Author Topic: Sam Marlowe (c) V Bobbie Dahl  (Read 1682 times)

Offline Mark Ward

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    • Hot Stuff Mark Ward
Sam Marlowe (c) V Bobbie Dahl
« on: October 06, 2019, 03:01:45 PM »
 Post all roleplays for this match here.

Limits: 1 roleplay per week. 10,000 words maximum.

Good luck!  

Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon thee

*NOTE: No longer giving feedback, if you wasn't good enough, you wouldn't be here.
No longer doing show reviews, I already know we're that damn good!

Offline Bobbie Dahl

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    • Bobbie Dahl
Sam Marlowe (c) V Bobbie Dahl
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2019, 08:04:13 PM »
 Immediately following her loss to Andrea Hernandez, all Bobbie could do was head backstage. Referee Jacob had tried to check on her, seeing if she was alright, but she simply rolled out of the ring and headed up the ramp, while Andrea celebrated in the ring.

People had tried to get her attention as she walked backstage. But she chose to ignore them all. She headed straight to where the locker rooms were set up and just wanted to gather her things. She had let it happen again. She had let herself get beat, and it was starting to drag her down all over again.

Once she makes it to the locker room, she doesn’t even bother changing out of her ring gear. She doesn’t want to be there any longer than she already had been. She walked over to her duffel bag, gathered up her things and tossed them in her bag before zipping it closed, and tossing the strap over her shoulder.

She heads out of the room only to bump into two of her favorite people, Fenris and Ty. Fenris takes one look at her, and her duffel bag, and glares at her.

Fenris: Where the hell are you going?!

Bobbie: Not tonight, Fen. I’m not in the mood!

He tries to take her duffel bag from her, but Ty holds his arm out and stops him, just as Bobbie pulls back to avoid the same.

Ty: Jan…

Fenris: What?! The show isn’t even over and she’s trying to leave!

Bobbie: What’s the big deal?! I need to be alone!

Fenris: Bullshit! You’re lost and you’re sulking. You don’t need to be by yourself at all!

Fenris grows more frustrated and Bobbie rolls her eyes. Ty, however, plays the middleman and tries to get Fenris to be a little nicer. If that is even possible.

Ty: Jan, let me handle this. You get too worked up, and that doesn’t help anything.

Fenris grumbles and mumbles something in Icelandic under his breath. Ty then turns to Bobbie, and tries to plead with her.

Ty: Bobs, even though he’s not being nice about it, he’s right. You don’t need to be alone. You should hang around your friends. Hang around us. Stay until after the show and we can all go out. You did great out there, regardless.

Bobbie laughs and shakes her head.

Bobbie: I lost, Ty! I didn’t do great out there! I lost, and because some new chick beat the number one contender to the Bombshell Roulette Championship, knowing Mark Ward and Christian Underwood, they’ll go and add her to my match at High Stakes IX!

Ty and Fenris look at one another and shake their heads. Fenris steps forward and holds out his hand, and Bobbie looks at him confused.

Fenris: Give me your phone.

Bobbie: What? Why?!

Fenris: So I can do what you’re too fucking afraid to do and call Artie! That’s why!

Bobbie rolls her eyes and shakes her head. She takes a step back, refusing to hand over her phone.

Bobbie: Absolutely not! Besides, I’ve TRIED calling him! He won’t answer, so there’s no point anymore! Just give it up already!

Fenris mutters something in Icelandic again, no doubt some sort of swearing, but Bobbie doesn’t care. Ty holds him back, and turns back to Bobbie.

Ty: Bobs, listen. We know you’re upset, and you’re having a tough time lately, but you shouldn’t give up. And you certainly shouldn’t let this loss against Andrea bother you so much either. Just stick around and hang out with us after the show. For us?

Ty practically pouts his lip out, but Bobbie shakes her head, again. She lowers her head and very sadly, refuses.

Bobbie: Sorry, boys. I’m just not in the mood to be around anyone tonight. You guys have fun without me.

As Bobbie goes to step around them, Fenris tries to stop her, but Ty stops him. He just shakes his head and the two let Bobbie leave, though Fenris hardly agrees with the decision.

Fenris: What the hell?! You really think letting her mope around by herself is a good idea?!

Ty: No. But forcing her out when she doesn’t want to go isn’t a good idea either. She’ll come around, Jan. Just give her time.

Fenris: Screw that! I’m tempted to jump on a plane, and go to that town they’re from just to drag Artie’s ass back here!

Ty just laughs and the two walk away down the opposite direction.

Just outside the arena...

Bobbie’s hotel is within walking distance of the Andros Beach Club. Even knowing that, Bobbie would normally get a cab to go back, but tonight she did something different. Tonight she decided to walk, allowing her a few minutes to clear her head before getting back to her room for the night.

She walks along the beach, listening to the waves crash against the shore and watching couples walk hand-in-hand together just ahead of her. It was something she had never experienced. This tour was about work, true, but for so many others who brought along their family and loved ones, it also brought on a whole new experience.

Before her match tonight, she had told herself she would turn her mood around, because even though her parents or Artie weren’t there, she had her friends to keep her occupied and distracted. And just this past week, they had all gone on various adventures around the island, experiencing everything it had to offer.

Bobbie and Fenris were the only two in the group who were brave enough to don their scuba gear and go for a little underwater adventure of the dangerous Blue Hole. As everyone sat nervously aboard the boat, waiting for them to return from below the water, the tour guide was almost prepared to call them in as lost at sea. That is until Bobbie broke to the surface first, shortly thereafter followed by Fenris!

Bobbie: Hot damn, that was fun! You guys missed out!

She immediately pulled off her mask and was helped back onto the boat, and Ty helped Fenris just behind her.

Tour Guide: How on earth did you guys manage to make it out alive? You’ve got to be the first people to do so.

Fenris cracks a smile as he and Bobbie look at one another.

Bobbie: Ya’ll are just a bunch of amateurs! You’re just not as strong-willed as me and Fenris, here.

Fenris: That was quite an adventure! Even though you couldn’t keep up…

Bobbie cracks a smile of her own.

Bobbie: Oh, Fenris...that was on purpose, honey. That ass of yours looks mighty fine in that wetsuit!

Fenris narrows his eyes as everyone else lets out a chuckle.

A while after, when the boat had returned to the marina and the group left, they all decided to head to the beach. They’re seen walking along the beach, just arriving to a clear spot to enjoy some downtime. Fenris and Dani head over to the clearing to set up their towels, chairs and an umbrella, with Aron and Ty not far behind them. Bobbie trails behind a little ways, Fenris’ canine companion, Kyssa, walking just beside her.

Bobbie: Ya know, Kyssa, this week hasn’t been so bad, I suppose. As grouchy as Fenris is, he’s been the main one doing his best to keep my mind off of things.

Bobbie looks down at Kyssa, talking to the white siberian husky. Kyssa looks up at her with those icy blue eyes and tongue hanging out, almost smiling at her. Bobbie smiles back and pats her on the head.

Bobbie: Don’t get me wrong, though, Ty and Aron have done their part, too! And let me tell you...God bless all three of them for coming from families with good genes. I just wish Ty would get that cousin of his to come back around…That would guarantee I’d all but not think about Artie, if only for one night.

Bobbie lets out a chuckle and Kyssa barks. Up ahead, she spots Ty getting ready to go swimming Nd her smile grows.

Bobbie: Girl, you wouldn’t even have to ask for my steak next time if you were to somehow steal Ty’s trunks. You think you could do that for me?!

Kyssa barks again before running off behind Ty as he heads towards the water. Bobbie joins Dani and Fenris, Fenris having already started to relax to get his tanning session on.

A little while later, Kyssa did, in fact, manage to steal Ty’s trunks while in the water. After giving Kyssa a treat for a job well done, Ty stares towards Bobbie still shielding himself. Fenris is holding his trunks hostage and Bobbie reminds him of the fact.

Bobbie: Hey, Ty! If ya want them back, ya gotta come get them!

Fenris applauds her and Dani chuckles. Ty can be heard yelling as he decides what to do…

Present Day
Honolulu, Hawaii

The memories had replayed in her mind many times over the last couple of weeks. She could not deny that she had the best group of friends she had ever had, but following her loss to Andrea Hernandez, she couldn’t snap herself out of the funk she was in. She just...didn’t care. She had arrived in Honolulu earlier in the week and aside from required promotional appears beginning, she had spent all of her free time holed up in her hotel room, much to the chagrin of the boys.

This morning is actually the first time she’s had any social interaction outside of High Stakes IX promotional appearances. Fenris and Ty had all but dragged her out of her room and decided to take her out to lunch.

As the boys ate, Bobbie just stared down at her food, pushing it around with her fork. Fenris grumbled and Ty placed his hand on his shoulder for a moment, deciding he would break the silence instead.

Ty: Bobs, you need to snap out of this. We’re really worried about you. Now you’re not even eating? C’mon…

Bobbie set her fork down and leaned back. She shrugged and looked up at Ty.

Bobbie: You don’t need to be worried, Ty. I’m just not hungry at the moment. I’m fine. I’ve actually made a decision, and I think after High Stakes IX, I’ll be even better.

She seems to perk up a bit and Ty and Fenris look at one another, relief spreading across their faces.

Fenris: Thank fuck. It’s about time you decided to call that kid. We’ve been telling you for weeks!

Ty: Good for—

Bobbie shakes her head.

Bobbie: I’m not calling Artie, guys. I’m leaving him alone, actually.

Ty: Then what…?

Bobbie: I’m quitting SCW. After High Stakes, I’m letting Mark and Christian know.

A loud *CLINK!* follows as Fenris drops his fork right on his plate and ge and Ty stare at Bobbie, shocked. Fenris’ eyes narrow and Ty can’t stop Fenris from speaking up this time.

Fenris: The fuck you are! That’s the stupidest decision you could ever make!

Bobbie: I’ve already made up my mind, Fenris. I’m not enjoying this anymore, so it’s time I head back home, find my own place and do something different with my life. I’ll be right back. I need to run to the ladies’ room.

Bobbie quickly excuses herself from the table. Fenris is in a rage, quickly spouting off phrases in Icelandic. A few moments later he quiets down as he realizes that Bobbie left her phone on the table! He wastes no time in reaching for it and scrolling through her contacts!

Ty: What are you doing?!

Fenris: What she’s too chicken shit to do herself and should have done weeks ago!

Coal City, Illinois

Artie is seen walking around his room, packing what appears to be an overnight bag. His face tells his side of the sad situation between he and Bobbie, as clearly this is not a situation he wanted to be in either. Just as he is about to head to the bathroom to grab some of his personal toiletries, his phone rings. He turns back and heads over, grabbing it from off his dresser.

Artie: Hello…?

He almost expected it to be Bobbie again, and a part of him wanted it to be her, but it wasn’t. He didn’t recognize the number, and answered the call anyway.

Artie: Oh, hi, Fen…Wait. Slow down...What happened?

Artie listens intently as on the other end, Fenris tells his story. His eyes almost bug out of his head and he frantically heads back over to his closet to gather more clothes.

Artie: I-I’ll be there as soon as I can! Thank you for calling me!

He ends the call and tosses his phone back on the bed, gathering more clothes and getting his suitcase…

Back in Honolulu, Bobbie has just returned to the table. She catches Fenris just as he’s ending the call and looks at him suspiciously.

Bobbie: Who were you just on the phone with?!

Fenris brings up his phone history and turns the phone around to show Bobbie. Her eyes widen as she plops back down in her chair.

Bobbie: Fenris! I don’t need you to get involved in this! I told you I’m fine!

Fenris: Bullshit you’re fine! You said you’re quitting SCW and we’re not going to let that happen.

Ty: So we decided an emergency call to Mister Self Help is just what you needed. Your appointment is this evening. Your welcome…

Mister Self Help? Yes, the boys had the perfect cover, as they booked her an appointment with Mister Self Help, and hopefully by the time her session was over, Artie would be here. Bobbie leans back in her chair and folds her arms, pouting. Meanwhile Fenris and Ty send each other a quick satisfied grin, knowing that all will be well-hopefully-once Artie arrives.

With just one week left until her Bombshell Roulette Championship match against Sam Marlowe, you’d think Bobbie would be spending all of her free time training and preparing for such a big opportunity. Sure, Bobbie had never been one for “proper” training in the past. And by proper, I mean the whole gym setting, going up against an opponent in a sparring session. You know. Kinda like Fenris does. Or majority of the SCW roster.

With as much as she has been wanting this opportunity, one would think she would change things up a bit and do absolutely everything in her power to be ready for this match. Right?


The camera opens up, focused solely on a large, rather comfortable looking sofa. Positioned even more comfortably on said sofa, is none other than Bobbie Dahl herself, a solemn expression on her face as she stares down at her hands, twiddling her thumbs and fingers.

Bobbie: I know what people think of me, really. They can talk highly of me all they want, but in reality, I know they don’t like me. They find the idea of a fat girl like me being on the roster laughable. Embarrassing. Mark Ward is thinking it. He said it in so many words in the past when Christian hired me back. I don’t have the same talent that so many others offer the roster.

She stops talking for a moment, letting the words cut her deeply. The sadness written on her face shows how much she has been struggling lately. A far cry from the fun bubbly Bobbie Dahl we had all grown to know just a few months ago.

Bobbie: It’s no secret how terrible I was my first go around in SCW two years ago. I was awful. The resident historian in SCW likes to point that out week after week. Out of what, five matches, I had only won a single one. And that was out of sheer luck if you ask me. Pinning two women at once?! I still don’t know how the hell I did it!

She manages to crack a smile as the memory of Summer XXXtreme V floods back into her mind. The night she had pinned both Cadence Carter and Otaki to claim her first victory in SCW. But the smile fades quickly as she looks back down to her hands.

Bobbie: Even after that I was still considered a joke on the roster. I went on to lose to Trinity Jones and Mercedes Vargas before taking time off from SCW after my Dad had his heart attack. He insisted he was alright, and maybe he was, but I couldn’t get myself to return to SCW after that. Not until this year at least…

She trails off for a moment and then clears her throat. She takes in a deep breath and gathers her thoughts before she continues baring her soul.

Bobbie: At first, my return wasn’t going to be anything but behind the scenes. Giving Fenris and Ty a little boot up their behinds to get their problems sorted out, kiss and have one hell of a make up party, if you catch my drift. Hell, Fenris didn’t even like me at first, but things changed I guess. I started hanging out with him and Ty, gaining a couple of new friends in the process. And as grouchy and intimidating as Fenris is, he was one of the true supporters I needed. Especially with Artie not being around now.

Even though the camera doesn’t zoom in, you can see a tear form in the corner of her eye. She immediately wipes it away, trying her best not to start blubbering like a baby right then and there.

Bobbie: And it was starting to work. Fenris, Ty, Jack and even Emmie in the state she is in, all started to build me back up. They gave me a confidence booster I desperately needed when I was feeling the most alone I had ever felt. They did their best to distract me from the one thing that was bringing me down the most, and it was starting to work. I had other people cheering me on to make proud when I went out to the ring to fight in my matches.

She narrows her eyebrows, going back to just two weeks ago, the week before the go-home edition of Climax Control. Her match against Andrea Hernandez.

Bobbie: And look what happened? I built myself up. I was confident...not cocky like Andrea seems to think I was, going into that match against her. I was ready and truly believed that I would be the one to knock her down a notch or two and feed her her first loss in SCW. But I failed. I failed myself. And I failed Fenris, Ty, Jack and Emmie. They’re all doing great. Going out and winning matches. And me? I’m becoming a failure, and someone who even Mark Ward is pointing out to be a miserable human being.

She lets out a sigh, adjusting her position on the sofa and takes in a deep breath. So much on her mind, and most of it is truly starting to take its toll on her.

Bobbie: So how am I supposed to feel going into this match against Sam Marlowe? How am I supposed to feel confident knowing she already holds two victories over me, and everyone thinks so highly of her and sees how much she has accomplished in SCW these past few years? Where do I even start?

Her hands go from finger twiddling to fists clenched, almost turning white knuckled.

Bobbie: I’ve never been a champion before. Hell, a title wasn’t even on my radar two years ago when I was in SCW. The thought was laughable to everyone, even me, I was that bad. But now? This year? After coming back and having four wins in a row, I started thinking, hey...I could do that. I deserve it just as much as anyone. I had improved my wrestling skills and it was showing that much.

She looks up showing intensity in her eyes for a moment.

Bobbie: I want to prove everyone wrong. I want to prove that despite my size and me being different than everyone else, I can overcome the odds. I want to win the Bombshell Roulette title so bad, just to shove it in the haters faces, and maybe even smack Jessie Salco upside the head with it once or twice. Since the bitch can’t stop insulting me every chance she gets!

She rolls her eyes and when her thoughts trail off, the expression on her face turns back to sadness and doubt. The exact opposite of what she should be feeling.

Bobbie: But how do I do that? How do I go up against Sam Marlowe with confidence and beat her? How do I walk out with the Roulette Championship in my possession, finally? This is the time when everyone else would be sitting here, talking down on their opponent. Finding anything trashy and horrible to say against them, just because that is what everyone expects.

She laughs and shakes her head.

Bobbie: But I can’t do that. I can’t sit here and find any fault with Sam Marlowe, because I’d be lying if I did. The girl is SCW’s sweetheart. She’s the current and three-time former Bombshell Roulette Champ. She’s a two-time former Bombshell Champion. She’s a former Mixed Tag Team Champion. Talk about accomplished athlete, right? And let’s not even begin to talk about how she managed to do all that while apparently taking college classes at the same time!

Bobbie brings her hands up to her head, grasping at her hair as she thinks about her upcoming match. She closes her eyes and takes in a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself before losing control.

Bobbie: The girl is a friggin’ rock star if there ever was one and people LOVE her. How can I possibly find anything bad to say about her just because people expect me to? I’ve tried and tried, and it never works. That girl is as near to perfect as there possibly is!

Bobbie closes her eyes and takes in another deep breath. When she opens her eyes she looks towards the camera, and the next words out of her mouth are the most serious words she has ever spoken.

Bobbie: Which is why I want to BE her. like her, I should say. She’s skinny. She’s beautiful. She’s accomplished. Everyone loves her. And she is the Bombshell Roulette Champion. She’s everything I’m not. How could I not want that?

Her expression fades again, and she looks back down to her hands, twiddling her thumbs again.

Bobbie: But despite all that. Regardless of how much support I have, or how badly I want to win the title and beat Sam at High Stakes, there’s one thing that would help me even more. The one thing that is missing that would make all of this doubt just disappear. person anyway. And that’s Artie…

Saying his name almost breaks her heart all over again.

Bobbie: Whenever Artie was around, it didn’t matter if I won or lost. He was always there supporting me. He always had my back. Now that he’s not? Well...I don’t know if I stand a chance going into this match against Sam. Everyone else thinks I can beat her and I know THEY support me. So, how do I accept that as enough, because I’m don’t think Artie is coming back…

She looks up, as if waiting for an answer. A long silence follows, and her eyebrows narrow again before she looks past the camera and speaks her next words.

Bobbie: Have you even heard a word I just said?!

The camera pans back to find Despayre, in his Mister Self Help attire, with a notepad and crayon in hand. He looks up and directly at Bobbie.

Mr. Self Help: I’m sorry. Could you repeat that part?

Bobbie: Which part?

Mr. Self Help: After I asked how you were…

Mr. Self Help blinks his eyes, waiting for her to answer. Bobbie’s jaw drops open and she stares at him for a moment. She throws her hands in the air in frustration, before standing up from the sofa and heading towards the door, storming out.

Bobbie is back in her hotel room following her latest session with Mr. Self Help. She had hoped it would help turn things around and give her some guidance leading into her match against Sam Marlowe next week, but she had stormed out. Perhaps she overreacted, she thought, but it was too late.

She’s currently laying back in the bed, the remote to the TV in her hand, as she flips through the channels, trying to find something to watch. A ray of sunshine peeks through the curtains, which she had drawn over the windows to hide any sunlight for now. And despite being in Hawaii, where there was plenty to do- promotional duties included, Bobbie was uninterested.

As she continues surfing through the channels, there is a knock on the door. She rolls her eyes, but ignores. She continues clicking on the remote, not finding anything interesting to watch.

The knocking comes again about a minute later.

Bobbie: I’m busy! Come back later!!

She shouts loud enough, hoping they’ll go away. But they don’t. They continue knocking on the door, eventually leading to downright pounding until she’s had enough. She shuts the TV off, throws the remote down and stands up from the bed. She storms towards the door, ready to give whoever is there a piece of her mind.

Bobbie: Fenris, if that’s you! Quit pounding on my door and go pound—

She stops immediately as she opens the door angrily, expecting to see Fenris. But it’s not Fenris standing there at all. No. There before her, an awkward smile on his face and waving to her is Artie!

Bobbie: You’re not Fenris…

And a thought dawns on her. She looks out the door, down either direction of the hall, expecting to see someone else, when Artie speaks up.

Artie: She’s not here. We should talk…

Bobbie leans back into her room, standing in the doorway and just stares at Artie. He blinks, waiting for her to invite him in, but she doesn’t and they both end up standing there in an awkward silence as she decides what to do.



Offline Sam Marlowe

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Sam Marlowe (c) V Bobbie Dahl
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2019, 11:55:30 PM »
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It is getting closer and closer and if you were to ask anyone what they could be thinking about High Stakes Nine, you would probably hear about Mercedes Vargas and Melody Grace…Ty West facing his new Uncle in Senor Vinnie or the fact that Ben Jordan and Fenris are going to be kicking the dickens out of each other.  I bet you though, no one would be thinking about the Bombshell Roulette title in the same breath as these kinds of matches because all anyone can think of is the fact that big girl Bobbie Dahl is facing skinny girl Sam Marlowe.  The proverbial Davida versus Goliatha  

I guess no one can see beyond the fact that Bobbie is a big girl, too much woman for the ring so to speak.  And if you ask me, I don’t think that it is right to do that.  As a matter of fact, I am NOT going to be doing that because I have seen her skills in the ring.   I have seen her push herself beyond other skinny people limits to get win after win.  And if I am honest, I have to definitely be on my toes in this match or something bad will happen and that is Bobbie will win the title from me.  

All I hear from everyone else is to beat her at her own game.  Run the fat girl out of breath until she is easily out of breath then pin her to the mat.  If I was smart, I would ignore that advice and keep doing what I do and that is taking the fight to whomever it is I face across the ring.  And yes, I will admit that even if Bobbie has me by size and definitely by weight, she is my equal in skill and my equal when it comes to my title and the desire to be the Bombshell Roulette champion.  

I guess the winner in our match will be the one who is the hungriest.  Spoiler alert…it won’t be the fat girl.
Act one Scene one:  

The soft buzz of a clock radio and the staticky voice fills the room as does the sun through lacy white curtains.  A hand creeps out from under the blankets blindly slapping at the bedside table before hitting the radio off of it where it lands on the floor.  The drop has somehow knocked it off the station and the rush of static fills the space.  A muffled curse is heard from beneath the blanket before it is thrown back to reveal a sleepy Sam Marlowe who drops her head as her feet slide out to frame the radio on the floor.

“Okay okay,” she mutters as she bends at the waist and reaches for the radio turning it off and setting it on the bedside table.  “I’m awake.”

Those words are disproven as Sam falls backwards on the bed and her eyes flutter closed.  A sigh of contentment escapes as she stretches out across the large bed and then slumps back to roll to her side.  Grabbing a pillow, she once more tries to fall asleep but another sound catches her attention.  The buzz of her phone has her covering her head with the pillow mumbling about no one is supposed to know she is home.  She peeks out from the pillow as the ringing stops but the answering machine attached to the line beeps on…
“You have reached the answering machine of Sam Marlowe.  I am not able to take this call but I really want to be able to call you back so leave your name and number after the beep and I will call you back.  And now here is the…beeeepppp!”

The voice of Philip Marlowe can be heard as he stumbles to respond to the beep of the answering machine.  “Sammi, we have to talk.  I heard about what happened here at the house and wonder if that is the reason you decided not to stay like you told your mother you would when the Caribbean part of your tour was happening.  Monte is not angry at you anymore and he doesn’t blame you hitting on him even though he is your sister’s husband and forgi…”

Sam sits up and stares at the answering machine in shocked surprise.  “Monte doesn’t blame me…oh hellfire no!” exclaims Sam as she gets off the bed and moves towards the phone, her hand slamming the receiver off the cradle as she begins to dial the number of her father’s cellphone then pushes the speaker of the phone.  She waits for only a moment before she hears his voice.

“Sammiwich baby, I was just leaving a message for you,” he says, the voice indicating a smile which brings a smile to Sam’s face.

“I know Daddy, I heard.  And that is what I wanted to talk to you about,” Sam begins.  “I am sorry that I didn’t stay at the house while I was on tour but I just don’t feel comfortable there anymore what with Monte and Cyn living there too.”

There was silence on the other end for only a moment before her father speaks.  “He and Cyn told me that you were not able to leave him alone while you were here and it was a good thing that you didn’t come back,” he states, doubt beginning to enter his voice.  “That was a lie wasn’t it?”

“I am afraid it was Daddy.  Once Monte messed with Cyn behind my back, I dropped any feelings or desires when it came to him.  And when I heard he and Cyn got married, that put him way out of my radar,” answers Sam honestly.  “And when I did show up to stay, he couldn’t leave me alone so I figured it was better just to stay away from home and come on back to Vegas each week.”

“I wish you had told me Sam,” says her father, anger beginning to tinge his reply.  “How dare that son of a…”

“Daddy!” exclaims Sam interrupting her father.  “It is all right, it is over and now that I know that is what is going to happen if I come home, then I am going to be staying here in Vegas instead so you and Moms will have to come here to see me.”

“This is where you grew up Sam and how dare he,” her father storms angrily.  “Let me tell you this Sammi, I am going to give him a talkin’ to and then I am going to do the same with your sister.”  Sam smiles as she realizes that her father believes her but knowing that Cyn would make it hard for her father with their mother, Sam speaks up.

“Daddy no, don’t do that,” she begins.  “I can live with it and trust me Daddy, I won’t let it get to me and you shouldn’t either.  So why don’t you come spend time here in Vegas with me before I have to head to Hawaii.”

“Hawaii…” her father repeats slowly.  “When are you going to Hawaii?”

Sam pauses as she looks down to think.  “I fly out next week for High Stakes on Thursday the seventeenth, why?” she asks, an impending sense of doom sending a shiver through her body.

“Weeelll…” says her father, “Cyn and Monte and Moms and I are heading out to Hawaii in the middle of next week for a week’s vacation in Honolulu.  Cyn and Monte planned it.  You don’t think they knew…do you?”

“I doubt it Daddy but I have to thank you for the warning,” replies Sam who then sucks her lips between her teeth.  Releasing them, she continues.  “Do you know where you are staying?”

“On the beach according to Cyn.  Let me get the hotel name for you…”  The line goes quiet as in the distance, the sound of Philip’s voice carries across the distance from the phone.  Footsteps bring him closer again and he speaks.  “We are staying at the Prince Waikiki Hotel in Honolulu.”

Sam sighs in relief as she leans her head against the wall beside the phone.  “Thanks Daddy.  Good to know that I won’t have to worry about running into Cyn and Monte too much next week.  But you and Moms and I should do lunch when I get in.”

“Of course, we should princess, you give us a call and we will set up something.  But I have to go, I have a meeting coming up,” says Philip.  “Miss you princess and talk to you soon.”  

“Love you Daddy,” says Sam as she smiles at his response of ‘ditto’ then hangs up the phone at the click of his disconnection.  Turning to the bed, she debates returning to it before shaking her head with a half grin and moves out of the room with a whistle.

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Bobbie, I want to talk to you woman to woman.  I know that we have faced each other before and I currently am on the winning end of our matches and I want to also let you know that I am not taking that lightly.  

It is true that you seem to be on a streak where you aren’t on your game and I am sure there must be a reason for it.  But I also know that constantly hearing from the other bombshells about how you are a ‘big’ girl and that you don’t deserve to be in the ring with them must really be working on your ego.  I know it did for me for a while especially Mercedes talking all the talk about how much better she was against me and that I didn’t deserve to be in the same ring with her.  Talk like that makes you doubt yourself and when you do that, you have the ability to beat yourself before the match even starts.  I am living proof of that when I lost the title to Mercedes.  But do you know what that also does?  It makes you want to prove people wrong and trust me when it comes to fighting my way back, each jab and pointed comment makes me want to fight that much harder and prove myself that much more.  

Now I can’t claim to be you just like you can’t claim to be like me but I want to tell you straight out that I don’t doubt you are going to be coming to try and take my belt and believe me I have faith that you probably could take it from me if you really wanted to.  

I also have to admit I have to grin when you send me those little warnings that you are coming for me.  No one has ever called me Sammie Cakes and I have to admit, it is cute but cake isn’t what is going to be served by me at High Stakes.  It is going to be a serving of sammiwich press and the Sammi wrap and after that, the icing on this cake will be the Bombshell Roulette title which will be laid on my shoulder and Justin Decent will be announcing that I have retained the title.  I hope you are ready for that.

Act one Scene two:  

A familiar figure is standing in the middle of a ring in a gym that is surrounded by young men and women.  Dressed in a pair of wrestling tights that fit like a second skin, a strategically ripped NXT tee over a black halter and laced up wrestling boots, Vixen Staggs can be seen locking up with a young redheaded woman who is turned into a headlock that Vixen grinds down on.

“And this is how you control the head of an opponent,” says Vixen as she drops to one knee and flips the student to the mat.  She releases the hold as the redhead slips through and brings up the arm of Vixen into a hammerlock that brings a smile to the lips of Vixen.  “And that is how you make one kind of mistake, assuming that there is no escape for your opponent.  Okay, all of you pair off and practice escaping headlocks.”

In the ring, the pair of women stand together as the group of people move off in pair to lock up in collar and elbows that are quickly turned into headlocks then hammerlocks.  “Thanks, Sam, for coming to help me today,” offers Vixen as she watches while leaning on the ropes.  

Sam moves beside Vixen and rests her crossed arms over the ropes as well.  With her hair pulled up in a high ponytail, Sam is wearing a pair of hotpants and a wrestling singlet that is over a white tee.  “No thanks needed Vix,” she says.  “I figured that I could get some work outs in by helping you and training too if I am honest.”

“You know that should you need it, the gym is available to you,” says Vixen.  “Spike and I know what you are capable of and if you ever decide to retire, I would totally hire you to teach here.”

“Hey, trust me that offer is being considered for sure but not for a long time,” teases Sam as she lightly nudges Vixen’s arm.  “Besides I have way too much to do in SCW yet.  After all, I have the second longest combined title reign in SCW and you know I won’t be able to stop until I have that record beaten as well.  But first, have to retain in Hawaii,” adds Sam as she pushes off the ropes and heads towards the corner where there is a bottle sitting on the canvas.  Opening it, she tips it up to let the cool liquid run across her lips as she moves back to the ropes.  Pausing slightly, she slides between the ropes and sits on the apron.  Quiet now, she sighs as she looks out at the people training.

Joining her, Vixen leans back against the apron hooking her elbows on it.  “Okay Sam, tell me what is on your mind.”

Ducking her head, Sam lets a half grin pass over her features.  “Am I that obvious?” she demands with a side glance at Vixen.  At the other’s nod, Sam continues.  “It is my match at the supercard.  I am facing Bobbie Dahl and I am thinking that everyone thinks that it is going to be very easy for me to beat her.  Everyone has said that Bobbie isn’t fit to be in the ring but I have seen her in the ring and she knows her way around it.  I just wonder if she is going to be the one to beat me this time or not.”

A soft tumble of French curse words escapes the lips of Vixen which makes Sam smile.  “That sounds so nice…” says Sam.

“It isn’t that good Sammi,” offers Vixen.  “Ostie, I wish you would not do this to yourself Sam.  I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that you are better than you think you are.  This match against Bobbie isn’t something that should be worrying you because you know you can beat her and have done it how many times now?”

“Twice,” replies Sam.

“Exactement,” says Vixen as she turns to face Sam, one elbow still resting on the apron.  “You have beaten this Bobbie twice before so what is the reason you won’t beat her again?  You were always one of my better students after all,” boasts Vixen.   Sam has the grace to blush as she once more ducks her head.  Vixen just rolls her eyes and putting a hand on the knee of Sam she speaks once more.  “Listen Sam, you can’t tell me that you really think that Bobbie is going to beat you.”

Sam sighs before replying softly.  “I can’t not tell you that Vix, goodness knows that with a Roulette title match that wheel is the great equalizer.  You know that from when you won this title.  And Bobbie seems to want this title very badly.  At least that she keeps saying all the time.”

“That’s fine, you just need to want it more,” responds Vixen.  “So that means you prepare hard for this match like you were facing your end of career if you lose this match.  Besides, you know that no one has been a better champion than you with this title.  So what you need is a bit of a refresher when it comes to this type of match.”

“What are you saying?” demands Sam with a curious look on her face.  “You think that I have this match in the bag then I have to say that you have more confidence than I do.  But between you and me Vix, there is a change in me when it comes to the match and what will be happening in Honolulu.  I am starting to feel the burn of wanting to win.  That title is calling out to me…banking the fire of my desire and stoking it until it is red hot.”

Vixen smiles as Sam’s fingers curl around the open bottle of water causing a gush to escape the bottle and drench her legs.  Sheepishly, Sam looks at the spreading dampness and wipes at it with a towel she sees laying on the canvas nearby and grabs.  

“Did that cool you off,” teases Vixen with a stifled laugh.  Sam just shoots her a side eye glance and chuckles halfheartedly.  Vixen straightens up and looks at Sam then at the students.  “Let’s see about getting you ready for your match at High Stakes…”

Vixen calls the students together and points at Sam who is looking surprised on the apron.  “We need to help get my friend here ready for her match at High Stakes and so we will start with a gauntlet and Sam, we start with…” Vixen smiles and points at a young woman in school gym shorts and tee.  “Her.”

Sam lays on the apron and rolls under the bottom ropes into the ring as the student gives her a look then a questioning look at Vixen who nods and motions for her to get into the ring.  Shrugging, the student jumps on the apron and slides between the ropes.

Before they can lock up, Vixen calls out that the match is a submission match as she climbs the ringsteps to slide into the ring.  Signaling to someone on the outside for a bell, she starts the match as the student locks up with Sam in a collar and elbow hold.
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Honolulu Hawaii is going to be the site of High Stakes Nine and the bombshells and superstars of Sin City Wrestling will be there to shine as only they can.  Match after match that night are going to be lighting up the night.  And there is one match that I am looking forward to.

And no, it is not the Ben Jordan Fenris match…grin

I am actually looking forward to the defense of my title against one woman that I know is ready to take me to the limits in her search for her first title here in Sin City Wrestling.  Now if you were to say, Sam, what do you think the odds are that you are going to retain your title after the supercard I would have to say that in my opinion the odds are fifty fifty.  It isn’t that I am not confident in my abilities, trust me I am going to be more than ready for that match but any match of this kind of caliber, I am not going to be going into that match without doubts but I am going into it with a healthy dose of respect for my opponent.  

Bobbie, I have seen you beat some of the best women in the company and I know that any day you can bring your A game and beat me.  But I also know just what it is that I am good at and when it comes to the Bombshell Roulette title, I am very good at matches on the fly.  Do you realize that the spin of the wheel could put this match out of your reach with match types that play to my strengths or it could spin the other way and give you total advantage of the competition in a match that is right in your wheel house.  And I have to be ready for that too.

I will tell you Bobbie, when it comes to the match at High Stakes, I am going to be prepared for anything.  And I hope that you will be just as ready.

Speaking of being ready, I want you to know too that you shouldn’t listen to everyone about how you don’t deserve this match or to be a bombshell or anything.  You are an amazing person and I have all the respect in the world for you.  It takes a big woman, no pun intended, to fight her way into a title match and you have done that.  And I hope that come High Stakes you take full advantage of the opportunity you have been given because you are going to need to be on top of your game for this match.  To quote you, I am coming for you Bobbie and I am going to do everything in my power to beat you to retain my title.  This is not a threat Bobbie, it is a promise.

Act one Scene three:  

Sam stands in the middle of the spray of water of a shower as she wipes her hands over her face.  Her body is bruised and slightly bloody as she washes away the evidence of the fight.  Looking up into the spray, she can’t help but let out the smallest whimper at the sting of the liquid on her torn lips.

From the other side of the wall, a celebration can be heard as Sam’s head falls in defeat.  Sliding closer to the wall, she slowly slides down it to land in a heap her head falling to her knees as sobs rack her body.  

“I lost…I can’t believe I lost,” she cries as her hands cover her face.  

The celebration moves closer as Sam looks up to focus on the Bombshell Roulette title resting on the shoulder of the woman who pats it with a smile visible near the belt.  Stepping into the light reveals the woman as Sam Marlowe who moves closer to the downed Sam and holds out her hand towards the figure.

“I am sorry,” she begins.  “I had to beat you to make sure that I was confident enough to be ready to retain this title.  You are the doubts I have every time I step into the ring and I have to beat you before I beat my opponent or it is you that beats me which causes me to lose my title.”

Her hand moves to caress away the tear of her doubt then with a sad smile, Sam straightens up and then turning her back on her doubt, walks out of the shower.  Her doppelganger tries to race after her but is stopped by the slamming of the locker room door…

Sam wakes up with a start and bolts upright in bed.  “What a dream…” she muses as she slides out of the bed and heads towards the bathroom off her bedroom.

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I know this match coming up at High Stakes is your chance Bobbie to finally have gold around your waist but I have to apologize to you when I say that at High Stakes, it isn’t going to be your night to gain the gold.

Now I am sure that you are going to be saying that everyone is against you and for me but if we are honest, you have all your friends rooting for you and that is a strong group of people and that is a good thing.  But even though you have all those friends behind you, you still have to know that as much help they give you, there are so many more people that I am fighting for and that means that I am going to be that much harder to beat.  I mean I have my superstar kids who will be supporting me, the fans in the cheap seats calling out my name and cheering me on.  It is for them that I fight to retain my title.  Because this title is what I consider their title and I will fight tooth and nail to retain it for them.  

So Bobbie I hope you are ready for our match because you aren’t just fighting me in that ring.  You are fighting all the fans who support me.  I am willing to do anything for them and if that means that I have to beat you, then consider it done.

So Bobbie, good luck at High Stakes in Honolulu.  I am looking forward to this match and just what the stipulation is going to be.  I will be ready, will you?

Offline Bobbie Dahl

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    • Bobbie Dahl
Sam Marlowe (c) V Bobbie Dahl
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2019, 12:48:44 PM »
 Artie: gonna let me in?

She was frozen. She never thought he’d forgive her, let alone show up at her hotel room, and she thought she would throw her arms around him in a tight embrace if this were to happen. Yet here she is, standing in the doorway of her hotel room, just staring at him.

Artie: I guess I should have called before I showed up, but…

Bobbie: How did you find out where I’m staying?!

Bobbie finally breaks her silence with the only question currently on her mind. Artie’s eyebrows arch and he runs his hand through his hair.

Artie: Oh. Uh. Fenris sorta...called me yesterday. I got here as soon as I could.

Bobbie narrows her eyes and throws her arms in the air. She spins around and walks back into her room, very nearly allowing the door to close in Artie’s face. Luckily he puts his hand out and stops it before it closes.

Bobbie: Of course he did! Because he can’t mind his own damn business!

Artie follows behind her, as the two are now in the privacy of her room. She plops down on the edge of the bed, while Artie stays several feet away.

Artie: He...he said you’re quitting SCW after High Stakes? Is that true?

She looks up at him with sad eyes. She hated admitting it, but she couldn’t lie to him. Not anymore.

Bobbie: Yeah, it’s true! I can’t do it anymore, Artie. That amazing high I was on when I came back is going away and I’m going back to the embarrassment I was two years ago.

Artie: You’ve lost three matches since you’ve been back. And not in a row. And you’re wanting to call it quits because of that? Why?

She knew the answer right away, but she couldn’t speak. She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. She thought if she had reunited with Artie, it would be happy. As if the last month simply hadn’t happened. But it had, and their friendship may never be the same again because of it. She finally gets the courage to be fully honest.

Bobbie: Because the last month I had to do this all alone…

She looks down at the floor, fighting back tears and that surprised Artie. This side of Bobbie was completely new to him, and he didn’t like it. Not one bit.

Artie: You weren’t alone, Bobbie. You had Fenris. Ty. Jack and Emmie. Your parents were even cheering you on back home.

She looks up, and with even more sadness written in her eyes than before as she prepares to say her next words.

Bobbie: You weren’t. You left, and wouldn’t even answer my calls.

Artie’s jaw drops slightly, and his eyes widen in surprise. He knew she was right, but he didn’t think she’d take it this hard, or that she’d use his absence as an excuse for her losses, or even change in personality.

Artie: You never needed me before. I mean...I wasn’t even at ringside until recently, so you were doing just fine on your own. You can’t use me not being here as reason—

Bobbie: Even when you weren’t at ringside, you were at least backstage! When everyone else was laughing at me and counting me out, you were always there. And then you weren’t. I...I didn’t know what to do!

Artie lets out a long sigh and then goes silent, as does Bobbie. Neither one speaks a word for almost a minute until Bobbie build up the courage.

Bobbie: You remember a few months ago before I signed a new contract with SCW? I didn’t even really want to do it.

Artie nods.

Artie: Yeah. But then after meeting Fenris and Ty, you changed your mind. You had new eye-candy to drool over.

Bobbie lets out a laugh and shakes her head.

Bobbie: Well...that may have been partly the case, but that wasn’t why I came back. I came back because of you…

Artie: What? Me??

Bobbie nods again before her thoughts, and soon her words, return back to just shortly before she returned to Sin City Wrestling.


It was now no secret that Christian Underwood had invited Bobbie Dahl back to an SCW show to help Fenris and Ty work out whatever relationship problems they were currently having. She played therapist for a little while and as soon as their time was over, and Artie had helped her up off the floor following that quick kiss on the cheek from Ty, the duo were preparing to leave and head back to Illinois. Bobbie may have brought her ring gear with her, but she had no intentions of getting back into the ring.

As she and Artie head straight to the exit and prepare to leave for the airport, they’re chased down by none other than Christian Underwood! He’s waving a packet of papers, trying to stop them, and it works.

Bobbie: Well hey there, Mr. Underwood. Thanks for allowing me back tonight, but we really gotta get going! Gotta flight to catch!

Christian: Oh, not yet you don’t. I have something you just might want before you leave.

Bobbie glances at Artie. He shrugs and she looks back to Christian with a grin.

Bobbie: You might have the right equipment, Mr. Underwood, but you bat for the wrong team. And you’re definitely not Artie’s type…

Christian’s jaw drops and he shakes his head, almost appearing disgusted.

Christian: What? Not THAT! Christ, not only am I married Just. No.

Bobbie folds her arms and the grin never fades from her face.

Bobbie: Uh huh. Sure. Well, hurry up. What is it, then?

Christian: I’d like to offer you a new contract with SCW. I know you’ve been out of the ring for almost two years, but our Bombshell roster needs a little...livening up. And I think you’re just the woman to do it.

He holds out the contract to her. She looks down at it, surprised, as does Artie. She slowly takes it from Christian’s hand, but doesn’t look it over. In fact, she tries to hand it back to him!

Bobbie: Thanks, but no thanks, Mr. Underwood. I’m flattered you think I could liven up the division, but…

Christian: Excuse me? You’re turning it down?! You haven’t even looked at the terms of the offer yet!

Artie remains silent, letting Bobbie make her own decision on this, but Christian glances at him as if asking “A little help here?” but Artie looks away.

Bobbie: I was never really any good last time anyway, and I need to be back home if anything happens to either of my parents…

Christian: I heard your father made a full recovery, and that he’s doing quite well, actually?

Bobbie goes to argue, but Christian holds his hand up and refuses to take the contract back.

Christian: Then take a day or two to think it over. Whether you think you were good enough or not, your presence on the roster can shake things up a bit, which is what I’m aiming for.

Bobbie thinks for a moment and shrugs. She shoves the contract into her bag before opening the door to the parking lot.

Bobbie: Fine! I’ll think about it!

She then walks out, and before Artie can follow behind her, Christian stops him for a moment.

Christian: Get her to sign that contract. I don’t care how. Just get it signed…

Artie: Oh. Uh. Ok. I’ll...try.

Bobbie then calls out for Artie and he quickly rushes out the door to catch up with her. Artie? Get Bobbie to sign a contract? Talk about a challenging situation.

Bobbie is waiting for him at the driver’s side of their rental. She’s holding her arms up, frustrated as he hurries to the car, tossing their bags in the backseat. They both get into the car at the same time, and Artie stares forward, thinking about what Christian had said to him.

Artie: I...uh...thought you loved wrestling for SCW last time, Bobbie. I’m surprised you didn’t jump at the chance to sign another contract.

Bobbie lets out a laugh as she brings the engine of the car to life. She grips the steering wheel and glances to her best friend.

Bobbie: Whether or not I liked it doesn’t matter, Artie! I wasn’t any good, and I just don’t think I want to do it anymore.

Artie nods slowly, and chooses his next words wisely. Bobbie just puts the car in gear and hits the gas when he finally speaks up.

Artie: I think you should do it. And you should really try this time. Like...for a title and everything. You never did last time.

Bobbie slams on the breaks, very nearly causing an accident in the process. She turns and stares at Artie, her jaw dropped.

Bobbie: What?!

Artie: Well...there’s that and all the...hawt guys. I mean...right? All of the...hunky booty??

Artie has to choose an ulterior motive. One that might entice her enough. She turns and looks forward, thinking about it, before a smile grows on her face.

Artie:’s your decision. We need to get going, though. We’re going to be late for our flight…

Bobbie: Maybe you’re right, Artie! I mean...SCW did always know how to choose the hunkiest guys! And maybe we can finally find you someone to hook up with!!

Bobbie slaps Artie on the knee, and Artie panics. Bobbie finally puts the car in drive and heads to the airport.

Back to the present…

Artie: was because of what I said about all the hunky guys. That...was your motivation. Cool.

He was disappointed. She could tell. She lets out a laugh and shakes her head.

Bobbie: I only let you think that, Artie, but that wasn’t the real reason. It was what you said before that. About how I should go for a title and everything. You really believed in me.

Artie’s eyes widen a bit, but he is left mostly speechless.

Artie: Oh. Yeah…

Bobbie: If you hadn’t said that, I never would have signed that contract. Well...maybe I would have. But I never would have gotten serious about actually trying for a title. And it really worked.

Artie shakes his head nervously and runs his hand through his hair.

Artie: You never needed me, Bobbie. You think you did, but…

Bobbie: Jesus, would you let me talk? You wanted me to talk before, and I was stupid and couldn’t find the words. Now when I’m trying, you’re shooting it all down!

Artie purses his lips closed, and goes quiet, allowing Bobbie the chance to talk.

Bobbie: I don’t know what you see in Ronnie, Artie. I mean...she’s your complete opposite. I don’t know how you two met. I don’t know how you started dating or who asked who out. Hell, for the longest time I thought you were gay! You didn’t even tell me otherwise!

Artie tries to speak, but Bobbie holds her hand up, shushing him.

Bobbie: If I’m honest, maybe I just created that as an excuse in my mind as to why you never got the courage to ask ME out, let alone anyone else. We were always around each other. Did everything for each other, and at first I thought you liked me. But when I didn’t get any sort of reaction, I thought it was the only explanation. And I was fine with it.

She takes in a deep breath and closes her eyes.

Bobbie: And then I found out about Ronnie...And it threw me for a damn loop! I was truly hurt, Artie. And because my Bobbie-senses kicked in, I knew she wasn’t right for you so I was trying to do everything to show you that.

She looks up at him, and it is an unfamiliar look to him. This serious side was still foreign to him and one he wasn’t sure he could ever get used to.

Bobbie: Are you happy with her?

That question takes him by surprise. He thinks for a moment.

Artie: I mean...we have a lot of fun together. She’s totally different when it’s just the two of us.

Bobbie: That didn’t answer my question. Are you happy with her, Artie. Because if you are, then I’ll leave it all alone. I’ll be happy for you, because that’s all I want. Even if it’s not with me. I love you enough to move on.

She said it. She finally said the words, and there wasn’t any hesitation when she did. Artie wasn’t sure what to say, and as had happened when he showed up at her doorstep, the two remain silent as they just stare at one another.

Later that night, Bobbie and Artie are seen standing by a table at a local bar in Honolulu. After finding out shocking news involving Fenris relationship with Ty, Bobbie was in no way going to leave the volatile Iceland native to drink alone. After all, he had been the one to meddle and called Artie, so this was her chance to return the favor.

Except she wouldn’t be calling Ty. She would just be there for Fenris, watching him from a slight distance and being a friend, even if he didn’t think he needed one. She stood and watched as he threw back shot after shot after shot, quietly wondering how he was eve still standing.

Artie: Are...are you sure we should be here with him right now? He seems a lot angrier than normal and scary.

Bobbie: I’m not leaving him alone, Artie! He might be angry and scary and all that, but he refused to leave me alone after you left so I’m doing the same. Besides, he’s the one that called you, remember?

Artie: So then call—

Bobbie shoots him an angry look and he immediately goes quiet.

Bobbie: That’s not what Fen wants! Fen called you because he knew it was what I wanted. I was upset. Fen is pissed off and I’m not about to go and make him hate me for doing that. me on this one!

Artie shrugged, but he didn’t argue another word. The two needed to continue their talk, but before either could say another word earlier, Bobbie had received a call that changed the rest of the day.

As Bobbie stands and watches Fenris from a distance, another familiar face walks into the bar. Fenris’ brother, Aron. He heads over to the two, surprised to see Artie.

Aron: Well, well, well. You finally gave in and called him. Good to see you, Artie.

Bobbie shakes her head.

Bobbie: I didn’t call him. Fenris did yesterday.

Aron: Of course he did. And it looks like it worked.

Aron smiles but Artie looks away awkwardly. Aron looks back and forth between the two.

Aron: Or maybe not?

Bobbie: I needed to be here for Fen. We couldn’t really finish talking.

Artie: that Aron is here...we can go?

Bobbie shakes her head. And just as she is about to respond, an angry screech is heard from the doorway, drawing most eyes in the bar in that direction. When Bobbie, Artie and Aron turn and look, who should they see standing there, FUMING, but Artie’s girlfriend…Ronnie!


Ronnie storms over to them, glaring directly at Bobbie. Bobbie rolls her eyes as Artie steps around the table, getting in between the two and Aron remains silent, watching the events unfold.

Bobbie: Oh good God. Did you stow away on a plane now, too?! What the hell are you doing here?!

Artie: did…??

Ronnie: Nevermind how I got here, Artie! The point is I’m here now and I’m taking you home with me!

Bobbie laughs and shakes her head. She rolls her eyes and takes a drink of whatever concoction she ordered before looking back to Ronnie.

Ronnie: You just can’t stop, can you?! Pretending to be hurt so Artie would come running after you?! How low will you go?!

Bobbie: First off, Twinkle Tits, I didn’t pretend to be ANYTHING! I didn’t call him so BACK OFF sweetheart!

Ronnie is still fuming. She tries to take a step closer to Bobbie, but Artie holds her back.

Ronnie: You know what. I’ve had enough. I’m sick of this and sick of your little woe is me act. I’ve been watching the shows and watching how pathetic you’ve been acting and it makes me sick. Artie, I’m telling you. Right here. Right now. It’s either me...or her!

Aron’s eyes widen as Ronnie gives Artie her ultimatum. Bobbie just laughs again and shakes her head, but she looks away, saying nothing. Ronnie folds her arms and with a grin, assumes what Artie’s response will be. Artie looks back and forth between the two women, before focusing back on Ronnie to give his answer.

Artie: Her.

Ronnie: That’s what I….WHAT?!

Bobbie’s attention shoots right to Artie, and even Aron is surprised, but he smiles, more proud of Artie than anything.

Artie: I said...Her!

Ronnie: You can’t...You can’t be serious?! She’s been trying to break us up for months!

Artie: No. She hasn’t. And do you know what she said earlier? She said if I was happy with you, she’d be happy for me. She never gave me an ultimatum! She never made me choose!

Ronnie’s jaw drops open, and Bobbie’s shock turns into a huge grin. Ronnie stares at Artie for a moment, hurt and furious at the same time. She suddenly rears her hand back and just as she is about to slap the daylights out of Artie, Bobbie springs into action and catches her hand! She shoves it away and as Ronnie glares at her angrily, Bobbie balls up a fist and punches her right in the nose! Ronnie immediately goes down, holding her nose and blood can be seen on her hands. Bobbie turns to Aron quickly.

Bobbie: Excuse us for a moment…

Bobbie then takes Artie by the hand and drags him outside! Once out of view, she pushes him against the outside of the building and brings her lips to his in a passionate kiss! It goes on for some time as people watch as they head inside and when Bobbie finally backs away, Artie is stunned! She looks at him, smiling.

Artie: Wow….

And she does it again! This time, Ronnie comes rushing out the door, still covering her broken nose. She turns and sees the two of them making out against the wall and she lets out a vicious scream before rushing away. But Artie and Bobbie are too wrapped up in their first game of tonsil hockey to even notice...or care!

The camera opens up in a much different scene than last week. Bobbie is in the same sofa as before only this time she is sitting up straight with a bright smile on her face and a much happier look in her eyes. She stares right into the camera as she begins speaking.

Bobbie: It’s amazing how just a week can change everything. EVERYTHING! I mean my outlook on everything is back to what it was before. This Paradise Lost Tour might have started out horribly, but damn it, it’s going to end on one hell of a high note.

Bobbie fidgets around on the sofa, like an excited child would.

Bobbie: Last week, I didn’t think I could do this anymore. I was convinced I didn’t want to do it anymore, because Artie wasn’t around. I didn’t say this, but he was the one who convinced me to come back earlier this year. He convinced me to actually aim for a title, so not having him around, there wasn’t much of a point anymore.

You would think going back even that short amount of time to when she felt her lowest that Bobbie would stop smiling, even for a moment. But she doesn’t. She’s like a giddy teenager. She’s like the old Bobbie.

Bobbie: But I was going about it all wrong! If Artie hadn’t come back. If I had actually quit and walked out of SCW, I would have made the biggest mistake of my life! Well...the next biggest after not telling Artie how I have felt about him for...well, forever if I’m honest! Three losses or not, I’m in the best position I’ve ever been in SCW, and to walk away now would be stupid!

Only then does Bobbie’s face fall for a moment and she looks down.

Bobbie: But now that Artie is back, all of my friends are disappearing and leaving! Jack and Emmie have been radio silent the last week. Ty did the unthinkable and he broke Fen’s heart. And because of that Fen got on a plane back to Iceland. Sure, Aron is still around, but seriously...what the hell is going on?! I mean...I’m glad to have Artie back. Happier than I have been, but I want my friends back!

She closes her eyes for a moment and takes in a deep breath. She opens her eyes a few moments later, smiles brightly again and looks back into the camera.

Bobbie: But enough with the heavy! I’ve gotta do what I should have done a lot sooner! I need to get ready for this match on Sunday. Get in the right mindset and prepare for the biggest match of my life, and that’s what I’m gonna do.

She starts fidgeting excitedly again, chomping at the bit to walk into High Stakes IX for her Roulette Championship opportunity.

Bobbie: Ya know, a part of me likes Sammie Cakes. That same part of me thinks me and her could be really good friends if we tried! But then, the more I listen to that girl talk, the more I just want to punch her in the face! I mean...the girl is sickeningly sweet! Does she ever stop?!?!

Bobbie rolls her eyes and for a brief moment, she balls her fists up in her lap.

Bobbie: I mean, I get it. She’s a good southern girl. A real Daddy’s Girl, and she’s got your typical bad seed sister. But...that girl needs to let her bad side fly every now and then because it’s why people are getting bored of her as the champion. Hell, we’re bored of her, period! She’s been virtually the same the last two years and it’s time for a change! It’s time for someone who can have fun and live life, but also EXCITE the fans and put on a hell of a good time. That person...that’s me!

Bobbie thinks for a moment and then folds her arms across her chest before rolling her eyes.

Bobbie: Ya know, if I had watched Sammie’s promo last week before Artie came back, I probably would have had to buy another laptop. What she said would have annoyed me that much. But looking back on it now, all I can do is laugh. Like a good laugh from deep in this big gut of mine! Does that girl watch her own promos before or even after they air? She’s a little all over the place, but it’s time I put that girl in her place once and for all.

Bobbie cracks her neck from side to side. Mentally preparing herself for this match against Sam Marlowe.

Bobbie: You see. Somewhere inside Sam Marlowe is a mean girl just itching to come out. That was damn apparent with everything she was saying in that promo. Saying how she’s not going to do what everyone else does and pointing out how the fat girl is going up against the skinny girl and the insults that come with it? All that bullshit and then she follows it up with the winner between the two of us will be the hungriest, and that it won’t be the fat girl. Uhhh...let me be honest here.

Bobbie shakes her head with a laugh.

Bobbie: If those weren’t hypocritical words, I damn sure don’t know what is! She just had to use the words “it won’t be the fat girl.” Gee, that was...RUDE! But hey, I don’t really give a crap because I know I’m fat, but I’m damn proud of who I am and I’d rather be fat and funny, than skinny and boring as hell like her! Oh, and P.S- I AM hungrier than her to win this match.

Bobbie looks into the camera with a fiery determination in her eyes.

Bobbie: I mean, how can Sammie be hungrier for something she already has?! How can she want something more than me that she already has in her possession?! Not only that, how can she want a win over me more when she’s undefeated against me?! Newsflash...she can’t! And I’m gonna prove that on Sunday!

Bobbie has to calm herself down as she takes in a few deep breaths, and then focuses on the gravity of the situation.

Bobbie: This match...I know it ain’t gonna be easy! I’m not expecting it to me! That Roulette Wheel is a giant enemy and pain in the ass for fat girls like me. I’m aware of what it could land on, and how it could put me at a bigger disadvantage than ever before. But I don’t care! I knew what I was getting myself into when I decided to set my sights on the Roulette Championship! And a part of me is just hoping it’ll land on Evening Gown or Bra and Panties or some shit like that just so I can prove that I. Am. Not. Afraid!

Bobbie grins as she thinks of the possibilities. She was well aware of how big(pun intended) of a joke she would be in a bra and panties match, but she fought every battle the same.

Bobbie: I welcome every challenge the same. Bizarre stipulation or dangerous hardcore stipulation alike! That’ll just make it that much sweeter when I overcome them one by one as I climb that ladder of success and prove what type of Roulette Champion I want to be!

The fiery determination returns to her eyes.

Bobbie: It’s not gonna be easy. I’m not making the mistake of thinking it will be. I’m also not going to make the mistake of getting over-confident, because I’ve seen what can happen there. But, I’m also not going to give up Sammie beats me...again. I’m going to get back up and keep fighting, because I’m not a quitter! I don’t just give up when everyone else counts me out, and I can thank Artie for reminding me of that. And I can thank Fenris for getting Artie here to remind me of that.

She looks into the camera, her expression fading for just a moment.

Bobbie: This last month, Fenris did a lot for me to get my mind off of everything. He would have called Artie sooner had I let him, but that’s neither here nor there. I owe a lot to Fen, and I wish I could get him on a plane back to Hawaii to watch me beat Sammie, but I’m gonna do my best to take Aron’s advice and leave him be. I just hope he’ll be watching, because this is all thanks to him, and I’m not about to forget that!

She adjust herself on the sofa, having been sitting in the same position for quite some time.

Bobbie: Win or lose...I’m not letting anyone down this time. There has been too much of that lately, and I’m going to go out there and prove why I deserve to be in the title picture. Why I’m going to STAY in the title picture and why I WILL be a champion sooner or later. It’s only a matter of time, I just hope that it happens sooner rather than later. Artie is back. Ronnie is gone and out of the picture. I’m staying in SCW. All is right with the world and I’m ready to have one hell of a party after I become the Roulette Champion!

Bobbie looks past the camera and rolls her eyes. The camera pans back again to see Despayre, a.k.a Mister Self Help, jotting something down on his notepad with a purple crayon. Bobbie throws her hands up in the air again.

Bobbie: Great! You haven’t been listening again!

Mister Self Help looks up, his eyes blinking through those heavy specs of his and he looks to Angel.

MSH: What’s that, Angel?

He listens for a moment as Bobbie arches an eyebrow curiously.

Bobbie: What? What is he saying?

MSH: Huh? Well that’s weird…

He looks at Bobbie curiously.

MSH: Do you and Artie sleep in bunk beds?

Bobbie: What? No...why?!

Mister Self Help shrugs.

MSH: He’s just wondering who was on top…

Bobbie’s jaw drops as Mister Self Help starts jotting something down again. A few moments later, Bobbie cracks a smile and starts laughing hysterically. She slaps her knees and lays back on the sofa, near tears from laughing so much.

Indeed, all was right in the world as Bobbie Dahl has returned to her old self. And only time will tell if she’ll finally be the Bombshell Roulette Champion, or if the fight continues.

Stay tuned to High Stakes IX this Sunday for that and so much more!!

Offline Sam Marlowe

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    • Samantha Marlowe
Sam Marlowe (c) V Bobbie Dahl
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2019, 11:35:21 PM »
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Aloha to my fans.  Coming to Hawaii to defend my title had me thinking about why I want to defend this title and why I fight so hard.  So, I figured that I would give a unique insight into the whys and wherefores of just what drives my desire to be champion.  

Now most people define being a champion as beating the best in the world at what they do.  They become the face of the company or it gives them the ‘look at me I am a winner’ mentality that is the boost in the arm that they need to stand up straight as champion.  And most people would probably accuse me of doing the same.  Let me tell you the truth behind that.

I am not champion because I want to be the face of the company and I am not champion because I need the fame of wearing a title.  I am champion because I want to prove to myself that I have what it takes to step into the ring night in and night out as a wrestler.  I have had my low points and my high points and through it all, the only one that I needed to beat was me.  Beat it into myself that I was good enough, that I could rise to the challenge without resorting to the things that the other bombshells do.  I don’t put down my opponents because I know that to wrestle at this level they are just as good as I am and it is only the short moment of a three count that could change all that.

Take for example Bobbie Dahl, my opponent for High Stakes.  I know she is good and I know she has earned her way to the number one contendership and I know that she is going to be gunning for me like there is no tomorrow however, I also know that I am currently undefeated against her and I know that must eat at her which makes her dangerous.  Which means that I will need to be on the top of my own game in our match if I want to walk out the Bombshell Roulette champion…

Act two Scene one:  Shakespeare to Escape

“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.”

The soft voice speaking these words fills the small stage of Escape, a community theatre and arts center.  Sam Marlowe, her red curls hanging limp and frizzy on her shoulder as she reads out the words to a group of students from a local high school who are sitting in a small group in the orchestra pit.  Dressed in a rather slapdash toga with a haphazard crown of ivy over one eye, she smiles at the students.

“So, what was Shakespeare talking about with this quote?” she asks the kids who for the most part lean back in their chairs trying to avoid Sam’s eyes.  She moves forward and holds up her copy of Julius Caesar and waves it in the air.  “Come on…does anyone know what it is talking about?”

The students again evade the look from Sam and so she moves to the center of the stage and sits down to look them in the eye and begins to speak.  “I think that Shakespeare wrote this to…”

A young man in a wrestling tee and glasses puts his finger on the bridge of the glasses and pushes none too gently on it to straighten them and coughs slightly.  “I guess he is saying that you need to be responsible for your own destiny and can’t just wish on a star to get it.  You know like you decide your own fate,” he says prompting Sam to nod and point at that kid who smirks at the others who toss paper balls at him.

“That is exactly right in my opinion,” offers Sam as she kicks her feet slightly.  “When I studied this for my thesis, I had to defend it and I used my experience in the wrestling ring when I did.  I also used some other quotes to help.  For example, ‘To thine own self be true’.  Seriously Shakespeare wrote some pretty good quotes.”

“Yeah but they are boring AF Ms Marlowe,” states a young woman around a mouthful of chewing gum that she smacks.  “The man wrote, I’ll give him that but the man can’t relate to nowadays.”  The girl smirks then blows a large bubble that Sam moves quickly towards, her finger ripping the light pink bubble.

“I get that the language is like high falootin’ and all but he is really relevant today y’all,” says Sam as she looks each kid in the eyes.  “How many of you liked the movie Ten Things I hate about you?”

The girls nod together and chatter.  The bubble blower speaks up to say, “Oh yeah, Heath was sooooo bad boy in that movie!”

A tinkle of a laugh escapes Sam.  “That’s Shakespeare!”

A chorus of no is heard which has Sam nodding in the positive.  “It’s Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew with some liberties taken,” she tells them.  “Or think about it…She’s The Man is Twelfth Night.  If you look at the movies from that you identify with may have a Shakespearean background.  Even Mel Gibson and his Hamlet or Disney’s foray into that play with the Lion King.  But that is it for today…next time we talk Henry the fifth”  

The students start to nod and jabber once more as Sam reaches up for the crown of ivy and pulls it from her hair.  She motions for the students that time is up as she reaches for the toga to pull it off.  The students leave, the ocean of them splitting around a familiar blonde who is in the doorway of the room with a cameraman who is filming Sam removing the toga and whipping it around her arm.  Pussy moves closer and then motions for the cameraman to film higher.  

“Sam, when are you heading to Hawaii?  I am one of the last I think but you are still here in Vegas,” Pussy demands before continuing.  “I have to admit that I am surprised that you aren’t already there.”

Sam puts the toga in a stage box nearby without answering at first before she turns back to Pussy.  “I was all ready to go but then found out that my family are going to be there early so I decided that I would hang back a bit.  I will head there Friday.”

“Your family is going to be at High Stakes?  Does that mean Cyn…” says Pussy as her voice fades slightly.

“And Monte I am afraid,” replies Sam interrupting a now shocked Pussy who whistles low.  “Daddy is taking Moms for their anniversary and Cyn and Monte are tagging along.  So, I made plans to stay in Vegas then head out to the islands on Friday and take them out to dinner as my gift for their anniversary.”

“So, does that mean you are training at the Staggs Dungeon?” asks Pussy which has Sam nodding.  “Did they give you any tips to beating Bobbie?”

Sam smiles at Pussy as she grabs up her book and then turns to wag a finger at the interviewer.  “I am not going to say anything to that in case Bobbie is listening.  I don’t want to share all my secrets,” jokes Sam.  “Besides, the training I get from Vix is just that, TRAINING.  After all, when I started in this company, I didn’t do the obvious and train at Gabriel and Odette’s gym that turned out all these people who wanted to throw names around and be buddy buddy with everyone out of that gym.  That’s great and good for them.  I have to be true to myself and to do that, I went to the couple that could give me a well-rounded experience as well as a sense of family.  Hellfire, I was taught not to rely on anyone but myself and at the end of the day, that is the one that I have to fight for.”

“Having friends isn’t a bad thing Sam,” says Pussy with a hurt look that makes Sam pat her shoulder sympathetically.

“Of course, you are my friend and I have some others,” begins Sam.  “But I don’t have to have them build me up because without them I would be nothing.  That isn’t me, first and foremost, I fight for me and if I needed to rely on those that build me up, then why do I even bother to wrestle?  If you ask me, having that is more of a negative in my opinion.  Think of it…you lose that support and start to let it eat at you, then you are going to have to invest in finding that validation somewhere or quit.”

“There was a time Sam that you thought about quitting,” replies Pussy.  “What changed to that Sam?”

“She decided that she was good enough not to worry about wins and losses,” answers Sam as she clutches the book to her chest.  “Listen Pussy, I am sick and tired of worrying about winning because then I would get into my own head and that tended to make me lose time and again and beat the heck out of my ego.  Now, wrestling a great match is enough for me.”

Pussy brings her hand up as if holding a microphone.  “Sam Marlowe, how can you talk about wrestling being enough for you?” teases the interviewer as her hand is thrust under the lips of Sam who puts on a serious look as if speaking to the millions of fans listening.

“I can say that Pussy because in all reality, wrestling is a desire that is not a want but a need.  I need to prove myself and if that means keeping the Bombshell Roulette title then that means that I will step into the ring and out wrestle anyone to keep that title.  And with that Pussy, I am going to have to leave you right there.”

Pussy is about to pull the imaginary microphone back but Sam grabs it and with a wink she smiles as she continues with a final comment.  “Be ready Pussy, I am coming to defend and retain the title no matter what Bobbie says.”

Sam manages to strike a pose but is unable to hold it as she and Pussy break into laughter.  The pair shake and wobble as the cameraman joins in before sending the image to snow by accidentally pressing the stop button but audio can still be heard.

“That wasn’t good…we could have continued you know!” exclaims Pussy as Sam is heard to say that she needs to go home and pack.

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Bobbie Dahl.  In the past few weeks was just a shadow of herself and I can’t tell you what was wrong with her.  It was like she had lost her good luck charm and it showed.  I mean I knew she wasn’t in the right frame of mind from what I saw on social media.  

Speaking of social media, it has been a right dodgy thing lately and I really have to wonder just what it was worth to live your life in that fish bubble of Twitter.  I mean I see it all.  The whining and the happy stories, the break ups and daily soap opera that has been everyone’s lives all in two hundred and eighty characters.

In all honesty I can’t understand Bobbie thinking that she can’t win without some kind of lucky charm.  I mean I have seen her beat Mercedes Vargas and I have seen her win the contendership to the Bombshell Roulette title all by her lonesome.  I think that her talk I have seen at Climax Control and on social media is just her justifying her slacking off on her personal life.  I wish Bobbie you could see who I see when you wrestle.  Someone with your talent could really be going places and I am not saying that because I want to build you up.  I am speaking the truth because if you ask me, you are someone who should have won a title sooner.   I guess you are you and you have a different method to get into the game.  

Me on the other hand, I am what I am.  I am simply Sam Marlowe, a woman that has put herself through the wringer to win titles and stressed myself to retain my titles when I win them.  But I am not defined by winning or retaining a title.  I could step into that ring right now with or without the title and still get the same reaction from all of the fans.  And that is why I am the way I am because I give my all and leave it all in the ring.  Yes, I am sure you are going to say that I am someone that is so sweet I would give someone cavities but Bobbie…I am not sweet, I am just me.  I have faults and I have dreams and I have the desire to keep winning.  Which means that I may not be mean and nasty to speak about my opponents however, I will still step up and I will deliver the beating I need to in order to retain the title.  The victim of that determination at High Stakes is going to be you Bobbie, and that isn’t just a promise, it is a guarantee.

Act two Scene two:  Control

The lobby of the Prince Waikiki hotel is filled with the scents of the flowers decorating the countertops and tables as Sam Marlowe approaches the desk.  Dressed in a soft lavender dress and high heeled boots, she looks cool and relaxed.  She has silvered glasses covering her eyes that she raises slowly while she walks, pushing her long red curls behind her.

Standing near the bar, Monte watches as Sam moves closer.  Grabbing the lapels of his suit jacket, he moves forward but is blocked by a crowd that begins to form around Sam as fans approach her.  She stops and smiles as people begin to push cell phones and cameras into the face of Sam who smiles and poses with fans before reaching out for the pens that are thrust at her and signing every piece of paper or article of clothing put in front of her.

As he is preparing to wade through the crowd, he feels a hand stealing between his arm and body as Cyn wraps herself around her husband’s arm.  “Just look at her will you?  Showing off for all the little people like she was some kind of superstar or something.  If I had remained in SCW it would be me that they surround and not her,” offers Cyn with a sneer as Monte just nods his head in agreement.  Tugging at his arm, she begins to wade through the crowd.  “Excuse me…manager coming through!” she shouts at the fans who boo her as they begin to disperse.

Sam looks at the pair, the smile on her face fading slightly as the last of the fans move away.  “How many times do I have to tell you Cyn that you are not my manager!” exclaims Sam as her hands go to her hips angrily.  

Waving off her anger, Cyn smirks at Sam who rolls her eyes and then is about to say something but is stopped as the trio are joined by Philip and Vanessa Marlowe.  Cyn moves to air kiss her mother’s cheeks as Sam is drawn into a rather tight bear hug from her father.  Smiling at the scent of his aftershave, Sam whispers ‘Hi Daddy’ as Philip demands if Monte is bothering her softly.  Sam shakes her head no and then moves to her mother as Cyn once more grabs the arm of Monte who holds out a hand to a wary Philip.

“I have booked us a table in the restaurant so why don’t we head there now,” offers Monte holding out his empty arm to Sam just as her father does as well.  Philip glares at Monte who gives him a bland look back.  Both men are surprised by a voice from behind them.

“I hope I am not too late,” says the voice that has everyone turning to spy Colton Myers in a pair of light cargo pants and a cotton shirt.  Sam smiles but the angry look on Monte’s face and the smile on Philip’s is priceless as Colton moves between Sam and Monte earning a glare from Monte and returning it with a smile.  “So, let’s eat, I am starved,” he adds as he begins to guide Sam towards the table.

The three couples move to the table and Colton holds out Sam’s chair.  After everyone is seated, the maître d’ arrives to speak to Monte.  As he does, Colton leans to Sam and whispers, “your daddy was right Sami, Monte’s not a great guy.”

Looking towards the now oblivious Monte, Sam nods slowly.  As she and Colton speak softly, they are approached by fans singly and in pairs asking for the two redheads for their autographs.  Trying to be discreet, they sign and hand them back their papers.  

Cyn sighs heavily.  “Oh my goodness, don’t let us interrupt your fan fest,” she sneers which has her mother patting her hand and her father growling.

“Your sister Cynthia has a big match this weekend and we are here to celebrate your mother and I’s anniversary.  Not everything is about you,” he says to a gasp from Sam and Vanessa and a ‘hmph’ from Cyn,  Monte looks at Philip and shakes his head as he responds.  “I don’t think that is what Cyn is talking about sir.  I think she is wanting the focus to be on you and your wife, not Sam and…what is your name again?”

“Colton…Colton Myers,” offers Camo with a smirk.  “Been a family friend to Sami since she was, oh this high,” he says as he holds his hand a few inches taller than the table where they were sitting and spoke, “Not to change the subject but Sami are you ready for Sunday night?”

Sam has the grace to duck her head as her mother gives her a look of concern and Philip one of pride.  Monte and Cyn share a glance but pointedly ignore the question.  Reaching up, Sam brushes the hair from her cheek and nods slowly.  “I am as ready as I have ever been but it has been a while since I faced Bobbie Dahl.”

“Isn’t that the fat girl that seems to think she is god’s gift to men?” demands Cyn as she reaches for the goblet of wine that is set by her plate.  “If you ask me, she is just a really big…” continues Cyn as Sam speaks at the same time trying to out speak her sister.

“Bobbie is really good,” begins Sam finally drowning out Cyn.  “I know a lot of people think that she doesn’t deserve to have this match but I think she deserves it for sure.  Y’all can think what you want but she did beat some strong women to advance to face me,” adds Sam as she reaches for her napkin and whipping it slightly, she drapes it over her lap.

“Samantha darlin’ you do know that you shouldn’t interrupt your sister when she is speakin’ should you?” says Vanessa in her southern velvet soft strong as steel voice.  “Now tell me Colton, what are you doing in Hawaii?”

Colton turns to Sam’s mother and shrugs softly.  “I thought you knew, Sami invited me since the two of us are so close,” he teases as Monte spews the wine he had sipped into his napkin.  Cyn backhands him softly before rubbing at his shoulder.  “You and Sammi are a couple?” she demands to which Colton nods with a wink at Sam.

With a huff, Cyn and Monte give Sam and Colton a glare then she stands and throws her napkin down.  “I don’t need this,” she offers before reaching out her hand to Monte.  “I think I am developing a headache,” she insists as her fingers wiggle.  Getting to his feet, Monte looks solicitously as he helps Cyn from the table and the pair begin to walk away.  

Philip picks up his glass and holds it up in a toast.  “To my wonderful wife Vanessa.  Without you I would not have the two girls and the best wife in the world.  And to my princess Sammi, may you win on Sunday night!” he toasts.

The three others join him as their food starts to arrive sending the scene fading out.

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Tick tock tick tock Bobbie.  The time is getting closer and it is amazing to think that in only two days we will be stepping in front of the Roulette wheel and letting it decide what kind of match we will be having to battle for the Bombshell Roulette title.  And battle we will I am sure.

I know you are hungry Bobbie.  I have heard you talk on Climax Control that you aren’t sure for some reason but the question is are you speaking like that because you are really afraid of what might happen in that match or is it because you think that the match is in the bag and you are trying to lull me into a false sense of security.

If it is the first, I have to say that you should be afraid of what I am going to be bringing to the match.  I have a bit of a legacy when it comes to this title belt and if truth be told, there is nothing that I would not be capable of in retaining the title. Not to say that I will cheat because that isn’t me, I don’t need to cheat to beat anyone I put my mind to beating.  And this week that is going to be you and don’t tell me that I won’t be able to because Bobbie, I have trained for this and I am ready to win.

If however, it is the second and you are lulling me into a false sense of security you have to know that I am ready for that too.  I don’t leave things to chance any more.  I have studied your matches, I have prepared for the woman who won the contendership and I have worked on my moves perfecting them and getting them ready to face you and to put you in a situation that will have you pinned to the mat or tapping out to the Sammiwrap.  One way or another, there will be only one response and sadly that response is to see me beating you at High Stakes and having my hand raised in victory while the fans chant my name.

We both know that a bombshell roulette title match is a twist of fate with each spin of the wheel and neither of us will know just how this title is to be contested.  But considering that I have had my share of Bombshell Roulette championship matches, it would be safe to say that I have the advantage in this match and I will be using that considerable skill set to do what will be my title defense against you Bobbie.

Good luck Ms Dahl.  The countdown is on and when that wheel spins to show me what match you and I will be in, just know that no matter what, it will be a match that will see me once more come out on top to retain my title belt.