Author Topic: Triple great opportunity  (Read 436 times)

Offline Sam Marlowe

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    • Samantha Marlowe
Triple great opportunity
« on: November 15, 2019, 11:48:41 PM »
 Act one Scene one:  
Sam Marlowe is sitting on a director’s chair, the Bombshell Roulette title resting on her waist as she has one denim covered leg swinging over the arm of the chair.  Nearby is Pussy Willow who is talking to a cameraman who is adjusting the camera on a tripod and is ignoring Pussy to focus on Sam who is reading her phone.

“Sam, are you ready for this interview?” demands Pussy with a smile as she moves to the director’s chair set up beside Sam.

Pulling her leg off the arm, Sam straightens and nods as her hand moves to hold the title belt on her waist.  “Of course I am Pussy,” she replies as the blonde sits beside her.  “So, are you ready?”

Pussy just shoots her a glare and sticks her tongue out at Sam who chuckles and winks.  Pussy turns to the cameraman who is gruffly counting down and at two goes silent before hitting record and pointing at Pussy.

“I am Pussy willow and I am here with Sam Marlowe, current Bombshell Roulette champion and who will be in action this week on Climax Control when she will face Sierra Williams and Bella Madison for a spot in the six pack challenge at the next supercard against Alicia Lukas for the Bombshell Championship.  Sam, I do have to ask,” begins Pussy who shoots a look at the camera.  “You are the current Bombshell Roulette champion as I said, so why would you be in this group of bombshells who are challenging for a spot at December 2 Dismember?”

Sam looks thoughtful for a moment then speaks up.  “I am not really sure why my name was thrown into the hat but I have to say that I was surprised too.  I mean I know that I did have a shot at Alicia and didn’t quite make it, it seems that Mark Ward and Christian Underwood think that I am deserving of this opportunity.  And I am aiming not to waste it.”

Pussy pulls the microphone towards herself again and speaks.  “You are set to challenge Sierra Williams and Bella Madison in a triple threat for the spot in the six pack challenge.  Are you ready to face these women?  I mean you have to admit that Sierra is going to be tough to beat as she was the mixed tag champion and all,” says Pussy before extending the microphone in Sam’s direction.

“Yes she was champion Pussy and a good one at that.  If you look at the record books, you will see that she was champion for a long time.  That is something that you have to take into consideration, over a hundred days as champion is a real feat for a bombshell in SCW.  I applaud her for that record,” offers Sam who smiles.  “Props for her, keeping a title that long.”

“But Sam…” begins Pussy as she turns to the camera.  “Aren’t you a multiple time champion with multiple reigns that lasted as long or longer than Sierra?”  Holding up a card, the camera can see the championship tracker for SCW.  “Does that make you more confident walking into the ring with her?”

“I have a healthy respect for Sierra,” says Sam with a serious look on her face.  “I hope that she is ready to step up to me.  Because this opportunity is mine to grab which is what I am going to do.  I have things to prove and well, I want to be able to say that I was a double champion once in my career.  I guess that is the driven ambition that I have.”

Pussy nods and continues to speak.  “Also in the match is Bella Madison who was undefeated until she stepped into the ring with you and you ended her streak.  Do you think that she will be out to get revenge for that loss?”

“I don’t think that Bella is out for revenge per se,” offers Sam as she leans forward a bit.  “I think she is looking to advance into the spot that we are all looking to win.  She would be a good addition to the six pack challenge but I have to say that she is doomed to disappointment because that spot in the match for the Bombshell championship is going to be mine!”

Pussy can’t help but smile at her friend.  “So then Sam, any last words for your opponents on Sunday?”

“Yes, I do have something to say to my opponents on Sunday,” begins Sam as she sits up straight, her smile that she offers to the camera is warm and genuine.  “I want to wish both of them luck and say that the best woman will win on Sunday and I am fixin’ for that to be me.”  

Pussy motions to the cameraman to stop filming.  Unbeknownst to the two, he continues to film as the two women climb out of the director’s chairs and stand speaking softly that is not picked up by the microphone.  The image of the two is the last thing seen before blinking out to black.

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I get it, trust me I do.

I am the current Bombshell Roulette champion and everyone keeps saying that I deserve to be going for the top title here in Sin City Wrestling.  Every opponent I have faced has said why am I holding myself back when I am skilled enough to challenge for a title I have held in the past and will hold again in the future.  They insist that I move up and onward to that title…

Then you have the six pack challenges for the World and Bombshell titles and low and behold I am named as one of the Bombshells that could get a chance at becoming one of the six in the title match for the Bombshell title and what does everyone start to do?  Talk about how I am already the Bombshell Roulette champion and how dare I be given a shot at the main Bombshell title when I already hold the second tier Bombshell title.

Telling you right now, I didn’t ask for this.  I just went out and worked my butt off to keep my skills up and win night after night.  And yes, I have suffered losses and I have lots of wins.  And really you have to ask management why my name was thrown into the hat.  But you can guarantee that I am not going to let my shot escape me.  

Most Bombshells probably think that I am not going to fight too hard because I am already a champion.  I hate to burst your bubbles but that makes me much more dangerous.  I am a champion but just think of the rarified air I will be breathing when I am a double champion…

Act one Scene two:  

“Are you crazy?” demands a voice that rises in octave as Sam is running on a treadmill.  Beside her, Roberta or Bobbie is filming her from behind a small Super 8 camera.  “You are getting into a match that you will face not one but TWO people and you expect to come out of it with a title shot?”

Not missing a step, Sam nods with a soft “yep.”

Bobbie moves around the treadmill to look at Sam.  “Girl, I hope you know what you are doing.  And if you get that shot, won’t that book you double at the December to Dismember supercard?  You are the Roulette champion of the bombshells too you know.” Says Bobbie.

That comment stops Sam as the treadmill moves her to the end.  Stepping off quickly before she falls, Sam has a strange look on her face.  “I don’t know if I will be pulling double duty…”

“You said duty!” interrupts Bobbie which makes Sam laugh along with her friend.  The two fight to breathe as they calm down and Sam begins to speak again.

“Seriously I don’t know what is going to happen, all I know is that I am going to fight my hardest to make it into the match at the supercard and to do that I have to beat Bella Madison and Sierra Williams,” says Sam with a sigh.

“Aren’t they the girlfriends of those feuding brothers?” asks Bobbie as the pair move to another weight machine and Sam sits herself down to begin to do leg presses.  “Do you think they will work together to beat you?”

“I don’t know Bobbie,” offers Sam with a soft grunt as she works the weight up and down with her feet.  “It would be the smart thing to do but then again, I don’t know if they get along or not.  Either way, I am ready for this match and I am ready to take the opportunity to be in that six pack challenge.  And it starts this Sunday at Climax Control.”

“Well you know the hubby and I will be there,” offers Bobbie.  “I bought him tickets for his birthday and he can’t wait.”

“Y’all are welcome to come out with me,” says Sam.  “I am flying out on Saturday.”

“We’re driving there and making it a mini vacation,” replies Bobbie before she moves away from Sam.  “But we will see you there.  Please tell me you can get me backstage with hubby.  He wants to see behind the scenes.”

Sam nods slowly.  “I will see what I can do but no promises,” she offers as the pair begin to walk towards the showers before disappearing through the shower doors.

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Sierra Williams, former mixed tag champion with her husband Lachlan Kane.  Bella Madison, dating Malachi and kinda like Sierra’s sister in law.  I bet those family dinners must be really interestin’…

I kid of course, considering just how close Lachlan and Malachi are.  But you two I take very seriously because we all know that Sierra, you have been a champion already in Sin City Wrestling and for quite a long time.  And in the mixed tag world, that is an accomplishment not to be joked about.  And listening to Mercedes Vargas, the person who is the statistics person of the company, you hold the record for the longest reign as Tag champions.  And that deserves respect right there.  So, Sierra, you do have my respect and that means that I am not going to take you lightly because you do have the skills to take that shot and win it…if it was against any other woman in the company.  But you are facing me and that means that you have to realize that I am as just as good as you as a champion.  Some might even say that I am the best in SCW because I hold the record for the most days as champion with all the title reigns I have held.  Good to know but doesn’t mean much if you can’t back it up and this week in this match, I am going to prove to everyone in the ring that I deserve to have this opportunity.

That will mean that I am going to have to win, simple as.  I can’t afford to let you get the win over me Sierra because I have something to prove to Alicia.  Yes, I admit it, I lost to her in my last title opportunity and her reaction to it lit a fire under my behind.  It drove me to win back the Bombshell Roulette title and it also started me on the path to once more win the Bombshell World title.  

Then of course, management doesn’t make it simple because they made this match a triple threat and added Bella Madison to the mix.  And believe me when I say that she just might be the spoiler in this match.  She is a very tough up and comer and was undefeated until she stepped into the ring with yours truly.  It was me that ended her undefeated streak and now in her first match that is her start to an opportunity to challenge for the title, she once again faces me and I really have to wonder what that is making her think.  

Is she prepared to face me again and once again lose momentum and end up being locked in the SammiWrap?  Is she prepared to face Sierra and beat her?  Or will she be the one that is eliminated to the outside leaving the fight to be between Sierra and myself? I honestly have to say it is unknown at this time because that is just how good she is.  

The three women in this match are determined to win by any means necessary but there is only one woman that is a current champion with nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Yes, IF I lose on Climax control, I will still be a champion.  But WHEN I win the match, it is my opportunity to be the holder of both titles in Sin City Wrestling.