get on top of the other for the advantage.

Gena: Mark Cross gets to his feet. He goes over to pull the ladies apart. Alexis and Valentina look at Mark Cross… But Mark and Valentina turn to Alexis…

Chad:- Doesn’t look good for Alexis Staggs as The Fire Dragons are teaming right now. Valentina goes down to grab Alexis' legs as Mark grabs Alexis' shoulders.

Gena: They take her to the corner, Valentina gets to her feet and helps Mark get Aexlis over the top ropes and to the apron… Valentina grabs Mark’s legs from under him and throws him over causing Alexis to hit the floor as well for a double elimination.

Eliminated Alexis Staggs (By Valentina, 5minutes) Eliminated Mark Cross(By Valentina, 3 minutes)

Chad:- Valentina stands alone… Alexis slides back in the ring and grabs Valentina and throws her over the ropes!!!!  

Eliminated Valentina (by Alexis Staggs, 1minute 5 seconds)

Gena: That shouldn’t be allowed but the rules of not to go over the top ropes, Valentina did just that and now Mark Cross runs and tries to break up a fight that's going on by the rampway between Alexis Staggs and Valentina.

Chad:- 4 have entered and for the first time ever, the ring sits empty during the Mayhem Survival match.

Gena: Who ever is number 5 will have 2 minutes to wait for number six, right now the fans have about…

Chad:- The refs and Mark Cross can’t pull Valentina and Alexis apart as the two are trying to choke the other one out.

Gena: SCU has no security guards right now but Gianni has… SCW Security runs out to help break the two up for us… And now the fans chant "SCW" as security breaks the two up and sends them to the back separately…

Chad:- Well this is Supernova, people know to expect to see big things. Dahlia is the new Underground Champion, Alexis holds the golden briefcase and now it looks as if she has someone else to look out for as Valentina is not going to forget this and will be going after Alexis sooner rather than later.


Gena: Countdown has started.




"Get Me" by Twista starts to play, Eyesnsane comes down the rampway watching security escort Valentina to the back. He chuckles at the ordeal then makes his way down to ringside.

Eyesnsane walks over to Darlyn. It looks like he wants the microphone. Darlyn hands him one, then he slides into the ring.

Eyesnsane: Well this a first huh? I may have just come in at number five. Some in SCU have thrown around the word "reset". Look, what better example then in this match as I have to wait for whoever number six is to come out.

Eyesnsane leans on the ropes.

Eyesnsane: Hopefully this year is my year, just 25 more to go… Fun fact, I've been in the first three of these damn things and each time I've been thrown over the top ropes, it’s been Mercedes Vargas who keeps doing it. Not this year, Mercedes. I mean for real girl, show some Mercy to an old friend.

Eyesnsane chuckles as the crowd laugh with him.

Eyesnsane: No matter what happens tonight, I’ll be damned if any of those GRIME Wrestlers win this thing. Even if that means I have to remove them all myself. Then after tonight, OTE will be waiting as we just getting started in SCU.

Eyesnsane moves to the corner to sit on the top turnbuckle as he waits.

Eyesnsane: Michi, Kaos, Dax, Mickey, we won’t be letting those GRIME fools try any cheap shots with us. Stand in numbers and they seem to walk the other way. Then again, after tonight, they’ll be gone so we in OTE will start to put our focus elsewhere.

Like some SCU gold. Enough of us to take the tag titles. Mickey I’m sure would love to see that Underground Championship. Dax, I see you looking at the TV title, or maybe it’s the champion you stare at…

Eyesnsane shrugs

Eyesnsane: Then you have the Combat Title, Stewart, it’s a matter of time before SCU gives me another crack at it. Either way, expect big things from the group I’ve put together in SCU. You got the future in Kaos and Michi, And past and present with me, Mickey, and Dax. A mixture of the very best in the business…


Eyesnsane: It’s that time.



Killpop by Slipknot starts to play as the crowd starts booing loudly.


Chad:- Eyesnsane was nice to entertain us all the past 2 minutes but now the match will continue once Filth gets in the ring.

Gena: Only Filth isn’t in any rush to the ring. Maybe she’s thinking twice about entering this match?

Chad:- Too much on the line and she’s the leader of this spoopy ragtag team of wrestlers.

Gena: I don’t know, she's just standing there staring at Eyesnsane from the outside…

Eyesnsane: What you standing out there for? Come on, this is what you wanted right. You got plenty of room to slide your stanky ass in the ring. I don’t need to take cheap shots like that bitch Javi or Eric Weaver.

Chad:- If Filth doesn’t enter the ring before the next entry gets in the ring she will have forfeited her spot in this match.

Gena: Maybe she’s just buying herself some time. I’m sure… What’s this… Liam is walking down the rampway now.

Eyesnsane: What? Is Liam taking your spot? You that scared to get in the right with the N'sane one?

Liam walks around the ringside area as he heads to the announcer's table. He takes Chad's headphones.

Liam: I’m not going to sit in the back and let you two bury GRIME Wrestling. SCU is all about playing fair, so I’m taking over for Chad as it’s only fair to have someone from GRIME call this match since we make up half of the line up.

Gena: I’m being joined by Liam. Filth is too scared to get in the ring, and Eyesnsane is waiting for something to happen.

Liam: First off, Filth isn’t scared. She’s the brains of these operations. Trust me, she knows what she’s doing.

Gena: You guys better hope so because your job is on the line in this match, buddy.

Liam: My job's as safe as it can be. Trust me on that…


The Purge sirens start to go off as Mask member Ruby comes out. Ruby runs down as Filth now gets on the apron. Filth gets in before Masked Ruby as she slides in the ring.

Liam: Now lets see Eyesnsane talk this big game with a GRIME member showing up for the fight!

Gena: It’s every wrestler for themselves. I don’t expect GRIME to play nice to each other.

Eyesnsane: Look what we have here. So Filth, you waited for my girl to come out.

Filth tilts her head as she stares at Eyesnsane.

Eyesnsane: Look at her. It's no way you can hide who that is. 2018 Honor Wrestling Future Star award winner Mrs Right. No way you can hide behind a mask girl. I didn’t want to say anything before but now that you're in front of me, I have no choice but to ask you one question.

Masked Ruby removes her mask to show it is indeed Mrs Right. The crowd pops for Mrs Right.


Filth yells loud enough for the microphone to pick up what she says.

Filth: What question do you have to ask? It better be a good one.

Eyesnsane: You know OTE is your home Mrs Right. What you doing with GRIME?

Mrs Right:: This…

Gena: Mrs Right turns and grabs Angel of Filth by her throat and lifts her up in and chokeslam. Mrs Right slams Filth on her back but keeps her hand around her throat as she deadlifts Filth from the mat, back to the air for a second chokeslam!!!

Eyesnsane tosses the microphone to the outside.

Liam: What is wrong with Mrs Right? She has to be the dumbest person in GRIME Wrestling to go after Angel of Filth!

Gena: Everyone person for themselves Liam. You know that… Mrs Right sends Filth to the corner… Holy crap, it sounded like Filth could have just broken her ribs with the turnbuckle!

Liam: Never! If anyone can take pain is Filth. She loves pain. Mrs Right is just showing Filth a good time right now.



AHS: Freakshow by James S. Levine starts to play as the crowd starts to boo loud…


Liam: Lets go Jack! Now it’s party time baby!

Gena: Jack slides in the ring and ties up with Eyesnsane in the middle of the ring. Mrs Right grabs Angel of Filth and throws her over the ropes with ease.

Liam: Mrs Right turns around as Filth manages to grabs the top ropes and holds on as her feet swings in the air. Mrs Right helps Eyesnsane as the two get Jack up for a double suplex…

Gena: Angel of Filth gets her feet on the apron then rolls inside the ring then rolls out from the bottom to the floor. She’s not eliminated from this match.  

Liam: She needs to get her breath, in the meantime Mrs Right and Eyesnsane get Jack up to his feet… Jack kicks Eyesnsane then quickly grabs him… Hokus Pokus!!! (Flowing Snap DDT)

Gena: Mrs Right doesn’t let Jack get to his feet as she gets on top of him and lays an elbow to his forehead!

Liam: What a great move from Jack only for Mrs Right to cheap shot him. Any advantage she can get I guess.

Gena: Looks who’s talking! GRIME is all about cheap shots.

Liam: Jack gets his hands up to block as Mrs Right tries for another elbow.


Gena: The countdown as number 9 is next!



Sucker by Charli XCX starts to play, a shower of boos comes about...


Liam: Cordelia is walking as slow as a turtle. Someone is scared to join this match.

Gena: Or maybe she’s buying herself some time. She has two minutes to enter the ring, why rush it is her thinking. I'm mocking you by the way.

Liam: I… got that. She needs to hurry. Eyesnsane is getting up and he’s just going to help Mrs Right attack Jack.

Gena: You’re acting as if Cordelia is willing to help Jack.

Liam: Ms Ivy League better, if she’s as smart as she thinks she is.

Gena: Cordelia walks up the staircase, because of course she does. She walks on the apron. Mrs Right gets off of Jack and focuses on Cordelia Clark.

Liam: Eyesnsane gets on top of Jack not allowing him to get up and face him man to man.

Gena: You’re just full of excuses for GRIME eh?

Liam: I call it how I see it, it’s why I alone can do a better job then you and your husband Chad. Cordelia demands that Mrs Right give her room to enter the ring.  

Gena: Mrs Right waves her off and helps Eyesnsane get Jack to his feet. They both grab him and send him to the ropes. Cordelia gets in the ring.

Liam: Jack bounces off the ropes, Cordelia grabs Eyesnsane from behind in a sleeper hold as Jack bounces off the ropes.

Gena: Jack jumps and goes for a low dropkick to Mrs Right knees that sends her to the mat. Eyesnsane turns his body to the side and hits Cordelia with a short jab to the gut.

Liam: Jack stands over Mrs Right and kicks her legs to keep her down. Eyesnsane hits another jab that gets Cordelia to break the Sleeper Hold.

Gena: Eyesnsane drops down for a Leg Sweep, but Cordelia jumps to counter. She follows that with a knee to the side of Eyesnsane head, but misses as he moves his head away at the last second.



The Purge Siren goes off…


Liam: Yes! More GRIME! SCU is in trouble now!

Gena: Cordelia bounces off the ropes as Yellow slides in the ring… Cordelia nails Yellow with the Busaiku Knee kick!!! Yellow flies over the top ropes and hits the floor!!!

Liam: That’s not fair, he wasn’t ready yet!

Eliminated Mask Yellow (By Cordelia Clark, 2 seconds)

Gena: Just like that one member from GRIME Wrestling is gone from this match.

Liam: Only takes one to win it all.

Gena: Cordelia runs and grabs Jack as she tackles him to the mat. Eyesnsane helps Mrs Right up to her feet. Cordelia gets off of Jack and looks at Eyesnsane and Mrs Right.

Liam: It is ever wrestler for themselves, right!? Why aren’t the SCU stars attacking each other?

Gena: Jack gets to his feet, staring at all three of them. Cordelia points at Jack. The three rush Jack, Jack runs and drops to the mat holding on to the bottom ropes.

Liam: Smart thinking, It’s a lot harder to throw him over if he’s holding on to the bottom ropes.

Gena: Angel Of Filth finally gets to her feet holding the microphone. She nails Eyesnsane in the head, then Mrs Right. Cordelia Clark backs away to avoid getting hit. Jack gets on top of Eyesnsane as Cordelia kicks Mrs Right to keep her down.

Liam: Filth gets in the ring and nails Eyesnsane with the microphone, Filth grabs Cordelia by her hair to yank her off of Mrs Right, then drills Mrs Right in the head with the microphone again.

Gena: Cordelia kicks the back of Filth's knee. She drops the microphone and lands on her knees. Cordelia hits Filth in the back of her head with a running knee!

Liam: Jack grabs Cordelia from behind and sends her over the top ropes. She lands on the apron. Jack turns around to see she’s still on the apron. Jack goes to grab her but Cordelia grabs the middle ropes and slides in the ring through Jack’s feet from the bottom ropes.


Liam: Jack turns around as Cordelia gets to her feet.


Gena: Cordelia goes to grab Jack but he kicks her in the gut…


Gena: Jack grabs Cordelia and swings her around for a Swinging Neckbreaker!



"Way Down We Go" by KALEO starts playing to a shower of boos…


Liam: Now the match is about to get good as Javi gets in the ring.

Gena: Javi and Filth stand with Jack as Cordelia turns to look at Mrs Right and Eyesnsane and stands with them.

Liam: The first SCU vs GRIME, Mrs Right made a choice, and it's one she’ll regret!

Gena: All six look on, waiting to see who’ll make the next move. Mrs Right is waving GRIME over. Javi points at Eyesnsane. Filth points at Mrs Right and Jack points at Cordelia Clark.

Liam: GRIME rush's SCU and a brawl kicks off!!! Fists are flying…

Gena: But not for long as Mrs Right drops Filth with two punches. Mrs Right now turns to Jack and nails him with a hard left that drops him to the mat.

Liam: Cordelia looks at Mrs Right, not pleased. Cordelia didn’t need Mrs Right’s help and she’s letting her know that. Mrs Right turns her back on Cordelia. Right and Eyesnsane tie up with Javi, but Cordelia ain’t having it as she kicks Mrs Right dead center of her back.

Gena: Mrs Right lets go of Javi. Javi hits Eyesnsane with a knee to the gut as Mrs Right turns around to face Cordelia. Cordelia goes for another kick but Mrs Right catches her foot then nails a Clothesline from Hell to Cordelia!

Liam: Mrs Right grabs Cordelia up in a military press, she walks over to the ropes and throws her over the ropes. Cordelia hits the floor hard as she’s now Eliminated.

Eliminated Cordelina Clark (By Mrs Right, 5 min 45 seconds)

Gena: She might be gone but it was still a great showing from the rookie. She’s still undefeated in SCU but the winner of Mayhem Survival she is not. Not this year.

Liam: When GRIME wins tonight, maybe she comes to work for us. We can use a rising star like her in the ranks.

Gena: Not going to happen…


Gena: Jack and Filth start to get to their feet.


Liam: Javi pushes Eyesnsane away from him!


Gena: GRIME sticks to one corner as Mrs Right and Eyesnsane stick to the opposite side of the ring.



AHS: Freakshow Main title theme by James S. Levine, the crowd boos as Helena runs down the rampway.


Gena: Great. Another GRIME member enters the match.

Liam: GRIME entering this match strong and at the right time. Eyesnsane wanted to open his mouth, so there you go…

Gena: Helena stands with Jack, Javi and Filth as the four look at Eyesnsane and Mrs Right.

Liam: Make your move OTE! Come on, you wanted to face GRIME, now's your chance.

Gena: Javi and Jack point at Eyesnsane as they talk things over. Helena and Filth stare down Mrs Right as they come up with their plan.

Liam: Javi and Jack move towards one end as Helena and Filth go the other way as they slowly make their way to OTE. Eyesnsane takes a step and goes for a fast front kick that sends Javi and Jack back a few steps.

Gena: Helena and Filth rush Mrs Right and start nailing her with quick short punches.

Liam: Mrs Right drops to her knees. Eyesnsane goes over to help but Jack and Javi rush him and grab him from behind. They lift Eyesnsane up and drop him with a double team backdrop.

Gena: Helena and Filth keep the punches going on Mrs Right… But not for long and she gets back to her feet spreading her arms out, shoving Filth and Helena in the process. Filth rushes Mrs Right, but Mrs Right grabs her and throws Filth to the outside from the top and middle ropes. Filth lands face first on the barricade!

Liam: What a throw! But more importantly, that means Angel of Filth is still in the match!

Gena: Mrs Right and Helena tie up. Right overpowers Helena and lifts her up over her head for a Military Press.

Liam: Helena hits Mrs Right in her temple with an elbow strike. Helena hits another. Mrs Right drops to one knee, letting go of Helena.


Gena: Jack runs over to help Helena and Javi gets Eyesnsane to his feet.


Liam: Javi hits Eyesnsane with a Bodyslam.



Fire In Our House by Astral Doors starts to play.

Gena: Oh come on, you have to be kidding me!


Liam: More GRIME, and the fans love it. You think they’re booing but they are OOOHHHH!!!!ing!

Gena: Hitmashii slides in the ring and nails Eyesnsane with a spear. Javi and Hitmashii go over to Jack and Helena as they have Mrs Right in the corner.

Liam: The four GRIME members work together to get Mrs Right over the top ropes. Eyesnsane gets to his feet as Mrs Right tries to throw elbows at anyone she can hit.

Gena: Eyesnsane grabs Javi and hits a Backdrop. Hitmashii, Jack, and Helena get Mrs Right over the top ropes and to the apron. Eyesnane grabs Hitmashii from behind and drops him with a Half Nelson Snap Suplex.

Liam: The Jeckel hit a double dropkick that drops Mrs Right off the apron and to the floor!

Eliminated Mrs Right (By Jack and Helena Jeckel, 12 min 53 seconds)

Gena: The Jeckel turns to look at Eyesnsane but Eyesnsane nails Jack with a superkick! Helena grabs Eyesnsane and sends him to the ropes, but he reverses it. Javi sits up but Eyesnsane kicks him in the back of the head.

Liam: Helena jumps on the second rope and kicks off going for a Flying Elbow, but Eyesnsane counters by hitting her in her back with a dropkick.

Gena: Hitmashii does a kip up to his feet, but gets dropped right back to the mat with a Spinning Elbow to the side of the head by Eyesnsane!!!

Liam: Jack gets to his feet but Eyesnsane drops down and hits Jack with a leg sweep to drop him back down to the mat.

Gena: Javi and Helena get back to their feet. Eyesnsane goes to grab Javi but Helena runs over to tackle him from behind. Javi nails Eyesnsane with a chop to the chest.


Liam: Hitmashii gets to his feet.


Gena: Javi nails Eyesnsane with another chop!


Liam: Jack gets to his feet.



"Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me" by U2 starts to play, the SCU crowd cheers as the SCW fanbase boo.


Gena: Finally, no GRIME. The first ever Mayhem Survivor enters the match for the fourth time. Mercedes runs down the rampway and slides in the ring.

Liam: Jack and Hitmashii go to grab Mercedes but she grabs Jack and pushes him to Hitmashii. Helena lets go of Eyesnsane and runs over to Mercedes.

Gena: Mercedes nails Helena with a savage kick! Helena falls to the mat sitting up. Jack Spears Mercedes to the mat. Hitmashii and Jack get Mercedes up to her feet. Helena gets to her feet and points at Mercedes.

Liam: Helena goes to chop Mercedes but Mercedes gets her foot up and kicks Helana in the face. Jack lets go of Mercedes and kicks her in the gut.

Gena: Eyesnsane drops Javi with a bodyslam then turns around to hit Hitmashii with a Dropkick. Mercedes breaks free and goes to tackle Helena, but Helena grabs Mercedes’ head and drops her with a DDT instead!!!

Liam: Javi gets up as does Jack. Hitmashii grabs Mercedes and shoves her away. Helena rolls over to Jack and Javi as she gets to her feet. Another stare down as GRIME has four to SCU one and SCW one.

Gena: Mercedes and Eyesnsane fist bump each other as it’s clear they have to work together right now. GRIME walks to the middle of the ring, cutting the ring in half from Eyesnsane and Mercedes.

Liam: Mercedes gets her hands up and walks to GRIME, she points at Eyesnsane! Looks like she’s trying to make a deal with them. Javi points to Eyesnsane… Mercedes tells them to back off.

Gena: Mercedes charges at Eyesnsane and grabs him, She Irsh Whips him ot the ropes… Eyesnsane heads right to Javi, who grabs him, and Mercedes rushes Jack.


Gena: Eyesnsane throws Javi over the ropes and he hits the floor.
>Eliminated Javi (by Eyesnsane 7 min 50 seconds)


Liam: Mercedes throws Jack over the ropes but he lands on the apron. Helena grabs Mercedes as Hitmashii nails Eyesnsane with a superkick.


Liam: Helena sends Mercedes to the ropes but it gets reversed.


Gena: Jack gets to his feet but collides with Helena as she hits the ropes. Jack hits the floor as Helena falls to the mat.

Eliminated Jack Jeckel (By Helena Jeckel 13 mins 59 seconds)




The Purge Sirens starts to play as the crowd boos as masked member

Liam: Jade comes running down the ramp and slides inside of the ring.  Jade looks down everyone inside of the ring.

Gena: Jade goes and ties up with Mercedes, Eyesnsane and Hitmashii start trading chops to the chest. Helena rolls over to the corner and rests her head on the bottom turnbuckle.

Liam: Jade gets Mercedes up for a Suplex as Eyesnsane and Hitmashii keep nailing each other with chops. Jade gets to her feet and jumps straight up in the air, she lands an Elbow Drop to the chest of Mercedes Vargas.

Gena: Eyesnsane blocks a chop from Hitmashii by grabbing his arm. He sends him to the ropes. Hitmashii bounces off and gets nailed with a Leaping Clothesline.

Liam: Helena gets to her feet. Eyesnsane gets Hitmashii to his feet. Helena grabs Eyesnsane from behind and drops him with an Inverted DDT!

Gena: Jade gets Mercedes and tosses her over the top ropes, but she lands on the apron. Hitmashii gets Eyesnsane to his feet. Jade goes over to help…

Liam: Helena points at Mercedes, who is on her feet. Jade turns around to face Mercedes as she jumps on the top ropes and flies back into the ring, hitting a Cross Body that takes out everyone!

Gena: Mercedes rolls outside the ring and stomps on Angel of Filth, who’s been laying low this whole time. Filth blocks the kick and pushes Mercedes away. Filth gets to her feet, the two tie up on the outside.

Liam: Hitmashii gets to his feet.  He rolls out the ring to help Filth, Jade and Eyesnsane get to their feet. Mercedes pushes Filth into Hitmashii, then slides in the ring and grabs Jade from behind and throws her over the top ropes and onto the floor!

Eliminated Jade (By Mercedes Vargas, 1 min 50 seconds.)

Gena: Jade is gone from this match!


Offline Donna Beauchamp

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    • Donna Beauchamp
Supernova 3 (Results)
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2020, 10:25:38 AM »

Liam: Filth and Hitmashii get in the ring.


Gena: They attack Mercedes as Helena starts stomping on Eyesnsane in the corner.




”Welcome To The World - Instrumental” by TI starts to play to a big pop as Coby Quik comes through the curtain and runs down the rampway.

Gena: Coby slides in the ring and goes right for Hitmashii. Eyesnsane and Filth tie up as Helena turns her attention to Mercedes.

Liam: Coby hits Hitmashii with a knee to the gut, then scoops him up for a slam. Helena sends Mercedes to the corner. As Eyesnsane gets dropped with a DDT by Filth.

Gena: Filth looks around and slides out of the ring. Very smart of Filth, stay out of the way and pick your battles.

Liam: So you admit Filth is smart?

Gena: It’s cheap to do but smart nonetheless, so yes.

Liam: Helena runs over at Mercedes and hits a shoulder tackle. Helena backs away and charges at Mercedes again. Mercedes moves out of the way, Helena hits her shoulder with the ring post.

Gena: Mercedes grabs Helena and tosses her over the top ropes onto the floor!

Eliminated Helena Jeckel (by Mercedes Vargas 8mins 55 seconds)

Liam: Coby and Hitmashii are at a stand still tie up. Eyesnsane looks at Mercedes. Mercedes nods towards the outside.

Gena: Pointing at Angel OF Filth as she hides outside the ring. Eyesnsane and Mercedes slides under the ring to the outside. Filth slides in the ring. She gets to her feet and runs at Coby hitting him with a Flying Forearm to the back of the head.

Liam: Hitmashii lets go of Coby, only to drop him with a chop to the chest. Mercedes and Eyesnsane slide back into the ring. Filth and Hitmashii rush them before they can get to their feet and start nailing punches.

Gena: Coby sits up and sees GRIME attacking Mercedes and Eyesnsane. Coby grabs Helena’s feet to pull her off of Mercedes. Mercedes gets to her feet and pulls Hitmashii off of Eyesnsane.


Liam: Everyone gets to their feet, another stare down as SCU has the numbers advantage for the first time.


Gena: They keep staring each other down as everyone looks to catch their breath.




The Purge sirens start to play as the crowd boos.

Liam: No advantage any more as Gold enters this match putting three GRIME vs two SCU and one SCW wrestler.

Gena: Gold slides in the ring to stand next to Hitmashii and Filth. Coby, Eyesnsane and Mercedes stand across from them.

Liam: Hitmashii steps forward as does Eyesnsane. Both go for a Superkick, their feet collide with each other instead of their intended targets. The two bounce back to their corners.

Gena: Mercedes and Filth step forward. The two women tie up. Mercedes sends Filth to her corner, Coby jumps and nails Filth with a Dropkick. Gold rushes at Mercedes and grabs her from behind and drops her with a German Suplex!

Liam: Gold, and Hitmashii rush Eyesnsane and Coby Quik. They break into a brawl.

Gena: Filth gets up and goes for an Elbow Drop but Mercedes rolls out of the way. Mercedes gets back to her feet, Gold grabs Coby and Irish whips him to the corner but Mercedes grabs Coby and Irish whips him back. Coby jumps and nails a double leaping clothesline to Gold and Hitamashii!

Liam: Filth gets to her feet but gets dropped with a Clothesline from Eyesnsane. Mercedes grabs Eyesnsane and throws him over the top ropes!

Gena: Eyesnsane lands on the apron but Mercedes nails him with a savage kick, dropping him to the floor.

Eliminated Eyesnsane (By Mercedes Vargas 25 mins 30 seconds)

Liam: Filth runs at Mercedes, Mercedes grabs her and throws her through the middle and top ropes to the outside.

Gena: Coby gets dropped with a Sideslam from Hitmashii. Gold and Mercedes tie up in the middle of the ring. Hitmashii hits Mercedes in the back with a forearm.

Liam: Gold lifts Mercedes up and hits a Powerslam!


Gena: Hitmashii and Gold get Coby to his feet. They lift him up for a double Suplex… Coby moves his feet around and manages to reverse the suplex to a Double DDT!



Fireworks go off from the head of the cruise ship as “Nightmare” by Halsey starts to play. The crowd boos…


Gena: Delia Darling comes out from behind the curtain and takes her time as she stands on the rampway. Mercedes rolls out of the ring and charges up the rampway. Delia runs down the rampway meeting Mercedes halfway as the two start throwing fists.

Liam: Coby goes after Gold but Hitmashii tackles Coby to the mat. The refs run over to Mercedes and Delia to get them in the ring. Mercedes holds Delia head and walks her over to ringside.

Gena: They get to ringside and Mercedes goes to toss Delia in the ring but she blocks it then slams Mercedes’ face onto the apron… Delia slides in the ring.

Liam: Gold and Hitmashii go over to Delia. They stand together as Eyensane and Coby get to their feet. Mercedes slides in the ring. They all have a stare down.

Gena: Hitmashii points at Mercedes and he orders Delia on who to attack…

Liam: Delia looks at Hitmashii sideways and hits a superkick that sends him over the top rope and onto the floor.

Eliminated Hitmashii (by Delia Darling 11 mins 20 seconds)

Gena: Delia doesn’t take orders from anyone. Gold turns Delia around to face him as he questions Delia. Delia kicks Gold in the man parts, then grabs him and throws him over the ropes and onto the floor.

Eliminated Gold(By Delia Darling 3 mins 27 seconds)

Liam: Mercedes charges Delia Darling, Darling gets her foot up for a Superkick, but Mercedes counters and she grabs Darling's foot and then punches her in the knee.

Gena: Coby looks on as Mercedes and Delia tie up and drag each other to the corner. Mercedes nails Darling with a chop to the chest. Darling gives a chop to Mercedes.

Liam: Mercedes kicks Darling and tries to get Darling over the top ropes.


Gena: Coby runs over and grabs on to Mercedes legs to throw them both over. Both ladies land on the floor!

Eliminated Delia Darling (by Coby Quik 1 min 53 seconds. Eliminated Mercedes Vargas (By Coby Quik 9 mins 53 seconds7 seconds)


Gena: That was two huge eliminations for Coby Quik!



“Menage et Trois” by Paloma Ford starts to play as the crowd cheers…


Liam: Earl slides in the ring and gets to his feet. Coby is there, waiting as Earl tries to get to his feet.  He gets clubbed across the back as Coby is relentless.  He’s trying to stop Earl from ever getting to his feet.

Gena:  Earl, however, charges Coby into the corner, and begins throwing punches.  Coby continues to club as Earl continues to punch.  The crowd grows in volume as the two go at it.  Hey boys!  Save it for GRIME!

Liam:  I say tire yourselves out now.  It’ll be less embarrassing when GRIME wins, and gives you plenty of excuses about why you lost.  You know, typical SCU stuff.

Gena:  Earl nails Coby in the stomach with a knee and then whips him across the ring, following up with a running Clothesline.  He smashes Coby over and onto the apron.  He rapidly punches at Coby, trying to get the elimination.

Liam:  Coby nails a Shoulderbutt and then grabs Earl, looking for a Vertical Suplex to Earl.  Earl grounds his weight and then tries to do the same to Coby.  Coby reverses it again and attempts it on Earl, but to no avail.

Gena:  Earl gives Coby a few jabs to the stomach and then lands the Vertical Suplex, bringing Coby back inside of the ring.  He climbs on top for mounted punches, hammering Coby in the face.  Coby tries to block, and then rams an elbow into Earl’s nose, stunning him.

Liam:  He throws Earl off of him and scrambles to his feet.  He catches Earl with a kick to the side of the head.  He drags Earl to his feet and then flings him over the ropes, but Earl latches on and hugs onto the ropes.

Gena:  Coby punches and clubs, even ramming his knee into Earl’s stomach…


Gena: Coby istrying to get him to break the hold on the ropes.  Earl shakes his head, refusing to let go.  


Liam:  He raises his leg and kicks Coby in the side of the head.  Coby stumbles back and Earl charges at him, only to get tossed over the ropes again!



"United Divided" by Voodoo Johnson starts to play to a huge mixed reaction…


Gena: Austin runs down to ringside and grabs Filth’s leg. Austin drags her from out of the ring and gets her to her feet. Austin throws her inside the ring.

Liam: Earl is clinging to the ropes again, and this time, Coby comes rushing at him, ramming his shoulder into Earl, knocking him to the apron.  He puts the boot to Earl, but Earl refuses to give in.

Gena: Austin and Filth are in the corner as Austin tries to get her over the top ropes but is looking away from her. He has a look of disgust…

Liam: It’s the smell, the smell of a true champion. A smell Austin is not used to.

Gena:  You mean that the SCW Internet Champion doesn’t know anything about championships?  The former Honor Champion?

Liam:  I’m talking about World Championship material here.  The internet is full of frauds and myths, so it’s perfect for him.  Earl is struggling to stay in this match.  He nails Coby in the stomach with a couple punches.  He then hits a Shoulderbutt and comes over the ropes, nailing an Uppercut.  He smacks the back of Coby’s head as he lifts him up from the mat.

Gena: Austin continues to try and get Filth over the ropes but Filth starts hitting him with elbows. Austin gets a foot over. Filth raises her arm up, she blows, causing the smell of her armpit to reach Austin’s nose… He backs away holding his nose.

Liam: Austin can’t stand the smell of a champion. He won’t last long in this match if that’s the case.

Gena: Earl gets Coby up for a release German Suplex but Coby manages to land on his feet. Coby runs at Austin, grabbing the back of his head and dropping him with a bulldog.


Liam: Filth gets in the ring but rolls back to the outside.


Gena: Earl and Coby tie up again in the middle of the ring.



“Futatsu no Roe” by Exist†trace starts to play to a loud pop.


Gena: Last year's winners, the Combat Champion, Merlot Ayano runs down to ringside. Merlot quickly slides in the ring as the second Mayhem Survivor does a kip up to get to his feet!!!

Liam: The Combat Champion and SCW Internet Champion are having a stare down… Even I have to admit, this is worth watching.

Gena: Earl and Coby look at Austin and Merlot. Merlot backs away and goes through the ropes to stand on the apron…

Liam: Is she leaving this match? Is Merlot quitting? Merlot is a quitter!

Gena: Merlot gets off the apron onto the floor… Merlot runs around the other side… Filth sees this and slides in the ring. Earl grabs Filth and sends her to the corner.

Liam: Merlot slides back into the ring and starts hitting Filth with quick stiff kicks. Coby and Austin tie up as Earl looks on.

Gena: Austin sends Coby to the corner. Austin turns around and grabs Earl but Earl sees it coming as he lifts Austin and drops him with a Fallaway Slam.

Liam: Merlot jumps and nails a Roundhouse Kick to Filth that sends her over the top ropes.

Gena: Filth hits the apron, then drops to the floor! Merlot runs over to the other corner to go after Coby Quik…

Liam: Wait! Filth is still in this match. Her feet hold on to the apron as she lands on her hands. Filth pushes her arm up from the ground and tries to grab the apron but fails. Filth tries a second time and grabs the bottom ropes.

Gena: She holds on for dear life as she tries to get a better position to get back in the ring. Earl sees this and runs to Filth but she manages to roll inside the ring.



“Lollirot” by Jack Off Jill starts to play as the crowd give Kittie a mixed reaction.


Liam: Kittie wasted no time running down the rampway as she already slides into the ring. Kittie goes right after Earl Lockyer as she pulls him away from Angel of Filth.

Gena: Coby and Merlot trade stiff kicks to the thighs. Kittie gets a Head Lock on Earl. Filth gets to her feet, Austin looks at Filth and shakes his head. Her bad odor is not what Austin expected to face. It’s like a two on one when facing Filth and her partner BO!!!

Liam: The smell of a champion.

Gena: In Halo’s tone of voice… Ya’ll nasty!

Liam: Merlot stops kicking Coby as he stops as well. She turns to Merlot and charges at her nailing a Missile Dropkick. Austin turns to Coby as Coby walks over to the Internet champion.

Gena: The two lock up, Coby however quickly turns the grapple into an armlock. Coby goes to bend the wrist, but Austin counters with a hard clothesline!

Liam: Earl grabs Kittie as she keeps the headlock locked in. Earl gets her off her feet and drops her with a backdrop! Filth drops Merlot with a kick to the gut.

Gena: It’s not like Merlot to fall after a kick but she just had a three round boxing match.

Liam: Filth picks Merlot up… Merlot grabs Filth’s arm and turns her body over and jumps across, dropping Filth to the mat as Merlot gets her back on the mat, locking an armbar on Filth.

Gena: Coby gets up as Austin and Earl nail Kittie with a double suplex. Coby grabs Austin from behind and drops Austin with a Neckbreaker. Earl does a leg drop on Kittie as Filth throws Merlot over the top ropes. Merlot, however, lands on the apron and quickly rolls back into the ring.




“Lost At 22” by Life of Agony’s, the crowd cheers as loud as they can as Halo comes out.

Liam: Halo runs down and slides in the ring. Filth slides out of the ring. Halo goes and checks on Merlot. Merlot lets her know she’s fine. Halo runs and spears Kittie to the mat.

Gena: Coby runs and jumps on the top ropes. Earl runs and pushes Coby off the ropes, Coby lands on his feet on the floor. Coby gets Eliminated!

Eliminated Coby Quik (By Earl Lockyer, 10 mins 18 seconds)

Liam: Lasted over 10 minutes, not bad for his first Mayhem Survival. Maybe we can ask him once more to join us. Maybe this time he’ll make the right choice.

Gena: Earl goes to lock up with Halo, Merlot goes over but Kittie grabs Merlot from behind… No Merlot drops down and gets her feet in the air to nail Kittie with a Pele Kick!

Liam: Earl gets Halo up in the air for a powerbomb but Halo counters it into a Facebuster!

Gena: Merlot jumps and lands on the chest of Kittie with a double stomp. Halo and Merlot back into each other, the two turn around and tie up in the middle of the ring.

Liam: Kittie gets up and hits a dropkick to the back of Merlot that sends Merlot and Halo to the mat. Earl sits up but eats a running knee to the face from Kittie.

Gena: Kittie grabs Halo’s foot and drags her to the other side of the ring. Kittie grabs Halo by her hair and gets her to her feet. Kittie goes to grab her to tie up but Halo nails a quick uppercut that drops Kittie on her ass.


Liam: Kittie gets nails with a kick to her back from Halo.




韻踏合組合 - "一網打尽 (REMIX) feat. NORIKIYO, SHINGO★西成, 漢 starts to play as the crowd boos.

Liam: More GRIME! Omasa is the reason GRIME is in the match and will be winning it. Omasa slides in the ring. Earl gets to his feet, Merlot gets to her feet as well. Kittie and Halo get to their feet.

Gena: Everyone stares at Omasa and Merlot. Merlot walks to the middle of the ring as everyone goes to nearby corners. Omasa walks up to Merlot.

Liam: Merlot hits Omasa with a low stiff kick. Omasa kicks Merlot in the gut. Merlot drops to the mat. Omasa goes to kick Merlot in the gut again but Merlot covers up.

Gena: Earl takes a step towards Omasa, Omasa charges at Earl and jumps, hitting him with a jump kick. Earl hits the turnbuckle, Omasa hits a superkick that sends Earl over the top ropes and lands standing on the apron.

Liam: Halo runs as Omasa, Halo jumps going for a flying headbutt. Omasa moves out the way, Halo hits Earl in the chest. Earl falls off the apron onto the floor.

Eliminated Earl Lockyer (By Halo Annis 10 mins 13 seconds)

Gena: Omasa turns around and gets nailed with a discus clothesline from Austin! Austin grabs Omasa's head to get her up but Omasa counters with a kick to his jaw.

Liam: Omasa does a kip up right into the arms of Austin as he lifts her up and drops her with a belly-to-belly suplex…! Austin is asking for trouble just watch when Omasa gets back up.

Gena: Merlot gets to her feet, She goes over to Omasa and grabs her head to get her up but Omasa kicks Merlot in the jaw. Omasa does a kip up to her feet but Halo times out a leaping clothesline and drops Omasa back to the mat.




AHS: Freakshow by James S. Levine starts playing to a shower of boos.

Liam: Jake slides in the ring and straight for Austin. Merlot jumps and lands on Omasa with a double stomp. Halo gets Omasa to her feet. Halo sends Omasa to the ropes, Omasa stops herself by holding on to the ropes.

Gena: Merlot runs at Omasa with a clothesline, Omasa bends down and lifts Merlot over her shoulder as she tosses MErlot over the top ropes. Omasa grabs Merlot as she lands on the apron and drops down causing Merlot’s neck to hit the top ropes.

Liam: Merlot falls off the apron and lands on the floor!  

Eliminated Merlot Ayano (By Omasa Tazu, 8 mins 21 seconds)

Gena: Merlot was a huge elimination. Omasa runs at Austin, Austin gets a leg up for a big boot. Omasa falls to the mat, Halo and is seen trying to get Kittie over the top ropes.

Liam: Jake goes over to help Kittie as he grabs Halo from the back of the head and drops her with an inverted ddt.

Gena: Austin runs and grabs Jake from behind and drops him with a side slam.

Liam: Jake was number 25, just five more to enter. Big names still to come. This is anyones to win.

Gena: Kittie sends Halo to the ropes, Omasa drops down and takes the top rope with her. Halo goes over the ropes and lands on the apron.

Liam: Omasa nails Halo with a headbutt to Eliminate her.

Eliminated Halo Annis (By Omasa Tazu 5 mins 46 seconds.)

Liam: Austin grabs Kittle and sends her to the ropes, Omasa grabs Kittie and tissues her over the ropes onto the floor!

Eliminated Kittie (By Omasa Tazu 6 mins 49 seconds.)

Liam: Omasa doesn’t care what brand you’re in. No one is safe with her in the ring. She looks on while watching Jack and Austin in the croner as they two try to throw the other over.




“Menage et Trois” by Paloma Ford starts to play…

Gena: The crowd starts cheering like crazy for the new Underground Champion Dahlia Rotten.

Liam: Dahlia runs down to ringside and around to the other side. She jumps on Angel OF Filth nailing a running body splash. Omasa slides out of the ring and runs after Dahlia.

Gena: Jack gets hit with a running bulldog by Austin. Omasa kicks Dahlia, Dahlia gets off of Filth. Dahlia pushes Omasa, she goes flying to the barricade.

Liam: Dahlia grabs Filth and throws her back inside the ring. Dahlia gets in the ring. Austin drops Filth with a dropkick. Jake gets to his feet, Austin grabs him and throws him over the top ropes.

Gena: Jack lands on the apron, he walks on the top turnbuckle to stand on top. Austin turns around, Jake jumps off nailing Austin with a double axe handle.

Liam: Jake grabs Dahlia but Dahlia nails Jake with a headbutt then grabs him to throw him over the top ropes. He lands on the floor!

Eliminated Jake Jeckel (By Dahlia Rotten 3 mins 10 seconds.)

Gena: Austin looks at Dahlia, the two champions lock up in the middle of the ring. Filth slides out of the ring onto the floor, she crawls under the ring.

Liam: Omasa slides in the ring and goes for a cheap shot as she chop blocks Dahlia in the back of the knee to knock her down. Austin turns to grab Omasa but Omasa backs away then takes a step hitting Austin with a front kick to his chest.




“Spirit in the Sky” by Norman Greenbaum starts playing.

Gena: Mother Mavis comes out to boos from the crowd. Mavis runs to the ring, Austin grabs her head and throws her out of the ring into the floor!

Eliminated Mother Mavis (by Austin James Mercer, 4 seconds)

Liam: Dahlia runs over to Austin and throws him over the ropes. Austin lands on the apron but Dahlia nails Austin with a headbutt that knocks him off the apron onto the floor.

Eliminated Austin James Mercer (By Dahlia Dotten, 14 mins 14 seconds)

Gena: Omasa and Dahlia tie up in the middle of the ring. Dahlia tries to headbutt Omasa but Omasa leans her head back to avoid it and counters with a stiff kick to the inner thigh.

Liam: Dahlia takes a step back, Omasa runs and jumps hitting Dahlia with a jump kick. Dahlia stumbles back a bit. Omasa charges at Dahlia and nails a dropkick that sends Dahlia to the mat.

Gena: Omasa runs to the corner and jumps on the top turnbuckle. Omasa jumps off going for a moonsault. Dahlia rolls out of the way, Omasa hits the mat hard.

Liam: Dahlia sits up as Omasa rolls around the mat holding her chest. Dahlia looks at Omasa then crawls over to the corner. Dahlia leans on the turnbuckle as Omasa starts to crawl to the opposite side of the ring.

Gena: Both women start to get to their feet. Omasa charges at Dahlia, Dahlia takes a step and bends down to grab Omasa and lift her over her shoulder.

Liam: Dahlia jumps and leans to the side and she throws Omasa off her shoulder with a death valley driver!

Gena: Dahlia now drops on Omasa with an elbow drop.




“Animal I Have Become” by Three Days Grace starts to play to a shower of boos.

Liam: Sam comes in at 28, he has to be the favorite to win this match. Sam takes his time heading to the ring. Dahlia looks on waving for him to hurry up.

Gena: Sam ignores Dahlia as he continues to walk slowly towards the ring. Dahlia paces the ring as she waits for Sam to get to the ring. Omasa does a kip up to get to her feet.

Liam: Omasa kicks Dahlia in the back of her knee. Dahlia drops to one knee. Omasa runs for a running knee and Dahlia punches Omasa Knee away as a counter!

Gena: Sam gets to ringside and slides in the ring. Dahlia gets up, and gets in his face, Sam hits a European uppercut which drops Dahlia to the mat. Omasa does a kip up, Sam gets his hand out and grabs the throat of Omasa. Sam lifts Omasa up for a chokeslam but Omasa counters with a kick to Sam’s throat.

Liam: Sam drops to his knees as he holds his throat. Omasa hits Sam with a spinning elbow to the side of his head. Sam goes down to the mat.

Gena: Dahlia sits up but goes back down to the mat as Omasa nails a missile dropkick to Dahlia’s face!

Liam: Sam sits up, Omasa goes for another spinning elbow but Sam grabs her arm and holds on to it as he gets to his feet. Sam lifts Omasa up in the air by her arm and throws her across the ring.

Gena: Sam goes over and gets Omasa on her feet. Sam lifts her up for a chokeslam but again Omasa counters with a kick to the throat!

Liam: Sam goes down yet again, Sam is a monster but a man can only take so many shots to his throat.




“The Nobodies” by Marilyn Manson starts to play as the crowd pops for Tim Staggs.

Gena: Tim walks down the rampway. Sam gets up as does Dahlia. Omasa and Dahlia tie up, Tim jumps on the apron but falls to the floor by a big boot from Sam.

Liam: Tim has yet to enter so he is still in this match.

Gena: Sam rolls out of the ring, Tim sits up, Sam grabs Tim and puts him on his feet. Sam grabs Tim and sends him to the ringpost!

Liam: Dahlia has Omasa in the middle of the ring in a bearhug! Sam grabs Tim and sends him to the barricade. Omasa tries to break free from the bearhug but no one breaks free from Dahlia’s bear hug.

Gena: Sam grabs Tim and slams Tim’s head to the ringpost. Sam grabs a staggered Tim Staggs and picks him up for a chokeslam. Sam drops Tim onto the floor!

Liam: Dahlia lets go of Omasa and rolls to the outside. Dahlia heads over to Sam. Sam grabs Dahlia and lifts her up for a bodyslam. Sam drops her on top of Tim Staggs.

Gena: Sam removes Dahlia from Tim and sends her to the barricade which she smashes into shoulder and head first. Sam grabs Tim and lifts him up over his head, Sam throws Tim over the barricade and onto the second row seats.

Liam: Dahlia gets up and rolls back into the ring. Omasa stomps on Dahlia's hands. Dahlia backs away as Sam gets in the ring and stands next to Omasa.




“Going To Hell” by The Pretty Reckless starts to play as we hear a pop from the crowd.

Liam: Ruby rushes the ring and quickly gets in, Tim never entered the ring, he is not eliminated by forfeit

Eliminated Tim Staggs, by Sam McPherson no time available )

Gena: Ruby goes after Dahlia, Sam and Omasa go over to help as they trap Dahlia to a corner. Ruby grabs one of Dahlia’s legs to lift over the top ropes.

Liam: Omasa grabs the other leg. Sam gets behind Ruby and lifts her over, throwing Ruby and Dahlia onto the floor as Omasa lands back first on the apron.

Eliminated Dahlia Rotten(By Sam McPherson 8 mins 30 seconds.) Eliminated Ruby (By Sam McPherson, 30 seconds)

Gena: Well, it’s done, GRIME has won the Mayhem Survival, but it’s not over as Omasa gets to her feet and gets back in the ring. Sam turns around to see Omasa still in the ring.

Liam: Sam runs over going for a clothesline… Omasa lowers the ropes, Sam goes over, Omasa hits Sam with a baseball slide to knock him off the apron and onto the floor!!!

Eliminated Sam McPherson (By Omasa Tazu 5 mins 6 seconds)

Gena: That’s it, Omasa Tazu has done it…

Liam: No! Angel Of Filth slides in the ring from behind and runs at Omasa, grabs her and throws her over the top rope. Omasa hits the floor. This one is over!!!! Angel OF Filth has won it!!!

Eliminated Omasa Tazu (By Angel Of Filth 13 mins, 22 seconds

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn: Ladies and gentlemen… your winner and the 4th Mayhem Survivor… Angel of Filth!!!

Winner Angel of Filth 45 mins 22 seconds

Gena: I can’t believe, GRIME has won the Mayhem Survival, they now have the rights to bookings.

Liam: As it should be!

Gena: Smile now Liam, I’m sure Donna will make sure to not make it happen.

Liam: A deal is a deal. GRIME is here to stay!!!!

Gena: We'll see about that, You can leave and join GRIME in the back, sok it all in as come SCU Underground Ep 68, Donna will fix that, for now, Supernova has a Main Event coming up next, the question now is, can Tim Staggs make out to this match after what Sam did to him?

Offline Donna Beauchamp

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    • Donna Beauchamp
Supernova 3 (Results)
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2020, 10:33:10 AM »

Cut to the upper deck of the Sun Princess where we find the G.R.I.M.E. World Nightmare Champion. Burke is getting worked on by one of the massage therapists onboard the ship. Currently face down on the table, Max is getting his neck and shoulders worked on.

Max: This is what I call match prep. My challengers for tomorrow night are all in the Mayhem Survival match tonight.

Max chuckles.

Max: That my friends is a grave miscalculation on their part. Yes, I fly the flag of G.R.I.M.E. and know we will pull out the victory tonight. However, participating in the Mayhem Survival match the night before stepping in against your World Nightmare Champion... foolish.

Max sits up for a moment. He takes a swig from his water.

Max: Tell me. Exactly what kind of condition do you think the seven of you are going to be when you step into the ring at Summer XXXtreme tomorrow? I’ll tell you. Not 100%. And that will be your downfall. You see, if you want to take my championship you cannot be distracted by pocket change and a car. The seven of you are not focused on the true task at hand. Your lack of focus towards Sunday night will be your demise.

Max lays back down on his side as instructed, and she starts working on his hip area.

Max: Nothing changes at Summer XXXtreme. I do not give a rat’s ass how many of you are buddy buddy in this match. I have too many tools in my toolbelt to let this slip through my fingers. I am razor focused on the task at hand. This is my path. This is my story. I’ve said it over and over again. This time around, I’m simply on a different level. I’ve shown it night in and night out. Your nightmare is just beginning. Deal with it.


Main Event
Pride Tag Team Championship
No Time Limit
Alexis and Tim Staggs vs H.B. Carter and Ariana Angelos

The crowd begins cheering as we see SCW star Kris Ryans walk out onto the stage with former SCU Underground Champion Celeste North right behind him.  Former SCW star Connor Murphy steps onto the stage next.  He is followed by Dax Beckett, Mickey Carroll, Eyesnsane, Kaos, and Michi.  They begin walking down the ramp, while The Nobodies stay up on the stage.  Tatsu Ikeda and Winter Elemental rush down the ramp and join Over the Edge.  They are followed by Kelli Torres and Mz Holly Wood.  Krystal Wolfe rushes down next, and then Melissa Ruin and Combat Champion Merlot Ayano.  Mason and Jason Fox are led down to the ring by Martha Fox.  Jamie Staggs comes down next, followed by John Blade.  A solid circle is being formed around the ring now.  Darlyn stands in the center of the ring with a big smile on her face.  The spotlight comes on her and she raises the microphone to her lips.

Darlyn:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a No Time Limit Tag Team Match for the Pride Tag Team Championships! On their way to the ring, the team of... Tim and Alexis Staaaaaaaaaaggs!!!

The lights in the arena go out as the beat to "The Nobodies" by Marilyn Manson plays over the speakers. As the electric organ picks up, a red light flashes across the screen as random faces begin to show on the screen. Then, a man in a white Bad Boys hooded jacket, and a black mask, steps out onto the stage, pausing as he looks down at the ground. As the music picks up, the figure pulls his hood back, yanking his mask off to reveal Tim Staggs.  The figure next to him in a black hoodie pulls her mask off to reveal Alexis Staggs.  They walk down to the ring, giving high fives to the fans along the way. Tim jumps onto the ring apron, focused as he steps through the ropes, while Alexis slides in under the ropes.. He paces back and forth, and the lights turn up some as he looks up. He then removes his jacket and tears away his black pants to reveal his wrestling outfit.  Alexis sheds her jacket and tosses it next to Tim’s on the outside. Tim jogs backward and rests in one of the far corners, sinking down to a seated position as he contemplates, Alexis standing over him.

“I Know What Boys Like” by The Waitresses begins to play and Carter steps through the curtains, holding an ankle length, sleeveless black robe closed in front of him. he then whips it open, revealing his ring attire of a printed belly t, booty shorts and thigh high boots. He holds one hand behind his head while running the other hand down his body while grinding his hips to the music.

Darlyn: From Seattle, Washington, weighing 176 pounds, he is the "Hardcore Bottom" -- Helluva Bottom Carter!

Carter drops the robe to the stage and runs toward the ring, slapping hands offered out to him all around the ringside area. He then hops up onto the ring apron in a split and slides beneath the bottom rope. He crawls seductively on all fours until he arrives in his corner. He pulls himself up and then lays across the top corner, awaiting the start of the match.

The intro to “Fortune Favours the Bold” hits the speakers and once the vocals hit Ariana comes out to a modest reception, the young wrestler claps hand with the fans at ringside as she makes her way down to the ring.

Darlyn: Introducing, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania “The Greek Angel” Ariana Angelos!

Ariana rolls into the ring and poses for the crowd before waiting for the match to start.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:  What a tough act to follow with the Mayhem Survival, but with half the SCU roster down at ringside and on the stage, guarding against GRIME, who just won rights to be booked on SCU shows, this is a great start.

Chad: The match starts off with Ariana and Alexis. Alexis and Ariana lock up in the center of the ring. Ariana hits a Chick Kick that causes Alexis to stumble a bit. Ariana goes for another Chick Kick, but Alexis grabs her foot and nails a Dragon Screw.

Gena: Alexis hits an Elbow Drop on Ariana while she is down. Alexis gets up and goes for another Elbow Drop, Ariana rolls out of the way!

Chad: Both ladies get up. Alexis goes for a right hook, Ariana grabs Alexis’s punch then hits a martial arts kick right to Alexis’s armpit!

Gena: Alexis grabs her armpit trying to rub the sting out. Ariana comes in, Alexis tries to punch but can't! Ariana kicks Alexis in the chest knocking her to the mat!

Gena: Alexis gets right back up and slaps her chest, taunting Ariana.  She then hits a Yakuza kick, putting Ariana on the ground. Alexis goes to her corner to tag in Tim!

Chad: Ariana tags in Carter. He gets in the ring, Tim waves him over. Tim runs and Spears him. Tim tackles Carter but holds him as he rams him to his corner! !!

Gena: Carter kicks Tim’s knee, Ariana pushes Tim out of their corner. Carter jumps on the turnbuckle. Carter hits a side kick to the face of Tim!

Chad: Tim goes down hard.  Carter gives him a couple of kicks. Carter jumps off the ropes and hits a double foot stomp to his chest!

Gena: Carter picks Tim up. Carter puts him back in his team's corner. Carter Irish Whips Tim to his corner as Carter tags Ariana back in. Tim hits the turnbuckle as Alexis tags herself in!

Chad: Ariana runs at Alexis who ducks a Clothesline attempt then plants Ariana on the mat with a German Suplex!

Gena: Alexis goes for the cover.


Chad: Helluva Bottom Carter makes the save as he drags Alexis by the heel off of Ariana! The ref yells at Carter as Alexis nails a Superwoman Punch to Ariana, putting her down.

Gena: Alexis goes for another cover…

Chad: Ariana kicks out before the one count… Ariana gets up and starts nailing punches to Alexis, left and right!

Gena: Carter is on the apron laughing it up as Ariana goes ham on Alexis with lefts and rights, Alexis goes down. Alexis blocks one punch and nails a Headbutt between the eyes of Ariana. The stars on the outside of the ring go crazy for the ladies in the ring.

Chad: Ariana goes down, and Alexis goes for another cover, but Carter gets in the ring.  This time, Tim rushes over and tackles him to the outside of the ring.  The two brawl it out as Alexis gets the cover.


Gena:  Alexis slaps the mat and pulls Ariana up to her feet.  She sets Ariana up for the Put On Notice (Kudo Driver), but Ariana moves out of it.  She spins Alexis around and does a Superkick, putting Alexis in the corner, where she hits a running dropkick!

Chad:  As Alexis falls to the mat, Ariana ascends the turnbuckle.  She sizes Alexis up and leaps off for the Angel’s Descent (Corkscrew Shooting Star Press)!

Gena:  But Tim pulls Alexis out of the way, causing Ariana to collide with the mat, arching her back in pain!  Tim gets to his corner and Alexis crawls over to tag him, taking a hot minute to do so.

Chad:  Once she makes the tag, Carter leans down and tags himself in, jumping over the top rope.  He and Tim meet in the middle of the ring, and Carter ducks a Big Boot attempt, sliding on his knees, he scoops Tim up for a Powerbomb, followed by the Fruit Basket pin!


Gena:  Carter slaps the mat, but gets right back to it.  He picks Tim up, but Tim shoves him Carter lands on the ropes, and Tim goes for another Big Boot, but Carter ducks, just as the referee is checking on Ariana, and Tim’s boot hits Alexis!

Chad:  Carter capitalizes on the surprise and rolls Tim up from behind!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn:  Here are your winners and STILL Pride Tag Team Champions… Ariana Angelos and Helluva Bottom Carter… Team GO!!!

The crowd cheers as Tim immediately rushes to the outside of the ring to check on Alexis.  As members of the roster also go over to check on Alexis, the lights dim down.  “Problem” by Natalia Kills plays on the speakers.  When the lights come back on, we see Sister Esther and Andrey Azarov standing at the timekeepers table, holding the Pride Tag Team Championship belts.  They put them over their shoulders, admiring each other’s belt and laughing.  Carter and Ariana slide outside of the ring to confront them, but they are both put down as Andrey and Esther clock them over the head with the belts.  Instead of taking the belts, they leave them with their owners and rush away as the majority of the SCU roster gives chase to them.  Once they are back far enough, and members of GRIME’s roster filter out to even the odds, Andrey takes a microphone.

Andrey:  GRIME win rights before this piss break match at the end of card.  Now GRIME can be booked on Underground, so what’s this mean for your titles?

Esther:  Look here you little… I don’t give a shit about anything at ringside but those Pride Tag Team Championships.  Come hell or high water, the Azarovs are coming for your fucking belts, and as daddy’s little girl, I’m used to getting what I want.  So polish them bitches up for us, because gold is the only thing I don’t like dirty.

Andrey:  Please do Azarovs favor, SCU.  When Bottom Carter and Greek Angel wake up, pass along message yes? Thank you.

Andrey winks and points as the tension builds between GRIME and SCU.  He leans down and kisses Esther tenderly as we go off the air.