Author Topic: Denise Title Opportunity  (Read 479 times)

Offline Lincoln Daniels

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Denise Title Opportunity
« on: March 11, 2020, 04:26:52 PM »

Eight hours after Climax Control went off the air, Denise Andrews was lying on the bed in her one bedroom hotel room. She was still a little sore after the battle with Bea Barnhart. She is just waking up when her best friend Ella Singleton comes walking into the room from the joining room. "Hey Denise," she squalks as Denise is rubbing her eyes with both of her palms. "What the hell Ella?" she questions. Ella walks over to the mini fridge, opens it and pulls out a bottle of water. She untwists the lid and hands it over to Denise while pouring out two small aspirin pills. She hands them over as well. Denise takes the water and the pills. She puts both of them in her mouth before washing them down with the water. "Did you hear the news?" asks Ella as Denise places the water down on the end table.

"What news?" asks Denise as Ella picks up Denise's phone and pulls up the Sin City Wrestling website. "Look at this," she suggests as she hands the phone back over. Denise takes it in her hands and glances down at the new match card that was posted. Her eyes widen as her mouth begins to salivate. "Is this legit?" questions Denise. Ella nods her head as Denise's phone lights up. Her ex-girlfriend Kelley appears on her screeen as she looks away from Ella. Ella looks confused as Denise slides the green bar over to answer the call.

"Hello," she whispers into the receiver as Ella lays back on the bed. "Hey Deni," Kelley says in response. Ella is trying very hard not to easedrop as she picks up the television remote and turns on the 45 inch television sitting on the three tier dresser sitting in front of the bed. "What's up?" Denise asks in a hushed tone. "I just wanted to call," answers Kelley. "I'm surprised you even answered," Kelley adds as Denise looks over at Ella. Ella is trying hard not to look back as Denise is placing her hand on the wall. "I'm surprised myself after what you did," replies Denise. A soft knock wraps on the door as Ella slips up to her feet and quietly opens the door. Carter King and Travis Nathaniel Andrews enter the room as Denise looks over at the two men who just walked in.

"I would love to see you Denise," suggets Kelley as Denise sighs. "I'll think about it," she says before hanging up the phone. Denise lets out another sigh as her father glances over towards her direction. "Why isn't she getting ready to bring home the Bombshell Roulette Championship?" asks Travis as Ella shrugs her shoulders. Denise sighs one more time before narrowing her gaze towards the mirror.

"That fucking bitch has no idea what hornet's nest she has just stirred up. If she thinks I'm just going to take her back after she nearly ruined my life then she has another thing coming. Just like that stupid hoe named Candy. I bet she doesn't even realize her belt is on the line in this second round match up. I'll admit, I was surprised that I moved on but Jake Raab actually came through with his part of this makeshift partnership. Maybe he isn't so bad once someone does something with his ugly mug. I don't think any woman would be willing to team with him unless they are blind as fruit bats," Denise says as her dad walks over towards her.

"Hey Denise, are you ready?" he asks her.

"What kind of stupid question is that dad? Of course I am ready to kick the living shit out of that sweet tooth junkie. Since her championship is on the line, I am extra motivated to show the entire SCU locker room that I am not a pushover. I will slam my fist into this Candy's mouth and crush all of her teeth in one blow. Now, I do respect your abilities Candy but that doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on you. Just look at that bitch Bea, she ran her mouth and now she's on the outside looking in. Right now, I am the true contender for the Bombshell Roulette Championship and just like my father I will take ownership of that precious belt. Now don't go looking for Austin Mercer to help you because he's going to have his hands full with Raab," adds Denise as Travis looks over at the other two. He just shrugs his shoulder while smirking.

"She's got this in the bag," says Travis confidentally.

"I know I should at least mention Austin since he showed me some respect. Austin has been a major role since coming over from Honor Wrestling. He has snatched up multiple single's championships but he has also lost the same amount of championships. I respect that he has tenasity and freakishly awesome power. However he has been defeated by my tag partner. I get it. You call it a fluke because you can't accept the fact that he was better than you on that day. What kind of excuse will you come up with when we walk out of Climax Control holding two title belts? I know for damn sure that Candy doesn't have the talent to beat me. She doesn't hold the candle to me. I am an Andrews and come Climax Control. I'm going to be GOLDEN," Denise caps off her tirade by turning away from the mirror and walking over towards the balcony.