Author Topic: Amanda Cortez V Mercedes Vargas V Daniela Rodgers  (Read 1813 times)

Offline Mark Ward

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    • Hot Stuff Mark Ward
Amanda Cortez V Mercedes Vargas V Daniela Rodgers
« on: April 21, 2019, 04:16:11 PM »
 Post all roleplays for this match in this thread.

One roleplay per week maximum.
10,000 word limit

Good luck!

Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon thee

*NOTE: No longer giving feedback, if you wasn't good enough, you wouldn't be here.
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Offline Amanda Cortez

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    • Amanda Cortez
Amanda Cortez V Mercedes Vargas V Daniela Rodgers
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2019, 08:13:55 AM »
 Another match and another loss. Slowly Amanda gets used to it, but that doesn’t mean, that she likes it. No, it goes on her nerves and it’s also a bit frustrating. She has trained so much, she has quit all her other jobs and she has even canceled all her social media accounts, so that she has more time for training, but it seems that not even this is enough. Probably she is just too old and her spirit is gone. It’s not really a nice thought, but it seems that she has to get used to the fact, that her time as a good and successful wrestler or even as a champion is over. Going back to the porn industry she doesn’t want and she hasn’t learned anything else, so all she can do is to continue with wrestling and count up, her losses.
Her mood doesn’t even become better as she sees that she is booked at the next ppv in a match to become the no.1 contender for a title. In the past she has always been full of self-confidence, but this is long ago and now it’s over. So she only looks at the new match card, roles her eyes and sighs.

„Damn, that’s not really what I need. I wanted to do matches biweekly and after that fucking loss I thought that they would give me some easier matches and that they wouldn’t put me in a title hunt. Should I be happy about this? Prolly yes, but I’m not. I think it’s enough that this fucking Daniela chick wiped the floor with me once. That was enough and I don’t need this again.
And then that other opponent, Mercedes. Damn, I’ve been in a team with her and I know what she can do in the ring. Shit, even if she’s older now, it’s prolly more than that crap I do here. The whole situation is a complete catastrophe and it will end with me getting pinned or even made to submit. Not really a nice thought, but anyway. I can’t change it.
Rose has warned me that it is a mistake to return to wrestling and she was so fucking right. I really should have listened to her, then I wouldn’t be in this fucking situation. But like usually I’ve been too proud to listen, or let it better call too stupid. I’m really such a fucking idiot.“

She clenches her fist and slams her hand on the table. Then she lights a cigarette and inhaled deeply. So what now? Prolly it would be the best to go to the gym, call her personal trainer and start the training for her new match, but she isn’t motivated and training is the last thing she needs right now. It would be more fun to drink a bottle of whiskey and go back to bed. At least there nothing goes wrong. This thought is really temptingly, especially as Rose will come home pretty soon and Rose always finds a way to cheer her up. So Amanda goes to her bedroom, gets rid of her clothes and lays down on the bed. She huddles into her pillow, closes her eyes and thinks about all the nice and kinky things she will do with Rose when she will be back home. But then she gets interrupted by some bad thoughts again and her good mood is gone immediately. Instead of her doing these fetish vids now Rose does them and so she will probably be too tired for having fun and for cheering her up. Damn, at the moment her life really sucks and she is sick of it all. Again she sighs and then she tries to sleep a bit. At first she doesn’t has success, but eventually she falls asleep, but pretty soon she starts to dream and it is no nice dream.
She finds herself standing in the ring and her match for becoming the no.1 contender for the roulette title starts. Then everything is like in real life and her two opponents beat her up really bad.  She has not even a small chance, not even against one of them, and especially not against both of them and so Daniela and Mercedes wipe the floor with her. After the beating up of her life she ends up in a submission hold, with no chance to escape and then she taps out. As she hears the ring bell, she wakes up, completely sweaty and exhausted, and it takes a while till she realizes that it has only been a nightmare. Still shivering she lights another cigarette and tries to relax again, but it doesn’t work and all these bad thoughts come back again. Fuck, this day really sucks completely and not only this day, her whole life. She misses her success in the ring, her kinky videos, just everything and at the moment she doesn’t know why she lives. She really has to find something new, something where she has success or at least something that makes fun, but at the moment she has no clue what to do. Anyway, maybe she should just wait till Rose is back and then she should talk to her. Rose always has some good ideas and maybe she will have a plan for their future.
Slowly she begins to feel a little bit better, but all these bad thoughts aren’t gone completely. But before it really starts again, the door opens and Rose comes back home. The pretty tattooed redhead is dressed in a really skimpy outfit, with a tattered shorts and a small top and immediately as Amanda sees her cute wife, a lovingly smile comes into her face. Rose sits down besides Amanda and kisses her lovingly. She has already seen that something is wrong and wraps her arms around Mandy.

„Is it because of this stupid match?“

She never liked the idea, that Amanda wanted to return to the wrestling business, but as she sees how frustrated Mandy is, she doesn’t talk about it. She doesn’t wants to make it even worse. And now Amanda nods. She has some tears in her eyes and sniffles a bit.

„Yes, it really sucks. I’m so fucking sick of it all.“

Still holding Amanda close, Rose kisses her gently. She can imagine how her wife feels and she feels so sorry for her. Damn, after making this fetish film Rose is really completely spent and she had hoped that she could relax a bit, but seeing her wife so sad makes this impossible.she looks at her wife and tries to be confident.

„Don’t worry, the next time it will be better and you will take the win. Maybe you will even become champion again one day …“

But Amanda interrupts her and starts to cry desperately. She clinches against Rose and can’t stop the crying.

„Noooo …that won’t happen. I’m a fucking loser and my time in the ring is over. I should have listened to you. You have been right, it was a mistake to make a comeback.damn,I wish that I would have never come back to the ring. It sucks so fucking much.“

Again Amanda sobs and Rose feels so bad for her wife. She always knows what to do, but this here seems to be really difficult. So, for a few more minutes she only holds Amanda and pats her back.

„You are no Loser, you just had some bad luck and it will become better. Just give it some time.“

But Amanda sees this completely different. Still sobbing she shakes her head.

„No,I don’t wanna give it time, I don’t wanna lose again and I don’t wanna go back to the ring again. I will quit this fucking job and then everything will be good again.“

Rose knows that Amanda is right. This would probably the best thing to do, but she doesn’t want to frustrate her wife even more and so she shakes her head.

„Hell no, you aren’t that bad. Just remember that you have been a champion in this company. This can happen again.“

„No, it won’t. It’s true that I have been pretty good, but that is so long ago. Now I’m only a joke. My time is over and nothing can change it.“

But Rose doesn’t give up so easily and so she tries it again.

„Look, everybody loses and so do you from time to time, but you are a fighter and you can’t give up so easily. I know that it won’t be easy, but giving up is no option for a Cortez.“

Then she winks at Amanda.

„And we need the money you get when you become the champion. Or do you really think that I wanna do these damn fetish videos for a longer time?“

A bit puzzled Amanda looks up.

„After the last one you told me that you like it.“

Rose smiles.

„I do like it, especially when you do all these things to me. But getting tied up and getting tickled almost to death is so damn exhausting. It’s stress and at the end it’s pure torture. Doing this for such a fucking video isn’t the same as if you do this with me.“

Now Rose lifts up her shirt and shoes Amanda Althea pink marks on her ribs and tummy. Then she slips off her shoes and her foot bottoms are also pink from this long tickling.

„You know what I mean?“

Amanda looks at Rose‘s petite body and smiles. In some way she even feels sorry for her wife, but only a bit, because she knows that Rose really got a lot of money for this session and she also knows that Rose loves it to get pushed to her limits. And that’s not all, also the thought of her wife getting tied up and tickled out of her mind is a huge turn on for the kinky Amanda. Again she wraps her arms around Rose and caresses the soft skin of her back. Then she whispers in her ear.

„Oh yes, I know what you mean. And I also know that you loved every single minute of this treatment. Hehe, maybe I should continue where they have stopped earlier.“

And Amanda is right. The normally so dominant Rose loves it too to be submissive and to get pushed to her limits and even beyond them. So Rose giggles and nods. The thought of feeling Amanda’s fingers everywhere on her body is really temptingly and a huge turn on and if it helps Amanda to feel better, then it’s even better.

„Well, maybe we are right and we should continue.“

Amanda licks her lips.

„And what was the last thing they did to you.“

Rose shivers a bit by this thought.

„They rubbed baby oil on my foot bottoms and tickled me with two hairbrushes till I almost wet myself.“

Amanda knows this feeling too good. She has experienced it herself and loves it and she has also done it to Rose before. So she winks at her wife.

„Well, so I might do this to you now. Hehe, and you can be sure that I won’t show mercy, at least not before you cum. And I also won’t let out all these other sensitive spots of your pretty and sexy body.“

In some way Rose loves this thought and she purrs. It feels so good to be completely at Amanda’s mercy. So she doesn’t protest as Amanda strips her of her clothes. On her way home she had hoped that this here would happen and so she’s more than happy.

„Ok, I’m all yours. Do to me what ever you long and as long as you want.“

While Rose stretches out on the bed, Amanda hets all her toys, like ropes, feathers, baby-oil, brushes, some vibratory and all the other stuff. Then she closes the door of the bedroom, and for the rest of the night Rose’s laughing screaming and moaning can be heard.
After Amanda is done with her wife, Rose is completely spent, but also happy and cuddles against Amanda. And also Amanda is happy and has forgotten all her problems. She has the pretty Rose in her arms and gently caresses her back and nibbles at her ears.

„So you liked it, my cute little dominatrix?“

Still breathing heavily, Rose nods.

„Hehe, yes, I did. I love it to be your cute little sex toy.“

Rose is completely exhausted, but she sees that Amanda is happy and relaxed now. So this might be the best moment to talk about the future again.

„So what now?“

„I don’t know. Do you want another round?“

But now Rose shakes her head.

„Nah, I think then I’d get a heartattack. I meant what shall we do in the future?“

Amanda doesn’t know the answer and so she only shrugs. But Rose has an idea.

„Well, maybe you should just do this next match and then we will see how everything develops.“

A bit suspicious Amanda raises an eyebrow.

„How should it develop?“

„I don’t know. Maybe you win this match and then you go for the title and if you don’t, well, then you can try it again, or you retire and we find something completely new to do.“

This sounds like a plan and this time Amanda doesn’t protest.

„Maybe you’re right. I should give it a chance, but it will be the last chance. And what shall we do if it goes wrong again?“

Rose shrugs.

„Well, we still have this boat. So we can do boat trips with the tourists again. Fishing tours or we can bring them to the best surf spots and such stuff.“

Amanda loves their boat and so she smiles while Rose continues.

„And you always loved these renfaire festivals. Well, we still can perform there with a pirate show. Haha, with some fights and all this stuff.“

„Hehe, yes, I love such stuff.“

For a moment Rose is quiet and thinks about it. She loves this too and she gets another idea.

„And we still have these stocks. Haha, I can put you in them and we get some money for it too.“

Now Amanda laughs.

„Meanie. You only want your revenge. Haha, but it’s an easy way to get money and it’s fun. But maybe we should both get locked up there.“

And Rose nods.

„Well, I like this idea and we can do that. Tomorrow I’ll find out when the next Renfaire festival is and then we will see that we will get booked. But first you will do your damn match and you will try to win it.“

Amanda had almost forgotten this wrestling stuff and hoped that Rose wouldn’t start it again, but she nods.

„Ok, I’ll try.“

Now Rose has Amanda where she wants to have her.

„Good Girl. And now you can tell me who your opponent is.“

And Amanda has no chance to avoid this subject.

„Ok,  as it seems that you won’t stop to bother me. It’s this fucking Daniela chick again and …Mercedes. So now you know it and hopefully you’ll leave me alone now with this crap.“

But Rose doesn’t see it so negative.

„Ok, facing Daniela again is annoying, but you will survive it. And Mercedes, well, I think you two have been in the same time years ago, so you should know her weaknesses and use them against her.“

Amanda roles her eyes and sighs.

„Indeed, I know her, but she doesn’t has much weaknesses, at least less than me. She’s still successful and not such an lazy ass like me. So I don’t see a chance to win this crap.“

Sometimes Amanda can be a bit complicated and slowly it annoys Rose to hear this endless whining.

„Damn, now please stop this crap. Ok, they’re pretty strong and your chances aren’t that good, but you shouldn’t give up so easily. This whining brings you nothing. Just see it this way. You know then both and you know that they are better than you, but anyway. It’s a triple threat match, so just try to stay out of the action and then …. Steal the win.“

And now a smile comes into Amanda’s face.

„Well, a bit sneaky, but this could work. Maybe this idea isn’t that bad. I just wait till they are completely spent and then …then it’s my time. It’s not the nicest way, but as long as it brings me success, it’s ok.

Slowly Amanda’s good mood comes back.

„Ok, and now let’s forget all that stress and go out and have some fun.“

Amanda kisses her wife and then the scene fades to black.


Huddle me, tickle me, I'm so cute

Records Amanda
Win: 20
Loss: 13
Draw: 1
Thrown: 0

Offline Mercedes Vargas

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    • Mercedes Vargas
Amanda Cortez V Mercedes Vargas V Daniela Rodgers
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2019, 11:33:58 PM »
 Blog: Almighty Fire: Redefined the Fourteenth
semana del 20 al 27 de abril de 2019

Am I upset that I lost the match to Lowri Moss?

Emphatic yes. 

Am I disappointed that I lost the match to Lowri Moss?

See above answer.

Am I going to have a pity party and consider myself a failure?

Heck no.

Still, I could go for a slice of cake, or two.

Win, lose or draw, Lowri further proved my point. For those fans in Manchester and London who were expecting an appearance from Lowri, I hope you can live with the fact that she wasn't coming to see you. To hear her tell it, she wasn't planning on showing up at the go-home show or at the supercard because of "prior commitments".

So if I understand it, SCW is nothing more than a "commitment" to her, it's just another date on the calendar, just another trip that she has to book a flight for. It's almost sad that she looked me in the eyes in Edinburgh, Scotland and said that she "wanted to be here."

Well we now know not only does that makes her a hypocrite but a two-faced liar on top of that just like her mentor Simon Jones and her good friend Natalie McKinley. There are people in this company that inspire people to want to get into this industry and achieve their dreams and Lowri just doesn’t do that. She doesn’t inspire people. She's in it for herself, she's in it for the money. It’s just frustrating for me to see it happening in front of my very eyes.

Like I said at Cardiff and I’ll say it again, Lowri couldn't handle an SCW schedule. She couldn't two and a half years ago and certainly not now. What those people saw was, yes, a publicity stunt, and the saying that all publicity is good publicity couldn't be further from the truth.

You want to know what has added all the icing on the cake to my saltiness? I assume we’re not going to see Lowri for a while. No matter how much she dress it up, SCW isn’t where her heart is, this isn’t where her passion is. I know that I lost and I'm not happy about missing out on the opportunity to beat her but could you imagine if I had won? Lowri doesn’t deserve to be here. She’s disrespected SCW and all she got was a sweetheart deal and a paycheck.

If she wants to go and honor her commitments, that’s great for her. Sail off into the sunset. Let her enjoy her moment from beating me and the bragging rights to go along with it in her hometown. But I’ll be here running the show.

Now, I have long given up on asking why good things happen to those who are just at the right place at the right time, but it is what it is. A triple threat match for the number one contendership for the Bombshell Roulette Championship. Over to my left, it's been over four years since we put each other through hell. Amanda Cortez, my former stable mate in one of if not THE greatest and most dominant faction in SCW history, is going to be tough to put down. Then over to my right we have "Da Throwback" Daniela V. Rodgers. Not exactly sure why she thinks her way of old school wrestling is going to help her when she's going against someone who can run circles around het and teach her what wrestling is all about. And no, that someone isn't Amanda.

And then right in front of me is a golden opportunity for a championship I've held a record-tying three times but has never held again in four-plus years and I think it's time we change that.

By the time my match starts, we'll already know who walks out with the Bombshell Roulette Championship between Sam Marlowe and Trinity Jones. Regardless of who it is, I hope they circled their calendar because that will be the last they will be champion.

Oh, who am I kidding? Trinity has succeeded a grand total of never at winning a championship and the sixth time won't be the charm. She's already failed four times to win the Bombshell Roulette Championship in her career, and Sam beat her in all three of their title matches up to this point. Trinity could lose Sunday and she would still be in denial that she wasn't ready or whatever excuse she has ready in her back pocket. Let's face it, she'll lose to Sam again because everybody knows she just isn't championship material. But hey, if SCW wants another Jessie Salco on their hands, I won't stop them.

I'm not thinking about the bright lights or the thousands of people in the audience. My sights are set on Sam Marlowe but to get there, to earn that opportunity, will be the part I'm looking forward to next weekend. I've done well for myself in contendership matches anyway which means bad news for Daniela and Amanda at London Brawling. Plus, I'm making history too just by showing up and officially claiming the record for most consecutive pay-per-view appearances of all time. I've been on the mountaintop many, many times before. Well, it’s a lot of hard work to get there. Everybody wants to reach the summit, but you don’t learn anything just being at the top. Whoever said it’s lonely at the top was right. The thing about being on top of that mountain…someone is always trying to knock you off. You don't get to accomplish the things I've done in my career just by settling, you don't get to be a 11-time champion in SCW by being complacent. I'm not going to settle, I'm not going to be complacent, and I sure as hell am not planning on an early vacation next Sunday. And this recent setback to Lowri isn't going to change the outcome at the pay-per-view,. Someone's shoulders are still getting pinned to the mat or, at the very least, they're going to be made to tap, tap, tap.

Never in a million years did I think Amanda would return to SCW full time let alone get beat by someone who had only one win in her name since her SCW career, but stranger things have happened. If Seleana Zdunich can become World Bombshell Champion - granted she got help from her wife but let's not ruin a good story - then anything can happen. I know one thing that won't happen and that's anyone but yours truly walking out as the number one contender because I AM the contender.

It's meant to be and it will be.

The question isn't who is going to let me, it's who is going to stop me.


C A R D I F F , W A L E S

Mercedes, Ricardo, Hugo, Irma and Tomas are having brunch at Coffee Barker Cardiff inside Castle Arcade. The Barker Tearoom had a vintage feel with mismatched furniture which added to its charm.

Hugo: Isn't it a bit ironic that they call it a Coinstar?

Mercedes: I haven't known anybody who had to turn in some cash with their last little bit of coins, do you?

Ricardo: I think it comes to the point where you ask yourself do you really feel like a star at that point?

Irma: What makes you say that?

Ricardo: It's a matter of pride having to carry a shoebox or plastic bottle full of change, and the machine is conveniently placed right next to the checkout line so now people in line get to have a free show watching you as all those coins clanging together making a lot of noise.

Irma: It can't get any worse.

Ricardo: Oh but it does, when you get rejected coins. Pennies, quarters, dimes, whatever. So what do you do?

Irma: You run them through again.

Ricardo: Exactly. Repeatedly. Then after you finally get done running the 53 cents you get a ticket printed out and have to stomach the courage to take the ticket to the cashier.

Mercedes: I guess if you didn't feel shame walking into the store, you're definitely going to feel just as worse taking the walk of shame.

Tomas: Every time I go to a Coinstar, it's not working. Every. Single. Time. Like it hates me or something.

Mercedes: No, Thomas, every coin-operated machine hates you.

Irma: Going in for some avocado on toast.

Mercedes: That looks so good.

Irma: Let's hope it tastes good.

Irma takes a sample and after a few chews offers her opinion giving a thumbs up.

Mercedes: We have to return to our Airbnb soon.

Hugo: Merce, it's way past noon and we're hungry. Can't it wait?

Mercedes: Don't stop on account of me.

Ricardo: Okay, what is the problem? 

Mercedes: In my defense, I was very sleep deprived during the tour of the UK and still have a bit of a lingering cold so I'm having tea. Mandarin and ginger.

Tomas: There's a Doctor Who tour of Cardiff aboard a sightseeing bus. Looking forward to that.

Hugo: Do they have Coinstars in Wales or anywhere in the UK?

Mercedes: Let hope we don't have to find out.



Smile Because it Happened The Sixteenth: Look What You've Made Me Do The Fifteenth: Outliers, Part XI: Want Versus Need
Present Day • Lamps at LACMA/Los Angeles County Museum of Art


"Some things are better left unsaid, but you can bet I'm going to say it anyway. I can't help being who I am."

Along the Stanley Kubrick exhibit at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Mercedes leans against one of the towering lamps seen in front of the museum.

"Next weekend, yours truly face Amanda Cortez and someone who recently called up from the minor leagues."

Mercedes quickly covers her mouth in embarrassment as she amends her statement.

"I mean, Sin City Underground.."

Mercedes wags her finger at the camera, the sudden revelation brings an wide grin on her face evidently.

"Daniela means well but anyone with half a brain knows she's going to have a long night, and not just because Amanda is looking for a little payback. I won't have anything to prove, but Dani does. To be honest, her beating Amanda doesn’t impress me all that much.”

Mercedes gives an arrogant shrug of her shoulders. She couldn't care less about Daniela or the fact that she beat Amanda, and she wasn’t shy on letting her feelings known. Honesty, after all, is the best policy, and Mercedes was never one to hide behind pretenses, or mince words.

“Dani, there is nothing intimidating about beating someone who had an off-night. Despite the fact that she slipped up, Amanda actually understands the fundamentals of wrestling. So you managed to beat her, good on you, but now you move to a real challenge, sweetheart. And I can promise you that next weekend won’t be a walk in the park like it was for you the last time. At London Brawling, you’re up against someone who has practically seen it all and done it all.”

“Understand something, Dani. This isn’t a chance you're going to fluke your way to another improbable win. When you lose, and you will most definitely lose - you will know what everyone else does.

Why am I so confident? It's simple, it's because you're outmatched and you're going to be outwrestled and outsmarted, so I can see why you would be intimidated. Perfectly normal. I have made bigger, better and badder opponents my bitch on more than one occasion. And I have no problem adding you to my checklist.

"Outside of Winter and Tatsu, there's nothing that separates you from anybody down in SCU. And you can spare me the underdog role. I’m not like anyone you’ve faced, Dani, I promise you that. When I say you’re severely outmatched, I fucking mean it. Rookie sensation?"

The bewildered look on her face is accompanied by her rolling her eyes, all the while shaking her head.

L"et's be honest here - you were lucky with the with that win. Guaranteed anyone else would wiped the floor with you before the final bell. Shame the little roll you're one is going to end abruptly in your debut pay-per-view match. But, hey, can’t win ‘em all, can you?”

Mercedes smirks, knowing for a fact that Daniela would never beat him, at least not one-on-one

“Well, you can’t - unless you’re me. I'm the most winningest female wrestler in SCW history."

I'm ready for whatever is thrown at me next Sunday, but one thing everyone in this match need to remember is I'm not in that ring with them, they're in that ring with me."

Slowly, but surely, a smile forms on her face.

"And Mandy, as good as you are, I’m not only going to beat you, I’m going to make you wish you stayed retired because you simply don't have it anymore and it not difficult to see why. The Mandy I used to know would leave no prisoners. The Tattooed Biker Chick is just, well, a tattooed biker chick."

She smirks again, pushing her hair back.

“So I’ll see you at London Brawling, Dani and Mandy, and I’ll show you why exactly why you’re both out of your league. And after I beat you, you can watch as I go on and make history as the first-ever four-time Bombshell Roulette Championship."

Mercedes now speaks in Spanish, with the translation being highlighted.

"Estar preparado para lo peor, esperar lo mejor."
"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best."

She pauses for effect, lowering her voice just above a whisper.

"Y que la suerte está siempre en su favor.”
"And may the odds be ever in your favor."

Throwing a wink at the camera, Mercedes turns and walks off in the direct of the museum as the scene fades.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2019, 11:35:30 PM by Mercedes Vargas »

2x SCW Hall of Famer (Class of 2018, Class of 2022)
World Bombshell Champion (x2)
Bombshell Roulette Champion (x4)
Bombshell Internet Champion 
World Bombshell Tag Team Champion (x3; w/Traci Patterson (x2) and Delia Darling (x1)
World Mixed Tag Team Champion (x3; x2 w/Kain, x1 w/Goth)
Third Bombshell SCW Triple Crown Champion (6th SCW Triple Crown Champion overall)
First-ever and only 2x, 3x and 4x Bombshell Triple Crown Champion in SCW history (most ever by a female wrestler)
Second Bombshell Grand Slam Champion (4th SCW Grand Slam Champion overall)
SCW Year-End Award Winner: 2014 Feud of the Year (Mean Girls vs SCW Bombshells roster)
Queen for a Day winner (December 2 Dismember 2015, inaugural)

Offline Lincoln Daniels

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Amanda Cortez V Mercedes Vargas V Daniela Rodgers
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2019, 01:07:58 AM »
 <p align=right>Last Climax Control
Trenton, Florida
Off Camera/On Camera

It was a typical Sunday as Wayne and Samantha Rodgers are preparing for a night to themselves. They had been waiting for a chance to watch Daniela compete since she joined Sin City Underground. Wayne had gathered two full bottles of beer as Samantha had a big bowl full of popcorn. They walked back into the living room where a 45 inch screen television sat on a teakwood style entertainment center. Vector, Daniela's twin brother, was sitting with his leg over the chair's arm rest.

"Has it started yet?" asks Wayne as Vector shakes his head. Climax Control was the big show before London Brawling 2. Wayne sighs while sitting down on the couch. Samantha joins them from the kitchen as Vector reaches up to take the bowl of popcorn.

"Why didn't you move up?" his mother asked as Vector sighs as well.

"I wasn't ready to move up. Besides, I think Daniela has a better chance at becoming a big time star," answers Vector as his parents listened very carefully. They continued to have small conversations while waiting for Climax Control to start.

"I can't wait to see my baby girl do what she loves," Wayne admits while popping the top off his beer bottle.

Samantha was smiling as the Sin City Wrestling logo appears on the television screen. The three of them scream when Daniela's theme song comes on as she steps out with Cheryl Hastings. Samantha is cheering at the top of her lungs as Wayne is chanting along with the audience. Vector remained silent as Amanda Cortez came out to the ring.

The match finally starts as Wayne is really into it. Every bump Daniela felt, he felt. Vector was amazed with how much talent his sister actually had since she never got to showcase it in SCU. When the match is finally over, his parents are going crazy as he silently claps for her.

"She did it!" shouts Wayne as Samantha is fighting back tears of joy. A few hours later, Samantha's phone rings as she quickly picks it up. It happens to be a face time call as they continue watching the show. Samantha accepts the call as Daniela's face appears on her phone screen.

"Hi momma," she says as Samantha smiles at her daughter.

"Hi baby," her mother replies.

"Did you watch my match tonight?" asks Daniela.

"Yes, we did watch and you did fantastically honey," answers Samantha. Daniela looks confused as her dad and twin brother pop their heads into the screen.

"Hi daddy," she says as Wayne smiles.

"Hi baby girl, I am so proud of you," he retorts as she closes her eyes. The background on her phone shows her inside her hotel room. She was wearing a robe with her hair wet after a long shower.

"Thanks daddy. I hope I continue to impress everyone," she says as her daddy blows her a kiss.

"You will baby. Just continue doing what you are doing. You will get to where you want to be," her dad says as she smiles brightly. Her brother just waves as she waves back.

"I need to get to bed. My body is sore," she states as her parents nod their heads. She blows them a kiss before closing her phone.

<p align=right>April 29, 2019
Cambridge, England
Off Camera/On Camera

The rain has not stopped falling since early morning. Daniela is sitting in the backseat of a taxi cab as Cheryl is on the phone. Daniela looks out the window at the passing landscape as they slowly cross into the city of Cambridge. Cheryl was hoping this would be the fastest way to London as Daniela was listening to her Walkman. Cheryl turns her head to look at her.

"Danni," she says as Daniela looks over at her. She pushes one headphone off her ear.

"What's up Cheryl?" she asks with confusion filling her face.

"The driver doesn't think it is safe for us to continue on our journey to London. The rain here is not slowing up and it's causing major problems. So we will stop at the next hotel and check in," Cheryl answers as Daniela nods her head.

Daniela places the earpiece back over her ear as Cheryl continues to talk things over with the driver. She knew Danni would be okay with whatever as long as it didn't cost a lot of money. Cheryl was also on the phone with a few local television stations in London trying to get her on for an interview. No one seems to have any openings even though London Brawling 2 is coming up.

"Danni, are you okay with doing a radio interview?" asks Cheryl as Daniela looks at Cheryl.

She pulls down her headphones while pausing her Walkman. "I'd be down for a radio interview. Just as long no one asks me anything personal or private," she answers as Cheryl nods in agreement.

They continue down the road until the driver pulls into a bed and breakfast just close on the outskirts of Cambridge. The driver gets out of the car and opens the door. Daniela gets out as Cheryl does the same thing. Daniela is holding her bags as they walk into the hotel. Cheryl walks up to the receptionist and manages to get a spare room with two beds. They walk up the flight of stairs toward the room. Cheryl opens the door as Daniela crosses over the threshold. They look at the room and sighs. Cheryl immediately pulls out her phone as Daniela flops down onto the bed.

Daniela is kind of smiling as Cheryl is rubbing her forehead. Daniela reaches over, snatches up the television remote and turns it on. She flips through the channels as Cheryl is nearly fuming while pacing back and forth.

"What's the matter Cheryl?" asks Daniela as she watches her agent.

"This idiot on the phone. I'm trying to schedule you for an interview with someone about Sunday but they seem to be filled with others," answers Cheryl. Daniela slides down towards the foot of her bed.

"I don't need an interview. I can just do a video right here in this room. I know it's not ideal but it's the only option," suggests Daniela as Cheryl rubs her chin.

"That's not a bad idea," replies Cheryl as Daniela smiles. Cheryl hangs up her phone and turns toward Daniela.

<p align=right>Cambridge, England
Off Camera/On Camera

Daniela shrugs her shoulders while Cheryl turns her phone sideways. She presses the camera app while looking at Daniela. Daniela smiles as Cheryl presses the record button. She motions for Danni to begin.

~ Daniela ~
Hello Sin City Wrestling, this is Daniela V. Rodgers and I'm currently in Cambridge. As most of you know, I am competing in my first number one contender's match for the bombshell roulette championship. I'm shocked that I've been given such an opportunity after only one match. I thought I'd have to wrestle a few more matches before getting this kind of chance. I'd prefer to work my way up the ladder but if the management sees something in me that is worth the risk then who am I to tell them no. I am well aware that I am fighting an uphill battle. My two opponents have history of being in the same group that hasn't been relevant in quite some time.

Daniela takes a deep breath before continuing.

~ Daniela ~
Amanda Cortez ought to be very familiar with how I work after facing me the last time. Our first meeting went very well for both parties. Your passion and grit was respectable. You fought with a lot of tenacity and that is why you are given this opportunity even though you hadn't earned it. I'm not the match maker nor do I want to be. I am just stating the obvious fact. You lost to me which means you are behind the eight ball. I am very confident that I can once again defeat you for an opportunity at a championship in my second match.

That kind of fact must have slipped through Mercedes' fact findings. The fact this is my second match as a singles competitor on the main roster should indicate how impressive I have been regardless of what you might say. I understand that your ego has grown past the ability to make you take pride in your work. I have pride in my abilities. I have confidence that I overcome the massive ego that is Mercedes Vargas.

Daniela stands up off the bed as Cheryl follows her every move.

~ Daniela ~
I get it. You don't find me impressive. I don't find you impressive either. The fact that you ran your mouth about beating Lowri Moss but couldn't get the job done. Is proof that your mouth is so huge that you could fit a battleship inside of it? The numbers don't lie. Your track record in multiple person matches as been very unimpressive for a woman who claims to be the winningest person on the roster. It's almost as if you embellish yourself just to make yourself seem more important than you truly are. I have seen you compete. You are not that dominant like you suggest. The world is enamored about you because of all the hype you make. That's partially why you are a "success." It's all because of the hype. That's all it is. It's all hype.

When it comes to me, I don't need hype. Why? Because I'm not afraid to admit that I make mistakes. Take my victory against Cortez, I made some mistakes but I managed to stay the course. That will be how I defeat Mercedes. I will stay true to who I am. That is me keeping my mouth shut and let my agent Cheryl do all the hyping. My goal is to continue making an impression. Even if that means I lose. I will lose with my integrity still apart of me. How about you? Where is your integrity? Where is your dignity? That's right. You don't have either since you are ruled by your ego.

Mercedes Vargas is going to be very upset that she loses two matches in a row. She will realize that I'm not just some "rookie sensation." I am someone you should take very seriously.

Daniela smiles while jumping back onto the bed.

~ Daniela ~
Amanda and Mercedes are going to be in for a big fight. They will need every ounce of their aggression to stop me. I'm coming into this match with the intent on winning. So ladies, I hope you are prepared and remember to SET YOUR DVR.

Cheryl stops recording as she smiles. Daniela falls back onto the pillows as the scene fades.

Offline Mercedes Vargas

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Amanda Cortez V Mercedes Vargas V Daniela Rodgers
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2019, 10:36:09 PM »
 Blog: Almighty Fire: Redefined the Fifteenth
semana del 27 de abril al 5 de mayo de 2019

Blaze of Glory VII was one for the ages. Alicia Lukas regained the World Bombshell Championship in the main event of the show. Oh, and Team Eggplant and Samantha Marlowe retained their titles in defenses where, let's not kid ourselves, they were the odds on favorite to win anyway. The same can be said for next weekend at London Brawling II.

Now, granted, Kate Steele, Gamers Inc and Trinity Jones might put up a fight and while defending championships on television or pay-per-view isn't easy and one that can't last forever, I wouldn't be surprised if all the Bombshell titles were retained.

I hope Sam Marlowe retains Sunday because my work will be so much easier when I become number one contender and finally end her reign. That she has to face Trinity Jones, someone she's never lost to in her career, isn't all that bad. Any given Sunday and all that. Plus, she gets to break my singles defenses record.
It's not that it took four years for somebody to break it, it's just that it took four years for somebody to break it..

For me, my job is pretty much cut-and-dried. Look at who I have to face on Sunday, the newcomer Daniela V. Rodgers and Amanda Cortez.

Facing Amanda one on one is a tall task for any woman on the roster, at least when she was full time. Sure, she did beat me in our only singles match some four years ago, but I don't think she's too happy that it took me and Delia to end her tag title reign with Veronica or the fact that they couldn't get the titles back. Worse yet, Mikah stopped her cold the two times she tried to take the World Bombshell Championship. Nonetheless, Daniela accomplished what I couldn't to earn her first win in SCW. I don't know if that defeat has rocked Amanda to her core but that was bad, and she should feel bad. At London Brawling, she has to face Daniela again, knowing that loss will be haunting her mind, so she won't be as focused. Then you add me to the mix and the odds she walks out of London on Sunday are slim.

Daniela or Amanda could easily take it, and I'm sure a lot of people believe so.

But just because millions of people believe a foolish thing, doesn't make it any less foolish.

I have beaten almost everyone that there is to beat in this company. Now, granted, I'm not getting any younger, but my detractors aren't getting any bigger either. You want to know why? I've outlasted most of them to the point where they're an endangered species. I've outlasted every woman - and man - who have ever set foot inside an SCW ring and even those who came into company the same year I did.  I've put down the loudmouths. I've silenced the doubters and naysayers. I've beaten contenders and pretenders alike. I've beaten them all. Whether they ended up on my checklist or were the few that got away, they never came back to the company.

I have not only made a name for myself, I have forged a dynasty. And I did it all right here. When the big names started to leave for other places, retire or start a family, the Misty's, Vixen's, Odette Stevens', Delia Darlings', Mikah's and Roxi Johnson's of the world, I continued my legacy. When I was down and out, when I wasn't seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, when I was at my lowest point, I didn't go take my talents to the UK like Lowri Moss and Natalie McKinley did. When it wasn't so cool to be an SCW talent, I busted my ass here for everything I've earned and I continue that every time I hit the ring.

This match means just as much if not more to me than it does to Dani or Amanda. Dani has her whole career ahead of her so a loss wouldn't be the end of the world. Amanda, on the other hand, while capable of beating anyone in SCW or whenever she shows up, seems like she's ready to hang up her boots again and she just came back three weeks ago. I hope that isn't the case because if she's just there to sit there like a bump on a log, then she might as well place a call to Tad Ezra right fucking now and join SCU.

Dani is determined, hungry, eager for an opportunity. And now, she has one. She is riding a wave of momentum after defeating Amanda, a woman who hasn’t been the same since her last run here. No doubt you're going waltz into London Brawling hoping that maybe lightning will strike twice. Except, you couldn't be more wrong, sweetheart.

SCW is where the big kids play and only the best survives in this jungle. Not everyone is cut out to be here. Ella Singleton lasted 4 and a half months before she packed up her tent and left for SCU, St. John Cross lasted three months and that Vanu Naufau guy put in five weeks and three matches before they both followed her. Pandora Barrett stuck around for three months before she got released and Hitamashii is on a hiatus just short of three months after the losses started piling up. Now, I hear two more from SCU is being promoted to the roster. I wish Valentina and Mark well.

In here, Dani, you're about to step in the ring with someone who is at the top of the food chain and is on the warpath hunting for survival and no one woman who fluked their way to a win after getting bounced from the first round of the BFTP and bombing in SCU before that is going to coast through just to steal this contendership, not on my watch. I am too determined and too talented to let Daniela or Amanda take me down. I'm coming to London to win it all Sunday and I couldn't care less who I have to beat to do so.

There's a saying you should always have a pair of boots close by. Amanda ended up on the wrong side of that little adage at the go-home show. Now, I’m not saying the shine is gone, but losing to Daniela, especially on your first match of your in-ring return, isn't a good look. I mean, maybe her fortunes could change at London Brawling, but Amanda had better not leave her competitive drive at the door if she wants to become a Triple Crown Champion. I'm surprised she isn't already.

The gloves are off, the war paint is on, and the checklist is always at hand. Wether you like it or not, I'm walking into London Brawling on a mission to make 2019 my best year ever in wrestling.

And I'm taking history with me.


L O N D O N , E N G L A N D

"I've seen all your movies. Edward Scissorhands, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Pirates of the Caribbean...Can I get your autograph?"

Mercedes thrusts an autograph book at Johnny Depp. Well, a lifelike version of him anyway.

Here at the Madame Tussauds wax museum, the Marylebone Road premises close to Regent’s Park in London, guests can truly get up close and personal with a who's who of A-list celebs, sports legends, political figures and historical icons.

Mercedes and her friends are out and about this day, taking a magical journey through the museum, which has stood for two and a quarter centuries. Tomas was characteristically irreverent and cheeky, pulling faces and making bunny ears behind the heads of the rich and famous while Irma nestled with her favorites. Ricardo and Hugo were taking selfies Christiano Ronaldo, David Beckham, Tiger Woods and Muhammad Ali wax figures.

Ricardo:  Good thing we got these Big London cluster tickets.

Mercedes: Who wants to stands in long lines? I don't. Hey, there's the Donald.

Irma: What? Where?

Ah, yes, the Donald. Next to the British monarchy, the Donald Trump figure was one of the more popular attractions – mostly with people making rude gestures around his head. Mercedes snapped a picture with Marilyn Monroe. Ricardo took a selfie with a dapper Patrick Stewart, wearing a burgundy jacket. In one wing of the museum was a catwalk dedicated to Fashion Week. Irma and Mercedes struts down the runway then both perform the Vogue pose. Ricardo follows before enacting the Wakanda salute from the Black Panther film and Hugo simply does a number that was part Elvis hip swivel, part moonwalk.

Mercedes snaps a selfie with a pouty-faced Kim Kardashian and then rubs shoulders with remarkable wax replicas of Her Majesty the Queen, Victoria and the British Royal Family.

Mercedes next steps into Star Wars exhibit posing with classic hetoes heroes like Yoda, Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia.

There’s a big section dedicated to The Voice talent show, where you queue to sit in the coaches’ seats, and press a button when you like the sound of a contestant, singing on a huge screen behind them.

Mercedes: I always wanted to be on The Voice.

Ricardo: Can you sing?

Mercedes: I can carry a tune.

She sings a Taylor Dayne song, which doesn't enamor a small audience.

Ricardo: I know a person who can sing it better.

Mercedes: Who?

Ricardo: Taylor Dayne.

It takes guts and charm to pull off a career as a bad singer, but the rewards can be great. It doesn't mean Mercedes wasn't going quit her day job.



Smile Because it Happened The Seventeenth: Look What You've Made Me Do The Sixteenth: Outliers, Part XII
Present Day • L O N D O N , E N G L A N D


"Some things are better left unsaid, but you can bet I'm going to say it anyway. I can't help being who I am."

Mercedes Vargas stands next a luggage trolley embedded in a brick wall, which can only mean one thing. The camera pans just slightly to reveal the marquee: "Platform 9 3/4." Decked out in Gryffindor House colors here at King's Cross Station, the Argentine smiles. Since she would need directions for getting to the Harry Potter Studio Tour and didn't want to spend a full day of her trip completing the tour, she settled for the next best thing. It was easy to arrive early and check this Harry Potter site off her wish list. Plus the setting made for a good setup for an old school promo if the camera just closed in on just the brick wall setting.

"Welcome to London. As you can see, I'm all dressed up and ready to go. I'm in my uniform, I got my spellbook here and wand at the ready. Oh, and we can't forget about my personalized Hogwarts acceptance letter. But before I'm off to start my magical journey to Hogwarts, I got a lot to say about my match this weekend at London Brawling II.

This is it, the final countdown. The final week before the big pay-per-view and I couldn't be more excited. Now, granted, I've been to Wembley Arena once before I joined SCW. This is my first visit in eight years. My first trip to Wembley Arena, I walked out a tag team champion while already holding two other tag titles plus a television championship to boot, making me a quadruple champion in three different companies, which isn't easy to do no matter how good you are. Now trying defending those titles consistently for ten months. Good times.

Nothing worth doing is ever easy. Easy things are very seldom worth doing but I can't help to think that my match Sunday against Amanda and Daniela is mine to lose, and it's not hard to see why. My opponents have their reasons why they should win, though conventional wisdom should tell you why they won't.

Amanda and I are the only members of the Mean Girls still left in the company. It's no secret that Mean Girls made Mark and Christian very happy owners. We brought in ratings, we moved merch in one day, we were the best on the microphone, on commentary, and in the ring, to say nothing of our success. 10 championships combined. The only stable in company history to walk out with every female championship in one night time, something which never been done before or since.

There was even some group - the Black Sheep or something like that - who thought they were The Nobodies-lite and wanted to bottle up the Mean Girls' charisma, but we saw how that experiment blew up in their faces, right?

I won't lie, the Mean Girls divided opinion. Jessie Salco and Amy Santino were our biggest fans, and by "fans" I mean they never shut up about us. Well, at least Jessie wouldn't, even four years to the day the group broke up when Delia was in charge. And, yeah, maybe the comeback tour didn't quite pan out with Celeste North, but we started off pretty well, all things considered.

"I get you're still new here and you've been around for a couple of weeks, but if we're talking ego sweetheart, have a look around the Bombshells locker room. You're surrounded by it.

Nothing but hype, huh?"

Mercedes seems to hold back a laugh with her hand, but the feeling was so overwhelming that she turns away from the camera. When she’s able to get a hold of herself again, she holds up one hand in an apologetic gesture.

"I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself. This is too funny. Being spiteful and bitter over the fact that I've been so dominant for so long won't change much of anything, even if you were to somehow walk out of London with the win. Let's get one thing straight sweetheart: No matter what you do, what you say or where you stand, you have never been, and likely never will be, the level of in-ring performer that Amanda is and you will never make the history I have made or will never be as great as me. Period. Full stop. End of story. Don't even come at me arguing that my ego is how I got to where I am today or trying to reach for low hanging fruit by saying I'm over hyped for my own good.

There was a time I actually felt bad for everything that I had accomplished. Certain people went out of their way to make me feel bad. And then one fine day, I had just decided I had enough of where I can’t apologize for being good -- I am that damn good. And I’m going to continue to prove my worth as the standard not just in the women's division but in the entire company, and nothing is going to stop me. I don’t care what woman is standing in front of me. One opponent, two opponents, three opponents. Give me the whole roster.

I could just as easily rest on my laurels and simply get by on reputation alone. I'm proud to have an ego and even more proud that I'm the only eleven-time champion in history, which I think is a lot more than you have right now in SCW, Dani.

You're a small fish in a big wide ocean and if you're very, very quiet, you just might hear trouble lurking by. Small, fish, big wide ocean, sharks circling around. Can’t say that it’s done much good but maybe you should have stayed in Sin City Underground. For a little fish, you've bitten off more than you can chew because you got double for your trouble in three days, one a conniving competitor who will do anything to win and the other the only eleven-time champion who you have never faced."

Mercedes speaks in Spanish.

"Subido a un caballo, pero eso está bien. Veremos qué tipo de luchador eres realmente, niña. Porque déjame decirte algo: Una cosa es hablar, pero otra es caminar. Cariño, puedo hacer ambas cosas. Sigues arrastrándote."

You’re too big for your britches, but that's okay. We'll see what kind of wrestler you really are, little girl. Because let me tell you something: It's one thing to talk the talk, but it's another to walk it. Sweetheart, I can do both. You're still crawling.

Then speaks English again.

"I'm one match away from becoming the four-time Bombshell Roulette Champion and making history one more time. I'm so close to claiming a championship I defended for almost six months and was never really pinned for when I lost it. I'm not about to phone it in or let anyone believe I'm irrelevant because I'm not holding a briefcase much less a championship, despite what they might say. It was never between me and them anyway."

Mercedes tucks her checklist under her arm before flashing an arrogant smirk at the camera.

"Get ready ladies because it's about to be an international incident. Long before you knew, and long after you'll remember.

"Now, if you excuse me, I'm running late for my Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

Just as Mercedes turns back to the wall, someone can be heard yelling. She turns back to see a man parkour through a crowd and ran into the brick wall near full force.

"F***!! It's closed!!"

The man scrambles to his feet and runs off just as quickly as he arrived before Mercedes and a small crowd realized what happened.

« Last Edit: May 03, 2019, 10:39:15 PM by Mercedes Vargas »

2x SCW Hall of Famer (Class of 2018, Class of 2022)
World Bombshell Champion (x2)
Bombshell Roulette Champion (x4)
Bombshell Internet Champion 
World Bombshell Tag Team Champion (x3; w/Traci Patterson (x2) and Delia Darling (x1)
World Mixed Tag Team Champion (x3; x2 w/Kain, x1 w/Goth)
Third Bombshell SCW Triple Crown Champion (6th SCW Triple Crown Champion overall)
First-ever and only 2x, 3x and 4x Bombshell Triple Crown Champion in SCW history (most ever by a female wrestler)
Second Bombshell Grand Slam Champion (4th SCW Grand Slam Champion overall)
SCW Year-End Award Winner: 2014 Feud of the Year (Mean Girls vs SCW Bombshells roster)
Queen for a Day winner (December 2 Dismember 2015, inaugural)