Author Topic: Supernova/Summer XXXTreme 2020 Open CD  (Read 27704 times)

Offline Donna Beauchamp

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    • Donna Beauchamp
Supernova/Summer XXXTreme 2020 Open CD
« on: July 26, 2020, 08:10:15 PM »

One hour before SCW and SCU are allowed to board the ship. On the ship already is SCW GM Brooke Saxon, SCU Spokeswomen Donna Beauchamp, GRIME GM Tad Ezra, SCU Head Security Gianni De Luca, SCW Security and Hotel security as the hotel security explain to them how they plan on keeping in eye on things and where SCW and SCU security come in to play.

Also already on board as the Hotel staff as they take the role of the boat staff. Housekeepers now Bedroom Stewards. The Chefs getting a feel for there new temporary kitchen. The hotel front desk staff now taking roles as the Deck crew/ Host and Hostesses. The Bar Staff getting familiar with the ships bar set up.

Those also attending the ship not working for SCW or SCU/GRIME will be the Sun Princess Engineering Department Crew, the cruise ship lifeguards and Supernova's secret host the band American Murder Log. The band will also handle the DJ booth for parties and live Entertainment as every night they will host a one hour mini concert.

Below is the room set. Rules on how many can sleep in each cabin, this rule will be unforced.

The deck crew have assigned everyone staying in the ship a cabin.

Balcony Suite (sleeps 3) Only six on ship. Each one has its own private balcony.Given to SCW Owner Mark Ward, Christian Underwood. GRIME Owner Erik Staggs, Saxon Hotel G.M. Saxon Hotel Head Chef, and the Sun Princess Chief Engineer.


Mini Suite (sleeps 3) 32 on the ship. Each cabin has its own balcony. Given to all 21 champions from SCW, SCU and GRIME, all five members of AML, G.M. Brooke Saxon, SCU Head Security Gianni De Luca. The Last four are given to the hotel's higher management staff.  


Balcony Cabin (sleeps 4) 392 of them on the ship. Each one has its own balcony. Given to all the wrestlers from all three brands, all hotel staff and all SCU/GRIME and SCW personal.

Oceanview Cabin (sleeps 3) 192 cabins. These cabins have been assigned to all family members attending the show.

Interior Cabin (sleeps 4) 396 cabins. These cabins are not being used on the ship and have been labeled as out of order, this allows everyone to stay spread out on the ship.

A few key notes.
Every week night, the bar is 24/7. 4am on Friday for SCW and 1am for all SCU and GRIME. 1am Saturday for SCW and 3am for everyone else. Sunday night once Summer XXXTreme is over, open bar the rest of the night.

The pool will be closed every night at 4am to allow the pool team to clean and run tests. Each pool will take about 30 minutes to clean. All pools will reopen at 7am.

Fitness Center is 24 hours with a 24 hour cleaning crew on hand.


Breakfast is served from 6 am to 9am.

Vegan Brunch from 9:30 am till 3:00 pm.
Non vegan brunch from 11:00 am till 3:00 pm

Dinner times... All vegan meals will be made first and ready to serve by 5pm. All meat meals will be ready to serve at 6:30 pm and those wanting fish. All fish meals will be served at 8 pm.

(Vegan meals will be available during meat and fish serving as well.)

With the plans laid out they head to their rooms as they are now stuck on the boat till the event is over. Brooke and Donna set up signing and meet and greet time for the hotel staff to meet their favorite wrestlers. They'll also figure out a few events they can set up to give everyone something to do during this week.

Boarding is now open, once on board you are asked to stay on board, if you have a match elsewhere before Supernova or Summer XXXTreme if you can, please do that then board the ship.

« Last Edit: July 26, 2020, 08:15:22 PM by Donna Beauchamp »

Offline AngelOfFilth

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    • Angel of Filth
Supernova/Summer XXXTreme 2020 Open CD
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2020, 08:41:41 PM »
 Inside of the bowels of the boat, we hear footsteps approaching.  The footsteps stop halfway through and we hear a small boom as Angel of Filth drops her bags down.  She walks over to a set of pipes, and she throws out a blanket.  She takes a deep breath and sighs, smiling.

Filth:  This really is a luxury.  It's disgusting, filthy, and smells like stagnant ocean water.  This is where I want to be.

Filth takes her room key and throws it into the nearby steam trap.  She walks around, admiring the innards of the ship.  The roar of the steam can be heard from within as she turns around hotel cleaning staff comes through with a broom, pushing a pile of dust across the floor.  Filth drops on top of it.

Filth:  Your services are no longer needed down here. I'll get it from here.

The staff looks around, raising an eyebrow.  He then squints through the dim light and sees who he is talking to.  He then shrugs his shoulders and walks of to other tasks.  Filth stands up, not bothering to dust herself off as she walks around to collect the dust from every corner she can find.

Filth:  This beautiful ship is full of things for everyone to do. A pool, which you will not find me near.  Same can be said for the beautiful showers.  Shuffleboard on deck, a club to get your fruity little drinks from, listen to your contemporary dance nonsense, a casino, several restaurants that are well above my budget... Comedy shows... anything your heart desires, really.  Unless you're me.  If you are not sheep who just follow the rest of the flock.

Filth drops the broom to the floor and sits down in the big pile she has collected.

Filth:  If you're a filthy heathen who wants to enjoy the darker side, participate in fight clubs, get blackout drunk, hide your precious identity under a mask and come join the debauchery.  You can still get up and visit the chapel the next day to repent for your sins after having the most fun you will ever have in your life.  To participate, feel free to contact any member of G.R.I.M.E. for the details of this otherwise hush-hush week long clusterfuck.

Filth picks a handful of dirt up and lets it fall over herself with a smile on her face.

Filth:  Who knows?  Maybe you will like the anonymity of being under a mask.  Recruitment is an option, lovelies.  Come live life on the dark side.

Filth shrugs and lays back, making a dirt angel before rolling over onto her stomach, doing a sexy pose, despite being covered in dirt.  She winks at the camera.

Offline Winter

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Supernova/Summer XXXTreme 2020 Open CD
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2020, 09:31:15 PM »
 The Kawaii Dragons have settled into their rooms. Tatsu is seen in her room unpacking two huge suitcases. She opens them both up to reveal about a dozen different type of water guns.

In Winter's room she is seen with her girlfriend Rachel. Rachel opens up a suitcase to start unpacking. Winter looks at Rachel with a smile as she opens up two huge suitcases that also have over a dozen different types of water gun.

Rachel: Let me guess, I'm unpacking both our stuff so you can fill those up eh.

Winter:- You're the best, I shall start filling them up right now.

We go back to Tatsu's room as she is seen filling up her water guns as she mumbles to herself.

Tatsu: Anyone not wearing a face mask gets shot in face. He-he... Bitches!

In Winter's room, Rachel is in the background putting away some clothes as Winter fills up a 2 gallon backpack water tank.

Offline Jessie Salco

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    • Jessie Salco
Supernova/Summer XXXTreme 2020 Open CD
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2020, 07:47:53 AM »
 We cut to the room of Krystal Wolfe on the ship as we see the SCU Bombshell setting up her laptop on her desk, the Australian Bombshell has also set up her streaming equipment so that she can still operate her YouTube and Twitch channels from the ship.

Krystal: It's almost like I never left the hotel.

Krys chuckles to herself before signing into her laptop.

Krystal: Okay, everything's working fine, hopefully it'll stay that way throughout the week.

Krystal adds before there is a knock at her door, she stands up and answers the door to find.........

Offline Donna Beauchamp

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    • Donna Beauchamp
Supernova/Summer XXXTreme 2020 Open CD
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2020, 02:10:11 AM »

Krystal adds before there is a knock at her door, she stands up and answers the door to find.........

Scene cuts over to outside the cabin door of Krystal Wolfe. Donna had gave a quick double tap the door to see if she was in her room. Luckily for Donna she was as Krystal had opened the door.

Krystal sees Donna is all business as she holds a clipboard in one hand looking at her cell phone that she holds in the other.  

Offline Celeste

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    • Celeste North
Supernova/Summer XXXTreme 2020 Open CD
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2020, 03:32:57 AM »
 SCU Underground Champion Celeste was all settled in in her cabin. She had had down to the level below to visit her Le Coven partner Jenifer Lacroix. She wanted to hang out for a bit before Jenifer would disappear to hang out with her cousins, AML band members Linnéa Lacroix and Alissa Lacroix. Celeste walks in on Jenifer doing some yoga.

Celeste: You been here 10 minutes and you're already working out.

Celeste shakes her head.

Celeste: Relax a bit, enjoy the week, you're off. Use this as a vacation, one you get with your family.

Jenifer nods looks at Celeste with a smile as she keeps doing her leg stretches.

Celeste: Orchid sent out another letter to get GRIME to stop using her likeness and added my name as well. She sent it to WGN this time.

Jenifer looks at Celeste as she switches from stretching one leg for the other.

Celeste: WGN was not happy, they have the money to go to court but I don't think they want to piss off the Chinese market so they could end up telling GRIME to stop using those colors.

Jenifer isn't bothered by such news and keeps doing her yoga.

Celeste: Okay, screw it, move over, I'll join you.
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Offline Winter

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Supernova/Summer XXXTreme 2020 Open CD
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2020, 03:58:52 AM »
Winter is seen wearing a two gallon water tan on her back with the gun on the side of it. It looks like the Ghostbusters backpack. She also is seen wearing a M16 strapped around her shoulders with many extra water clips to fit the gun on herself around her waist. She pushes a 4 wheel cart filled with about 200 water balloons. Winter stops in front a cabin, she knocks at the door of whom she thinks is the room for Coby Quik.

Winter: Hey, Coby, if you in there, open up.

Meanwhile across the cruise ship we see Tatsu pushing a 4 wheel cart holding dozen and dozen of water guns and bottles of water as refill ammo. Tatsu stops in front of a cabin door of who she thinks belongs to Alex Rush.

Tatsu: Come play water fight with us Alex-san

Tatsu yells then bangs on the door like she don't have any sense as she is just excited to gather people together for a little fun.

Offline Devin Lockyer

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    • Stewart mason
Supernova/Summer XXXTreme 2020 Open CD
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2020, 05:07:41 AM »
 Earl, Sarah, and Dahlia have settled into their cabin, Sarah pours three glasses of wine and they step out on their private deck.

Dahlia: This ship is incredible, and so is this cabin, it will be great to wind down a bit, before and after we wrestle.

Earl: This can be our second honeymoon.

Dahlia: Yeah.

Sarah: Should I check in on Stewart, Gail, and Gemma or just leave it for now.

Earl: Leave it, for now, le'ts enjoy the setting.

they clank glasses.

Sarah: To us.
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Offline Omasa

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Supernova/Summer XXXTreme 2020 Open CD
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2020, 12:34:58 AM »

We go to one of the pool areas on the ship. Many people are seen in the background. Some are walking by while others are in small bunches, drinking or just chatting, enjoying the sunshine. Closer to the poolside laying on the long chairs is Hitamashii and Omasa Tazu. The two have a talk in Japanese about the Mayhem Survival.

Hitamashii: Winning this survival match offers a lot, a ring, cash, a car, past winners done well for themselves. But for us to win and get booked more is a step in the right direction.

Omasa:  Max Burke…

Hitamashii: I’m ready for him and Yellow, Jack, Jake, Sam, Gold and Javi. This weekend is a big one.

Omasa:  Omasa, Mayhem Survivor.

Hitamashii: I can see you winning it but that means you have to take me out to do it. Good luck with that.

Omasa:  Omasa Mayhem Survivor, no problem.

Hitamashii: No matter what, GRIME is winning, you, Javi, Filth, Sam, Ruby, Kittie, the list goes on. I will toss you all out.

Omasa just smirks at him which has him follow that with.

Hitamashii: You can think it’s funny all you want. Everyone will see.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2020, 01:14:25 AM by Omasa »

Offline Devin Lockyer

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    • Stewart mason
Supernova/Summer XXXTreme 2020 Open CD
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2020, 04:32:08 AM »
 Inside their cabin, Gail is unpacking her first suitcase, which contains only bikinis, suntan lotion, sunglasses, and several pairs of stiletto heels, Gail packs them carefully in the closet. She reaches down into the suitcase and pulls out a taser, and a pair of handcuffs, causing Gemma to smirk.

Gemma: I know you're both into some kinky shit, both I'm not going to ask what you're going to use that taser for.

The last thing Gail pulls from the suitcase is a file that catches Stewart's attention.

Stewart: really you brought that.

Gail: Yeah, the last intel, I received was that she had boarded this ship as a member of the crew, she been on the run for eight months, and the judge in San Diego, tripled the reward so it now a mil and a half.

Stewart: Yeah, so we need to be on the outlook, she shouldn't be too hard to find considering her rather ample assets.

Gail rolls her eyes.

Gail: Of course that's what you would think off.

A knock came on the door.

Gemma: I wonder who that could be.

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Offline Winter

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Supernova/Summer XXXTreme 2020 Open CD
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2020, 03:22:23 PM »
 Winter realizes Coby Quik doesn’t want to be bothered so she instead starts walking towards Donna Beauchamp as she stands in front of someone's door. Winter gets out her walkie talkie to talk to Tatsu.

Winter: Coby wasn’t there. I see Donna talking to someone, I’m gonna bug her and see if I can find anyone.

Tatsu: Alex no open door either, I stay up here and see if Stewart wants to play, I see him go to room with Gail, I knock now before they get busy with humpy humpy time.

Winter: Em… Okay. Give me one second.

Winter stops in front of Donna and sees Krystal inside the cabin.

Winter: This little rookie clearly doesn’t want to talk to her boss, just look at that stupid look on her face. Come with me.

Winter says while taking the M16 off herself and placing the strap over Donna shoulder to carry the water gun instead.

Offline Donna Beauchamp

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    • Donna Beauchamp
Supernova/Summer XXXTreme 2020 Open CD
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2020, 03:25:29 PM »
 Donna: No one asked you Winter, I’m trying to offer her a match at Supernova.

Winter: Well she clearly doesn’t want it or she would have engaged with you, now I’m off and you know I’d take it.

Winter says as she drags Donna away from Krystal’s door so the two can take a walk.

Donna: Well, it’s a tag team match and your partner is defending your hardcore titles.

Winter: Krystal isn’t a tag team wrestler so she has no partner.

Donna: Correct, I was going to see if Jenifer Lacroix would team with her since she too has no match.

Winter: Jenifer would rather team with me then her. Krystal would rather team with the ones from the same gym then to expand and work with other wrestlers in the company. She only dealt with Coby because you threw them together at random… Speaking of which, why didn’t you just book this match to begin with?

Donna: It’s a replacement match. Legal matters has me one match short at GRIME expensive, Queen of Apathy and Sister Esther need new opponents.

Winter: And the two you thought of was Jenifer and Krystal?

Donna: You want the match. It’s ours, just sign here and I’ll go ask Jenifer if she wants to be in the match.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2020, 03:26:05 PM by Donna Beauchamp »

Offline Winter

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Supernova/Summer XXXTreme 2020 Open CD
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2020, 03:37:29 PM »
 Winter takes the pen off the clipboard and signs at the bottom of the page,

Donna: I’m off to see Jenifer.

Winter: Down for a water fight later?

Donna: No… on second thought, why not, sure.

Winter: Great, hold on to the M16, Tatsu or I will find you later.

Donna goes to find Jenifer’s room as Winter stops in front of a cabin door. Tatsu calls her in the walkie talkie.

Tatsu: Winter-san, Dax, Mickey and Gianni said yes, I saw them in hallway and asked, going to as Stewart now.

Winter: Cool, I’m about to knock on someone’s door.

Tatsu: Who?

Winter: I don’t know, I’ll find out when they open the door. Oh and I have a match at Supernova.

Tatsu: Huh, how?

Winter: I’ll explain later.

Winter knocks on the door of someone’s cabin as Tatsu knocks on the cabin door of Stewart’s room.

Offline Devin Lockyer

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    • Stewart mason
Supernova/Summer XXXTreme 2020 Open CD
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2020, 12:07:12 AM »
 a shirtless Stewart to door to see Tatu standing with a water gun.

Stewart: Hey Tatsu, what ya doing with that gun?

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