Author Topic: A Spiritual Reckoning  (Read 618 times)

Offline The Good Shepherds

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    • Gerald Shepherd
A Spiritual Reckoning
« on: July 12, 2019, 11:18:21 PM »
And He said… Let there be light!

Brightness that is almost blinding opens up the scene before dissolving into an overgrown pasture in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  There is a man in a white suit and a powder blue shirt adorned with a white tie.  He has a pin that acts like it is glowing in the amount of sunlight beaming down on him.  His frosty salt and pepper hair and matching goatee gives him away as Father Gerald Shepherd, leader of the congregation known as The Church of the Good Shepherds, or better known to the wrestling world as simply The Good Shepherds.  As the blades dance across his suit, and he gets closer to the camera, he forces a smile from ear to ear.

“Hi and welcome to Tulsa.”

He bellows out in his deep, uninviting voice that sends chills down the spines of any viewer receptive enough to pick up on that.

“What a beautiful day he hath bestowed upon us today.  Tulsa is bright and our eyes can drink in its beauty.  Not every day is as bright as today, but you can always find comfort in His divine word, and that is what I’ve come to you today to tell you.”

Gerald continues to walk through the field and toward a hill.  He stares at it for only a second before returning to the viewers of this info-mercial.

“It may rain, and it may snow.  It may lightning, and you best remember that it will thunder.  But, within the walls that He hath demanded that I build in his honor, for my family to reside in under His eye, and those same walls that are open to the entire congregation, you can be certain that it will be warm, welcoming, and full of His almighty spirit.”

Gerald makes it to the hill and begins to walk up it as the shot angles so to see him as the camera treads uphill backward.

“Since debuting on television, and since meeting with and discussing the gifts which only He may bestow upon us with celebrity and part time wrestler Kenzi Grey, there has been so much interest in the congregation.  So many souls who are tired of being commanded by their own sins. So many hearts who have been looking in all of the wrong places for His love and mercy.  All of them have been coming in to see us, or sending donations to help spread His message, and congregation members have multiplied by thirty-four.  He is waiting to bless you, and He hath blessed me doubly.”

Gerald is becoming a bit out of breath from climbing the tall hill, but he only shows it through a few pants between the occasional word and the slight beads of sweat on his forehead.

“But we have also been asked so many questions.  And the purpose of this video is to help explain what we at The Church of the Good Shepherds are all about.  So hang loose, as the kids say, and watch as I answer the best questions we have received.”

Gerald reaches a set of steps at the top of the hill, and he enters the church quickly.  But before we get a solid view of the inside, the view twists as 80’s style music begins playing in the background, and we switch to see Father Gerald standing on the pulpit in front of what must be close to a hundred people, just from what the camera picks up.

“Who is Father Gerald?  Why, perhaps I am not the best one to answer that question, so please welcome my lovely daughter, Sister Esther Shepherd to answer that for you.”

Sister Esther comes up to the bottom step of the pulpit in an all white dress, very form fitting, with a powder blue blouse underneath it.  Her hands are covered in white gloves, and her best Sunday hat is adorning her head.  She waves as the congregation claps for her.

“Thank you!  My father is a great man.  He is the kindest, most gentle soul that I have ever met.  He is a man of true Godly virtue.  He is a man who has learned from his mistakes.  He is a sinner, just like you and me.  But of course he’s not a sinner like… a herpes infested prostitute who works the corner of Main and 3rd.  Or a rapist who is allowed to roam free due to lack of evidence.  Small things, like being proud of his beautiful daughter, or forgetting to pay taxes for five years.”

Esther can tell that she’s losing her crowd, and Gerald widens his eyes and runs his fingers across his throat.  Esther bows and whispers sorry before turning back to the congregation and the camera.

“He is more than just a man of God.  He is more than just a father.  He is an army veteran.  He is a member of the Republican Party.  He tried so hard to lobby for Ted Cruz.  He is an American.  He is a volunteer for Habitat For Humanity.  He is so much more than anyone can describe.  He’s my daddy, and no daughter in the world can be any luckier than me, and it is all thanks to Him, above.”

Esther smiles and bows against before walking off of the step and back into the congregation and they all clap for her.  Gerald shakes his head with blushing cheeks as he claps for Esther, and probably himself as well.  The view twists again and spins off into the corner as we see Father Gerald standing in front of a baptismal pool with a young woman sitting on the edge of it in a white gown.  Gerald looks surprised to see us.

“Oh, hi there.  I wasn’t expecting you to be right there.  Now, people ask in so many diff’rent ways, they say Father Gerald.  What is the mission of The Good Shepherds?  Well, I’m here to tell ya.”

Gerald nods at the woman, who swings her legs into the pool.  She slides in until her chest is just above the water.  Father Gerald picks up a grail and a book.  He dunks the grail into the water before setting it on the edge of the pool and placing his hand on top of her head.  She begins to slowly slide down into the water, laughing nervously before closing her eyes.

“Welcome, precious little child. So divine from God above. Christened today in Jesus' name, Held in His arms of love. May angels guide your feet and bring you smiles to wear and may our Heavenly Father always keep you in His care.  Heavenly Father, In your love you have called us to know you, led us to trust you, and bound our life with yours. Surround your child with your love, protect her from evil.  Fill it with the holy spirit and receive it into the family of your church, that it may walk with us in the way of Christ, and spiritually grow in the knowledge of your love.  By His hand, we pray.  Amen.”

The woman leans back as Gerald signs the trinity over her head and then begins to slowly pour the grail over her head.  After a moment, she opens her eyes and seems like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders.

“The mission of The Good Shepherds is simple.  We save.  In His holy name, we redeem those who wish to be redeemed.  We flock the sheep back to his pastures so that they may feast upon his bounty of blessings.  We spread love, mercy, and biblical justice.”

Gerald winks as the screen once again spins until coming to find Father Gerald standing in front of the church with just his daughter, his wife, and his son.  They are all dressed in the same color scheme of white and powder blue.  Gerald steps from the middle as the family flanks him.

“Why have you become wrestlers?  Isn’t violence a sin?  Please, Brother David, answer this, because it is just too easy for me, son.”

Brother David comes from Gerald’s right and walks around toward the front to take the lead for a moment.

“Wrestling is a sport.  Would you call Patrice Bergeron a sinner for checking someone into the wall?  No.  Would you call Tyrese Robinson a sinner for a sickening pancake?  No.  So why would you call competitive combat a sin?  It is just business.”

David sneers, letting us know that it probably isn’t all about business.

“Many men of faith participate in sports, and wrestling is no different.  We still serve His word, and if anything, we are going into the Lion’s Den, much like Daniel, to spread his message to those who are so in despair that their lives have resorted to sitting at home and watching second and third rate wrestling companies who boast, hah, stars like Alicia Lukas and Stewart Mason.  Those people have truly hit rock bottom, and they surely would be open to finding an escape from their pathetic misery.  We are just trying to bring them peace of mind while providing entertainment for them.  It’s like we’re Mz Holly Wood, but without a certain alternative agenda telling us to do unnatural things to spread our message to the masses.”

David winks and continues walking forward.

“We spread a message of love, mercy, and justice, and we want everyone to accept our invitation to join in on our mission, His mission.  But we know that some people are not prepared to make that kind of commitment.  We offer many painless options for compliance.  But before we tell you about that, let me ask you a few questions.”

David stops, centered in a large garden with a fountain behind him as he turns.  The other Shepherds turn also and David removes his jacket.  Behind the jacket rests a tight shirt that leaves little to the imagination, as you can see his developed upper body in it’s finest, as if the powder blue shirt was merely painted on.

“Are you tired of being told that your convictions are wrong?  Are you sick of people shoving liberal views and promises of peaceful coexistence while you are also forced to assimilate and give up your virtues so not to offend anyone?  Do you feel like you simply don’t agree with tolerance of certain groups of sinners who refuse to repent, and revel in their sins, but you just don’t know why?  Do you feel like something is missing within you, like a whole in your heart that just won’t heal?  Are you lonely?  Do you get the feeling that you would be in a better place if you could just be surrounded by those of like mind?”

David could go on for hours, but in the interest of spreading his hateful messages, masked as kind and helpful words, he stops himself of the questions.  Instead, he points directly at you.

“The answer is simple.  You need God.  You need His almighty wisdom and love in your life.  Many churches refuse to take certain types of people, but we accept all.  We love all.  So long as you agree with our views, or are at least willing to submit to them.  Our love is His love, and His love is ever present.  Come to the Church of the Good Shepherds and you will be pleased at how quickly your life turns around.”

Gerald claps and pats his son on the shoulder.  He walks around David and comes to the front of the group.  The mist of the fountain in the wind sprays across them gently, cooling them off as they stand in the bright, overly exposing sun.

“Couldn’t’ve said it better myself, Brother David.  Our message is love, in His name.  But His love is sometimes a tough one when it is needed.  Please do not hold it against us if our methods inside of a wrestling ring are a bit… extreme.  We don’t want you to think that we will beat you into oblivion when you come into our church.  We have to go to extreme measures inside of the wrestling ring because in the city of sin, we have to fight through the darkness and get people to see the light.  Obviously we’re gonna have to fight real hard, just like David when he had to prove that the many Saul’s of Sin City were unfit to lead the righteous against the many Philistines, giants, jezabels, and sodomites that inhabit it.  It won’t be easy, and it won’t be pleasant.  But it is necessary.

“Do not let it turn you away, because not every induction into the congregation is as harsh as it might seem on television.  Mercy is for those who chose to serve, and the smart ones always choose to serve.  For He opens himself unto us, and that, in a nutshell, is our mission.  So please find our contact information at the end of this video so that you too can change your life around and live it to the fullest.  God bless.”

With that, Gerald steps back with his family as the 80’s music increases in volume and causes an almost ear shattering effect when the screen shows the white clouds and sunshine behind the logo of The Church of the Good Shepherds.  Underneath is the promised contact information such as a telephone number, and email address, and the twitter handle of Father Gerald himself @shepherds_good . The video ends after a minute or so and goes away into a static.


"When I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted."

“Daddy!  Why do we have to actually stay here?  It’s so disgusting!”

Sister Esther Shepherd is seen pouting as she lays across a red and gold chaise lounger, her legs crossed in her skirt that might be just a touch too short of her father’s liking.  Gerald is seated across the hotel suite at a desk with glasses on his face, and his navy blue dress shirt informally buttoned just about mid way up.  Mother Mavis is massaging his shoulders as he looks up from his books and papers, annoyed by the question. Mavis pats him on the shoulder and then walks away from her husband, approaching her daughter with a thoughtful smile.  However, as she leans down, she slaps her daughter across the face with strength.

“Don’t you dare doubt your father and his wisdom, little girl!”

David looks over from the corner and raises his eyebrows at the situation, but continues to read the good book in his hands.  Mavis returns to Gerald, who turns his attention back to the papers on his desk as he scribbles and searching through the book at his side.  Esther hmphs and gets off of the lounger and walks over to the hotel room door and exits, slamming the door behind her.  David doesn’t break focus, and Mavis only sighs.

“That daughter of ours is so willful.  I honestly don’t know where it comes from.”

Gerald chuckles, not looking up from his task at hand.  He chuckles deep for at least thirty seconds before answering as he writes.

“Why, she gets it from her mama and her daddy, my sweet southern belle.  You know how we was before we found our way completely.  Plus, she’s a real bombshell belle inside of the ring, and you know she didn’t get that from just one of us.”

“Mmm, true.  Was I too hard on her, do you think?”

Gerald shakes his head but his eyes stay locked on the page.

“Not at all, buttercup.  She’s gonna have to learn one way or another.  When she is almost completely spiritually deaf, she needs her mother to show her the place she earned when she came out as not a boy.”

Mavis nods her head, but it is clear that she is disappointed in that fact.  David has a smile on his face that is only noticeable if you really truly look.  He finishes his alloted reading for the day and puts the book down on the table next to the couch.  He reaches for a glass half filled with water and he takes a sip. Mavis casts a lovely and genuine glance at her son, the fruit of her loin.

“David is definitely the good seed.  Good enough to turn both his parents into true believers.  And he proved that on Underground: Episode 28 just last night.”

Gerald has to offer a break to the papers and glance up at his son with a beeming proud smile.  David’s icy blue eyes look back at his parents and absorbs their pride.

“That he surely did.  I never could have seen such a thing coming.  I expected to only be teamed with my belle or my fluffy little cherub cloud.  I am the teacher, but I feel as though David has taught me something in the process.”

David nods appreciatively.

“Honored, father.  Truly.  I do not wish to make similar transgressions to Sister Esther, because I trust in your wisdom, and I know that you know what we should do deep down in your heart.  But I want to know who you have planned to face these two revelers of sin on the Lord’s Day.  Only because, if I am to participate in this match, I need to be sure to stay on a strict regimen of diet and exercise.  I mean absolutely no disrespect.”

Gerald places his pen down on his pad of paper and he clasps his hands together.  David gulps unsure of what is coming his way.  The glare of his father seems to put him into an almost cold sweat.

“Child, you need not worry about such matters.  I am your father, but you are my son.  Born of my righteous seed, born to take the name of the family.  I value your opinion, and I welcome your thoughts, because how will you lead the troops once the General is out of the battle?”

David nods his head, feeling a bit relieved.  However, as his mother approaches him, he tenses slightly, preparing to take another slap.  Instead, he receives a loving kiss on his forehead and a gentle rub on the back.  David breathes a full sigh of relief and looks back to his father.  He stands up to join him at the desk.

“Esther, God bless her heart, has not been the most… faithful of soldiers.  She doubts our mission at times.  She doubts herself.  We are set to go into another sector of this company, the higher brand as the heathens call it.  If we want to make a good impression, we mustn’t include her.  Not yet.”

Gerald nods.

“Valid point.  And because of the mixed tag team rules, Mother Mavis must take her place.”

“I am a proud man, father.  I know that I can take care of Ace Hart without any complications.  Perhaps it is my sin, but I know it deep in my heart.  If it is your will, His will, for me to participate in this match, then by His holy grace, I will do it.  But do you think it is my place to usher us into the bigger company?”

Gerald thinks about it for a second.  He sighs and shakes his head.  David looks disappointed.

“David, son.  You know that pride is one of the deadliest sins.  I appreciate your willingness to confess your sins to me, and to not be proud of them.  It is the curse set upon us by Eve with the Original Sin.  As one who hath been absolved of such a sin, I must not allow you to carry that burden into this match.”

“Rightfully so, father.”

Mother Mavis strokes her husbands hair and offers him a smile.

“It looks like it is just you and me, darlin’.  Alia Starr and Ace Hart won’t know what hit ‘em.”

Gerald chuckles and nods his head with Mavis.

“You can rest assured that they don’t.  Come Sunday, the little jezebel and the false king are forced to their reckoning.  Ace Hart will be forced to stare at true greatness, one of celestial fueled power, with the grace of the angels, blowing their battle horns ahead of our arrival.”

Mavis chuckles and leans down to kiss her husband, but not before uttering a whisper.

“You always had a way with words, beau.  As it is not a woman’s place to speak unless spoken to, I am forced to use actions to speak for me.  Alia Starr will end before she has even begun.”

Gerald mutters something that causes Mavis to laugh a little.  David raises an eyebrow before taking the hint.  He stands up and walks to the door of the hotel room.  He opens it up to find Esther standing in the hallway, stomping around and moping.  He shakes his head and closes the door as Mavis and Gerald are in the throws of marital passion, allowing their lips to almost meet before the camera cuts away.